Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 3

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Who Can Reush and EnjoyTeir INDIGESTION AND ITS TERROI?8. Nature's Great Medicine Will Give You a Healthy and Natural Appetite, Pure Blood, a Clear Head and Sound Sleep. The moat misenabis mortals in Our cominunities are those whîo ane weigbsed dowu by obstinate and cruel indigestion. The digestive organe are ail out of gsar, and the suffener la tormented eveny hour of' the day. The greasest dîst,-ess is ex îwnuenced aften eatîug ; there le heavi ness or weigbt in the pit cf the atomach, alinost continuai beadache, waut of appe. tit.e. palpitation of tbe heurt, aiuggisb and torpidl howels and constipation. The common cathartios and medicines cf the day oniy aggrava s the suffsner's trouibles, and cause hum te siuk deeper in the uiîre of euffering sud dsspondency. Natures wondnous remsdy, Paiue's Celery Cornpound, i.a the ouly medicine now geuenally preecribsd by the best physicians. It acta direct.ly on tbe nerves, it cleanses the blood, and re meves ail obstructions and distressirng matter froua the digestive organs, anu gives that perfect vigor ef body tbat only the bealthy can eujoy. After coing Paine's Cslery Compound eating becames a pieasiire, Bleep is natural and sound, and lifs is wortb living. Mrhà. H. Cormnack, cf Halifax, N. S, wilo suffered for years, writee as fol- lows a ,It je witb pîsasurs that 1 add my tes- timouy to the value cf Paine's Celery Compound. For a number oi ysars I have suffered greatly frein ind.igestion and palpitation cf the heart. It wae per- feet misery for me te go up stairs or up a blas my breath was so short and weak and eating a meal was scmething I dread- ed, as 1 suffered such agouy afterwards. I could only get temporary relief frein doctor's medicines and remedies. Last summer my heart trcubled me se frs queutly that I became weak and miser- able-so miserable that I felt life a bur- den. I had heard a great deal cf Celery Compound but bad no idea it wouid bene- fit me in any way. At iast 1 wae per suaded te try it, and by the tme the firat botuls was used I was greatly beeefitted. 1 have used five botties cf the Comnpound, and say with truth, that ne other medi- dune bas ever given me sucb wouderful resulta. The palpitation cf the heanthas net trcubled me for orne montha ; 1 can now sat a hevrty meal, and do net ex- perienes auy pain aftsrwards. "Paine's Celery Compound cannot be toc bighly spoken cf, aod 1 trust ail wbo suger froni the complainte wbich 1 bave bad wiIl use it without delay or fear, for 1 arn certain tbey wili receive great bee- fita, and will soon be couvinced that Cel- eny Compound is the sureet, safest and beat cf remedies." Pickeri.ng Concil. 1896. Mrs. Ryan 75 cents per week, M. h Gleeson, coin.; E. Bowes, 75 cents per , The council met as per adjonrnment on week, M. Gleeson, corn.; Mrs. Johnston, l Montisy, May 18tLh. Members ail pres. 50 cents per week, M. Gleeson, com ; a ent. Mrs. Linton, 75 cents per week, Colin s, Mr. Hilts, seconded bjy Mr. Rictiardsi, Philip, com.; Mrs. Palmer, $1.00 per ri moves that the flrst-deputy reeve be ap- week, Geo. Philip, coni. ; Mrs. Stark, 75 rc pointed to investigate the ruatter coin- cents per çweek, Asa Hubbard, corn.; Jame 'C plained of by Isaac A. M oyer in the wash1 Losie, 50 cents per week, Isaac Wise,01 out of his ditches and drains on bis farru 0011; Mrs. Stotts, 75 cents per week, on lot 81 in 4th con. and do what may be James Rogers corn. ; Mrs. Haley, $1.00 needful in the matter, and witb power to per week, Geo. Lawrence, coin. ; Mrs. cal1 on the township Engineer if deemed Marr, $1.00 per week, John Grahami, M needtul. A communication was read coin. ; Thes. Lee and family, 81.50 perP froni Joseph lleigbirigton, s;olicitor re week, R P. Hopper, cern. AUl of which actount from Mrs. Pinse for rent of bal is respectfully submnitted. On motion of for holding of Division Court. Mr. Rults, ohairman,. report wae adopted. tî Youir standling committee on sheep The oomrnittee on roads and bridgesp killed b- îogs bege leave to report and begs leave to report and recommend sas reoommenu ass folows: llarry Ellicott follows; Payment to Charles StevensonW for one shoep kiled, and '2 snal Iambe, for building stone and breakwater for t $6 66; Thos. Law for one sheep killed bridge on lot 5. B. L. con., ae for filling 05.33. Said accounts being two-tbird8 washout on both aides cf bridge, and sworn value. Al u4 whicb is rqspectfully furnishinig material $12; W. Williams submitted. On motion of Mr. Richards, for underbrushing on sideline between - chairman, report was adopted. lots 6 and 7 in 9th con , work dons in Mr. Rults, seconded by Mr. Richards, Decemnber 1894, $4; William Dunsheath inoves that the reeve grant bis ordler on for 64 days work shoveliing snow at 75 the reasnrer in favor of thbe parties ne cents per day in road division N o. 104,N commended in the reports of the varlous western townline, M-àrkha'n township, to standing comnrittees as neponted this day. pay like amount $2.44; W. G. Ham for Your commîttee on contingencies beg repairing road scraper 82; Thos. Patter. leave to report and recommend as follows: son for five heurs work ehovelling snow Your committes having considered the 50 cents; F. Matthews for building cul- accounts in connection with cane and vert in div. 19, 82.00; Isaac Littlejohn maintenance and burial cf the late Mrs. for statute labor money oollected on rol Bilow, who under sec. 18 cf Municiple for nnn performance cf same in div. 55,1 Amendrnent Act cf 1893, deeded ber 86 88; Wm. Cowie for road plainer de-10 property te the Gouncil or the Township livered at Brooklin 018.50; John Van-1 cf Pickering, recommend the following born repairing bill in 1et con. opp. lot 85 accon uts re firet clause in con nection $825 ; Richard Wilson for drawing tin#ler therewith be paid : Joseph Burk $11 ; and building two oulverts on sid.road Dr. Bateson, medical att.eudance 883; B. between lots 10 and il in 6th con., $10; Punnock, undertaker, 8 15; Ilngh Mechin, J. H. Connor, balance building culvert on goodi, supplied 60 cents; John Keast $2;' Brock Road in 8rd con., 75 cents; Cowie, W*. H Bundy, printing report cf infect Bros. on account cf cedar tim ber deliver.i joue diseases and copies of lists of persons ed te corporation as per contract 8828.91. assessed for doge $9 20, balance cf ac- We beg leave te report a notice from B. count printiug road lista 81.90; W. J. Stover, cencerning bridge at Clark'si Clark, printing notices te contractons and Hollow in Brd con. A letter from E d- liste cf township officiers 85.50; D. R ward Major cencerning the purchase cf Beaton, drawing deed in duplicate Mrs road machine, and would recommend Bilow te this corporation and regîstratiçu that the third-deputy reeve sali on Mr. of saine $8380, aise on account ef salary Major and get full particulars coucerning $40 asaid road machine. The following peti Your committee begs to acknowledge tiens were presented: D. Pugh aplies- the petition of 1%enry B. Taylor and tien for grant on hill between lote 80 and Lyxnau T. Barclay, executors of Henry 81 in 2nd con. ; B. W. Jonse and nine Adlai, deceased, rebpecting lot 17, in others for grant between lots 4 and ô in con. 1, Pickering, recommend that the 7th con.'; Ueo. O'Connor and ten others council inspeot the place and consider the foir grant on Kineale road between 2nd same aqd alio the debénture rate coin- and 8rd COn. F. Harbron and eighteen plaied f a th ne~ metig cf the o thers for grant of $50 for grveling and couneil. Ail cf which js respectfully sub- grading opposite ot5 uh COn. Johin Mjtted. On motion of Mr. Mowbray, R. Linton and ten othiers&fo10 rntOf 850 obairmnan, report was adopted. fer gratpelling swamp in road div. 9. b.- Your standing committee On indigents tweefl lots 16 aud 17. JaBWW Wilken sud beg beave to report and receommend as fol six others for grant for gradng snd Iowa: Payment to M. Gleeson, for up. gravelling easteru tOwnline botveet 7 to B Bowes, 17 weeks at 81.25, $21.25; and 8 COU- JaMes Rogers an nn M. Gleemon for sup. to M rs. Johnson, 17 others for grant of $100 for travelling weeks at 75 cents, 0812.75 ; M. Gleeson Greeiiwood rosd lu Srd o=. JL a. Con.- for Bnp. t Mrs. Rysai 17 weeks st 61.25, uer sud six others fr grant of $0 for #21.25; Colin Pbi ,foi! sup. te Mn. gravehiiig Brook Bosd botwu z4 sud Lint.onq 17 woeke Mst .25,8$21.25 ; Colin 4th con. Wm. Wilson and éeeaMu ohe 1Iifor imupq tW n. Tie 7week at for gr of $50ffor gravlrdhg Brook G1»; e. philifor saub.4wsd e u O51sud 64b1, p. .WS. tgs. palmer, 17 weeks, ai Î.75, M 75 ; Cowi, sMd $wenty.-tw'oo.isrs for pruit Mau ubbards for su p *W Lie.Un. ks 17*10fat srswlii B"B W k os@>two $ek s 1.25o, $21b; IUM Wl.,, for fti nJMbo a.owToaltorgvsa*of Jan* lmM 17 wobka t $100,4 5for pa4iag bM h 1**w.* Si- »4u Stote,17 .es s 8125.$210;Ueo0v*t for 1<drin ou Brook .to* su.te in.Hsly, 7 OClar«m t, W. 0. B»rnéo ~woos st$ 50 2550; ohztOnba. IO t*i011for piat forgr w Mn.p. O reKmt, 17, wooke st #0 go4 lAaê .b.êvslob 82 ad p8i ou eutltlsd a "By law to appoint, Townsbi~ offleers etc.," thai tbe sanie b. now re2f 9, firat and econd tixne, and that -the counoil go into comnitee of the whole, thlereorn. The coutcil %vent jute coun wittee cf the whole. Mn Mowbrav ln the chair. The followi, .,' chynges wcrê- then made and the by-la,. iiinîlly u>t.,Cd B. Fawcett, overseer ln div. 20 inetead of G-oc. Leng; Edwarn Bryad ln div. 84 in- stead cf Joseph Bye ; W. Badgerow in div. 46 instead of James Hickse; A. 13. Hlolden in div. 72 instead cf A. Ellis; Alei. Palmer in div. 25 jnstead cf Thos. Ceitte. James Burrows was appointed fonce viéwen instead cf John GRrIand. Mn. milte, seconded by Mn. Mowbray, mcved that the first-deputy reeve be and la hereby inatructed te prcpsnly advertise, acnd by public auction ssiI village lot No. 8, and the east baif cf lot No. 8, on the scuth side of Main street in the village cf Brougham, iately the property cf the lats Mïs. Sarah Biiow, and by ber conveyed in trust te thecorporation for bermainten auce, and upon a sale being afiscted of the said property that the reeve and clerk be authorized and bereby inetructed on bEhaîf cf this corporation te make a propen ccuveyance thereof te hie pur- chasen. Mr.Richards, seconded by Mr. Rlilts, moves that the cocncil do now adjeuru te meet again on Tuesday the 29th day cf May, at the hour cf ten o'clock ain,, for the punpose cf holding a Court cf Revi- sion and for the transaction of general busînesas. DUNBARTON. Mns. Hughes of Toronto ie here wlth ber son at the station. Mi.-s Avgie Mitchell, cf Whitby. ig here witb relatives jutt ow. %ni. Gr-oig left oni Tuesdav for Mount Plén-îî ut,, 'tiers he %v .11 taku chîro Utof a t)Uaoksmith aiip. Pengally Bros , cf Greenwcod, are qqtutnping in the ueigbborbood. They have dons much good work already. The baud beys are makini marked pregrese in their music. The expect numerous engagements this season. 1 One cf our adjacent farmers was dis. covered the other nigbt walkiug anound the barn-yard nobsd ouly lu bis sleeping apparel. Mns. D. Morgan, Walkerton, Mrs. A. Luke, Cassy, Iowa. and J. A Morgan, Torouto, are ail present inhat)itants cf North Claremont, Monday monuing Harny Astridge bld farewsll te bis frienda and starte4 for Canleton Juneticu wbers he bas secured a situation at painting. Albert Raxacu bas a gang cf men at work building a wall for a marnmoth barn. David Binneil, Greenwood, will erect iu the near future. Messrs Hogle and Bodeil o Brougham visited our Mrethodiat Sabbatb ecb oci on Sunday. Tbey wene bers as the repre- sentatives cf the townsbip association. Our Y. M. C A. la makiug most favor - able progrees. Ladies are wclcome te the regular meetings, which are vet-y in- tsresting. Tbs membere are talking cf Keep on your fiannels. holding a picnic at Chaik Lake on 24tb. Dr. Daies has severed connections with A ubrosptsfmteciywe his aid bike and naw sports a new one. Re- A ure heber ecf sports fro the ity e corda are at par new. br h te vnn u ri h os Several of our citizelîs went trout fishing tbey maade we muet conclude tbat tbey Menday and wonderful te relate they secur- wene ont for a time. The noise was by ed the amazing number, none. ne means relished by the people cf the The foot-bali teamn played a friendiy game village. with Highland Creek team ou Thursday Soins youtbs froua the north west have evening. Fuller particulars next week. ruade theinselves quite conspicucus of A fine library of nearly one hundred book, late by tneating our cîtizees te musical was received this weelc for the Sunday srnds n lohnigaon h school library. The cemmittee deserve srnds n Iebeigaon h great praise fer their taste in selecting the chuncb windows during prayer meeting books. services. This thiug ehould be stopped Visitera thîs week :-Mrs. J. Buchanan o f at once. Wexford at Mr. Jne. Parker's, sr., Spring- Master Frank Brodie met with a 8ev- aide Messrs. Cook and family of Orillia at eeacdn n vnn eety Mr. . Annans; Mrs. E. Campbell of Bal- eeacdn n vnu eety lantraci at H. Spencer's. Wbile putting down bay fnom the loft be The trustees have been advertising fer an feli th rougb the hole and aligbting on hia assistant teacherf or the royal academ!, here. arm, breakine the 8ame. The fracture A large number of applications have been ws promptly reducsd and the lad is rap. received. This is a stop in the right direc- idly recovering. tien as the work ia tee heavy on the pr Dn Fryb a isoedc isaa teacher, Miss McKechnie.Daa ostha;dpseofi pa On Monday evening last a meeting was îeld in W. Henderson's hall ta organize a foot-bali club for the ensuing seasan. A large number of the beys were present and anumber of trusty officera were elected. Secretary I. Pizer would like te arrange a îumber of matches with teamas from the sur- 'ounding country. Under the management of C. Crew the teamn will soon be lu the pink if condition. We understand the manager furnishes shin-pada Uree cf charge. Pulnaonary consumptien, in ita early stages, rnay be cbscked by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It stops the distreasieg cougb, coothes irritation of the throat and luings, and unduces mucb.needed repose. Hundrede bave testified to the reruankable virtues cf thie pro- paration. The Supretne Court Df the United States wu ne-assemble to-day, wheu it is said that the decision upon the income tax cases wll be Lnncuuced. *puo;.rj ugum.eqmuli sueffliruia,.iuum John Russell, a wsalthy fariner living near Maxwell, cooemitted suicide by sbooting hainseif while ie a state cf mental aberration. To puni y, vitalize and enricb the blood, and ge eve, bodly and digestive strength, take ooshSarsapari"l. sors etest. Rsyal 800mun, (5317), Clydesdale, owned b y Jonathan Portr, Pickering. Moeday tu> Kennedys, baseline, noce; Central hotel. Osb- awa, nlght. Tuesday, te Woedrnff'a hetel, Whltbhy. fur the nlgbt. Wednesdsy, te his ove stable, Pickering, for the n1ght. Thuraday, Gerdon's hoelPicering,* noon, and hie cwn stable for the night. Frdayta-Highland Creek fer the nîght ' Hatuxday te his oevustale un- til Monday. Ternms, $10 te lnue. Newdsy, (8076 i [19121, lydeadale, owne d by Wm. Richardson & Son. Columibus. Mona afternoon leave hie ewn stable fer Brooklu sud remain over nlght. Tuesday, seropKnsle, noce; 1Maddalordh, Âudiey1,nlht-WDnesday, Fred. NàrriVo, noce ; Picening, eght. Thurs- <day MeGuire's, Kngston road, nc; Weoa- ruf' bote], Whltby, nlgh t.. pnay, Craw- forth's, baaeline, noce ; Central otel, Oshawa, nlghtt. Saturday te hie own stable until Mon. day. Termes 010to Inuer. .Ioh Einuaroadeter, cwued by Jonathan Porter >ickerln. Moxday, tae Woodnrs bote), .Vitby noce; Central hotel, Oshava, ulh.Tuesda'y, Bagjen, noon; êt. Chartes hotl, Port P.ryn t. Wedneay, Heard's hote, Manchester, nooe - Wilson'. hotel Ast- burn, nlght. Thursday, à9bert's bot, 1Ïrook- lin, nooce; Pickering, night. FM& 0yTS. Knos, Brook rosa, noce;- Elhan Creek »eght aturday,John Bfeudersona.,noce; n tebniow stable until Monday. Tormse*0 to OruéM (1 919) wn.dzby Thos. Wilson, Brook- ilin. Xoudsy -teMyntie, nen; tts>, nig TUeadsy, Mnhstre en;5. ýOhrulié ho*Ig Pon o Ferrm, nlgh*041»o~es, Thos. Lwmbs, Moon.; -> ThuredaOlmu nome ,CeQÏM oiwag, Zh.Pnd Dvs n; 1Weodruffs hoteuiby Ih. own stud" *1M oudar. Teeves, $10 *0 luerM Nrsalui*it» C dldleovue4y Jb., s#.&Jat heonVitt'."» by a man down in Nova Scotia. In ex- change Mr. Forsyth got a standard bred mare and colt. These animais are pro- mising and wili likely be heard froni. Two good watehee and 8150 compietsd the consideration. Iu our humble opin- ion the @pan were weii disposed cf. DE LICIOUS MAZAWATTEE TE AS, 15,0009000 Pa ckets SON Innal inG t STYLE AND SHAPE Skirt Bône A iight, pliable, elastlc bone made frein quille. It ies oft and yielding, coufontning readily te folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bene that rnay be wet without Injury. -TO-The Celebrated Featherbone' Corsets are corded with this Ladies Dresses% atril For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. ' What IS s 't A. Castorla la Dr. Samuel Pltcher's prescription for InfUits and Chlldren. It contaius neither (>uium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. It la a harmss substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlng Symups, and Castor 011. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thlrty years use by Millions of Mothers Castoria destroys Worm and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Ctur&d cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Cagtorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipat'on and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulaes the stomach and bowels, giving healthy andi. natural sleep. Cas. toria la the Children's Panacea-the Mothees ffnit. Castoria. "Castonsa la an excellent miedicine for chil- die. Mothers have repeatedfly told me cf its good effect upen their children" Dv. G. C. QecooD, Lowell, mm&s etCaetcila la the best reruedy for cbildreof whlch I arn acquaInted. I hope the day la net far distant when mothers will-eonslderthe real int«eeof their chWlren, and use Castorla ln- stesd cf the variouequack noszummnawhich are destroyieg their loved one, by forcingeopluxe Morphine, eootbleg syrup and other huniful agenta dcv" their throete, thereby uendlng tbsmate premture & grves Di. J. P. Kuscxx.u, Oonway, Ark. CaMtoria 1 recommend lt assuýerortoaay.rI4~ known te, me." iL à. ÂÀ ILX 1> ni 80o. Oxford St., BrecÈIyuf. «E Oucr physlclws la the chidree* dsp. ment bave spekhbgbly of tb*lr exp onc in their outulde practlU iOi îe« and al±hongh we only hame Montg st medicl suppHSc what la kneve a« rsula preducta, yet we me freS to confsn tLat tà monits cf Outons ba vosusntolookwll favor upon lt" Awm a O.Sm= r&, - The. cemtaur CouapayT!Mu* tw Severe Pain in Shoulderz2Yé- ae Cured .by"The e.47.Meùithol Phister. « wu waafflIced f«o yunW y e w i b a pSDUO m k Vol& a Sold Bverywtiet'e. 5é .a strlcturo, Syjpilis, -'Ysca Deposit the te hlà" isa4to siesal waetvi me.i oeugi M*Z.agdme, our *oiuJ 11==lte elnste W. 8.COLLil~S. Featherbone FOR GIVING 1 s END DA. t - ai who lurtl)le, e of M. cr"ary -fump, a'R, ,onc m 1 -- --l -.--

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