iîb y, CIlork May 2; Nuvý 2l' \V liib y. Ap1ril '3 ,oct. 3, ireit w ttt ai. tîiy t 9May l'- ti.y ,,!y iJ rit. te v r t orttl. t 1 ( , - lt ' , i.ptiergrove, i-, Duc 20. bad beau roading of thee marvellous cures madle by Dr. Williames' Pink Pille for Pale People, and reasoned within himself that if they hadl curod others they might gave bis daugbt.er's life. On the neit virit te Cornwall ho bougbt a ba!f dozen boites of Pink Pille. It way be easily imagined Miss Haines re- quured littie persuasion to ry the much talked of remedy, and well for ber it w.. that abe did so. In tbe course of a week &ho felt an improvement. By the time the hâd taken two sud a baif box.- ee she reahized that se.wua siperieno. ing suoh health te sho b.d nover known before, and ber bloende begà n Le romark and congratulate ber on the change in ber appeaance. SÙilu»Msring in the use of th. pilles, @h. fouind beruef wh.n ai the -an of th. fifth bo in Prfecti h.altb and aet bengq agIthe ,work of tébuse Ioo4 n4 teamui.- ment.fe ImwhIoh " ah. ha4 *tha time bo.,d.bmvd. Oh. edau e. o.flwî*Pp.L4 à o»rneDo nldumwith W fool L.bWr. sa*#t etb. m"1Wel 1000, ebat arek w*on 1For$t~ -10840. we O*îm éas M895. A. Lellap. Resu!t of a Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctoru Fs.led to Help, CURED BY TAKINÇ AVE Chsrr yt Pectoral. I ~ a sevrere <'id,111 , s t],e OTI t ,gsaudIdt iuît is 4 Litend nre i t M i eglecîe(î , itllukînll j t 1 d II ~ 'tI cLaît i li 1but tt'tt tt er a I 'I etht the Sitglitebt exerîton 1'.1111dI rie. I bien Consulted a Doctor m 11.t ft"Int, on examlnlng nty Iuings, th.il the e:t lrt of the Jeft one- was ta i) affet ed. e ile u- surn dielîte wh li totck as 1, 'el, lut Ild n( fot speeru to do aiy 9,,()(. ;'~lti I itapîtened to rend Ilu Aý-rs ottn-i the effect that Avers ClIgri v t-r ý hai ou others, And 1 doerienl l -a triai. A fier taklnf a few doses ily le "'as reil,-ve, and )tefore I hailfili- t h ie itttti 1iwas crd".ALEFL.ÀR, ti ime~rOraugevilie, Ont. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Aw-ards at World's Fai r. .dycr'a PUia Cure Indigestion~. A GLENGARRY MIRACLE. TIIE ý5TORY OF' A YOUNG GIRIL WI0 THUUGHT 1)EATHI WAS NE-ARý. lier Corîditi«on 'fiat of Maâuv Offher Young Girls- lleart Action Feeltle, Cheeks l'taiii1, Eaéolv Tire] and Ajtpetite Alrîu'st Gîte Ho0w 11cr Life Was Saved. Froîn te C rtwti F1 nejr N'otiling utiii tis a t ri~i iui)rte tstres aînd, a iunfrtrittî' v 1it I S lt con>- mion> in t1its ('tItala (Iftir, \vi tse trernes of' clîîîtate ittt1i aretie Nirters and stitflittr tttV i t rt1te iteà t -tLitaitt sea i gtl aina waV lk@ 1, tîtixte its earlv dayS liave iteeuii tili rof promitse, buit ust when te vaîgitîtîien hec-Olîett of a lovable age wtterviigtt )lîve for, or te yeîugtutitevîics si.t' tibusiness alttl de. t1ite tre are sleuvstrickein drtwîî aji t(,i() Ir, 1triitittlts. or it îîîaN, te a etekm,i tere ztre et-iiuîrvchairs at tle li <ui ci sure hjearts leit be- ili. N ot i w a'. s ttis te case, itow- eVer. ttritiutiatt*isctence ba( discov-- erel reieiîes tat CIîeck te ravages of dectu, IIen ît jlias DnuL one too far. ieceudyi, a case of thîu' kind was Itrougî-t to otir rtce, and tbe circumn staniets were so nottabte and attracted 80 tuoeit attention Iiti te ueiltborioodI Litat we feltit. ltpelletl to înt1uire inito theru more fully ant i gve tiîer the Itenetit of as witle tubliîcty as possibi- lit v . lleury Haines wbo bas for several years pa.st acteil as farui forentan for M1r. D)aniel Currie, of Glen Walter, Gletigarry county, lias quite a large farnily, atnolg the(mn One djauiglter Mary, now ab)out 1S yearii of age.' Untîl ber 1,2tlt vear she was inuicb as other chli- 1f ny t. The of 1s-den.se.be to-day. From ,the fMm comes thbbpa and stncw oflout coury, mni3*o'-ae defence If Of :* t fl ocfl tw ,Ãtho -= = r with- Wcm 190&«qqýb, i ProprletOr T I E (-1 , W < t V ; N a.,i< < '- iS vus r- i, could haridly ho e rnad.d that the robust, happy lookmg girl was ipadeed ber sisber wh or she had nover expect- ed t seec alive again. Mise Haines says she cannoe say enough in favor of Dr. Williams' wonderful Pink Pille, to which she feels assured she owcs ber life. Dr. Williamse' Pink Pille are sold only in boxes bearing the firm'e trade mfLrk and wrapper, (printed in red iak). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are nover sold in bulk or by the dozen or bundred, and any dealer who offers subetitutes lu this fornisl trying to defraud you and ebould be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other B0o alled blood builders and nerve tonices, put up in similar forni in- tenried to deceive. They are ahi imita. ions wboee makers hope to i-eap a pecuniary adivantaRe froin te worîte. fui reputation achieved by Dr. Wil- lianîs' Pink Pilîs Ask Your dealer for t e tr. Tbese Pilîs are mantnfacttîred by Irie Dr Wiiliana's Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenect.ady, 'N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing tUe firmes trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six btoxe@ for 82.50. Tlîev may be liad i-font any dealer, or wil be sent bv mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille may be liad of ail drnggists or direct by mail froni Dr. Wllîamsia Medicine Company from eitlier aridre-sseia. Thte price at wbicb pilis are s,1,1 i iah-e a course of treat- meut ut;r ' inexpensive as coîtpareri wi titurreiuies Or metli- cal trealment. Life orý the Fax-m. \VR 1T T iE-N i"OR TH VCl () N 1tCt1,E. Agrtcultutre ici the oldeet of ail ine hîonored occnpatious. The ir-st farm wae tthe Garden of Eden,9 whîicli wae gîven Lu our firet parente, fuily equîpped witb a dlean deed, and onhy oue ernal reserve. lThe incident is too weli knowvn 10 require repetition. Farwng is the most healthtftl, as weii as ruie cf te nost rlîgnîfied, of al occupations, lu old bible tîntes thiose mx ho foiiowed this were a contented, worsbî1îfui, happy' people, living lu tente, as best. suîîed to ltee ciiate, mloving as neceseity rerlter n1 us of pasînre for their flocks anti berds wicii couutîtuteri the bulk of titeir wealthî. 'armîug ie one of the occupations whicii wil be attended i wth Itetter ne. suit8 if the apprenticesbip beguns early. Bovs a! a verv carlY. age are aîîxuoue tu air their importance bY. leiing a ieip- ing banu i ii sorue sirali wav ou the farm. Just thten alliv Llit un L do stu As soon as a boty eau feed a ltrinb un drive lte cuws to the pasture let lits aîtpreîîtices tilt eîîu.Andi tnt on l hltiiunt respriusuble for iLs beuug îîrîp. env n(oue, but in evers- wav ecucorira_-e, ait intercat tnt wiat bedo s Frot. that.uile alIta lî's ajtprentuceri1tto contue. Ili is xm unycitilircu deve-lop tutîeut Otsmn udt sooner ttatu ttev Ce euttir. At the samne ime th e exercuse riet-cojies the mnu6cles, griviugt te necessîîîy sîreugtli as weli as teach- iu, tbt-tt hîow lu use Lheir stnength to t(- ite6t advantage. I1 5 eqilaii importatnt titat girls stoll nul oui v be aiiowed but emcour. aged ini makiug tiemselves useful as soon as oid etou;,,i. 'fTe mnost self- reliant andi practîcai wontan is the une ,wito wil go throughti tis busy, duty rxacting xxorld best. and there is no better place for tite developmnent of the qualitiee that make ber sncb titan Ii the farm bouse. Tbis muet flot excînde te proper attention being paid to clîildren's educa- ion. Fortunateiy the fallaçy, that anx'tbin g more that the rudiments of an education were superfiuous to the fariner, b as been exploded. That thîeory was more excusable in the early part of the centurys seulement wben the vingin soil stifli ret.ained its native fenulty than now. Thon grain grow ing wae the almost entiro industry, and with reasonable cultivation and the seed in the qround in proper tume the crop wag almnost insnred. As there is an entire change in that wbieb caIs8 for mure intelligence and knowledge lu farining there is also a greater caîl for attention being paid to the cbildren's educahing in order tbat tbey may be bbc botter adapted to their calling. This being ably met in the echools, agricul turai papere, fariner't' institutes and 80 on, and farmere, vo are Pleased to say, are waking up to the noceeeity of utiliz ing the8e to the beet advýantage. We can scarcely put au estimnale upon whal agriculture bas doue for the wonld. Take the savage roamning the forest witb littie higher ambition than the wlld beast, each lu terror of the other. Let civiliza- lion comne lu then, agriculture with ils mind expanding influence in lime we seee hie descendants enjoying ail the comforts of homne, the resort or love and lriendship. The isiand of Hawaii furuishes a air rep- reseutalion of tbis. There is everytbing lu far-rn lite 10 encourage independeuce, Lielf r-cHance and honesty of pur-pose. a, hs thien far-mnr's ila n» onina extrlcate them, from their difficutides they Chose Cincinatus, who was a sasail farmier. Each time they found him at the plough dressed lu the simple garb of a husband- mRn. In hlm they found a most efficient general, as well a truly patroîic citizen. On taking leave of his wife 10 atnd 10 affaira of State hie said "I fear mny Attillia that for tbis year our 11111e fields muet rne- main unsown" Each limne after reetoring Fpeace and tranquility he retunned to hie Itl1e farrn and erjoyed ail the eweets ot rural simplicitv with a keener relish. Robent Burns, the ploughnian o! whom every true Scotchman le proud, taught his countrYmen what constiîuted true nobility when he wrote : '"The honest man, tito e'er sae poor, Is king o' meni for a' that." This teaching wae flot Iost but hei'ped 10 elevate the poon by showing therr t heir true worth. Mr. McKay, who le doing a wonderful work in Formnosa as a mission- ary, received hie early trainirîg on a farm near \Voodstock, Ontîario. Benj min Franklinî was a son oftîhe soil. Sonie comtpijî of farm lite being mono- lofons. Surele îthev knttw nIol oiwiat they speak. In the 'sprtng the husbarimaii is inspired to put for his best energies that the grain niay t)e in the grttnd i itmc, in order titat tîtere mnav be suiicieitî foi man anîd beast, aiso that fle howlitg witlds of winier rnay itît revel routnd hîs emnpty barts. le ftîliv reaitzes that "Providence hielps those who lhei1)t hemnseives, restiîig ont the prominse tilt -'set:d , unie andi Iar- vest sttaii îlot cease.' Thte skt1î1tîtg ut thte 1cmbs andJ bleat tg oite step eitdl at eicltntnteîît 10 iarnîittie. 'Flrreis aitt Iîtîocent dep)erîdenrcu upnîîtmari for sx rît- pathy 111 the defeîîceless sheep, a Itu. draws fortitfle gerilue etnîgs. )trtid beautfullvcrnpares te Alrntghtv's cmre foxr hl, peorple t n lhe care tu S heptiei d w ho leads lhts ock itîîo ihe jîcasattplaces. Theliîayt îg uie t e wt teitias heet i tît ur- talîzed lit puetry int Maud Mluiler, tias a citarîîîout tis riwt.ifarvesi tiasaixe lbeeit regard cd as a mterrr' itarikt ti 1itlie. The bootkut R utht pictures a heautitihiar- vest sceite. Thte tar' estttigttfltthu rrts is alwa a a tutu r)t gettuitine iard rvorl, xhite gtves reai etiovîttetit 10 lite dînnuers Tits seasrrntp, freq ucîti iuadt ei eté" bad seaiter [bat its dis ,i rlit sonts utlte soiltu i sittîktîrîttt rittliiitvr dutv. Titev put tortiti greater enei gy',lt ordeî ihat ail miax'be secuî cd fltii ite Titis mv cessaru, perseverance huilds up antr strength.ents citaracter, aitt îtdîspeîîstbie tu success in ant* callitig. Sýont ut t îttes i arruers ott org t g the city are carried awav bith ie gatetsantd glîtter aitch lte ut sta k efotr ita ttess . Tits \cci- vsouit icauses tihenit tgroxs dtscuîteitîed Wxx tlitard xvork aînd plaint tc. Pliure ta ruachitnulte citly itch a tefittedrittîd ait 1 tructates,t I li te ieart ilfui at Igai ertes, antr su rit Tituse alto )looîk for it t v ii t tîd mtore heaulx ilt ontdax' iniJulieintIllte country ftotît suitrîse to suîiseituali Itlite uitter art galierues ot whichi te wrrrd eau boast. Farmers, fteîng iturd putce t nîake entds nîteer, are dci uder itotheliteda titat tltt the eitîv busitess tîtenl's efior: s ire aixvavs crrîxvred writlsuocc'-s atd jr ,sjer- îtx Y Fairntet s max be pinri'ed, attriIre' r4ueitlIN are, but xxitlte keuit cîttjeti Itoîlt tiltc civ tithxsiitclt tebttstîtess nîit tiare lu cittenîd lte',' bl i itilie sitl I .r 'ýà strrîgg'e for att uxiteîtce utuIttti us a tarot "r is proud otif i s xtIfe, antd fecis itai iter titîtstire hidtrii tri lte r.tutttrx u.,nd triilke ti see lier iore coit:,1 cri rti, antd -rt(tt. A relitter xvîrnhî'toi xx h fitidmrîtt eeltjirlntttt itler Con il r x hiu ea fiu urIg le i xe ,lik etc , t lier lisuru hitîrs thai vas ever r eil ixd liýte uti t cîtrsjttctîoItîS xriaïn ut \%hitch t:tu iLýotild eer tr 01ld itlie 11rti 1-i 1e')tSe- its critri 'iit l(re Vg"tt tuee, atîi shuttu tît stciuetx. In thetity îx lhure ta a muîîre exîertded spitere fur iteir beuîtg bt ougitî uîtio sr)itiv, bet t g made mtu. ge tnti itii thi ltinte corjttr bu t titei alsu vice anîd îenitîpatun lie tlitck oit every stie, and su delusive tat fite un- suspectitig are cauglît in titeir niesies. Let ail sucit tuolitiIdeas be cast. aside, anîd let the asptrationî be ttat dit soins antd daugitters grov up houîesî, higi'prtîteipied Vil larI l :we have tire inest Selection in iuowna of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PAPERS, -WITE- BorPders to Match Babies nd -Childrn th.rive on Scott's Emulsion 'when ail the rest of their food seems to go to waste. Thin Babies and Weak Children grow strong, plumÊ and keaZthy by takinmg it. Scott's EmuLs1o overcomes inherited weakness and ail the tendecies towiu d Emaciation or Consumption. Thin, weak babies and growing children and ail persous suffering fromn Loss of Flesh, Weak Lungs, Clironic CoughIs, and Wasting Diseases will receive untold benefits from this great nourishment. The formula for making Scott's Emulsion bas been endorsed by the med- ical world for twen/yyears. No secret aboutit. Sendfor pamphlet on Scowts Emulsion. FREE. -:PRICES. (30me early and get ftr8t choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Brook St., Whit 1 IRADAM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. B. EDGAR, Merchant, Wind- sor.: M. K. acted rnarvelously in my case o chronic somach and bowel trouble. WM. MAORÂE, LD.B., Cook- sbire, Que., Was given up to die fromn a complication of Dyspepsia and Liver trouble witb consurnp- tion. Arn as weIl as ever now ; it le truly wonderful. T. H. LtJSOOMBE, Barrister, London: Cbronic cough and hemorrbages frGm the lungs were burrying my wife to an early grave but thanks to M. K. she is as welI as eveý-. Wm. Racdam Microbe Kfller Co. (Ltd.), 120 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT For sale at ali chemists,or at W .HOWSE'S, - WHITBY Wu H. WARNER. DEALER IN COAL, LUMBER, LATIý SH[INGLES, OORDWOOD, SL-ABS, ETC. SOLE AGENT ini Whitby for the "lCelebrated PLYMOUTH GOAL. Office and Yard just East' of Uptown Station. Whiîbyt Oct. 25tht 1804. WOOD'S PKC 8cM uwm4' inmn i u TheÀ Wtowly vas il,« LOWEST that be intende erecting this summer. Our maple syrup season ie ended. Those cngaged un the manufacture of tbis article report ite quality somnewhat inferior thie year. W. J. Monkhouse la the posseseor of a new 'bike' and during hie leisuro hDurs ho may be seen coursing over terra firma at a rapid rate. Nearly ail of our farmiers are busily engaged at seeding and if the weather continues favorable somne of themn will be nearly throught hy Saturday nighi. It le rumored that our tailor con- templates leaving our village. We u ill afford to loose hlmu but we are sure that if hoe decides Le, go his character as a man, and reputiation as a skilled workîan will win suoceise for him ,wherever he goes. Asa Millard beit two valuable young horees by a diseaise known as spinal foyer, While tbc markret for borses may be in a depressed siate, when animala arc carried off in ibis way bbc los@ je always keenly felt, We hope the rest of bis herses may escape the rav agsof tedisease. John Gordon bus rented a tarin near Balsaru and on Mouday b. loft for tisat place tW put us biesescding. Hia fiarnf will fdilow in a shorti Liai. We V9.i nov b. vithout a butéher and t.e mêmbers of bthe syu4ioat. for supply. ing frois beef to the fariners cduring tà s eixMMer moistbe Win, baV0 tuengage someone @lu Lu do thoir slaùgt.rm*g as in former 'yearahe ha. a$beded $0 " pnas 01fthewotk.. W* *" ish hl The Care ut the Skia. lu an article on the cuttivation of beauty, a physician writes : *The besi inethoda of keepiug the ekin in a healthy and clear con- dition is frequent bathing in cold water and avoidance of the use of complexion powder contalning arsenic of load, proper diet, cor- rect habite, plonty of seop and open-air ex- orcise . and if vo migbt add one article of medicine ab being specially valuable for this purposo it would be Eseljayes Liver Lozen- goes." Tbougb the beir of Prince Borgbee ls oon to marry a rich %vite, the historie Palazzo Borgheae at Ro me is offored for sale. Microbe Killer penetrates the systeuî wilh life-giving curative principles, killing ail dis- ease germe, as doea the sun that penetrates your chaniber and kille the germe therein without danger to sleeping babes. Old barbarlo drug remedies sicken everyone. Try tbis Microbe-Kilier i W. Pt. Hoves, agent. The Pasror's College in connectiion with Spurgeon's cburcb bas sent out 921 persons int thbe mnimsry ; 23 in the pust year. 0. Donnoly, of thbe popular and well-known Windsor Hotel, Ailieton, Ont., vws trubled for years witub Itching Piles. Ho vas pur- suaded by lua. McGravey, Alfiston, livcry man, to use Ohase's Qininient, whicbho did was cured. bas b.d ne returu of them and bigbly recommende tii ointment as a sov- ereigu cure fore Piles. The Orsini family et FIotedce la about to eue the Empermor of Ausitria to recover a large sutu of mouey due te ht ever since 1749, MIDNIGHT DOOTORS arc the, moi unwelcorne visiior-eaven the Doctor hlm- self cursea Uic luck that cosipelled hlm Le leave hie coraforbeble bcd. Suppose you try aur metbodl and keep a big 25c. Boite of eryDavis PAIN-Kir.Lu ib te boue, and lot r . Squilla stey la bis bcd aud enjoy hlm. self. The 'revenue cuiter Dolphin seized t.wo eaal boata frein Buffalo, wnth fiahing enifit, near Pointi7Aibino. NORWÂY PINE 8YRtTP cures Cougbs NORWAY FINE SYtP Oum sBrouchitl&. NORWAY PINE SY RtTP b"sistise ugi, The mffage cf the DegeDobw. of Marlborôug*h te ,Lord WiliM Ber aferd '-jIU bame ak t. George's i uo.Loudon, toVday. AT AN c E t ! 'Ir i rrn I. t O h t: i njt- rit - i ri t t nt, t t I nt t- r j. rt. t,. t, t n "t t .~t t ' Sr. t tir, h ni lin ttr JONER [CA a IIl)I ANI - < i rn un. tji rr 2 87 r> 40lpr onn .aiôpg Scoît & owne, BelevIlle AilDlugl e MMUd!vIP1 Gve Thom A Chance!1 That ia to say your lungs. Also aIl your breathing rnaohinery. Very wonderful mua- chinery it is. Not only the larger air-pas- sages, but the th ousand of little tubes and cavities leading fromn them. When these are clo gged and cboked with matter wbich ought not tb ba ihere, your lungs cannothaîf do their work, And wbai they do, they carinot do >vell. Caîl it cold, cough, croup, pheumonia oatarrh, consuraption or any of the family of throat and noie and bead and lung ob- structions, &amar bad. AiU ought to be got rid of . There la just one sure way to get' rid of the m. T-hat le to take Boscheels Germain Syrup, which any druggist wiil sel! you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if every- thing else had failed you, you may depend tipon tii for certain Miss Branldon, the novelist, bas bat ber husband, Mr. John MaxweL.He wuas publisher, and 35 years ago staried Temple Bar. Acting through the blood, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla flot only cureascrof nia, sait rheum, etc., but gives health and vigor to the whole body. M. de Blowiz mays ihere is ageneral' change in French minds towarde Gemyt Tbe hârdwist edigot As it la awell-establlsbed f acithai o atazrh, in a blood diseas., medical mon are quit. generally presoribing Âyer's Sasspri4 e~for ibis mout beatbsome and dangerous coin- plaint. Where ibis treatment la pemeverug, followed, a ihorough cure la invarùaby the' The tJ'nited Siatea-la sendiug wà rhsb1ýut Nicaragua. Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Ali Druggiste. 500 and$ 1.