The e ro-nicie. VOL.XXXl. WHTBYONTA109FRIDAY, JULY 59 18950 WHTYPNAJN.3 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CaBONICLE COUUBePOs»DZNcI, -:0:- BIKOUGHAU. Our village is lMproving, not Only in law but oherwise. XVNiil M atthewS has got home f rom the hos- pitai. He je better, but he does not like the hospital. John Gerow ie busy at present pulling down his house, or part of it, and is gobng ta buiîd greAter. Our new preacher was on hand lest Sun- day, and conducted the service. The peo- pie iked him very welI. /\~~\N. poucher wes here over Sunday and Monday on a visit to hie parente, and et- NIAGRA in't o b menione in tending ta the lew businers of hic friend NIe AGA ReA nth itah entlinedof Gaiiagher. thies oam buretwthtefîgo Halîelujah Jim has a new job now. He Prics ofaur as ta act the part of nurse, as he was pre- r-a.ýstTOILET SOAPS. sented wlth e young deaughter the other They muet corne down, even if they evening. He is good for it. have ta rail down. our Stock of Taîlet The farmers around here are very busy Soaps must be dîsposed of ta make wîUtb their hay, which is a very poor crop- room for ather goode. This expiains flot haif a crop-and the ssost of the other the tupendous bargarne we are giving. crope are likeîy to be very short. Oh, I aîmost forgot the races at Mark- F(TTFRMZLK SOý(AP ' ham, an Dominion day. Our friend, WiIîis, ().4 TAEA L S5A . /t akrÇ /t? 2 went out ta cee t.he races. and gave our And a super fine uine of TOILET SOAP, 3, master horseman, Robent Beattie, a ride cakes for 25C., regular price 25c. per cake. out wit hhiss; but he left Bob to get beck ALSU50 as bcst he could. So Bob took to hoofrng it, and as he is not a veny good traveller, he 0 Alwaym on hand a did flot get home tilI the wee ema' hours. -F eh Palinalizan Jase, t P:i, (zInd' Bob sys that he won't be hostier for Willis -aîil kipids ot FL Y I'tAPS ai the1 again. CORNER DRUG STORE. Some ai aur young folks went ta the ex- cursion ta Oak Orchard front Liverp >ol 1s'W. R. HO0WSE'S STAND. harbour. They report e good time ; but the - greater numben went ta the city nf Peter- borough on the Baptiet excursion. where P. G. Nlellrurn, M. D. they lied a joîîy rime. There were two of au r boys, however, who disgraced the crowd by taking too much moxie, and getting Licentiete of the Rayai College Of, beeutifuîîy sober I think it je about Lime Phvsiciens, Edinburgh : Member or the Col- that these two young meni would sober up, leg e of Physîcians and Sûrgeons, of Ontrio. as tbey seeni to be going down pretty fast Office and residenee, north section . iateiy. I would think that the girls would of te Trrae, Byrn Sree gîe them the quiet go by, as they are north of Dundas Street. bardiy fit for decent company. Telephone communication with office. BR.OOKLIS iMr. R. H. Walks, B.A., of Lindsay col- Whitby, July 4th, 1894- legiate institute is homne for vacation. N. F PATRSON ~ ~, IMr. and Mrs. A. Darîi.ngon, of Buffalo, N, Y PAERSO , Q0., have juet paid a brief visîlt toMrm. Robt. Rartist. t...-After two veans resdence-in Darington. EnglaDd bas resumed practice et 136 John St, Mr. Richard Colley bas secured essploy- Toront.- Oct. '94.-6 mos. ment wîth the Pedlar Roofing Ce., and lefi _________________________for Oshawa on Wednesday. The result of the recent promotion exam- LOOK essinatione beld in the Brooklin echool will- remanable ow - be pubîished in this column nexi week. at the rmrabelwpnoee BWbile Mn. John Whiteford was going down thât 1 amn selling Solid Oak cellar on Wedneeday morning, the door feil mi Drawing-roozn Suites et. The and stnuck him on the head inflicting a nasty l prices are from $2 2.50, $25, $28-509 $80.00, 886 and - Rev. J. B. McLaren gees to Boston nexi week te attend the great christimn endeavor wards. convention. He le the delegate cf -the On- tarie county union.m E. J. Johnson. Mise Dale and Mise Florence Dale bave m ____________________arnived home [romi their respective scbtxls. n Mn. Wm. Dale, of Bowmanville, was also ai home on Dominion day. la D QN'T FORG ET Mr. ChasGrass and daugbiers and Mn. Mac Brrogh ae al onalecet.Some tlt&t thene6 have not yet recovered sufficient strengtb to e goods are my own make. Ail get eut cf doons but we hope ail will soon be d upholstering erders given to about as ridhoen me ha.s ry own suprvision. Mies Alice Ole rnvdhoeo Satur-V ine as iy ow suprvison. day, fîoss Ottawa, wbere see as been for F4 neanly a year. Sbe le eccompanied by Mis Morris, of that ci ywbo intends ssaking a ar E . J JO N SON twoweek's visit in Brookli. a£ E. . OH SNT~he Broklin members ofNo6 cosspanyg Le&inging. Some cf the boys are se pleased with a, Undertaker their military experience that they taîk cf IN THE COUNTY. enlisting on the permanent force for a thnee d ____________________yeare terni. i Miss Lîlian Holliday, teacher ef S.S. No. it Pas ture to Let i, (Dryden's), lield a picnic tor ber scholars Fosspar e imitd nume sreaof toc. ini-Thene was a large ettendance cf heppy t loa e 3pet u ne , Wthiety.R.nJ.efwaEn, etchldren ail cf whom fully enjoyed the plea- lo o3,dcnWhitby . R.y J. LYNDE-t . sures that bad been previded for tbess. F Whity, ey r :85-22tf.The Wbitby Hedge Fence Co., offered a pnîze cf e gold wetch te the planter wbo naUV f~*1flI uld colîect the most cash iu conuection WESTERA BÀNtfl OF LuAflAUM with the work donc this spring. Mn. Thos. Coakellwhobas been working in the vîcnîty of Smith's Falls and Hastings, was HEAD OFFriCE, OSHAWA, ONT. fortunate enough te secure the valuable prixe. A4k~I1~edFananere are aIl inte haying. In meny O&pft&1 53uthorzed $1,000,O00 fields the cnop la very ligbt but in others il. re Capital Subscr:bed 5 00,000 coming off better than was expccied. Rye cutting bas aise commenced and fail wheat Oa,6pitsJ Paid-up 373,000 wil soon bc ready fo>r the reaper. Some cf E.est ioo 000 the latter grain is Iooking remarkably welI. Anether good rats weuld be very acceptable BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. even if soneeof the hay dme get wct. JOHN COWAN, ESQ., President. The cheese factory patrons are now ne- RacuBu,.N S. 1-AMLIN, EsQ., Vice-President. ceiving their money for thre 88 cheese shlp- W. F. Cowan, Esq.. W. F. Aluin, Esq., J. A. pdd. The balance cf May mare sud the Gibeen, Esq. Robert Mclntesh M. D. iret balf of Jue ameuntiflg te îîý, have Thomas Patersoni, Esq. since becnsosI4 et a nîuch better pice than T. H. McMILLAN, - Cashier wa rci dai the iret sale-bin fact. thre Brooklbn cheese brougbt a higirer pnice than BRANcîK.-.Midland, Tilsenburg, New Bey other on the board. TheSe will bc sent Hassburg, WiritbY. Paisley, Penetanguisb- away on _jdy. crie, and Pont Penny. Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex- Wirtle Mr. W=. IMMa, Of Myntle. was change bougiri snd sold. Deposits recelved drivbsg towards Brookie on WednesdaY and Inerest allowed at hbghest current rates evesiig, i bi orse iook fnight o4 a passnz 3%6 per cent. Collections sollcited amd bicycle sud jSosbecama umanageable. prossptly made. Mn. licar vimu bfrn,, u eut. d. thre buggy Correspondentin leNew York and le Can- iie usd ovq, lu tii. 6@P dimbchseat ada-The Merchants Bank cf Canada. Les- Ur. Cook'S Pile, Mud by liii Une. ire don. Eng.-Tire Royal Benk of Scolasd. fnlgbt«W taia*Irnabd *W d liel reinthre SpêClal attention to collection cf. Farmers' ri nlgSd MD 'douftther oed M11 It VO htop' §&le Notes. XUADdU rmr - 0th, ay iuM. , W U* ____ b H.SCOTT,7 Manager of Wiritiry Bnasch. VA pUMpmÂKriM WRITE?. (SssCCeor go H. 7Yompton.> Tb*. gratifying to note that be now admite what Maple Grove-Scugog foot-S. S. anniver- DEÂVERTON REBN was so vigorously denied in the controversy sary was held last Sunclay and Monday, and Mr. H. B. Hudson and wife are visitiflg The Rev. Mr. Leitcb was tendered a rem that took place over the Brooklin-Greelwood was the beet and moet successful ever held here at present, ception il hie taking possession of the par- gaines of lest October, viz : that Greenwoiod on the islend. On Sabbath Rev W Wether-, Rev. D. Y. Rose bas comnmenced opera- sonage on Thursday evening. A goodly. di aeimported playere in their teamn ini ilI preeched. On Monday the teachers, tione on hi cottage. number frorn the different parte of the cir- d i d b a v e a n t a t e e s lIof tc u i t s h o a r ,w e res n d t h abl c a s edl e ala g ep l e a s a ntmsg e t . M r L t i met r o h sw abr s at Greenwood was a draw, flot a victory for in tbe grove near the church, where the tAlrepcî rmSunderla.nd iledBa- t e. Mr eitcbant es nt hie abos Greenwood as was claimned then and pub- echolare and choir acquitted themeselves ber's grove Tuesday laet. st part of the moral vineyard with the best lished in the despatch sent from Greenwood ver creditably in the recitations, dialoguest The usual moonllght excursion is a little wiebes of aIl. to the Toronto papers. Now that thie and singing. Addresses were delivered by late in getting in its work this year. Police Magistrate Camnpbell dîsmissed the writer hes got down to the truth in these Rev. Messrs. Whitlock, Willmott, McCamus The Orangemen go to Orillia on the i2tb, charge against D. TiIl for sowihg wild mus-' matters it doee seem too bad that he should and Mallett and Messrs. Swein and Pogue. via the Enterprise. A big crowd le expect- tard in Mr. E. Phoenix's field, there flot spoil it aIl by makbng new miestatemente An excellent tee was provided by the ladies, ed to participate.j being sufficbent evidence to warrant a con. about the Brookîin teem as be did lest week. prôceede $104. After tee a geme cof football StAdewscucsprisobeear-:vtonadnwtetlkithtM.Tl Brooklin players went tw Rosebenk picnic, between Port Perry and Valentia etes St. nd reujt s cbefopre dps t e r ar u tilposecate Mr.heni ordenattil et the invitation of Kinsale, to assiet them in was pîayed and resulted in Port Perry 2, eand freber'ders forecantracter ae out f chuetieNr Ponx o efmt the game they were to play there, a very Valentia o, wben ail lefi for homne weîîi s o edr o tecnrc.o hracter, se that it je bard to tell wbere different thing froni the way it was put by pleaeed with the day on Scugog. Most of aur villagers took in the Sons of the end may be. the Greenwood writer. Fise Pubh. Scoland picnic at Champlains Landing on The following are the S. of T. officere for W.A. H. Two gentlemren froni Brooklin caught the et and had an enjoyable tisse.thnetqaer-W P.GogeDMc Business Drectorl. Wednesday afternoon a meekilonge weigh. Two garden parties are bibled for tonight, jMulan; W. A,, Miss Sbire; R. S., Norman 4 Ib. Lke cugg ~~ fr Frdey <>~.~at as.Wadeî's pt ~lra nc[Cragg A.X R. S., Miss Clara Perkins ; F. S., GUY & CO., grai.n buyors. in3ir jIshn. Lk cgg h place fo 'dy n tjs aels t aa n Robert Michie; Treas., jas. A. Miller: Chap. Dit. Pà TTranos, Dentist; s.t Seber's hotel, fs ng oe t no Ross', tet con. Thorah. Miss Nora Burnett; Con., Albert Phoenix; ThMies EsteladiealofIStS.,ndrarses Dur. firsi Thursday, evtry month. 1 Receptiofl.1 TheC.oungsladies ofRSt. And.eS.,churcleA.Cur pleasscndbe usay he2t nt ad .S., VctrJattiieson; Organist, BEÂLL, B. - Isner of Marriage Licefise.I A uery pesatreception wae given Rev. adgae tseondbeeoftue odythe 25h uI., ar A. ico Résidence opposite Town Hanl, Brooklij. Mr. McComnus on Tueeday evening, the an aeteisd f h l tn hrh aggeMcM!llan. f h . tlîorough cleaning.Mag W A MoNEELT, D V S.-GraduBte of the On- baeent ef th e Methodiet chut ch berng Teg , arya r . orsnso The Methodist S. S. anniversary on Sun- tarlo Veterina.ry College. Toronto; Hionorary nearly iIled with members and friends anx- Tegre at tM.R orsnso day and Monday lest was one of the mosf meaiber of thte Ontsario Médical SocietY. ions to meet their new paetor. Addresses Tuesdav, the 25th ut , under the auspices succeseful of a long series of succeseful Tresteai&11 'liseases o! tihe d sise yM ess. Knox church was a very succeseful affair gteig. Tewahrwspreto BUhimaaBIS the mona Troved dmet. ted wers lenadeb maRosCoundrieand well attended. and the attendance tbrougbout was ver3 s.ti l r tentiîon iff sgica l o p -ra t P a seilenoa emnnri b n an M. î n a g d hf rn s e anddrtlculry Day or niglit calls romrtiyMr. M cCarnus. The orchestra pîeased ail Mr John McLean .,.. Scotty of yeodlre andthe programme unse fin1 attended to. 0Ofie sand residence Urookln, by their fine selections. tymne,' was in town juIy tet. Mrs. McLean clace. The speakers were J. L. Fowke Ontario. and Miss McLean are to "pnd a porio o Oshawo ; T. Manning, Whitby; J. M. Catm ------ t.--- --- CU the summAergholiday season nereun BUY A POUND OF--, Baking Powder -AND GET AN- EGG POACHER FREE. -Cooke six eggs et once.- -Every bouse should have- -one. The powder ie iret--- -class quality .............. ....TURNII' SEED je going with a-.. ....rush. We have wired Mr. William.. ....Evans for more so that no one wiIl... diseppointed ......................... Get PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE and BUG FINISH from us, and you get the besi aîways. j"Store closes et 7 p.rn., Sharp, escl TUE-SDAV and THURSDAV. BROOKLIN PORT PREUT Miss Julia McBrien ie bomne for the sum er. Miss Henry bas returned home to Nap 9iss Mil1dred Ebbels spent DamilII40 Torouto.î Miss McGrory, of Lindeay, was here t> inion day. Mrs. Bilrings bas sold ber millinery bui iss to Miss Thompeon near Manchester. 97 wrote at the entrance examination ber aSt week, and 7 for public school leavini Mr D Campbell bas bought the Mrs Het erson property and now occupied by Coi uctor White. Whitney nd Mr. W. Tummonde,, Sons of Scotîand ta Barrie on Friday lest1 badly injured by the 9 oclock train going was weIl attended, ndl a magnificent day north on the dum p neer W rights coal hed h l e h o s o c t a d t c r n t e on Wednesday ssorning, that they hed te be hueldtSon fSol t cr nte kiîled to get them out cf their misery. It scee was bard too look on such fine cows and The Young Checker.lacrosse club, cf Bea- hear their moans. Mr. Tummonds, cow hed verton, peid a short visit to Midland- n De- both hind legs broken. Mr. Whîtn. y'e had minion day. They were on the field when1 one hind leg broken and injured otherwiee. Mbdland was doing corne pleying with a la- There is ne doubt but that the G.T.R. crosse bell. Somebody seys that the Mid- sbould recompence those two men for their land boys scored seveel gesses but nobedy boss. There is no fence on the east side of bas eccused the Young Checkers of winning the track, and no guard or guard fence et enything. Canegie's crossing. Had thoe fences been Lest week's correspotîdence contained an up no cattle could get an the track. (What item ressaiking that Sutton now had a base- about cowc running et large within baif a bell club which would be "mneat" for oun mile of e railwey ?-ED. CH.) local crenks in a base bell way, but your in- Wm. Grahami cf Scugog was fined the telligent compositon doesn>t seess to be unie -custossary $i and coste lest week for a litile the style ef your correspondeni'e wniting. thing,'that wes net worth mentioning. He It was lacrosse, net basebal ihet was had e boy-almost a man-by the nasse of witten. Nobody ever thinke of basebaîl in Niclblls hired. The firet ssonth he didi hie Beeverten. They can't play il or enytbing work'well. After that he thought he would eIsc te win, anybow. takee4binge easy, in tact se easy he would The patron picnic in Ethel park on the not t out to hie work on the farm until 9 26th uIt., did net co1iýe np te the general ex- hf and o clock in the ssorning. Mn. Graham pectation in point of 4ttendance, being veny aand4p other farss bande spoke te Nicholîs. tame, and rather on the short side for nuni- and~ promised several tisses be would do bers. Mn. Mallory, the principal *speaker, bet',Oe imorning in particular he hed was given good attention and considerable lioýpà ed and positively refused te get up. appleuse wheà a peint wvas scored, but rain -,o went te Nichoîls' bedroom and coming on about ibree o'clock he did t whe4 eard hic employer cossing puîîed firieh and candidate Brandon didn't bave th, d quilis over bim, when Mn. Graham hie little say et aIl. It le probable thai the iook>,,èup of water and dashed some ol the nain raid even more good tlien Mn. Brandon's n- watfia Nichoîl' s face, and cf course like speech would have doue and we cen have it ail 0 ~rfrols'be bad te, rush off te a magie- later alec. ,tratcF" 'be resuit was as above. H ad Mn'ruww. St.brown4.a-pailful cf wateve h C itsetIs t w ~ould have dosie,8 fayo. p nre ig. Vasîîburn's Island on Tbursday iitr July. Fare, 25 cents. Mn. and Mn.. Geo. Newton, cf tire Stand- 3rd teck le the Tbousand Island excursion end returned on Tuesday. Tire depanrmntal examinations are now 'oing on. M. Eddy f Clare mont be iere and Messrs. Stone and Rue are in Uxbridgç. A case fress Scugog cf Aikinson vs. Crou- le», for threatening te shoot witb a revolver, is flow befone eue cf oun local J. P'a., anddle' to be decided ibis week. Marnied. In Port Penny on thre 2nd mest., at tire residence of thre biide's parentig, by the Rev. J. Fletchr, assisted by thre Rev. -1 of Sunderland, Mn. John Brandon, cf Pinedale, te Mary Ellen, fiftb daughten cf Mr. John Hemn. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. McCaw gave an " ai bosse " on Fniday evening 5tb mest., proceeds lu aid cf the Baptist circh renovating fund. The programme wiîl be given by talent from Toronto, Uxbridge, Bnooklin and Pont Penny. A pleasant tisse is expected. Admission 15 cents. Port Penry division of thre Sens of Tem- perance have tbeir excursion te, Sturjýeon Peint ou Tuesday 16th July. The cemmitie are making every effort fon a good tisse for ail wbe attend. An Ità lin orchestra wil1 ire on board and an excellent programme will be given. Fane for thre round trip ouly 4o cents, cbildren 25 cents. Holiday vieitors.-Dn R Joues, jas Richr- mond, Charles Rose, Fred Rose, A E Nash, Tires Hemn, Teronto; F Bruitbwaite, Osb- awa- L Hern,.Fenclon Fallas; A W Parrisir, Pei4ey; Jnc Denaldson, Toronto; Wni, Parnîsir, Cobourg; Miss Maning, Uxridp@ Perey Roîçir, Toronto; Mn and Mss Argue, Tornto; R. L. Burniee, Oshawa; j, 0 Fletcher, Halifax. Thre Rev. D. McCamus reacbed Mo O sermons bere lm asi h.H morsni text vas froinJonair, ~chup.ansd latteir par of md verseý ud s:id,"I44, 1ntdviWer ougirt ta bc atm sent cf Ged t-opreiacbhi z 1 mmeyu do at aie if 1 do m,, O blecarcir ébould ;«cuzoGod, caIl. Godviutketi. _gSpDS.. ,I 1fanl <o do God , vii, Jouai Oode-a heip I vill do7 my duiy, as 1 comena 11m o S eutut Of the Lçr&wl* .Th ting-6so Dowda(ys that if one wisks at bisE > eîgbbori witb bis left eYe 91 places bis rigbtc tbumb to bis nose the party looked at muest goat once andeeSea J. P. and it will beeso as long as mogistrates will take Fucb. trivial( cases. Justices of the peace should utie1 more discretion and flot take up sucb trivial mattei's. W. J. No-rr. Pot POMy USIMM s Iwoetry. MILiumZr Buaanoe ýSà iEBL.-The under- sIgned oaffer for sale ber mhflinaery business s t B bargain. This leB are» chance to secure a% thorougbiy eots.blished millnery business. Possession given abouit the middle of June nezzi; in the meantime I vill m» my proesont stock o!f , ery a nd below eos. iadies wialgsythgling In my line viii fnd it lu their B4v*tffl ti give me a cail, MS. W. L. PARRISH, HARFD WA RE, PORT PERRY. PARIS- GREEN CHUIRCUIS Buçg Finish, See whst we haveto kifltà e I 4 f. -f. 1: j, st el, S. of T. orchestra, bat especially by.tbe Sun- derland choir. The grose receipts amount to the handeome sum cf $172. Dominion day neyer fable' to bring many former residents of the neigbborbood te spend the day in renewîng old acquaint- ances. This year there was an unusually large nrqmber. We do net pretend te give a complete liet, but tbe foltowing are a few ut leaet :-Mrs. J. Fow, Manistee Michigan; Mre. J. Love, Joliet,, 11. ; Wbitfield Lee.., Pickering; Mrs. A. Cragg, Cambry ; Mrn ana Mrs. T. Warren, Sirnderland; Mrs. and. Mrs. R. Pinedale; J. Wbbteford, Brooklyn; Mrs. F. Bratley, Wbitby; Mr. and Mrs.L Hall, Mrs..E. Luke and Mrs. Crowle Poet Perry ; Fred Allin, Mrs. T.ï Linton ana M1w Annie lents, Toronto; Mr. and Mms T.ý Beare, Utica; C. Aslîng, Epsomt; C. Butt, Seagreve ; Mrs. Ruddie, Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. Ronndtree, Glen Major, and Mms Bryant, Mancheste. WIoz Mrs, Glover St John, of Sunderland, hmu been viebting friends bn ibis place. Mr. and Mms.Jue Kîffutipasééed Domiuitm -day bn the City. Mr. John Cbele,peagogueofSaifltfl is spending a few day& ùir town. Our wortby volunteer -bas -retuned-iiý camp andt looke vemarkablv afll iil> sofdierlnispleusant5ld he bas t -r ,,-. .u i ntla ' txea m er. ne Susdaylest te seS bissrtrvu a"w cew ously Ill. _ f Mn. Wm. Medcalf. Asbburns echool teach- d1ui-*iltY. Theya er dnning tire years of '93 spd 194,vas berie tseudseln on Menday lest, aise Mn. Lewisi McTaggart-55 frcm Toronto. rWe bave bad ver. Mrs. Kemp wbo is living lu ose cf Jantes log nesd i Kenie and Sons bouse s le dov. with féver, crOPS are suifesng il seenis sîrange wby thene are CassoffvrG51 sso ai at the sentir village eearly every year. Igtudwtee Mn. S. Barretitecok a loud cf young peopie lurp ut al.. .hit from ibis neighborbood te Port PerrY 1pu.tdssemesdoar Sa4turday laki and tire compauy piclckcd at dneôd Mr. Adamse grove on Scugog lanà ld. ~a Roy Ellerby, Earnest Hoar- Loua rHodesç9ý*-e i and Elle Hoar wese t Wbtbylmasi ek. writieg for the entrence 4examillatI05. We hope tirai the boys and grl laveuced u viiiî their effort, i n lngr-Theil Mesr. Thomsas asd James ManderOf er and a ne* . £üY vet te Penelon 11alls excusslnfrmm re7i euse o port Penny on Frlday lest, und-,Totom y bas as everMeurs- sirice been t» Ottawa aud-reiusiied o ue-te coufxaetorsaà d daymornisg of this week. - wî ,400aol:>. CouÉ! A few froun tbisectlon eneuto Peterboro wbth the Claremosbaptt ecursionlast Mr J. os hd1 week, encaqulte a nutubes vent-ive days Saiiaylasti -,ia laier'te thre same, i lace wlth thée C. P. R.,iwvmný. employee excursion. M --EeSr OWNo TBmx.lest ae4Wr s dn1 Glad te heur tirai Mr. Fred Diugmanin l frlundi lai~igtJ receverlng eftcr aesevere attacir cfidfla- saKtV* maties. -Stepbe*s cof, 4î6 Recet vsitors-'PI. Tyl« e N o rk,-at, das erethe gié Msr. D)igma's; Mr.. and Mies Anal, Eh.- 1The services of sezer. ut Mn. C . SmIth's; Mr. and tiss. Ed B fflk i,. buve bée Martin, Toroctoï ai Mr. Coopee Mr. Frank 14th,'tire datc, -0-v Hancock ad lMstersEddie sud lierbetait uth&bqa&rtet îmm at Mr. Son-Slby'5. Weekîs. ae .Mqf Nesveeybouse luthis section was. a wtic1aý ez t- Utile II0RN GAT furniU.B ci alk &bout F111:9 -iber bua Mgîn opened busines la &me Witt U at &E. BSlwa la ce, fsctory at Mms Newbery's b kSueet, meUt. New Poampesq à and'old Pompé sep.Ird. b aterlal ued sud vok veant- t Iug or çleauod iOct. 00M p