Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 1

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The Ci Ir n VOL. XXXIX. WIIITBY, ONTAIR1O, FRIDAY, JUJNE 7, 1895.NO2 -p $1,500,000 CEXIONICLE 00O%11SPONDErNCE, - $1,600 000 -:0:- 5ms -. 1. Beare is able to be out again. r A genuv . . <William Leask is erecting a new driving shed. ,anking BuiBinesB8 Mr. J. M. Real, is attending the county par liament this week. DEPÂBT&ENT. Henry Taylor has moved into the house at higbest aurrent rates. lately occupied by C. White. awairequired . William Phoenix bas been laid up for a r vpu(%vfplm few days with a lamne knee. Manager the school bouse, on Monday.( Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Seagrave, P. G. Meldruin, MI. D. spent Sunday witb their son George. The methodist church choir have received an invitation to sing at the Utica anniversary Licentiate of the Royal College Of on the 24th of this moath. Physicians, Edinburgh: Member of the Col- Next Friday evening will be election of lege of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. o fficers at the epworth league. A full atten- Office and reaideaee, north sectioni dance of members is requested. of the 1'Terrace, " Byron Street, Mrs. Innis returned home on Sunday north of Dundasi Street. evening after sp.ending most of last week Telephone communication with office. ai her uncle's, Mr. Morison Mair, near Ses- Whithy, JuIY 4th, 1894- grave. _____ _______________________ Afler a long illness Ana, relict of the late WVm. Beare. passed to the silent majority on C H A. - s C O) T T) , Wednesday of last week at the advanced age AUCTONEE, WHTBYONT. Of 76 years. AUCTONEE; WHTBYONT. The late attempted incendiarism in the The undersigned. begs to announce that he north ward was not a very serlous affair has taken out a icense for aucuoneering, and after ahl, the only damnage being a slight will be glad to f611 orders for this casas of busi- scorching of the bed tick. ness. His book wll be kept at 1. H. Longs Mr, Edmnund Luke, an old time resident in office, where ail information may be obiained.* this locality, who died in Port Ferry on Whitby. Nov. 29. . C. SCOTT. Wednesday, was brought here for interment on Friday alternoon. Deceased was one of the charter members ol Greeabank division N. F. PATERSON, Q 0-, SOT. Bamister, etc.-After two vears residence la Mr. George Real represents this circuit at England has resumed practice ai 136 John St the Bay of Quinte coaferance which is being Toronto.-Oct. '94..6 mos. held this week at Picton. Who is to be the pasior for the nezt term, is now the question thai is uppermosi in the minds of L OOK aIl connected with church works. The hero of the wife beating case referred ;- n1as-weas urrspa.cu.. *r. at the remarkable low pruces that 1 amn selling Solid Oak Drawing-roorn Suites at. The prices are frorn $22.50O, $25, $28.50, 8,80.00, $35 and up- wards. wrath at the the many scandalous and (ac- cording to bis way of thinking) unîruthful statements now in circulation in connection wlth this little domestic infelicity. He threatens to cdean out the whole town wlth the exception of two bosomn friends. BAZOOKLIN. E. J.- Johnson. Mr. John Burcisill visited Mr. and Mrs. J. _____________________Underisill ihis week. Rev. J. B. McLaren will preach in tise meihodist churcis next Sabbath evering. D ON'T F0 RG ET Mr. Blair Ketchen, who is living near En- field this summer, was home on Sunday asat. th&t thlese Rev. John McLean, tise new presbyterian goodsarae rny own make. AiM minister ai Claremont, preacised bore last upholstoring orders given to Sunday afteruoom. mue has my own supervision. Mn. John WarrTen sud bis son Waltou have returned te Toroube aftçr epending a few - weeks on their faim eair-here-. V ~ SoN Mr. Cisarles Guillt, of Cobourg, paid a IE. e. J tiIN S N y ief visit te Bnooklin fr1 ends this week. Ho intends te give up bis position in tise finm of Leading Guillet Bros. and retura te Rochsester whene Underta.ker be previously lived for a number of years. IN THE 'COUNTY. 'Rev. T. W. Leggott went te Picton on Tuesday te attend tise annual confenence. This la tise first lime tise Whitby district bas Pas ture to Let sent is delegate to tiseosai they isaving been numbr ofstoc. Fist-placed la tise Bay of Quinte confenence last For a limited ubrostc.Fs- June. class pasture, with live stream of water, at r a.B oisno lvli at lot No. 30, 3rd con., Whiiby. R. J. LYNDE. ig1Msn. as. .oisofElvaeis ak- H Whty a ,1895-22-tf.in anulhm vsitiswk.H Whitby May ~appears te stand tise wear and tear of life as weli as ayone we know. Ail tisai we are rPTrfll flEsorry about la connection witis Jim's visita is WcSicno BANK OFr CANADA§ tisai ho dontl comne ofien enougis sud does not stay long enougi wisen ise does come. Tisree Chsatham fanniagilîlagents have HEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, ONT. been making this tiseir headquartens for a weok or more. Tisoy appear te ho Caital Authorized $1000000) genuino bustIers sud are ovideatly doing P " lots of business. We don't pretend te kuots capital Bubescribed 500,000 anytising about faaniag mtlîs but we bope there will ho plenty of grain this fail te koop Qapital Paid-up 373,000 îisem ail going for weeks. ROst 100,000 Mr. Jos. Stone shipped thnee canloads oi caille and isogs from bore on Saturday BOARD 0F DIRECTORS.* Several oftise animais suffened severoly from JOHN CowAN, Esq., President. tise extrenie boat sud some weuld bave bac REUBB.N S. 1{AM LIN, Esq., Vice- Presideni. to ho left bore had lt net been for the isuman- W. F. Cowats, Esq., W. F. Allia, Esq., J. A. efforts in ibeir behaîf made by Mn. Jobi Gibson , Esq. Robert Mclatoes M. D. Barneit. Messrs. Williams & Hall son Tisomas Paterson, Esq. away four cars of stock ou Tuesday. Thoni T. H. MCMIILLA.N, - - Cashier were some extra nice catîbe la ibis lot.- BR,&;cinCH...Mldland, Tilsoaburg, New Tise gardon party held on Mr. Josopl Hamburg, Whiîby, Paisley, Penetanguisis- White's lawn lasi Fnida*v evening was ver, cao, and Pont Perry. successful. Tise weatben was just abov Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex- perfect for sucis an evontadthdie opportun change bougisi sud sold. Deposits recoived ity te spend sucis a pleasaut evening ia th, sud iierest allowed at iighst current rates Open air was fully appreciated as was eV' 3 4per cent. Collections soicited and denced hy tise large number lna sfendance pr3% l ad.ITise scene on tise lawu, wisen the tables wcî Correspoadomts lu New York and la Cen-I spread in tise liglit of colored lanterne, hanl ada-Tise Mercisants Bank of Canada. Lon-I among tise trocs, was heautifÃœmi A alcepnc don, En g.--Tise Royal Bank of Scotland. gramme of siugiag, instrmcutaý mnsic etc Speclal attention te collection of Farmers' was given. Tise proceede vinouat te sei sale Notes. tllng over $3. E. D. WARREN, Miss McWilllams, a rctaraed uinU Manager of Whltby Brancis. frein India, addresed a rallier amali *ad __________________________ j nce la tise Preubyterim dard onmTuËedi if S OT ,evening. beave a opeid.id descIP-tiO their habits aud custeme. ý : LMosi PUM MÂ ERmWiB eof tbe condition they are lu a er. e li once ofthîe gospel las made ltuI( e% Mà (Successor Io H. 7Iomp#Sofl) drew brigisi plcwures oi rosI, sbowing the *mdi,$ li bmber u a>snopened business em Atf Cistcoasduelea t îles tl telegiaph office$ fatctofr ty a m i e.owbery's M e - mo Aw a enedt houseauustock Street, Souh. New Pompseker. Wî Mmafctisurd ad U-Pomps repslred. Fret claie matOfiSi ued snd Wrk warrsnt- 1have bernnequstud to c îl>bett*u ..Wells dus or cl"nD-oMt, Otders 0'of AXCnamlt reesm te &CeC"tb* so~Icke-ModeDeala sd. ~l. O01T blinuderlo la Ils ia 11Uî<WO' y..:,~Whitby sud noma. ~ Ie SU ci fi b ;rove Side ceimetery on Saturdy, i5th inst. 51< The arrangements are ini the hands of a good the cormittee, consisting of representtivte5iHc from the various societies. The Claremont kel band has been engaged for the occasion. rhe procession wilI formn up at 2 p.m. and W then march to the cemnetery. It is hoped1 v hat the public ýenerally will feel that this m decoration day is for them, as well as for the h members of the societies. There surely isin no nicer way of showing that those who have ne gone before us are stili fondly remembered. a1 I taire the following note from last Tues- Li days Globe : Hon. John Dryden, Minister of in Atgriculture, will leave to-morrow on a ten- e. iays' trip for Algoma to inspect the new ex- ft perimental farm near Wabagoon Lake. tl About îoo, acres of the farm are now under crop, and Mr. Dryden intends to make a p( thorough inspection and lay his plans for the bý erection of buildings, procuring of stock, etc. th After looking over the f rm, he intends to ex- tu plore the immediate vicinity, going a con- w siderable distance down the Wabagoof l river by canoe and tramping through the j woods. He will likely pay a visit to Winni- si peg before returning. 1 believe that Mr. rt Dryden's constituents, grit and tory alike,A will join with me in wishing him a successful ti and pleasant trip. tl W. A.H. N BuaineE DtrOtOtY Bus&CO, rinbeDrs. tr DR PÂTTERsoN, Dentist; at Sebortas hotel, firet Thuraday, every month. BEALL, S. - Issuer of Marriage Licenzs. Residence opposite Towti Hall, Brookiin. W A McNEELY, D V S.-Graduate 01 t.he On- ta.rio Vetertnary Coilege, Toronto; Hlonorary menîber of the Ontario Medicai Society. Treats ail diseases of the domesticated animais by the most approved method. A1so patticular attention 10 surgical operations and dentistry ' Day or night cals promptly attended to. Office and residence tirokllfl, Ontario. HoLLmÂT BRos. -A year ago we decided to branch ont lu our hardware departmnfs and have fond our efforts la this directionl au preciated by our numeroufi cuétiomel-. We made hesvy purcbs.ses this sprtng of nails, boits, fence wire (aIl kindsi forks spadea, shovels, table andpocket cutlery &c. Don'tg o past us whony ou want anlything lu tais line-or an y oter. Dry goods and grocery departments are full of seasoiiabie goods. Boats and sho are selling well but, w. keep them well sorted up by w eekly ship- monts. VWte Ensilage corn now i stock. We have the boat turnlp seed that can be got, as nearly everv bod y knows. Ai-ways sure et a crop when you buy out seeds. We are paylng Il cent for eggs, and price butter ao- cordlig to quality. Mrs. Clarkson Rogers visited our Sunday chool lasi Ssbbath. Mr. and Mrs. Wsltors spent Sunday visit- ng theix cisildren la Little York. Several around here intend taking in tihe Zosebank scisool picnic on the 14th inst. Most farmers are waiting anxiously and >aliently for a rain te comne and queuci tise hirsty land. Jno. Brown Esq. bas been in tise neigis- )orbood recently on tise Agric. implomeat geucy.Mr.O'Searg bas purcbaseda xtcw 1kiusePly- Mr . Sc ini Ri bi A M. DOMINION BANK. ýLOCAL NEIWS LETTERS.] froa br bre wek' viit10 er riudsluMIDLAND MUTUAL John and ClarenceeMcCIeail ast, -Friday Toronto and vicinfity. She bas improved were upset out of 'a log -canoe wbuje -sailing much since away. l'IRE : INS'URANCE, :: ., on thse lake. Somoe boy ,from the town saw Mr. Thomas jacks, the lately acquired ..tbem upsét and burriedte their rescUme and- foroman of tihe Puckeriu acres, bad to *HEAD OFFICE, UXBRIDGE. brougist tbom to shore, pretty Weil scared journe:y to the county town recently to quiet but noue the ,Worse for their upset sud a a striking tootb. 'Biggest tootis you ever Directorsr-Wm. Hamilton, Uxbrldge.; G. good ducklng. - seen" asys Tom. F. Bruce, Beaverton ; Win. Shier, Sunder- Aohrccb agt Apart from .these teams, il seems te us land ; R. S. Webster, Udora ; A. Graham, toLyls agt like nonsense for teamns everywhero te get Uxbridge; Jaties Barns, Greeabank; F. Norman Wiles thoughrto have, a pleasant mon from ail points of thse country. Why Dobsen, Epsom ; M. McTaggart, Myrtle. spin on tbe sidewalk witb lbis bike,.*beniebè canno tb tamsge lcalmo su ton Officers-Presideat, W. Hamilton- vice oagle oye of Chîef Constable Mclcnighît skw figbnt o their nams e palmn n te resident, G.* F. Bruce; secretary, ÙA. Mc. him, and ever ou thse alért for tm-ansmgr essors; Wlat~s wrong wlîh our bachelors now? Kay, Urbridpe; treas, Chsas. Gould, Ux- had hlm before tise J. P. Wlbes as finedi Two of them wore seen driving away te- big;sliîoF . Raines, Uxbridge. the customary $i and costs for violaiing the. getiser on Sunday, Wero tlioy goiag labo Special agent, H. S. Peters, Uxbridge. bylaw. partaersbip to make a raid on somte loaely This -compaly imeures uothlng but farim I was ploased tÃ" hear a few days. agô t'bât st or were they enjoyiug the companion- buildings sud thoir contents, leelated dwefl- our popular member, Mr. -W., Smith.:M?. ship of their own kiudred spirits? mages ad their contents, cisurclis echool and Mr. R. Beith hM.P. for eajoun r We are indebted te Rev. Mr. Harise for bouses, aud pays ail losses inaide of 6 days. ceuiity, were at the prôhibitioti, caucaus in one of bis photograpbs. Several of bie Goveramelit reports show that somte sixty Ottawa. No mans losos anytbhing. ,by, living. f iends bore receivOCi eue sud are weîî companies of tbis klnd in Western Ontario un te bis principles. AM'ai'sr eppouetias plese a bs kndes l lavigbse frhave existed for a prod of 2o, or 3o years Ïell respect >hlm for it ifAhoe is sincere. >-. e us. Msr. HI. is a poplilar pastor sud it is te and have oaly experieuced losseq reqtiring If thos boys wbo seem tethiak it fuûts-le ho hoped his termi bore may extend longer. Premiums of from 4o to 6o conte ou the hua- batbe in tise. nude ferm on the town'shoiro do- At ameeingof he eacersat hei %.dred dollars for thre years. The Midlad net discontinue they w11, ne doub,.appear .5t ee ting e the tocre atheir em Mutual Fine Insuranco Company grauts befere thse local J. P. 5ome yeung È*tenf. reviw, i wasresovedor rllie seeed blanket' policies, wisich oldlUe cempanies mon whh ad youugladlesottfof apeua - 1 h tie eeingtedoawa ~~b grdn rfue.For insurauce apply te WM. LED- atan odld net dare te landýw enb prythis year and bold somte thbig later la INOHAM, agent ai Myrtle, or te »M. Mc- desfed drlg the past Week ortwo.Ony Wond avsb omed pop aosewit fraTAGGART, director, Mytle.r oeeor .wo-lad batbilugseslis , n utý pf<1t1î an rn ave oeo ao Day. large aumbeiuisiiiig. Chièf 'Con»able' it Mr. Bray bore and Mr. Hubbel of Myrtle, UTIO* cnibkidyatedt is an'd' ehllg' oe celebrated together bore their birthdays M rs. E. Gall, w. are sorry te beain, le on car youngppe. whlcb faîl ou tise same day, June ist. Mr. tesc it oxclMeig B. bas seen some 69 years, while Mr. H. is a bfe:w years younger. Botis enjoyed tise miss Miaule Ward is visitiag friends at Rogular inmeeting of.counci 1 ç,nday uai 'Y association sud 1,1k of former limes. Long Ge ao.~C .Vceyakdprtoin te ad~ it may they live te uniledly celebrabo sncb Ms, E. Kendall wo are glad te learu le au addition te lis pla 1ng mili on Perry - -t Il events. some better.. on motion of Mri. J éflwr aýa >uowed,: 1frî le Henry Bee isat work again at Puckonin Mn. E. Gal l e puiting up somo of bisa uew dot wae gratednoit ifle pr 9. A r .~ Èrens., but ho Is net quit. recovered fromfonce for Mr. Thoes. Smlh o i ofotw hl e n$?y~U biet' c aîl ping. We hope le will w adsdMs ar eo WT N ~»O.opltu~ 'eM.W adad is ar oe wr o;Nwcroonpid , e.$2,Z soon recover bis nalural self sud ho once iig tMrJao>DfesZpyron nm >tu. g9 more jovial Henry Beé. Simon Pnckerin viiiga l.,aoIOO'tzpy,,» , tiy ütè,o oü ï 8 ,w- ansd be journeyed te assis red aW t-Snday lest.Jii - 1 8 Yale on Sunday last. H.nry imres his ïWboiately gottheitnias? VIn urlt Sheobey #$ý,8.s-$ou& m-Lws. Sbicycle now as itlal being repialred. Won- qulte acceptable- in cold weatbert neve* Mr, DamiW der if Henry wase hinking if it was bUlit for minci l lecosing. Swanui accu two sue thus broke l? We notice quite a. change incar0 808Mw~< Town Lino beys mecm te tblak by the 'ladies se"Jeçtion of friends. A change Was5 eutmen hi ýtsof, timir scribe in on o <f the Ld t'a Test ,, taPe at they wer e lana tlr.d -tate wboas The Rtv, Mr. 'Smow4oion o~uortp - Of Ïbey âclreSpted to,,,maçb att' entlvrUi "Y sud id secwanlglty attýnmpt a itle uervkces'ogtCort o P*vsid ad ya îtipowers ln ti em cnet i.. 0bu l.ni:1nadst a. dït 4that *îP M 85 s oWb!48Ow7uoon M dA a- w _ed e bet e1pi 1à- nswnapm o ia Mt wlp an -Vitor * t' 'I ce LDpital Paid u ýe bottom of the buggy at the farmer's feet. It was amusing to read the comments of 0oW is that for fresh eggs at Whitby mar- Our soldier boys are preparing for camp the Standard, Reformer, Gazette, and Vin- et ?at Whitby on the i8th.I dicator on, the CHRONICLE'S expected libel. Statute labor is the order of the day. It Miss Blanche McKay of Uxbridge is al suit. If tbose men feel as they write, this ould be well for aIl interested if the road guest of Mrs, H-orrington. mundane sphere is almost top good for them. verseers would exercise a little more judg- Mrs. joseph Bigelow from Trenton* was Life is to short ia this world for buman be- ent with regard to the quality of gravel homne on a visit this week. ings in the forai of man to bold such bitter ey use. The coarse lake shore gravel be- Miss Mae Thorburn and Miss Greenwood, feelings one toward another. Do unto g used this year is almost useless as it of O. L. C., Whitby, were guests of Miss others as you would wish to be doneby, and early aIl rolîs into the ditches and is only Gertie Roqs. remember ehose words of Hqly Writ, "on nusneon. he road until it does rol ff Fourteen boats were counted on the lake par peacse, gdwblC I adden.ecTh e ,ast year more creek gravel was used and last Sunday:' afternoon. Anywhere to get rap e CHsrON-wicLE 1 ove tectknuckles a a few weeks it packed down and made an away fromn the extreme beat. captdhrendl aNd Id notve mhe ntion te ,ccellent road. It 18 to be hoped that in iace rndyadd otvnmninth ature a little discretion will be exercised in Mr. Heibet Brethour is now attending matter. The editor and publisher were his direction. Our high school and is taking a special coul-se manly. As they and the CHRONICLE. editor WentiethtAuly' azte ore-for a medical examination. sometimes have an editorial tift with. one >ondent complaitis that the Town Line foot A syndicate in town has purchased the aniother, a they taken the CHROIqICLE to ail team unfairly took the silver cup from yacht "Katie" from Mr. Sweetman,.Scugog, task ia ibis instance 1 should not have been hemn at Greenwood on 24th. Now unfor- and Is renovaÀing the yacht in first class or- s0 niucb surprised. As it happeaed the Ob- unately we did not see the play after time der. server was the more frieady of the five ivas extended and did not see any unfair Miss Allie Wriglev. Toronto, and Miss Offpfr Srcetlone :>ay. However we think that Audley has Lillian Campbell, Uxbridge, are visiting OffrSo~n ust cause to complain, and that our boys with their grandfather, Mr. A. J. Harriag- Mr. Edward Boe, of Reach, near Green- howed a very mean spirit ln abiding by the ton. bank, leit last Fridsy moruing for the home eféré'e's decision, when tbey knew that, Our worthy citizen, Mr. W. L. Marsall, of bis birth-ScotlSfld. Havlngaccumlâlted Audley wished to get the cup in order that who was ill with fever, is aroufid town again, a goodly share of this world's goods, be can hey mnight selI it and psy the Riversides,. though weak, he is gaining strength every now enjoy a littie of Iife's pleasure. His he Brougham men, Brooklin men and day. nu jmerous friende wish bim boa voyage, an Ths as rtlea beng50twet enjorooyable visit and a safe retura to the land me w n f ho .w re hagerd afi' Tisls ekhs engetwete o fhis adoption. Having been personally o wi fo thm. e ar usng ver aru' batîxing. Scores of people durng the ther- aqane ihM.Bafloe 0yas nen i ou pwel f inuc ou bys o r-mal wave coud be seen every afternoon and atuysy be is one of aatnre's noblemen Nard the the cup to Audley together witb an evening noigabt.cnt l a apology for the scandalous way la which gejyn ah and one wbo is a credit to the yeomanrY of .hey accepted the trophy from the Green- A slack Uicense Inspector Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Boe nearly 4o years omimittee w e h y k e h t A d e ' ago came fromn Scotlaad with very ltle of ncsiywhsge they n tha t Audley's I had sent to me this week a list Of 46 this world's belongiilgs, but with brave necssiy ws geatr tan heia.naies of persons who were ln our hotels hearts, pluck, perseverance and industry MYRTLE. iast Saturday night and Sunday. made a home for themselves aad have now Afte spedin som wees a Tornto Our town tennis club is making good pro- one of the finest farms in Reach township. Ms Aftersending soetu eheat Toronto essund, r the present management, and Died in Port Perry on Wedaesday May ago. harnds e several challenges. The 29tb z865 Edmund Luke Sr. ia his 70th Ourchrchchir rebiledforEpom o roudsare ia fine condition. years. The late Edmuad Luke was born ini Our c t hu rces hoi re obilleda Esom The receipts for Port Perry postoffice for Cornwall, Englafld, and emigrated to Cas:. assstatth seviesthreon onayevn-i89-year ending Jue 3o-were $267629, da with bis parents about 5oyears ago, sud-,ý ing next. salary and allowance $98892. This is a lt îocated, ia whà.t is aow called Eat. Whtby. Miss Stella and Lena Hodges and Miss of money to be taken in small amounts. In 851 he was married to Louisa, daugliter Emma Carmichtiel were at Oshawa on Sun- Miss Lottie McLean left last week for the of Mr. Philip Rundie. He éfarmediW - day Iast. Jewish hospital, Cincinatti, where she pur- by township for soine years. ad tiien niovd Rev. Mr. Weatherill and Mr. M. McTag- poses taking a course as a professional to Resch, aear Greenbank, and lUved there gart leave this week to attend the Methodist nurse. The best wishes of ber numerous for a number of years, afterwards ming î'-to conference beld at Picton. friends go with ber. Manilla. About five years agoIl amto, Mrs. Arthur Clark and cbild, from near H. J. Smitb of Jones & Co., grocery, while Port Perry to spend the eveànng of is lifeý;i Oakville, are spending a few days at her old cutting meat Iast week, cut bis left band The deceased was a man upright and honest-' home at Mr. M. McTaggart's. very Padly, severing the tndnof thutir in ail bis transactions, a toral man and. a. Mr.NedVeron ome hee ticea week finger, requiring several stte o pttlin zealous temperance acîvocate, sud was one- sliMr. d ercoes be re otcerrstîtcheseto be put of the oldest Sons of Temperance mn-Ontario' selingMr.Hisox' bradfro Pot Prry bytbephyicin.County, being a chartered member ofGreenq and be is working up quite a trade. I see by Tuesday's Mail and Empire that baak division, la politics the deceased wasl8 Pathmaster Hartie made things lively the Fred Campbell and Ernest L. Ebbels, Port a strong reformer, and took a very actiyo early part of tbis week in road repairing. Perry, and H. O. Weeks, Oshawa, are sus- -part with bis party. As a aeîghbor lie waS having ten teams at work on Monday and pended from ail track racitig under tbe C. respected for bis many good 'qûallties.- A, eigbt on Tuesday. W- A. rules, until June 3oth, for competisig bereaved widow and sound , daugli-tersý are At a meeting held on Tuesday evening of at unsactione<l bicycle races May 24tb. îeft to mourn the Ioss of an affectionae hul tbis week in connection with the Suaday Excursion band and a kiad, Iovingfatherï thse fai'i13 school it was decided to bave a picnic ia The bigb school excursion takes place to- consista Cf Pascoe, Wesley D. Edmundi Mr. Thomas Manderson's grove on Friday morrow, 8tb itist-, to Washbura's Island, per (doctoir in Buffalo), William, Mms S. SoaIey'i- aftemnoon, the i4th inst.. steamer Crandeila. A good programme Mrs. R. Crowle and Mrs. John bicKinnôùn While Mér. Frank Brown was doing some will be provided and tbe unfisisbed taseball The deceased and family nre 'highlY re choes moria lst ee ayoug anmatch between Salem and Port Perry- will spected, as was evideaced -mnthe large uni c re o n e m r i g l s e a y u g m nb ers o f old frie nd s nd acq asntan4st f w hb that had been working for bim took Brown'5 be played. Tickets 25c., childrea 15c. ollowed thse romains tb the Bethe1cety watckand rbain valued about tiltty dollars During the thermal wave I regret to leara W. J. NTT" and -tiade himself so scarce that Costable thas on Thursday of last week our towas-___________ pi' n could not fiad bim or get any trace man, M.r. Albert Allen, was prostrated b ô(his- wheroabonts. the beàt anldhad e b. asslstçd telits home. oIFey3u~ Dwei! .~M1dctýt al& aIo.as> inu t is fomad t lk làghwa Surplus,- Whitby Genera Be Transacted. SAVINLS tatereot allowedi No uotice of wlthdra v y~ 't.. '4 I 1 ---- Unfiiendly PaVer@ n IA a tl c a 1

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