Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 8

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huaL took Hellebore, Paris Green and Copper Suiphate FOR THE-- Gardener and Fruit Grower. Chloride of Lime, Camo- phor, Moth Carnphor, Lnsect Powder, Copperas an-d Carbolic Acid For Spring House-Cleaning. T. .RLT DRUGGIST, -OSJIA TVA.1 i~ O8RAWAY MAY 24P 1895.1 DOSIIAWA PAGE 0SHAWA. BuszmIss NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers mnay transact an y business With the CHRONICLE or may o btin extra çoXies at any time, ï4om F. R. Hobbs. Parmers will do well to cali at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. If you wlsh a nice French china dinner or tul set, or anything in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. It wiII pay any parties conteînplating buy- lng an engagement or wedding ring to sec the large stock of Felt Bros., Oshawa as tbcy wilI sedi thia month very cheap fot cash, Geulne dlamond 14K. oniy s9. They are alto rnaking sorte special offers in Gents'. Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Sec tbem. Felt Bros. Jos. Brown. of William st., .:aptured a young fox ln Toad Hollow last Sabbath. The malleable iron works are somewhat buser at present, and several additional hanâs bave been taken on, J.M. Brooks, councilior fur the south-east ward, removed to Port Perry over thrce montba ago, but no action bas been yet taken to fil the It is trne now for the lawn tennis clubs to or- ganîze. There are orne splendid tennis grounds I n town ind the pasunte has becomne more popu- lar every year. His Lordship, Bishop Hamilton, bishop of Niagara, wili administe'r the rite of confirmition in St. George's church on Monday evening. There will be about 25 candidates and several visiting ciergy will be present. The death occurrcd on rhur.sday of Fanny. youngest daughter of the late Robert Courtice. The funerai took place on Saturday f rom the re- sidence of her sister, Mrs. Squires, where she had died suddenly of heart trouble, The de- cêssed has been an invilid for 25 years, but with wonderful chrstlan fortitude was neyer beard to complain. Rev. 1. S. Clarke conduet- ed the service at the Kredcalf st.. cliurch and preacbed the funeral sermon. b>andi bas been organized composed of the follow- ing young men : H. Luke. W. Riggs, E. Sceles, C. Serviss, W. Thomas, H. Sanderson, 0. Luke. A. Sugden. E. E. Rogers, and Messrs. 1(obhn. 0. Hezzlewood and E. T. Siemnon. This band purposes holding meetings as difterent country churches on circuits where they are unable to bave more than one preaching service eac.k w'~k Several of the young meni are convers of the receni revival services and dimplay a most laudable desîre to work ini the Master's céîuse. It is a splendid idea and we would liktr, r sec many more young men have the sam wortby object in their lîves. The band held il& first service at thc Eidad church on Sun. day evening and were gîven a most beatty wvel- corne and warm invitation 10 corne again. Prominent farmers at law. At the police court on Monday morntng Mr. Jerry Lick oharged Henry E. Dearborn wth taklng $30 w)rth of hay from bis barn wîth fraudulent ient. Mr. Lîck said Dearborn ar- tanged to buy the ba in l the east mow, payîug *15 dowu ansd pronssng 10 pai' the balance be- fore auy of tbe hay was moved. Afterwards Mr. Lick ailowed Dearborn 10 taire one load of hay.' Dearboru. howevcr. îook several loads, and wbeu Mr Luzk approachmd hlm he said be b.d sold two loads to Mark Ho'tîday. wbo bad taken out I154 loads, but finding poor bay would % take no more. He promised to pai' Mr. Lick ~' wben Houisdai' setled, but afîerwards said be would pai' no more unless forced by the law t0 do se. John Vickery corroborated Mr. Licks Jndjement. untulhe csirs ofe caeeiene MTh. etriallway, wlag apedlyforaMr. The electric railway la being pushed forward wlîth speed. The track ls laid up t0 the business patfthe town aud thse roadbeds along Simcoe àbout z,3o Mondey fornlag . jBord, jewuler, wus arousd by a açise e majin* gof1.oW. abcok Mr. Boydlu do.hIog b. wmlustQUi auîosiy adidscov«e et i vmgas ~ ok raascklug tse stoe. f~ 4asmtooMMr.J. . jO, wy sud bi. D. lusud bli ut ..lsuautwu ves ai ors la tise t»hay. aod wiiwd b - im rdoor vle Obis cmâtabou-Itaf ata 0set f«(os asés l Ow Caturebut bMu. o4ds ravolur aima*e mois * hîllic Tise bigis scisool bescbatlsts are practlslng dil'geutly snd vîli get alter the scalps off the W C. 1. îodsy. -Mr. T. Galioway of tise od losephs Hall works bits eeturued to towu af tee several yearsresidence in tise Soutiseru States. A large number off Oshawa Oddffllows attend- cd tise funerat of Thomas Kirby at Bowmauville nn Tucsday. Me. Kirby was a welt knowu and former esteemned resideut of Osba*a, sud bis un- expected deatis was a great shock t0 bis numer ous fieuds bere. Tise protracted cold suap and frost during tise past week bas weougisi mucis more damage to garden stock wbicb isad made coosid- erable progeess owing 10 tise extcudi-d spell off weatiser early lu the monts. Tise ittle thise-ear-old dutugiter off Mr. W. TBurns wandered away frorn home ou Tisurs- day, Af 1cr several boues rauxus searcis Mr. Burns fouud ber at use Gami Truuk station bouse. wbere sise bai been taken by au cugineer who discoveeed ber on tise teack just before thse wiseels- It was s very narrow escape indeed. lu surveying for the railway lin. froin tise depot to the lake tise surveyors discovered that tise feuces on tise cast ide of tise road were 6 feet out off hue, lu tise propesty owner's favcr of course. Mr. Consul is moviug bis feuces luto tiser proper place, aud thse other property owu- ers wiii have to do tiesemre. This addition to thse widti off tise road aimost affords sufficient space for tise îrack to b. laid upon. bave in Osbawa.-How United States VIii- agas-improve their bomnes. Wby. -Not do the sucie bere, Iu a receut number off the Forum Magazine tiserea appeared au interestiig article fror tise peu of B. (1. Northrup ounlise work of village improvemeut soclerues. Most people lu tis part off tise couuntry probably neyer beard off sucis a thîug, but tise Ides is a splendid one, aud very practical. Tise first societi off this c'aus was un. corporated lu Stockbridge Mass., sud as a re- suit a wonderful change for tise better vas eftected un the appearanceofftise îown. Tise main street bad iscen irecgularly laid out sud uuevcuiy graded. vils deep pools of standing waters with f ew tracs sud fewer sidewaiks. Tisese and very mauy other defects vere remedied by a society of euterprisiug citizens, Tise streets hsve been graded sud lîued, and altogetiser about 4000 abade trees bave becu plantcd. Wben $2oac0 vas douated for a free library tise arnount vas doublcd by individus! contributions. Tise library building vatued at $25.ooo was tise gift of thse buqband of tise voman viso onginated tise socicty. Anoîber benefactor gave $îo,ooo for a park sud stil! anotiser gave 58 acres off laud aud $5ooo for tise improveureut of :t mouritain park, off course sucis munificent guifs as these au-e beyond tise limita off posaibilîty ini a town like Osaaa but stîli uo ane knows what latent impulses migisi be dcvelopcd lu tise minds off public spuuited men off ussîe or means sud propety owuers. As far as tu-ce plantîug sud srecets im- provemenu gocs there is a splendid field for work lu Oshawa, sud a concentration off iudividual effort ou tise part off peoperty owuers sud tenants would maire a wouderful change lu tise appear- auce of tise town. Ilt every ctizen would make i a point to keep tise grass trîmmed uniformly before bus propcrty. sud tise towu assisted by boutev irding tise streets even tbis smatl eflort would resulti n a cousiderable improvetrieut. Further, if shade tu-ces weee planîci on botis sudes. ut ail tise streets it wouid make tise towu tise admiration off ever vivsîtor. Que citizens show a great lack off publuc spîriteduess and a citizens' organizatian for tho purpose of advauc- iug tbe townus inuerestisud împrovîng ils general appeau-suce would, we beicive be tise mecaus of workîng great good tise town in every way A society in New Milford. Coun , was organized sud tise membershîp fee placed ai $5, subsequ. euîly however reduced to Si. Tise vomen iseld a faie sud raised $7oo, sud In 3 years by appeatiug to civic pride sud patriotism tise society eaised s',ooo. Besides tis, resideuts cx- pended b2.500 toc stdewstlks sud otiser impro ce- ments - lu Wyoming, Ohio, however, tise most pisenomemnal progeess has been made. AI- tisougis ouly a vitllAe off 7oo soula, attise outset thus little burug afiords a noble illustration of cîtuzenli' co-operation and public enterprise. A public meetin g vas first iseld aud neverai spieited addresses made, the result ieiug the formation off a socuet ith sthse Mayor as president and a dircctcery Of 4 men sud 4 výomen as au executive. Tisese were dlivided itb committees on treres. ou sidewaîks, ou sewerage, ou finance, sud ou lectures, concerts sud eutertainimeuîs. Work vas begun wits tborougbness sud euthusasm. ucaely every mari and voman lu tise village juin- uug lise society. They just uudcrtook one promineut impeovernut, tis enclsegemneut sud adorument off tise unsigbîly geouunds aitie rail- vay station. Tisey coltectcd by sobscriptnons $1200 while tise eailway Company added $400 aud isauled tise uceded gravet and soil wwuhout charge. lu 1881 tisere vere plauled in tii uittle railway park 185 trees, 63 sbrubs of flower- ing varieties sud rnany floyer iseda, ail arranged bs competeut laudscape gardenci-. Tisere mîgisî b. a similar work underlaken aitie Grand Trunk depot heu-e. There are grouds for smre tu-ces and floyer beds, sud the natural difficulties to b. surrnounted are very fev. I L88BSa Iis same societi' planted 77o trfcs along tIse strecîs, aud altogetiser uearty 4000 tu-ces bave been ptanted lu tise town. Duriug tise first tisece ycaes off its cxistenze tise society raised tbroogis mcm- bersbip dues, private subscuiptious, enlertatu- mentisud tise like ncarly $3000. Tise member. sisip tee vas $3 ai flrst and anuually tisercafter .$2, but for persans Dot off age oniy $1 or tise plantîug off one tree under the direction of tise tree-comuafttee, An efficient street sprinkting service bas becu secured sud tise properti'. holders have laid miles off artificil atone valka. Public spirit.cd citizens have also given an elegant sud uoornv hall linvisicis is a flue ibeary sud readiug rooms. SucS au organization as tise above iu Oshawa would revive lise whole place. sud make tise towu loved at bouse sud rcspected abroad. Tise ides off refortming tise towu on tise above bunes is not as utopian as one migbt ai fiu-st imagfine. 'Many towus sud villages have been geieaty beuefitt.ed by local improveent socicties snd ve beice h ould b. thse "Making" off Ibis lova, su ta speak, vere tisere sucis a soclcty orgassized here. T-Me The 34tb batt. band lu bloc oulforin wlht seren- ade tb. citizeas tis Frlday, Several of the local sports are iu Toronto attending the 0. 1. C. races. Mes. Tisas. Mille 1.11 on Wednesday for Chicago to speud six weeks tisere. Readers wili kiudly excuse ani' shortcomiugs of ibis weeks page as tise correspondent is cou- fined 10 bis bcd wîth painful sciatica. Tise fact that tise raitway conteactors have au haîf interest in tise electric railway guarautees tise building of a peopeely equipped road. Mr. John Boue wbo bas been confiued t thie bouse ail wiuîer is abe to be about agaîn. Mr. Boue proposes runniug bie baud waggon to tise lake on Friday but will have to îhrow up bis job visen tise eailway is n runniug order. Tise potes for the wîres of tise raitway co. biave arrived, and tise work will be soon commeuced. Tiscre will be six motor cars ou tise une, but no trailers. Two large open cars for summet use are almost completed and will be ou band lu a couple of weeks. Tise lare wilt be placed ai a reasouabie rate te cou tractora say. Tbe waters off tise lake are uow mtxcb lowee tissu they are remcmbcred to bave beau for vee many yeaes. Rocks tisai were formcrty under two or tisece feet of water now show several incises above tise surface. By some tise lake i5 said to have dccreased 30 incises in depuis The inoreased evaparation and tise light rainfait pro- babiyr accounts for il. lise Chicago canal alsoi figures slightty an a cRuse. Tisere is evcry promise of Oshawu-ountielake becomiug a sumnmer resort of no smatt import suce Every year new improvemeuts are added aud there is a prospect of a sumnmer botl being Iamong the liai at no distant date. It l8 a pity that public grounds were nol purcisad befor- tbe land is ail sppropriated. Tise Rathbuus will no doubt make improvemeuts about tiseisarbor. Miss lente Hem wss uuiied lu marriage t0 Me. Louis Shosie tast (Tisursday) evening at tise Roman catholic presisvtery. Tise ceremouy was pcrformed by Rev. Father Jeffcoti. Thse bride was dressed lu crcam cashmere sud was atteuded by Miss Nellie Tbornley. Mr. P. Foiey acted as best man. Afier tise ceremony tise young couple Ieft on tise train for a short honcymoon in Tor- onto over lthe holiday.t There is mucis adverse crticism expressed be- cause tise council does not open up Albert street to tise depot. Simrcoe street is tise ouly road to tise G.T.R aud Albert street terminaies about one quarter of a mile nortis of tbe depot. Tise ueoessary land to, open tise street woutd not cosi mucis money, sud there sisouid be at least one roadway soutis witis no cars t0 frigisten skîiis horses. Mondai' mornnng Reeve Coulîhard stauted a large gang off meni at work near tise Brook bouse to improve Sîmcoe street sud viden tise ros-i- vai'. Trenches vere dug at tise sides for tise tile drains, sud tise track for vebictes will be 16 feet vide from cubher rail. Tise sidewalk for about 2oo yardb vas moved lu îovard tise feuce to gel the uecessarv widtis sud tise telegrapis pales for some distance up vill also have to be moved. Accident. Que off tise mcin emptoyed ou tise railwai' met with a paunful accident viie iayiug tise rails ucar tise methoditit chuecis ou Weducsday mor- iug. A heavy rail feli on bis ankle visen being lowercdi nto position, sud ise vas foeced 10 dis. continue work. It is not kuovu visether tise boue is broken or not. Bowmauville District Methodst Meeting. On Tuesday sud Wednulay off Ibis week tise annual counicit off tise clenical sud lai' detegates off Bovmanville district met lu tise Simcoe st. Metisodisi cisurcis bere. Tise first session vas commeuced at 10 a.m. Tuesisi' sud vas presid- cd over isy tise cisairman off tb. district, Rev. J. S. Clark. Tise forenoon vas devotcd to tise ex- aminsuion off tise liffe sud character off tise minisI- eu-s, lu tise afternoou tise probationees, H. B. Kenni', Chas. Adams, sud J. Baîstoue, were submitted to a close examination touchiug tiseir vievi ou tise doctrine of tise Metisodist cisurcis. To aIl tise questions cicar sud satisffactory ans- vers were given. Rev's H. B. Keuuy sud (Chas. Adamas vere tben recomnsended 10 b. ordained at the oomiug annual conférence, visich wyul be held lu Picton next montis. J-. Bateson issviug passed bis tird years' examination. il vas te- commeudcd that the conference shlow hlm bis tbird year's standing sud tisat be b. continued ou trial. Iu tise eveniug a public meeting vas beld lu tise lecture roor off tise Simcoc street cisurcis, Rev. D. C. McDowell presidlug. Tise service vas off a veu-y interestiug cbsracter. Tiee ex- cellent addresses were delivercd as follos : The relation off the prayer meeting 10 tise chSçhn. This topic vas forcibti' iuteoduced by tise Resu. G. H. Copeland. Foloviug hlm vas tise gev. D. S. Hoock off Enniskilicu, visa spoke upon tise epvou-th league sud ils relation to tise otise organizations off tise churcis. Resu. A. C. WiI son off Tyrone then dealtt vu tise subject of tise clas meeting. Mauy striksng illustrations vere given to show tisat tisis part off chuistian work vas not a thing off tise past. sud he soved tisattise spiritual iffe off tise css member vas atways strong. Ou Weduesday tise lay delegates put in an appeairance. svelling tise number off dele- gates present to 3a. The woek off tisis day vas off a puu-ly business character. Resu. J. Liddy off Hampton vas elected ta tise stationing coin - mittee, sud Me. W. E. Dyer umade a usember off tise epvortb league oommittee. A vote off tisanirs vas tendereciltiste Oshawa cisurcises theougis tise chairman for tiseir kinduesa 1tiste visitiug merubees off tise district. Tise meeting vas tiscu closed vitis singiug sud tise benedictiori. FRED. R. HoBns. Ombaws Bualueus Dhzectory. B L. VICKEBY. barber. Sîmcoe treet. BBOOKS' LIVEBY, Sirucoe street, nortis. WU. BOLPH, isarnesa malier, Stusceastreet. T. B. MOTHLEBSILL, butcher, King St., West. De. PATrEiasaw;, Deetit; office over Bawse's store. A. J. STLTE-Dominion pianos aud organe, Simcoe street. A. C. WÂsnux, Veterînary Surgeon and Dentisi, King street veat, Oshawa, Ont. CoxxseouL HO=rrn-J. C. Woon, pro1rietor. Mfodere hostelry, usat sud casa ortabty equspp.d. D. M. To.-Caterer for Rails, A.sembllea, Wed. dings, Suppers, etc., of, . Also aSU -Ide of POIT OMwzouBooxSroWn-Pu li neo 01booko, uaiaoeand faeoy gonds. .B. LBOg«Ori OMuiva Dme. SToaa-L J XveUl, dlapergu ernistPaJus neof pure druga sd choral. eaal ,wa7s on baud. 105* UIlmmm - Whltb7.Oibsva stage une, Loave0a" st B8 àamra d Bp ZaoUnsd 04rts W,"aI A" 4U - k"ns fou01 , a AUOTION S"Les-IJrstisbacriber wil be lu'Osh swa, at thse Ce>ntyal B' tel, a riday ofscis week Irom ne 00to 8 o'oIoOit pa.' 10 malte as'- angeruents wth parties wisbing to have sales. B~. C. Fairbanks, ai thbe Vindiosto? oifilce, Io autborized to cou tract i orsales. L PFÂUtBA1iK auctioiseer. COLUBUs. lu consequeuce of no service lu thecmethod- Nlr. W. Wickett gtaddened the towu witis his presetice this week. * Trout fisiig is indutged in to quite an ex- tent by our sports this season. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Ca. of Columnbus is peogressitlg nicely. Mrs B33res of Enniskitteti is spending a few ditys witb iser sister, Mes, Z. Kiveil. Miss Bertie Hooker bas gô'ne 10 iser borne nortis of Myrtle to sp)Cfd a few well-earrned lioidays. Tise sbadow is risîug feom tise toviug faces cf our sisters, wives and loyers and we hear -tise rernark - are you doue bousecleaning ? 'Quite tiseougis tbank you.' ist cisurcistise Y. P. S. C. E. of tise presby- terian churcis was ver~ well attended wisere chria;ttan brotbersood was mnanifested by members off botis denominat ions îaking part iu tise service. At earty moru we see our brigist youug seamnstress tripping tugitly along 10 help sorne anxious unotiser fashion pretty sp ing and summer suits for sweet girlies, anYdpt-o. babty dresses for tise lassies. W.% wisi s scis brihthap ,useful creatures a long sud ENFIEL» Thse baud will attend the concert ai Columbus in fuît force. Mr. Levi Niddery has been lu Clark iu the interest of the hedge fence compauy. Mes. jas. Gilbert sud Mr. C. Mackey are training the childeen for the auniversaey. Mr. Demiti, of Demilt Ladies' Coltege, Oshawa, has been visiting in this neighbor- hood. Solina division paid this division a fraier- ual visit Tuesday sud rendered a good pro- gramme TfLLoNS Mr. A. Vounie, Bowmanville, tcalled on otd frienda here las week. Miss Cors M. Gardiner leaves ibis week for a visit to Lindsay friends. Mr. Ed. and Miss Philp, of Whitby, have been guesis of Me. R. A. Philp. Mr. J, J. Virtue at the old corner store took iu 3oo dozen eggs Tbursday last. Tyrone milI pond was frozen over on Mon' day morning preseuting a pteasiug spec- tacte. Rev. jas. Batstone, our junior pastor, lias, we understand corne off very successfutty ai his recent exams. COURTICEC Mr. Doubt. Cotumbus, was guest of Rev. L. Phelps tast week. Mrs. (Rev.) T. Brown, Canton, visited at Mr. Jas Courtice's last week. Me. W. Courtice. of Fullerion, is visiîiug old friends bere. Tise Parsonage is uudergoiug repaies. Me. G. A. Laugmaid is enlargiug and put- tiug stonework under lis barn. Ou Saturday tise remains off Miss Fauuy Courtice off Oshsawa were interu-ed at Ebenezer. After a iiugeriug ilîness of many years she passed quietly tb rest on Thursday morning. Tise funeral service was cou- ducted by ber pastor, Resu. J. S. Ctark. An address was given lu tise cisurcis fror tise text, "Tise memnory off tise just is btessed, 11 lu which tise speaker rcfcrred 10 the-cisristian patience and beroisrn off tise deceased. Rev. jas. and Mes. Liddy, Hampton, visited bere hast week.- SOLINA. Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B.A., BowmanviUle, will preacli at Eldad Sunday, at 2.3o. Rev. R. L. Edwards, Blackstock, preach- cd very accepiably on Sunday afternoon and the Evangeliat Band, of Oshawa, conducted the evening service to largfe congregzations. Me. sud Mes. Chas. Barreit are vlsitiag their daugisier, Mes. David Bradley, Toron to. Mr. Joc. Henry purcbased 18 fine bornes las week for thse Bell Telephone aud Mon- treal. Master George Gilfillan was biten ou tise right cbeek b! s St. Bernard dog oveed by Mr. Wm. Hofiand. rccentty. Mr. F. 0. Gsmsby and son Guy, Mr. .A., Gamsby. and. Mr. Wm. Betlamy have gone to tise Rainey River District. The Bishop of Niagara, the -Right Resu. Chas. Hamilton, ýD. D.,,wllt. be at Orono on ?&ay 29th to bold couSrnatln.. Miss Tnaanine Ksllèv. whosbÉai en Tiff ARCADEM sThe Largest S3tock, The Fineat Assortment, The Lowest Prices -"r In This Town. -WE have taken thîs space for time o-, -corne and il wiil be an interestiug one-, ~-for your pockeîs. Neyer failto1 read it.- OUR STOCK CONSISTs 0OP Genera1 Dry Goods, Manties and Millinery. We bu; for Cash only j We Bell for Cash only. We have orîly one price. WE HAVE a fine Millinery and Mantie! showroom aud make a spccialty of these goods ; combliug as wve do the best rma- teriai and the iowest prices. Call and get acquainted with fTho:. Millor isA : THE ARCADE. Gall at PELLOWSY and see his Wrought Steel ]P.&w1C3cEJs -AT- $ 50.00. AIso his COA.L OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $5-50 to $25.oo. under management os Mr. Thos Elliott ably assisted by Mr. Robt. Parks. Thse key of the basement of the churcis could not be fouud on Weduesday, and îisey had to dispense with prayers that eveniug. We believe from the number of excursions already advertised touriâts will have ample opportunity to view tise beautiful scenery along our waterways this season. Old Mr. Reynolds is very ili with smali hope of bis recovery. Mr. W. Lucas Tp. Clerir, was called 10 his bedside a few clays ago t0 maire bis wiil. Three sons of Mr. Reynolds, ail ministers, came to see their father last weekr. Mrs. Mary Reynolds died on 16th and was buricd on the î8th, at 2.30. A large funeral left the bouse and proceeded to the ctiurch grave yard. Her son George, the blacksmith, died the day of funieral. They are very much respected people. Literary Notes Sarony's Sketch-Book for May with wis- dom ýÎtuTfls to the field, it started ont to culti,ý>ate photography from life of models posed e represent classic art. The current Illustrated American's lead- ing article "Canada Bent on Annexation' is ridiculous in its assumption that there is such a sentiment worth considering in this country. There are life-like portraits of the Dominion cabinet ministry wiih good pic- tures of the parliainent buildings at Ottawa and Toronto, only the two latter are mixed as to the titles, together with portraits of prominent advocates of annexation le the United States including Mr. Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York Sun, and Mr. P. W. Glen, ex-M.P., for South Ontario. M#D-EL FARMEXCURSION. JUNE 1ls12 12l3th. Tise public is assnred tisai ibis excursion un- dirr tise auspices off tise Bovmianville R. T. ai T. wlll b. one off thse mbtI enjoyabte events off the seasan, sud tise committee bas arranged for a free lunch 10, be snppiied toalal tise cxcursianists. Everyne visa bas visited the farte agrees tisat oe would be veli repald -for su outlay off ffqur times tise amount a imrnsd money by wvislagaiued ia adays susit, for round trip. A special exour- in train yl teave stationsi as belov at ffolov. iug rats: - FARE CauflDRN Tiffl. Cobourg- $1 75 ..9 Port Rope z'X .8 Newtônville. î30 .75 Z4evoestlW m, o 6 - Rrnwsu1ssvi 1, is - .g- 1*. sent lis Is tbe opportunhty we uow ofier you of buy- ing a WATCH at a materiai reduction from ani' prices we ever made on theri before. For erample: We will mcli a watcb worth $35 for $25 ; a $30 watch for $2,; a $25 for $2o; a $20 watcb for $16 ; a 6 watcb for $14; a $14 for $12; a $10 Watcb for $8; a $8 watch for $6.So; a $6 watch for $5, and saou dowu 1tiste bottoun. Dont fail 10 see the bargains we are oftering in al fines aI AMMw.M Se B OYD'5 Jtewefry Store. (Headquarters for Bargaius) KING, STREET WEST, -sAA -HEADQ &AR TERS FOR--, Field, Garden and Flower Sceds, Ma.ngelg, Field Car- rots and Turuip Seeda of ail varieties. Enzilage and other corn at lowest mar- ket prices. Staple and Fancy Groceries at bottom prices. Highe.st market prices for Farm Produce. Beaton '8 Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 1Oshawa, -Ontario, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, Gý+O S HAWA.-ÈýD Leather Steadi/y Advancing. m IB aLU ~~~ DO. G I ,;-Qur rate of profit is the lowest ia this district. IT KEEPS US POOR. Oshawa StQamship Ticket .Agency. Steamsbip Tickets ta Europe by the best Unes on tise Atlantic. Special railway rates, Oshawa to Montreal, in connection with Steamsbip Tickets. Canaidian Express Co. Goods forwarded on ail Passeuger trains ; aso coilected and de«. livered toalal parts of thc lowe vithout extra charge. UVMonev Orders on saefrors ,eighî .- m. until eight p.m. Give them a trial andi YOM wlll always use thora. Great North-western -Telegraph Company Forward messages 10 ail point ofCàada' and U. S. Messages rocelved promptly delivered. W. P. 8TERICKER, ^ Agent OIle opposite the Pont Offioe W E. DYER, * ale Boc£, Just prkftbqjostof. * 1k.. luspevir '-Agnle-f i * SasuiugA&Loaw Coi;-Toto gu 'Lin i - a rýýrcSCr~ay, IIa w '1 Wisolesaie prices for foovear are 2o per cent. isigiser. Que immense stock la seiling fast at old peices. Save money by buying youe shoesataionce. Thbe.opprtunity vill soon puas. On. pri cêtto aIL Cash dow p. ............... I.L

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