Whitby Chronicle, 17 May 1895, p. 1

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- - -~ -4 NU. ~4L r~xTm A 'PTCI FBIDAY. MAY 17, 1895. DOMINION Oapità.1 Peid Up, Surplus, - - Whitby1 Oenera.l Barnkii TransaCted. SlAVINGS DEP. Int,rest allowed aiL hii No uotioe (A witkdrawal r, P. G. Meldr PhysiciansFdInburgl lge of Physîcians andS office alid regid of the - Terme~ îiorth of Dund Teleptiofle comtUunicaý Whitby, Juiy 41h, iS4 C H A S AU UTION EER, The underalgneti bel bas taken out a licenst wit1 be glati to f611 orde nese. fils book wiihb office. whem-e aIl informa Whithy. Nov. 29-.'94- N. ir. PÂTE Bamaiteri etc.-AfIe1 Engiatid bas resumeti v Toroto. -Oct . '94.6 r LOGEK gt the rei that 1 an Drawing-r priceS are e,28.5 0,$ wards. E. DQN'T F( gootis are u phol ste r me lias FE.J. J Lea.difg L Undertaker Pasture to Le For a liniîed ciass pssturme, wItI bol No 30, ymd coti Whiiby, NMaY î, Who? Ion don Powdor lis the beat Conditiul i. the Ch, been offi AppetaIs ant I al .]JDE ON~ W. TTU- - I~~TID Tere are numerous spedllatacin-l2.30. NLMer BAN K- LOCAL N W E ER the alpmovided forthe hohlidayful'ar-wlakt ticulars o! whicb may be founti on the lýiIIs: aI 7t, The but that lu which most interest will be to tle !t1u' - $1t5001000 CauloNxCL2 CORRE5PONDENCE. taken by those wbo go from this sedtion i nviteti to- $ 50 00- :0:- wiil be the football game beîween Uhc pRINCE AL.BERT. Niagara Falls anti Brooklu tesas. It 15 000more than iikely that summer weather wil i Mr. Cha On Tuesday evenitig Mr. Geo. Palterson have returueti before the date o! Ihe excur- C. Willianf ~~tsivv dropc h. plirsc some place between the sioti anti wiIh Ibis there le no doubltue Mr. Thc àgency p. 1. stoýre-bouse and bis borne. Anyone evenî wilbe quite succeseful. It wili be a Irm. Maîbi find~~~ing il n -euntl lIim wili, very pleasant way o! spendiug theQuee n Bsinssdoubtiess, be stpi> rewarded. birtbay, anti owing 10 the low price o! the Mr. Joli ig Bsns Mr. ceo. 'Stili has left the village sud bas tickets, a vem-y cheap wsy, 100. It ta ex- womkiigCo kRMN.moved to the Jackson farm near Sily ectedt Iat aI I eassa tilitreti fmomu Brook- Mr. Wil ARMN.Mr-Stili lbas îîot vet, we believe, W.A.H. Fan ea vcniywilgo ripe ghest ourrent rates. îy mecovered froni bis severe iliness. Mr. .H Fme Eeure.Fd. Vernon lbas taketi charge o! the daim-y Bse ss DiretorYant iomut FIORNTON, previously controlled by Mr. Sîil. GY&C. ri ues ln On Tbur-sday last, Msay 9th, a solemu pro- ~&~£i uea They are Mngrcession a eco nipanîe d the bodiy o! Daviti DR. PÂTTEBBOII, Dentist; at Sebert'B iotl, J une. ___________ Coornb, froin the town o! Uxbridge, 10 tbe firet Thuraday, every month. The St rurn, Mv. D. 1ine (Grove cemetem-y for interment. De- BEÂLL, B. - Issuer of Marriage LicelileS. under thb cesse -was a former residet lo! Prince AI- Residence opposite Town Rail, Brooklil. Hopkins. bert H ws vctim 10 that mortai dis- HOLLIDAT Bao8. -A ye&r ago -me deoidema lu Royal Coliege of es, oisumfption . bmanch out lu our hardw-cre departmm-ns and MrJ *Member o! the Col- Mr-.s-i.d Mms. iý-lijah Cash, '.of Ca.iforiiia, have found our efforts inlu dreton m ove in Sureois o!n1m-O. reviitiing friends in Prince Abert. Mms. atPrcl51ledhby our numeroti oustbOe1. make ait wîhl a lecture on011 yeveti- md h ypurobae5 s srn ! DanL Cash wlldeliNe oii> sas ot ece vire (ail knd forks denee, orth s ctiodang, nalso!bota, le leenrt etol nMayv 201h, on behaif o! the W. C.T 3 sadea, abovais, table andpocklIen ulier&.oftel e, Brn Street, fivîng an accoutl ! h wm- scmpi 1e Dont go pasI us wben au an1 anyiii m-s te. y tbat organization nth taein. h hs ie r&y o re. Dry gooda n h sIteliîve':- A silver collection will betae grocer>' departmets are funl o! esoa ition wîth ofc. ai tbe meeting. The Sons o! Tempe=rance w. eep Imanedlshoe rle up by weiybt, anMm-. 94are invitcd to attend rt masse. v epto elsre pb ekyai provetnt ments.Wbile Eslaecorn nov nlu o r.J _______________BROOKLIN We have the boat turn sed a a be got, J S GO das neamly ever bodb ov. Aiwys sure of Clarem< wl-{ITBV, ONTast payitig Il cent for eggs, apd pries butter a0- hîmaclf. WHTV N. The court of revisioti for tbe township o!f crdtflg le quality. Our ,g anotce that he Wbîtby wili be heid hem-e on June 3md. YT booke i rs for autîs clas of busd Mr. Thos. Devereil anti bis assistants are Mr. M. McTaggarî bsti bis dair>' cows de- improvi Lr o kethi at . . ong usi now bus>' with the masotir> in the cellar O! borneti a few days ago b>' Vet. Robinsoni. *Mr. J )e kop mai 1be . oband I)r. Stsrr't' new bouse. rs . .Courtney la away visiting pt p C, scoTiT. Mr. Bd. BowleS bas gone to Englandt with filentis anti Miss Kale Logan (a bai! sister cattie belongitig to Messr-s. Elliott Bmos. to Mr. C.,) fmom Whithy, le keepiiig bouse a boss. He wilIb be absent about two ruonthe. for hem- brother. Mr. eR SN.Qý. n obvions typographical error occlirreti Snow anti ice hem-e Sundav morning, ice horses in last week's issue, iu the staeti ht about hal! an inch îhick Monday morrifl ng m- var esdeein .%r John Medland's s b>'h îr a andi quite a snow stormu Tuesday morning. rvr practice aI 136 John St i , 25. It, of course, shoulti have resti $125. The early train for the west on the C. P.R. Quit nos. Mr . H ia'weie lw mo is now billed 10 stop at Ibis station aI 5 58 inetou ----.1indsay on Frida>' evening aud returlietiou the rnorniflg. churc'l Mionda>' m-ornîng. He matie the mun fmom cuc Port Perry 10 Brookliiu thirty-five The five young Morgani driving horses mnoutes.- that Mm-. S. Barrett bas been fiîting up for narkable low prices The last issue o! the Leafiet, a magazine sale for the past few weeks, were colti lasI Mm-t selingSoid akpublisliecib>' tbe Mutuai Reserve Fund Life week. He toolc theni 10 Montreal returning hem- ai il sllig ,_,ý0id ah-ass.ociatiio.of New Yor-k, contairis a ver>' home on1 Saturda>' mornuing o! last week. Mr omnSuites at. The I tood1 portrait of Jm.w . Murray' and a Another o! our neighbors bas ieft us for t fro $250 ~'5,brie! -sketch of i ie the spirit lanti, in the persot o! Mm-. Edwin MiE .00, rn$2250,mti Npi(re W A. MeNeel>', DV'.S., laIe o! Hotiges. who dieti ai the age o! forty-one lber u t30.0, e35 nd u- GIeenRiver, bas taken up bis residence in years on Friday mnorning hast, after corne iooklin, for the purpose o! practisitig bis îwo yeare o! illinesa with lung disease. His Me prokcs-on. lie ta a mecent graduate o! the body> was burieti in the Hubbeli burying man, J. J ohn son. Toro-ito veterinar-y sebool. grounti on Suntiay, after which religiotis Mr i A decoration service will be held in the services wem-e beld in the cbutch, conducteti guesl - (;rove-side cemnetel>' ou a date iljune, t0 bv the pastor o! the circuit, Rev. Mm-. mi be .,lected by a comifittee froni the varioUs Weaîherill. A large number o! frientis anti eleai iodges o! the village.. Fuller parliculars relatives o! the deceaseti anti famiiy were Mi ) iwRGaET wili be given in a later issue. present at the funeral, showing respect for VinÈ tilat these Rev. T.ý W. Leggoîî la 10 preach aI Ses- the cime thai was gone anti sympaîby for the bicy mae-ugae on Sundav, in connection wiIh the afflicteti family. Many o! the CHRONICLE N Bryown mke uAl al niesmyo!ta hmc.Rev. reatiers wibl be gladti 10know that the de- "Ing orders givema t( W. Kenul>, o! Seagrave, wili take both ceaseti hati greatly chaugeti bis mind within o supevisifl. services in1 the methotiiet churcb hem-e. the last Ibm-ce yeam-5 in regard to religions IY oWn uevso. Avaubefuierol os eogn thinge, aud that be çied trustiug in the 'M A vlusiefou yar ltibose elngi1~worid's Redeenier as bis Saviotir. Much tl 10 Messrs. W. anti D. Robinscon was fou ndsmah efi o b auyl hJ flc ( 0 J N S O-Z dest inluthe stable ou Tuesday mor1iing- I sm ath fla r thrceofieudein tri g- Pru .%ywass sppametly ail riglît ou Monday night tien by alrecrl ffinsadnih 1 and no reason 15 known for its sutiden bors. tive deatb. chu ,Miss Starr and Miss Doolittie wem-e aI 'I mee ing o! the baptist missioflSmy socie'y, FIRE : INSURANCE :: 00., 2e9 as representatives Im he Bm-cioint baptiet21 2tchum-ch . Drytien anti the Misses Dry- HEAD OFFICE, UXBRIDGE. ten aso sîended the convention. W m-tmber o! stock. l-irst- Mm-.J. S. Vallesti bas stideti s new milk Diredtom--Wm. Hamiltoni, Uxbmitge; G. lis, h live sîmeam o! waiem-, ai vat 10 bis cheese factor>' plaut Ibis week, F. Bruce, Beaverton ; Wm. Shier, Sunder- ai tiWbîthyv R.J. LNE witb the expectation that it wiil soon be me- landt; R. S. Webster, Udora ; A. Graham, 1 1 5 22-ifqie bth okn o h atoxi>. The Uxbritige ; James Burns, Greeubauk; F.lu _______ suppi>' o! lk is constant1>' incm- Ilanti Dobson, Epsomn M. McTaggart, Myrtie. m- ~ r7 ?an average o! five cheese per day is uowbe Officers-President, W. Hamilton ; vice m IlI 4., n ae reiet .F Bue;ocrtay .M.j The arbor d'av celebration at Drydei's Kay, Uxbritige ; treas, Chîas, Goulti, Ux- Sas h v cIhool wassa s leasan t sud successfil bridge ; solicitor, F. N. Raines. Uxbritige. M SaystheOwl.affir.Mils Lihhte I-oilida>', the teacher, Special agent, H. S. Pelers, Uxbritige. ...b ad charge of the proceeditige. A large This Companyiy mures uothlig but !arm T nuber o! visitors wem-e preselit, ail o! whoml buildings sud their contents, isolateti dwell- Who ebithe eatwere much easet b>' the varleti pro- luge anti their contents, churches antid ho Wh elteb schoGvrtmutrpmm Shw ht crne sixt .- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -l W.R OWE M-.Jx. oa-t a e alds ofaracmais ti ithe un Wstdernoutay doe. hy ndvilag prpe-t> hm-e fr ageera bveesîctan or peyoti f ao r iyeas Sfi s e re or or lese injurei but there taurfe than realhzed. tdt a o eh n wsnouafrit eersmoe tfiui. We hope there We vere altauSI templeilusa euaeblu maybe u mreserious resuite than are about the iveather ve b avebcagcl o may l no m reIte lait week Or Iwo, butaiM eMst o f lbe now apparent. teaiers o! the CHRîONICLE bave ne doubî Iou Tuesday laat Rev. T. W. Leggobb waa iced it forthcmscl'Ies. we forbear. j arm-edtuMis ydaKnight,, o! Toronto. : ie i aeof 19 yeas, allera Thtcermoly vs prfr At the RevAC A 'Teeerrerala mfrm t ethodist longsud Painful 10 eSSMis.elizaetho Bloot Purfieru4~ Cevao! Parliamieiit streel eM narMarriali quiet1Y Pau-Od-awsy aji. oeo n power juthe market.. t church, lu the presetWc of a nmbe ,1tier i as rrelatives anti fienta o! the contratilng pr, besniu-lsW. .The1 ro13 ero Sluday espr Sh P0ha- ever lies. Mm-. antiMms. Leggoll arriveti bere on eenlng lasrI. Te rxaa1 i ~ent It Crea ll Mou. on-eObe bas placet a Iamp et Genra DbiltY LsaofgraIn lations i bs lset0 h he corner o!bis store blh la ute a cou- ~Roughu5,of tbe flair, methodisl pastur ant ie bi ,dc. venience tbO5 da*kn t. t hes b.firut troubles arising frofft- In- Section masterRoutleY bsrcla a~W tsreet lightlog ever .ael 0 Ithe Blood. cm-dem-s froithes Grand Trtunk auiîhqltlesvuia.,but tespise09otheb. ay o!fsu91 nul t0 Jay a swltîn mbthecnew gpvel Pibt Ig o t may b. oniy à questi ofe!tin per Lb., or Slb. or 60e. at present. Iî ii îhought Ibat lhe change f.- Iwotr stU!et Vdil be illu unttby eleç- cenbly madutie l bcEniIlSb 160"of direct-Wh" OU t wn LYB -ors bas bati .onietblltx) oewlth'this order. Te adeeal «W nThul x t v", TheCaadian @fIkals .vldOIlt1y do mot wlsh igs ~ ~~.t W E teenter on BY et w4 utlany te- g 4Y~the M Z> E arrangement ua at"y be mae hb bosSe-t'po carrled ouI. t 00Ialf SBT AND pB QQIT, he oUe lfl . U.bt J: T G te many e- . Th oul e (Nrth DYbtli MM' 1H31»Ethe Ctcdl tn et $7, -31J --O.I ttb gteS dAlx ¶rie m 'w o IÀ V OL. XXXIX. 4) *1 i I vv n1113 1 9 v IN 11-1- JL LIL " 9 JL JL %J.JLJL. Thoriey of the Methodist chu rch PORT PEIBY Ebbels for pif. Wilson2v. uGaes.Atifor ie eveflifg service, commenciflg M rs. Geo. McLean is visiting ber son in on a protniSsory note of$0Jugmtfo a oférig atbot sevice wil goOshwa.pif. ; Yarnold for pif. Silver vs. Hickcs.- dsoffengat oth s ervcs wi goOshar. Go . ie fTrno a eeAction of re 9levin. Goods were ieft.by atts d ofitiP bh cOl Uaecrily M.Go.F ato ootwshr us and in defendant's possession, atnd. un Tues dam. wobs enveyilandiwere subsequently soid 10 plaintiff. who GLE'I jAJR. r.Ada Duf, hobasbee vey , pai 89. 50 ou sc. of purchase, aud defts. fal- ries Crozier was the guest of Mr. will soon be arounci again. edt ar u b ontract. Henetepe rs on Sunday last. Mr. Thos. Platten is laid aside fro mu work e to acti o u hencg f. ebtels for onmas Paddersou was the guest of wlth a felon on his rlgbt hand. If - Grant for deft. Union Bank vs. Wil- Ison on Sunday last. Mr. B. F. Ackerman, of Peterboro, was in lia*ns--Action on 3 proulissory notes of $140. hn Cumpton bas got the big team town on business last Friday. Defendant denied making the notes. Judg. on the fish ponds at last. Miss Alma Christie bas reîurned from a1 ment for plaintig. Yarnoid for pif.; Ebbels 111ie Red5haw is laid up witb La lengthy visit 10 her sister's, near Port Hope. for deft. Wallirig vs. Phillipo.-Action 10 His adyfrindswîsbhimluc. Te may fiens o Mr.Edmnd ukerecover $4, alleged to have been loaneti to H la , regres h m uc . Th t e ay r henis onu M . E n b eb deft. Judgmeut for defendarit. Ebbels for ofsar hrg eedfo theroot bhereasresgrie nds would snotimproving i elhpif. ; Varnold for dft. Several cases were tbrougb seedingis riearoundlddesire.setdoraornd t o thm re ead fr te rtcp. Quarteriy services w111 be belti in the PuItled for adloglflg botball teamn have mustered again. Methodist church next Sabbatb. Love feast The ed r of ivng v.Behu fSily >open for challenges till the first of after the morning service, andi the sacrament ber e .Jo of t, J v.P. W35 ofSetleby, wiii be administeretg oinqtheeevening. defendant payitlg the costs. This 15 an- heaud ayoligmitgofnMquil iel W. Willard & Co. bave opened out a other instance where a schooi teacher loat e abe mnagmentof r. i branci new stock of dry goods and grocerles. bis senses and feelings 01 bnmanty and was The store now looks like new with aIl new too sevrre lu punisbing a little girl of about )sepb Jones thinks that he wil1 not goods. The firm sbould do a steady trade, six years of age on the baud. Had this man n10 town tli aututrit, wben he will andi intendti l seil at very close prices for useci common sense, and miade use of his bee. cash. koldeo ntinh uh oko Lewis is down wlîh the inflammation Many of our citizens were caught by the thnowclede ofand»auny, e wllght 0 eao ug.His many friends wlsh hlm a colti snap as îhey baci removed ail stoves, that cid o st audrat thal aged iIfonthe recovery. tbinking summer had arriveti, when May luttle girl. If tbe father of the chiid had tak- mil1 ponds will be finishet In about bad onl y uicely started. The result was, en a horse wbip and given Brethouy a good ,week, wbich will be quite an im- man y binue noses aud considerable exercis- tbrashing he would have taught him a les- iet t0 the Glen. ing wltb the hands 10 keep warm. son of bis own kinti, aud one be would re- - Cumptoi movedMiss Pentiey out to On Monday, î3tl inst., Chief Constable member for mnany a long day. Brethourfwas kont a couple of weeks ago. It is re- McKnight laid a compiaint against H arry ouiy : lt uglIi atrstita tha Jon bins aç%t mvlg tereWilmo, f Prince Albert, for ridHiig a tolti he did not want it to get Into the f. bicycle on the sidewalk contrary to by-iaw papers. Well hie might, as had thesuil gone choir have purchased new authem No. 221, Who settled iti by paying. the fine, ou bis prospects for future teacbiiig wculd have bten cut short. This la the natur~ and -they seem to bave madle quite au imposed, $i anti costs. o.oeo4luwrgcroa pnstlftl emneut lu te siuging alreadv. The Royal Templars purpose holding an our chmeof ois Sucorporesa thnis cont it J.Howe, the foreman over the gravel open meeting in the Sous of Englanti hall on crop up lu different parts of the county, and s forced 10 resigu bis position in favor Friday eveniflg, 7tb inst., wheu Messrs.onefthwrt euesstabsdei- Anderson on accoun' or being 100 bard Hiia nt iiofBoki, u is ring the childreri sucli'eses damage the N'ates, of Whitby, wiil be present besities Jabrsrpttoi logtt ecn local talent assisteti by the MethodistS S. .\zidesr a deronrat malter bthion-m Marshal Crozier la out purcbasing orchestra. Silver collection aI the d00r. i teed a enntr teater few pesnS ca for aiivey. Heîbins be tr~ A parior meeting of tbe W.C.T.U. will be Commn hi eprsfiiitybpns souh a thre re omeprety as eid aItbte presbyteriafl manse, Cochraneienl reason. The policy of the CiiRONicLE rs tat ay.street, on Wetinesday eveniug, May 29th, at bas ln the past been lu o ppose corporal pun- tesfiok f brdsfrm Careott vsi- 8 o'clock, when an excellent programme will isbment lu any forni, an dît seems lu be oniy ir churcb on Sunday, ad we would ad' be given, and frrs. Elijah Cash, of Califor-tesaepnfotrtesnhiigecer -h and rmemr tat bey ere a nia, will deliver au address on "Social 1 t corne tu some arrangement by which tbis h an no aI psty.Purity." Ail are cordially luviteti. Ad- ciass of punisbnlent whould be aboiished al- BOWMANVILI missioni ten cents. together. '. Thos. Bassett, Toronto, is visiting Cansdas Own Lotige o! Loyal True Blues elio r aulol Lelter, Mrs. ,Thos. Hoar. are prepariflg a fine programme of sports anti It was with sincere regret our citizeils % Wi. Can sod a ine eam f ho suad athletic games for their celebraîltinbere' * W. Cnusoli afie tam f ors on the 24tb o! Msy. Lrge excursions of beard on Fritiay moruing, the zoth int gentleman1 in Cedardale. True Blues are comîing from Lindsay and that Emnily Treuouth, aged 48 years, the be- iss Netie C les atendedthe fu eral f othe placs. Lacosseovdebae bafeteofn Mr.eR.ife f Mr.i.tonaîlGo T.R.T. agentn unsl eti Coles atten ltieekf.r o te pae.Lcos udbs alta hati died very suddeniy lu Toroto. At 5 inde n CoIiugW0 lasIweek.are expecteti from Toronto, Lndsay Whit-o'îc ltmrigthdeeeibdbn ssrs. D W McDonald, P.M., and C Red- by andi Oshawa. For furîber information infc eibat uoehu h a ed -1. Geenwod, oHow true the words of thç poet Cowper.» r.W. H.G1 ewod f Toronto, was The Sons o! Englanti Lodge ln town bave i "Goti moves lu a mysteriotis way."1 The t aI Mr. John Hellyar'5 over Sunday. hat Ieir hall renovated andi beauîifully de- bealtb of the decetiseti was noticedti l be ls Reidi will sal on the Dominion flue corateti by Wm. Tremeer, painter, anti bave faiiing for some tisys previoi&iy; anti she Ler Vancouver, for England, May 25th. now one o! the finiest society halls lu the wstkn1 oot o oesicilftl treal- rC. P~. Nicholson, edîtor of the Oshawa county. The Lotige helti on open meeting * meut, anti had oniy been there five days iicator, was lu town Friday on his ou Tuesday eveuiug, when an iuterestitig jwbeu taken away by tiealb. Mr. HailltIIl ycle. programme was reutiered by the orchestra., anti !amiiy bave been resitierts of thLcs town orlhumberland and Durhaml county Songsrduetts, anti cborusesby Messrs More, for many years. The deceaseti was a wo-ý ivention ofîthe Y P S C E will be held luBafor Doutib, A. F. Williams, Baird anti mari of many estimable qualiteS. Akind borMay 23rd and 24th. Maitiauti, anti Misses A. sud L. Robertaý, neigbbor anti acquaintaflos, quietsud miili-ý 0Urecitationsby Miss Scenes, anti mouth orgati manuered anàiof an unassumiflg nature, -oe 1 LesasW Normfan Hall and ?Etrank Hoar jre- by Messrs Batemati anti ConneIl. wc a a christiail at hesxt and a fithful ed ivmEglfdme ek aigWeU doue, Town CoUiCIOT8 -î hetuber of the-Bapist churéhh a0nest v~&theme1Ves goti saiors. -&t sud-authorities have i Su G coo nitemperauloe ~ . Cwe wseecei ersel-matie up their mintis that bicycle riding on aiwastaySto-fe.%W ot q 1#-Wl r onithe itrctmeet ille t howa. the sitiewalks, street luungiug un the cor- i beloveti ion and tlà1lbor ii elMute îrc luIhedisric metin aIOshwa. ners, sweariug, druukeniiess, anti a 1 man-, service. Oniy a -few daysptevious. .10 ,11% Mie annual distijct meeting of the Bow- uer of rowtiyisrn mus.t he stoppeti, anti they deatb decease was at a Meeting- oflthe Wo-i anville district methodist church wilI be intenti au example will be matie of eacb anti men's Chtlatian Temperalice Union. _Mr. -Id iniSimcoest church, Oshawa, on May every une violatiug the taw, notices o! waru- Hamiltuon aud family are higbly esteeMeid as M!r. «P A Pre~ o fRv Parke ing baving been printeti anti posteti. is l was evidenced by the l1argne atteud5iiCà of io~ ~ er issku ours aoftev.Agr kelitr,_1also rumoreti that those yung tmen anti lads ur townspeople anti friends from i the con.- hoig Guipliafiurs awtel l ue onrliWhbo stili persisl in nmakiug aunoyances of try at the funera1 lait Sundàyay en'o sto rst year students aI the £aster ex- ou .Suuday eveuing 11wlihave a lesson an uId lasi ad frtes wee ~trucIedbM ainatiolis. gvnIeinu tr rfitable bu Ibeir ýCameron. The IieartfeltuytDpait!y of oux Iii the examiflations lu theolog'vaIVic- purses. Boys, take warulng. Constabie citizenS gues onItO MrT.,HaEulri and )ris university -we notice the yufg men McKuight bas bloc>d in bis eye anti means daugbter iu their'sad affliction, thé bas of 7im Ibis vent have done Weil. We business. The coui ýci1 shoulti now lake hol lovîig wite aid-de ni tmoîef, The W.C ention the naines of Messrs. j W Bunuer, 1of a cnrfew bell by-iaw. tU eofn!th efi laIe- assod5l01 Codasu CAdme eres a bog brick tecfi The district convention o! the Wuauans osdrbl nintinleuf5ld- W. J. NoTT. Eissiouary sociely wifl be helti in the lu tuwn iast Friday when il became knowii Poe. Pe!i-Y isiD.0 Ureeér. ethodist church, Buwlianville, May 91.Ia h ...bt sueialm al r io hreesesion wd1 b hed, I 1.30 a..,derlng Conduictoi' White, EngineerHarniïn, t asbiopnable imiiey in Port Parti "d1 :30 .ni.sud :30 .m. pecil fet~ur ant 1~1essr. DtuilTuild Etiot, ampbli ltheIwestirlefl cILOI BI1lUt ban, heu t 4U.nye lSimon 1àastrUCt'e *0 s bam ýven t ly o f nirl O xft e public of te penty ithé . w n fiwuww 1 fÃ" Several, in fact = n i A diy attende t he ab v oin unari. .. Mr., oz zrr th1e social a n ivnee. nti@so'vC coImittee oneistig101 ie~ =eport s very enjoy,..be mneuailtot u ast y cve, d ee ~ad Mr Dv l,'t er- or> else they- have not xecoverc4 rdSC tiP%> - T 'Pbo >cù o i= t eu au 4 l p 4~ 0~ lx u ed IIIdC e t4Utê <O tii 10P of wbater Our h bore1O~II OPfi ~ ~ ~ l quit. a feU0f uaowli% ue*#7 i*oen .NO, 24 'XXT-UTrVl>"V cý-NTT APT" FR IDAY, MAY 179 18950 -4 n .4

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