Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1895, p. 8

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PORT PEaY. The board of education did not..jeet on Wednesc$ay out of respect to Mi. Brown and bis famity in their bereqvement, and i thternethodlst church choir concert has been postponed for the same reason. As division çourt day here, May 9th, occurs dtur1ng the sittlng of the assizes at Whitby flext week, HIs Honor Judge Dartnell bas decIded to hold the division court over to Tuesday, May î4th, of which ail interested wifl take notice. Mr. George Broderick of the Utica milis, was pinfortun -te on Thursday morning 25th April, in having his houstJ near the four milîs btirned down. Somne of the contents were saved. There was a small insurance on the house and contents. - &4w citrag Ot 5o'cic, wnen it INO LU uO eitll<aitts, norféets ta wit- was found a small framne stable belongig lesses. So endcd one of tht iggtst ta Mis. Motheral was on fie Neiglibors 1faRices ever seen or heard in tht town of who saw tht fie soon put it out. The fire Port Perry since thetitme of Ben McQuay. was thought to be of an incendiary origin Died.-In Port Perry, on Monday 29th by tramps. April, Isabella L., oeloved wlfe of Mr. J. I have heard that somne have said that 1 H. Brown, aged 46 years, 6 mos. aad have written lies in reference ta the lquoir day.Tedcae wsteeds nd trials. Weil, if a conqcienîious statement only surviving daughter of the late Mark of facts is a heinous crime, God help those Currie. Mis. Brown was taken away in who under oath before their Maker and the prime of life by that insidious disease mari perjured themseives and who show consumption, bîaught on by la grippe their guilt in their faces. Enough said. sorte three years ago, and a hereaved bus- A good many people in Port Perry who band and three loving daughters and a are rejoicing over the defeat of tht license son are leit ta mouin tht departure of a inspector last Monday, will be somnewhat devoted wife and afleclionate mother. chagrined to kriow that the costs carne out E verv hing that loving heaits and kind of the license fund whîch would have <n ends or any human agency cauld pos- came taoOui town treasuîy had the in- ibly do was donc to alleviate the suifer. spector succeeded. Iin other words, the inga of the deceased while in lire. Tht ratepayers af Port Perry had ta psy for ttheh bruned scee san aifheîingsont. ioss caused by the faIse swearing Srrude y hsad gtrsn an aged mather and friends, while con- Word was received on Wednesday tha- scious of ail that was passing on around Mr. Brooks of tht Oriental has received ber, Mrs. Brown sweetry <tiil asleep, and bis license for this year. Personally I amn ber spirit returned unto the God whio gave p leased, as ta lase it would have betn a it. Little did those who heard tht respect- b ardshj to hlm after baving expended ed methodist pastor last Sudday monning somn e oo in renavating this wieil kîiown thiîîk wlien Ci read those solemn words bouse, and making il a homnelike place foi or ever the silver cord be laostd, or tht tht travelling public. As tht recent golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be troubles are ail at an end, there is na likil- broken at the founitain, or tht wheei bood that anything of tht kind will ever broken at the cistern, and tht mourners occur again. go about tht streets," that before many Mir »-s..~cî o psmba hours had passed a consistent member and . -értScot o Épornhadquite an faîthful warker of tht methodist church exciting timie with oaie of his fat cattie wudrsodt h umn Gdi last. He gotas faivr as tht Connd h calling, cailing vet," and would pass ta last Hegot s fr asthefounry henthat boumne (rom whence no traveller ever tht animal balted and ian west as ai as vtm.Toewo nwMs rw the Crozier farm, and cieared every fencerttlrnst oveer b kes. Sheowas in its mad carter. By thetitme it reached thig hiyestemed e bstSh wa this farm it was maddened. Several men l este a for her many good quai. gave chase and tri ed to capture it, but fite sawfmteniho n were unsuccessfui. Mr. John Crozier 'then find, and whiie oniy a littît past the carne ta the mens assistance and bo hld meridian of life and boath ta leave bus- of tht rope by which the animai had bee band, childien, mother and near riends, led. Ht threw it and tht men then held still sht was ready and prepared ta cross tiie brute down ta get a rest. Wbtn tht the river alone and enter tht peariy gales animai gat to its feet il made a c hare of ber heavenly home " over there." - The Mr. Crozier, who being active jumped ou large funerai cartege whicb ollowed tht of its way, and then it made a charge at remains to tht Pine Grave Cemetery on Mr. cot, ad ha itnotbeenforMr.Thu rsday showed thteiîigh esteem in which Mroi. i Scott lad hadit otbeendn or Mi. tht deceased and family is beld, and tbey Croier twuld gnhean.gore ndnorut ahave tht heartfeiî synîpathy ai oui citizens sa mad il had ta he shot by Mr- E' i îbeîî sad bertavement and hour of WVheelei. tht drover. NMi Scott ,as ver, atflic u. graleful ta hîs rescuer for lus bravery in Having ta travel fiequently on the risking lus life la save hirn. ScuL74)k,,and fl....riahr-A.-. Icases. - Many are of the impression that fthe.crown has One or two clear cases of Mr. W. WA perjury. While I do not ap prove of the here. way of tbe man who caused ai ihis trouble, stili r amn of the oinio rmtt nom- Quarterly tdon 1 aru in passessIotn of that there w as 1.0 rank perjury committed b' some who Mrs. J. E. fer in the wituess box, ancU any of our in Toron to. Ibest citizens do lnot hesîtate to say that Mr. J. O1 t here was more trutb toidoutaide ".. wit- last week. ness- box than in it. One young man set- M r. T. H, tled his case, knowing full well he was here recentlN guilty of drinking that eventful Saturday The truste evening. This young man must have had sae ai a lIone drink." Maybe hegot scared and sclatdmai perjured (?) himself This is what someshol of those who were urged to seule said. An enjoyat The resuit of the triais is, 4 Cases with. worth Leagi drawn, 2 cases dismissed and i settled. Cofite and cà The costs are paid from the license fun d. Another si There arc santie ill-advistd personswh (Io not seeni t(, thiiik of s%0iat tht result mav be, wbo are etndeavo)ring to mnake 0] it;cs cunie irîto tinis liquor troubîle, be- Cause tht Oriental proprittor is a Catiser- van ive, and the St. Charlts proprietor is a Reformeri. 1 bave goud autotîy ior sas- ng that tht license inspector stated before a nom ber of persans last Mondav in a pu[)- lic place in rown, that tht mari who laid the information agairîst tht ( tritotal is a promi!ent Conservatîve ini this towno, anrd unîlier said ît was 001 riglit to make poli- tical capital out of il, and if kept up would be thtenicans ut causiiig laid feelings be- tween Curiservatives ail Refrmers Tht tr-iais aie uver and the 'lefendants and wit- nesses aie saiistied atid should keep a stti tangue. How is t, or w h 'v, s il, that suint ren who are everlasîr ogie ranrrîrg un polirîcs, as if irade and rire prare niat. ters af lite caîri be ru n witlaout bîingrrrg politics iro question1 It is simpiy dis- gusting and nauseariig. i wish bo cal] tht attention of sevemal ofi oui young men and lads ta what is calltdi street loiterinig or launging. On Suniday1 evenînga wben tbt congregalions of tht churches are dismissed, (rom a dozen ta îwo scor,- of )îuung men and bays wîll ar-i- ange theinselves in lnes ho front of cacb of our chuiches and crawd tbe sidewalksb and gape and stare ai eveîyone that camest our, tspecially ladies. As a genemal thing% ladies like ta he admrred, but dislike bav- îng any ont stare ait tbcm. Tht plan lis to go tht round of aIl tht churches if ir is l po)ssible. Last Sunday evening tro front af i tht Methodîst churchi it was veîyannaying, i and wben a gentleman and lady came outp together they had la elbow their wayc thruugh tht crowd an tht sidewaik tht u best way they cobid. My attentian was I caiied ta Ibis by strangers attending anc ofaour churches, being ncw ta îhemr, asa such actions are not aiiawed ini theit i5 towns. When tht chumch crawds are b gant, tht boys gather at tht town hall si corner, John and Quten, and Perry and ti Qtîcen, and ane or twa other corners, and % when ladies or. young people are passing bt along the conversation and guys and callta;a are anything but nice or gentiemanîy. I b do nol thin.z for ont moment -they do tbis M wlth any mean intent. Some think it is r an innocent amusement sud pastime. Tht ai criminal code passed by thte-iste Sir John tf Thomnpsan is very strict, and gives large al pners ta constables to prevent this loter. af ing and iounging on tht streets an. cor- n( ners ta which 1 would respectfully cmii thtesw attention of Chief Constable McKnight fit and ta show the power he may use i give gr tht words of the code in full. Sec. 207, Ciminal Code of Canada :-Every onie is a îoose. idle or disorderly persan who loiters an any street, road, highway, or public place, or obstructa passengers by in standing across tht footpmîb, or by using ti lnsuîltng language, or lu any other way. " fn The same thing was donc night after co night and week after week in Wbitby, and TI gaI sa Lad at ont 'urne that tht young lad- th les of the ladies' coilege there bad diffi- ou culty at limes la, pass aiong wlthout belng th, molested. Constable Calverly 't.ook thethi malter lu baud, and today the sldewaiks ti, and street corners are quiet sud ordtrly. st Tht final hearlng of thtelquor trials was held on Mondny last. There la no doubt the crowu prosecutor had a good case, and oui y for the bad muemory, pervers- nts9, and IlcanIt recolecî," I l1dou'e tblnk so," Iland "10 tht beit 'ofny kuow. iedge"I answers ou oath, the partie would have beeu convlcted. Wltlsn a few bours after the triai, several peruns were heard touay, Ilheard A B C,'aud D sa thy tw F and G drunk tf&t even- bad e me 1cSld have told thems. H teted and 1 saw hlm aud others drink." KXaald in a bsns lc ut lat wk, 1"I as lu Lb. OraJi nlght md 1 bad.ý i ar 'th tbrudai( I 5*» aubpmead 1ttet .rub.ps MIe vas awmrs sud bis univers vere " 1 dont reum mber,' aWIsd out t* &.## w.k*« -aau ,U a t -";4r u r4); ii ý.r-Nvigt oa(iWaV, ana see- mng tht bad condition of that highwal ibis spring 1 think the attention (cf oui caunryý cou)ttci shuuld he ca lied to Ibis work ar their next sitîng in June. Here is a road- wvav tirai is the univ cross coutitrv road bet'ueeîî Lindsay and the bead of Scugog lake, a distance of ovvr thirty miles, a Woik bu ilt by a grant of $i.s00 from the Grand Trunk Raiwav, $i5o0 tram the O~ntarior Govein ment, and several hundreds of dlollars frorn the citizetîs uf Port Perry, Scigçg and Carrwrigit, and is practicaîîy a gifita the courity of Ointaria, as it is a roadway thait should have been but by oui ()\%'n C()unîy long years ago. S(. far ir bas c ,st tht counitv but verv littît. It is a tlloroughifare thiat is largeiv used by the people traveliing froni the cotnues of Dur. hani and Northumîberland to Port and vicinitY ta do their trading, seiling and de- liveriiig. \Vhile the countv counicil of Ontario cannai he accused of being nig- gardi11%, tbey have heen a littie 100 careftil as farr as this svork is concernied. Ther granîs should have heen given long beîore tlrey icere. If tilt cutincil at the June session svould give a good substantial grant and have it expended this sommrrer and place tht raadway in a irst class con- ditionitm would nor reqaîre ta have so mucb patching dont tvery year. Tht amounts pieviousl1' given have been so smaîllmn proportion ta tht wark that oughî ta have been dont at tht proper tînt, that when dont tht resuits were flot satisfact- ory. I would suggeýîtat the reeves af Scugog, Port Pcîrr and Reach ta have a large deputatian wben tht county council is in session go over tht roadway and sec it for thern elves, and if tht caunicil ap. propriate a goodly grant, no doubt tht counties' caunicii of Durham and North- umberland wauid do tht same, and if tht twa grants were ail cxpended this present summer tht resuit would be a first class sud permanent job. Part af tht raad bcd s in faircanditian, and part af it is very )ad. Tht water this spring has donc con- sidenabit damagt, and thase wha have raveiied over il whtn bad say it la tht s'arst since the raadway svas but. Tht bad stateof this noad bas mattriaiiy afftcted thet trade of Port Perry this spring by residents of Cartringht and Manners. Vhen in a good state tbis roadway is tht neans af bringing a vemy large trade ta our merchants and tradesmtn. Gen- tlemen of tht county cauncil, do flot 1 allow this raadway ta get lu a warse state as it is a great leeder ta our own caunty, nor ta Paît Perry alone but ta nearty tht ,hole section af cauntry around. Yau wili t nd it is a womk that will weli repay a gaod % raxît froni vour honorable body. c (On another page we publish one of tht )bserver's leading editorials, the subject in this instance being tht recent whisky traas, which it nàakes ont to be blood- money invasions of the town by the cunty attorney and license inspector. The Observer makes it quite clear that th bur.mers of Port Perrv do a merntorn. jus thing in carousing ail Saturday and le early part of Sunday rnorning, and îen in 1ying Out Of i t with a bold face.- To yand bri nsuch fellows to an under- anding of%:ieîaw is looked upon with reat horror b y the Ob. whicb has aiwaysi ceen the clefender of wroug-doers. In notber article. the Only other editorial It )rntedta8t week, tii Obh. daim that there Lre no tsnworth y unan l t town. rocap It ai te ob. as2u4.. thetth OPintons IL Ofpresffl arc lwld by the nine. eutbs <>(tb* pee OlfPOrt Ferry Wh>o do ~to bWleve lu làwleoue, sd Who cou. le= iL s at i es uand i allplaçe&, W. me amsred that uch aspectaalis, tii 4. ndants and wituesm epresented. lu tii. 2agWL tee cou ' rtduriug ther.centrials ;ablsorred by *Ihomutheê wlole peopie. Ut at the sme- imê Llsy, wouI4 noit eg.- ai Pl a -T 0 ai Division, Mi acting as ca judge. Villard of Port Perry s visitng jmeeting here fext Sunday t ,Dyer has been visiting fri imniston had a poughing obbs, Whitby, visited fri IV. ees have hlad the blackbc ng a great improvement ir Lble time was spent at the ut Wednesday-sociai n -akes and a good program. hort contest has stattec iss L. Pascoe and C. Maq aptains and F. 1. Ashtoi MýjjrantdMr ICK.aevsigfi i n d i.MCiyaevsîn n -n T aronto. a ul eoee hlis recet jlness. He bade adieu tc fiiendsata Blackwateî an Tuesday. He secuîed a permanent position wit'h a 1 wholesale hurm in the city. We wish hitn cess Quite a number are making improverni on thei places thie sping. Mi. Hadden put on a fancy gale in Iront of bis new rc way. Tht managers are makinig extensive provemenîs at tht manse, and intend huild a new stable shortly. Mi, Stewart bas compleîed a new wire fence in fiant of his sidence He Was Raise From The Fear fui P and Miry C/ay of Disease. Paine's Celerv Compouî Set Him on the Rock of Health. Indigestion, Stomach Trouble Headach?8s, Steeplessness and Anxiety. The Great Sprincf Medicir Swveeps Away These Trou bles. fends ybee ends ai n th -Er di ýcke end f ron c a suc en road e nm Iding jus d nd id 8 1 Del In ait-ost eveîv Canadian homne, one an More members suifer troin indigestion, dyspep- sra, head.tche, nervoosnss a i seeplessncss. In the gîet majonmy ut cases the docrors have fnileJ îo effeci a permanent cure, and the cammon ptedt ni-dicines of aur limes have onl.v praloriged suifenng and agony. How dirent the resulîs with ibose wbo have ub-d Paine s Ceieîy Coinpound 1 tbey have ini eveî y case been raised ra a condition ai periect health, robusîness and mental vigor. Thousands of eneîved and ne cieated men and women mn Canada, will torever emefiber tbat their lives wert saved and made happy by Pan. -s Ceieîy Compound. Mn. Hugb 1I.Rrley, Of 42 Agnes Street, St. Henry, Montreal, is ont of the many wbo have given pubîre îestîmony foi tht benefit af suC- terers in Canada. Mr. Riey ssrites as follows: 1 wish ta poblrcly acknowledge the fact that I amn îndebied ta vaur Paine'a Ceiemy Compound ton healmh, sîrengtb and Ufe . For aven thîe Vears I was a terrible sufferer from indiZesiion, slevere pains ini tht siamach and headache. Inamdidtion ta tbest serious troubles, I had no appeie or relish for food, and hardly knpw wiraî n waa 10 have a ful nighi's rest, Thîs condition of sleeplessness and anxi'-îy made me very nervous, and 1 was tast btcoming unftted for my dar'y work. Aier ail otber medicines had faltd, I waà fan- ion î'eiy advised to use yor Paine's Ceiemy Compound:; and now, i amn delighîed tn de- claie that i has no equal in the world for re- movî 1ng soch dangerotîs traubles as 1 suftemed fmum. 1 am daiiy gainîng in strength, sleep well evemy rîght, and my appetite is good and healtby. I stroniziy xecommend Paint.s Celemy Compound toalal who need a reliabie and hon- est medîcmne, snd onethta is sure ta cure." Sukrfsig is nBAthNK d f h day. Birthi-Ou April 2oth, the wife af Henry Taylor, of a son. Mus. Beare aud Mis. Let, who have becu ou tht sick list, are improving. Tht uext ladies' aid social will bt held ou Thursday tvturug of uext week. Miss Florence Phair bas ganet ta lve wsiîh lier oncle Rabert Phair, ucar Ux- bridge. Miss Minuit Stephens, of Guelph, and Miss Mary McPhailî, of Uxbridgc, are vistsîîîg f<euds in this ntighborhooa. Quarteriy meeting will be held in tht nethodist church uext Suuday, coin-I nencing at ta o'clock. The officiai board will meet on the followtug day in tht church hlire. Tht Port Perry prtsbyttrjan choir is to furuish tht musical part of tht prograumine .t tht Prtsbyterjan Suuday school km- îiversary ou tht 24th of May. This fact loue makes it quite safe ta predict a grand success, as there is no don hI but Lhat tht music will be first css iu Suai- ty, and abundant in quanrtty, as this is ilways art attractive feature of such Mi. Alez. Leask bas returned home rom Manitoba. Tht mjority of tht farmneis are puetty Weil througb wiîh their seediug. Next Tuesday evening, being consecra. tion meeting of the league, a programme wili bc given by the members. Tht public may expect a treat ln our auuiversary tis year, aud it la lo bc hoped that 4ne weather may accompany It. Qurtry evIces ber* on Sahbath Reit Boad iet-on TTc*day lnstead or M4oqà. day as ti.chairman is expecte<j to-b., fr. David Caeyof Suth os a~ uo d4 r. - S ott b ascake4n ugp ft al n: al gi ai g !.G. ALL Our hunes for specialties1 THE NOVELTIES. Sp ring comprise more novelties and than ever. Prices remarkably low. -ds lie p- , . in as ids )m his ic- g Is e-( lk t* Siques, Siss C repons, The New Dress Linings, Zeph/yrs, Lawns, Si/ver Silks, Fibre Chamois, Grass Linens. iaair Clotho, IVE w NEWT W. W. G. GTh a erstc f BLA CK CREPONS. Wait e rs keeps keeps -LANgDs MSocSof LADIES'AN AMISSES' LDES AND W -NCE- -EW JACKETS Lace Curtains AND CAPES. w. G. WALTERS. AN DEISON'S )UB[[ ACTING FORCE PUMPS. VPROVED IN QUALITI. RED UCED IN PRICE. ['hese Pumpa are guarantemd for 10 ycars, d neyer freeze, even iu Manitoba. ir Spray Pumps are greatiy improved and are undoubt- eily the beRt in thte:market, sud are re- duoed in pries. Cash pries $13.50 to $15. FAIRBANKS, - Agt., Whitby. iower Prices! ... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . ibs. Best Granulated Sugar for $i.oo. lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for.... .Si.oo. lbs. Choice Wheat Flakes for.... 25c. ýTea for......................35C. licious Sugar Cured Hams, ioc. per lb. New, Fresh, Attrac- Celery-JS tive and Cheap. W. B. li I t&CO* T* *gu.uu.mou -10 NEW BLACK NEW BLACK CREPONS. CREPONS. No. 1 is a short Cape in Brown Fawn, Oardrnal Fawn and Black Pinked Edges and ail Wool, only A better lune ut at T5e to$Opr S JIJST RECEl ED týr Dot buyI ESTATE of YEOMAN GIBISON., White Sigu, Old No. l1.. K&r WANTED.-Apples, Butter, Eggs and Poultry.q à Ha,,. sigo.got in stock the Mesure. Holmes & flolladay SPRAY PlUMPS, whioh are highly rpi. commended by the Ieading Fruit Growers. Pricea reasonabe.l i à, them as every Fruit Grower should have a Sprayer. ESTATE 0F YEOMAMGIBN Pure, New Made Maple Syrup. China Glassware and Crookery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Cofl2ee, Cheapjfor Cash or Trade. Prices Io Suit the limes. [erve Ã" BER?, IMON »r» Wý 1For salé# 'e suc ppi A o PUbs old, NJEW WA91-H DRE99SS JA.BRIg" y-j Trai No nai p . Lic Pbysio lege a0 Telep! Whi c E AIJ Tht has ta] will be ness. office, Whitby Euglan< Toront R -NItq sua mll.0 abg y4m M MM j'a M,-d Lo~ î; lrlý4l12,i Lee 'Uni For ciass p lot No. Whit W) 2/ DOl Qapi i c ý i il 1 MORE NEW DRESS GOODS. Just iReceived another Large Shipmment 0f s 1 Scotch, Swisses, Galaleas, Ducks, Russel Cords, Madras Clolhs, eens., Etc., Etc. DRESS GOODS. BLACK CREPONS. at 25c. to $7.00 per pair. Go GRERNBANX. 2ý IP- zunnoiq. 1 THE NOVELTIES. MORE NE W LADIES) we 1 Il 'HER GOODS

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