Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 7

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and thriftless. Hie brother neyerre- cognized hirn after he deserted his wife. On the field cf Waterloo a topaz seal, set in gold, was recently found, berin the arms and niotto 0f Viscount ar rington. It belonged ta Ensign B3ar- rington, who was killed at Quatre Bras, june 16, 1815, andi has lain undiscover- ed for nearly eighty years. Every year Worth sent to the Emn- press Eugenie a large bouquet of Parma violets tied with a mauve ribbon on which was his name embroideredain- gold. This was i memory of her pt ronage at the time when her whim - could make or ruin a Paris tradesman. Mrs. Kate Gannet Wells says that -men are quite asnfagging as women, S and would be more so if they had to, wear women's clothes. When men are said to be disagreeable to their wives it is often because the latter are too weak, and do flot assert their rights at first." J; It is now said that the marriage of Lord William Beresford to the widow- iroe. May rohr*»91. ed Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Mrs. Louis Hammersley, of New York, A yer's P uis has to several of his friends an- -i wotid like to add my testixnony to nouncing their engagement and saving ttiat of others who have used Ayler's that the wedding will flot be long de- 1,11s., ad to gay that I have taken hem la ed. fo tr an>, yearà. and alwAys derlved the y' uest resu! t.s from their use. Dr. Edward Eggleston takes the C'À t.ground that the highest intellectual For S omachsatisfaction is to be derived in these and liver troubles, and for the cure of days in asseinblies in which men and ?ie:iche causd by these derafflments women corne together. If a gathering Aers PUIls canflot btic ld.Whet i N- frieuds ask me what Is the best is made up wholly of men there is apt rumedy for disorders of the stofliah, to, be a lack of restraint that wars L iver, or Boivels, against the best mental results. If my nvaiale nser sAyelsP11,% wom en meet by themselves they grow Taiken lu season they wil] break up a opiniouated. c'Idoo, pre%,ent la grippe, check tever, and Lieut. Charles Clark Jameson, of the i -ulatc the digestive organs. They &' ifenhanatresaind tFr rasyto take, and itet naty atoda Fl Sheridan has received the coveted prize Are th bestof a transfer to the ordinance depart- all round faiuni edictue I have lever ment of the armny as a first lieutenant. k î Mr~ .y JoH2<eoz<,368 Rider This officer made a reputation for him- Xve. New York City. self during the strike last vear at Chi- AYER'S PILLS cago Uv taking his place on'the pilot of HIghstA ardatWoId'~:: a locomotive and forcing his way MlgeaSAraare àtforhebloo through the blockade with his men. -4 er' Sasaprilailr te bl od. Mary Cowden Clark, the compiler on the well-known, Concordance to Shake- speare,. is till alive. She was boro in People. the same year as Mr. Gladstone and has heen living for nearly thirty years at the I hmasA.Edionplas pke. IutVilla Norvilloo, at Gýenoa. I t was to o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~N nl o u n eaainadn rs. Clark that Douglas Jerrold said f,îhl r uneedandrlaaiîndn. on vour first arrivaI in Paradise you nl e rne ut ap lesi er must expect a kiss from Shakespeare- Th l rii erv Ofd halth. H5 es ad ~e ve n though your husband should hap- l, \'ervgreluctat to er a kîng's Pen to be there." ,ry en.t owerakigs Few persons are aware, probably, TheEme)r o Grmnv itisl.dthat John XWesley, the founder of 'o lled tporon 'er lmark Uv hs av- Methodism, commencoed his rninistry in îîito ho had samp oina ftre issue-v Savannah, and was for several years inhished sampd )n fuur Isuerector of Christ Episcopal church, t (cr coins. w hi1ch stands in the centre of that city t. v I- Hughes. (of Arizona. has ap-' just as it did then, with the exterior un- ~ îtdtwelve n<-\vs11a1er mnen V) act altered, althougli the interior has been I o ahard of inmîuigr;itîun Co-(mmission- remodelled and modernized. T-he goveCrnulr R h1mself a news- (,I,(olesn trip lu the Riviera ap- P~BIG pcitu have restored him to vigorous Miss Bateman, of Whitby, je liera this lîcalîli j.Sumle of his friends say that week witb her sister, Mrs. J. H. Bnndy. lie ilî.es nl lîu((ked i)etter in several Mrs. Côok anýd ebjîdren, of Orillia, vis \ (,Ir>.ited liera this week with Mrs. John An- l'lie (Quee>(n (of felgium. Marie Hen- drew. t cr, Il n mil re -111v lv ue pastor <)f SI ,200, OII \t\% i i tel n h iii an assur- cd niuref 1 ~ It is saidt iliai t lic 1I>ikîLandI lucheSss ut File still presi i M their dily lIfe thle inrte restinirg tspeta Ic (,f a miarried c ule hve t etlefî thir uourîing days Uelîind thof-rn 1resîîlenî Clevýeland'-i (hief recrea- tiun at Wo(-odlev Is a drive n the after- non and a gam e uf cards in the ex-en- ing. The president is a good whist player, and is also fond ut îiînochie. ,11wi late Earl of Morav was the shv- esý,t f4 mortals. He liv-ed in a modest lolging in St. James, London, although lie uwned Daruaway castle in Moray- sliire and other statcly residences. Mlgr. Capel, well known as a Roman (athdic ecciesiastic some years ago, lits- ltc<>mce a rancliman since lie took iip lus residence in California, and is i o be -.tîll Uer>- wealtliy. A f riend who recently dineS--with Williami E. Gladstone says that the ( irand OUI Man was in the best pos- -tîlln health and spirits and converscd n îîh great animation upon many and t.aricd topics. The widow of Richard Wagner is causing much comment by her growing eccenrricities. She recently composed f ive poemis in honor of her son Seig- f ried'a five dogsansd recited themn at iris birtliday reception. Tlie czar is the most eomfontably fix- cd, fiuancially, of any Luropeazi mon-i a rclh. He has no ci'WI iist, salary or ai- lowance. He just helps himîel toa al lie needs and the treasury's only duty is to sec those needs supplied. Speaker, Peel, when he retirés, will have served eleven, yeans. He viii ne- ce ive a 1pension cf 820,000 a.year, and1 if te precedents arc followed a peer- age. There have been eight speakers of lhe Commone since te beinning cf the century. -e- Joscph Austin Strong, the Oakland: C,,boy Who la Ici' to one-hlaf cf Robet Louis Stevensofl'5 estar.e, is dc-ý aahbd; s rlght and propossessing iu apcerabc. Ilefater, joseph tD. 5trong, wu one of ?4r. Stcvcusn'sl- try oUn etinrLI strUeL. LJiovea L..>V'. bousehold effeots Monday. We uuderetand that Charles Stewart, formerly cf this village, but who lias been ruuninu a blackismith sbop at Uxbridge fo)r some years bas sold eut sud will go West. The old O'Connor place near tlie lake le without a tenant this year. What a splendid crop of weeds will be there neit faîl. It would psy the company wlio own it to lot soine perpon work iii for the taxes. Urial JOues, ef tha Brook Road, lias a clear casacf iandar against thte Toronto Newasi as will readily ho sean by those wlio notiood the pieture inserted t paper the othen day and iabeled "tTUIle Uriab Joues," of Pickeri.ng. Ed. Gleesen, of Groenwood, csught a fina brook trout ene day last week, it meauning soie 18 inchea in length and weigbed 2 ihe , à ounces. This is ne fisb yann cf thea nouai variety, but an actuel fact, as editor Wilson of the Globe wil tiestify, ho havi g been presented with the daad carcue eoftth. monstar. A number of thre trocs surrouIndin the fira hall ara daad and ahould bo-rePIaoed air'once. If tires. trees arc replaced in accordauce with the. set made and pro- vided in that respect the. fîre eompauy ebeuld apiy for tb. municipal bonus la tbe usuaway. Tire fire laddiems bonld see tbat thie dedaples are replaoed by animaed an«.. Frcm tbe souneil minutes it will ho seen that doge have been killing sheep in the. noghborbood of Thompaon's Cern ers. It seaui straugeý thast ti.. doge caniot b.e aptureds"dl detroyed,sas mucb damage iu doue a flock of siieep if cul>' ohasedarcund a id. W. are cf opinion that it would b. a gUod ide for the council teo ofer a revrd for the head cf doge eaught in the. sot of Vcrrying shoep. Hanse eleatlng Ià frauglit vitli niay perplezities Ou. day lut week Ui, John Jacquel vas OCoUp iuP*ttlugUP a blind onuthe" garret widow Wbien t4he chair upon Whb àab» stoodtoplaed , Ov and eho vwu tbroW own vbetwOOn ivO jolets, sud ltb ýloUa d. ,l" giving va>'he flin lthromeb to the e ut 'Doi. Beyond a i% li iug othe wiofor>- toute in *10A0,8uuqý F4sevbKthst G»4* fired =(ore hht h. thought the. report Calne in a corth easterly direction. The Party who wus shooting thst rnorning should ba more oarefuais e a eerioni mis- hap may be taocmord. Mr. Dingman in rejoiced to think tbat hae esapad when danser was ao near.-News. ORILLIA, We congratulate tha Whitby CHRON- ICLIE ün the continuad proeperity which its racant anlargemant betokens. Mr. Graham unita9 in hie editerial person the courage of Samn. Hughes, the industry of Frank Dobbin, the aggreeivenese of "Billy" MeLean, the "gali" of Claud Lawton, the native modeety of George Wilson, and a nicasure of the opulence of Sami. Wesley. May good fortune ever attend the CHRONICLE aud it.e editor.- Packet. Duriniz the absence of Mr. Thos. Hay- Wood and family on Monday eveniug, a couple of tramps attempted to break into hie residance on Peter etreet, but fortun- ately Mr. Haywood returned in time to prevent them carry out their little 8cherne. After patiently waiting and watching for soma monthe Detectives Burrows and Black, -of Toronto, have capturad the only mussing participant in the green goode deal at John 0. Woods' drug store on York et., last fail. The much eought for man, known hitherto as "Long Taw," but who ie a naniesake of Inepectorj Stark, was out of town until a few daye a go, whtmn ha reappeared, aud was arrest- ed at '76 Aun street yesterday morning. The warrant charges hum with etealiig $200 froni Walter H. Oreer, the Orillia fanmer who attempted te purchase the bogue bills. Wrn. Kennedy, of Perta, aged 24, met with a peculiar aud rather painful acci- dent in the tramps' celI at the lockup Weduesday morning. Kennedy was one' of seven stragglers whî souglit ehelter 111 the tramps' abode on Tueeday evenîîîg. Constsble Dreyer had supplied a three quart kettie of tes for the lodger8 sud placed it on the damper of the etove Kennedy stretched himeelf out on the fluor with his feet on the damper. Dur- ing the night the fire burned steadily sud the tes became hotter. The heat aruused the Perth tramp and in moviug arouud hie feet up8et the hot tes over hie ex- tremities. When Constable Dreyer cal- led Weduesday morniug lie fouud the etranger in intense pain from the ecald, and Dr. Ware was called who sys that Kennedy wili be unabie to walk for three weeks. He wili be removed to the coun- ty jail.-News-Letter. Thie giorion., twelfth. The orangemen threaten to lay seige to Orillia on l2th July this year. At the in- vitation cf the District eirecutive a very large nuniber of lodges have consented to meet aud celebrate the day bere, and it is estimated that between live sud fifteen thoueand members will parade our streets. Over 800 iodges have beau iuvited, and the local committee je doing its utmoat to eneure a moet succeseful gathering. Fractoris or Grilla Mayor 8sanderson informe us that ha is i communication with a party having a $2,000 shoe plant who desiree a location for a factory, and if possible te forin a joint stock company te carry on a whole maie business. Tbe mayor lias given hi a good deal cf information about Orillia, aud expecte shortly to have a defluite proposition te lRty before the concil and sncb business men ae may be willing te exceloed by any teseher in the echool. It is B faot notl.general y known that several of the. teachers heid provincial cartificatas for freeband drawing. It is said the drawing fakir took about $20 ont of tho town in bis visit of oe day. It is a pity tha Board did net taka action befoea 8 muai evil was done.-Times. A Voice From Draper. ED. OHRONULi : Sm -Wili you kind- ly1allow me a ittie apace in your paper. b ave been raadiug in the. weekly ~ri ee letterr writteu by John A. hveay Es%, in vhich ho Wounld hvosbelieve tat Lthegreat Patron movament *0 por.ly a Onit dodge for the purpose of deesatung the Government, that the. Grits galihe cmli. lheni. wiIl net vote in the. Patron ranma, but-- iii ho fouad stili votimog the . me aid party. vote., lo..8Sr, 1I-have lied occaion ta b. througli the townhiÏip of Brts'<I, on buslnees, sd bave Mtbotl> Conserva tivmsad Lborae wlio bave joiwedthe Furon cUseuW »rocksud otite,'toww ships, sd m glad tofiuid o healthya- »»ienteW .Z.4linathe. Patroanasoi- tî ono4 7thaLtl>oe, villb. but bne io'nmon d4O. t. t uunder.from bot aof -th ,AreYôu Fortified?,- When yo are in a kow state of health, and on the verge of illness, there iS no nourishment in the world like to rstoe srenth.Seott's Emnision nourishes, strength- ~ ens, promotes the making of solid flesh, enriches the blood and tones up the whole system. 4 FOT Oonghs, Oolds, Bore Tbroat, Bonohitiop Weak Lunga,C(onsumption, Borofula, Ânomia, S Lons of flesh, ZIIhin Babiesa, Weak Ohdren, a.nd - ail conditions of Wasting. Buy only the genuinel It has our trade- mu' k on salrnon-colored wrappr. VUADE MARK. Send for patiioZ<-t on Scofts Emulsion.F'U Soott &< Bow ne, Bolleville. Ail Dru_ýgglstj3. 50c. r LAME 8BACK and ERUP T/IOlS. MANEY' Ç,ELERY-NERVE ÇoOMPO -UND. WITH BEEF, IRON AND WJNE. New and Wonder[u/ Blood Purifier and Nerve ~r 0o rTI- ce Contaius NO INJiURLOUS DRUGS! Every ingredieut is a HEALTH BILD- ER. CERTAIN sud PERMANENT RELIEF is GUARANTEED in cases of Constipation, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Ail Weaknesses, B lood a.nd Skin Diseases. It is bssed on GLYCERINE instesd of ALCOHOL. For producing soft, cloar ekin, bnight complexion, sud relieving ail ilîs peculiar te woman, it je unsurpaissad. ......BE CERTAIN TO GET ... "MÂNLEY' 55" Take no other.1 AND ' 7 PIN No More Miser WORM S. ýLJmm= i ITCIHINQ PILES le an exceedingly painful and anneying.afffie tien, fbuvd allit. iu the rich aud poor. maie and female. Th& princt>4 ymtome are a severe itichiug which le wort ai nlght when h erer becoines wanm lu bed. L oterrible lW te icin Risfrqengi Itile taposeibla te p>rocurae leepi. Often teeleri unouciuà duling eleep scratches tRiep arts uÈtUl tbey are,, Sore-u;lcers suad' iio V. froni thia dleease, Cans.guxbearable Irntat4ennd. troube lts ç' very or rgy eiotItchlng Ples Or irrittion laanprtf *, ~ ohe ten, xesiemoisuel eue.Fmae r - DUIY f, Sbody are lmmediataly allayed ind qulckly ured b>'Cay ' meut IL wlliinst&nti>' &top l ibng hui the MorssdM lea up tRie meleure PI'i WORMS le ý m liet eutlrel dlierent at.oe.âd Itohlng Pilou. yet ftu effots and sympMïom da C" . »UPy cli D iv e s m o , U â n fodM C& = Instant ~fRtic Hmlto- RelIf. eevle-& Tempieton.u, Rt.lCü%ur Totteisbam-James Soanlon,. f. & Brad!owr-R. Dayl%, J.BuId Darrie-H. Z.L Qozon. The eoiebratd Dr. Ohase'a Olatment inlamade expresulyfor Itoalno Piles, butt-ie.u Pdin cring alItohy SkiDlseaes. ouch amEccema, Ith. Banrber', rtàz BCuBht z. A romoe e.. cFormaie b y aU, drugglst&. Wre 60> cents. ~-ED ÂN~~¶jBÂTZ ~ G.,TSer nb q ffte for omle*imun4 Fuuny Things. "Uncla, liow do you stand on the en. forcement cf the Munroe doctrine?"' "'Ain't got ne ima ta foo01 wid siah, an swarad the aid man. "The goed oie straîglit Bapt.is' doctrine am good onough f'nme, an' is heen for nigb mora'n tbtfitty Fuddy-d"I suppose youn sou goas in for athitios ? Footb alil, panbape?. WhaL ls e ha af back ?" Duddy,<'Jlalf] back P Wel 1 guosnet 1I Yen .ehould sec, Jack once, and thon you'd s4T hoaa, albaok. No# Jack is ne footbaillalt; he*sý aý bicye!e stooper." "It muet mak. those peor lhorse" dveadfm-iy tiurd ta go rxUnng arvuudp- the race tracli," esit uho ympatbetic woman. 6"No," r-eplýied the. guîilelos ma-n Who bet# "Lii. hers sare ail ight. lt h. e uaüen Who vent_ aven there with a, mure -Up , a MA&e tinîd. We have the IFineot sele«- tien in town ef those BEA LITIFUL A MERICAN WALL PA PERS8, -WITN- Borders to Match LowEST -:PRICES. Corneearly end 9ftfirSt choie. P. B. WARAM, rynsold Stand, Break sSt.., Whitby. Back in Whitby. WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Make, Upholeter, And dealer in Furniture of ail kinds. The Subsoribar begs te announce that ha bas again epenad business in lis aid stand, and bas piacad tiierain a dhoice, sitylish and complata stock o! NEW FURNITURE 0f evory description, whjdli will ho scld at a email margin on cosL. Ânether bale et those oelebrated Mized Mattrasees 88.25, verth #5.W0. Seo thoso Tapemtry or Carpet Longeu at $5, worth 88. Hardwood Sidleboards, 14x24 glass, for j8-5O, worth $12. tEk A funl stock of Oà16ý and O0aekets, and aFrtOa Hearse. Wlu IrdE Whitby, Oct., 12, 1893. RADAM' S MICROBE KILLER- REMEDY., 3. EDGAR, Xerchaift, Wind-o. sor e M. K. acted marvelously ini my case of cbronic stomah and bowel truble. Wa ie.e odefo a cnplication Of Dyspp~iaand vo~trouble wt osmpl~ Arn as wellaseer ow S it is truly wonderfnL. ]London. Cbrnicl cough and heýmarhes frornt lungaete urryng r.y wfetoa ay gravet butthankseitoM.iK. sheis.as wlaseoe+,- Wm. Radam MicobeKiler 0ý. 120 KIXG fx sT T WEsT1 Par maie at sU ohm. W. ~. ~OW8W8, - Wàriff'à Colunia -32:» Will b.eof value te i.venrd the improvem enta in, Lb., mee éhanile euiinent physielana viii tell you ti gnos in medicinalagnabube IMportance, sud as âa strengiin tuai Syzup ef Fie uifq.r lu mdv& others. Johà Spencer vas cauwbtith te -ting fine t tore ldnin Ovei Uiaard's LinSuisut te Use to al A I4 fi ýIÎ ýA i qI

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