Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 6

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ýl . -1 . 1 . -7 (WMITEIq 108 TRE CEBONIOLE.) laQder tbé he b bt reuants May be Jéniv.ed oit inthe, fulfiimRent of the. Xi. XDΫbty,»* plans for the oomfort, enjoy- tuent, and benefit of hie reatures, it je "aslutelY aeceusary that alitthe facuitiea wvhioh have been implanted with the. M ilnd and seul ehonid receive equai con- siaderation in their oultivation mand gratifi e.ation. At present we will deai with the social faoulty in man, which coeis for cobaipanionahip wi b hie fellow beings. Young in Le night thoughtÀ aye: riendshipte vthe wine of life ;11 aise mr friendship angele gather hait eir joy." If man denies himeelf hins shute bimseit out from the benefit isi aker intended him, and becomes coid, olusive and secretive. He may flnd Ompanlonship in booke and nature, and s0 on, but if ho scolie ne farther he be- cornes a sponge, receiving ail and giving D othinglin returu. By thie ,ho hidee hie light under a buehel," possibiy eh ut. ting ont a benefit and a bleasin g froin many. Byv ge doing beo niy fulfille part Of hie mission. The. old and ime houer- ed custom of exahanging friendly visits lbu been the ont>ome of thie faculty. Home, tiai epot whieh ie dear Le the heart Of overy ane, hae deservedly called forth many beau tiful expreseions iu its praise. As expressed by an old Scotch WOMfl wlose home wae indeed very humble:- "À. woman, there's nae booge like thsj osee; tbere's nae bed like Lbaat beil .»%iee may fuliy appreciate a good Shome, etli by too close an adherence thereto with tife'e ceasalese monotqnous grind and etern duties the mind hecoines Damwed. We thon begin te feel, ae the boy uaid, that we are "the axtree around ~iihthe eartb revolved." The little Innoyanoos and difficulties to which *veryone je eubject, become exazgerated, nm111 we feel w. are the injured ones et eartii,and acquire a gsneral discontent. -t [ j thèn that the old timne-henored cas- tom of oxohaoging friendly visita be- cornes a tenefit. When we mingle with Our feliow boînge whose aspirations, hopes and longinge are much the sarne f~as aur own we find we are tnt of se much consequence after ail, indeed of oniy minor importance in this maighty uni verse. We aiea flud that the experience of others hmo discovered littie ide traclis wbicii will carry us through our duties much easier than on the old beaten track. We find aise that the littie annoyances over whioh we have made ourselves quite miserable, and penbape dieagreeable, are more fly.speoks in cemparisen with otiiere who bear thern with a degree of patience whiob makes us leel quite ashamed and humiliated. An interahange et inteliectual ideas brightene Up the oid eues, which have become ruety as well as heiping to dlean away the cobwebe of prejudice. The manufacture of the. needie furnishes a good illustration of this. After needies are finiaiied as far ae can be doue by rnachiuery tbey are ehaken together. This rubbing together gives the fine poi- isii and perfect peint necessary which couid net have been given in any other way. Ater a pleasant vieiL we go back tu our bpmes with different ideas, the cog-wheels of the machinery ef lite oiled up, and the hitherto almeet unendurabie round ef dutiese mn on comparatively easy. The gve tii. eta welcome hA ichtre - *Vieiting the ick shouid aiways be gev erned by wisdom and conideration. The grootiug should always be bright and oheery, wiebes warm, without being elaborat,. or overdona. The duration af t. he 'risit should a 'iwaye be governed by the sick one's condition' and neyer con- tinue long enougb te weary. The visita are iiighly beneficial in forwardiug recov ery especially durnug convalesence. The syrpathy and cheer axteuded helpe t.o draw the. mmd frein dwalling tee m2uch en their condition. But when pretract-. ed long enough te waary the conse- quencee are very bad. Mauy precieus livos have been sacrificed througb mis- taken kindnuse t the critirai tiuruing point, when perfect quiet we.s neoeaary *t 10 bei.r b. îng tided ever. This siiould alwayu b. disaouragsd au i oondlemned Sioknos in the homne inviarably imposes an extra tal. Whenever assistance1 ad- vice or uympathy can b. rendered it ahouid alwaye b. tendered heartily and premptly, and is of inestimable value in aflicted homes. Wiien neïtber of them is in our power tiie greatest kinduese is te rernain âway. Indeed sometirnes a cmii .stlthe door i. an interruption to both imvalid and -uro, by dîstnrbingz a reet which wu l bolutl; nessuary tw bath. 14k. a&H pras-wortby custonis this hau boam abused whon <carrled toeoxcesa. Wbsm viiing bocomes the. main ob- Isol of lite it sometimos loade te tho nog- 1e9 ofduty, wîa I ita train eofiad cona aequeo.s, the. and being disappointment --m ocly thro"bghei chaunel of dut>' In bomnes viere thte etertainment of * s vl oulrrad te ex"eeIt oftou sataila tooheavy a t« uoafilme. Then dmt psfrm.ofeth1e home if =oaeSWd p.. vhio l.h lnteiMs oo ie c-du b lb eue a welceme and diotates cçasideration for thecoemfart of a gueist. This should alwayse . haraoterized by euansd fnee- dem from restreint or elaborate dieplay wiiich will give gennine ejeymeut in the ment humble home. Unfortunately tee many, like Martha, are auxieus and roqbled overmuch in the ententainment et visiters wiih imposes Loo heavy a tax upon hersest, thereby un- fltting hersait for the enjeyment et the eociety of t he guest. It aise makes the guest teed 111 at euse, consequantly the whole visit las poiled. Iu conclusion. It ie net well te fal lu with ail tha acaepted usages et seciety without discrimination aud judgemnt. It ie equaliy onwise te set up) a one-sided, narrow miuded standard of our own andi cendemit wbat oth-ens with equal judg- ment with our own bave sccepted. By s0 doing we wii ba disappointed in net fludiug othere acceptiug that standard and like petted chiidren- deny ourselves the benefit me might receive troni the association with oun tellow-beings. By ibis we become out et tune with the wenid, therefore those who bave a igbt te, expeet tuncl frotu us are dîsappointed in net fluding iL. Brock Oouncil. The May meeting of the ahove conI- -. A à Membu 0f theQalaite 3ea~4.t HeaIlb the chair. On motion the committee arose and reported pregress and asked leave to sit as a counicil. The by-law wili be adopted at the special meeting te be held on May 22nd. On motion ef Mn. McCully, secended by Mr. Wetheral, Mrs. John McDonald, an indigent living at Manilla, was put on the indigent list fer six menths at $4j per mentb. Mr. Thomas Put-vis appeared before the council and asked for a grant te be inade te the Sunderland mechanies' In- stitute. On motion of Mr. McCuily, seconded l)v Nîr. Eriwards, the reeve was appoint- cil a commi.ttce to confer with a com- niittee from Mariposa as te making a final settiement as to statute labor etc., on townlîne between i3rock and Mari- posa. imeet ing to take place on J une i st, at. 10 o clock a. m., at Manilia, The clerk was also instructed to notify the clerk of Nariposa oif the appointment. On motion of NIr. Brethour, second- cd by Nlr. McCulv, Samuel Waddland WaS placed on the indigent list at $8 per nionth, the samne to be paid F. D)oble to be expended on Waddland. 'On motion of NIr. Wetheral, srcond- cd by NMr. Nlc(Cullv, the counicîl ad- ourned 10 mecc on May' 2 2nd, to make icil was held on May i ith at 'Suil- grants on roads, bridges. etc., and gen- embrsprsntRex- romaCral tbusines~s, at thc- hour of Ieo Clock Membrs reset :Reee Vrom"TI.a. n , ai Sunderl' nd, Deputv1-Ree\vcs Brethour and Wetheral.i___ ___ Councillors Edwards and HMcColirI. Ilar Minutes of last meeting rcad and Hwt i elr Com mu nicat Ions from tle following j etltn cellars and milkhouses. parties, asking for grants tolhe made On > The object ut ventilation is te keep the road, wee rad ad lad bforefhccellars cool and dry, but this object otten counicil :jobu Francis. $25, owîing t" faill of being accunîpliehed by s common the statute lahor bcîing alm-osi. cxlcndecd 1iniistak-e, sud înstead the Cellar ils nade n shox-elling snow iast winter. bot.h wsrn and damip, according te The jas. Leask, $75. to 1)c expcnded On National Builder. A cool place ehouid centre road het\,.een lots 1 2 and 1 3. 1 îîever be ventilated unles the air admit- cons. 2 and -).I ted is cooler than the air witbin, on is at John Kirton. $200, to 1)e explended least As cool as that or a very lite warrn opposite lots i - and 18, con. 5. 11r . The wartner the air the more mois- Adami Shier. ir.. reccommending the ture it huile iu suspension. Necessarily counciofroktmaearatf o the cooler the air the more this titr te be expended on con. 13. opposi-te ile condeu sud andc prucipitated. When a lot S. cool cellar 1e aîred on a warrn day, the Donald McArtbur asked for 2o rods entenlng air, being lu motion, appeare of gravel opposite lot 24. cool)0, but as it fille the cellar the coolen John RN-nard, $5o or $6o t) straightcn air with which it becem-es rixed chilis it, t the moieture le condensed, and dew le de- ditch, repair road. etc., froin railway t( )oîtdothcldalsanmyetn Mcihais bh o cn 5 oposie ltsbu seun runuing diw theni in streama. 12 and 13. Then te cellar la damp, and seen be- H. Burgiss. $20, 10 be expended on cornes muddy. To avoîd thie the win- con. 12. OPPOSite lot 19. dows should enly be epened et night, Samuel Thmpson. $25, to-)1bcecx- and late the Iset thing betore retiring. pendcd on con. 0, opposite lot 24.I Thure is nu need te fear that the nigut Richi. foskîn. Si 2. to build a culvert air le unbealthfnil. It is as pure &a the on con. 4.1 Wni. Kennv. ,$io, to bc expended on road Inî village of 1Backw%ýater. Chas. E. Francis, asking for a grant tu bc maie on con. î13, OPposltt- l"ts 22 and 23. W. L). King, Si 5. to he expended on conl. 14, opposite lot 5. Froin R. A. Sinclair. cierk of Can- nington. statiug, in repîx- b the clerk of Brock for a copy cf the bvl-iawNs of said village, that he bad no printed copies as none bas yet been prnted. From G. T. R. asking for assessm eut of their property in township of idrock. Frein Stuart Houston, makiug en- quirv re sale cf lot 9, con. 2, Brock. E. A. Lewis. Goderich Ont., makiug enquiry, about lot iîi, con. 14, Brock. Frein R. Brabazon. jas. Leask and John McCully. asking counicil to pr-- cure a grave! pit for road beats 3, 4, and 6. Frein Wm. Cassidy, of Canuington. asking $50 damnages for rig broken lu gravel pit opposite lot i.- con. 13, Brock. duriug April, and poiuting c),xt the nec- essity cf a guard being piaced ou said concession opposite 131 i at grave! pit. Frein Timotby Doyle, ridge road. asking for about $12 10 be expended iu graveling on con. 9, opposite lot 16, and a cîiivert epposite lot i15, ridge road. Reeve Vrooman explained the matter cf Cassidy te the satisfaction et counicil. Reeve Lowusborough, of Mariposa, appeared before the counicil and said be represented Maiposa ceuncil, and ex- plained that be was appeinted to en- deavor to have, a settiement between the counicils etfI3rock and Mariposa as te how st.atute labor sbouid be expeud- ed on îewuline between said towuships. Mr. Lownsborongh was iuvited te take a seat at tbe coucil board. Council odjourned at 12 o'clock for dinner. Re-assembied at 1. 30. On motion et Mn. Brethour, second- ed by Mn. Edwards, the reeve was in- structed te grant his order on the treas- urer in favor et the tollewing parties: Fi. Baldwin ink, 30c.; Alex. McDoug- ahl $i. 5o, for repaiing road ou con. 4, opposite lots 13 and 14 ;Wm. Suther- land $i. 5o, for repairing bridge ou townline between Brock and Thorai, oppositýé lot 16. On motion of Mn. Edwards, secouded by Mr. Brethour. the reeve was author- ized to grant his order ou the treasurer in tavor of tie following parties : J. Johnston 38c., for repairing road ; H. Hogg, pathmaster of road beatu Nos. 5 and 9, thse sum of $6, commutation of statue labor for thse year 1893 and '94 of Mr. Suuimerfeldt. On mcUton of Mr. Wetheral, second- ed by Mr. Edwards, thse re«ve wau i- structed to grant- hie order on. the treasurer in layoref !F. PRoyacid,î. 251 for'.poetig up ..notî<cÈ ocil à yaws Ic cloe up ôd acr'oesIs 8, 9and ici. ed by 'U.,&otiedur, bhe eve vas mW-, air et mîdday, and is really drier. T'he coul air enr.ere the apartment during the nîght and circulates tbrouughout. A col Iar may ofteLi be thoreugbly dried by placiug in it a peck of freh lime in an open box. A peck of lime will absorb about seven pounds, or more than tire. quarte et water, snd in thie way a cellar on miik bouse may soon be dried. OUBOURG. Fieheny Inspecter Breaze had a rough time of it pretecting the fisiieries in the Otouabea river, emptyiug inte Rice Lake. Oue uight laut week ho rau across fifteenâ or twenty poachers, armed with jack light.e snd spam. The poachens eu- deavored te punched holes lu the inspect- onsa canoeawîîh their epears, taiiiug which they made fer the shore and preveuted the inspecter landing. The ineector recognized oeeoe the men sud expecte te pull the gang. A middle-aged man namad Wiltaon wus breught te the counties' gaol on Tueedsy fnom Campbell, arrested on a charge et atternpting te shoot hie daughtar about a year ago. Wilsen's stery le that hie daughten*s lever had eudeavored te lu- duce ber sud han me tien te go across the border te live aud lbave hinm behiud. Tbis led te numerous tamily "jars'" sud ene day ha accidentally diecharged his rifle lu the presonce et hie daugiter. A day bas not yet beau set tom the trial. Wilson has aesumed s very religieus iode at the goal, and spend a good deal ef hie ime iu praacbing te and prsying with the prisonors, îiheraby ralieving the Gaoier sud Turnkey Higgius et tics. on- erous dutias. A raUlway deputation. Oua day Iset week Cobourg was favored with a vîsited from several high officiais ef the G.T.R., Mn. James Stephenson, General Supernuteudent. Mn. David Morris, District Supainteudent, sud Mn. Arthur White District Genersl Freight Agent. The deputation made an inspect- ion efthte Harwood branch, sud decided te open that linefor passengertrafflcono or about June 2bth, te continue during the sum mer menthe. Trains wili beave for hardwood about 9 a.m., sud returu about 6 p mn., the speciai rate of 25 cents fer the. round trip being otfened aseau in- ducement te traffic. Trains will conneat at Hanwood witii steamers on the lake. This will b. a beau te Cobourg citizen., wiio can spend a wiiole day picnioing or fishing at the lake for a very umail iurn. It wu &aWs deeided te put on a conuectiion with the Toronto local at port Bope, l.aving Cobourg at 7.40 a.ni. and return ing, rechighereat820pmi. Thiiiil thve i. ole day iu Toronto, and avoid honocaity o! getting up so early to-, catcl heii.moruing express. The. citizen» of Cobourg will feel grateful to the Grand Trnnk officiaisfer thhaouty.-Btar.- ou Salurdây mor, lu; wbeMr..D. ~, colt camutker of tc vmet.ry, ,went tîe> . tenâ te IiI.dutles lhe was .meurpnlaed t i *etai l. ffie ad lmbo vakeéia nsa .sA. 111 have pneucrbed Sect'. ImuIIon in C.on- sumptien and oven when the digestive poweru wer Weak'It hua been foliowed by irood ro- suis,"r H. P. YzoMANs, A. B., M. D. The. Privy Councilihas rot uaed ev. te appealu ienase eto Lemoiue v. Montreal con. aeruing Mount Royal park. A Possible Caudl4te. A Patron Nomination mey Posalbly b. Off ci.1 ed te Mr. Coley, of tdomerset, Man. BoMimîsr, Man., May 13-Tii. item wblch appeared lu several Eastern paper. te the effect that Mr. Arthur Celey, a well-known fariner of this place, wss asked te aacept the Patron tiomination. It is truq that early in 1894 Mr. (Joley ws severely afificLed with Bright'e dis- esse, but was enabled to rostere himselt te health by s course of DeddsB Kidney Pilla, sud ia equal te any sinenut ef hard work, even te the exteut et fightiug the coneîîtuenay ehouid the nomination be offered huru. He épeaks in higheat terme ot the remedy wbiah aured hlm. Six persone were injured by the falof s trolley car through a bridge near Merrietowu, Pa., ou Saturday. South Huron Liberals meet lu convention at Hensal. May 25. À Gemeroua Offor. (Published by Requesi.) Dear Mr. Editor .--WiII you kiudly in- form the readers of yeur valuable paper that I will gladly send FREE, te any sufterer from Lest Manbood, Nervous Debllity, Nigbt Losses, Varicocele, Impotency sud the rcsults of youthful felly, particulars of a simple and nexpeusiva means et self-cure which after be- ing humhugged aud împesed upon for years hy quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured mre lu a few weeks. 1 have uothing te seIl or give away, uer amn r advertieiu g any patent mnediciue business, but will be peasiteo bear from auy sufferer auxieus te find a cure for his complalut. te whom 1 will explain coufiden- tially how sud by what meaus 1 was cured. Hundreds have been cured through my ad- vice. Coots nothing to learu what 1 paid huu- dreds of dollars to fiud out. Address confi- deutially and enclose stamp if convenieut. D. G. OWE N. Tenante, Ont. Riverside F.O. Sinali-pox i. reported aruoug the French fishermen iu Lb. west coast ou Newfoundlaud. Dr. J. D. Kellogg'e Dyseutery Cordial is a speedy cure for dyeentery, diarrhoes, cholers, summer complaiut ses sickuesesud complainte incidentai te ohildreu teethiug. It gives immediate relief te those suffernig from the effectu et indiscretion lu eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It sot with woudertul rapidity sud neyer fails te cenquer the dis- ease. Ne oue ueed tear choiera if they have s bottle et this inedicine cenvement. The wharf, treight shedsansd coaliug pier at Richmond, N. S., wsre destreyed by fire ou Saturday et e as etf 75,000. Keep tunard'm Liniment iu the Zona. The strike of the anal handlers on the whsrvss still continues. 15 yoarm of Itehimg. Win. Golding, aommersisl traveller, 130 Esther et.. Toronto, says: For 15 yeare I sut- tered untol misery from Itchiug Piles, soe- imes called pin werms. Many and mauy weeke have I hsd te îsy off the. noad trom this trouble. I tried eiRht other piles oiutments aud se caaled remedies with ne permanent re- lief te the intense itching and stiuging, wbich irritoted b y soratahing would bleed and ulcer- ate- Ou. h aif box eft Chse'e Oiutmeut cured me completely. The cosL ef the Colonial Cenference last aum- mer was $9.435. 25 conta VU. l1l4eY Trouble. For 2 years I was doeed. pilled, pilled, and plsetered for weak-back, scalding urine and constipation, without benefit. Que box of Chase's Kiduey-Liver Pille reiieved, 8 boxes cured. R. J. Smnith, Toronte. Canada'. importa during April aggregated $8,909,796 sud experte $4,369,804. piles!piues! Itohing pules. Srmrpross-Moieture; intense itchiug aud tiuging; meet at night; worse by saratahîng. If allowed te continue tumors f orm, whièL otten bleed aud ulcerate, becoming very sore. ',SwÂyNE'ls OrniNmyV' stops the itchiug and bleediug, beale uloerstien, and linmost cases remeves the tuxuors. At druggiste or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayue & Son, Phuladeiphia. Lyman Sons & Ce., Moutreai, Wholesale Agents. Five Goverameut buildings at Santiago, Chili, have been destroyed by fine. When Baby wuasiclk, ve gave her Castonla. When she was a (Jhfdah. cried fer Csastorla. When ah. beoane Minsehe clung te Castorla. When ahe hsd iffidren, sha gavetbàm Castena. "ICommend Barrister, County Crown Attorney, and County Solictor. Office-South ofn e Court House, Whitby. JAMES ILUTLEDGE, Barrister, eta. Offiae formerly oacupied by Farewell & Rutlodge, next Rayal Hotel, Breok St., Whltby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chsnaery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office eouth ef the Peut Office, ini McMillan's Bloack, Break Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money te Loan. Thener ef Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, Southi et Markiet, B, ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc(.'iLLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors lu Chancery, etc. Office lu Mathisen & Hawken's new block Brook St., Whitby, seuth of Ontario bank. 1 U-tb~itaL. Drs Warren cf Moore, J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Brooklil. Office heurs 9. a. mu. Whitby. Office heurs 11 a.m te il a.m. to 2 p.. ;g Private Telephone Co&mmunicatio-. D. P. BOGART, ii.D.,L.D.S. Physîcana, Surgeon sud Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next te Ail Saint's Cburch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery lu ail its branches premîtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman I9ENTJS T. SO7er GrosB3 & Granger'e. Whitby.1 W. B. YARNOLU, D. L. S.. Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A.- A POST 9 Architeot, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designà for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared fer remodeling existing structures. Office-Firet fiat over W. R. Howse's drng store. LI-P O Box 202, Whitby. WX. CALVERLEY, RARNEsg MAKR, WHITBY. Having uoved into our new premises, we are prepared te extend the range of business. AUl work pertaining te the hamnees-niaking and saddlery business wil be done te satis- faction. Collais a specialty. Cal! and Bea My shep and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door West et aid shop. Dunda. Street, Whitby. JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shiagles, flash, XDoors mnd Blinda, Turaing and Fret-Sawing. ,- Ail orders or information can be obtained trom JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- sen's residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Witbp Qironcle, Zstablished 1856. $1 per ainnum tu advance, otherwie $1.50 . Subsoriplione always payable et the %%ce et publication. The publiuher do not undertake te deliver th. paper at any ponl office but Whitby. Amy paper whlch t ails t. reacbitis destination will be replaoed upon notifloaUion as a malter cf aeurtesy. Adlvertising rates unlens by con- tract,' 10 conte per Uime, nonpariel, firet in- sortion, and 5 cents per line oaoh subse- quont insertion Locale, 10 conte per lin. -.HBNDIBBSON à GRAHAM., JOHN~ STANTON, Foreman.Porers Farm for 8aIe. 65 Acres, Lot No. 3o, 3rd Con , Township of Whitby ; 2 miles fromn Whitby ; sames known s the Lynde bomestead. Seil second te noue, in a first-clasa state et cuhtivatien. Good tence; watered by live stresm acrosé one cor- n er zoo yards frein a flue stone bouse ; frame stable and driviug. shed; aifa me heîàÏ' se suad abundancescf fruitofafil kiade. For pie=- las applv to R .LNE 1UIY 24tb, 1894, tipea tii.reuîss Sfttings of the. Division Cou-rts. OO1UNTY 0F O14TABIO 1895. WmB-.o. Maccaofleil, Whitby, Cierk Jan. 2; Feb. 2; March 2Âprl2; May 2 ; Ju.ne 8. July 6; Sep. 3; 0ot. 2; Nuv. 2; Dec. 8.0 OsRÂwA-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby; Clark; Jan. 8; Feb. 4; Mach 4; April 8; May 8; June4; July8; Sep. 4; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 4, BiaouoiÂx - M. Gleesgon, Greanwoed, Clerk.-Jau 4; Maroh5; May 4; Juiy 9; Sep.&6; Nov. 6. PORT PERBi - J. W. BuruhaM, Port Perr, Clrk-Jan. 29; Marci 9; May 9; July il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxiaiEDez-JoS§eph E. Gouid, tlxbnidge, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 13; May 154h; ,juy 1.2; Oct 14; Dec. 17. CANNTN-e eSmÛith, Canningten, Jan. 81; Mardi 14; May 16; Juiy 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BEÂAvEETON-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverteti, Clark-M arch 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. UPTBEaOROvz-F J Gillespie, Uptergreve, 0lerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By ordar, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk efthLe Peace. October l5th, 1894. New Liveîy and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial mon liberally desît with Teaming doue at ressonabla pnices. Freigit sud Baggage hauled at reasan- able pricee. A call eoiicited. WVT.-J. nLUXE-»_W MACHIINIST, WHITBY, Ras opaned a Repair Siop lu eonnectien ,with Lie Cooper Shop lately carriad on by is fatier, opposite Ail Saints' Churci, and will de all kinds et Repairing. Sewing Ma- chines a specialty. Lswn Mowers, Bicy- chas, Firearus, Lochs, Scales, Claties Wingers, Wasiing Machines, &c. Saw Filing. Skates, Scissors, Ruives, Clippers, &o., siarpenad sud repaired. Ail kinds et Cooper Work ruade sud repaired. Shop opposite All Saints' Churci, Du.udas Street, Whithy LIFE INSU RANCE. Manufacturers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. *Largeet Capital Stock Lite Insurauce Ce. on the continent. Niuety per cent. et ail accumulations et surplus is returned te, the policy holders. AUil aims are paid without delay or discoiunt ou preof ot deati or maturity of audowment J. B. POWELL$ 1Feb. lst, 98. Agont, Whitby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge Srt. Toronto. For the next tires mentis I ara giving special attention to patients fra a dis- tance. Arn silil making plates in muer, $8, celluloid $10. Gold sud silvor fIlling work arowning by first-classe perators at tie moat reasonabie rates in the City. Wien in th. City caul in and 1et me exam- ine you.r teti. I make ne extra charge. C. H. BIGGS, Dentist, senti est cerner King sud Yonga Ste., Toronto. Nov. Sti. 1892. ASK YOUR STATIONER SPÂRTICA, TmE NW WMRZTIIPAPZ3, -A"-. TAKE NO OTHER. August 31sh 1893. RatlwaY Time Table GR«~D. TRUIqK AND MIDLÂND Taàe riIB Gçe Twzawu. NO a, xesaDei1 aiy tmail,....13&ISa No.?7, LocaociSmaly ..02ar X0, àlMM.050 8A2-WA3 t "I tha Pil for bea Foi an( ry Muy Ta reg Ar aul- kni à.peur it :s .) gamile The and in be ve, croWn. The has de, ing bis ot Ger Gov - pointe, as a lx ers. paper GlaÈ pears 1 health. he hà, years. The riette, feedinî The pl permar S. R ter,- v of a Sc Of $1, 2 ed incc It is ef Fifi the lut couple courtîr Pres tien ut noon a iug. player, The est et iodgin he om shire - Mgr Cathoi has ha up hi new s AI1 Willia Grand sible with -vanied Thc causîr eccen1 -five r ;fried'.ç birthd Thc rlI'-.,-tom

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