b$nuomtort and Improvement and 6MU tO Peronal eujoymenb wheu ~fgtI usd.The many, who live bot. *tihan otheru snd enjoy life more, with lqss, rpedibnre, by more promptly 0daptutn the wor1d'as best produot. ho ta*iieeds Ot phyuiosi being, wil sttest *0 OYdlte. to henlth of the pure liquid Ilmstive principlea embrao.d in th. .»Moy, Syrup of Figa. -Its OlLIllenos in due te Its pretenting lAih. forn net acceptable sud pieas- SOt tthe tante, the refreahixug and truly t>!1101182a1Properties of a perfect lai- 00Bà eecuaUly cleanaing the uystem, efl4ing colda, headachesansd foyers 54Permanently curing constipation. liâsa ive<' satisfaction te, millions and it 4,hthie approval of thi medical out.aaon, beceuise il acta on the Kid- iiyLiver and Boweha without weak- .Mnugthem sud it us perfccîly free front IÃVoryobjectionable substance. Syrup of Fie i for sale by a&l drug- T tan 7 ottles, but it is mnanu- factured by the Caiiforuîia Fig Syrup 00. oiy, whoae naine is pi'inted on ce'ery ýpackage, aiso the name, iSyriup cf Fige, and bxeing -welh informeti, you will flot «Mopt ulny substitut£ if orr. o.ewmou To Jhnoofb. î y f er's Peis IL sould t11k. te add1mhavetmn to for msaeansd aways derlved the beareUitsmrratheir use. For Stoinach and lier troubles. and for the cure of headache caused by th... deraugements, .yer's Plla cannot b. equaledL When Zmy frlends ask me what Is -the best reed'y for dIsorders of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, uuy Invariable ..pswerýr I yr'sPRila Taken In season theywh rekup a cold, prevent la gppe, check tever, and regulate the iesl? Il ras.Tya euuvegooana. ey ar Are the best tI4un amUy m~edicine 1 have ever kag«i"Nm MAYJoaUiOi<, BUide ÂI*., New York City. AYR'S PILLS High.stm Âhu'd* at WorId's - £W40 âWe4i#VUSafOV*the blood. COXeSPONDENOE TOW LD (Cnowded out lasi week.) Miss 'Mary McGregor is visiting in Toronto this week. Dr. Geo. Emmett of Momrsburg is t0 bc congratulated. It's a dauglter. Quite a number Irom this localiîy au- nded the dedicatory services of St. 'se church Oshawa on Sunday iabuinz furnisbed i. tatothe t~aaon camp in rs3 of Dulo ad Pte. ~ur school clo ses îo4.ay-Friday- udwilI re-open Ion Monday, August repot 4f the standing of the ~j>~$1 th trni will appean this ~çkbithe ocalp4pers. garpirs'uuranç thie psý swo weca Ot her ciope, -how- 1, r, l- ngwelL I>mttr'Wiloa and family spent - wI~luMrs. 'Wilson'a mother, luirie. qb." We understand that *rlwbq a £ .X>t#,Icave-c'Wst Toi-. *MtâkeWW, b1d- in Buffalo. An explosion of acid at the NortIern freight sheds last Satunday morning was île cause of a serious accident ta Brakeman Neil, of Barrie. H e and anoîlen train han4,.were in île act of unloading from a car a ten gallon boule of muriatic acid, a deadly fiuid which burus worse than fire. When stepping frôm the car ta the phatform thle hquid exploded without wanning. Neil ne- ceived most of île contents ou île upper portion of the body. His shirt was fairly burned off nus back and when district G. T. R. Surgeon Brown arrived on 1-île scene the pon feliow was was suffenung terribly. The bunns were dnessed and caned for and Dr. Browu states that the injured man's wouuds are nat likely to end fatally. About à % herse deI A man with ahorse tosell attracted the attention of boise fanciers at the Queeai's hotel one afteronoç about thîee weeks ago. , He wanted $6<orW theaânimal but came downIa lus pio to $» io asthe day ,advanbed, stating that hcwas anzgigus lu> ca"- tihc aftev-- chascdthe boisee m c 1las mnt4oncd figure. Ih now-,turns out acord to the, Gravenhurst anu*r. that M e Jacobe la switée'y Cht#f Constable ISl frI te tlteft of, a homae* Jacobs isan ii nnoceslt>lookIIj Iundian, but lal lok b oh 1NhîG c "tO t11Ctu Güheonreserve"MWut wcoty days. mou amnPutted just below- the elbow, thi bone havîng deca'ed as -a resuit of in. Jiies rece1îved lustwinter. Heis8doing as well as can be expected and wifl soon be able to return home. The following is the report of the standing of pupils in Union school No. i, Pickering and Whitby, for the termn ending June 28th, 1895. In the senior classes the written examinations held during the terni form the basis of mark- ing while the junior classes are arrang- cd in order of menit. The winter pupils are also arranged in order of menit. Sr. IV. max. 735--Lixxie Coakwell, 432;, Hattie McCullough, (did not take ail the exam'S) 2 95. Jr. IV max. 735- Nettie Carruthers, 401 ; Mead Brown, 376; Blanche MeIGregor, 365; Mabel Rowe, 332 ; Art Mackey, 331 ; Norman Jefirey, (did flot take *all the exam's) 195. 111. class max. 685-Georgie Go]d, 41 5; Walter Rodd, 396; Rich- ard Coakwell, 391. Sr. IL. class max. 596-Dell Brown, 402 ; Annie Carruth- ers, 384, Dewart Carruthers, 341, May Rodd, 277; Lixxie Fothergili, 269; Ed- mund Bradley, 246; Archie Coakwell, 227; Harry Blake, 225; Mabel Mackey, 221 ; Urbin Blake and Will Webb (diii flot take ail exam's). Jr. II.-Wilbur Webb, Harry Coakwell, Russel Car- ruthers. Pt. I .-Mona Taylor, Dennis O'Connor, Edna Shipman. Geo. Foth- ergill, Elsie Kemp. Pt. I.-Earl Brad- ley, Art Wilson, Walter, Truli, Edgar Austin, Jno. O'Connor. May Bradley, Goldie TrulI, Olive Shipman. Winter class-Epsel Harris, Art Rowe, Harry McGvire, Maggie Brown, Harvey Har- ris, Chas. Gimblet, Albert Mackey, Tom Taylor, Norman Commander, Geo. Taylor. The following promotions have been made during the tecm:I111 ta IV- Mead Brown, Blanche NicGregor, Mabel Rowc, Arthur Mackey. Il to III-Dell Brown, Annie Carruthers. Dewart Cacruthers. PtL Il to Il-Wil- bur Webb, Harry Coakwell, Russel Carruthers, Pt ' I 1ta pt. Jl-Geo. Fothergill, Elsie Kemp. Promoteti in part. from Il to IlI-MIav Rodd, Lîzzîc Fothergill, Ednîund lBradley, Archie Coakwell. llacrv Blake, Nlabel Njackey. Sehoolil re-open on Aug. i (th. Jno. Grraham, teacher. OIIILLIA. E.obbery iu a hardware store Sometime after closing hours on Monday evening bur glars succeedeti in forcing an entrance into G. H. White's hardware store andi after helping them- setves liberally to over $îoo worth of small acms, etc.. took leav'e without leaving a dlue or vestige of anything that would leadt t their capture. Got no booty Storekeeper 1McAulay, of the asylum, Who resides on Coldwatec street, was aroused eacly Monday morning by noises in the ground floor of the houà e. Investigation revealed evudences of an attempted burglary, a front bay win- dow having been raised and the cur- tain drawn aside and fastened. The marauder also left t.rcks of mnud on the verandah and Qloor of the room in- to which-he had forced an entrance. The buigiar decamped without having secured any booty, the first noises like- ly being those which aroused Mr. Mc- a"u Oceureue.1 Some weeks ago Mr. Wmn. Flett, of Buny's Green, Somerville township, matie up lis mind thaî le would revisit île scenes of lis youth in the old country ibis summen, and sirice tIen las no doubt looked forward ta the day of lis departure witl pleasurable antici- pations. He purclased his ticket fnam Mn. R S. Porter via the S. S. Panisian, of île Allan uine, last Thirsday le left Buny's Green. accompanlied by tIe good wishes of tle entine neighbonhood, and reacled Lindsay feeling, as he explain-. cd ta a fniend, 1,years younger already. " But "4man proposes and God disposes" -as the old gentleman was about ta take bis train fan tle east he was strick- en wiîl panalysis of a severe type and ta be conveyed home on a strecr being unable to move his lower iimbs. The sad oscurrence wili be negretted by many a stout fieud of Mr. Plett in Victorila counîy, who will join with The Post in hoping for the speedy recovery of aur old subscriber and well-wisher. Fniday afrernoon as Mrs. Isaac Nay- ion, accompanied by her'five-year-oDld daughter and Mrs. Chas. Smith, al of Fenelon township, were appnoadhing the Lindsay-st. crgssing at the cornier of Dnrham in a top buggy; île horseshied- at a locomotive that was shuntin'g- near the stneet, and in swinging round the buggy was upset and the three occup-ý ants were at the mercy of the nunaway horse The ladies could not extnicato themselves fromt-the buggy top, whîch, was up at t.he time, *azd the horse dash-,, cd along over pLWm, tos etc., btý Wa ihyb-oe-uIlgoabat-betweà Conductor Wm. -Bei'a. residence. - tbis îine s'eer people bad hurried 'té the reue. ami eerything that sviline. therefor abar of sunight soap. Now, reasoned Mr. Fergusoùto isli dîvide this into fifty equal portions and dispose of each portion for the smaà ll sum of ten cents it will not be neces- sary for me to put any of my diamonds in soak now to continue my tour. He therefore secured a livery nig from Mr. MeKinley and sought with an oily tongue to pursuade the unwary to take hold of his wares. He assured them that the soap would take out any stain, and several bystanders thought s0 highly of his recommendations that they purchased. Those sleuth hounds of the law, Geo. Clark and Charlie Wright, about this time came down on him and ran him in. The rest of the story is easily told. He ran up against justice in the person of Mayor Sander- son, who assessed hini $7 or 21 days in jail. He took the latter. -News-Let- ter. LINDSAY. It is said by those w-ho know whereof they speak that this year's huckle.berry crop promises to be larger than that of last year. There is at present a good dîsplay of the green becry, and in about two weeks the pickecs will flock to the plains to begin business. j oseph Landcy, a vaung lad w-ho liVes on Russel-st., w-as standing up in the delivery wagon of Mr. Arch. Camnpbell. at the corner of Lindsay and Russel-sts., Monday. when the horse starteti sud- denly, and hie w-as thcown out, striking on his head and snoulders. MIr. MIc- Grath, w'ho was driv-ing the horsc. carrieti him into the separate schaol, whece it w-as found that he hiati er, e no injuries other than a coup)le of 1bruîs- es, and w'as evidently more fcightened than hurt. Hfonora for the Oittzeus Baud. Every friend and well-wsler anti the list includes, we think, c\ rcitizen of our town-wivll learni witlî pleasure that the citizenls'hand of Lindsay has been selecteti by manager H. .1. Hill, as one of the bands ta 1play at the coming Toronto Industrial Fair this faîl. The honor is a verv rnarkctl one, as Rowmanville. Peterboro andi other bandis were passed avec, anti 'v extenti aur sincere congrat ulatilotis ta Bandsman Brown andi the members. A Night's Lodgtng. At an early hour Thursday Mrs. Jesse Parkin, of Ridout-st. - was-aw~ eneti by a sounti as of someone fumbi- ing at hiec bed-room door, Pcesently it opened and a man's heati appeareti foc an instant, but quickly withdrew. Thoroughly alarmed she aroused the household, but aftec a thorough search of the premises no trace of an intr-ndec could be found. In the* morning when Mcs. Parkin arose to prepare the break- fast she founti a burly, robgh-looking tramp in possession of the kitchen, nd the discovery coming so soon after te other f ight, made her so nervous that she screamed loudly for help. Her son Arthur came to her assistance with a shot gun, and the parley that ' foilwed was f ull of danger for-theknighthe road, who skipped for the door with the cold muzzle of the gun pressed against his spinal column. No doubt upon the first alarmn the fellow hui . Newday, (8076) [1912], Olydes I.sle, owne d by Wuj. Biohardaon & Son. Goluxubus. Monda y afternçon leave hisovu stable for Brookli aud remaiu everuight. Tueaday, alorte p'a, Kinnale, noon; Madds!orde, Audley,,nighli. Wednesday, red. IEMrrWa noon; Plokoring, niglit. Thurs- da, moGire's, Kingston road, Doon 1,Weoa. ÃŽF*shoWWhitby, ulght. Plday, Oraw- torth'a, baaeline, noon ; Central Lotel, -Oshawa, nlght. Baturdisy tho Liaovu stable until ]Mou. day. TermasiO10to Augure. Jim IUiuge, roadar owued by Jonathasn erler Pickering. Mondy o 'Woodrurt' hotel, .4Vhity,, noon;, Central bolet Oshawa, niab. ,iesday, Bagljn, ýnoon;* &t. Chartes bol4ýËey,pe7 'utht.Weduesdy, Reard'. boeXamb.er, u* -'llsou'a bol e.h -buraniIl4.- ?huruay, éeberl'a bhotel. Bréol- lin, -soon; ?iokeriug. n$g14. ' iaTh~a Knoas, woo~roanom1V iiw=~Ore. nioiur4mouHneeo',uoL u toa wnstbl utiMu4y.oerm $0 t timegr-- éÃsmie (1914)owneby Thos.WJlsou, -rok-, il#n " t,,a i Wv..iar. Tin .4.h '- P4dahi* *9 t was wjîhin thcfr poel', r"Yet siý succumbed - to heart: -failureý,,-SIie, though only, a resident of tht. tOwfl since her marriage to Mr. -Noble,.mad-e many warm frends, -who extend to the bereaved husband, their heart feit sympathy in the loss of a lovinig wife. On Monday afternoon the funeral took place from the family residence, corner of Camneron and Peace streets, to the G. T. R. station. thence by train ta Uxbridge-her former home. The re- mains were interred at the Presbyterian Cemetery, Quaker 'Hill. The funeral was largely attended.-Gleaner. BABY'S BURNING SKIN. 8kin P.ling Off, Skin Literally Afie, Cooled tmd Soothed by Cbase's. The great featufe of Chanel% Olutuxct-Al- moat laatantly It touches Itching, buis. lut* eczemsatie skis, rellevtug the pain- la a boom te m.others whose childrena»r suifferis - Ibere la uotbing uscertala &bout Lt or " ia Walof speakias about I11s .My slx-year-old daughter, Bella, was afiioted witbecozemna for 24 months, th. princi- pa P eaI of erupsion bel» g behiud lb. ears.1 ted alinost every remed y 1Salir advertised, bought innumarable medicinea and ,oapsaa took the ohild to medic-al specialiste in skia dia eases. but withoutrnetn. Finally a weekage I purchamed a box o!flpr. Chase'@ Olntmnent, anâ th. ffrst application showed the curative effeot Of the remedy. We have used only one-sixIL o! the box, but the change i. very marked, the eruption has ail dixappeared and 1 can onSi- dently say my chîld la 8-ured. (Signedu MAX WELL JOHNSTON, 112 Ann Street, Toronto. A face ihat was a &cab &hem forehcad te chia cured la le days. On behaît of the Fred Victor Misali. Bible (lass 1 wigh 10 exress oui' gratitude te you for the box of Chassesa Ointnent whichy ou sup- plied in aid o! our charitable work to Jb. imain cblld o! Mi'.. Bi'ownnig, 162 River street. Ton daY" s.go tb. chiid waé awfully affliot.ed wlth scaîd head, the face beinglterally one saab trOm forehead to chmn, and in that biai ime à complote cure bas been affected. Surely EoUr gUIt was worth more than Ita welght in gold EDMUND YEIQH> 2U4 Sherbourne Streot, Toronto. Mr. T. J. Humres, Columnbus. Ohio, wi'item. "I bave been afflicteti for 3onme limre witb kid rey and i luer complaint, and finti Parnie- Pilla the best ine-Jicine for these dibea3e,,. Tiiesq Pilla do nol cause pain or griping, and shoulti be Used whan a cathartic is requilreti. rhey are Relatine coateti, and roiled in the dlour (Jf ijorice to preserve their purity, and guve, themn a pleasant, agreeable teste. TIie'-C.inadian riflt3 îeamn for Bisley landeti aI Li verpool. Acting througb the blooti. Ilood's Sarsapa- rilla nui otily cures ecrofula, sait rheum, etc. but gi% es bealth andi vig<or t tbe whole bndy. Mr. Charles Brown, a wel-known citizen, dieti suddenly Tueaday. MlUard's Liniment la thb «a. Sir Henry James wiId take the title of Baron Ayleeton of Hereford. Hlauda and Anklea Raw For vears I have been a great sufferer from itohy skin trouble andi sait rbeum. My banda andi aukies were Iiterally i'aw. The firet appli- cation of Dr. Chase,@ Ointment allayed tbn burning, it.chinz sensation. On. box andi a balf eutirely cured ne. It is aloo- istaut re- lief -for cbiiblaina. Henry A. Parmenter, St. Oatbarines, oat. The jury mt Sanit Ste. Marie disagreed in 5h.~ ~ ~ ~~e ureoLxz ui, utifor murder. Children are fond cfBeaeljay's Liver Lozen. gea. 25 ets. at druggista, Women wbo canIt take pilla eau have that bilonsneas reuioved from tbsir aystenie bv Wh=n Baby waa alk, we gV" her Castorl. Whe ah. wuaaCild, u"acrled for (JastorkL. Wheuashe became Mi, ah. clung to Castor!... Wben gah."LadCfldron, asegavetheraCagSi&a e ]OOPUND That Trod Feeling, ConistipationI and Paint in the Back &ppottO nd l4alth Rfttà dbY Mood's SartapaiIB. M 7 oA atebn las beetn te girok fIà t flat e ewish fiée a îpeedY Th e ha)-C4oP will soon be' gathered around MIanchester, that is what little thene is to, gather. Mn. Robt. Scottlias the shingle m1iii nunning in full blagt on his farm, and as there is a fine lot of cedan ta, cut, an excellent supply of shingles will be the resuit. The ice-cream treat that is to be helti among tle Saris of Temperafice, is makirig îhings look brigîter for the contest now started. Our "iSons" have been pretty economical and cari afiord to get reckless for once. Our Bethesda frientis are going right alheati in chucch matters. The League is a live institution bent on- accomplish- ing something at e\-ery meeting. A gacden-perty is'to be heid ti Mn. Mc- Gregor's on Friday evening, in connec- tion with this society. Last Thursday evening Mn. P. A, Macdionaldi was presenteti with a beauti- fui hymn-book anti bible. The epworth league matie the presentation as a slight token of the esîeem that Mr. Macdonald had so well eanned. Rev. Mn. Snowdon preacheti at the Utica anti Bethesda appointments last Sunday. Good congregations turneti out at both places. Mr. Snowdon looks well anti hearty anti one can scaccely cealize that he shoulti have been so near death's door since we last saw him. UT. ZMON, (Crowvded out last wveek,) Mr. David Birrell had a bee on Wcd uesday drawing lumber from Brooklin. Something over 50 went from here on the excursion from Claremont, in con- nection with the Baptist S.S. 10 Peter- boro and aiso a sail down the Olonibe. to Idyl Wild a point ou Bic. lake. About 40 1 thiril of Ibis S.S. took in the trip. The anniversary of the S.8. here will b. hcild ou tbe 2ad Sunday in July, when as far as I can uuderstand Rev. Mr. Bun- ner wüli deliver a short addrees te the scbool at 1.30 p.m., after whieh Mms. Elopper, of Ciaremont, wiil tako the S.S. lesson of that day which wiil no doubt b. vcry ilter'etiflg. Iu the cvening the Rev. McAuiey, of Pickerng Preebytonian cburch, will presch a sermon ne doubt on S.8. work. Also au interemling feature in the days proeeediug will b. a collec lion ta b. a8ked for which must ame'nI to at least $30. Envelopes will b. pro- vided I believe, whieh are to, bo filled, but not so0(fullthat il cannoe b.e ealed. No pereon is asked W~ give over 85 and no person will be pnesed to give coppers. Mr. S. Dimucy's foreman teck a 30 mile drive while Sam waa lu Whitby with Mr. Des. horseaud nig, and strange as il May eeem got the G.B. on Monday mrnriug. Sam is in quet of another man. Mr. Samuel Joucs, sr , cf Whitby, je busy shingling b ie bane. Mr. J. C. Joues j is lu inthe ehinglinR bueiness Aleo Mr. Win. Ward ise.making two or .litres new_ roofa, and ie, w. are sorry te Bay niaki-g -- preparations for leaviug us in tbe (ail. Mm. Ward ha.e pent hie hile lime so far with us and will be greatly miseed. Ios IOTSUCCE'SSFU REIEDY FOR MAI! OR BEAST. £Ourtain InUs11.eft"oand noer Sblu«er. KENDAL'S SPA VIN CURE. DEwrw r-Pleae mme Ss 0 o >f yoHo ~ Bok ad blge Ihavenaed agreald..1oy= Kenail. pa'm Crewithgo cceas-ft ln @6 wonerSi ediine Ionce a amare tliat had avi O~I pVUand f5ve boti e red ber. 1 kp boeon baud &I Ibe UMa Tonur ul7, (MW ~pouwr KENDALL'S SPA VIN CURE. or. E. J. KIrzDÂL, q .c N~Ai ,' Dear Sirs -1iiay.: used everal bntdm of yor "Kendal's *sPavinoue" wfth ranch mmefl 1 thlak it the bee-t linient 1 eer uaed. Hom r&~ .uomo c urb, une 11.O4 Spavin and MUscS two Boue Spavas. Have recommended 1110o av-e O1 f MY friemsWho arn mucli P"eSed wlth and keop 19ý. Beecfly ENOSSEURGH FALU VT. Co NSPATION,) 1 L1-,0YSNS iA iNsUR"S OOI)D DIION. NPR1c E25 M1.TIIOD For Twenty-Five Year ~NDF~ 1 1 Ms'. Chcas. St«e f3t. Catherine'8, Ont tgC. 1.. Flood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:* IF, - -"'!ber of years I have been troubled with a general tired feeling, shortnessaof 1breath, pain ln the back, and constipation. 1 eould ¶get only Uttle rest at night on a.ccouflt of the pain and had no appetite whatever. 1 was tlv'.t t1red 1 n in y lim bs t at I gave out before half th e 1a y was eone. 1 trled a great nuxnber of rnedleines but dcAd not get any permanent relief from axy Iood's ~Cures souîrce until, upon reconunendation of aLi.d 1 purclhased a bottie of Hood's Sarsaparilla, Wlct malle me feel better at once. 1 ha.ve con- tinued its use, lxavtng taken three botties, a:A 1 Feel Like a New MVan. 1 have a good appetite, feel as strong as evmr 1 dldi, and enjoy perfect rest at nier5it1. I 1iuVe mucrh pleasiiré ln recommending Hoo.l"t Sarsa- p ~iI1s."('H\EIF~ TF.L.w¶th Erie Pre- CJOOd1'c PUIS "eprompt and emfcieuit, yct ~w .Sul i LY aU Uonggists. 25c.