. KNOWLEDGE Drig omfort and Iiuprovement and 60UÎdnto porsonal *njoymnent wh.s w5htly use ed. i*mn.ny, who live bot. 101' than others and enjoy lif. more, with lm u*Zperiditure, by mocre promptly adaptlng the world's best producta to à Oh. ned of physical boing, will attest the 'value to health of the pure liquid I=xtiý,e prinoiple.s mbroc.d in the 2 'wey, yrup of Fige. t nexoheo is due to Ita pressnting - lu .foirm mneot acceptab.e and pleas- nMto ;he taste, the refreshing and truly boeieficWa properties of a perfect lax- ative ; offectually cleansing the aystem, diapelling celda,4 headaches and foyers ud Perxnaneixtly Curing constipation. It ha.l given satisfaction to milions and Met0 with the. approval of the inedical Profeaion, because it acta on the Kid- tkOvs, Liver and Bewels without weak- *flang them and it ia perfectly free frorn *'ey objoctionable substAn[ce. eup. of Figeli. for sale by ail drug. ga.in 75C. botties, but it às manu- factured by the Califortiia Fig Syrup Co. ouly, whose name ia printed on every package, also the name, -Syriup of Fige, aud* being weIl informed, you will not moeptiany substitut. if effered. AYER'S Restorea natural ~g~ celer te the hair, and adme proventa it f aIling out. Mrs. XR. W. Fenwick, of Digby, N. B, oays: -- - .-~tlau tiwo \trsmfgo nto tur o1nt. f ter the use of en ont 1f, of -\vPr's Uir Vigor my hair wa ; res4ored to it s or:ginal color ;uil ceased falling out. An -occaRionaiaplication lias since kepIt the iair in good cond tion."-Mrs. HU. F. Iwiui, Digby, S~. S. Oirowth of Hair. tg iglit vears agyo. 1Ibadliet'varie- 10oid, .1a'ii st111y iar, Mw hici previ- ously w~as quite abtumdaîmt. I tried a varaty of preparatÂons, but Nvitlî- out lion 1Qa result, tili I begaîi to fear 1 be pidis Jermaiwiitly hOld. brotight 1l'e a abottie of .Aver's Ilair V ig)' , and( I iîeg:uu at Once to use it. Iii a sliort time, npw hair began to apîwar, and theore is now every prospect of as t ::*- a gr>wth of haiïr a s lafor' n i v ilii uss."- Mrs. A. PVî:~,JolYuÀuiLL st., New Orleaiis, La. AYER'S IIAIR VIGOR nw pho h -barns open. A V the two >a$êj lins a.novr in the neigbborhood .tweaîy Lorses Tli'î fancy driver tbsit hoekept for bit own use ho afew days g o t o C h a le s P o ste r o f E p 4 >n . LA& Fndsy Eddie Mr~&e u esc,- «ape from do ?.èn '-I*kGould verseout in a duck boat on :he pond at the. ont mÎitiwben it uapset tb.vowicg botb Lh. boys ont. Frnkù oould swim and struck for the shore, but' 3di. got atuch lait ho thé. boat, s"0 te cb ould nos swim - ovec Whou n P ho vas in a dangerous position. ,1,wvrýAloi Sken. hî>p.ud tb b. ,*ke ethband in aboM mil vous to tb. XMpwe1 l@. remit w%4 uotbiug .. A boy .ator.dthe Tournal . -,eon I Modsna4 w*etbd t. eU'. Pm.1 bolder *4 hbe orezmn Whu. 4*id you âWa 3*" as tii. gri question. «Id*' i *ttt; ru* mivel'reft e."n*, Nati jà i got ftfrlie, oy md tbn * 641 sud the but plan la generaUY ho feel tbankfnl ibat the amoUnt vas not langer tha i iLwua. Last veek an Uzbnldq,ý lady, Xrs. George Thompeon of Toronto street, had bon purs. oontaining 840 utolen while she vas unaking ré 1ew pur. chass in Eaton'a, on Yonge street, To. ronto. Sbe reported ber loau ai once and stops vere taken tW deteot Lb. thief, but in vain. A Kystertous aDMni. A tragody took place lasti Friday nigbt ou the 4th con. of Uxbridge, but particu- lars are bard te get. Saturday merning Counoillor Lamb fouud a damaged buggy pulled to eue side of the road, part of a weman's bat, aud a pieco of a man's car, while the grouud lookcd as if a strugglo had taken place thore the uight befbre. We were unable te fiud eut who the fierce combatauts were, what tbey feught about, whether they were druuk or sober, nor wbo the womau in the case was. A great deal is left. teoQojecture, sud we beave our readers te enpply the blauke with their imagination. Witb this material a novellet of a certain type could weave a thrilling story about "The Dark Deod ou the Fourib," or "How an Uxbridgc Buffer Won gis Bride." The man's ear wae taken te Goodwood sud preserved lu a boltteetfaloohol at Satin- dors' hote.-Journal. Obituary. Torrauce.-At the Franklin flouse, Markhazu, on Friday, May 24th, 1895, John Torranco, aged 65 years. Tho late John Torrauce was barn in Lans.rksbirc, Scotland, iu 1880. Ho vas breugbt up ou the farm sud wae one of the beet plow, meu in Scotland, having won a number cf prizes at differeut matches there. In 1864, witb bis wife sud threoe bildren, eue son sud îwe daughit.rs, hoe came te Canada sud started farming in Scarboro, whicb he foilowed suooessfullyunutil 1880 bu that year hoe rented the Wellington botel lu this village, wbicbholieoonducted for corne years. The kind sud hospital treatmont aocorled te his numorons euesta sud patrons durin g that lime will long be rcmembered. W hon ho gave up business et the Wellington ho pnrohasod the preperty just i west of the village sud with bis sous imported heavy herses, sud workcd thc adjoining farm. Threo ycars ago ho sud his son James Ieased the Franklin Bouse, which with the fsrm tbcy wcre conducting et the time ef hie deatb. The uews of his dcath came wit.h a shock on the merning cf the 24th cf May, his ilînees boing of se short a dura tien few knew cf it. On the Saturday before hoe had been working in thbe field, aud was strieken with pueumoDia ou Mouday sud eank nspidly until death came. 'Hc leaves a widow sud seven cbjîdren, four sous sud tbree daughters. The funeral teck place ou Suuday aftr- ucon to thbe old St. Andrew's cemetery, Scarboro, the pall-bearcre beiug bis four sous sud twe sou-iu-law. Rev. R Thynne couducted the services. The im mense ceucourse of .ympathiziug neighbrs sud friends from Scarboro, York, Pickerigg, Markham sud Torouto sbow@ the esteem in which hoe ws hld by a&H classes. PICKERING The aseessor incrcascd the dog asseèss- mont considerably during bis hast round, but st the court ef reviaien the number was considerabiy rednood again. During tihe ucît year the sbocp bibi wili be up just the same. Did it ever eccur te you that the cbairman cf the sheep commit- teo e i township would make s succes fui dreyer, ase hoe aupurchase more sheep sud Iambe et two thirds eworn value thon can any ether living seul in the muuicipality. Did yeu ever bear a case wberc the owuer of the. deg wae fouud. If the owuer waa found lie could bo beld for full vaiue, yet ho nover ap - poars. Hew sinango The tebophene meu who have been working lu Ibis section for some lime uow, are progressing rapidly unden the formanahip of Mn. Mcflonald. There eau b. ne doubt but liaI Ibese wonkmon are placing tbe polos se as te romain lu tibeir proper position ; but vo tbink that the. streots of the village shouhd demand from tbem more respect than tbey have Up te the preseni receivod. Ai lhe cor non of Chanci sud Kiug streets lie brace aud sncor polos are se numerous Lbat a straugen would imagine Liat Mn. Lin- tou's cottage snd B. Cohiiu's resideuce were erected iu the midal of a dense cedar swamp. The Bell Telephone 0cm. psuy may have a charter vbioh gives tbem Lb. pnivilege cf erecting thein lins upon tie iigbvaya,, but ne goverumeut bas power Le grant a compauy tie privi- loge cf dofacing the streets cf a village iu Lhinshameful mannen. Penhapazhemsen have net been apeken te sud a»' cf the opnon thaL vo are caneloas s to where empests are. plaed. Ifl his bp the cases prasat should at once be made le the formanof the gan. l*a uit. os sible tLsti h. may b. reasouabtele ea" with, sud liaIthings eau be manuged vithont the lbut difflulty. - W. hope Mn. sud Mn. A. Mamnan sd rmu1y, of Oshava, ver.er. a n Bnnday vitb friensud, -Geo. Boldon nomm~ed hIadulleasa iobsisu on Baturday, J=*Un t. Tho lmo f hi. Ivo o fng.ni ddot ka.p hlm boxa VU&k usloué as"Vus .p.sted £vl.,Jt . Y- ckl.y abu .d a fflyjies oing ine"Dà ateon$or.maln.n charge1th £nald avenue KethodWat ohtircbt To. route, for mnolter yq.r. Tb* n#âtion bus bt«ad apWta Victoria street where it was Fortuuately thbe youug ladies seriously hurt, tbougb oeeof feel the effects ef a spi-ained corne days. Cattie on the track On Mcuday nigbt the 9: 45 captured. were net tbem will ankie for over seven cattie wbich had strayed on te the tiack behind Plnukett's brick yard. Four wei-e kiiled outrîgbt and tbe remaining three had to be siaught- ered next mornîug on account cf broken legs. Tbree belonged to Mr. Scott, tbree to Mi-s. Saulter, the owuer cf the other eue net being known. As only a leg was breken abcve the foot it w-as killed and dressed bv a skiiful butcher and M-. Hatiey was kind enougb to offer his refriger-ator for storage, wbez-e it is now waitiug a ciaimant. The bide is aise taken care cf. Particulars max- be bad tbrcugb constable Dreyer. 'Mis. Saulter bad the misfoitune te ]cse twc cow-s in the came manner a littie more than a year ago. Serionsly burned On Fiiday w-hile the tbree-vear-cld daugbter cf Rev. W. R. Barker w-as pla)-ing in the yard it veutured tee near a littie fi-e whicb the eider cbild- ien bad made for the purpose cf ligbt- ing fire-crackers and its clothes became îgnited. MNI. Barker- rusbed te the rescue and succeeded in extinguisbiug the flames. but net befere the child w-as badly burned, particulanly on oe ai-m and baud. Bcth cf M-. Barker's bauds w-ere severely burued,-a fact he did net notice untîl bis attention was called te it by the doctor wbo was cali- ed te attend te the child,-and on Sun- day he was cnly able te occupy hic, pul- pit at eue service. It is gratifyinig te know- that the littiee ne irnproviug nicely, and it is uow- probable that uothing moi-e than a scar wiil be left te bear wituess cf wbat was nearly a fatal accident. -Times. ]PRINCE ALDEELT Miss Polina White and Miss Bertha Campbell speut the 24tb cf May and the two foliowiug days at home. Miss Bessie McBrieu is home for her vacation, having cornpieted ber exami- nations at the university. Sickness scarcely dare show its grimI face lu oui- village, as we have at the preseut right in oui- midst two repre- sentatives et the science et medicine, and, mereover, Dr. Ai-cher wil ceeu have completed bis telephone conuec- tien with Mi-. West's store. This wil enable the dector te arrive at the sick i-cer in haîf the time. Sbortby aftei- tweive o'clock on Sun- day merning the villagers were aroused by the startling cry et "fire.'- Lt had cemmenced lu the stable of Mr-. J. Sut- lif. The abarm was given by Miss Mary Armstrong, who saw the flames fast making thiu way te the Armstrong stables. A crowd cf earnest workers assembled, but they were unable to check the fier element until it had censumed the entire stables cf Mr. Armstrong, and a quantity cf coal and weod which they cent.ained. The wind vas blewing strengiy from tie west, a circumstance providential te the saving of the lieuse. Tic insur.' suce on Mr. Sutlif's stable vas $So sud on Bir. Armstrong's buildings, and contents Siaô. A ruaa cident aecurred ucarý here an Sxra.A %7onysd cart belonging to Mr. Frank Arcin wèe lu the possession of Mr. W. MeClu.-' tocko wh*lvas driving t6 Mr. Franikj XM tcles rausmg, -.Havîng Imde meched "'tic place the -bi x>xte ~icr ,Coelpaed, tre )ë r, . ut> Ont. Hle received, osai U injuries, The horfet tck fright and .rxa nearly td Prince Alb rt, viiere lie wuvas uu1 wé mià tmily iw moturi bis4eath. Mr- Axmotrn ua a blaokewitli by tIade and oondnoted the shop nov 0,00u. piB. Moore for some yeara.- The ferltook place Tuesday, wben ithé to. Mins were interr.d at Whitby. Cia tga tbaw The Whitby CHRONICLE man speak- ing of the hlut week's warmn wave says: -The thaw that set in Wednesday was' a weicome change in the weather we have been having for a week back." Brer. Graham has just been wearing corne extra ciothing in the shape cf libel suit, and we are surprised at him noticing the warm spell. A naty gah John Bailey, an ernployec in Albert Kerr's butcher shop, caught tbe back cf hic hand on a meat hock on Satur- day and tore an ugly gash frcm the wrict te the fingers; Eleven stitches had to be put in te keep the wound te- gether. To make matters worse, Mr. Kerr is incapacitated fi-cm business, having six bouls on hic neck, which cause him a great deal cf pain. Ku.naway On Mcnday morning a herse attach- ed te a buggy Containing three ladies made a rapid pace down Albert street and deposited its occupants one by one on the roadside below Coîborne street. The vehicle was ditched in a delapidat- ed condition, and the horse turned Orn McGregor rode dcw-n fi-cm the city ou bis bicycle Saturday and iue- mained bei-e Sunday with bis sister Mrs. Rebt Phillip's. Chai-les Gouidman spent 24th May at S. H. Stevenson's. Nearly ahi ef Brougham went te Greenwood on the 24th te cee the football matches. New Sits for 10 Cents. '«Thore are Un ]Broviý's boys aU ont in nov suits again, 1 nover suv much a vomnan 1 They are tihe best dreasd family iu town, snd snybody would think her extravagant if tbey didn't knov that she did it al wlth Diamond Dyes TMe boys'etlhes are Mnade frabehnad' old cnes dycd oven, vile hon owuasd the girls dresses are dyed ome, sudamy cf thse sunts sud govusdo MotcoSt honavOen a dime, thse prie.of a pakage of Dismoud Dyca." De8patcbes froîn Madaizascar says that fever la making foart ni ravages among troops. 5 LUnos On M. aud L. I find the people around bore perfer DÎr. Ohasees Kidney-Liver Pilla to any other I bave in stock. They are a wonderful puti. Siend 3 dozen at once. Iarn nearly out. P.S.- Send by post, 1. W. lreland, Guurock. A Despatcb from Seoul says that affaira in the Corean capital are mn a critical condition. Tell the Deaf,-Mr. J. E. Kellock, Drug- iat, Perth, writes: "A custo.ner of mine bav. ing been cured of deafnea. by the nseof Da. THomAs'o ECLECTRIC OIL, he wrote te, Ireland, telijng hia finonds there of the cure, In cou- sequence I repeive'i an erder to seud balE a 'lozen by express to W'exford, Ireland.. this week' The Budget Oornmitteg of' the Ohiamber cf Deputiea bas elected M. Lockroy its preeident There bas been ne more important riiscovery in medical science d nring recent yeare than the envenuion cf Eseljay'e Liver Lozenzes. Thoîr liscevery iae-of intereaL and benefit ta nearly .ývery person living. -Iýnternaidonal Di~ioary N.w Ir=m CCoverMtoCe o s;) pnc day lut week that it lias scarcely tecovered since. They were evidently net men of cloth for their clothes were nearhy ail rags and barely hung te them. Fortunately the weather was -warrn and the outer mani did net suifer, whihe a large barrel of beer cupplied the wants of the inner man. They were net wel- corne for we do net want te see them again.-News. UT. CARME~L Mr. Wm. Squelch was presented with a young son on the 25th May. Mr. John Baitley had a misfortune flot long ago. Two cf his cattle were killed by the train. This is net the first Mr. Bartley has had killed in the saine way. Farmers should find an ex- ample in this and keep their stock off the road. Messrs. Oliver, Wrn., Elijah and Elmer Hezzlewood were visiting and hunting around here on the 24th May. Arc we gcing te have a new path- master this year. One cf the most important sights arcund bere on the 24th May was three. girls milking a cow. Another w-es an interesting game cf croquet played on Mr. Wadge's lawn. Mr. James Prescott cenducted the Sabbath scbccl here Sunday week. Anniversary cn the 16th cf June. The scholars for the concert are heing trained by our teacher, Miss Hambley. B1nouonan. Mrs. Dunham ie in the city visitiug ber grandaughter. Jochn Pouchar, cf Toi-ente, and a friend visited bis brother Thos. the 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Gouidman are visiting at S. H. Stevenscn. Miss Mary Beatte is hcme for a week. Miss Metifcrd is visitîng at J, M. Gerow's, Mrs. Gerow bas returncd frcm the citv. jcseph Moiton spent biS 24th with friends in'lCeswick. MNrs. Ed. Willscon is visiting her par- ents for a week. Dr. Churchill is visiting among friends. Miss Neillie Hubbard is visitîng ber aunt, Mrs. S. Purdv. .Miss Lydia, Emma and Rachel Littlejohu were home the 24th cf NMay. Miss Sadie Taylor spent 24 and 25th with ber sister Mrs. Henderson. She is studing for a 3rd class certificate at the Markham bhigh echeci. Miss Sarah Palmer bas been home for a few davs. Mrs. Pcucher and Mrs. Mechin have returned fi-cm the city. Miss Etta Jamieson, Baker HxlI, wvu the griest of Misa Gold this weak. Miss Nellie Smith, Ingersol, and Mies Winter, Toronto, viuitod at F. H. Bundy's on ý4th. Mr. and Miss Pilkey, of Wexford, open tthe 24th in«town. Bey. Siple, Whitevale, oocupied the pulpit of the Baptist churoh bore last Snnday morning and ovoning. Mrs. W. H. Btundy left Satnrday Èor Parry Sound. She spende the summer ruonths at heome tisi year. Mr. à . Russell, peundkeeper, ie offer. ing for sale on 7tb preximo, a large grey cew, doborned. Rev A. White je in Toronto attending the gree.t'rission rally. Mise Bosse je visiting in Western Ont. Woddtng belle. The villape has been on the qui vive for the past twe weeke expecting 9 grand nuptial eent Claremont lest one oftbe faireet cf her fair daughters last WWodneF- day. The happy individual te secure such a matrimonial prize was Dr. Raipb Brodie. Wyonming, Ont. The lady inter ested in the case was Miss Mary Fersyth, cf South Ciarernont. The presents were numerous andl costly. Only the imme- (liste relatioe o f the bride aud groom wvere present te Rrace the proceedinge We wisb the younR couple ail the happi nees this worid afforde. The bunial of M4rs. Jane Ward eôcurred on Friday, 24tb mest. Deceaeed wue widoly known and rei.pected in tibia local- ity. She wae in ber eigbty nintb year and beaffl four Reneratiens behind to mourn ber loss. The romaine were in terred ln the farnlly vanit, Betibel, and the funeral was one of the largeet that evor eccurred in this vieiilty. North Claremeut started a market on Tuesday. It je to be bop)ed thât this new departure will net effect our own regniar eue, as it bide fair, if lot aloe, te beceme permanent. Bnyors are pioking uP ail the fat cattile in this community as fast as possible. Senie farmers are got ting $4.85 te $5.25 the hnndr6d Ibe.a. > SECAGRAVEC. Honor rocll cf S, S. No. 13, Reach, May:-ist clast-Donnîe Munro, Mary Parish, Edgar Butt. Pt. 2fld-Lucy Parish, Frankie Watson. Jr. 2nd- Minn ie Moon, Florence Clements, Florence Sleep. Sr. 2fld - Walter Moon, Ada Rutt, Florence Lane, Clara Parish. Jr. 3rd-Edward Dewey, John Munro, Harny Hughscn, Norman Hughson. Sr.' 3rd-Rose Coates. Lily Clements, Edna Moon. John Watson. 4th-Abner Dewey, Hugh Munro, Lila Drucan. Fiera Wâtson. Yon've No Ides How niceiy I-Ion-s irsapariia bita the needa of the people who feed ail tire] eut or runi dowu fromn any cauqe. It seems te ,il up the wbule mnechaniém of thbe body au rbAt ail moves smotly and wurk becomnea deiigbt. If yu are weak, rired and nervous, H-lo-i's 8ar8a- parilia i8 juat what ynu nec']. Try it. Ficela Pilla cure liver illa, constipation, bul- icu.sneas, jaundice, sick headache, indigealtien. Pains inthe Joints Caused by Inflammatory SwelIIng A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsa- parilla. "lIt affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla. My Bon was aMlcted wlth gréât pain In the joints, accompanled wtth swellng so bad that ho eould not get up stairs to bed wlthout crawling on hands and knees. I wau Tory anious about hlm, anld halng read Hoodss-!'s' Cure$ se much about Hood's Sarsparilla, 1 dgte- mlned Wo try it, and got a haif-dozen botules, four of whleh entirely curod hlm." MM". G. A. LÂKEI, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be sure Wo get Hood's Sarsaparifla. Hood'ls Piles set easlly, Yet ProiPtlY and efftiently, on the liTer and bowels 2& FOR MAN OR UEAST. *Otaalu fteeffeeb Mad never bllaoeg Read proS#Dlow.: kEIDALVS SPA VIN CURES Dear Sfrw-PIeaemudm ueeIru es B o o k s a n d o b li g e. a e n e g e t d m t y e enfIsSpavea CmrewIth Rcd BUCceyoe tlaa wontderfW xUl eie. I oncebad a mare ilhaMd au Scau Savin s&" five bot&ie curod ber. [ KENDALL'S SPA VIN OURES' $Dr. B. J.KESDAIL C. CzoK. 1.3 I& Deazr Ss-i uaed mveral bbWaa of your u "Xendall'UsSpavin OCre" wth rach sucom 1 iink iLthe beelt Liniment 1I~ove ed La mouedeone(Jurb, oqe BIOOI Sjpgvlýn a4Mk l tu*> Boue spavina. -Havez= -tU and epit 1"cf1i Di'. B. YA K~DZyL CPKPLNz EF<oseu.1RH FALL, VT, 6\I lIOUS NiSSe REeITH1L~ ON E PIILLAFK Ar 1 N SURES-GOOD: 1DIESTIO [PRI 0E 25CTS.Tutpà tmu For- Twenty-Tivo Tears h R'aine sr O.,KoLmanI.. Opinions expnead lQutebec wIth egad l New t3esolfia. ~1 i 'I Oshawa, ont