Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 7

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Restit ofa Neglected CoId. OISEASED LUNGS Which Doctors Eeiled to Hgelp, CURED BY TAKINQ AXJJ~D~CChery IAIL1I\Pectoral- i 't isvere com , whn h set1 ;i i 1 i l N-1tt tn îic t f t( l ili t îî ie t I f un lt t. i [11M theo si gt.tst cx( r'ti ni 1 Lien Consulted a Doctor ml. n ex'miînin. my1iiný!,;thit Ille S î mi itll 1 t4) hî i Ii 'A eiX Ile ffetth t ye'sCIA i lid T oA nii Ay r's herry Pld4oectoaelil Htehest Awarde at World s Pair 4Acr'is VilaCure Indigestion. Gained a Pound a Day. MALRABLE CURE1.. EfT-ctS of \'Wll lie ro)U"llt litn Al Iiitýsti o the ( ra,-ve-Il G lad i vSpe for thelie i-it of OtIier Slltfcrur.. '-nîh~Faits (;azei(.. Mr. Josepldi N. Barton, whio iiv(l RI-Out a nuise froîi tbe vidage osf M errickviie, Is ()ne of' f lie best known fartneru n iilt,- townshlip of Fontague. up) to tii.-'Sprinz (if 1894 Mr. i3artou 1usdtilwiut' senpNoel tile best of hepaltb. At tliat mile, uw éver, lie was taken with a biIuOtiý fsver, fili effects of whmcli leftbiuîi in a Lerribiv weakened condition. \Vh eniitle time came around to beg n0sp)ring op)erationls on the fan lie found liiuuî,elf Loo weak to take any part in the work, and noet- withotanding that lie was treated by an excellent physician, lue wiîs constantly growin.g weaker, and lis condition flot only greatly alarnieul limrself but llW friends. Having rr'ad Bo tiech concern- ing Dr. Williams' Pink 1ills, he Jieter mined to give theni a trial, and without consulting their pbysician hie began ths-ir Use. lie only used ou@ box, and, not f#eelinR better, lie dscontinued the luse of tpi )lla. This waëI whe re lhe now ad- miita lie tinade a serions miatake as lie net onlv feIl back to bis former weakness, but bAcamne worse than before. He cOuld now do no work of any kirid, and the least exertion left him airnost help- less. Life waia a misery to liimi and lie 1i amed a Pound a day. W011o tii.' point of giving bis case up as 1, I)eleo8 whien a friend etrengly urged hittw t again begin the. use ef Dr. Wil. lit-uns' Pink Pilla. Hle agreed te do se, anu i)ytyulîe tirne le lad used tîree- boxes tiiore was a inarveous change in hie ap- î,(aranc.., and ho feit like a new man- fie still continued te use this life-saving Illdîlcinie, witih astonishing renüits. Dur- iug bis ilinosa ho had tallen in weight te 1 fi." poandis, but h. soon iner.ased te 180 pound».In e act, as hosaysa,theimoreas avera.ged about a ponnd a day white h. was ta.king thbe pille. Heole nov able te 'le any kind ef work on-bis farin, and it in neediesi te say thst h. la Dlot oaly a 6irin bouieer icibthe oaomy of Dr. Wil- filamn' Pink Pilla, but lI..s no oppoftun*- îty to sosied abroa tbolr praitewith thie resait tââ batbters la bislé a1à y have- b.n.,fittd by bis expérens andsud o. Thus.PUis aren auufaotmrd byS» Dr William'. Ifedk"u.o ompauy Brook- 0Vj09 Onttrie, and oh.u.o&dy, Iî. Y., end *» sold only in box.ébearlgtbe &Irm'trsde ark and wp e t 60 mat# à boxor sxboxa $060 TJ,bW£my b. b.d bfroy, u'delr, or wolbe Mtby maion rW.pt of rlo.. D.Wwîlnamt *sPinkaM sy-b. bâd dimi y n" rom .1w ýop' * 0 ersUe.. b$th malerahop torea POOuniar-v favatl.IEEUT- tiage frein thbe ;MVf4ifüI repnfvt&aon achieved by Dr. WillllatD' Pin k PiU&a Ask your dealer for them, Dominion Day. Fair Canada, the brighîest gem In Bnîtains crown resplendent, Send forth thy rays to light the earth, To make ait good ascendant, The atmospheie thy children breathe Ne fr ld the iung of slaver. Eternai trr-'dom s uheir rîght Achîevt-u by acis of bravery. For yvars her sons elected ruled 1usd [trou ince, titi opinion Biirsî in one thotîght of unity Anti forntrd is s-ast l)minion. In egieen hundred and six:v- seven, Vituoiii onc t'sroke tof battie 1 i s la r .1 t iott a'!t.u II ît m iit Andsiti iuif grtos s n r oser and might, \\;nn:ttg p sinu dmtatvmui Aduuilcsf1, t 1-i i n tut- march IO . it1 ,ilt ir-sîration. t- tînittut.faiih and trust, in -- t . ut ft ueeds le- or , -rT i: t.tu 't t !t , îtýW ut t4 i f-t k su - - t. Kt itn it-ppinesi 1it.1;' i-- \A« ring, - r i i n tt'ttot.-nce. itntistation, i - t lu-- -' - i 4niz Iueîuh, ti.t, l u, i t- r - i o ittîOUr -ttII t- l idas n -e. t 'tt it t v dot i,., -.o'tnutîcu. -- --t - n u ic)t ýiirain's reali. 1 t - Lu) n i-iinin,,c ien i. i n ln trtat t s; r bi ni i-ion,,litV, n -- 1 tn n utg1 *\--u ttr4 î!,si cannol break, c o - ,Jr 4t.td. Hurra !hurra1 i-or i Outs unr iiort, Items of Interest. - roi t- t '-t t-c t1 îtueli, but cannot S'i- ,! ti.hc ruS-'tarants of Germany -tr\t-t '.Mi )Il plqtr jates. lu nI-n ~t h rtv )e rst)ns m-hose in- tm-'iaretvs-r S30ooo a year. -AMnett man lias sued a barber for d;o(amiages for ruining his beard. Thie total incomne of the church of Engiand is ab(iut /300 a week. Tw i hundred and thirty miles have lucen ridilen o)n a bicycle without dis- ni mntifng. If 'i match k hleld to a celluloid bil- liard h)all, the ball tvill catch fire and bumn At the Bon Marche (Paris) last year. 662 iersi)ns were arrested for kiepto- miania. l'aper tires are soon to be manufac- tured fur cycles.- They are supposed to last 1longer than nubber and to punc- turc lcss easily. WVomen nowadays are generally ac- knouwedged to be an inch or two taller and two o)r three inches greater inu chest development than their grand- mothers were. The largest sum ever asked for a single dianiond was L85oooo, which the Prince of Hyderabab paid for the Imperial. A statistical authority says that a woman.s chance of being married is best between 2o and 25. After 5o ber chance is one in io,oeo. The nearesi. approach u.o the North Pl'oe was on May 13, 1892, when Lieut, Leckwood stood within 396 miles of that coveted spot. The Princess of Wales bas a tea ser- vice of sixty pieces, and eacl piece is decorated with a pifferent photograph wbich she teck herself in Scotland. If aIl the cabs in London were placed in a hune there would be a t.otal length ef 44 miles. X'et there is only officiaI rank staud.ng room for 23 miles of thern. - Help me to sait, help me to sor- rew . -i s a co m mon saying among H igh- landers. and very many oft hem always decline the article with a wave ot the hand. Pointers About the Devil The devil neyer throws any Stonles a a man on the fence. The dev il won't let astln nanae any mercy on himsclf. The man who bas the 4evive war ls sure to have God's peace.- - The devil's way of rç"nchthe, Ou-,~ ses is tic begie at the cradke The devil la stiul ab ver cheap for Utheromlso O The best thling todêw=-1v wcak Is tothiinkhqv tng'Vwý& Genutne repentanice bM of rert whieut OqY devil. The deile Miss Minnie Elm, is vigiting at A. Rahm's.4 Mr. George Wright was a gueat of Mr. J. Martin last Sunday. Burketon can boust of two doctors at present; one of thern goes entirely by signs and changes of the moon, whilst the other uses herbs of different kinds. Mr. A. Rahm is making extensive improvemnents to his residence, which will add much to the appearance of the village, Many of the ;'illagers have been en- gaged duriug the past week doing their road work. WVe thi1nk whcîî a pathmaster has the authority he should sce that our streets are clearcd up and not have themn looking like a road in a cedar swamnp. Many front here spent Mondas- fish- ing on the waters of Lake Scugog. b' ut luck did not seemn to be on their road. GOURTIÇE jMr 8 Rundie and faîtily, of Detroit§ are honme in a vi8it M"ss Eva Osaborne, Lowii, xvas guest of N'118s LittltjuuiîiI84 last westk. Rev L Phelpa î.rsachîcd biq laat rogular serrmons to a full church .Sunday. t l'he 1)1V C Co have su'ild their Mav *cheese fir ses-ciianduti -s sxteenths cents. Mr John Sharsei, Mitchell, Fiud Mr Joîhnu Iundio, Brick, are vîsitinic nt NI1r Jaliues Ruides Miss Flourence CUturtice attenids-ilthe weculuîug of hs'r cou ,ui. M )iss lhen îu \lin, Little Britaitu, iast week. jTus' gs'nhlemn o f lte Lvaýus at Eb)e- ne/s-r cii srtaint i t ei ui usru-at ithe hýine osut he 1rssuidt - \Mr R' E ilsitie,- ast week . Aîirîrut:iu. %%i. .,Lttiiali i1 i ht refrssh cli ts i) t- i s cd - Il iu r 'Shu se< ths-ir açup)recui;itii by a (lîau- taultla sainte. A lu tuber cf tht-e iiii)s-rs ouf Suout h Dariiuîu i cui s-iîls-d ut Oie Ipar- su luage - nuiay nîlht i tit id ars's-l lIev L anud-NI rs lhelîs aundfauil Ail atidress was read by MIr \V 1,1(Su rtice OtI -behaif cf the conîgrs-gationm. andilNI r Ira F Pierce and MNrs Elh Osbourne presented ihen with a purse of uuoney, as a anial tikemu cf the well wishera J)ressfnt M r l'helps made a very feinîg repiy thank- ing them for the kumud words expressed un - te address, auJ for flue genersuus gift in behaif if hiiînself auJ wîfe Short speech. es were made by Messrs 'ý\ m Eversoun, Juts Langnuaid, Jas (Sourtice, C W Lent, Lev-i A nuis, Wi n Foley sud others, TYRONE. Mir, and 'Mrs. D. Tyerm-an, Toronto, sisitesi friends here. Mrs. Thos Harris us visiting Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Hicks, Teronto Junction. Mr. W. J. Roy wiil conduct the bible class during the sum mer menths. Mlr F W Werry spent a very pleasant1 week with his friend Mr A Wilson at Whitby. We conuratulate him moet heartily on his succes at the recent exams. SOLINA Rev. Jas. Liddy, Ph'D., fareweiled Sunday iast at Eldad. Grandmna Pascoe bas been under medieal attendance of late. Mr. M. W. Pascoe attended the Temperance Br evities. The drunkard's appetite is meaaured by the depth of hi& pocket. " A postage stamp with every drink is the notice post.ed in the window of a Chicago sale-on. The man who can take liquor without isuffering injury is net ovarburdenod witih braine. The legialature of New Mexico has eli- acted a law prohibiting the sale of tobacco in any form to minora. No mari ever get stung by bornets who kepti away frem where they were. It iô preciaoly the same with liquot. The nnzt International Congresa on Alooboliarm will bo e d at Bafil,, Switzer- land, on A uguat 20, 21 and 22. Do0miniol, Notee The World's Faui cost Canada $243,- 019. Markham village lias a population of zo6i.1 Stouffvile'8 populton lias increased 10 1,30 1. Smkh's Falls doca not aflow <»rner loafing. 1Listowel prides Its4if' on a five-year. -1Teun=-alof the lW ,sir john Patrons' Pîcnic. One of the largest social gatherings ever held in this county will take place on Saturday, June 29th,. 1895, in the- beautiful grove of Mr. Ehi Osborne. lot 29, con, 3, Darlington, i X miles north of Courtice. The following speakers will address the audience. J. Lockie Wilson, Grand Trustee; C. J. Thorn;- ton, Patron Candidate; M. C. Rose- vear, West Northumberland; R. C. Brandon, North Ontario. Enfield brass band and Oakland string band will be in attendance. The picnic wili be held in the interest of C. J. Thorn- ton. A hearty invitation extended te ail. Hot and cold water supplied free. Speaking commences at 2.30 sharp. Bring along your baskets and make the farmers' picnic a success. Pacote of aiU Borts. A whale, when struck by -a harpoon, cannot swim faster than fine miles an hour. Some of the candors shot in the A:. des Mountains have a spread of wing from15 to 2ofeet. Signor Bonomi, one of the Panama' Canal engineers, who was lu* New Or-~ leans recently, said the work w*oùl4 be- gin on the canai on alae scale abotut July îst. The London Economist say,,*hat; any reduction of wages in, Englaxzd-in -1.894- was more than ofIse t bf -the- f prices, and than on thep whoWJ.- wa#a year of prosperity for the oor. h A telephone iyi -L- and a halwith _;f -$ Wallen, beitween QuintnadMý'i The wire is > w d MAN LEY'S Oelery"I Cures Blood end Ski» Dlaease8.' HSow to COn»AU 5Min DIoas.. Slimply appy"AnE8Oqru',»o internai meiela.reqire. <Jremtet,NI cz noal e toson the fuebhadai baby jr. mhteaiag end crative pwers are omme byno other rwaedy. o y, druelt for awaâNiu'aOwmTXT. 'Lymmn» Sons& <o. , Montre"4 wholesal. agents. -Tihe Dax and Pau districts of Pranc e e flooded by heavy rainatormea nd om-zflowidn Stream&. W.tàawd'a uniment Cuies DadwuD We have tuhe Fineit Seleo- tien in town of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL . PAREERS, -'WITH- Babiesani Clin thrive on Scott's Emulsion when ae the rest of tlieit food seems to go to wate. Thin Babies and Weak Children gro'w strang, plumÊ and heal.thy by taing it. Scotts Emuso overcomes inherited wealrness and ail the tendencies toward Eiartion or GonsuniPtion. Thin, weak babies and growing children and ail persons suffering from LOBS of Flesh, Weak Lungs, Clironie Coughs, and Wasting Diseases Wii receive LOWEST -:PRICES. Corne early and getjirut choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's oid Stand, Brook St., Wltby Back in Whitby* WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Uphoister, And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subscriber begs to announce that he has again opened businees in his old stand, and has placed therein a choice, stylish and complote stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which wil be sold at a smail margin on cost. Another bale of those celebrated Mixed Mattrasses $3.25, worth $5.00. See those Tapestry or Carpet Lounges at $5, worth 88. llardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for $8.50, worth 812. UndortaLkng. Kr'Â full stock of Coffins and Caskets, and a Firet-Claas Hearse. WhtbOc.Wmx.TI]L. Whitby OCt.12, 1893- IRADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REUEDY. e. B. EDGAR, Merchaut, Wind- sor: M. K. acted marvelouly Ia my cese of chronic stoniah and bowel »aoble. WM. MARAZ L.D.S.,, Cook- sbire,Qu. Was given up to die frein a cm.nnplicaýtion ojf Dyspepala àzid Liver trouble Wth consumption Amn as weil as ever now ; iis truly wwidefl.l T. H3. LUICOXI, Baratr London: Cbronic cough sud hemorrhàges from 'the K. aboreh i fellsvr but tanks o h n W. B. H( Z20 KING STRI=, lmS,_ IID1'RONTO',,Oz r Sale et anl ehem1âto, or st )WSB', WHIBY, Th wogeatioaalui proposaite aia mats the ehureh, BIMA$SN, ATS Borders to Match V dly cir- was :- rin hbest -the i us- - fot tcon- -Till rhere afor mic- Xman --.S., ..hap. lenix ; Dur- ýSun- - essful --very j first bwke, -;and - lce of oid the. e~ Sun- mount many Ddto ýuaint- Suaiy give a few at ligan; s. and -ana:, a, bu 1 makers hope to resp i

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