Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1895, p. 1

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Te C I ronicie. VOL. XXXIX. WHITBY, ONTARJO, FIRJIDAY, MAY 24e 1895. L'U MI N UN bN K.EW3 ROUG RAM. U M N O BA K 'LOCAL NEW LETTERS, Mr.Go PORCT PEalgy Provincial or Dominion jreiîo od Mrs. J. Cowan is visiting in Pickering. KGo Irvin went to Rochester on Wed good inr. egard b h isheiso aeSu Hugh Meekin spent Sunday in Toronto. nesday to visit his brother. e-gog. Mnr. egar toh e afame rsi Caia adu, $,0,0 HRNCZCRgp)l]N].Miss Lizzie Payne was in the city îl Re.Dr ad lffluce1ha esal not onl Washburn Island,shtamknoe Surplus, - $1,500 000 -0--week. rev. r. Cad ethnodics tChurchhere he weighing about 30 ls. mno r -- I is -t:0:s.ti . her comngconçeb etodstchr rytear.Ifspector Watoon had Bownuoeb. NO 2 WRIEY1 omngcoféene ea.fore Win. Bateman, J, P.an fieudr Mr. ..Grw iiteRv .CdD . ,o Sunday the Dominion laws. WareCanliu- MisS. Cooper is spending a few days at strevn g, 2 h m t. preach a temperance m ndh mbfrj o W hitby Ageucy. home. Teachers meetings at Mrs. Dunham's Fri- ee in nlne hm 6MrNo, owe podce là b Ag n ls mrs. er lyadMs lr r day evening. sermon to the Sons o f Temperance and .fr n.NtJP.adwe visiting friends ai Whitchurch. Mrs. Mechin and ber mother Mrs. Poucher, CTwo ofn ohr well o stc k breder papers showing bis coniconbfrM. Genera Ba~n ing Bu iness Mr. Frankc Hancock, Agincourt, recently are in the city these days. Messrs. James Leaslr and James Graba , a d cs u d r th1r vnil at r Tranoacted. paid a flYing visit tu fiende ln this locality Frank Gerowad Sanley Gerow Spent ucaethrgbedanndcs nvr tonpr SAVINOS DEPÂRTMENT. Mrs. GergeGryW ean Sti' ad MssSpura Bbasedsgi Geore GeyNewonvîleandMis Saurdy ad Snda inTornto. the sale of Robert Davies near Toronto last Mr. Nottisdeionntegrud()o Interemi allowed at higheut ourrerit retea. Hislop, of the base line, vlisîed their sister, The severe froste have done oneiderable week. ca c osntasm No notioe of wltîhdrawal required. Mrs. Copper onS d amage in the vegetable lune and corne fruit tioe rue Balues he made everyprepara. Sunday. cialeaciToes flot asumesahahormadover wat E. J.THOR TON, The continued coldness in the weathen bas appears 10 be killed. lo o aadyo h 4h n if favoir. ens like Lake Scugog,ben cnfndt E.J.aOT nage made the prospect of a _good yield of fruit Colin Pbillip led the christian endeavor ofed ibQenswetrthewile CrnlaeoftePvncadfeers __________very bad. The blossorn of the emallInuits epworth league last Tuesday night. A large1 large crowd, as the Programme is a good over which lte Provincehaaboty e a ppears t0 be entirely spolled and those who number were in attendance then of late. one and te pnzes are wonh competing. lte luei adt n P. G. M eldrurn MI. D. had ptte above thegrund[RLEY nth Mr. Jno. Hardilî bas secured the agency lefi 10 lthe courts 10 wrestlewt.Iuur fr Ontario courny of the Farran steel ieBrhnaWity Licntite f te RyalColegeofwere planted. Mr. Jno, Brent is vieiting fiende and other lmats, and shvn wlnidséesir esaî leapa il eage eoeu PhyiciasEdiofurhe MemberofteCol-TfNUNplaces this week. dicaig peddeî'cs nserunana hty leoPhysicians dnug e bro h o-Mr. Samuel Henry, near Purple Hill, i le cn -Lete forMrdWnreae lt oor mat should see lthe steel mats as I ure y leeo hscasand Surgeons, of Ontario. Mn. Coakwel bas been improving lte aa thlyiang dangerousîy Il theyaar OF- : neat innappeanancelandsîrongly Ihridygive you a fewteofawk Office and re8idenee, north section peanance of bis bouse by lte additionO a Birts-Qn the 151h imet., a daughîen 10 i-Pin- -Jwad otheof DunaeStBronetre eeeetfoî av oecnsdrbeMn. and Mrs. Stephens. TeW.CT. U. Prom Ise a liîerary treat 1t ie.OnIe29hApt"w et ot«er notho damagtet.Te enlte doyt e adine sonsteace Mn. Toms had anoîher "Home" !boy sent Iahl those who attend their parlor meeting at wi t a car load of trees. plat u bu Telehon comuniatioamageofice 10the eanîy peas n n intnes 10 hlm last week. One would tbink ie lte Preebytenian manse on Wednesday froni the Port Penny nursery eb eiee Wbïtby, Jcomuniaioyit fc.othe I894lMn. W. Se. a iemeotn 0gtwould have his bande full with two of tbemn. eveulng, 29th inst. Besides an excellent ite above countes. MnKeltbafo W h t b , ul 4 h , i8 4 ýM r W S G ld h a t e i s o r u n t g tp ro g ra m m e a u a d d re s s w il b e d e li v e r d y tvr e 1 ta s b ec n s o f n ta i , w i h b v thron frm hs bugy ne dy lst wek, Our C. E. socieîy bad a very pleasant Mns. Cash, presideut of the Caionia state01teso h ecinf0 receiving an ugly bruise ou one of bisleek, box social on Tbursday evening at Mn. Jno. W.C.T.U., on "Social Purity.Il Ail are cor- given the utmnosî saîisfation.W on ia C HI A.S S C O T T heles Coates'. There was lots of merniment over dially invited. Admission ten cents.1he l ocarsin-.ts Our football boys inîend going to Green- the sa'e of lte boxes. e old uasA.eluasuein ltaCetionc u rv The undersrgned begs to announce that he pelion for lte cup Offered by the committee s osaccident o TAt tlat H as1 itlm e lhstandprli c nMa een-bhehae nd enl twoeln l d butlt amr has taken oui s lîcense fon auctioneening, and there. enîoued nwrigasuy lwwe i ololad trigabaz.,gi o t as ew e cendba wîiI be glad to fil ondens for this cass of busi- à1n. W. H. Bewell conducîed srieatenaeinwkîgaslypo wenl, bees for lte presence of mind and peompt attention 10 fruit culture, adaepaîn srie struck a stone and he was knocked sense- action of oue of lte lady members in emotit- apple onctande-..and emalfrisa vh- Dese. His book will be kept at 1. H. Longs Almonds on Sunday afternoon in the ab- lese. Wben he came 10 himsehf lte plow ering lte incipient fine titene is noC telling exteneively. We made e t w fPco office, wbere ail information may be obîained. sence of Mn. Manning, who was preaching was wrong side up. and he was lying beside what bbc resulîs might have been. As il was Our headquarters. A pretîi uyîoui e C. SCOTT. 10 the Sons of Enghand, in lte tabernacle,. twî eeebus nhcba n i iedmg a hgt Whitby. Nov. 29, '9. twta eeebusonishaanbithdaaewssih.pesnlstae nanï UTICA shoulder diehocaîed. Mn, Robinson McGiltas gvnuj i u Byo uny'u eiglt onySa g i ele aesfu a îy Q i t a d o nbreolh e a u i N P.P TRO ,The epworth league meeting on Sunday MYRTLE. . position as foreman wit Counlice an Jef- makees h a brisk husinescnnefriaisc Engan ts esme prctceat13 Jhn St., a s not imprvng s ed wud ie e.frey. 1 regret ltat Mn. McGil me eaving, lion of country. Sitting oncitvradto Hamrster, etc.-Aften îwo vears residence inl We are sorry 10 learn that Mrs. E. Kend- MILN MTA own, as he bas proven 10 be a firet clase lte Globe Holel eue warm ecig ewr England as resumd practce at 13 John S., all i not imechanica andwoadgood citizenDLAluMUeveryecway. annquiniugcitimneiningryaboutenliteiitismeoryofabbu Tononto.-Oct. '94.-6 mos. br rihdadl eayfrtt asnayMn. Edward Raines le now foreman for lown and country, when agetmaeiîg ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ M . Geo. W a d bas te foundation of bis F IR FI : IN S U R A N C E 0 0 C ., C. & J. Being a good w rkm an e will, no beside m e said il w as note d o f sî t r e jj, barn K iluihed ndr futre.d o h rii n doubt, be te night man in lte ight place, and fine women." Someofitsprsf tiei h erftr.HEAD OFFICE, UXBRIDGE. and baving extra nespousibilities placed Port Penny wil no doubt be al 0ba u L O KTiere will be a meeting in the basement upon him in lte lange and increasing busi- titis assertion in regard te ietrss u ntt the rernarkable 10w prices of lte Melhodist citurci tlo-nigiti, Friday, to Direcîors-Wm. Hamilton, Uxbridge; G. ness of tbis firm, il wiil be an incenîlve to from mny own observationIeohdsylt make arrangements for our anniversany. F. Bruce, Beaverion. Wm. Shier, Sunden- Mn. Raines 10 improve himseîf. gentleman was quiber correct nrgr elt thiat 1 amn selling Solid Oak About twenty-five years ago there was a )and ;R. S. Webse , Udora A. Gaham, What j, il e ladies, pladicoe a gg Drawing-room Suites at. The lemperance ecrio oNiagara Falls.Dobre ;J ms McrsTa a nklF CaLtien-Anv pereon found fisbing, hunt- hdta W pe icee ha 8rcsaefc 2 2.50, $25, Among Ibose wbo went fromi here were Mn. Qffion, Epsom ; . MTggart, y. - d smnce woe îeft tome,6,con or ciscgettin ws i a $8000, areand omad Mrs. Jacob Defoe, Mn. and Mrs. W. O. cers-President, W. Hamilton ;vice ing, traping or snanîng on bI 6, o eut8- veeato erwas inadne ofwtîl A8an.M.a5d rs0,nsteM. ndM2. detG.FBucF.crtryBHrM-uce itîy,;il eprseuîd10tbuJws I or enyaslHefoiaeMac-s wards. F. AlanMrc M. and r.CrsiMrsJ. Rcaeslctoes 'and GuhdUx-mocl limit of lte law, eepeciaîîy Grils and puîîng u, ie gasswelh pl ndlt tiI and Mn.xridand tMrs.CliMcCoy.d, AIpirgese ' rtitey t F. N. Raines, Uxb.nidge .J. ich rdsnJesuits ; Tormes nol expecîed. God save tlitee mgra ng. B iew ytc cIl E -J.J o nson- ifiret cupes reailliingan enoyngbriagenlct, H. . nes, Uxbidge. -Qcn M TOPOiRgîu a 1 n PrinceSEdwagdaacuniean ms ealti. T te good cause for w ic b îey went This com pany imures no ling but arin 895* us m tclor a i i n it. Te y i t e o n .buildings and lteir otns sltddel ucs oJh cuog.ti sawdebfr n muet have ensured lhem a long, hb ppy and jinge and them rconens, uihslaned dcol-Sce t ohwculuitn a s cwe ng beo nd eid en prosperous life. cotneciucesadchl I arn pheased to bean our young friend ihbrecrigrudlt asl i bouse, and pays il loses i side f 6 d ys.mn. Jny Mcolonghbamalighinhesize, creekesomelcgged, weT DO N'T F0 RG ET Mn.Jo. ROORLIN Goverrnent reports show titat cerne sliy lisbed business of W. R. Howse of Wbiîby. lte direction oftite peelenior.Mnifîe compani.eso s kind 'lu Western Ontario Je.-s a geuial, wholc-souhcd voung man, nature haà neyer furnished wt on Ial Barcî anieditreonFnda have existed for a period O2or 30 years and hie large circle etf fiends in' Port Penny Ttey are said le be good miles n s-a goos ae m ow mae. .lleveuing on a brief vieilt t is parents. and have enly experienced losces requining ofe tm ierycîgaurtost tm ftl for ttc dairy. Titainybutame At the meeting of te Baptiet Womcu's premniums of frorn 40 te 6o cents on lte hun- formercitizen On bis starting in businmes i liberal ration in ttc mangerlrogmlewt upholstering orders given te Homne Mission sciety, einI in Peterboro dred dollars for tirec years. The Midand 'te cDnty -own. We hope e wil be suc- ter and spring wuld makeItmaunrdi mehas myow supervision, ast week, Miss Emma Dryden was rc-elect- Mutual Fire Insurance Company grants fcsfue Havn eenpesonally acquaint, per cent. béttgr bath lu qnmnyanqai meOWl d treasurer. "blanketl' policies, whieh oldline com1panies j ed-Wlitd-t, McCuȔough for .pany years i t>'. Wn'exbausted foEbÃ" diy. Ttc ladies aid Society of lte Metediet Irefuse. -For Insurance apply to WM.- L-E. -ý véë heexressio -out >o but itrc eInI a social gathcrng at tce pareon I NGRAM, aget at. Myrle, or te »M. Mc- pe-ei aigt a rstotl n e le bthe bide ép E . J O EN O Yaeou Tuesday evening, tite object of wiict TAGGART, diecohyti.lal jn man and le werthy of confi- are emîncntly.acadoda diryn,~ d L digwas te welcome Mrs. Leggoîî. Titere was a deha itznan uins anyouughaevryitllgr Laiggood atîeudanct and a very pleasant lime itze au bsiesstian ft-errsinhave very lllgulyao-e1hit Unetkrwssetb i.Not mucit change mn temperature. Thos. Rodma.n dead. citeesa factories are as trcquatymlwl Pa.stur to Let THE COVNTY. AndI now for Niagara Falls ! At ltae lime Mn. juo. Davidson is beauîitying hie DianI, in Port Perry on lte 21St met., ini thc cast as echool bouses n oe5.p ___ _____________________of wiîing lte prospects for te succese of home. He is placiug new driveways and Thomas Rodmnan, aged 71 ycars. Decaascd TItis le a fine section of ourbaiflPo teexcursion have materially improved, as îaveîing lte approacites. has beeana ionored resident of Port Penny vince-the scanery, wiîh ils lksadby PatrioLtte wear ber tad lurned warmer. I hope 10 That corne few are gabting 100 previeus aununigitî mn in eorver r espec. Bang of anof smmr sntatragrtivepiluessefo For a lmited nmber o stock.First-report ext wee that hese inicatiosnweucar avpcentilyo for overof50meyrafsanauanuwasgaumanisnlandersilstattractive ofshopes. esIls placesn otwt:ra~ ulfled wek ttatlitse ndiatins ereis ppaeattuoreIe fcî t sme uffansmetnin naurete eyeecaneueboe atedub. an beutiul.TtcpTohe ,maneofploe, clas pstrewih lve stnock.tra breaking ttc door of Mrs. Witeeler. We lic in a prominent way, but was alwaye williug are descendants of the old U.E1oait lot No. 30, 3nd con., Whitby. R. J. LYNDE. Represeîmîaîivee fromlte vanieius hodges understaud there will be an intenesîing al any, lime te do hie duîy as a naighbor, wbo selîled lunltese counties, r nclgn i Whiby, May i, 1895-22-If. and societies are to meet in lte counicil issue. ifin rctzn n a n ftoemnadtrfy hi oe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ room o-n orrow (S aturday ) evening 10 de- M . S. F Jo inteon, ou n popular cloer- w ios c w ord w as as good as bis bond . T tc w e II kep . T tc se ding w as w i d a c d a cide witetber to bave a decoration day titis keeper and entarprising farmer, is confiued daceased Itan beau a widowcr for mauy lte young cropesbchoting upncaytc a f47 ho ? 1Vho? W ho? year or miel. If il 15 decided 10 have ouaelte 10 bis bcd for a fcw days, sufferng frein years and four sons and fiva daugitters are wteaî, mucit cf whhch le grogn a ooigtt W o ?W oarrangements for thte service wil be manIe aI contracton of tae muscles of lte neck. A lcft le mouru lte loss cf a loviug faîber. excellently. Yours truhy, WM.BTMN i Ibis meeting. vicîîm of ttc sudden change in temparature. enusnestupn et fExWre rhm S ays the O)Wl. A social is 1cm be beld at lte residence of We are sorry to, learu ltat Mn. Lynch usnecluo.Dahc xWre rbm -. ... Mn. Jos. Whtite (8t con.) ounlte afîcrnbon ebould have takan efience aI an item lu hast Ciif Constable McKnigbî itad an axpani- In lte prasenca of al lte tueso i e and a.vcniug cf nexî Friday, 31st1 met. Foot week's issue am tohaeaknpise ence witit cere young men and boys last famnihy, Jamts Graham, oeofte ldtez Who sehl the best baîl, ecroquaI, andcter popular out door fiud oUi uus. We wroîc te item net tô Sunday peaung, and, te Itis credit be it residants of Scugog and Reachpseaa Bain Powden? garnswiflîba indulgad lu aud an intereel- cffcc lita unsul lied nepulaîlon of our friand, said, ltae èrowds that have in tthpse o-pacflyle Sua onniîimt. beprgamepf usercoaatrailmbttoagmntltaofecec tc hoîn. reaadi fon f u curhs um n tbu lI rsdecetprnwaerft-n W. R HO SE gvenin lta ouse Ilis iaîn lu onnc- tc erea corers ware absnt. eveal S ugo, ag d 6 yeas. ua yar ud dosUhT in wttlt atde iuct nîe acto notnt ale r aisIa k da dc m lm nîd orcta tî g Iedcae a e-osatc 261h megt., ai 10-30. <We have raeived a compliment from Mn,. R. Grant,. Port PennyOn beaaf of Mr. Bretitour tcactar, ot Sirley, wto was repanîed i ho îb colurn last week as taving been sumrnoned e- fora Justice Nott for injurmng a ditild's baud by flogging. As the notice only raacitadlis a short lime bafora going le press we ara unable to secure partlculars titis weck, but bava wniîîen t0 Mr. Grant t0 sand bis cliant's clalement of lte facts witicb will be publisied a-s soen as nacaîvedi We' always hoînI our columuns open unreseredly te attable parties te give bath cias of eveycs, ED. CH.)cyca,. W. J. NO-TT. Por-t Pers-yBusinem Dlreoty. Ma-s, BILiNGS, MzzLzm, - For lte mcmi lashionable ntlbinery lai Port Par-y sud at the lcweai trices «aU on lirs, Biltinga, next door tia J, Wakely met-chant haner. Bous & Sens' dne bil leatak.n in exehange fRS omofolhRneArRE oe or o HArDWAR LINEN BLIND with 9 inch Dado, complet. with best RoUer, for 40 ets. - 5'varieties. BURERTON George Real was at -Whitby on- Tuceda>' ttaencing lte maîbodiat district mneefting Thea mettodist choir le tc-fu-nibtthe muslc'. tt ttc Marsh Hill1 aniersary où ýMonday James Bush sud'family.'hil lont Pe-ty, ha, havngfeund besew CI cese sud hut Mr.Bryat, who tas becs r hr bretter, joseph Bus eare, tas 0w t-emoved to M Ttc travellIng dalry Ircld Ill on Ttuf"y afternocn. t-t-alter scali but liane Pr ttisfiad wllh'thepoccdmg Thýe Snndcy se-rvicsl tpresbyterlait 'S. S cnfra 1by Ma. Carnet-ca lm ttce -* bculy u tce' the deiv rCam ba i ltJ..'W - p_*ac, au K .r £ uesdaY nighi Was the coldeet Of lte se,- Mr-.Cash's lecture on MendaY nlght ias I wneek,BIauppesrS unt- d cllvercd cli mumicapal w ié>oi, Tenuder plantstat bcd escaped frcezing ail ar-ai;the wrw ta wsbonronkn toshaSn hvt'.mife wurwlhsg oht-.Afe ruvsg1ngg aa erdoîIniiî w av ecin Cdalrin-raiîgSeshwd tetya-RoIt.Mse&Sos.ave infe d Ce., W lhià Jeshua Ml ,~~ ajor"-R en~a1~ia week, euffercd than, samd lu ncanly au cases frabytcWC1 .W nvt fgtnteds I ýocj Ihcohls W111 le âpd a tieedestrcy hr eey orBul er w c tw regard as an! pt-ached îhis.wock. [f pap1e wotd e q'Of .ie whilernpyet _prte ted B t hl4 ýw ek. IfPO Ple *O I on?1Y ~a aru ii -he c ea s lct d ceV .~ ~ Phwdermadeno aunjuinies!but enmy unless werec lze Ilt 'e afet-nd- Ihlnk se and act pro7îillyï a5U uhOj>n t h.ýdc litlerauiamslias been Noir W.C at-tauly uld hicdoue on,Sat m a l go like the general destruction wu s-ccd e o haa sine sctfoe t , longas or-e r-e open thereat-e hose fomen prtn'e Ios the beat IJlood Purifier aud genet-al 011cr parts of the pr..,vlnce and severai of1 the nIZ f isopnnewh IJSIOeesI i eeht t.8ai nafor tt.,attr hv enes ttaarnssalfor î mîdsthpevnIf weekét pn h" Condition Powder linte market. Ih neigtboring sates. Grain crope have beau mb th lttcro eendeConth nual Tr- uinral, iëtýftë iste oheapeat powder that tas ever Se( back, but wîit favorable weates- no ent s.Ste begm .by its-u tc he tey-.aa4 the bea t ws e been offered for sale, Il cures nl likI icawgh.Fuisc snekid aut>' cf tecclimate and vegetation-&i hon cou bcLnd autoritts Qpmde- OaUesof Qeneral Debillty, Loua Of wh e i epeiiala le ol te-then stowed thit fsraespelve of ttc dvma-1 trinead toi> as terro oý,eil docrs. o Apette, Rou hnu of thre Hr, wse have beau, but thicre wihl Jikely hie tige, tta UMe IIbs4Icowed 8pcn thc Thursdair, z6Ubrsé ýà=f flc,'* n ' rCstw li iê -en ctwl -bI enougt snd to, &pare even yet a hr u dL4an *ttcvices ý of mas u-fvoed-lUnd gtn-lýdewtendl-iý ,_lcoiiç and &aHltroub es ariuing fenu-cd naodnec lsoewslnr, po~. <~- e 4I - purit>' cf the Blood. w. bave gstartcaons go b i>c ltI e et viltht * ma acewas MM $Oc. p« lb., or 3 lb... ot- Oc5.escapeduowcal natur to -e oqna popethe iovT-j, m NÂDE NLY Y- 'a VIa=sgthei vios that .â* among tt38l" : MADE OyeNLMr.Y ByY-u---t-, hyrth~e i tu r. l inta. omli OUT à o annrs h _4i, i0 xft .P %,fdc 0HBMIST AND DBtJGGI8TP TH.E BE8T Dm. ~ mr =(aU.W »~l ba~L.I Wotld. 'i i 40 ets. B., varieties. we- ileïs 9,5, 9

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