Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1895, p. 6

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Aeua meetingé of the above coun- 1 W eld lnthe town hall at Man- Ïè8r on Jurie zoth. Those present tr Messrs. Munroe, Real, Weir, teu8 ad Lamb. i ** COMMUNICATIONS. F1rom Mr. Fleury, of Stouffvillc, rhdrawing piis garnishee on the cedar "epled the municipality by fJohn Fa Po Ex Ni Si( cc Ct E c -Burkce. 0 From S. A. Flummerfeit, acknow- ti %Ldgngreceipt Of $27. 15, being amountw dýie.xbridgie towuship for townlinep Purposes,. e further acknowledged e thae receipt of the statement in regardn 10 the boundary line between the said t tQWnshlps of Ilxbridge and Reach. Prom John Ferguson, license inspec- tor, enclosing checks to the arnount ofe ,j142.05 from the license jund.9 1The following accounts were broughtr lÇèore the council, and, on motion,i IWid; Alex. Stephens, drawing cedar andfting road, $4; D, J. McLean, repair-t À ng town hall seats, $720; Aiex. Rooney, i day's work on road, 75 c .; f.- Moore, conveying vagrant outside of municiWaity. $2; M:' Weir, two-thirds Value of sheep killed by dogs, $3. 33; H. Lamb, two-thirds value of sheep klled by dogs, $6. 66. On motion the council adjourned and formed itself into a court of revi- sion. The following appeals were made: H. Bascom, as secretarv of the Trouti Preserve Comnpany at' lohutson's l>n<. wanted the assessment of the prOl)trton lot i , con. 8, lowered. as thc iin provemnents were not conipic)ttd. and the pond was not sto;ckedt. ý TÙ. curtthought the a,ýsesincft peal dismissed. 1jas. Laing appealed agalnst present aSsessnient. As Mr. Lainghad not statcd in \hat way he wanted his assessment altecd. and as he was not preserit, his appeal was dismissed. John Heard, of Prince AIhert, ap- pealed to have 1 2 acres, now occupied by E. J. Wheeler. taken froîi his as- sessment and added to that of Mr. Wheelcr. Ail parties concerned bcing 7 Willing to this arrangement. it was moved that the sumn of $240 (being - vlue of land in question at $20 per acre) be taken f rom Mr. Heard s assess- *ment and added to that of Mr. Wheel- er. -Carried. -Mr. McClintock appealed to have the lands, formerly assessed to the Canada Company, assessed to himselt. Re- quest gr-anted. T. Lamb appealed to have lot 22, con. 9. (formerlyflon-reS idenit) assessed to himsclf and his nephew, T. Lamb, jr., the house and two acres to be as- essed to T. Lamb, jr., and the re- maining 59 acres to be assessed to T. l.amb, sr. The request granted. H. E. Maynard appealed to be asses- sed as occupant of lot i, conl. 2. - Granted. There being no other appeals Mr. Regl moved that the clerk certify the roll as finally revised and. adopted. - Carried. The council resumed business. Mr. Hugh Munro came before the counicil in reference to the ditch on the 7th con. H-said that thc obstruction placed by the counicil in the ditch, by the culvert had been cut away and dirt placed in the culvert., He had heard that Mr. John Claugprton had remoVed the obstruction and he would like the council to notify Mr. Claughton to fill the opening upagain. As there was no positive evidence Ïhat Mr. Claughton had interfered with t.he.dith i. uestin, -- counil di opened on Uic south side of the 7t line.. Mr. Weîr introduced a petition sigi ed by George Kirkpatrick and ii others praying that b law 913 b. i pealed forthwith.. Wald byla rents smre of the roadways upon tl borders of the. Toronto Gaine Preser C 1"Iad Thms roadways vere t] Queco'. hlghways and the pctftion iceed hat the-by-4aw 1b. repeule Ibo*Ivtrequfred thatdixmoud nte be g1veubytecoclIpo apçédqgcouocu othe m= Y= c - 1 - e, by4 rk of ,th ,87 re- v he ,e d. i.« the lis 'i el rq il t' p p hckerimg S. S. OonvefltiOfl. The Pickering Township 8 S. cenven tien hold at Brougham, on Tuesday June' 4tb, was amouga;t the meet successful in the history o! the association. There was a very large attendance tbroughont, especially at the afternoon aud eveuing ses8ions, and the attention given to the varions addre@ses and papere was evadeece of the great interest that is. beaug taken ie Sabbath school wcrk throughotlt the toweshtip. Tbe moreang session was presided over by the vice pre- Sadleut, A. Allison. The secretary's ne port which was very encouraglflg was re- ceived aud adopted. The followaer je a summary of the re port: Na. of S 8 in township, 120;-No of S S reported to secretarv, 19 ; No. of 8 8, Methodast, 6 ; Presbyteniau, 3; Baptist, 2 ; Fniends, 38; Union, 6 ; 'No. of teachers and officers, 201 ; No. of pupis 1582 ; average atteedanoe of pnipils 1062; "o. of schools holding weekly teacher's meetings, 6; 'No. of echools hiaving non- nmal classes, 0; No. of echools having homne classes, 1 No. o! echools asked to pledge theinselves against ietoxicmtinî drinks and tobacco, 7. It was una monsly resolved te contnibute $20 to wards the fuede et the County S S Aseo. ciatien. The nomieating commnittee handed ir, their report with the followang names ai officers for eneuing year:. pre8ident Thos Hendensen, Brougham;3 vice-presi dent, T C MoAvo!, Mt Zion ; sec-tream J W Hlogle, Brougham ; executive com uittee, Mesars W D Gordon, W Dale, M M Barker, W W Sparka, Wm Thom,( Suiever, Thos Puckeritig, Jas Todd, Coli Phillip, F L Green, C Rogers, C Stevet .son, F Hutchinsoi, Jas MeFarlane .Jacob Stover, F Willson and Mimes à à Richardson, Mabel Tool, M MoPheE E Evans. .I the mcrmng session, Tiios Hendei -son disetassed the dvisabiiy of ani tei estaed in 8 8 work takng the provicci- .report eu.h year, Ilium leeping ta tout . mnd sympmlhy with thc work throughot - the province. Miese E Evans, of Chait ipont., resd a paper on '-The Teacher oc of Sobool", which evineed mucli careli 2thouglat and was listcned to with close a tentioii. LuIntue afternoon session, R-ev J Chi 'hoirn gave au addrcss on "H1ow le el ycourage Bible study." Thie addrees wi t ne doubt lac tue means et rousing main J to anincremsed effort aloug that lin ËI This was followed by a paper froua Mr e H Wagoner. of Brougam, ahowing ti Il great ceed of tesohers epeoially, beil filled with tbe spirit of the Divine Maste e It wua lsolistened le mttentively. h The maus meeting cf childrec addre d lied by Mre Young, of Stouffville, ai nR-ev A McAuley, of Pickering, wu ti il faue of the session. The rcady ai wers of the chldren ehowed that ahe ,eBible training wus being weli attetadedt cS The eventg session tcluded a pîte Sdid address by R-ev White, of Claremor h on "The Temeher's Responsibility,99 ai ;an eloquent address by liov M N Bet r. une, ef Beaverton, brought the couve ce lion le a close. Thc thanks cft e exeofttve cern. are tecdered le ail thc ct wbo contributed so weil le make t] n- convention sucla a decided sucoosa. St News. C a ýe, le, at ont fui at. n. Dy cte. 5 c ng oer. md b . e no. leir e. .nd ltu. 'en- thei Me- hIr, tak oold care softil Ue oandresinga hAyon ar gooreofeiythatUeiog athe usse Aral macienificrtl, at n wthe tic ne ibIinds cmetiiric lekands 1h scalwdean cool, mcd heaitby. Florence wua sakea by violeul shooki et crtbquakce ealy Thuraday morainge OrIlaSuPrommint Furalture Deùrnr Orillia, Pcb. 101h, 1894. EDM.ANSON, BATES &CO., Gentlemen. -About Ibres or four weeks mgo I had mn attack ocf Iichlng Pales. - 1 trid two or tirse different remedies recommended by druggists as "teb bot mnd oply cure,"' etc., etc., b?t gel ne relief. About the tsi". was boginning te despar etfafiding amy relief, wlitb smre aligbt mîsgavangm I bougbt a box of your pile cure, whicb 1 amn pleased te ay gave me almost intat relief and permanet cure. I conajder your OmIssent a God-soad. ALII. J. DEAN. One foot ofthte Brie canal emnbaulment ccir Pattenionville. N.Y., gave way Friday, cana- iuag grcmt damage. 2 Negleetsandi the ReAMIt Negleot coid in the head and you will surcly bave citarula. Nogleet nasal citarrh mnd you wili as surely indues pulmonary diseuses or catarr b oethie stomaah witb its disgusting aI- tedants. foui breatb, bawkicg, spitting, biow- icg, ke. stop i ii by uMing Dr. Obasce's Catarri Cure, 25 conts a box cures. H.M.S. Raiubow bas been ordered to For- mosa. W ix Oii.-Tbe moit coclusive tostimocy, rcpeatedlv laid before the public ln the colunens of the daily pneu, proves that DR. Tnom.as aEOLEtSTRc OiL'imn absoluteiy pure combina,- Btien of six ofthie finesî reinedial cils an oriel- aetac-TmottdieS ueumatia prain radicaes af- fections etflihe Ibroal mand linge, and cures -piles, wounds, acres, Iaoeecss, tuoera, burns, muid injuries of herses and emîblo. 4Taire a ote s"d Put morne dougli around il, then frylinard. P' This simple recipe lias brouglit thousands to grief, jut because of the frying in lard, which as we ail know hinders digestion. In all recipes where yoii have used lard, try CottàIene the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at the delightful and lic thful resuits. It is without ni leasant odor, npleasant flavor or unpleasant resuits. With CoTTOLXNN in yotir kitchen, the young, the dlicate and the dyspeptic can ail enjoy the regular family bill of fkre. Cottoiene la sld tu 8 and à pound palle, by &U grocera ma" only by The W. K. Faiubankt Company, WUgtna" iAna ou"~ Cor. King & Yonge 13t. Toronto. For the next three menthe I arn giving sipeciai attention to patients froua a dis- tance. Arn stili making plates in rubber, $8, ceiluicid *10. Gold ana silver. filling work crownlng by fifnîl-ciais operators ai tue ment reasonable rates in the oity. When ina Lb. City ciilinIraa dlot me exam- ineaur teeth. I make ne extra charge. 0. RIOGS, Dentiat, so-ullieuet corhier King and Yonge Bts., Toronto. - Nov. th.1892. Au essy describ- DEAF ESS9iug a realiy geuine Our fo DefnesSlmging ia Bars, &o., no malter o er rlng standing, will b. seat pcst fye-Artifi. ejai Ear'drums amd eluullarapplisoces entirely supersedod. Adduess THOS. KEMPE, VicToRM IA naiox, Seuth. baimpton Building, Hoîborta. London. XOTICE. -pPli tion will be made ai the .14nexi esion of the Pauliamnent of Canada for an act incor~pora 9n the Permanent Reme"v Life Association of Canada for the puipese et canrying oui the- business cf Lite insrace. H. B. TAYLOR. on behaf f etapplIcanis. WhiibY, 13tb Merch. 1895.-13 li. Farm for Sale, as the Lynde bomestead. Soil secnd to noue. li a firsi-cîas sisate cf cutivatlcui. Good tences ; watered by live Stresa acrmosono Cor- mer zoo yards from a fine stone hanse;tram stable sud driving shed ; mise ftrme hOus and abundacce of fruit et ail kinda.- Fer partcu- Jansapply to R .LYNDE, T~11 24th- z894. upon the jremise. SHDULorE 0FR RS 0Fr CONVICTIONqS Made before Justices of th. Peace for the Oounty of Ontario, transmitted by Justices whose naines are hereumder .ad Ontaro In that behaif. Office of the Clerk of the Pio4~ June llth, 1.895. writenan pubeff oy e uner 0Fe TvEa un a.l E, c iatuY-v*u& Nain etNain cfDaie cf Nainset AMOUouf ptmatyt Nmofae01Nature oc hareupso. Couvietlng Judsis. ine or Duaae. Nobe....... votion of Cbap. aoS, Sec l8, R S rs,' lamt. Peter IL Thompoas miosis..... ~ i>aieiCbaml>ers 27# Mim~ R. J. ahwoad... i olom rusil ..mwlg.p5 tçrua$lithot lk Mar 51 De~ud uHle . aeb Boos .ellsl::::ftig ro'ledhers Apri ... N ott. Ckb kD~l , sd osis . de M clWSgerisbi4 Nu. JMU. M .... W FeiMar. . . 7 s. # olrulsh... ... l oer.5$et:.' Eby......, umct1c t-p l-' . I% 5f-d- < A..060» l #_1 *» ,Me9 m de in< A. e idou S . ... ...qi fi, eo MtS Ve4 .4'«*. *ffl -1 4' 4* * - -là- G---4 * Sa - e" COU .64** " Mit- ~ - be t. sa F- 1 Il ]6tuaber. Blmle, Ss14Do1)s»maidBaise, Turalag ad -rst-awing. _fil AU orders or Information can b. otained from, JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son's residence. Whitby, April 4tb, z894. EutabUsheOd 1856. il Per àmm in alvines, tetWse #1.60. Siabsoriptioi's ulways payaîble si th; e offie publlcation. The pubabmr do not un4letlkb to delvea 1 the piper at sny poit office but Whltby. "mY 1a ,wbzoh fisete ,e.cb its7 destination v I b. îeplaced upon ntlficaton asWamater cf lsaoft, 1 .tsprln. op ie nrtin- soetim. nd ad Scetsper lime sm ubes-nt" suont Ine tIonLocane 10 cents par, Ui. JOHN !STÂNTON, Poreimn. I..., t4.~ ww~ia~trna ~ d4.ê ~êoksi+as tuf rockt rosi, caso 4, dlgglag dlîeb.....00c or cosd aune ................S"a 00 ýxec vrkngroad machine . oo. ce0 nsquon road,cOU 3 Md4 .......... 75 0 Ide rcad bot. lotsal ati 33. COta 3 î 00 ýdfâ 4- opposite 1loiS ansd zô ....... 13ce 'eotre romd. building bridge north cf Manchesterè.00........ ........ 14 00 ýpsnm road division............... 20 00 ;on 9 and ceaire rcad SouthaOf centre rosi......................... 25 00 Mr. Jas. Gilroy appeared before the muncil and explained that several Par- es had taken sand o 'ut of the pit Of vhich he was in charge and had not aid therefore. A resolution was pass- ,d instructing the clerk to collect al îonl'es due the corporation for sand ýaken by parties outside the municipal- t Mr, McConnell was present and ask- d that the stone bc ramoved f rom the :ravel pit on Simncoe street. The eeve promnised to attend to the matter f possible that evening. In regard to the matter of cedar pro- vided by John Burke it was moved that the sum of $28 be paid Jno, Adams as per order of Mr. and Mrs. Burke. te Ilcii teen year! luns in Pniscrose she fell 1 The natlJ be-a prof< -as te they -1ool spirited 1 Plys a Tlsout.m To paid. ,a *7 m '9Stt Apdl 8 ... The oseb a "ooo A nl &cwtkemm -ch. Sttifgs 0f ne .Division Goumt The union picnic of the schuools Of Dear Mr. 2Müor.'-Wly= iot ldly ln- COUNT! OP] ONTAUXO 1895. Scarboro' and Pickering on Fridaylust faim the readm eOfjour vlà" aabe rtuai wus attended by as large if not a larger 1ilglaly Md YEN 10 any seuug.ur frouaMc felWbltby Clork ]Bi Maneo, N mvceDeflty. -Nlght Wnioe-D. <C.Limy 9; Coi crowd than on any former occasion. x ula elemBpt udterasjar,. 2; Pcb. 2; Maroh 2; Aprl g; ki2 o The main attraction of the day was the o"fwyl 3 l ly rculareof aatsmpl sdJune a8- July ë; sep. 3;Ot ;Nv2 o senior football competition in Which thé inexPenav emau fsos fulf. Z~lc e be. Dec. 8. follwin too p~ Audeying humbugged sud impo 01 tpo for yenas OsNJwà-D. C. Mscdonell, Whltby, Clark; floigtea.ms .okpr: uly by quaksand patent me èc'n shrks, cure-d Jan. 8; Pcb. 41 March 4; April 8; 19a78;Br Kinsale, Whitby Town LUne, Highlanid » in a f., wek. 1 bave notlin t el, oe June 4; July ë; sep. 4; Oct. 8; Nov. 4, i Creek, Cherrywood and two teams of give away, ner amn h advertlsinf mn1 patnt Dec. 4, r Scarboro' Rangers. In the first series medicine business, but ,lll t. Ois obeau BEouEAàX - M. Gleesoli, Greenwood, Kinsale defeated Audley, Sr Rner (rom any sufferer auxicua te find acure for his Clerk. -Jan 4; Maroh 5; ay 4; JulY 9; compialtt. 'o whoin 1 wll explilu confiden . e .5 O .5 dfeated Town Linel- and Highland uly how and by what means h1wus eured Sep.SPoNov.AU Creek dcfcated jr. Rangers, the score Hundreds have boom cured througb my ad- PORT PIRBY - J. W. Burnham Prt in each case bcing i to o. Cherrywood diced. Cos nothing te leImm wbat 1 paid hue.Pn y srkJn 9 acl ;My9 ou d eto dollars te find out. Addrcss confi. July il;Se.8;N .1. l held the bye' and was now defeatcd by de aal m ecoeaam fcnvnei ep 8 ov 8 ,n ad eclse tap i cnveiet. UmBnuwG»-Joeph ,E. GoulUbrde Kinsale 4 tO o. The Sr. Rangers werc D. G. OWEN. Clerk-Jan. 80; March 18; May lSth; july - matched with Highland Creek and won Toronto, Ont. Rîverside P.O. 12; Oct 14 ; Dcc. 17. by i to o. Then came the final struggle CANngGTNsio-George Smith, CanniflgtOui, BN between the Sr. Rangers and Kinsale. The tiret cargo of ugir ever brought to New Jan. 81; March 14; Mday 16; July 18; Oct. of Whntm a aldtesoesodYork froua tho Sandwich Islande wau landad 15; Dec. 18. B!c i to »i. Time was extended and for rdy z&]aN-e.FBueesrtn some time both teamns worked hard but Wby sufer troua weak nerves, want etf ap- Olerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. petite, mnd general debility 1 lettûng the louis Thiaouaovz-F J Gillespie, UptergTove, B& neither could score. When haîf the et aloep and rost impovoriabi the syitem and Clerk,-March 16; May 1; Ot. 17; Dc2. 0 extended time was over, the Rangers thin tbe blood, when such a real.y' meritoni- BrideB left the field and left Kinsale victorious. oue reindy sasNorthrop & Lyman a Quinine B . PAE WEL, In te j. scoolfootallWine may bo laid a any drug store. This j.B.FAEWkELLeae In te j. scoolfootallcompetition article is recouimended by the bighest mem- Octoberf the, 1894. the Cherrywood school came off vîctori- bers et the reedical facîilty ine casesfetndi. coe1th184 ous and received the medal. Our re- gestion, generai debiity, loiu et appetite, porter was utiabie to get the resuit of anid nervous affections of &Il kinds. It is ai- the s. scool*ornpeitio. Th rac s "sPecWly beneficiai te oidren and deli teachers, trustees, fat men, boys and and those w'obe avo much braie werk. W O ieî n ae tbe girls. were as usual exciting and keenly would say, "Nover be without it." It wil contested. êtrongthen yen, keep yonr Bstem je regulai J In the afternoon a matched race for order, and enable you to succeasstuly grapple with the work you have to do. It as plea- $oa side between Platt, ut Pickering saut to the tasto. and contains nothieg in 0O college, and Henderson, of Dunharton, jus ito the most delicate constitution, iwas perhaps the most exciting ex-cnt otef C etber to aak for the Quinine Wine, the day. Platt won by about threc prepared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, aud we are sure you wiil be satistied that vards. 0ou have full value for your- money. Drug. Lt is evitlent to us that Rosehank giosa eil il. pini has had its day- and that t The Governmeni has decided to make rDunC 0l tinie for the teachers and trustues oft horough investigation jin tbe recent Colins Dunas St., WNhitby, C' our public schools to adopt soillthing dsa18 r.D that would promiote a greater intcrest Piles! pules!1 Itohing puies. J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. in the work of education and dtlte Svmpoms-Mosure ; inteinge itcbing sud Commercial men liberally deait with saine urine bc frec from that taint of inging; mosi at njght; worse by scîatchiug. Teamiflg done at reasonable prices. r wvitwh ich is sure to cruc- inIf ~aflowed to continue tumors t ormn, whiclý Freight and Bsggage hauled at reason- f hr .o(t f tee bieed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. able prices. A call solicited. rnany O SWAYNE'5 0îxrMs.'T" Stops the iiching and __________r__________i f f the sechools of each township le rct) bleeding, beauB ulceration, aud ile moBt cases unite and charter a boat and mun an removos the tureors. At druggists or by mail LIFT U .. E excurs«i o Niagara, taking the schood for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadeiphia. 1IFE NS RC . childrn at sumLyman Sons; & Co., Montreal, Wholesale-: - F, cilden t anominal sumi nany Agents.-:- thle battierund ofhaenadaodLesu than $6,000 it ib now tound, is the Manutacturers' LiN & Accident g t e b ttl gr un of Can da wo ld amount of ihe loss in the burglary of the Statp Insurance . Go., T oronto. ,c thus have the prîvalege. A day spent Treasury at Concord, N. H. .gin this way would have ail the social agsCpilStcLfelurneCo 1advantages of the picnic and at the Minons' Liniment for sale everywhere. on the continent. Ninety per cent. et al same time promote patriotism. stimu- __________________accumulations ot surplus la returned te the late the study of Canadian history, and policy bolders. All clain's are paid without assist very materially in developing in delay or lionuet on proot ot death or nour boys and girls a love for the beaut:- îv,»~a matunity of endowint SfuI and the grand. J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent, Whitby.1 Tbe International Minera' Congresa bau~. loi opened in Pans.c . >I C s ifynwndbvstsikmdandn DE TiSGTG.S te il a.m. to 2 p.m. eg Priva/e TelePho-fle Co-nnuniat$Ow. .D. P. BOGART, Li.D.,L.D.S. Physicaa, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. )jfface and Residence nezt to Ail Saint's Churah, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental surgeny in ail its branches promçtly .ttended to. Dr. H. Wghtman 1,DENTLS T. Dver riros & Ganger's. Wb.tby. W. E. Y ARNOLD, D. L. S.. CountSurveer ad Drainage Engineer, A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langiey & Burke, Toronto. Design# for Churches, Villas anid Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling ezizting structures. Office-Firet fiat over W. R. Howes'idrug store. 1e-P O Box 202, Wbitby. WM. CALVERLECT, Having rneved itlc our new premiseî, ve ar rprdto extcnd the range of business. Ail work pertaiing t h ueumkn and saddlory business 'wiIlhocdone te satis- faction. Collrs a speclalty. Cmli mmd sec my shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, secouaddoS vent of oZdsovi JNO. NOBLE, ý z-- - 1 . rite ouaty Oow $Âtoe,, mi boiictor. offiee-Sonth .l g oi ontt 0o0, Whitby. jA»Mgs VTILBDGE, ruiler, ce. O000ce formciy occupied ,parewenla; ButfledgO, neit foyal Hotel, ok St.. Whttby. D)AVID 0191iSTON, B. A., borney-atLaW, Solicitor in Ohacry, )nveyanOer,. etc. office - In the Office ith 01 the post Ofice, in IMoMifan"a look, Brook Street, Wh.lthy. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. Bo, rrfrtcr e Licou'"s. Office - Smith'n loo, oul01Market, B7ook St., Wbitby. DOW & McGILLIVRAY, arristers, Solicoitors in Chancer, etc. tice ini Mathison & HawkenU new block ýrock St., 'Whitby, south of Ontario bank. 9rs Warren ïf Moore, * J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Resui Ne, DISEAI% Which Il CURE[ AYIE II contracted on My lunga, ai Ln such caesne palned me *I i' consul ,who f ound, on E uppe rpart of th Rie gave me Mo directed, but It Fortunately, I Almanac. o0 tht Pectoral had or ~ ve It a trial. ouble was nel lshed the boUle watchmaker, O0 Ayer's1 HrisihutAi -tuer,$aIN& A GRA' RELATES TER'S Anaemia ai Brough Grave. - Hope o! Pink F Saver. Froua the Otta A person Press some -Miss Soph Street, Otu serlous ilîine general debil cd more th; sure amnong ances. Soi porter of th, interesting t a chat witl covery of 1 TO-r two yea erably a vict ing and dan1 anger is a v dian, wife whose wall establishme Miss Sophi valid, vasci life, is a pri Whitby. Brooklin. Ag%" éhin or 'am Ilum covmý',ý . . . - -l kvp vna imr]

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