ronic2 VOL. 1~xxxix. WH1TBY, ONTAIR1O, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, ý1895. NO. 30 Undertaker IN THE CC~ Pasture to Let Fan a limited numnben of sîocI clase pastune, with live strcam of lot Na. 30, 3rd con., Wbllby. R.J. Whitby, May i, î895-22-tf. WESTERI B&NK OF Ci BOARD 0F DIRECTOR JoHN CowAN, EsQ., President. REUiEN S. HAMLIN, ESQ., Vice W. F. Cowan, Esq., W. F. Allin, Gibsen, Esq. Robert McIii Thomas Paterson, Eeq. T. H. MCMILK.AN, - - BRANCHE.s.-Midiand, bilsent Haunburg, Whîtby, Pailey, Pci eue, sud Part Penny. Drafts on Newu York and Si change bonght and sold. Deposi ~and istceet alietued at bighest c' 3%6 Per cent. Collecîltins se psomptly made. Correspond55ts ln Newr Yark ada-bbc Mendiants Banki et Cai dun, Enj.-Thc Royal Bank et Speclal attention le collection Sale-oIeS.E. D. WA Manager et Whi, H. SCO 7T (Sutcssor Io H. 77om aueà iution t )JUNTY. work. Ice crea wili be senved. Neyer was ra fan or more g] ýk is-whcb came la k.Frtweeke, lacking rwater. 2t talles la wel lbi LYNDE. and thegreal made il more i gravi ne crope. 'wltbh ilno ina i A ncreased anti1 NA . d by lb, and an xicby feit wa thecocpious s] N,.ONT. sanie singer, W ha.d gaI up ei started bbc gra 90009000 bave been s ch 500,000) this counly ne- 373,000 EUI 100,000 GU'Y & CO., gr& tS. Da. PsmTRe' ftnob Tburesa -President. BEÂLL, sa. -: Eeq., J. A. BesidenceePl .osb M. D. w A moNxzLi tarie Vetenrin meniber of Cashier Treats &il burg, New anais by t ýnetanguisb- e auiended Ce. tcling Ex- Ont&ertO. iii recelved tinrent rates licited sud BUY A Pl and ln Can- ýnada. Len- Scotland. et Fermers' RREN, FEGOG E îby Brancb.-Co -Eve - -ose The. Subcntbet bas again oecsd business bers. 111 office 'tuhl l be t E. R. lw's telefrsph office, factory ai Mis. Newt>ry's bSon OBTock Street, soullu. New Pumpe mmaufactured sud aid Pinus repar.d. Fpirsb ca1au ntel used sud work warrant- .d. Wes dug or cieaued eut. Orders woiclitd. t O"%v l -..nsb. ' dise Whltby su" Obbawaw. IGUEST PIE NCASIL,.Oul The ub.dber utU pY bWbe Prim la Gaies open aI 7.30 encuuragiug te hlm. .fio- Sundays,'eusbvorplcse Gate moen axi7.30iP-w'n-d Dîed, in Port Perr, On the i9th lnst, Clara- -b. es p9éeon that day, tubat is good for c ai elor e d thaosly iat ell inansd ouly daugliter eoflMr and Mis tIi otlmeishosüld be -geed for Our busi- u .adly SamuBellfnt aà ya udz es ~ue ~ mes-.'ýWhen'tbc ScotAct was lu fonce tl Lt Wednesday. For thnee snptvu atfr ' eevdpr1ts. ,It li n tle f cn epae -boelse anc day, nat cuough hdOnly 'those parents tube bave lest a lule ans vis> te'11maset e ,Gire us bc Cnohasve tasud Lrough tbc dusl on bhc reada can flly sympathise tlîi thers in bbc gaule PO- we ~il oey bb là wýp."AsWe avePortt latu i beat and drying tuluda had n e ïwi ikp.Asfna ctPny' han usualiy nccessary for tebrbc . agse, u ppla ougden.-otho neesare concerncd, it la simply dis- a As day after day passed bY, i. mtW Â Ba peruliap yg accdent gnuwefl. lu i elng cf ucasixiesa umttxs euirsdpiflac Lat iaseverybody was affect- last Friday mornlflg. Wbile st work inla bbc - w..N . juet lu proportion ta thc bai ooem bis spirit lamp e~ldd olgte19 1rt ~eto~ Ls bc relief expned when buntilug fluid ever bis bands sud lethes.E mir liwr a cocme. If quieklY smetbercd d'e fiames. but sot. untli bis W e «rlfo sale ber MWln1ery 'bsneSs ihspcxaural lung power, bandsansd coat tuere badly burseci. Ian ga 1gt. hss eca ce te eore vithsuprna ýh ison dik gaiunoe-te eblied mlerv'b anes n bb higicetbihtop sud pleased te secelaodckaasnutb- nd ai dox'iog, thre wuld tuerse fer bis m-are.emuLesaetlemddeaiun à oTti3f xaSc ung sach as oo tdi. <5âQfpiUnWystndbeosV-eu de befane. 'msUsbu itbn a nlse viiiftidbeo. W.A.H. kinonge fisbifg. 10s Mesure and John McKes- ai 4atî< egv me a caîl, MUS. minous nîrect.ory.zie caiigbt e3 on Saturday snd Mouday, the Ian- ~Lét5 Loiuis lrectrs'estqueighisg 26 ibs. Tes Arney cauglit ig on Unx buyene. 1eda.MIdrSaSiple. Alban .N'Y, snd Mes- PLIES 1I PLIES l FLIES II1 a, pntie; a Sben'ehotlSi, Dingle and Gardner, of OshaiZail thîe yevg3nth.s Bbr'shtl davs of 'ast wcek cauglit s8, weigbiug soc Ibr. (f' ail bhe thîngs beneath, tbc skies, PoryPnn ledeblae orsprtjun 0WhFsc t-hat I'aboiete suà 'd ýdespise, Isgner af Marriage Licenaces, t bryiste asd pleut f uist O. Mnelic tatare tbese pçstiferous' files. pesite Towun RalU Brookli. botels, good bas n lnyo uds At tis witig (Tursay mr big) i la mattersnet about yur- ze' rD V S.-Grad.uâte a1 the Onl- AGtis orbige TbursdayofaScng) Agalyro te aieyn ic ajy College. Toron~to; HeonrY repoted Mr. Geore Nebibteof SugagéyeB the. OntarieMedios' SooetY. drowued. He left totun about ueo'clock , 'ne lu y'tO rxne , teyn odou ie 'isasa t bc nneeîOt5dnWeneday eveuisg wltb a nsower lu a mk termaknth*ng ye prse; b. roe n'sin'ethed. Aise agnauhad Dot reacbed home thlis i510-15 b -es e ak.ha e ale b~e ot wagon andoparabtuiis d y Tay or nWig bcus prcsptiy ig i ei ubibcmoe u ao faii ad utcitpsapls Offcean nsien tnokltii, tere found at bbc hcad et thc Island* I*eau- Laal5prt n>'s dse, ne oc o b rt tbc eet u hytmn nuuntil he die&.; ___________________evcry effort la being made ta flnd bis whee- f- - fr-trosrre'.. oste aud iles, abouts. lb la ta be boped he rnay btu p ne soate0,gway beyoà d tbe-skhes, ýOUND OF- al igbt. Hes'Qr bthiMau Who ddeise Dr. Cade preacbed bis fumcwef serions lest A plan te eiint eutbthe"'see files. Baki ng Powder sn4sy. iu tbe m= iing lis t ý1 vabfrn Tbee Uns arem antto vc4$ser Danuel z2îh chap sud x3tb verses " But g0 thoiz Senesdoor-mud 'Window, e very sies, -AND <iET AN- thy way til bb eud be: for thon oalt rut aa a p sh ee s thew ihçX.he fri stand ln d'y lobat d'e sud aftbedaYL» Itws8 Teouit jeur vauté1zï b"esd i. ?OACHER FREE. Wha wa la4totlý AD re* 1 Vou bhey played'unden taIse c.loM. aviugý out eft bbc ttçves- Noif thie bse on honorable piece of busiess warbbyc respectable or honest football beani, le 'sane tunller ti-ba ".raU se 50ready te cry t al bbc fimportatioiï of a nmasor tbava teCc a gaine witb Broekisa. fetu mouthsi al bits look into tbie.miatberà asd. conside would net luev ead- 'nihli ablletes to striviete set mors unigbt 1 -Lb. publie or ée taire bacirbis uncai' rernanka about thb- Greenswod -tesam played a gante te a tde, viblu bbccrack Broaékm boastase los sud iÀlong abol Il.j . Madili. Suudayed at home Several attcidcd thé- yearly ;mee4 Fniends osn4Suday Ist. Mn. sund-Mn.J. Lyzide and fatà Ccnn= ood,s pi2b Suday with théi Mr.,Fipr Sinibla spenb a f.'. dsy hsg fniends;In-'-Uxbiid9e- receuty.- -"% if Frank. bas any magnet that, drsu Did.,yo" 'fsecAudylteimS f, lIaI Sb~~ l d etn hng er boundares- ai andleesd assuinilsg -bhbc cUutryý Stveral fretsheve atte ee bs ira six cggs ~t once.- .ny bouse sbauld 'have-- bbc potuden la fiast- PSEED D4Ig wltbs... ffé b'avewlmi. William.... for imo eio be O00wl... j <aEIELLEBORW y~~ljfrntu1sad Y",- HEAD OFFICE, OSH AWA Capital Authorized $1,i capital Bubscrhbed capital Paid-up Rest tPion.) .Fb 14,143-~ POR.T PEES? ingthe matter f0? 845. This man Deshane teKN&I r eae9goeweeadrse r x i L OC L NEVS LT ES vco cebihsetre oMnra. f bp., keeps On Governor Decker or Warden recover soon.ernWii;T anngWhtyPAMc pred Buntins injuries are somew~hat abated. Mabde will Solon1 have him for a boar~der. It i Miss Ada Rogers basbeen vstn rMMsePr er;FLFwe s-I CHRONICLIt ComMPONDIENCE. Mrs R L Lucas is vsting relatives in Fecelon trne lie came to a bhi. friends Bt Pickering. aa od xrde n tes on lut F111:1 ~~~~~~~~Mr loshua Wright is able ta be around agamn. illegal Uiquor seWng. dr- Ms isni iwyrcvrt Rev R Whiteman bas returned from his vieilthTree weeks ago I mentioned I had e yet is uriable to leave ber room.bak.cfTorhta. eaerefrm5 BEOOKLIN 1West. celved a lust cf 46 names cf men who were Miss Roache, of Cherrywood, vlite e a7ocok nteeeigacneti o 1norhtl h rvosSîra ih aunt, Mrs. Brignali, a few days since egvnb bSneradMtoitcor VesterdP.y (Thtirsday) was the day af the Mr. Reg. Burnham of Oshawa was home qvor nd'uday.Tel he wek lowiStudng h tt Serafomhewrtonhenrnc Xdesebyeealpaksanreig, union Sunday achoolpicdflic at CaThe ts Sundal'. I I IdeMIlrecitaions, tc., bythe scolars odnothe unonSint Mr R MoGili at orbttagain y.takes bis place wlth Cm- wus near y 30. 1arn te dr. Sebert . 5BYI exams. in WVhitby this week.Wewsloltan. MP.iF.t. Mlei o ayoeaa o ice&Mfrey. gangot my information tram the Oriental pro-te sces M.F.A il snwdyoeaofo ice&J te.prietor, but Ibis is a mistake. I gat it tram hmsce. the G. T. R. at Gravenhurst, sot statian Mr. Charles McLean, of Palmerston, is home two parties wha were in the St. Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Young, of Strattodi bv agent as stated iiin y last week's letter. fcr his holîdays. Rallroad bouse bars, anuj saw what was dane bees visiting at Mr. Walter Rogers'drn ein hre Mr. ]Ed. Holliday is home from Lindsay Miss McKenzie is back tram a visit ta Mrs wltb their ewn eyes. Is that nat proof tbe past few days. fo h urn aain r lming Scota oto.euigh ? After the repeated warningsgin Miss McAvoy and Warner Brown eki a fls ekwe lwsIaudta of that town, accompanied him down ani JR Grant. barrister, bas been visitisg friends iv$s~hoteltnen a tew weeks age, and the the Peterboro excursion on Tuesdy nCntbeOBinc xrde a an remai9;ed for a short visit. in Pembroke. seiOre tesson experienced, one wauld think excellent lime la reperted. mndCntbeTt fti lc'oase Mrs.Wm. epintali of orana Juc- Mr. Wm. McGill is stilU confined ta bis home tthern. Tdhe hedewsd e war oi ien, Master Walter Rogers bas beenudetetatecrg taiiusyswnalre tion ,who wsaresident of Broaklin someby illness. tbrtyseond Oliver.The case sorheard luUxbrdge o NIAARAisn tabe entone in thirty years ago, paid a flying visit toa afew adGri csaevsî~ nserni-toiies, quarter-tenes and h ivy ingb E. Phoeni, and under eased ta Wm th A AR same braW wiî et e in f of her friend s here on W edne day. Miranl a a nîeti os ae vii gi onA. Ose betel was pen until 2 o'clock Mr Ge. E P g ,d thie s of aur eah w Schol closed on Wednesday even îng, for Toot.H r, *c. have Srnlday mornng, and ini anether a îamp was the picnic T»HiOny tîcd TuesaY ofîbis -emaw e l a poe eîghtsofweerks. The attendance has been Mrand Mrs Henwood, HrMih, used after the electric îîghts went 001-it2 . we aIldaulathtofcbbaiac hadbec ~~-4.21LTILETSOAF>S. veryvgood during the whole terni and for been 'isitiiig at D 1 Adamns e'clock. This is a nice state of thinge aa îsewr tdc i apn.docb an esn n htM.Tt a have tafaîl dwn.vOu . tockif Toieytheixroin fotbal tea ave i7ea ly daone m mchgaod. hahsidefiantly vialatethe law. The temperance 1Public echeal. spent à pleasant dya h tSitfedo(it-ets ttsbwne They must corne down, TeBeven otbl eat av aif on immc theonyesa asb haeSo as muet beudï to of l aet rovided then sle ~new sweaters. Ou band played at the decaratias services elesnent f the town ntend this illegal liquar lk hr nTedy at otn n e ali e i o1ea lwstebs roarn for other goods. This ex plain s 'ey are black with Brookn warked acrass last week, and dtd nobly. Iseng m uetspon wSulndaysndeif Licensefsn. Asenoeat odpinican ora hn ab e egv hmasikca tesuedu agiswar iig[the breast in gold letters. They will add Mr. Henry of Napanee is visiting bis daughtertinspecoFrgain will bat daar ta m oume asr i cenjayebyn aneldwo.Btta tsusdfrsc ups a stop it, c m plaintth el beplairagainof tmhcould m kenil coneW .ent ta attend. n t0sbcw nMarC eHsrrbs T III's s licitor r Bhe tupendou A rgýains e ae0, vifgtervmc tfhiapaaceoehetld.nMs W .Pars.and sent ta the licesse deparment of he Re.M.HraofiadasSbtbadfsdeptbiluteoxesywati 0ATVFRMZ1, SA! ' eç/)PHae o ee o."hnye the grîd. Mrs. E. Broad and Miss M.aggie Mels are Ontario Government, and if that will not do, announced that Rev. Mrr Bannerwolbebddueibtesed r.Penh Aa uefn TM.l~&i' e of ç o 2ç< P 31 isifcHa bt yoha"Peoryle,"the greatvisiini Rcmnd Hill. som'thing more stringent will be dane. If on the circuit for the coming thîc ataase eteqeto b essetdl caks fr 2c. reula prce2,sc. per cake. 'if not get a package from. Halihday Bras. Mr. Dan McQueen ai Manilla was renewlng aur hotelmes will ot respect the sanctity of and attend ta bis wark, as oigt I eedft wr httrasbdbc asfo 5. ela rc and learu of is merits for YourseIf. i aiod acquaintances in town Saurday. te Sabbath, they will find the strong arm of bealîli Mr. Harris had to taie a re.Sme adoscfwib astaeeyd- A 1an excellant preparatios for keeping the Thos. Baker, the renowned comte singer tram tic law coutrontiiig them in a sot very ges- îalk of Mr. Harris taking a trip t h t iei eti ec cl aet e Always on band 0 1 brn ffisandgiheretslastlîle mas eff.ofnathateTmanntbasabeenn breat-oncountry.gWeehopeast elmayareturOneteobismandba aeenaftcrwardcounty. wereoeuthanday r Alwsys on hand e hr aninsecs o ilkne f f ale Trno a ec akio ened for selling liquor ta Scugog Indians. wark quite strong again.henwtedeeantaecfarabe - I odlp ot L i, 4PsectIl(-,dsand The raising of the new barn as the faini Mr. Robert Ross af the Dominion bank, Lind- The License Inspector was here an the 241h The lawîi social gives aItersdseofueipsto.CnsbeTlt then erus -l iiso FYPADa'lenwoccupied by Mr. Luke Robinson took say, was visiting bis f riends Saturday and Sun- May, and was toîd that liquor was being sold Mrs. Thes. MeBrien Os 215t inst. rvdat h or hth i u h h CORNER DRUG STORE. 'place last saturday afternaon. About one day. iop ublîely lu bnoad dun sccs i eer wy.Th ~c~nv~ TAND. hundred and twenly-five neighbate and M ai tae ane h hty, Bro ok- days. He mercly said ta the person, scnd pleasant, the attendance was godc pr-amsinrmauflerwossppu r--È'W. R. EHOvvc'S STAND.friende gathered ta give wiiliiig assistance. Mr an PortemcrryBpistdelthe Wh10 L i y wer,'tates.youeparrtof thesbsiness-gaundaly xcelvlend. t.heri ildbct auaslwadedrwsasu I onrato orden had everythiflg in rea di- linand Prweek. Atter es<mdeladmissien ndLludsae fac N. F. PATERSON, Q 0., ness and the work was speedily accam . lastwe.I my short carcer as carre pondent, I find chair ia bis bappy, good naturedstl.Rvbcevdnerduedwhhi opa pihdwtotaymsa.M r. Ed Braad gaes ta Peterboro Dominion the whiskey business a wondcrfully tlcklisb cgtohrois eiec odpa-.pof enss tcgyt i ht Bamster, etc.-After two vears residence in a opacrce thLnsycu gis hg.egtofBokn dlvrde England bas resumed practice et 136 Johnst , A football leam, bas been organized Peterbora. t I htr t ave my lhraced smascmy A. caîday ofMiseBrookîidyi xeln i eipsil o l eeae T o r o n t o - O c t . a o n g t h y o u n g e n l id i cti n ta yv ib et yh ih en an tn e s bha v edy fuc eh ea sne d ao he yang whMJs.iginBelvascin- d~i ots mrl iti lc.bshdskull crackcd, and vatous bodily inflictions, vice, soalaIe did White Brus.Misea Taronto-OI. 94..6 as. 'of te tndM. whrsMr Jas Bell a mn-the degree B A conferred upan bim by the uni- and the oses making the tbreats are sucb air-R radMisgnsFlyavsreddpulcpiiirsetvetwbîbcv L O OgT e r anM n. C haeq n ce a rd a se a la n . e rs ty ai M a it ba cow ards t ey ave t a ge l apparen ly re itations. M r.W n .R c ards en s s l a b t b c v rd c a e w o o p e u .111~ 0Kta play their firet match an July 8th, when Rev Mr McCamus, methadist minister, and respectable parties ta mention the tbreats ta rad at te renankble ow picestbey go ta Columbus ta mccl the team. be- family arrived on Wednestda ad are 50W busily Mny face, beifig afraid I ebaît give them away grpaicnbtde.ldt bceiie i attermral o rcslonging ta Ihat village. They have aur engaged in getting setled. in thîs columxn. I ain a pure Canadian, and QREENWOOD.thpepbare'schaatndytw thtIa elngSldOh es ihsfrthi'ucs..There is some talk of a regular steamboat ser- am nont at all sfraid, as 1 knaw I am on Wbeaî us dropped dowu lainceuayevremybisadgnoprstQ tha a rn sellin Suis Oak bTe stwihs otter uwesovc bteeder nd W shuu sanabi andanriaadnedl exce o bc tw ny etsgolbiniorfmubevrtL t agel ayecm uut, u i et rca regrom $Sui 0,es 5, t . e t ad eea grasderhing fa genaissummer. Il ineeded and is sure te be a suc,- SOuthern States. 1 amn led ta menties Ibis, even go cents. cadntb o svrl el hb thisîles and other roadeide weeds. Noth- cs.,as-some hae said they would go ta Wbitby bcc'rblau ir sfvrbypr.dcse s eb ie tUbig Pant' m divion 'tbe Sos cf e IfUthebas bappesdobecackI ave me grth uerAUc tMn d $28.,50, $8000, e35 anu up- ing looks mare untîdy and Pbod r diiso. of IftheycoSonelose crck a AueThlerîng odt e Thurday otbis ekfa wards. ta s-ee sîreets and noadways li ed with these perascewill have an- excursiaon by the Cran- thg my tapemne ue Inehpesade e-Jcsoingpredetesprvso naxiaus forme et plant life. I have been della on July î6th, ta Sturgeon Point. Par. pribîeyinisa s elug andg. bAU Mn. NM. Gleeson attended bbhecasr-Ipvmet E. J.J ohn son nxh l hae aeady otc ha ssietreard tMcesrs.laBroos ndMh£l satisaction I cas get 19, if anytbing bar> vice in tbc new catholiecburcb,Osaaon rbslntaveyageowbt f fo her have adhed ifipenrro d Mesis Boos ud cMsIflof Otir t~'O_ itain w h skey ha cencernd Ishould Sabbath last. He was accempauidb .N rsecean nepiw sa feir own goodha d the appraaly efp5 relf Obsa-BVte-btd' kspintniWrite up snytbing and every- etp .e rmbc nu rpoeet I crs bt he te unsg towecsbe- Kaedanobveha.errsteyetle.ia She is, hwc o scityscndIs sig- wl b rmebthdbe aiIelpetig ante atlytacnplcet Te _. DO N'T F0 R GET Tm oved l btmhyetremins olt e doue. et'DrSbnserwil u anid d'e iadjouroed m.neti whiseey-.lbate faeriyuanarnd reiwdbbprat-fbseshexngotb TthRya .mpa swil oi hen i gar rSangs ofter w ia ending 1. 1ad;ourned*mice-abit, or evea te menties. great big pew-wow kicked up b r W brl rudwîzhvZbq é~ tat these den party an Mn. A. ece sgofd n ftemdclcul. cs d bis à l-téyStiké a bard ktiol wbeu bbey ask A. H." bbtheBrooklin scribblei'. rringb u oee uu.d,-be.nat goos ae 131 0W meke. ~ next Thursday evenîug, Jiily 4h. They ates cf the "defece" are deing valisaI. Gi" csnt te any sucb work 1 shall re- way tbe Breokliu football beain teetetdt b perneôtepac Bsd gods r flw ak.& have secured Uic Port Penny orchestra sud for the medical Profesionf at large. very th-blu that la public neus ; and'es- wben anrangdtota an ibbcMs .Seatbsptîa p' p r m i e m it e n jo y a b le e v e n m g t e aa u e t , Is urce sLiu d a y. b yftr Rd amMt , M * slsw r o aig, I s hH eîs v e i b t u l me as my own supervision1. pomseah o s' eusvsrh idsy b he as tim"ï tfaniasPUbiclty, for the Greeuwoa team totego ne htntln.ansM.W.Ss~tII me eau ~~wh cýnattend. ThisIU, a uew veut~re r ,WU nsfbts plac, «10 ancot nm ad ae lyesfri alarlf hegrdness Thhlpfc - bb Temlarssudwé hOt te sco it a apten- C06k Of icamirn whe4 IO'mu î sel auy mýWlstîw-lubswalb . . E. J. ~~ OHN SOiN did suceess. Tea ~ (til~ 4 r o~-~pal "a have bhc double satisfaction of hcang aD ae i a itrwrcst uiu , ~Orth lagaeourt hristlicbë; priasmouiey tqeR m y e taney i:ï ti i i lrCa e andbsftenhi5 r oint5Dte B bi5 5tr b llglta ec lq o' sl b y e g u pa ibte , u u n efu ucstl U.V 55 l batle ngaed n anose s"~--e __ ,y of BellévÉlIe on mWlee theKinsaIefootbattbeau'.. luOurntempéranaceut ft5 is-lsspormmad ofernefeewieng ts le rcueaoeag fwloe hsy5 u eat in i thi I5U W ansebb rokîsteah cudst Leadi g sa e-, ime hat t eir oneyis g ing t hei thi wee. I w s plasedto k ow te reviènd_ý,ý tio 'if.tinderod nflu ncesereutsig katurera sudwîconserqth f-, Oe 3* ù lý,