Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1895, p. 7

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ca neÃ"fired!r1 the,' li rbellef WA. agoizigtaloo a hr~but we beame bath t confrmuie 0 a- o u froinI partially rbilgnea to -thfe fate- that ap.. Whltby, Mr. Smart, oïoialtea. Hlm f OU m n io n peared to, be overtaking us. Sewas forts met witb tb. aprovai of hMe hear. W U ~ .m r u watched dày anid nlght, bpt e c îd ors. W. bellee .h. mtende entering the detect no change unless for the worse. ministerlal profession. V u formerly pronounced incurable. Now it is uaL. In al Ail hope had gone. I had read of the Mr. Aaron Pe.rkins raieed his fine barn f the. .arly stages of the disese cures by the use Of 1)r- William - 8'Pink onl Baturday afternoon lust. Everything t >~~ Pis, and about this time I noticed a passd of 'n fine tyle, tb. building going ~' ~ ~ ~fh descipton pbiihed n te Fre Pesstogether ini apple pie, order, with an over- 4J L K K.7 Aio somewhat similar to Sophie's case. fhWo iln o uhi.M.__________ Something seemed to urge me to give Lawrence neyer faile to do his work in ,feetacueqckrhnayohr them a trial, and now I thank God I N.1sye il eecifla . c otuikt' Emulsio pr- did. 1 sent for some and began gvn Chau. Mackey epent Sabbath at hie known pcfe ct'i mlinpo Bhmt e n tP i e f omone. Bo0&asodia Mrr MoCullongli. mot«s the making of healthy lung-tissue, long we saw an improvement, and Mrs. Qibson, wbo hbu been unweil for reve inlaxM in , overcomes the excess- gradually increased the dose from one quit. a length of time, ie now almost con- ive waste of the. dise and gives vital to two and then to three at regular in valetount. A.zoctervals. It was incredible to note the James Sadier, wbo bas been we8t fortieghWekT orTro. change. Her color came back, a differ.. 80me inontha paet, returned borne on For Oougbs, Ooid a, " oeTm ResuIl of a ent look in her eyes, her general health Baturday last. H. came home quite siok Bronohitis, Gomsmption, Boroula, Ânoexia, and appearance gave us all new interest and feare are entertained of 'his going Lm d f PISh ana Wating Disese o id en. N ge tdC l, in hier. Before the fourth box was ilito decliii,. W. hope to se. him re- Buy only the. genuine with aur trade-L N e le te C ld gone Sophie was able to b up and cover. Mk on sam-colored wrapper. around again. and a further use of them Messrs. McBryan and Tripp, road &M fr.pmhdnSut:lmlin RE DIS EAS ED LU N GS fullv restored her healt.h, or rather overseere for Kinsale and tb. beat to the Snfrapito ct' nlin RE snatched her from the brink of the e'asm, have comPleted their laora. A Sott£ owne. Bellevlle. AH Drugglos. 50c. anci Si. Which Doctoru 7.11.4 to Help, grave. To Dr. Williams Pink Pulis is good deal of gravel bas been distributed BY AKNO due ail the credit for we had stopped on tb. bighways. CURED YT KN doctors medicine, and simply gave her Plw scab.sbe arrangea for to these. following the directions around begiven at the resîdence of Mre. Thos. 1TUIb ~C _____ the boix. My daughter's life was saved McBryan, Friday evenirlg, 21LsL met. A I2I¶ S Pectoral. by' Pink Pilis and no one knows better Mise Louisa Stephenson is viSitiflg A E R CanER P I than hier rnother. I wish to tell every- friende in the city. 'I contracted a severe cold, whieh settled onue of the cure, as it is almost impos- Mr. Wice je etili nursing hie lame _____________ o'n ni)- Iuurgs, and 1 dld what le often donc sible t() believe that the poor thing that band. in such cases, neglected It thinking itwould Eamay as It came; bulii foun, after a las' there. and the happy rosy-cheeked Mr. Jno. Wellesi.s etili unwell. Ile ' Ile ivfle, that the aiightest exertion girl who goes regularly to her classes 'dose not seem te gain mnch strength. IailiId me hnar one and the same person in such a Mise Eva Rogers bas' been spending a Conultd a Docor maryellously short space of.time, and few days aniong friends rt Port Perry. wh~f nndon xalnlg y ln ~, ha th you max b sure 1 amn advising ailing A good many of our farmers haneseown i):rt of tie ieft one was badly aff ected. neighbors to use this wonderful medi- tarnips. C L R - E V .1 brtl.lut It dld flot seein to do any gool. Baron Rothchilds ilfns seeding E E _ - E lV JIP U D FIti iatelv I happeedtorsUluAyr as the reporter was leaving MISS ths eariy part of next week, if dis weatb A\ manillai, )the eect that A yer's Chier, Blne eure rmsho. h rrmis aoal.W BEEF, M N ANli WINE.h 1 t r hall on otheris, and T determlned îo Bangter returedof rr school. he rreanndvrbl.W THIO il" a trial. After taking fwdost-' w asteycueo gae elhad The juvenile temple iutend holding a Ir, 'as relleved, and bfr1 i ha fit- beautv, lier lithe physique denoting pion c about 2r>th in. They wiUl jouney tiie boutle 1 was ecured. -Â, LEFLÂx, health 'in everv movernent, while her80LeOtrionenya %%tlm;tker, Or'tngeville, Ont snthward to e Onai nenoa ~~,* ~aCe showcd thie warna, ruddy glow of day'e holiday and fun.wehetdrwN w an Wo drfiBod P iira d N re fLhealth. 11he corroborated aIl her The Brooklin scribe ib tdrwN w a d W n eflBo P il ra d Ayriorî eir i nîther had said besides adding sorne our attention te dis serious mietake we r D 1T I C Highent wszd.s at World's Fir. 1e testinmony. Happiness now abideth make regarding part of our circuit beingr1 O iver's PUI. Cure Indigestion. Il that home where misery heid sway attached to Brookîju. Now, we feel con i(x) long, and Mrs. Belanger rests her vinced hie bas been rniinformed or did Containe NO INJURLOUS DRUGS 1 Every ingredient ie a HEALTH IJL _________________________faith in Dr. Williams Pink Puis, which not read our item rogarding this mnatter ER. CERTAIN and PERMANENT RELIEF is GUARANTEED in aeso x ill do for other weak and ailîng girls vsrv cîosely. We have been enabled WeAlt T ,5 Bodau A GRATEFUL MOTHER. v.hat thev did for her daughter. gain some knowledue of this matter, and Constipation, Dyspepsia, Nervougness, AU e&a.nesses,M _____________from juiL as reliabie a source as the Blun Diseases. kil i 'a11< \\ 11 1)\VC~1 Cpitl Pui.s.nint.Broolinwrier. We neyer said the I F.R 'a MIL \Capital Pun.\\mElt.Brooklin peole er e nios ora Lt je baed on GLYCERINE inetead of ALCOHOL. For producingsotcea (From the Meaford Monitor.) change, but we believe at ths same ime eibih opein n rleigaliî1e~la~owmti eusrasd C 1111 nî1 Inii (icticral I )liivli1tbsy were, but like many others, if not a ..B ETI OGT..... Er'ctlier t"tho \Verve'f h The result of ths gyeat Hyame, triai desirable change they wonid object, and.BECETAN.O.ET rî~ l'} ~î rîr-' eI()f otheo proves pretty conclueively that ths death sure enogh when Brookiin becamie ~T k o o h r 1I;t 'f e'\ur lr. \~1lim<1 enalty not only toile to bring jnet pu aware of the faot that Mt. Zion, a enal Pin l'ik \~iîî 'r'vca Lfe ehmntbut radier fruetrates the snds of northerly place, was mapped out for iheir I~rni aa\t-rjustice, w bers a verdict of guilty foilow- cornrade thon began witrh one accord to ed by imprisoriment might very properly rnake excuse, and of course fouglit Flt teottaw a FrAe 1Press. be imposed. againet any change as ho said, imply be 1> îu p '- aragr.ipl In thil rc The thing that seme to stagger ordin- cause the desired change was not avail 3 IIG ro ii 1a' îIpl\- î4atiflg that ary jurymen over capital crimes ia, that able. Could they have coupled them r \1. 'ajhi- hlangt:r. 428 Cîi~îe fter the death of a culprit there reinains &elves with our hriving congregation no ~w~r I)taVd.liaii rucrvered from ' no chance ot restoration shouid circum- objection would have arieen. We do not AN D I-'- lln-v. (ailm-id 'y ana-miia and stances arise which would prove the ver t hînk it very honorable when the desired ge-ri luility, h. aîuîarcutly laun 'ct unjuet. No doubt seemed te 6118t change could not be attained te eay they_________________ e'tni'ir thn sua iterstandpia..&ongst the jurymen aL ths Uyarns' trial - id not want a change atoall. ~ ITCHING PILES la an exoeedingly paînfuil and anyngafi -.i or tanu errlatves ad quan- s to gUit f the prisoners, but the troflgTYO . NO tien, found atie in the rich and poor. mae and female.Teprni sarces. i ) m uchi r re.a i vdes d. ta t a ii- I d e c w i cam e tt he ir mi- uRO Z N ynp tm are a severe ftching, w Iich le w or em aa nlgh t h n h pmte <f h SIpr.fondeiat rel prvmg guilt, wae ruled out by theju Mr. Ges. Laite. of Mariposa, visietd "Jr ee bcmswr n ..oeii l b thsg la rq xtcI)lý po jsitia impossble mo Procure ile.p. Often the su'fferrinac l rt r(f the)paprSft n IL-cLice ; and without donbt o close of pur- Darlington friende this week. durlgep srthsth atni baresore-.li" ssd as ichatingth s.it teiauger ovndteni)r e- 51'OThch vey mon on the Mir. F.W.O. Werry te spending vaco- o.a e cosin ud C-.1niojnati,4is chat wth Mrs Belan er on he ré- -ury ook wih the re'tes suspiion# icn herome.mptom ot¶ ryoher uPiles or irrig Ptat ornIrtasany io cî:'verv Of her daughter after sehdjuyIoLitb rate upcin inahhm-- body ore Immhediatei Ioeodquk uedbO lhad te be alowed nd that settled the Miss M. Welch, of Ohawa, is visiting - - met. ît wn l nat etop«mcbihl a s Ue meo er twlv a îtîm îd thser rreervaglîe. mprifmetpuniahrnent bdbenMr. Chas. Welh. . '-uteosue îng n'l .înc-r"us isea.e Mr-. Be - ny hve b thecuiritswoul Thre hndeoe ctherefroptow en in a\evinfteligett rnt l\-ana- sta o ediareementwilA s f ~~~which very liksly that sorne sister wili Nl____________________________________ ~~'~' I ~livide with ber, and is th. only means AND________________________________ they now have to depend upon for a ëo ocr U50 i». living. NEXT SPRIUfefl ueA si ise.'(- B A N t 1,11,r on a couch like <ne dying b ons o h eec okgetSiMply appiy ISWAYNE'5 OINTMT " NO a A 'u ars. She is a student under the liberties in decrying Lb. wife of Harry Y OU W IL L Internai. medficine roiure. Cures tetter, o u S. enBaptiste schooi on Hyams becans bs vountarily gave cuma, tob, al eruptions On the fce, bande, ii, r'1<Stl . veran er goeiec gantbrbs n-Ubnnose, &O., leaving Lb. kin ciear, wbite and- ili.Oe w er g vdneaantbrhsadhsad TAKE NO OTHER heatby - ILs grat healing and curative pwers DEALER- IN --f l sc n a i l at d a a . s the m ark 1 W haL o burlesque on -Hrs po )ead by ne other remedy. Aeyo -enature of her diseuse appeared to that grand relation. How conld Martba drugoest fer SwAYNse'S OîwrxuT. Lyman, fA -, pi4ondmyser toth - Wells lever ogain regard snob a buman Sons li Ou., Montreal, wolssai aente.,LIE tiyhdaddiagut.8h ws urnb.LJ mydodwe e aledinoe pycaftr h yena witb a'y otber feeling short cf Aid. Daniel B. Quetiatte, 0et -Windsor, la -- LiYuEU hler. Despair seized the famnily asrobbed herself of ail ahe lied, endable was 8mdiB i' vlooked upon -the once beautiful, ai quit,. sure b. s»d bis twin brother in - îrtedr girl. iaying day in and day out, infamy oompamsd the. demtl of poor ni=,*cnimnt cresM"OD1f u ecks and months on her couch, sim- MiW'sLailie Ors SiOZK p!iV slowly vanisl'.ing and they 1)oweCr* The Weibs famiiyf, w. are sorry Wo note,- le--s even to rase a smile to her wan were of an altogether too-confidin,« iucW.w Eder F B Sîrottoul chairînan of the Nape eR Sa ieTal OL~E'AGENT l s . E a c h s c e e d i g r e d i c a l m a n n a t u r e Wt w t h t n d t h e w i l e s a n d d i m jic t, w e e c e d p r s d e- ,f b s I- gravly told the parents to prepare for smeemes of such rau la as Lb. Hysa u e ec e e dn ofUD TR M the M » ÂI D n 1 byfo of061~ the worst. Howeveir, Mm. elanger is twns. Our acquintanoe witb the. for-N TUXAD lj" who g<)flCwomenmer ealsus t atewere an ami- No fenil Uinan1abilions ooUntryaboild- el -.4PLYILOUTR OL wtoeof those w vh gveuineableidese and L5 thei fa.mly b. vithont ' Vagetoble Pilla. A f'.w * -' un despair whilc there is stili hope, as ai. wliMp "Md ndY 0 snd thon viii keep tlie rn -ter ow od ildnt.But they fell amoi thie-ves; sud i a Ctive, CWeUMe atem"c>-bwsie .~s ayIal~~8 ~Of dit w as a terrib le ti mn e ." sh e said . t o g b y h , - ~ p e l e u i i ii a a i u v a a ~ e T * N o .?'t', - -1 7 1 '41 'W e ha be ntida ail a da ai ith t fced, it is a sorry 4gb l n de e 0"iniL, P ilastie diothn c d be todonc te anveA Sophie, th l and u hgiusi legulal Ua n , 1»lb. I bvi Otrled e bO f ! ae le's P ilu lid ix;:res, 1I .ec$ 'an..: &O1Q# p e W Thi'i nothinr coby bthe e tosaee U ô. mon.yl 0d14015 mMief«I fevw su gi 1 an hd aiuflost been forced by appear- bndlng eer y tef o *v lu onpU that but for Dr. Williiamis Pink Pilla able (oitheded t oImalsOsS t ae . a. '*i# aneh L bliheiI er oVe a W. Lick the. lavaiof@outobly e would have been in be-rv nta f~ uo oefe*.eu4 mur Two u&i w i051 $0ap,î ~5 attend ilig schooi evcry dytc deemdoos crimes If m uio=tW l d -U>e ri4P-ï of thc livcly. It began like e sttc otpo""< ou vusZriiPs Poot~lr1O5 cmIfl loce tirceor th, ntsa d i pinq t Ime' Thseo WCtALdOf'le onfr alon twu 4 t Y tatunilh vebgntl c b t t i O h, be i8&lOtlthSIir o tor l accy lIed e u ii resui. SoI leg WOf$*itd*OtI lh av e u ,na te nÃŽbl ddidditl I Viii laper I heve 1h. Plueit Seiee- lu town of those BEAUTIFUL AMi VALL 'ERICAN PA PERS, -Wl=E orders to Match OWEST :-: PRICES& Corneaarly and gel first choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan'u old Stand, Brook St., WhitbY Mack in Whitby. WM. TILL, r ndertaker, Cabinet MakeP, Uphoister, nd dealer in Furniture of al kinds. The Subcriber bege o announce that se as agan opened buines in ise cM tond, andau placed therein o choc., itylish and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE Of every description, which will be sold it o entai1 margin on cost. Another bais f o! e.cIebrated Mizeil Matrsses $8.25, worth #5.00. e. thoem apstry or Carpet Lounges at $5, wrth $8. Eardwood Sidebards, 14x24 glass, for $8,50, worth $12. S:Â Afuli1 stock of Coffi.ns and Caskets, and- a Fir9tOlaws HEearse. Wbitby, Oct. 12, 1893. - RADÂMI'S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J.- 8. EDGAR, Merchaut, Win-- sor: M. .K. acted msrrelously in my case etf .chronië stomach and bowel trouble. WK. KTAI .D*B, ot (0% sibire, Que.: Was giren'up te die (nom a corbBDîplctior Dyspepsia and ILver trouble with consumptin"- Amn as well as ever now ; it le trly wondefiaL - T. H. LUSOO BE, BarriSter;,ý London:, Chronloc ough sd emrrages (nm te lunga we hurrying.my wife toe a ely graveý but thakete M. K. she la -as wveli as ere-c. i-Win. Radaem Microbe iler0l. 120 1KNl O STETWET TOR;i&TO, ONT. or.,9siWes, ;Sm Sare .e~x 4J M Cam. P PAMe." - ~Uxbridge ~- ~owke, Osh-- -:bers. Musi th L.Green-,y ~rved from 5 ,oncert le te odiet choir. - id readings, ~and other îse on Fn-. earned that- e, had sumn ce Ue answer,, ing a large ield beiong.. ,sed te Wmu. Uxbridge ou was proved ,rt had been' Xsr. Till bad, I' Mr. Maimer ig he wanted -jas the. beît ;ý ellck cool -solicitor re ..,ay w bat_40r J'Phoenix, ut Wvery d-< ive to be c~ t a treaches thenspu it by sai -cut thewl - jo. Suche is supposeï _î a stule ithe face i --jif netpo hin bithat.- hake it Id r <,at the vu 'in then îi not oreenai zxbrldge n but i - -'y r act, i rwn4c

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