Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 5

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MOI 1 At examination don't add to your wrong bv using a poor pen, one that you live to dip, dip, dip. Get a good fountain ,)en and enjoy an uninterrupted flow of your t h oug hts. lI'AT1'RMAN' IDEAL) Are good i mb- l'A U! E. fIR T , ïbrands, and you 1-HE MERCANTILE j can get a nib to suit your hand at BARNARDYS, the Jeweler, Whitby. Offciai Couuty Organ.-Largest Circula- tion of any local papor in Canada FRLDAY, JUNE 28, 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. G;ranid 'howers this week. Oak Orchard Tuesday, july 2nd. llardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at LV. TîilîIs. l'ostnmaster Howden is preparing to take a trip to the northwest. Now is the time to get a cheap watch fromn Conner, the new jeweler. Nîr jas. Crowxhurst, Port Hope, vistei with friends in town over Sunday. Miss Green, Toronto, is spending a few davs in town, eie guesi of Miss Edith Grossa We have just received a large stock of ties n aIl the latest shades and colors. WV. H. Warren. Mis. McDougall and littie boy' of Toron- to, were the guest of Miss Florence Dart- nelI for s tew days last week. %V. d. Pinge & Co's frisky horse a away with R new delivery wagon on \Ve- îîesday and damaged it considerabl%. Grand rairi Monday. The weathet clerk wîll please have it repeated twice a week un-. tiI turther orders. Later-He is doîîîg 50. W. H. Piper can seIl any kind of pump. and on casy tenus. Orders for repairs .should be leïtat red. Jones' harnc,ýs>hlop. Fromn present appearatces ha',' will be hay next winter. Our farmers will be compelled to grow corn and filî a silo in years to come. We notice ihat Mr. J. Lick has tt n or twelve acres of American corn growing this year. Rev. Robt. Cade, D. D. and Mrs. Cade scient Wednesday in town, being in transit The Bradford, Penn., Evening Star, of June î9îh, gices an extensive account of the ceremonies in connection with the marniage of Major James Johnston, MD., son of Mr. James Johnston, laie of Whiiby, to Miss Marc Frances Hurley, of Bradford, Penn. D)r Johnston is surgeon major of the i6th regimnent National Guards of Pennsylvania, and the Star says the "beautiful bride is one of Bradford's niost popular and talented Young ladies."' Cricket The \\'hithy C.C. have arranged with the East Toronto C. C., for an aIl days match on the athletic grounds here, on Dominion day. Citizens .re welcome to attend the match. The CusoN- F 0 t 15 0 C'ltILE and Weeklv Gobeto Il ,.c,'2of the year for 50 cents. Speak to ,- ur friends about tii onap. WM. M. Ellis ît, Belleville, their new home. Mr. Cade Agent for the famous Stearns, Falcon and looka vigorous and bright after his year's so- Falconess bicycles. The marvellous record jouru ai Port Perry, and carnies to Belleville made on the Stearns' Yellow-Pellow by the beat wishes of this district in which he is ina. S. John.son and others have thoroughly s0 yvell known and so much revered. tested the speed qualities of the Stearns' Many Item here visited Oshawa on Sun- wheel. Write for full particulars to Wm. M. day te take part in the dedîcation ot St. ELLIS, box 304, Whitby. Gregory's church. Among themi were: -S. Sports Quigley and family, Thos. McCann and Stouffville and Uxbridge played a draw, family, J. J. McCarron, Mr. and Mrs. Bai ton, 2-2, at Stouffville on Saturday last in a Jos. Spurrill, Jno. Connors, J. Mclntyre, scheduled gaine. mno. McKinnon, the Dillmons, and others. At Richmond Hill on Saturday' last in the From Pickering we noticed the Miss nidland district series Richmonid Hill 'L-ealys, Jeîry Gorman and Architect A. scored 3 goals in less than an hour when A. P ost. the Markh.am lacrosse team turnedî round Remember That Dr. Grant'. "Hairene"' is guaranteed to stop falling hair and remnove dandruif. Baptist S. S. Esc. to Toronto Just keep your eye on the big bills around town announcing the Baptist excursion to Toronto Island on Friday next, July th. Hlot and cold water ai the island. Coming eventa. Cricket match Monday-East Torcnto vs. WVhitby at the atbletlc grounîds. Excursion Tueaday per Garden Cit.y to Oa'k Orchard by A.O.U.W. Railway excursion to Toronto Island Fnl- day, July 5, by Baptiai Sunday school. County Cricket Wc uudenstand that a strong teant of past and present playens of the county is likely to lie organized to play a serles of county muatches, beginning ln Toronto during the week conimencing July8Su. Other matches to be playcd in Orllia, Wbitby and Peter- bora. Joe Clark sud Judge Daituel have the malter in1 hand. A ppeal dlsmlssed Hlenry Jkones, Uxhrldge, hardware mer- chant, appealed te the couaiy judge frotn the decialon of the court cf tevislon of Lix- bridge town, vblch fixcd bis assesamnent upon bis place cf business ai $6,ooo, adbis personalty at *,5,oo0. Tlhe appeal was heard lasi Tu esday belote hie bonor Jutige Dart- nelI, vbo conflrmed the. assesmieni, holding that Mrt. joues vas undet ascessed durlng prevloua ycars, a-ad vus now asscssed ai s fait and reaso abl uto. Hures the chespest excuaica yst The palace steamer Garden City ha-s been chattercd by the Ancleat Order of LUnied Workmea of Wbtby snd- Plckerlng te trua su excursion on Tuc.day mcxi, July 2ud, to Oa-k Orébard N.Y.,at the. vry lmvrote of ncent» for sâu1ts and 3o for cbuldt en. Oak ibrba-rd la thc Ameata termiapaeOftthe propes Iternationl ferrysud la sa14 teb he bust stumr ssort: on tii. outh sberse fLako Ontarl. Thq Wor en look for a ves y Ilargemuane»oSMsuMvdouht not tag roat da-y's .nJoymcut ila lustore (or us. Do't peussbthe. liudai. The. i.gallty of k»O.pg a cblld la school sfter r.galar bouts A*!100t latIlag lais lW sens wau tod la s an glisia court rectly when thu motlai'or the 1h1 boy -had the. headmastor tt*bd Psrt.'MOlajadeon oeivingliis4dMoni âM M u boba-maaer dutyo( g511* oý-bipeand nui h. ais (or. laad n»oslgio dua m* o" Ul a-d tbut la bis QM0100tUiledotado ensotntitoaià"t., As dm Ph" f te Me .ca-o 4DM IO tp uM ij, th*o Ma-tr Ira. dIocbaUd oW 0CM Caïdim tueh*scr t oç bord luwha Vaiu &ïà le' t e UIWto- and put in 4 straights. They hugged for her sake. There bas been friction for some trne h- tween James Wilson and Agustus Hartnick over the attentions due a young girl who pushes a baby carriage for Mrs. Penin of the uenshotel. On Mon day night ibis litîle .jealus developed into a scrap, or more properly a hugging match, whicb was taken in sections. The ownership of the girl is sîjîl undecided. Thanka to M. Thwaite. We have to ihank our wortby friend, Mr. M. Thwaiie, for copies of old country papers sent from different points of bis travels ini Great Bitain. We may noie that a copy of the London Sportsman received ibis week contained 96 colurnas. about eigbty of whicb are sporting news of the day before, the sportsman being a dalIy. Think of 8o columna of sporting neya daily in one paper. Oh -for Sverywhere Oh, for cheap tickets to and front Etnç- land, Scotlaad, lrelandt B. Columbia Man- toba, Califernia- ail Unittd States aui Cana- dian points, anywhere. everywhere, boat, rail or ocean. auil ail the boat Unes via Owen Sound & C. P. L Sna Colline- wood, Port Hope snd ioetp. Aise te Muakoka, upper lakes sid sea bathin points. Rates ga-atced iglaL Throukt tickets front Pckd Toronto, Myrtle Brooklin snd Whity. s Stepheuswon, Whitby, befere travelUg Whltby DiviionS. . T. Whliby division No. Sono- of Temper- acs at Its regular mta nglm t Memday evealag wv afvorcd by a- vist (rom Serg0- a-at C. E. Rslney. of Nm o. m sergeant Ra-luey la tii.District S<ub o! Sonm of Tempera-ncof e!Noft! OUttiO H. recelved a bearty welbumn t Wltby ýdivi' ton and gave an lnt«uetlng a-ndoucourigl address, exiendlug a àxrdisl Iita-tlo'te the memibers to, atuaid ti 0*iUdsr division meeting té be bhld at WIMW c' ffb mast. The Ã"olfi410 uJet Wlul*Y4lvto ion for July quarte a ,W. 0*0wwtIW. P ;A. Moivft, W. W.V IL 0 Frank Matiiso. A .ZS. *'T-ý L ito,-bX F. S.; W. HW Eewvi5TWm~ etn, Ch>Je.a. -1,!~ S.;-Wm. Robse# ?,' nez:ýweek bold It9a9 0111 eI Tb*lemam w 0 au repgatut- itDm, -dà9am t And atmithe sal goCM om out oMition lavery Mub, .anuwoyédat, ourcun f pris«, but w.*att deter=iü.4ý to' cutde any town or ct 'uCabada f«r cheap boots and shoes. Clat the red store, east aide. M. W. COLLINS. Scott repaira ail kinda of pumupe. Now for a season of exeursiôns, pietes and outlngs. Trhere are 93 Pupils writing at the en- triance exams. here. Mirs Pennel has left town wlthout a fare- well, Several mourn. Gent'. cuf links and watch chains very cheap at Diamond Hall. 6 piece solld walnut parlor suite, pluah, with silk plush bands, for 832, worth $W, at W. Till's. Mrs. R. Milie, of Detroit, has returned from Port Perry and is the guest of Mrs. Annes. Oak Orchard, N.V , Tuesday next leaving Whitby wharf at 8.30a.rm. Aduits 90 cents, children 50. Ladies solid silver neck buckles, the lat- est thing out, oni> 75 cents ai Conner's, the newjewelry store. Thatt briglit journal, the Whitby CHRON- ICLE.- Otillia News-Letter. Thanks That's what we try to make it. H. E. S Flli tt and Mr. Erskine Hoskin, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. F. Howard Annes over Sunday. The town christian endeavor societies held meetings at the camp Monday and Tnesday nights. Large numbers of redcoats attend- ed. If you warit table linens, towells, towel- lingç;, napkins, etc., we have the best assort- ed and cheapcst stock in town. W. H. Wàarren. M r, 1'aul G;,rîinn will spend the suminer aboard one of the C. P. R. steamers on the Lake Superior route, hoping to improve his health therebv-. WVe have a large stock of mens and boYV,àý ready made clothing ishich we are sellinKat remiarkablvN low prices. Now ia the time to buy. w IL. Warren. The girls who wanted a flirtation had a redcoat each Sunday night. They did their part in entertaining the volunteers, but their -courtesv- fractured many a heart. Monda v being D)ominion day the council w111 flot nieet. Several of the leading mem-, hers are going on the Garden City 10 Oak (irchrd to studv lurther into the the ferry scheme. The garden party given by the W.C.T.U. at Mr. G V Martins residence on Friday night last was a great success. The 341h battalion band attended and provided an abundance of good music, while the officers and men did aIl thai was gallant, bruIlant brilliant and courtley. The ladies were sonewhat ta xed to provide for such a large and happv' throng. Mrs, Fred. Hatch and children are spetid- ing a few weeks visiting friends and rela- tives in Madoc. Miss Wightman, Toronto, is in town visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Chas. Smith. She is a sister of the new dentiat. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Clemence, sr., Port Perry, are spending a few days in town visit- ing their son Mr. Jno. Clemence. We have a splendid assortment of ladies' --dress goods. It will pay you to see our s before buying elsewhere. W. H. Warren. '-,Diamond hall is now open with a full line of jewelry, watches, dlocks, silverware. etc. Caîl in and see the barpains we are offering. Miss Thompson and Miss Fitchett, Man- chester, were in town Iast week, cisiting friends and enjoying tlhe entertainmients at the ladies' college. Dr. Grant's "Hairene," for the hair, is the only preparation guaranteed to stop fal- ling haîr, and remove dandruif. No lead, no suiphur. Ask your druggist for it. The 34th battalion under full command and headed by a bugle and a brass band, paraded the town on Wednesday, and marched very wel!. It was regarded by the citizens as being quite a treat. Coal at Toronto prices. Selling out during next week-l will sell very best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.75 et shed, $5 delivered-spot cash only. H. B. Taylor. Cricket match Bowmanville cricketers visited Whitby on Friday last. and as the result of a two- innings match the score stood: WhitbY 32- 68, total ioo; Bowmanville 64-21, total 85. Maj. for Whitby î.S runs. W. H. Piper Is busy as ever putting in new Pumps and repairing old ones. He selîs the best pump in the mnarket, references J. K. Gordon, Wm. New ort, and dozens of others. See his pumpa ýefore buying. A nîce trip About 700 took In the trip t Toronto by Garden City on Tuesday, and enjoyed a grand day. The day was very favorable, and the boat landed in Toronto at 12 o'clock. Five and one-haîf hours werc spent after which the trip home was Iovely. Here are some snaps. The CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe 10 the end of the year for 5o cents. The CHRONICLE and Weekly Mail and Empire to the end of the, year for 5o cents. The CHRoNicLE a-iad Toronto daily Morn- ing Star or Evening News to the end of the year for 75 cents. What better rates could anybody asir.? Send in your orders, and if you are a sub- scriber, send them to your friends. Carrylng the War into Ceres.. If the Coreans knew of the manifold vin- tues of tbe New Williams sewing machine they would teach the ChInese sud Japs how to use the New Williams sewing machines, and in that peaceful occupation ail thoughts of the bornra of war, especially duning these dreadfully hot dog-days, would be given over to aewing societies and the making of ail kinds of clothes for the Asiaiics. The New Williams la on deck ready for war ai tl. Hart's, the Whitby agent Ladies wishing to purchase a sewing machine will please caîl and examine the New Williama at bis bouse on' Brock sireet south. Church union. Rev. Thos. Manning preached in the metbodisi tabernacle on Suaday nighi on tbe suabject of cburch union, choesing for bis texi Ephesians vi:4-5: "One Lord, one faith;, one bapUSm." There are many opinions, said h, as to wbat constitutes the chulrch of God, but ail agree ihai therc.is but one God, one fian sd one bapim. The opinions beld as regarde the truechcbrcb are se variect and se wide apart that one would feel certain t1bat eluber one aide or tbe cîber muaitho tthe opposite of rtgbt. I would say he la a mtqmber of the trtre cburch who be- lieves la God the Father, Christ the Son, and the silvatixon of bis' scaI, evea thougb he were ndimuovat the connection cf any church or' religlous organization. 1 have vlatted agàay dying perseas vbe asaured me tbey eajoy'wd the grace aud (orgivemesasof God, but4wto bad neyer ldentified tbemmel- ves wiii uthe cburch cf Gcd. We have mach cimmossIo«â te the truc chtb, and lu la Weillthatthillth case. * was the Icrce discpoM$,and per»cutions of pasu centur- ion vbkh fârccd ithe .tudr:< thebible upon ,pe's aatien, and'to tChiowe,,ove eur bWian enllbtesamo tc bas beena the Outgmwowf tbuediscussons off tuner yems Ms-ny dorts have duuiqtrecet years lico tou<preota-acbinrche u rtatut: . -.crP Upmsa 1 ducvis, rdkmstlos - dbevtlm. li Fr show an espcay fine 1eto 'a TilAi 4.Wof Light-weight Goodsa for Summer wear. Fast Black Swiss Spoi Muelins, whieh India Linons, Chambrays, Fabrie. Hosiery ...... ineludes white, pale bine, green, oe. Alo. Dueks, Piques, Fawns, Sateens, Prints, and varioùs oblier d'eirable and 'fashionablo was ,Wfflarc not snnoyed by the 0poiinw .havete coni te wt. , W challenged cern- petllUes bu t hbas t*been £Accepted. Don' geal ogoa; sheepskIn la flot represent- cd as dongola ai eur store. Corne and ln- OPeci Our goode and you wilU mid our pricea ?iÃŽLper cent. below any other aboe store in Wbtby.M. Coltina,,west aide .Breck ei. The fakir basn't arrove yet. To Oak Orchard Tuesday per Gariien City. Sec our clubbing Illsts- Great bargaina for the hot weather. The public and high schools closed yester- day for two months. Bro. Clark, of the Pickering News, Iooked ln upon us on Saturday. We have to îhank Miss Mary Nicholson for some nice ripe cherries. Mrs. Major Hodgson, Port Perry, was in town yesterday, and visited camp. You can get repairs for every stove and furnace made in Canada from J. McIntyre. Mrs. Wm. McBurney, Toronto, spent Sunday and Mondav with relatives in town. Cheap trip to Toronto July 5th by rail, with the baptist Sunday school. Take it in. Mr, H. 1. Gould, *.âtdÉtn tf thë cotitty, and T. W. Chapple, M. P. P., *ere ln town Monday. Watches, dlocks and jewelry reçaired at Diamond Hall on shortest notice. AIl wôYk warranted. Lisle, Laffeta and Pure U nderwear ................. Silk. from 5c. upwards. Corsets .......................... w« eLSI'EOI.A. A larqe vgiety in vhjte and cream, VIjTTE~~~I Prices ranging 'rhe 1,est known niakes ; se'veral Unes &') ji f*),e i eïciisivèly to ourselves. We cai special si- tention to a uine of Summer Corsets whichi we are o«eéring at 50c. AMso a heavier make ai the saine price. These goods are much below the regtilar value. CLEA.RING-OUT PRICES in -oui Millinery and Tailoring Departinente. GM STgWARTx il-" O-UR? HEALTHY Why do we talk .... Cut BUsrN~Ess VIGOROUS 's PROGRESSIVE, Pricessimply because competition is keen, and to keep inCreasing our business we must offer Cýý Increased Inducements to Buyers. W. G.Walter8s. W-E Quote a few prices wilh descriptions bel effective maloena! for advertising. aur goods ail we say they are. W. G. Walter8. Mw. Our stock affords abundance of real and We have no occasion to exaggerate, you wzl iFnd ijlthe con- i.Till lotion f!here Isfor Mc- rman IDur- - f anist, iSun- Mnost 4essful .tfction very f~firat and çnce of nd the eSun- uaint- gîve a few at higan Lee., y1r r.and oklyn Ira. In our Dresa Gooda Department our black Serges and Henrietias will draw customers and rotain ihem. Our prices are cnt tb the boue. 38-in silk finish Berge only 25e., iail colors. Black iUion (Jreppon ai 25e Ail wool Creppons in black, grey, cream, apple, green ai S50c. 811k and wool stripe Creppons ai $4.40) to $7, for dress length of 7 yards. Askto, 500 our range of 44-iu Tweed effecis ai 25. ; a bolier lino ai 85c. They are excellent value and we show our lino ai 10c. yd., 22-in. wide, thai shonld surprise yon. It will. psy y ou to look through oui Dress Gooda, the collection is the fluesi we have ever shown. Lace Ourtains.-We stan thein ai 25c. whieh je only 6e. yd. A botter lino ai 87je. ; edges are taped. wii pay 60c. elsewhere for tbis partioular liao, We Usve ilem M ail priea, up te 80-75 per pair, ,ygo; Men's, Youths' and Ohidren's Ready-made lothing.-We offer you râay-maae elothing st Ã"i«'-aLPtÀ cost of ordered gools, that are well li.ned, perfect fltting and latelt style eut. Men's Navy Serge Suis ai $8.78' you pay 05 elsewhero. Meu'saial-wool Halifax Tweed Suite in fawn, liglii grey and dark grey, ai $6.50; a botter lino at $7.50 te $810. We will be pleased to, show yeu our Beady-made 0lihngwheiher you want to, buy or net. Youths' all-wool Halifax Tweed Snits, to fit ages1l2 tb 17 yearsë, at $4. Children's Tweed Buits, to fit~ ages 5 bo 10 years, ai $2.1 Few Special Bargains. e'o- Yon can't buy elsewhere 86-im. factory cotion at 8c. Oreani or colored Shaker Mlanel only ge.' Ladfies' .sjiain-: less blaok cotton Hose 8o tb 10o per pair. 8 pair Ladiles' 40o. Oashmere Hose for $1. Men's Fedora Hais 85e. Men's Flanneletie Shirts ai 26c. DoubleJold Cotton- Sheeting ai 15c. 86-im, Buieher's Linon 15c. White Victoria Lawn 8c, do. 10c.ý pWeâ a8k you to Cail and Examine our Good8 ns ~ ks w. ntU fo -uneO..' * s * e * a s s * s * s * s os*.*s os os os os Going te Toronto now to get Jewelry cbeap, fer CONNER, the new Jeweler, la selliug clïeaper ta they do in Toronto. He wilI sélI you aaytblng at Eaton's cata- logue price. It i lIse wertb semetbing te deal viii a bouse la your ovu tevua. In case anythiag yen bny doca net give salasslation yen eau have It changcd vitiiont futther"ezpcnsc Sterling Silver L-ades' Watcbes for Sterling Silver Studsansd CaS 'Linka Gold ?lmicd ' Sterling SilverýBelt Pins t....... Gents' %Stetl-otSîlvcr stem vladlâsud stem set open face Wsi.MM vatches for« ... ~ .e 1.5 Ropmising as an a-rt vibli us~-,, a anA .Go WA j LIERaS.'# J TUBT -BECEVE j 1~ Pure, NewMd] -Dine an d Tes Si Ohoioe FamiyGïý Ckleafor as o MM Don'i buy befôre eaUi gugmnd r---,- A.4 I Mm Ceýz-ýý i. full lino of Ladies' Misses, Men's and Boys' Hlosiery from 10C. a pair Up. Fast Black Gloves and Mitts ......

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