The onicle. \TCbT,- YYY-TYX WHITBY, ONTARJO, FIRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1895. JNU. Z~5- DOMINION E Oepits.i Paid up,- *Whitby A g Ge-nera1 Tra.nsacted. Ba.nking SAVINOS DEPÂRTI tItteresi aliowed at highosi NO notueo of wthdrawai requl: 19. J. THOB P. G. Meidrur Licentiate of tht Roy. Physicians, Edinburgh Met lege of Physicians and Surge Office and residenee of the *'Terrace, riorth of Dundas Telephone communication v Whitby, JulY 4th, îq~ CHAS 5< AUCTIONFER. \V111 The undersîgned begs to0 has talcen oui a lîcense for ai wîi be glad t0 fil orders foir ness. liis hook wiii be k-pt office, where ail informiation e- Ontaio LdiesOollge.BACCALAUREATE SERMON. OnaroAaie lg. Rev. S. D. Chown, Toronto, preacbed the Massey commenceOmenit of 22ii4 YeaT-O L C n0w baccalaxireate sermnon in the Methodist adanesr% $ 19,000 --et age."-ExteubIVO exOrcI308 te eruacle Sunday night, to an immense audi- lives t 1.50 , arkthe event.-MarkOd growth Of ence. His text was ps. CXIX-i8:" Open Chian, $ , 000 the institution. -EXg*iiaion mheme thon mine eyes, that 1 may see,et.He are DOW a reauty.-God1er atone laid Of compared the bible to a university, fromin n ourc 4new Lilian IU»seOT HaU.-Gromt gather. which the christian draiws every branch of rapid s ~eucy e ing of the promoters of tomi. duc goodness. With striking oratorical force day the tn otaepatlath eroy. and great eloquence, Mr. Chown bore his fully a 9 t'n t tae Prt a te Oremny'hearers through the magnificent depiart- Hundri Business Speeches by promiflent mon. ments of this great university of the bible. gave a IBOARD> 0V DIREcTORs.-Presideflt, Gc xIn the great halls there are pictures of lands,i Moses, of Job, of David, an d of Solomoxi. those t MtENT. A Cox . ice-presideflt, Rev E H- Dewart, D. Therc are pictures of the prophets-Isaiab, growtl- ýt ourrent rate,,. 1). 2il 'oce, L. T Barclay, B.A.; secretary- Jeremniah, Ezekiel and Daniel, with the sary to red. treasurcr, li B Taylor, B.A.; and Revs. Jno twelve lesser prophets scattered around. as h s He followed from place to p lace, fromn hall 1 died c INTON, Pott-. ii1I) Jno Shaw, D.D., Win Gal- to hall of iearning, until hbe reached the evr Manager bti aîh. 1) 1)jno F German, D. D., Jno J great convocation hall of judgnxent and re- trîbutii lare, l'h 1) 1) C McDowell, H A Massev, ward, as pictured in revelation. In conclu- We ai Hie h.~hîuy \arrng enndyW Dsion he a dressed the graduateg, flrst warn- n, M. D. ('ngthetnofthe dangersKeofedeNewDWoman NlFth,. ,RClarnilton, RJScrGeo Yigte ftednei fteNwWmnshare Lmlî, li., J S Barnard, W Adams, J L oent ELOCUTION RECITALS. prîn ai olige f sîî, Gi ARi)sA spccially important feature of this ibie. mber of the Col- F () i F INSTRt*CTORs.-Rev J J yea's programme was the spirited contest w,,rk tosofntr [.liare, Ph [),, Principal, geology, psycho- for the medalship in elocution, which de- there 3, north secti(>11logv, butaîîv, etc. , Prof. W J Greenwood, Partment under Miss Lick, 0.MN., is a strik- Dr. H BrnStreet, xng feature of college work. The principal had tl Byrn BA., classics and logic; Miss Burkholder, contestants were Misses Lawrence, Long- is mno ~tee.B .- nglish literature and mathematics; heed, Poilard, Gordon and H-owe. A coin- jalize with office. Pr; li HogarthB.A. îstyearmathemnatics; mittee of judges was appointed to attend Nliss Kenftv, B A_ Gerrnan, French, Anglo- h onn rctl nMndyadTe-nowÈ Saxon atnd Soanish , Miss Stanton, Frenc day, and the final competitioti on Tuesday Mis Stple ~ g nigbt, and it was with great difficult- that a for hi C 0 T y \1iý, ('pelan, boo-k ,jnior n pisno-decision was arrived at. Miss G orcinad ao D O T '1 l)%, Niss- Cp Ln. kkeeitig and phono-a Miss Howe secured the lead on the score 1 1VONl' cltraeh Profs.icF Haocuion, anohyiad sbeet when nearing the end, and the final more 1 Ii N I k ltue rof JW FHarisn.piao nddecision was cast for the latter, who is gîft- as Anî-iîunce ihh ii fgi MsBalevclmui ised with that coînposure. gracefuli manner, ths n irrn,dt iollq rnonN andl violiti Miss Wilson, well cultured voice and dramatic instincýt impo: thîs cla'.s ofU-Ipliao, iss Tavloi, piano Miss McK, e, which ruade lier an unusually strong candi- Re, i .! i. ii sv a msî Plrof. L R O'Brien, pa.nting date for the honor.. speal atii tit-orskething Mis Wineatt PHSICA CULURE t . 1 . 11 Whitby. Nov. 2c) .94 N. F. PATERSON, Q 0., Barrisier, etc-After tî%o vears residence in England has resumed Practie t ai136 John St Toronto-Oct. '4--6 mos. T.f)" J aiau n .~ d pjantinig -Miss Peterson. as- Iitl i drawing; Miss Koishorn, art necilu wirk - CaptA. G. Henderson, horsehauL riding- nti ov. about ten years sincePrnia lare proîîoînded his scheme of college ex- tetisiiifl andi final deveiopment into a uni- %.ersitv for women. Tht idea has gone A magnificent spectacle several tinies pre- sented to visitors during the week was tht drilling of the young ladies upon tht lawn. Forty-eight of themn were marshalled and carried through many very difficuit manoeu- vres, suggestiveý of mltary cdrill. Inter- tuixed with this was Delsarte and calisthen- ic exercises. The ladies were all clad in spotless white, and presented a superb spec- tacle. THE CORNER STONE CERENIONV. doubt that tin recogniton of Mr. IfdA tfo IT C S wooi o lad of the chance and bad hlm 's munifrcence the directors wouid at LOCAL NEWS LEiIL. * before Mr. John Nott, J. P., and te resuit [y date provide almost fret training to Wug a fine of $2 and costs. They are 50w wlio were wlling to devote their separated. lie taking bis belongings and she sucli work. OHEONICLE CORRE5PONDENOEC, alcing ber traps and going to liye wtth ber ncellor uwB adtsdy was a scapegrace of a son. Tis latter is the bird Buron shisathe thistoyo h da -:0: of whom I wrote a few weeks a o who trled counry, ointing as it does to -he POLT peM.Y to alienate tht affections of a nef gtbors wîfe spread ofrm l euaih .This is a w.H eceo elni iilgbsand had to leave town on very short notice, deimoftane of aie dcatin. oe W H eceofWlad s iiibsas lie was threatened with a new summer appreciated some centuries hence. sister Mrs. Geo. Oke. suit of tar and feathers. Since ýGraham's eds of years ago men lie Mir. Massey Our orchestra will attend tht Prospect return there le trouble brewing between Mr. start to educational institfltiois lIn old Sabbath school anniversary on Monday next. and Mrs Ellis on bis account. I hear Elis and today tht great seatu of learning, Mrs. A. Richardon of Chicago is visiting anid bis wife have not spokefl since, and Elli reasures of knowledge, are the ont- her sister, Mrs. Leonard. threatens Graham if he ever cornes to his . A concentration of weath is neces- Messrs. Natthew and Thomas Emersonl house be will shoot hlm. the establishment of sucli insitutions left on Friday I4th inst. for their futue home W J NOT. s.Today the influence of men who British Columbig. enturis aRit 1 more marked than ThtwncuclilmetoTesa PrtP TBuIS DiO@ . So it will be with Mr. Massy's con- ee tng Ju2ninstll ead t onday, b ot eir" T UIls 105 aLE.-oTmeun ions to teadvancement of iearning. DomniogJI ninta Mndaday. s fLgned ffrs for es-ial er .-ThierY u8IIi removing forward lIn ducation and Dmno a.sge fesfrsl emMnr re thtt a bargain. This a raire chance to seoura women's colleges are doing a large Rev. J. C. Willmot and Dr. Cade exchang- a thoroughiy ostabliuhd milllnérv business. of the work.1 ed pulpits last Sunday evening. Dr. Cade possession '. on abou- thel amtdlO'of Jumo n. John Dryden set out by ascribing to preaches lis farewell sermon next Sunday next; in the mesntime i-will sei n y peisenlt pal Hare powers whidli are irresist- evening. - sok of niillinery st and below cous. LAdies When the worthy principal set w Mss More it br asit-g anyting in my lUno wil fthd It to to~~ acopMsihisoseeeteso e yHelena.Moewihhrpupils, ass- their adrantage to gi-vo me a os.», MUn& to ccoplsh hi coleg etenio edbyMiss Edna Moore and Miss Kate BiLflNGSB, was no other way but to acquiesce. Archer of Torontowll give a recitailin the ____________________ [are lias worked and worked, and bas town hall on Tuesday evetiing 25th. this on his heart for many a year, and lt I regret to hear of the serlous ilîness of Mr. FLIES 1 FLIES1I 1 FLIES 11 st gratifying to set these hoes mater- Fred Hobbs, the gifted correspondent in f ail tht things beneath the skies, in such a wonderful way. We can Oshawa for tht CHRONICLE, and hope to That 1 abominate and despise, afely say that this college surpasses hear of lis recovery and that lie shahl be Tht worst are these pstiferotis fies. n tht Dominion. We in this section able to wieid his pen as of yort. At eariy morri they make you i e, a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. Massey is splendid gîft to this coilege. Is in Monday last was a great day with our (It matters not about your size,) rof unimited education, which tends local fisherman. Every boat of any use was By crawing o'tr your face and eyes;- cto build character than dots even good in service, many masicinonge being caught. They're in your miik, they're on your pies, ý.Those of us who live to look back to Some were so intent on having tht first fish- They make their mark on thiflgs you prie day w111 be better able to estimate tht ing that they were out on Sunday morning at And there's no mark that 50 defits artace f th ocasio. 4o'clck.Tht eflacing hand, which time applies. v. Dr. Smith, Hamilton, wound up the If those two young married men from Port This is a truth no ont denies, king. Perry who go over to Manchester and take Thty torment maxi until lie dies; ,incipal Hart returned thanks to the out driving two unmarried giris--leavirig When, fret from sorrow. care and fies, ikes fr he ompimntay tneof their wives and children at home-do not Ht soars away beyond tht skies, - r remarks. The question had another stop such work their names will appear in A pnort hutanlot tbseleries to it which lad not been toucled upon. this columin. One of them had an escapade Apa osu u hs eeIis tic of tht new cares and responsibilities a few years ago witl axiother woman and These uines are mearit to advertise ch this great extension wil1 ent ail upon ont would think ont experience of that kind Screen doors anid windows, evçry size, directors and faculty. Ht trusted that wouid do a maxi a lifetime. Parrish keeps tliem, and he tnies ýope ofthe ios saguin wold b Daage plae gassTo suit your wants. in style and size, hoes ofd tht mos anguiet n od be o Daxnage p lat eatetono ort Then do not longer jeopardize cozee an d ht maneentasnd stotao eie oci h atnino ot O our comforts and your liber-ties, :ohegewoud wrk ncesinly o tatcouncil and authorities to tht practice some But be considerate anid wise men young and old have of cutting or scratch- And arise, anid brush the di ~from your THE COMMENCEMENT. iîîg fine plate glass windows on our main Eyes, and protect your pies froni these hre stetwitl diamond rings or some kind, of FIS LEFIS at the remarkable low prices forged into a reaiity in part. Extension, A speciltanbogtalranme f AvrygttgîeîgaîxuuLI '-stioxi which is a necessary forerunner ot the uni- Toronto people to Whitby on Wedntsday mnencemnent exercises li tht evening, to wit- areE that 1 amn selliug Solid Oak sersityi scheme 15 riow an assured thiri . aflernooti to take part in tht corner-stolit ness tht awardîng of diplomas, mnedais axid strec Drawng-rOrn uits at TheThi extension not otily means new b uila - and commencement exercises. Amoug tht rics ron $25, 25ings and more space, but also that tht most number we noticed: Revs. Dr. Burwash, prîzes. prcsare frmo2.() 2,,de,,equipment in every possible respect Dr. Potts, Dr. German, Dr. Parker, Dr. GRADttATES. scra $28 50, $80-00, e35 anid up- is to be added at once. It means that On-, Barker, Dr. J. V. Smith, and C. A. Lang- take 'rd.tario Ladies' College is to be placed upon a 'ford, and Hon. John Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. M.L.A.-Misst5 F. Beatty, Howe anid sudt wad.footing far in advance of any lîke institution George A. Col Mr. and MrS. H. A. Massty, Staules. met] E J J o inthi, r pobai cunty.It Miss L. F. Massey, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. M.E.L.-MisstS A. Beatty, Eyres and T - -meatis that its Yattnin ter, l oo Hamiltn, Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Dr. Potta, Grenfeil. for _____________doubled, its p owers tnlarged to tht grant- Mr. and Mrs. E. Gurnty, MY~. J. L. Hughes, Ehocution-Misses Gordoni, Howe,..baýw- W1 ing of universitY degrees, its ustfulness ex. Mr. H.. J. Hill, Rt-v. C. Langford, N. B. rence, Loughttd and Poliard. Wh tended to a marvelîlus degret, Tht beat Gos, LL. B., Robt. Jaffray, Rt'v. J. E. Wili- ConimÉereial'-Miss Millar. a D N T F R ET friends and most sanguine supporters of mott, Rt-v. P. W. Hollirirake. Among tht Pont graduate course i fine arts-Misses jas this coliege could hardiy have looked for- local people we notictd Rev. Dr. Cade, Rey. Greenwood and Peterson. thtthese ward to this gran atilztoio hi hs Manning, Rei'. John AbrahIrm, Rev. HalISS.B god m ale Alhopes at an early date. J. H. Broughal, Dr. Meldrum, J. Hanmer S r gosare iil mi A ATTAINED T T AOIY Greenwood, 1. L. Smith, L. T. Barclay, H. GadtIdà j, iven. byi Giili. ,Coi,_ E i uphlaerngorersgîento Th colee ~> ~B. Tayor, Dr. Adamts and many othrs. GTjmt~~it tè .A me has fyail sup-tvision.Tht afternoon's ceremomes opezi p dOlFt me hasmy owusupervsioo. e years of bard, progressive work; of a haifhour's exhibition of physi cul io worries, til n ifcl so fot odrill on the iawn. Eorty-*ht yoauglaais *id& , ven bby thie jrrI dpalfor tral ad ificltes o efotstoparaiedinuwhite' and perfruied maý: n l- 'ui-aandn rthML..ouetooC ]E. ee JOH SON Y tions te tht place of location; of financial marches, calisthenics axid Delsarteau move- presented >by Hon. Chas. Drury, to Miss Leading 1stramn. What a struggle ! And how grati- ments. Tht spectators displaytd tht high- Beatty, Party Sound and Miss H owe chi Ledngfying te know that from tht first progrees est appreciation of this truly rich trtat Dulutht, (equal). liie Undertaker bas net only been tht aim but tht result ! At t conclusion of tht drill tht company Sihvtr medal, by Hie Excthiency the ov-Re TH O T.With that vîgor and perseverance which is oathered around tht foundation of the new ernor-General. for highest standiin th co 1-N THE COUTY.a characteristie of Goveruor Haire, he has building to witntss the laying of the cre M.E.L. course, to be prestnted by Wm. viz pushed ahead with such continuous effort stone of Lilian Massty Hall. This new cdi- Smith, Esq., M. P., Columbus, te miss Pli Pas ture ta Let and remaricable power that difficulties wtrt fice will extend south front Trafalga castit Eyres, Mihbrook. BI( overcome as soon as they appeared. Tht 13ox.53. with a new kitchen wing running o ff Silver medal, by Col. Hamihton, Toronto, art For a limnittd number of stock. Firsi- foundation of female rducatioxi and eman- te tht tas t 45.efiuen t estrfiat tor be igestnedinginth lt o o rse , ciass pasture. wtl live streami of water, tcpio was b gli, nante onrhgh besides the basemeflts. Theft iftt epene4b h oo oMs i lot NO. 30, 3rd con., Whîtby. R.J. LYN DE. stont there must be placed treasures and cf tht large building wil constitute dining Blauncho Howe, Duluth. w tokns f tisgeutratiofl' effort te raise up and concert halls ; tht second and third dor- Silver niedal, by H. B. Taylor, M. A., for Ti Whity My i i8g-22tf.and ennobît tht fairer sex. I beauty, mitorits. Tht kitchen wing wiii have its higbiet standing ln tht commerciali course, S bealtb, intellectizal vigor and majestic bear- two upper stories dt-vottd te bath roonts to, ho prestntod by tht dorior te Miss Millar, S C~CDI IM f~ ~A ng tht Ontario Ladies' College passes ber and tank reoins. Two la1 steaul boilers Pembroke.s , WEST "RIiIB lJIOF US MURs 121st milestont1 Ail horior to tht worthy are to bt placed under ýTafâlgar building, Silver N. B. Gash, Esq., M. A., MI and indefatigabît Principal and bis equally froin which tht wbole college wiil be heat- LL. B., of Toronto, for higliest standing lInu1R' worthy faculty and coadjuters in this grand ed lu future, whlt lu tht matter of ventila- classici, te ho presente by the doueor te E HEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. work. A century hence when tht whole tion a thorough systent is provided for. MsiF.Beatty, Party Sound. ha, human family, malt anid female, will have Tht total cost of ntw building and improie- Modale for special excellence lu M. E. L. ]. Autorze s~,oooobeen raised to ont plant, tht noble werk menite wil heabout > r . L .Br course, gIron by Miss Kenny B. A., te Miss01 Cptl utoie lO tO now btixig dont li this college will be fully After singing and prayer, GMr.f L. Subscrlbd 500,00 reciated. Tht prejudices of this age Clay read a complete historical sketch of thetCSilvne modal orn nsc hapet.i 500,00 id that sucb shouid be tht case at pre- college, Sitracing itsfprotenssssixice Its fous- Capital Sb riefo rcn t ogessneisou-glvnb ià of e o lgt is rec Capital Paid-up 373,000 sent. dato t~GoA Cite sntd Hte iltonp peof Tto lg, eMisT i c Rest 1000TELA MSE AL Miss Massey the btautiflil ilverOWl with Tennis prise, by Mr. F. C. Haro, te Miss B' 10, Tht mnagnificent gift of $io,000 from Mr. wbicb to lay tht corner atone. in doing se Touer, Cohllngwoed.y BiOARD 0F DIRECTORS. H.AailyTrno dddt h mn r o toQocaint express thehbearty Tennis prise te utw playere, by Mr. F. C, ai JOHN CowAN, EsQ., President. and liberal subscriptioiis of entbusiastic tbanks cf tht directors and others intereet- HaoMh C. Metcalf, Pembroke.b RI£uBEN S ALN s. iePeie ed Ilu tht college to Mr. H. A. Massty for C0Cut prise, by Mr. Pl. C. Rare, te Missn S . a I, E sQ .F. AicePrsident.. fritrids of tht institution, bas provided a bis magnificent gift cf $îo,oloo towards tht ecff i Gito.Es.Roer cIt.S und sufficiezit to carry eut a fulpo building and equipmtnt fuud. Ht aisd A large number of art certificatos were e Tlî-,ma Paersn, of tiiiargtnt and extnsin, and spok of M. Masseys splendid gifts te presentod. -s Th.)nas ateron,- Es Casierte moderniz ail thte euipmtnt of tht in Victora univtrsity, Albertcellege, Belle- - inss llas F. Staples, Grafton, gave tbe T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cse stitutioni. Tht new hall is tebe ?30x 52 fLin ville, ,,ud aise te Methodist collee at St. valeL itempore, and in fine stylt . B3RANcHEs.-Midland, Tisonburg, New size and three stories in beigbt, exclusive Thomtas, Winnipeg and Brtish Commia. Hamburg, Whitby, Paisley, Penctangiiisli- of basernent. lit exactlY fils tht kîtretchb bt Miss Masiyat once turned te tht swing- 'rus COk;CBR?.t ene,an Port Perry. , we GrrIHart's coi~g and tht ing corner atone, andI asisted lu psprtadin Titis e a6-n Mondai evening, drew a Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex- main'buililg. and wil afford agreat deal the mortar Copiof ail tht Toronto il- large crowd, sud the pglue O as highily change bougît and sold. Deposite rectivtd cf space and o iilut es and literary journals, aiUe etodatapreltd.Tb* fiolg -are ii ne s andintres alowe athigtstcureti raes KATNGRINX PROJECT. publicattionts, tht local Papeta, andI curreflt bers: Collections Tht -- ~ ~ ~ cinswert then de ited lu the. cavityVoatIo.OiiCM dws .... 3% per cent. Cleto s soicited and The erth which le btlng excavaie frointadÎesoeowrgnt place. sec.Vcl rte çmli promnptly made. ttfasme the new building le being retary-Treasuer ELH B. Taylor then declared b4îs»m Notent, Hove and Hil.i Correspondents li New York and li Cari- uthe eel t ht sward nerth of the ilcre tn fite Mse alwl in w tis-«IUZ~Dno"... ada-Tht Merchants Bank cf Canada. Loti- uselt, anti ,upothe tis spot wiU e heocaneI rul aid, ofsud ic con all ' jouell ?WFulI .... don, Eng.-The Royal Bank of Scotland. ttda imnesating rink, where Mfor tht speechesob= Special attention te collection of Farmers' during the wiuter thc ladies masi duigelinpsRaec; g tht chair. ZMA"adBws wlth tvs :he fiaspeaker. V<><ai-ý4wbe1 ipples Flow".-. Sale Notes. ilî anner of ire sports. Ti the t . U A E. D. WARREN, lnsulwn u osg i ide aili ol~d~1s alr Mngro htyBat Mord every fsacalty ths tine lsttulotslnett.> k -c-i acie htbi atrof good . work maao-mamle...y.#..». culture, an utierspec Mthail P lO-anog ue -.S O- - Teolege in advanve cf a ,najority o oi ni rbtc eut short aul tee Iletenin'ISr9,Mrtn H. S OT ,iestc.tii X. Masse> one la poillrrfly impoe55a" amLep..è"*0 pM MÂ EW TB . UNION ENDEÂVOILUsime eTIN FDAT. by lisCamCt, aidev upuef, bis Ulmy4oiughed. (Successor Io H77wsoû.) les. Such la thtcase th tht sio i leW "d toà sulecd , t cllae oSl'V' - deaver meeting 1W.14 I The wOsthoLes' antI %rOUtdS 1luifen o~i t bnplim:MsaK. ioo - - coliege, >Frid&a eveIlug Xewlahivs Wthé-sICi lon b~c o~ ~ I ~- . . The Subscflber has agaîn epened business cxceîtionally se i ve#U amolaY etof emiaIe « " Sc o-uit. - -llr telegiaph office, factery at Mrs. Newbeiy'5 eigitt o'éocAlâleck wt bgO tb,$Ua th n boue Hnm ocSetlil o tE . wBul vSç eutk av y, imaflmbC4 tlu.M lM ofeuatdi0OlOfý manufactured and old Pompe repaired. co ee MWU si« floà , u tbm = ctIl se 18or 0 a boume î ý onorkoc Streo, soutt.eN11Putuip o!0£" Flirat clama matons1 uuni sud iwk warrant-OUT fpri cge tW lIiten ',th -y am1 US ~> ed. Woelsdot or cleatnod oui. Orders drems unsù*,&%a21ý Ii. **4 solcIte dI . SCOTTeifa l dU #Oed e t m- i$- -Bo tP . Feb. 14, î8p5. -Wbitby sud Obaa ,~.,, a ê a PoulyWantsd1 SiniGKEST ?PgIC INiCASH. - ,o b oed wà y*UPPS- p*Wtfd M b f f i Up c 4 of P o xm 9m ck-in particuiar is badiy damagtd by .tches. It would be well if means were W rn to, find out and punîsh those who do bh mean acts- CANT thodiist mjnisters. rhe foiiowixig are appoixited by conferenice AFFORD this year, viz: Oshawa, E J Kines, GeoD McCall, B.A.; Cartwright, N D Drew; hitby, T Manning; Port Perry, D N Mc- To seli furniture -at cost, but we cas - nus; Brooklin, T W Leggt ;-oumu, afiord to se»l at as Iow a prce as is iAnderson; Myrtk, 'W j Wethefell; consistent with an zkering, S- C -Philp. jr.; GyteenwoOd,-J arrise E A W Dove; Ciaretmont, George ---- ,-wi; Prt Ajber, j C wimot m..,; -Cofirmation l sericeS avero beld 'luthe LiTch of ascension 9ti Monda> evening i7tti st., by the bishop <if Toronto, assisted by tv. J . Fletcher, when the toiiowlng were enfirmed and taken in full ,nembership, ,: Lexie Fergusen, Rachel Hinge, Beatrice letcher, Sophia Parr, Lulu Taber, Lillie lng, Lizzle Burntey, George Dawes, Rich- rd Spinke. Bishop Swtetmaii gave an eoe- uent addîess te tht candidates. After con- 'mnatien services avere ovor the communion ras admiuistered te tht entire membership. .hechurch was crowded te tht doors. irions atcadeflt What nuay be a fatal accident occurred dun jouday evening î7th mest., on tht, .7th con. teach about a mile foni town âd oppo9ite zia Stili's market gardens Two young, ade, Fred Buntefi, son of Mi,. Robett F. üUsten of this town, and ypuug Ral insaere irlving a horse atachodté abug1 , sud by ute meaus the ring of the bit. beEe d iorsestarted te rn away. got beyoud. tht, ,n trol of thebpysand luits nad'car:ras gainet a telegapi4pet, trowlng young aunton lîqa =ore'm5tSagein-sft the pooL., Young Raines- gott'out of tht buggy. somieway ind eà Saped,Buten lwas pickod up anud brought home -wben D]r. *Clemêns andi'Dr. iIeIlow Wer retditlysY uffi 'oned. 51bey sund the ybung lad in a dangerous coiditioiù and unkito-ies. , On examinatioli the scalp wà s-,foùnd- to be loosened - (rom. thé skullI ove a largépart of tht top of the, uçW but ne ftract#reoftiha èkull se à o bs h te Jessop, -uCfpe W.' J. NOTI, - - M1 Hay cutting bascomm-enced. 1s. KttsasCvVisitiflg st br1 er'e,W.MRal Mr. F-. Brantod bas becs othén-sck but' IS improdlng.- Tii. adiesaid social oaTliuWdaY pw à akitpoint tO ttenà ItW*4teodi ailersary >-qIçoAy -1 %- -IN, 1 -1 X- . v %-F «&-à i tliroligil its itnaginary, problematical, pos- ýl.,-%" --A 1--eflil Qtnot-q- and has now been IN (J a ;04. 7 ,