Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1895, p. 6

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ma- Uce take a bouse for, say a year, sud Ifil den'î suit yen st the year's sud, yen Rive it up snd taku another. You boy a hor», -and if it baike, you seud it off te amotion fo beu md. But with awile it'sasltogeth. er difféent. 'You eau neither seil or ex. change ber-it's a life-long bargain." "But, Unole Zobart," said the nephes and heir apparent of that gentleman, "let's take another view of t he maLter. Suppose that she is a&l that ia lovely, ex cel len t and deirable. " Uncle Hobart B.enshaw rubbed bhi8 borougb surveyer's salary as bonestiy as if hi depuuded on iC fo r bis daily Lread. Pepie callid hlm s miser; but bltlu cared hi for that. The widow, tb. fatherluissansd hi thal wus resdy te pur usb could tell a diffeent tati; aud Hobart Runshaw, que-lu; sud eocoutjio t1houigbho wua, couJ.d nead the book et huinan character witb anauimost nnerr ing eye. "iTh, Betty-mun 1t '. that nuisance ot a drain minuagain!1 h dou séem -te me as if bu came about a ttgroat dWa ofieerenthan ai all n uoeaaary.. The Llndi.ys were people WIiD kepti up a grand appearance upon a 0Oin- paratively disproponienai. 'foondaÙi. T hein sitting mous *as elegantly fbrnàsh- en; thuir haM upholstered in ?PmiAn pattmrned Bràuai, wlth roo.vood raok and Gethio hall. hair; buttii. kitohsun to ke.p nDtae besrii o pr is m a ,. th* 9 â"14ila L noee, As an inveterate bachutor et five an( fifty, bu wassuaturally inclined te ta the les aadguiue view et the case. "Paul,' eaid bhi,"It's et ne use te argu the maLter. A yonng muan lu love le yeug mnumad for the lime beiug.1 yeuvie made up your mind Le gît marrieè net aIl the argumentis lu creation wi avail aizainat it. Ouly bu sure you mak a rigbt choies. Remîmber bow muec dipends upon ih." Paul Fontaine laughed good humei cdlv, Like ait yonug men, he thougi se iiiicb caution qnilLe unuecessary. "Therc are îwo sisters efthIese Lind leys. yen say ?" aaid Uncle Hobart, re fiectzvely, poliabiug bis glittering spec tacle glasses. -Two sir ; Emuly sud Esther." " Boti> of 'er pnetty 2" -As twin blnsb roses, ir." "Ther e n go 1" said Uncle Hobart autestl.-Rgtit sentiment, juet lii -wlsir, lent IL naturai euough t compare a pretty girl to a beatitul flower If 1 couid think et any othur con parison ' - -"Yen needu't trouble yourself," inter. rupted Uncte Hobart. Il'What 1 wsui te find eut la wbat they are like." " Esther is bright sud sparklin ; Eruili is ail sofînesu aud reenmeut. Esther i a brunette, withtbei blackeat hair I evei ssw. Emily has chestnut curiesud blui eyes, sud a lovei 'y complexion." "Exaotiy." Uncle Hobart bummeé au old Luine whichb bd bien popular ir bis vontb: Bîack uyus meet dazzlu at 9, hall. Bine îyea moet plisse wben sbadowi fali1. -And which de yen liku best, Paul- eh ? "They are both eft hein cbarming,' euergeticaiiy suswerud the young man, 'Upon nMy lite uncle, I semetimea wie] that the Turkisb systeni prevaiied bure, andl that 1 conld marry botb et thein." "Dithenîlttoledecide wbicb la thi mest tascînatiug ?" questioued Uncle Hobart. "But the tiug is, my lad, whuch will waslu sud wear the beet fer every-da' 1l1fe ý ."That is a question which the future wiil decîde, Un)cle. Unfortuuately we bave ne chenaucal test te decîde tbe Matter -Think net ? ' raid Uncle Hobart, driiy. - Look hîre, Paul, up te the present tinie yo bave ouly sein tiiese giris tlr'iugb tbe chiaroscuro of' visiting dress and cempany manners. \bat would you give te bebold thein as tluey reaiiv are-te get a peep beiind the scelles ? -Haîf that I ama possee.ied of, uncle!" criîd eut Fontaine, mithi ambition; " If only te bu able te satisfacCerily prove te yen, sir, bew pure, aud noble, sud bigb-souled tbey are. But ail Ibis le nonsense-of course il us au impos- siblîy!1 "Nothiug et the sert," ssid Cucie Hobart. IlYou say hat np te the prie- eut these girls do net kuow me persen- aliy, or et my ceunection witb the board et healtb. W~eli, it ie rue that I am neither a wizzard uer a magician, but I am wbat la quite as usiful lu Ibis malter -a sauitary officiai. I go into peopleýs back doors wbeu I wish il; I stride re- morseleqaly through the kit-chen sud cellare wbîn I waut te sue for myseif rather than trust my inspectors ; I am at liberty te take a dowu-staira view efthIe wonld. Eh, youug man, what do yen thîuk et that ?" Archbiahop Walsh wue hem lu Ireisnd, lu 1830. Re took change et St. Mary's church, Toronto, lu 185î. Rev. Dr. Grant was hem in Nova Scotia in 1835. Hi bas hein hîad et Queeuns Uuiversity, Kingston, aincu 1877. Hou. David MiiIs, now in bis sixty- thîrd year, is a native et Oxford ceunty. During the Mackenzie nîgine hi wua INlinisten et Intîi-ier. Hon. Chutf Justice Haggarty, s native et Iniiand, becami a iudgî u in theOntario court lu 1856. Iu 1868 i becaine Chutf Justice. Senator Sanford wus hem lu New York iu 1838. He had his business training in Gethamu, sud bis final uudirtakiug lu Canada wue a fonndry. Hon. Louis Oliver Taillon, thei weîl- kuowu Frnch petitician, la a lawyer. Hi was he lun 1840,ad sue ufetthe beat known min lu Quebe. Chiet Justice Meredith was bhem lu thi county ef Middleajex in 1840. Hi wau callid te the bar lu 1861. Hi wus etect id te Paniamint lu 1872. Mn. D'Alton McCartby, Q.C., le au Irishin. Hi wais bhemnerDublin just 59 years ago. Whuu very youug bu camne te, Canada. Hi entened Parlismeut ln 1878. Hon. G. W. Allen wau borninl Little York lu 1822. He wus ouiet the finaLte aki part lu tonming a voluntuin corps bone. Re wscalled tce .Senate in 1867. Sir Hector Langevin ewns Quibe for hua birtbpîaee. RHinlenow 69 ysara of agi.ee.ýwau Lie foremoat ef Frenchi- Canadiau taten, and won some ipro- nifiece as a la*yr*r., Ou Jisly 22nd,, 1820, Sir Oliver Mowat wau hem, luIn1867 h. entoed pelities. Re ia onieoftheii.fathens cf confédération. He beusme Premier ef Ontario in 1872. Sir Richard Cantw Mght wi bom in Kipqgon in 18M6, Hoe en.d ParUs- menou 486,9bin.Mg s Oomrisive. Re 104fi-Ui1 'pay in 1870, as u heesea Lib«era er autos. Èon am ,ubany vwu bosain the y oft ' 41.ax, viioe osy of our pUofiiam, au 00= ows !otn - nela '48 yeqiuOf *s, ade l. bu 0kin in to apaireof a1w.' oi#ndo oe played sündry uunsndsdheles,,. àd, 39 sjoîl.a pooket lianakterehief tla&arcun, n her ueok did d'-à y in place céf the nia collar or frill guerasulyapposud te b neôessary. Mrs. Lindley was beuding ovîr a bug Skettle of bubbling and boiling preserve upon the range; and ai the wash-tui etood a alight, trim figure, wiîh au agroi ied arouad ber waisî, and eleevesaba vý the elbows-Emily herself, scrubbiug away with the euergy of a landree, au4 ber shining hair wonnd lu lustrons braidi around sud about ber-suall head. D Uncle Hobart, following cloue a&tlbq buils of big nephew, wua just in ime t( ?hear Esther's petulant voice, frein th ,other room, aounding sbrilly on Ibsi " It's tee bad, mammta i The toast ii erched te a oluder, and the oofféee In', drinkable. I muat have sorne fres] muade." " Oh, Ettie, don'î 1", coaied Euiily "Maruma is so ired, aud she bas s( cauch te de 1 Weu't a gises of milk doe?' "No, it won't i 1 muet have coffee, and dîceut coffue, tee 1" ssserted the brunett Lapping ber pretty foot on the floor, and kuitting ber jetty brows. IThen Vil makie it,'- said Emnily, "lii yen il wait until I get these coilare rubbed oui. " I d bu ashamed te turn washer- woman," grurnbied Miss Esther. "i'm net asbsmîd of auything that la useful 1! cried Emily, with spirit, 11w ben papa works se bard, and the washing bills are se heavy. h won't hurt eibhe of us Le do a little bonest work, and spare mamma ail we can." - Do leave off woralizing, and geL my coffee 1" anaried Estber, wbo had cvi- dently ri@en lune amiable mood. A.nd tbe borough aurveyor and his bogue assistant, having ne excuse for remnaining longer, beard noLhing more. Paul Fontaine was adlent as hi walked along the street ; but Uncle Hobert cbuckled softly te biniself. "Notbiug like an inside view 1" said be. The upatairs augel ofttn turne into a downstairs dernon-eb ? Ha! ha!1 ha!1 Paul, my boy, bîware of brunettes. There's oiscbief bebind tbe arcb of those black brews. If yeu're deterrnined te have a wife, take the one at the washtub -th]e littie girl who wanted te belp ber mether." - believe you are righit, Uncle Ho b)ert," said Paul. But teil me, Paul, how Vou came te choose me iustead of Esther'?' question- ed thie blue eved bride, as they stood te- getlier by thie sea at Brighton, the week after tAweir wedding. - Esther ieses mucb prettier-so mucb lovelier than ine. Every one likes Esther better than tbey do me. And (Io yen know, darling, 1 haif thiiuk that Esthier was just a littie dtsappointed tlhat yen didut prefer ber ?" ',Do ye tlink se ?" said Panl, cari- lessiv. I'Nqe can scarcely account for Our preferences. Esther is very brilliaut and beautiful; and wlien firet we became acqluaiuted I was fairlv hewitched by ber. But now 1 value the steady shining star of yeur love above ail the will-o.the-wisps in creatien 1I' But hi neyer told ber ef bis amateur sanitary inspection, sud b noie lHebert's est ef character. Leading Cana.dians. CANNINGTON. Mn. J. H. Strickland le haviug Lthi front et bis store impnoved. it le uow oue et the French patent, hait backed, double acting, peanut sud flower stand, sud giflerai grocîry---aii coznbiued. There bais bien se many tenders ton the erectioîu et the Methodist churci that it is net yet dîcidîd wbo wili neceive the centraci. Sugar sociais are the order this week. One was heid at the residencuet Mrs. J. Smith lu aid et the Preabytunian cburcb sud oeeinuthe achool room of Lthe Eug. lish cburch lu aid of the bpilding tund. Rîv. G. A. Rix, bas purchaaed s niw "Waudîner" bicycle. It la hoped the Riv. gentleman will net ashow hie "Wan. durer" te wauden trom hlm iu the samue manner as the set which wua stoleu frein the show grounds and neyer again huard ef. The aunual grant et $25 bae bien voted the baud, aise, $25 to the Me- chaules' Inatitute. Action le te hi takîn te havi the town Indignation exisa among tie ladies cf Canuingten ovin what 8 laairnîd to bu an unwarrautid attack by the editer et the Gîsanîr in the luat issue et that papîr ou their liberties sud pniviieges lu Chu maL- ter et baby carniages. Tii Gteanen sar- casticallysy8 that judgiug trom tLii nuinhen et purambulators te bien sein ou the streets any flue aftîmneen eue would think s baby show wus lu pregnesa lu this towu. This le taken by' the ladies te mean that thei iditen don't approve et the babies ounlthi stneut oron e iimethoe et their brngiug up îmnpioyud iu Can- uiugtou. With customary iffrontery lbe proouids te adruinisten ote idulilqueute a page frein bis owu pirsoual hiatiory sud depicta lu bort-id colore the meth 'ode which abounded whunî hi was dragged up sud drawing cempanisous net flatter- iug te the future ofthLe parapined "dam- linga" se ostentatiously bîiug paraded iu Cauuingtou. Cemparisous are said te bu odieus sud Lie creature wbe compares Lie "howisj" et his infaucy with the dainiîy wsilinge etfLiii prisent bas made s moat serions mistaku. The ladies have evun been huard te assont that iL le a oas of pure, grîîn.eyed juaiousy sud that he is sounud luasmuci as nature bai dinied hlm thei rigbt te perambulate a "-darling" et hie own lu a baby carniage. The in- suit throw ut n the i ncommindation te the ladies etfOsnlugton te follow Lie exemple ot those who thnew hlm on Lhe floor te howl is tee diaguating fer any- Lhiug aud ý,t le nqt surpu-iniug LiaiIe compaiisous are meeting rth profound accru from tLeie lted zmatrone of th. tewn.-Exprsa. Houerte Caumul.ugon One cf Lthe leading citizune et Oanuing.- ton, Mr. W. H.- Hoyle,' grandmestei of the. Independeujt Ondin 01cf d4,ows tues weok viaited Ottawa li in'hàofflW capsufty. Dunng is stay of aîvèral da- aite a* ith Ids 1 bthr.zrfroà ilt part of e mauLy î.ri1. H deuvre~d sevQ a&%Su itias. O~ and«« 'oasonthst -vWrtha.u mms Mosttd fiavhorable m, . »di gr.stY impeffl ta u aàm M"11, UC7*11.'a ur -"WILyou kfudly là., fbethe readerâ 0 oyUr Vaablpe rta ZU ¶diy ued YREB te u anfirerfri. cf ycutd ful dly, oaticlart of a %irnple and Inexpesve 'mes ef self.cuem-whlch after hi. lng huuubugged sud i<npesed uponi for years by qumekesud patent mediclue sharks, cured a'e iu a few 'weeks. 1 have nothlug te seli or giv. away, uer amn I advertislng any patent medicine business, but wlll be pléased te hear frorn auy sufferer aurious to -flud a cure for bis coruplaint. 10 wbetu I will erolsin confiden- tlally how and by wbat- mens I wss cured, Hundredi bave been cured tbrougb my ad- vice. Coits nothiug to ebau what I paid bun. dredi cf dollars to flnd out. Address couSi. dentdally and enclose stamnp if couveulent. D. G. OWEN, Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. HliiitheWas.g The common and every.present warning of kîdney trouble, back.acbe aud weaknesiu back, are quiokly reieved by Dr. Ohase', Pilla. The orl a nsd 1ny 2 cent Kidney- Livîr Pilla. hnaloibur remedjee f ail, ibuy cure. The u"timnated populatin« the World on Jan. 1, 1895, WSS 1,500,000,000. Keep Mi-ard@ Liniment in the Bouse. -Pêliament, e the. getherga1.ecuu after Cýoufederatien. Hnerepesentà the Irlshb Catholie elomnint in tle Cabinet. Archbishop Clusry, et Elingoton, Win apinted te hie priment position in 1880. Hi s au Iriahinan by birth and in hie native ]and teck a deep linaI etini poli- tics. ftev. Dr. Cayeu, PrIncipal. cf Knox' College, waa boru lu Scotiaud, lu 1830. He came te Canada in 1847. Hi bucarne a professer in 1866, sud was appoinied, te his prisent poeiiou in 1870. Hon. Edward Blake waa hem in the oounty of Middlesex on October 13, 1833. Fle was educated st Upper Canada sud Toronto University, sud wua admitted te the bar in 1866. Lieutenant-Governor Kirkpatrick la 54 years et agi. Hiewaa boru lu Kingstou. He wae au suthusiautie nilitary mnu. Hs wau îlectîd te Parliameut lu 1870, sud was Speaker et the Houai. Heu. J. M. Gibson às a native et Peel county, being boem thene lu 1842. In Toronto University i had a brilliant carier. He was îlîcted te Parliameut lu 1879. He wus called te the Ontario Cabinet divi years age. Sir David MacPhersou was bern lu Scotland in 1818. He wau a memnber et the Canadian Parliament thnee years bu. fore Confederatien. 1-e amas8ed weaith as a railway contracter and steamship owflir. Hou. Wilfrid Laurier was beru lu L'Assomption, Quebue, la 1841. Hi wa8 called te, the bar lu 1865. Hi was eleot- id te the HouaietofCemmous lu 1874, sud becarni Liberal leader on the retire- meut et Hon. Edward Blake. H. P. Dwight, presidînt et the Great North Western Telugraph Comnpany, ia by birth an Amirican. Hie firat empioy- meut in Canada wua as au oerater ut Belleville. Hi was gradually premoted te bis pc-osent position. Sir Chartes Tuppîr, the eider, is the son of a Baptiat clergyman. Hi firet saw the lizht et day lu Nova Scotia in 1821. e is a doctor sud a politician by protes- sion, sud oeeoe the ableat speakers who ever Bat lu the HouaietofCouinons. Heu. A. S. Hardy showed ability wheu tender in years. Seen atter beiug called to the bar hi becsuie head of hi- protes-i Bien lu the ceuuty et Brant. Hi waB >oru during the troublîsome times et .837, sud eutered Parliameut lu 1873. There are 26 wemeun running country papers J. J. Moore, M. D, F. Warren,M.. P lPiles!e Itching ]Pis. SYMPMB-Moiture; luteue itcbiug sud tingug; ruosu ainigt; worse by sceratcbîug. If allowed te continue tumuora form, whicL. otten hled asu ncerate, becoming very sone. "SWAYNE'IS OINTMENST" stops the itcbiug sud bleuding, beala ulceratuon, aud lu moal osais removes the turnors. At drnggisîa or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Lyman Sona & Co., Mou treil, Wbelesalu Agents. Two theuaud patenta bave bien laken eut in ibis country on the tuanufacture ot paper alone. A Dinuer PiI.-Mauy pensons suifer ex- oruciatiug ageuy after partacuug et a bearty dinuer, The food partsen of is luke a bal et "'ad upon the alomach sud inatead et bîiug s he alîhy nutrimnent itl bione a' poison te the syateui. Dr. Panzuelee'a Vegetable Pilla are wondertnl correctives et snob troubles. Tbey correct acidity, open the secretiens sud cou- vert the feod partaken efito ie bal:hy nutri- meut. Tbey are juat the medicine te takre if renbled wiîh Indigestien or Dyspepsia. Ail officira lu the Austro-Hungarian cav.tlny muet heneaf tir learu telegraphy. Choiera and aIl summir comnplaints are ae quick lu their action that thei c.ld baud et dioatb la upon the vidtira befere tbey are awsnu that danger Ïa uear. If atîack do net delay lu fetting the proper medicine. Try a dose et Dr. J. D. Killogg'a Dyseutery Cordial, and yen wiIl get imumidiate relief. IL acta with wonderfnli rapidity aud uiveî taila te effect a The lapidlary who cnt the tameus diamoud ResuetfBulginîu la ow worth $150.000. Street Car Accident-Mn. Thomas Sabin, says ; "My eleven year old boy bad bis foot badly inured by being run ovin by a car on the striet Railway. W e at once cemmenced baihiug the toet witb DR. TBo!.as' ECLrcTRaC OTL, when tihe discolenation sud awelliug waa remnoved, sud lu nine days he ceuld use hia foet, We always keîp s boule iu the bouse ready for any iruergency." Thene are apringa et freah watîr lu the Pursan Gult that tunnish supplies t essîla. The Kmnt Case. A Dooton Pronouuced an Opinion on the Meiis of the Cure. 0v1'AwA. Apnil 29-A conversation beld a few days ago with s welI kuowu Ottawa pbysician revealed the tact that a fan largen rpeentage etflthi comnuunity than geuirally believed are suiferng frein the inipieut smtoms et Bniqrht's disuase. Hi e a tat- ed lat hi had taken a consideraLle interest lu the riporiid case et Mn. G. H. Kent, et Ibis city, sud admitted that le vuuw et the published interviewsansd Chu affidavit et Mr. Kent, hi had ne hesitation lu ascnibing that condition te Doddsa Kidniy Plls. It la imu- posible te gît ovin the tact that Mn. Kent hadiakin ne othîn nezneoy. The White bouse et the contederacy la uow used for s celored schoeihonsi. When Baby waa slk, we gave ber Castorla. When abs waa a Cbfld, Iii. cried for Castoria. When she became bfiDu ahi clumg te Castoria. Whou she had Oblidren, ahi gave thibam Castorla. gWe a1wayy f ry ours ir) Our Meat, Fish, Oystrs, Sara-. toga Chps, Eggst, oughnuts, Vegetables, etc* Lie ost ffer - pe Our folks forerly used lard fr ai such. purposes. ,.When i ds agreed with (whch it ofté end'id) wçead itwau, We iaytrd à -- Brookliu. Office heurs 9. a. m. ,g Privae Telephone Communicaho. D. P. BOGART, a.D.,L.D.8. Ph sican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. O0f ce and Residence next te Al aint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in Il its brnches promrtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman Whitby. Office heure il amx DroENTIS Tr'. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. County Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas sand Cottages a specialty. Drawings prepared for remodeling existing structures. Office-Firt flat over W. R HowBe's drug store. LýP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HABNESS MAKER, WRITBY. Having xoved into our new prerises, we are preared te extend the range of business. Ail work pertaining te the harness-making and saddlery blsiness will be done te, sati- faction. Collars a specialty. Cal and ee xy shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west et old shop. Dundas Street) Whitby. -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, SIingles, Saab1 Doorsd Blid, Turalug and Fret-Sawing. _2WbAil Ã"ders or information cati be obtained frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wi. son's residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. WhitbP <.gLrnictt, E9stablished 1856. $1 per cnnnm in &avance, otherwie $1.50, Subsoriptions always payable *at the office ef publication. The pbliaberr do not undertake te deliver thei paper at any postl office but Whilby. Any paper which tala te, reaoh ils destination will bu replaced upon notification as a matter of courtesy. Âdvertisîng rates ules. by con- tract,%10 cents Per lme, nonparlel,- Brat in- sertion, ana 5 cents pur lme eaeh subse- qnent insertion Lecals, 10 cents per mie.' HBND1BSO801N1&hGRAHAM. Farm for Sale. 6, Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3rd Con, Township cf Whitby; 2 Miles frein Wbitby; saine known as the Lynde hornestead. Soul second to none, in a flrst-class state of cultivauion. Good fences;, watered by live streain across one cor- ner zoo yards froin a fine stone house ; frarne stable sud driviug shed; aise tramie' hase sud abundance of fruit of aUl kindts. For particu. 1ar appy 2 to184 W. . ARNEI R. 1. LYNDe, Baiter ounty Crown -Attorne~y. "id ounty oliioto. Ofice-outh, Wfg of Court Bons, Whtby;, JAMES RUITJ.EDQE, Barristee, etc. Office formery ocopied by Farewell & Rutejge, fuxt Royal Roter, Brook S., Whtby. DAVID oKMIISTON, B3. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor j Chanery, Conveyancer, etc. Office - lenthe Office south et the Post Office, in MoMillan'a Block, Brook Street, Whtby. G. YOUNG SITH. LL. B., IBarrister etc. -Money te Loan. lIsner Of Miâ Litenses. Office - Smiths Block, Sonfh of Market, B? ock St., Whitby. DOW & McGILLIVRAY9 Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathion & Hawken's new block Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontario bank. DrsWaren More Dundas St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberally deait with Teaming done at reasonable prices. F'reight and Baggafe hauled st resn- able prices. A cail aohicited. W. -J. TTUX-ME MACHINIST, WHITBY, Hlas opened a Rip air Shop in connection with the Cooper ho ately carried on by bis father, opposite Ail Saints' Chnrch, and will do aIl ki.nds cf Reparn. eigMa- chines a speciaity. Law owers, Bicy- cles, Firearms», Locks, Scales, Olothes Wringers, Waahing Machines, &oc. Saw Filing. Skates, Scissors, Kuives,' Clipples, &o., sharpened and repaired. AUl kind(a of Cooper Work ruade and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Sainte' Church, Dundas Street, Whitby Manuta.cturers' Liie & Accident Insurance Go., Toronto. Largeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Ce. ou the continent. Ninety per cent. of ail accumulations et surplus ia retnrned te the policy holders. Ail claimr. are paid without delay or discaunt on proof uf death or maaturity ef eudowxnent J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent. WhIntby. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For thu next thzee menths- I, am giving special attention tc, patients from aade tance. Arn stil making plates in rUbbes, 88, celluloïd *10. Gold and silver filmg, work crewning by flrst-elaas cperiteré,s the mcmi reasonable rates in- the -iy When in the city eal in and lot me-exaut-2 mne yonr teeth. I maake ne extra ehar#e. C. H.]E RIGGS, Dentisi, south saut corner King and Yonge Sis., Toronto.- Nov. Sth. 1892. ASK YOUR 6TA TIONER TmE MW W=TING PÂPgE, -AND- TÂKE-NO OýT-ýHER,, Auguu 3151 1893. RallwaytTime T..bl GRAND TRUIANTýi MiDLÂÀ» TRkaINi Olvlà lmTWàa». no. 7» Localicp ndy., Us4 No. 17" Passengen N o. 1, xpress, -,M ail excep t S unz .., 8 li p mi TRAMNsS OieGTAwÀ NÃ" 4Exrss ditexceB un Am- 'uP, pi ina'- 4 SI- a m.2j. Feb. 2;- March 2; AprilB My2 lu=e : nly'6; Sep, 3;ot.;N .; OsnÂw-D. . Madonelit Whitbyr, Clerk; Jan. 8; Feb. 4 March 4; Aprl18;May8à; Junne4; 3nly ê; sep,-4; Oct. 81.- Nov. Due. 4. , Biaouaiux - M. Gleeson, Gneenwood, Clerk.-Jau 4; Mareh5; May. 4; Jnly 9; sep. 6; Nov. 5. FORT PXIxr - J. W. Buruhani, Port Perry, Clerk-Jan. 29; March 9; May 9; Jnly il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Uxunrnoa-Josuph E. Gonld, Uxbiidge, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 18; May ISth; Jnly 12; Oct 14; Dec. 17. C*.NNENGTOX-Gi orge Smith, Cauuington, Jan. 81; March 14; May 16; Jnly 18; Oct. 15; Duc. 18. BCEvETOr-Gso. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clurk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. UPTZERGBaOV-F J Gillespie, Uptergrove, Clerk,-Marcb 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clirk of the Pace. October lBLh, 1894. Nov Liveîy and Sale Stables Serve * *' a- *~a' 5-'~-~' q 4 y *1 il A L AYEI "url ye sttiud dwith sue no rest, e tors, after wc their abflty, 1 Ssud ltthe A& friand, leai a-bottleetfAI. began te tahi reliuved. By bottle, I wus c hait much ef 9Lrmîy bellere aedMy li Jo THE LIFE The sgtory Loi' Expiriez ness te t From Wateloc Mr. David te-do fariner on thei main Hi bas a fi r everythiug ai: niainuesuad tive of thi W occasion te cR ýCon'rSe of cou of thoeurm n~u of Dr. W givîn this gr weorld wide: Thaler's taim bey of four y r attracted dl cauered hi 'the âlh el ut týwo yeian liCou sud ~uld lose hi 'a Pink P: *givî ti e Pl e wua S su rn sud con whnu n 9- without ted to t stomach t pini away him but nDont aiÉ làdnight. 1 seven mon djeed le a aid but i e& Iti wwsin iLE eried t - kPiis,ait ewas givun tiens for c Over LIFE INSURANCE. ýc- I-I- 1:;?-oIGFGFS. Whitby.

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