Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1895, p. 3

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Treê BY THE D!R. ,WlUlÎÂt3' MDICINE 00., 0FOp »OOKYILLE, ONT. Tho AbYOve IÛ1ount Will be Divided Aipiong the. Writefra of the Buat Five Original Storie-The (Jeipetition Open 10 AUl Bona Fide Residiinte of Canada. With a view to aaiating in the devel- opment of literary talent in Canada, The Dr. WiIliois Medicine Co., of Brook. ville, Ont., will award prizes amounting to $300 amona the writera of the beat fivo short original atorietsusbmitted in the compotition as follows:, For the story pronounced the best $100 will bo givon. For the isecond bout $75. For the third bout $60. For the fourth beut $40. For the fifth bout 625. The competition is open to reidonts of the Dominion of Canada, who have nover won a cauh prizo in a etory coinptition, and is subjeot 10 the following rules a Each story to contain not more than three thousiand words. The writer of the story shall afix a pen naine, initialu or motto to his or her manuacript, and uhall &end with the manusoript a sealed envelope bearing on th1e out8ide the pen naine, initiais or niotto attached to the story, and contain- ing inside it the full naine and addres8 of the writur theroof. We impose nio limitations whatever as to the nature of topic writton upon, and the scene of tho story noed flot neoessar- ily ho laid in Canada, although compet- itors must ho residenta of Canada, au abovo st.ated. Storieg entered in the competitiori muet ho written on one side of the paper only, and whon possible should ho type. writt.en. Manuscript.s to ho sent fiat or folded- NOT ROLLEI. Al stonies for competition must reach the Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont., on or bofore the firut day cf Juiy, 1895, sud should bo marked "For Literary Cern ettion" Decision wil1 ho made as follows.-All atonies submitted will be referred to a compelent committee who will decide which are the bout five tonies. These utonies will thon hu published in pamph- lot forrn, which pamphlets wili ho distri- buted throughout the Dominion, and each wiIl contain a voting paper upon which reuders wiii ho înviî t express their preference. The story obtaining the highest number o! votes wîIl ho awarded the first prize. The one obtain- ing the second highest nuiuiber wili ho awarded second prize, and su on until the five plizes are awarded. The voîin... will close on the first day of Deceruber, 1895, and the coininifl.ee wili thon puhlish the naines o! the su.- cesuful competubors and the order o! meit. Unsuccessful manuscripta wîll he re- turned when stanips are sent for postage. The five stories seiected are to become the absolute property of the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., with their copy- right in perpetuity. The decision of te committee -and the counîing of votes tobehoabsolute and final, and ail persons entening the com- petition agree, by doing s0, 10 accept the decisions o! the committee and the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. as final on all points whutsoever. Correspondence in regard to unsuocess- fui MSS declined, even whon st.amped envelupes are sent; any slamp8so8 senl (for any other purpose than the return o! the MS. ut the lime o! first sending) wil ho put in the pour box. The Dr. WVilliams Medicine Co. will take ail precautions 10 safe-guard MS.' entrusted to their cure, but in nu case do they assume any responsibiiity for fire, acident or buss o! unsuccessful MS. Authors are thereforo advised to keep copies. Tho atonies must ho original. Any one aending copied matter wIl be hiable te punishinent for fraud, and a pri'ie o! $25, is offored bo the first person who points out the fact that any story passed by the committee is otherwise than original, in the unlikely evenit o! sncb an oversight occurring. Ail tonies entered in the colupetition must ho addressed to the Dr. Williamns Medicine Co., Brockvîlle, Ont,, aud rnarked on the envelope "For Literany com peti tionx MA.RKEÂM. Wo are 10 have another veterinary surgeon in the porson o! Mr. Alex. (). Lee, of Toronto, a graduateofo the On- tario Vetoioiary College, Torontuo. We have hourd coniderable halk about consolidating th1e Village debt and issu ing debentures for the amount o! a lower rate of intenest than our debentnres now carry. How wouid il ho Mr. Reeve tu cati a publie meeting and diseustho malter?1 Some miserable butoher o! a sportsmnan shî>î a lovaly fawn near Highland Crooli latoly. It had been in tho neighborhood ail winter sud wus beceing quite domeatioat.ed. The carcase waa found in the. bush noar Highland Creek. The offender should ho severly puniahed if dizooverod. À young. man usmed Goulding met with à sernous miahap on Sunday. Ho vu. riding dewn the. round-about bibi at Locusi B«M sud truck s wood pile a. hei bo>tte,». Hia uheel wua lmont demol- lali.d and himéeoif aver.ly hruia.d snd «t .Tire uheol wvu loft vutbP. Querrne E~ly F idaymoring etf1 wek uoeou*~ln~td t eter Mr. Lunaus bouse hr r. The. veuld-be buglaw, la end*$vor1L0e»M»r. M U*tWýsDB wahenêd .uIM u who p tl -amohlng umam d st -. 4- DgbMu.a -McCle g&, Bell have diasolved ate. ship. Mr, McCiung wîlIl carry on=ob~- 'W. exteud bearty congratulations teMnr.ý aud iM.Etdward Alfred Els%4orth, wbeê were unltc-d la marriage on A1'ril îoth, Mt the resideict: a!the tidsfatiier, %Wnt. Sainsbury. The Sons cf England will have a big de- monstration, May 24th. Concert on the evenlng of the 23rd, Prof. Harry Rich sud Mies Coleman will assist. On tbe morulng o! the 24th a game o! base hall wîhl be play ed between Orono and Bowmanville, and ports oh ail kinds in the aflernoon. Happineas. WRITTEN FOR THE CHRONICLE. There is no diversity in the aspiration of the buman family. Ail aspire te happiness. But the diverslty lu the means of attaining it is as much varied as the louves of the forest. Happineus: a condition ot ecstatic blisas- a freedomn froin unpleasant annoyances * full gratification of the sensess and ail the dneiy tuned gifts of the mind and soul. There is no perfect happiness here, as there is withln the soui a calling for more than Ibis world, with al it can afford, will satisfy. Notwithstanding ail Solomnon's wisdom ho was deluded with the idea that happiness was to be found bere in perfection, and test- ed fur " A Tii har Ani Tu Ahs Gri Hi! A AI! every avenue which wealth could, open bin--ane ail failed. His verdict was: Ali is vanity." Pollock in his- Coarse of me " shows wherein men fail in attaining )pifless by searching for il through delus- echannels. He says: -Soîne sougbt Fame, d whiom she praised to-day, xîng bis ear wiîb acclamations loud, )-morrow blarned arnd hissed hum, out of sight.' 50o " Who grasped at earthly Fumie, 'asped wind ; iay, worse, as serpent grasp- ed that îhrough is hand suid smoothly, and was gone ; but le t sting behind wbich wrought him endiess pain."' ISO: Many hunted gold, for what ? An hour ofr dreamîng joy- A. feverîsli bour that hasted to be done, Atnd ended iin the bitterness of woe." He also says philosopby has done much to1 elevate man, stili she cannot nurse a single plant that bears true happiness. At least the fruit is sour. One of the most plentiful sources of un- happiness is discontent. It wili sap the roundation of happiness, and spoil aIl the en- joyment of liCe. Tbrough it we shut our- selves out froin the enjoyment of everything calculated for and placed within an easy attainiment. It wili also cash a shadow over the lire of every one with whom the discon- tented one comes in contact. There is no excuse for bligiting thelives of our feilow beings, and possibiy those who are bound to us by' ver>' tender ties. There bas been a vague wbispering that women are more guilty of indulging in dis- content than men, and we fear there is groundc for this. Let us looik fairlyiy mb t. There is certainiy much more in the lite of wvoman ho provokre discontent. as ber duties conuine ber iargely to the home, consequent ly she is shut in more rom the exhiliaratîng and bracing influence of the fresb air (wbicb is natures true stimulant). She is aiso of a more delicate and weaker organization, con- sequently ber duties sometimes overwbeim ber. Sisters, let us prove ourseives un- wortbv of these whisperings. by cultivating cheerfulness and discouraging any and everytbîng that wouid engender or foster dis- content. Is there flot much of this so-called white slavery seif-imposed ? Do we not attach toc, much importance to superfiuities ? ls there not much in nearly every home that is reaily dispensible, and the attaininent o! which bas imposed a tax upon strength which should have been husb-inded or the indispensible? Instead o! wasting the ou at midnigbt cver some parlor decoration wouid it not be wiser ho retire early, and rise re[reshed and cheer- Cul. The most beautiful udoriment ever completed by the most deft fingers falis far short of the cheerful spirit in the adoriment o! the home. Ail these are fruitftil sources of disconhent, simply because they impose a greater tax than the strength is equal ta. Ail hou.-e-keepers go through much the same experience. There- are day-s when working in the kitchen or ut the sewing- machine the hands Cali in despair witb the " Too m ucb, too mucb ! " aud we are temnptedi to exclaim " How long ! O, how long! " Tbeu is the timo 10 profit by Wm. Cullen Bryants advice: "'Go out mbt the open air and list 10 natures teachings." There beuuty reigus supreme. Drink it ail in, and enjoy ilt te the full. We will then go back to our work witb tbe mmnd refresbed and euco'uraged te face the duties of the day. Some may object to this, by saying : It's not practical 10 leave the work to enjoy the beauhies of nature. Try it, sisters. You wiii find it very pructical. Anything that heips 10 brighten the life is practical. Nover mmnd if the cooking steve is not quite as lustrous as some o! our neighhors ; or if the litile dresse* have te be made up without tucks and frilîs. There have been many good women who knew 11111e cf ecuber dur- ing their cbiidhood. Nover fret if oti4 homes hall short of our youthful anticipations. Let us do ill in our power te elevate thein, antd compare with those of people whe are equai- ly worthy. and who are strugglug 10 obtain the bare riecessaries of life, and yet through ail have a word o! choor fer every one-they meet. To those womnen who are are carryiiig a heavy burden froin whicb there seems te be no release try te be patient, as impatience only makes the burden heavier. Rezuec- 'ber : "The wind lu tempered te the sham 1 a m b. Be assured that ln the proper time the burden wiil be removed, but sornetimeOs the remnovai of a burden Ji a heavier cross than e-arrying it. Aisere -refthat the reward for duty faIthfully donc te a peace of conscience wbich nothing ca ta tke awAy. To mmr ail up: Why are we se shoitulh- ed as to be continualiy = in$p19gobup1 ness in se many una.ttab e WffYS, WII the real secret Iles la the cottItIvtil@BOf a cheerful, thankful spirit, I$Wog In accod- ance with naturels simple rulcs Sanuu tict adherance te duty. As expressed by Pollock "True Happlunsabas ne 1 No toues provincial, se pocu Wbmreduty wmrt, sb# mi Adwent wt KemI And wer ut w ultbý Boued mp. a bmw Spirit Rop.at.d oft, te I 1h. fic tri su an Pa ou mI iation is extended to those having a con- *act to suppiy contractors witb the corpola- ion, or who have unsatisfied dlaims for goods ipplied, or wbo have any dlaim action or )roceeding aginst the Corporation. The oatibs to be taken by the electors are Lmended in several respects. Imprisoninent is awarded in case of non- ayment o! penalty for voting more than nce for mayor, reeve or deputy reeve. Exemption from taxation under Sec. 366 may be extended to ice warebouses. ln arbitrations, either of the parties may S 4ILWAY-*ACT. ir1a corpofatio ltipAMa bj'4ww> 4,ldri it inecesaary or expediont, that an elevator or mantuîactul ng company shotald bia4ve, poéwer te o htrUct a iswîch or sîding, and acquire a rhi: hI of Wdy within the- limits of a municipaliît .pewers cf expro- 'tlon ôütherefoite are gi.l 'te the corn ,at1 y ELECTRIC Rj&MLWAY5. A volumniaous Act preVICes for the incorporation and working cf trolley linos throughout the province. CEPLETaRY CompANits. These are per. Mittod 10 re-purchase lots previously soîd. Bodies or monuments are not to be re- MOved wlthout the consent of the Direclors, or an order of the County Judge. Comnpanios may take lots by gifts or de- vise for the purpose of maintaining the saine in perpetuity. CHEESE AND BUTTER MANUIPACTUR1NG ASSOCIATIONS. Power le given to raise mnoney by mnortgage tipon the real and per. sonal property of the Associatioip. CONVICTIONS UNDER BY.LAIA S. Proof of the by-laws is faciiitated. FRAUD IN FRUIT SALES. Provision is made for the punishment for altering, oblit- erating, defacing or counterfeiting braiids or marks ;lor using marked article impro- perly, or faisely stating the grade of fruit. Albo for concealing defects of size or quai- ity. Consignees are to furnish on request a wrîtten detniied statement of sales, giving the prices receîved and the nimes and ad- dresses of the purchasers. BOARDS 0F HEALTH. The appointed members are to hold office for one, two, and three years. Further provisions are enacted respecting the feeding of hogs. THE MuNIcIPAL ACT 0F 1892. Disquali- paid t t e arbitrators u ntil afu r t axa-eb WLu inad uponethaymenrt of unithe Ceesa- Last Monday morning as Mr. Jos. Stone tiount awuo ard is ft elivee inowus driving îowards Blackwater, wondering Indig tenta s may be ommihed outa.bous of to himself as to whether beef would ho high- Indigstr ecmmtedt ah er in Montreai, bis cream colored horse By-ls ay b asdfrpeetn thbought he would tomn a somnersault. Ho obytrutios of allspasesfrrent f pulicsucceeded in upsetting bimself and the cart, obtuins o alail t.,o ulcand tbrowing Joe, be says, about ninety-five Tbu Ceioldrainttrdesis.0b feet in the air, but luckily bis ulster acted froe $îeor -t2randi t taers" is xîed the part of a parachute and 1. bim down 10rson s o mme 25 ncibsiness wbo bvendeasily in Rob. Brabazons fiel,, here ho ran nte presidedcommntibinuoussyfor h astvbeeagainst the hired man and the seed drill. nthsinex tioedng hefommt encteetHe was fnot much hurt. ACter he got îhings mot subbness. cein h cmenee to rights and got seated on bis cart again, ofStat usesbrs. erdue r aid" ell," ho said, -"I don't know wlîether witbin certain defined areas of a municipal- be efi oetatws higher inMnra rnt uis o ity înstead of the whole. kng0W on eedrover Iawas ig her this nm- Police villages are empowered to raise gta efee vssnetecwjme over the mnoon.' money by issue of debentures or hire pro- tection and lightiîîg aînd water supply. __________ FREE LîBRARIES AND MIECHANICS' IN- STITU.TES. Further facilities are givenfo DELICIOUS tbe establisbment o Free Libraries, andfo the conversion of Mecbanics' Institutes into Public Free Libraries. On the petition of 6o electors in howns, or I 30 in incorporahed villages, the counicil may lI 7 raryi to bvoî ee ytheablified eubectorsib M ..Z AW ATTEIE subinta be -law on1 teualih a PulictLib The general management of the library, reading room and museurn is te be vested in a hourd, consisting o! the mayor, tbree members nominuted by the council, tbree by he ourd o! tducation, and two by the TE AS, Separute school board. The special rate for maintenance shall not exceed j mili on the dollar. On petition o! the Directors of a Me- 159 0 O0 000 O chanics' Institute, the council may appoint a hourd o! management and tbereupon the Mechanice' Institute shahl ceuse 10 exist and ail its property vest in the new board which shahl be cailed "The Public Librury /5 je Board' and the council is permitted te vote .~ k sums in aid oh maintenance, and levy out of the generai rate. Branch libraries may be established. Touchers and Farmers Insti- tutes may unite. SI Provision is also made for the establishing UN flnmu.iiy of public librairies in townships. THE AssESSMENT AcT. In sec. 27 the words "in case the council so) directs' are struck out. Sub sec. I Of sec. 124, provides that goods held for stot age, or warehouseing, or te be sold on commissi an are not hiable to be sold for taxes. The date of the return by the County Treasurer of arrears of taxes is changed fromn îst July to î5tb September. The assent of the ratepayers shah flot be necessary for the passing of the by.laws under Sec. 215 10 issue debontures upon the credit of tbe non-resident land fund, and the council mnay provide for tho manner -and times o! payment 10 the minor municipalities not exceeding two-thirds of the arrears. PROTECTION 0F CHILDREN. Ininates oC orphanages, homes or industrial schoels mnay be îransferred to the care of a chiidren's aid socieîy, and the act îu otherwlse aniended -in social matters. Penalties are provided against inducing. any child te beave the premises cf any Public institution of which they are as inMiate or- the custody cf any persen te whom they may ho committed. DITCHES AND WATER-COURSES ApT.. the award if any ditch should prove insufli- cient for the purposes for which It was co- structed. GAmE PROTECTION. Thie deer buùtlng season le te cemmence rut Nov. insteAci of 201h Oct. A forelgu sportsman may expert te two det be ls allowed te tili Dépgty gaine wrdens are constables lki t. purpesmsof the Act Scsooe& Lews. It is miade clear . uder ,ub. #Ço- $-M- m.14 OfthIe, High ScboolAct tba t be muolçipul.,ps* Ite ob. excIuuI In Great Britain Uùlpon" Rett~se ail PATENTED SEPT. Svd, 1884.ë No-. 2110. NONq ARE GENUINE UNL.ESS 80 STrAmPED. Mn.W eat btavaliiib e<ow fit wçék. Mr. Fied, H.-Mla in anid tride, 's! ,Frilelld, si.1..,wbo liremthelr i'îîet moon,, are m.vA- BIElford iî,i deu fCI.'.îg1o,l'i., are bore un t)heir honey inour at tic hume ui his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elford. On,. be- haîf of Statesmian readors we extend con- gratulations and best wishes. S. S. Anniversary services June 301h and Jtily let. At the quarterly service Su«fday, Rev. D. C. McDowell occupied the Pulpit both moru- ing and evening. Attendance from ether points smaU. Mr. and Mrs. Oko are the prctud possess- ors of a baby girl. Congratulations. Visitors :-Mr. Richardson' and Mr. T. B. Wiliiamns ut Mr. Sater's; Mr. Cbapnman at Mr. J. Lord's; Mr. D. McDonaliut Mr. Hastings';- Mr. J. H. Elliott, of Toronto Medicai Scbooi, lu home for vacation. PIAINCE ALBERT. A few days ugo Mr. Wm. Stabback was rldlng on his bicycle. when the machine, from some un. known cause, suddenly siopped, giving hlm a header. The (ail ,esulted ln a serious wound in the kneepan. that boue being fractured. Ho is dolng as well as can be expected. We are pieased to lbain that Miss Kate Wright is improving, and is not now strictly confined to the bouse. Mrs. Foy and famiiy have left our quiet iittle village and have repaired bo Port Perry. Mr. Ellsworth Foy bas left homne for a few months to invigorate his appetite by farm work. Cautorla in Dr. Samuel Pltehei'5 proseaptàon for Infants and Children. It contains nefther Owuun, Morphine nor other &arcotio substance.It 15 - 'Sharmles substtut& for paregorle, Drope, Boothlng Syrups, sud Castor 011. It 15 Plemnt. Its guarsfltee Iotbfrty yeaWs use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worm15sud aflaylF feverlsbfleS. Castorla prevents vomitlng Sour Ourd, oeres .DiarrhSes sud Wlnd Collc. Castorla reieves teethlng troubles, ces constipat'flnsuad fiatulency. OatodS awuiiltes the food, regulaes the stomaek and boweIa, giving healthy snd natursi sleep. Case torts 18 the Childrefls panacea-the Mother'. Fériend. ttcaotoriS laan excelent medi9eefor echu- dren. mothoil have repeatedly told me of Ita good eaect upon their childreu." Da . . .Oscoci>, I.owell, M a. etCastcmis l the bout renedy for cbildren of whlch I arn acquainted I hope the day is not tfar distat whenmothert wil1constder the real int«eàesof tboir cWidren, aud use Castorla in- stead of fhevarousqua k nmwh r destroylflg teir love d ones;, bytforÇing OpUMf, morphlue, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents dowfl their throats thereby sending Cbmtg promatare graves.%$ DL J. F. KMCHEW114 Conway, Ârk. T"he Ostaui' Company, Tl mi Castorial "Castorla la seweil adapted to chfldren th"l SeverePain in.Shoulder 2Years Cured by"The D. Menlthol Pla*r-. J. . aSuma-AW Dnulfl, Ru Sold Everywflere. 25C. eacIi. Varicooele, Emissions, Noevous Deb dieu1WskCS, ls Stricture, SYPILiS,, Unmnuaa 1fAu 'Kldney and'BIadder DsasspodlmeyCudy c 'Yu cposit:the ossy ,ln Yeur Bamt kor wuYont P.atn.*tU telspatd asallr ot am-aOlEiidr mle UISM &Yfibus,-BoeuSanld BW4floo m~ashavwre&hOIIvmOf -de1Uln yoe-1m=men eud mlddieaked mon. The N=aim, worksii% the a5uarýacbse1t Ut.i sions-e«U have its yofsYouaig LI f u.iootbo. ttz~ Nidls cied mets, y=uare growtn~ma à ilweak and -olI. bot niaUy,,aq '7ù aj. .VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND> SYPHILIS CURE». W. S. COLL.3.W . olneIMS l~&~ipeD.ke. .W80J~ ____ '~am 1. 5 1 bdhabMtM0kIOSd 1 *MtU1 J'Ma ued ýën-ýLt -à &w.ýJ néiýM _mncv wxlr. *wv rrial *4tcîtw 1-77"' What . I Fý- bit, àiý IL 1 1 - 1 1 ýi 1 Ail the pupils O! Our school, as well as the paetgreatiy regret ihat Miss Pewksbury has reine er position as teacher. The period she has spent bore bas been marked wîîh success on the part of ail pupils under ber tutorsbip, and wilh great satisfactî3u 10 the section generaiiy. The great success always aitending ber efforts will recommend ber ta any board o! trusiees and procure for her speediiy a valuable position. The South Ontario District Division o! the Sons of Temperance. will be heîri ai Prince Albert, June z9th. The Grand bcribe is ex. pected ta be present. Prince Albert division purpooe holding an entertainment ir about a mnonth. Mrs. Kenner occupied the pulpit on Sunday night.

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