Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 6

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_I - ~- - ' ~ - ~ ~i'ININI. T1. orvioaBrde. It $wus the let of &uguotu, that brlgbtest, *Uumioot month cf all the year, when the *lAk nonihera ooait of Labrador takes OU fiseting garb cf Imereld çreen; *'eoi t. bolsterous winds subside ta -gotle uspbyrn, aud the tumultnoue ocean, ~ S emlg entrsuoed, reste from iLs labors ad lovlugly laps the shore. lu oaset the broad ohannels between ,~ the thousand rooky isba wbicb guard Lb. xmin, s large brig lay beoalmed. Rer Mik1 buug idly tram the y.llow yards, 4üd*u the belmeman no longer maintained é eeueoVdireoting ber. nu the vesseisa waist the oapte.in, a bachelor cf forty years, pomeuaded bacit sud forth with a young woinau, who - Iightly rested a gloved baud on hie arma. CiSo yen bave never seen his photo- graph ? " be auked. «'No; naL even that," se answered "Youn ua-v no mare of bina thutu mere ly thie: That ho is yot in bis novitiate, tiulas keeper ai Lb. Mission store hat be in 24 and wants a wife, and ie willilg Le acoept tue Bishop'e choice Yet yen came acrase the sea ta shere hie lot * ta sacrifice your inclinations and lelree; ta bury youreif for life in this wilId land." Il A'sacrifice iL may b. sir," se said, "Hoýw great I did naL fuel wben we set A wave of hope sud passionete loneing flooded the captin's huart. It slione trom bis lear brown eyes as lie turned tic face ber. " Lt is too great e sacrifice,"' lie saîd with warmth. -'The pity of it 1 and thons is ans wauld give-" She looked et hum strangely, and witbdrew ber baud. Il on torget air 1- she interrupted. "IL ie the Biebopea will. Ils hole niy prom lses rade butor. Lb. cburchi. I did not kuow then aIl iL meaut ta me, but 1 hed "ile for thouRht and was not urged. IL le mycduty aud y work in life.- "Te seuse of euch e duty is absurd-" 'No, no," se braite in hurriedlv 44Zc are are valued servant of aur ohurcb ; youm chrietian duty is to belp "My duty as a man-" But she disappeared witbin the corn- peniou-way, sud, vexed, he turnea ima pstiently La the lounging belmesman, sevsrely recaiiing bina ta bis neglected Posti. * Inl the solitude ai ber cabin se.fiung benoîtf upon thbe cushioued lbaker, the captuin's word estili ringing in ber ears. He o eod ber!1 0f that 8e.foit assured. And ehe-? But ual1 She muet uaL, dare net think af that. Oould iL b. a mistakon sense of duty P Èbe wae the danghter of miesionaries, Cgeneration upon genoration, sud follow Ig in the very footte.Ps ber mother traced a scre ef years before. Mlthougb abs bhad lived at home but til the âge o1 oeven, she remombered an though iL weon but yeserday, the 8Lory of ber mdotheseanly 11f., as - e.berself hail told it ; aud narrowly Lb. girl compamed th&$ lite with wbat hem awn bad been,ý se"ktig to find emojet of différence. She know the barmeuy of ber parente' lives. each kind and tbeughtfn f e b otiher'a weal ; their euly semrow the part lug froru their cbild, and this tbey bath agreed wae wise and beet. Raw else c.uld children of Lb. wiidemnees be fitt.d for useful live.A ; it wus a ule dictated b y tla he cbnob, ta hicb hey.1 oweld bat. bim, ta despise this man, wbo, vithant ane spark from Lb. flamiug altar of tmue love, would wilingly forfeiti al noble sentiments af ind sud heart sud selfiubly debas. himsesf sud ber pure young womaubaod!1 Aud se. erseif would malte this union possible!1 An everpowsring loathing of herseif peeaessed ber with Lb. tbonght, a terrer shbs -trove vsinly Le contrai;; sud the pented terrent et ber dread burat forth, sveeping ber awsy upon hie turbulent waves i n parexisune of de.pairing tsars. An atmesphereof fevuûrish ezpeotanoy pervd.d Lb. usually quiet surreundig of the Post. - -sople were bsstily gaLber- iug froru ail quarters upon Lb. ittie mo"ud beside Lb. chnrcb. The oil depot aud factory were deeerted sud the wol- ftsh dogs wigbt pan Lb. uuguarded door mcd drink their 611l freru the uncovered vêtu 0t Oil, The miai ar' tidy eilidren jostled vfth lb. crô Dftoove, unuotio.d by tboîr nurse. The baker aud brewer mlto@d ou thb, ial1o-hom, hool, tuf- ~fgvit roUay at Ie long PUteh pupe, ;;hlehIalUI.4uboude hlmm ouanad exolmal Ib.ésgurdsnr'a wlf, Who jet J>iat ugar ào...e the bbhloè, ,where lb.th e igof «ümm* àb ile bey. a few p recloue lettera to the Post, for. warded Z a wiRtOI, ourier from Quebeo. Two tousend miles -the print had corne by uledge, and every day the young manBfl tudied it, noting the charme of youthful eyes and month, of rounded oheek and wavy bair, speculating upon ber oharacter and longing for, yet rebd- ing, that inomentone time when Lhey should, meet ta either love or haLe. Whicb would it be, and oould he gain lier love ? How ehould b. greet her ? Ule,.a gawky youth, who, guarded in hie Àchool aeoetically trained, had no experi- ence with the other sei, regprded thein as quite beyund his ken, kuew nothing of the pangs of boyish lave, and only liadà a crude abstract idea of the happi- tiess, duties, sacrifice and pain involved . L the mysteries of married hie. The eider of the Post bad said the cime wae ripe for hlm to tait. a wife (ibe lient ta the magnate of the oburch, lie had written, st dictation, hie request And now the signai shot bad let them k(now the vesel bringing ber wus draw- ing near. H1e left the store witla èpeed, fied to iis roomn, batbed, oombed and dressed Iiimself in bis best ; looked at the photo- g.rapb and put it bacit witbin its velvet cover next bis heart, laugbed and haîf cried, and paced the polisbed floor and tbrough the open window nervuusly \varched and waited for the caming ship. The murmur of the voices now increas ed and swelled into shouts of "Gleaner Lkoo-a-k o-o-t "' and round the pre cupitous point, with white Sails set and pennanis fiying, swept the noble brig Che bay was dotted now with brîglit içayaks, and volley on volley rang frorn a hundred guns, the church-bell peaied, th e dogs set up a howl and sang theur \vierd chorus lustly ;fiaps fiuttered* bravely froun the Mission roofs and pre-i sently the brîg's signaliing cannon boom I.d. The novice bid his face witbin bis liande, with lluttering beart of mningled joy and feaan ished him8elf ten housand miles away. A week patsed; the brig still iay at anchor in the bay. Within his study the Mission eider sat h is long gray beard falling in tangled waves upon bis breaet. lis keen, gray syse were bent upon the novice and the girl who etood re- spectfully waiting tili b. should epeait. For 40 yeare hA had lived bis mission life, and hie thougbte were busy with that tirne, long paseed, when he had been luit snob another youth and bad obeyed juet snob a caîl ta wed. His helpmate's silvery hair was auburn then ; ber dear old wrinkled face wae smooth and fair. The cilîdren of their love were scattered wide ; one had been sent to Asia's infidel land, another lived beneatb the scorching raye that bieachedi the sande of Africa, and a third bad labored for the church among the hordes of one of those far5 islande in the sea, and newe had oome that he, the tiot, beloved, had been r.-1 ward.d witb a martyr's crawn.1 "Fraulein,*'h. said st laet, "«tb. time1 je short ; the brig muet sau ta morrow. 1 muet urge that you ebould give your an - swer definitely. "'IL is a thing moet serions La you bath, but you have been together seven days ; not long in whieh ta, fix upont a wife or learn ta jtidge a lover's moodes ad "But I enu speak myseif for this young man ; I piedge you h. is upright, virt.nons- kind. ud byheb kinuese of the aged man 8h. eut aneS wift, wistful glane thraugb the open window at the ancho-ed brig, where the captain'is etalwart figure paced Lb. quarter, and blushed and bowed ber bead aud tried ta speak. Then, witb re- turning courage and resolve, she ap- proached and knelt beside the aid man's chair. "Father," se.sujd, ber sweet vaice trrnulous, 11I bave had tbougbte, un- wort.hy of mny faith, Tebellious Lhoughts and fears, snd wieked moods. If eitiher ih rwwortby, it is I. "Clive me some few days more before we wed-and let the brig ssil. I will stay with you." Tunny Things. It was Henry Clay, was it hot, who, said: I had rather be right than Presi- dent? Yes, but he wasn't. How ? He was left. Bill Jones' Jim bas got hie eddica- tion, airn't he?ý You bet! He's, the, best pitcher ithe team5 an'.kim jump highcr'n . hos kin ick. Ovcrheard at the houe shovr-That houe is fu 01ghiger, smd sée=s wdl bred. Yes, he»s a sort, of ghngerbread "Mr. Triolet," said Mr. Smqgp,witb a facetious air, "how îs the poetîc lh- ceuse paid ? "Witb postage stamps, generally,' repiied the maker of verses with a sigh. 1"4I hear that yau are engaged to a girl with an ideal. You are likely to find that sort of girl pretty bard to get along witb.' "I-Oh, I guess I arnal right. You see, 1 arn the ideal. " -"What's the matter, Major ?" - The maLter, Miss Tomson ? - - Weil, why are you 50 sober ?- G-g-gracious, Miss Tomson 1 vou wouldn't like me to be always intoxicated. would you ." Mrs. Fogg-O)nlv. think of it' Tbey do say that Mr. Figg was seen playing whist iast Sunday. Isnt it awful ? Mr. Fogg-But then vu must rememb- er that Figg plays so poorly. Col. Brown-B>, Jave .M iss LiI1'low, how the costumes and make-up alter people. 1 hardlv knew y-ou. Miss Lily- )10w-DO: I Iook a fright. then ?ý Col. Irown--On the contranv.y-ou look charm ing. Owner-l want y'ou t(r sel these horses for me. Auctîoneer-I sec their taîls are docked. WVe'Il have to selI theni at wholesale. (Ownitr-\\'h-at ? A-uctioneer-Wehl, I can't retaul them. My expenditures nc\ee cXCCC4MN receipts,- said flawkis. Mine do," sighed Wilkins. -Ir, i fut. 1im, %vers- much afraid 1 shll net e\-r lia\e,(, re- (eeiPts ;for ()f i i\- vL.ist veair> p2 dht ure s. Presiding Nlaýi rt -Ilr-dil \'()U tc0ente r the rm I re- l>lease v'our à-rrli '1. 2 iL1I. . ~ Il( l&e abo<ut, an ')Pen Vi nir iithuLu r rI Iiini flr>er-vou wou Id but e r. uiffor -diiir vu ir- self. 'She-XVhat made vou ,() lite rrfilg hoime n ight hef ore la.' t ? î1e -1Il Iuiiu'. You have been a long tirne renicemher- ing to ask me. Yes I 1u.brrrîght h \'ould give N'ou tline e nîugb t(,niake uip a good excuse. When x-au leave an article witb vour uncie-be of the three gol-)den globýes- it is a question in bis mmnd, perbaps, whether or not you will redeemn it; but it can truly be said that bu awaits the resuit wîîh interest. Proud moher-You haven't kissed the baby. Bachelor uncle-L'n-er- IlI try ta remember next limne. l'Il kiss ber when I er--come back from Europe. When will that be ? Let- rue-see. About sixteen years. Cornmuter-What do you mean by saying that that bouse is only five Min- utes from the station ? It's fifteen min- utes, if it's a second. Real Estate Dealer-Whun I said five minutes I supposud you had a bicycle. "Young mani," said the sage, -"you know it ail now, but when you bave reached MY age you wiii find that you know aimost nothing. "Yes," said the youth, 1"1 have often heard that one forgets much in his duclining years." S The baby did corne migbty nigb being named Trilby, - said the lean mari with the yullow vust, "but I managud to save her. " "IHow ? asked the fat man. . I Told my wife that we would bu hiable for infringemrn of the copy- right iaws. " "lM istper , adtesrne h Mn. A. St. C. Rennie, an enterpriuing youug Toroutonian, bas leaeed Straw- burrny Liand, and purposus making thinge take a Luru. A daughter o!fbh aLe Prophet Hawe, o! Marcbmont, wha predicîud the sud o! te world some years aga, was is week oommitt.d by Mayor Sauderson te Bar- rie aa insane. 8h. bas been sent tic Lb. Hamilton asyinm. Mr. George Boleter bas two raLlier un- nenai sighta in bie arobard thies prng One is a graf t already bearing truit, snd the asiier is a healtiby pear graft ou a- haw tboneî tre. M r. BoIster tà continually sxperimneting ini thiis liuesud with.grV i iyiug suees. Just outaide Lb. towu limite atreet, reuides Mr. Adarn Waris tau4ly. -On Toesay ot laut I were four children but uew th] theois thers in only one, 0 namod, Mlinutie, ae 8, died aj dayý tollowing Jesie. a*ged 6, . 0u àFnid.&Y, Nab.I, .g.d6, » on Emxily g anud Ie Dear Mr. Rditar .--WIil oukindly lu. (onm the readens of aur vaIne euacer that 1[will gladly send FIE te any suirer froni Lait Manhood, Nervaus DebIlty, Nigbî Lasses, Varicocele, tmpoieucy snd the r.8snlts af youtbfui folIy, particulars. of a simple sud inexpensive means of self-cure wbich after be- ng bumbugged aud lmposed upon for yeare by qusokisud patent medlcine shanka. cured ire lu a few wees. I bave nathing ta seU or ,ive away, non arn I advetii*gan 'tu nedicine business, but will be pleased td' bear nrom any sufferer auxiaus ta Sund e cure for, his cornplaint. ta wham I1 wiIi explsin confiden- ' ially bow sud by' what means 1 was cured, H-undreds have been cured thrcugh my ad- ,lie. Caes nothiug ta learu whaî I paid,-fifiý Ireds ai dollars ta Sund out. Address conSi- lentiaiîy sud enclose stamp if cauvenieut, D. G. OWEN. Taranto, Ont. Riverside P.O. JO N . P&REWEILL, Q. C-, Barrister County Crri*n Âttorn!7,maCd County Aolioîtior. Office-SouthWing 0 Court Rouge, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, eto. Office foamen y ocoupied by Farewell & Butiedge, next jayal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B- A., Attarney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, oanveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office satuth of the poet Office, in' mcmilan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B, Mr. Mulock's bill ta reluce the salary of 1the Barrister, etc. ,-Money ta Loan. lIsser f;overnor.General ta 835,000 a year was intro- of Marri age Licensies. Office - Smith'e Iuced un the Oounmone, Block, South ai Market, Bock St., Whitby. Wby suffet fi-onu *sak netves, want of ap- çeLiLe, and general debility?7 letting theo108s ijf sleep and t-est iutupovearish the systeM ndr bin Lb. bloari, when sucb a reaIý' menitoni- us uemedy se Nortbrop & Lyman s Quinine Wlne may be bad st eny drug store. This itrticlo le recotnmended by Lb. higbest mein- )ers of the medical faculty in cases of indi. izestion, general debility, lsot a pfpetite, .td nervous affectios of aIl kinde. fIslea- so pecially benefucial taobhlîdron aud deli- ,:ate femnales, and ta business men, studente, ýmd thoso wbo bave rnucb brain work. We would say, "àNover be witbout it." IL will ýtrengthen you, keep your eystem in regular rder, and enable you ta succesefully grapple '.ith tbe work you have to do. It us piea- -ant ta the ta@te. and contaîns notbing in- itirious to the most delicate constitution. Iteineuiber toasak for the Quinine Wine, ;repared by Northrop & Lymnan, Toronto, id we are sure you wili be satislied that viri bave ful value for your rnoney. Drug- The Porte lias made a satisfactory reply ta he powers, grantung the refornus demanded lu A rmeniua. An Imlnois Sensation A Lady of Union County rocovers ber Healtb un a Marvellous Manner. ANNA, Illinous, June 17-A very intereetiug caàe cf recovery fram a complicatsd (onu of kîdney trouble b as Laken place ber., sud the dJetails are grsdually being made public. The ..ufferer was Miss M. T. Loamis, wba for a long ime bas been e victim La severe pains lu ail parte of the body. She cansulted a number of doctors aud wss treeted for e great variety ,)f complainte, the disiusieail proving f aulty. At length she determuedta try Dodd's Kid- ney Pflîs. bavinag read sud heard much of their efficacy sud f ound ber expectetions justi- fied in e complets cure. The Czar has conferred tho Grand Coller of tbe Order of St. Audrew upon President Feure of France. PImes! pules I Itehing pu«e. SymPrmms-Moisture; intense itchung sud tinging ; moat et niRht ; worse by scîatcbîng. If allowed ta continue Lumors f orm, which uften blesd sud ulcerete, becoming very sors. 'SWAYNE'S OINTMENT" stops tb. itching and bleediug. beals uloeration, aud lu maiL case removes the Lumors. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadeiphia. Lymnan Sons & Ca., Montreal, Whaleeale Agente. The Mvanitoba Legisiature is expected toaed- joura on Wednesday. aad'a Liniment for sale everywhere. Austlaliau trade decliued £8,000,000 aset year. Ayer's Pille proinote the natural motion of the bowels, without wbich there ca e noa e gular, healthy operations. For Lbe cure of billouenees, indigestion, sicit beadache, consti- pation, jaundice, sud liver camplaint, these pille bave no equsi. Every dose effective. On Friday Mr. D'Alton McCartby preeented tweuuy-five petitiaus ta Parliameut againet coercing Manitoba. According to the best scientiflo authorities, the problem of dieease-killing, lies iu Lb. solu- tion o! providiug a germ destroying remedy, wbicb will do this witbcut barm La bealtby f unctions o! the body. RLadamu' Microbe Kul- 1er has abuudantly proven that it l% this long sought for principle. Try iL. W. R. Howse, agent for 'Whitby. A ten-year-old boy named ichard Rice was drowned Mt BranLfard on Sanday. Some persane bave periodical attseke of Canadian choIera, dyseetery or diarrboea, sud have La use great precautione ta avaid Lbe dis- eaas. Change of water, cookiog, sud green fruit, is sure La brung an Lb. attacits. To snob persoaswe would recommend Dr J. D. Kel- logg ,s Dysentery Cordial as being Lb. bout med lins lu the market for sîl sunimer com- plainte. Il a few draps are taken lu water wbeu the symptame are notiord no further trouble will b. experienced. DOW & PIcGiLl44VitAY? Bkrristers, a1îcl'eors lu Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Bgawken's new block Brock St., Whitby, south of Ontario bank. littings 0f Theo4Dîvi ionOOYu OOUNTY OF ON4TAIIXO 1895. Wm»-D. O.Macdoel Wbtuby, Clerk Jan. 2; FoL. 2; Maxob72;Xpni2; May 2;- j=ne 8: julyo; Bop. 3; Oct. 2; Nuv.2; Dec. 8. O)SHÂW-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Clenk; Jan 8; Feb. 4; Manch4; Apnil 8; May 8 June4; July8; Sep. 4; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 4, BiadçoRÂM - M. GIqOsoD., Greenwood, Clenk.-4M- 4; Maro-h5; May 4; July 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT PznzY - J. W. Bumuhain, Pont *Perry, Clnk-Jafl. 29; March 9; May 9 Juiy il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxBRIGEJosoph E. Gould, Uxbridgêý, Çlerk-J5fl. 80; Mach 13; May iSth; Jnly 12;ý Oct 14 ;Dec. 17. ÇCANNINGTN-Geerge Smith, Caunington, Jan. a1; Mach 14; May 16; Juiy 13; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BEÂ,VEERTON-Gso. F. Bruce, Beaventon, Oierk-March 16; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. 1UPTnERaVZ-F J Gillespie, TJptengrave, Ol1erk,-~Manch 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By ond4r, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk ai the Peso. October l5th, 1894. rs Warren &~ Moore. New Liviry and Sale Stables J. J. Moore, M. D., F. W'arren, M. D. Brooklij. Office houri; 9. a. mu. ta 11 . m. Whitby. Office boume Il amr La 2 p.m. »' Priva/e Telephone Communicahon. D. P. BOGART, 3i.D.,L.D.S. Physican, Surgeon snd Accoucher etc. Office and Residence next ta Ail aint's Cburcb, Dundae Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in all ite branches prom-çtly attendsd ta. Dr. H. Wightman DENTIS T. Over Gros &z Granger's. Wh"itby . W. E. Y ARNOLD, D. L. S.. Oont Survoyer and Drainage Engineer, Port enny, Ont. A. A POST, Anchitec tlae with Langley, Langiey& Burke, tonno. Designe for Churches, Villas and Cottagee a speciaity. Drawiugs prepared for remodeling exieting structures. Offic-Firet fiat aven W. R. Howse's dnug store. 1ýrP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HÂRRESS MARRE, WRITBT. Having nuoved into aur new prenieew are prepared ta. extend the. range ol business. AUwark peiig ta the. harness-makiug and eaddlery businese will be don. ta satis- faction. Collas a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock. W. OALVEBLEY, Second door west af aid uap. Dundas Street, Wlâit-by JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- La.mber, Shingleu, Sasi, Deers and Blinda, Tumng and Fret-awlng. pe Ah aorders or information can b. obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- eon's residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Whitbu Hruuict, Established 1856. fi per annum in advanae, atherwise $1.50. Subsoniptione always payable at the offce af publication. The publishenn do nat undertake te deliver the paper ai any post o0oie but Whitby. Any pap>en which tale to reaeh is destination wUll be replaced upon notification as a initter of oourtesy. Advetiing rates unisse by con. tract, 10 cents per Une , nonpariel, fîrit lu-e sertion, and 58 cents per line eaoh tsubie. quent insertion Leeals, 10 cents per Une. HENDEESBON ê&GBAHAM. Proprietorsi. J0HN STANTON, Porernan. * Raflway Time Table GRAB RUM ANXIDLAl. No, N.7~ aoa, ROt Sndy .. Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial meu lîberally dealt with Teaming dons at reasonable prie.. Fneight and Baggaee hauled at reason- able prices. A cal solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. Manufacturera' Life & Accident Insursnoe Co., Toronto. Largeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurauce Ca. on Lb. continent. Ninety per cent. af aIl accnuulations ot surplus le returned ta Lb. policy bolders. Ail clairrs are paid without delay or discguut an proof of deatb or maturity af eudowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lst, 98. Agent, Wbitby. C. 1-I. R:;IGGcýS. IDENTIST. Cor. King .& Yonge St. Toronto. For the neit thnee months I arn gi-ring special attention t ' Mtients froin a dis- tance. AmRn i angplates in rbber, 08, oeluloïd $10. Golf and silven ,1ling wark cnowing by lir,$.oIas opens$o 0 i the. moisi reasonable rate&sW theus oiry When in the cityeaU, iud let wé ezM' ine youn teeth. I make, ne extra ýaxg C. ]EL RIGGS, Dentist, outh sait crner King and Yonge Sts., Toonoe Nov. 8th, 1892. wu He WARNR.»ý DEALER IN COALP LÂTHP - - LUMBEVI - ORDWOUD, SLABBJ, ETC. SOLE AGENT in Whitby for the "«Celebrat- ed" PLYMOUTTH COAL.1 Office and Yard just East f Uptown Station. - Whitby, Oct. 25th- 1894. ASK YUUR ,8TA4TIONER Resuit of a Neglect DISEASED Which Doctors Fail CURED BY« AYIBR'S IlI contracted a sr'vere r( ounMy lungs, and 1didlw Ln such cas.esfletlected1Il ro avray as ut carnfe but [ILtle whîie, that the sI pameud mmu 1 then Consulted a wbMhn fouud, an examining r wype r Part a! the left one- w Li aeme sone inediciir clirected, but it diii not set-r Fortunate iy I haprreneil t Almnanac, a1 the effect th, Pectoral had on other,; an( give ut a trial. AfterÏtakini trouble wae relieved. and 1shed the batile I was cure, 'Watchmaker, Oranguville, Ayeîls Cherry Righest Aw-arde et N .&ver'a Pifa Cure Gaxned a Poui A LANARK COU«NTY MA-IKABLE Taken with Bilious- I Effects of Whicb B most to tb. Grave-] tar the Benefit of Ot Smth's Falls Gazette. Mn. Joseph N. Bartor a mile from the village iB oeeof Lb. bent knowî township of Fantague. -of 1894 Mm. .Barton baid the beet of health. At ever, he was takun with ,th. effecte of wbicb loft weakeued- condition. came areund tic begin e on the fairruhe taund h ýto take any part in Lb. wiühetadng that lie wa oricelleut physicien, h. gç wiu akem, and i *,.only gresuly alarmed Meds 1Iavîng read si . ing Dr. Wiiims' PiUk <Ciued teO give thesu a ti- eons.ulVing tibeir physicis Reanly nsed on Zubeetter, ho discan1 îe piUs. This wuas letsh made a serions i fnI el back Vo bis 1 -but became womse th: .-eOul ow do ne work o: ibe leastezertion loft h lems Lite waâ a miser3 qDs -I TE1 e -poiiit etgf when -8trMon, ,-itbhi ie ikPil- O te âmeli ha(,i smd ho feit 0000

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