-~ . - -.~ - I Recent Lelktion. During thé reoent sesion ef the Pro- vincial parliament many changes in the law have been made, both in principle and practice, whioh will have far reaoh- ing effocta. STÂANDARD Timx is made lega i tue for ail public puirposes. VOTERs LisTe. The systern cf reizis- tration cf votera for cihies is extonded te county towns. The hourd cf regis- tration is te consist,. cf the county judge, the police maagistraLe and the cicr k cf the county court. The word "6mariner" is te include ail persons em*. lioyed upon any vessel or steamboat during navigation. Studenits in atten- dlance ut any institution of learning in town aipd net registered eisewhere, rnay be registered in snch town. ELnCTr1oN LA&ws. Election triais Mnay be held by consent in Toronto or in any ceunty town specified in the consent. A person eiected may dîsciaim, but such disclainer shah net effoct the righte cf a party claitning the seat, or the formneras liability for corrupt prao- ttceg. The deputy returning officer muet, if re(4uired, exhibit hie inittais upon the back tof the ballot ptiper beforo handing it to the voter, and the deputy return- tng officer tae hable to a fi ne of $20 for each ontssîon, but such omissiott is not to tîtvaljdate the ballot. l'osttias,.teri, (ther that in citio atnd trwns, non mail carriers or their sure- ttes are nott b he inelikii he. The habit cf treattng je not t)ho a sutictent anewer t a charge cf treating eleet ors. DF.tARTNIENT ()F A.tUTR.The nltntister is to take steps to continue the keepiîîg regtsters cf pure bred stock heretofore kept by the Agricul- tu rai and A rt.s assoctation. A 'bureau cf industrtes je to be ee establtshied for the collecting and pnb- ltshtîîg cf useful fact8 relating te the agicuitural and cf her industrial inter- ets of the provttnce. TUIE ARCLT LANt) ARtTS At7T are ccnstlitdated and amended. ()n and after the let ,Jan., 1896, the AcYriculture and Arts associatisun ceases to extt Thte keejriîg rof stock registere je traîtferreri t' ithe 'arus assoctations hueretifire jr ttt ly eniza2Od wîth the cîrtîci iti such work, f0 ho assisted by a salaried lztvrirînîent oflicial. 1ttîro Fît HFt i TtI. LA~W COURT~S, E.xcu1ît in cturtatît speciticri cases there shsIll t it lrttiruthau (,ite alpeal fromi Ml% -j Lt1_1nîuîît tor erden. -Ni securîty fîtr costs ia to be requin- e'l utiless sîe'cially ordered. Ti -tjudigus ini appeai, instead cf fotir, catn hear an appeal front a single . urge. l'rti it1 d airpeal boork are donc rawav rvîîh, utilespectally ordered, or byctnsutnt. T he uiecîsîrîn of any court tir j udge je flit ter he dieregarded except wîth the critîcurrutîce (cf the >judge or ju'te h gave the riecîsirt. but the tuatter may Ire rufurred to a htgher court. lTe ees Bench, Chanceny and with haîf-hour intermission at mid-day. lu case cf a reference (except to the master,) ne fees are te, be allowed. Every action is te be tnied in the ceunty in which the cause cf action arose, if the parties te that action re- aide in that county. O)vERhîoLwrNc TENAN-rs. The pewere cf the county judges are largely ex- tended, the words "without celer cf right- being stricken eut cf the act, and -wrongfully holds- inserted in lieu thereof. JUNIOR Jui;Es. Hereafter ne junior judge shal ho appointed unlese for a county with a population of 80,000 or over, 40,000 having heretofore been the hîmnit. The effect in this county heing that in case cf a vacancy in the senior judgeship the junior becornes county judge, and if the' junior judge- ship becotnes vacant the senior judge must undertake the wbole work or re- aigu. Hereafter the appointees muet be banniseof ten, inistead of five years standing. CONTEMPT OF COURT. Provision in made se as to allow cf a modification or change cf the order, or limiting the. terni of imprissnment. WRrre or ExrcuTIortmay berte- newed from time to timo ev.ry tht. years, and au .quity Of- stocke or shares ià now ua 8OLiOÃŽTou tsdig *ISeýwboe.l u the onntymwayhavebookd'mmin inl dm ti. ounty toua. othier matea, âe4 «.mdutl mqs, nq b. . A cempotent per-1 son la ote b.appolnted tec ensolidate and revise the general tules, and te de- vise and frame suoh eother general mb.e aà may b. neoe.sary. CouNTY CeuwRs. Appeals are te he to a divisional court cf the high court, or instead cf appealing either party may move in oounty court term, in which case the party moving is net te ho entitled te further appeal. DivISIoN COURTS. Appeals are henceforth te ho to a divisional court instead of the court cf appeai, and ne security for costs ta noquired. THE LiQuoi LiUENsE Acr. Appeals under sect. 119 are te ho te a divisional court. JUReR AND I .JRIES. It is made clear that the neduction ôf the number cf grand jurera is applicable te the genoral sessions. Jurymen, net residing in the ceunty town, are te ho ontitLied te pay for Sun- day, when they attend Saturday and the Monday felhowirg. If absent for two or more daye, they may receive pay for Lwe days, or ad- ditional mileage in lieu thereef. The nantes cf jurymon draf ted are te be kept secret and unidor hock and key. Tampering wîth jurera, is made a contempt cf court, and a solicitor guihty thereof may be struck off the relis, andi a students name erased froru the liste tf the iaw society. in civil cases ten jurera may bring in a verdict or answer the questions Fubhînitteti A stck juror nîay be discharged and the trial proceeti with the others. SýETLErt ESTATES. Provision is ruade for the sale or mortgaging cf trust estates, when for the benofit cf the parties interested and wîth the approbation cf the court. 'WîiroM-s 0F 1NTE'TATE.S. The real and personal estate cf an inteetate dying without issue shahl beleng te hie widow absolutely and exciusively te the extent cf 81,000, and this is net te depnive her cf hon ehare ia the romain- der cf the ostate. THE REc.IstY ACT. Provision is ruade for the metheti cf registration cf a document in a foreîgn hanguage. A montgage caninot ho discharged wîthont the registratio n cf any inter- vonîng assîginent. ASS<;NENTFOiR 1BENFIT 0F CREIrI- TOiRS. The proceede tif fraudulent sales may he seized orr recovered. Ail asetgrinments arc tir corne within the act, whetber the debtor aseigni the wbtrlu cf bis property or oily a part thereof. Provisiron is nmadeorfi the oral ex- aitiatioti cf the debtor unider oath. D () N yFR. If a wîfe jr iris in a deed with ber husbatîd lier dcwer sabai h barred, îîotw itbstatiditîg there are no w(rFds in such deed purpcrting to con- vey dower. lun case cf a sale of latîti under a mortgage in which the wife bas barred her dower, iL 15 00W definitely settled that she is to ho entitled to dower eut tif any surplus; to ho calculated on the basîs cf the amount realizeti froîn the sale, aiid net upon the surplus. THE I'HÂRmACY Acr is net te extend te or interfere with tho making and dealing in any patent or propraetery modicines ; provision howeven being made for thoir anahysis, and if feund poisonous in the pnescribed dose, thon the provisions cf the Phanmacy Act are to apply. N'ETERINARY SURGEONS. Pensons without proper centificates or diplomas are net te append te their names the terni veterinary surgeon, or any ahhne- viation thereof, and any person wilfully and falsely leading people te infer that ho is a V.S. recognized by law, are hiable te ho fined from 825 te 6100. THâE RoADs CohioeÂNiEs AcTr. A new scale of toila is substituted under sec. 85, and thle act in vaious otaher respecta amended. INsmuyÂcE LAw. Most important ameridments have been made herein. The province ha. taken furtiier author- ity ovei' inurance contracta, and in offet has olamed exclusive juriediition over them, se that licen»Sesof Dominion incerporated compsaies mutIa&sedeal with the Provincia govemument. This hbu bstu mwud by 1h. action of the. DoiinParlism.ê li ororl mad 140th t«to01t h o Of 1 SA .x~raaoe Or RULEa Oe ,UST. H. City. Jr. Juiige, Ce. O. WHITEVALE . H. Major spent hast week in the A. E. Thornton spent la.st week in Toronto hast week. MnI. anti Mrs. Mornison, cf Brookhju, visiteti Jas. Malcome hast week. On Sabbath te ordinance of liaptism by immersion was administeredti t two candidates by pas ton Sipie, cf the Bap- iet chnrch bore. Tho interesting anti iînipresive ceî-emony wa.q witnessed by a large gathorng cf people. E. A. rbeornton lias secured a situ- ation as travelien for Milîburn & Ce. cf Toronto. We congratuhate Ern on hi8 goti sit, anti feel sure that bis empioy. ors wilh find litut the rigbit man for the place. Tbe ways cf the road are wel known te bîru. Mn. Rob. Nowlan wishes us to an- nouince that hie lions have gene on strike, so tliat friende oalling may net oxpect the usual ezg-nog,, The wear, tear anti werry censequent upon an on- deavor te snpply the constant, lange an-I ever increasing demanti for that delectabie beverage was disheartening hence the stnike. The large numnber fncm this neigbbor lîod who on Meýlndav attended the fuerai cf tIe iste James McCreigyht, J. P., sbowed the liigh estimation in W Ilich hoew-as beld hlere as wehl as else Iwiere. BY hie tieath another cf the few remainîng pieneere cf the town- ship bas been remeveti and Pickering lias lost one wbo was prerninent in her earlier municipal liistery, and who served bier faitbifnily anti weil bcth as reeve anti ceuncillen. Ail honon to bis memuory for lie deserveti it well. Ho wa beloveti bv ail, anti mnch sympathy is te t for hie bereaveti widew anti familv. Death. At the residence cf J. T. B. M.Nalcom, Wbîtevale, on Mcnday, the 22n i met Mise Maggie Morrison, late cf Cedar Grove Deceaseti was a sister cf Mrs. 'Malcoms and came itere to visit hon a few weeks since. Sbcrthv after she wae taken iii, anld despite the best medical skill thatconld ho secuneti continueti to grcw worse until Me\Inday evening t when death ended bier snffenings. De- ceaseti was well anti favorabiy known bore, and lier eau. and untimely tieath has cast a gloom eover the conarunity. Mucb sympathy is exprosseti for tbe afflicteti family. The funeral wili take place on Thnrsday from the residence cf Mrs. Mernison, Cedar Grave, te the iPreebyterian cemetery, Markham 1village. Soveral fisbing parties from bore have visîted the waters cf the Duffin's Cneek, at Pickering, and with varying success. A few nights since a party untier the leadership cf that well known knight cf the cebble, Jinmmy Windsor, met with great ]uck, secuning several bage full cf the beny tnibe. Jimn threw ne balle into the wator, but bcldhy wad- in cast the net, Stephen, net to ho he- hind, and, (on account cf the sad man- non in which bis illustrions namesake was siain,) scorning te ceet icnes ut the peer fish, stepped into the cbilly water, and with polo chased tbem into the meshes of the net. As Jimniie was suffening from "rhunatiz" ho dared net venture into the coiti water, s0 gently (ehoed) the fish in the right direction from a drier and more safe position on the bank. This lasted un- tii their bags were full, their arn- munition exhausted, and it was time to preceed home. The report that sugar bas advaneed, in price, and ia still on the taise, dees net effeet sither Thos. White er Johny Larkin, as they have boon tap- ping the trees in the latter's maple orchard, and tberefrom mrade about 200 gallons cf syrnp, and several barrels cf sugar, al of the very bout, pute and un- adulterated. Sugar la oaid te ho very healthy food, especially for ohildren. If appearances indicate anything Mound White doos net look up bis suppl from bis, s their plurnp forma and os oheeka willtestify. 3ehuy la very we pIoaaed withbis supply, but reg»to very mu ot have ne chilciren le ex. rseat: on with is ample stock. obn1a mexcellentnîiibêt , ana & good citisons ,"a4iïtisM'a -ot x" bo Mth" husuoi' limited teose when the contraot dees net expreasy liniit 'the inen'able age. If the acttial age exceeda the inaurable ago the oompany may canool the. policy. The major part of the aot ja oooupied with new maohinery for the widng up of nrgstered Provincial corpora- tions =hc appears inexpensive and ex peditieus. Several vexed questions as to appor- tionnient and ieapportionrnent are now settied. Whatever an insured may do by writing endorsed upon the poiicy ho is enabled te do by wili. 1He ray divide, sub-divide, re-appertion or dispose cf the moneys or benefits among any cf the clasa cf persons entitled te ho pro- ferred te, creditors, or may partiy or wholly divest the right, or enlarge or diminish the interest, cf a beneficiary, or substitute one beneficiary cf a ciasa for another, or converseiy, with the previse that he shaîl not divert the benefits from all cf one chies te a per- son net cf the same class, or te himseof, or te hise8etate. ( To he eon/inued.) G. H. DARTNELL, A New Sbortening If you have a sewing machine, a clothes wringer or a carpet sweeper (ail new inventions of modern times), it's proof that you can sce the usefulness of new things. CQtMQIICn Is A MW StOfflÃ"tE4G, and every housekeeperwho is intcrested hi the health and comfort-of h«.r family should give it aýtria leïIt a vegetable. 1product .-aeifad M- persor to anytbing clse for short- eùng -#d fryig ' purpcosm. ,PhsicansandCoking ExcpPtU s tiedt beaopted A Gemerous Offer. (Published Iïy Requesi.) Dear Mr. Editor :-Will yen klndly in- terni the readers cf your valuable paper that 1 will gladly send FREE te any suflerer from Lest Manhood, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, 'Varlcecele, Impotency and the r--suits cf youthful folly, particulars cf a simple and inexpensive means cf self-cure which after be. ing humhugged and amposed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured mre in a few weeks. I have nothing te seil or give away, nor amn I advertising any patent medicine business, but wili be pleased te bear from any sufferer anxious 10 find a cure for his complaint. te whom i will expiain cenfiden- tiaiiy how and by what means I was cured. ,,Hundreds have been cured through my ad- vice. Coats nothing te learn what 1 paid hun. dreds et dollars te find eut. Address confi- dentially and enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. Another convention cf the Central Ameni- can countries for the purpose of forming a union ie likely to be held this year. The Medicine for Liver and Kidney Cern. plaint-Mn. Victor Auger, Ottawa, writes: I1 talce great pleasure in recornrending to the gênerai public Parmelee's Pille, as a cure for Ltver and Lidney complaint, I have doctored for the iaat tbnee years witb leading physicisns, and have taken rnany rnedicines which were recornnended to me without re- lief, but after taking eight of Parmelse's Pis I was quite relieved, and now I feel ag f ree f rom the diïease as before I was trou bled.'" A sý'eel ship has been conà tructed in Car- diff, Cornwall, with the s4tanding riggingz as well as the bull, ail of steel. The Kent Case. A Doctor Prononnced art Opinion on thte Mertîs ef the Cure. OrrAwA. April 29-A conversation held a few days ago with a weil known Ottawa physician revealed the fact that a far larger percentage of the community than generally believed are suffering f rom the incipient symptoms of Brizht's disease. H1e aise stat- ed that he had taken a consideraUle interest in the reported case of Mr. G. H. Kent, of this city, and adrntted that in view of the k ublisbed] interviews and the affiiavit of Mr. ent, hie had no hesitation in aocribing that gentlemnan's recevery frorn a very serions condition te Dodd's Kidney Pils. It is im- p ossible te get over the fact that Mr. Kent h dtaken ne othen remeoy. To-day it ceets £187.500.000 per annum te maintain the peace cf Europe, Heed the Warning. The cemmen and every-present warninz cf kidney trouble, back.ache and weakness in back, are quickly relteved by Dr. Cba-se's Pis. The original and only 25 cent Kidney- Liver Pills. When alI ether remedtes f ail, they cure. Prairie fires have been doing enermous damage in Boissevain District, 'Manitoba. Keep Minards Liniment In the House, The expenses of the <.2teen's housebold are e8titnated at £172,000 a year. Wher Baby wa5s sck, we gave her Casteria. W-hen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria- When she becarne Miss, she ciung te Castorta. When she had chi1drif.i, she gave tirn Casterta The use of nlood as a curative agent is said te be on the increase in Paris. 'Hew to Cure AU Skmn Disoase.' Sirnpiy appiy "SWA'INE'S OtNTMKNT " No internaI medicine requtred. Cures tetter, GOA L GOAL ! The unldersigned bias just re- ceived a lange quantity of First Class Ceai direct frem the mines, and is pre- pared to furnisb ali sizes, dry and dlean, inciudîng several hund.red tons cf the OELEBRATED NO. 4y a most popular size between Steve and Chestnut. JWLeave:your order ai once and get very lewest quctaticu. Terms Cash. H. B. TAYLOR, Office Howse's Block. Whitby, JUly 12th,.189,4. Drs, Warren c& Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D Brooklin. Whitby. Office heuris 9. a. mn. Office houris il a. te 11 a.mn. te 2 P.m. «-Private TelePhone Communicaion i par au n â l dvmore, otIirwia #1.50. Subsoriptions , ayyblê-jat the eMoe of publloa*iou. -Th-pubuabe1 d.o net' nudortake tg 41l b. pa a JORN E1. F*REWELL ,,a.Cet Barrister, County Crown AttorneY7, and County SoLloter. Office-Sout> Wing of Court Hlense, Whitby. JAMES R1JTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office formerly occulpied by Farewell & Ratledge, next Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORIVISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Soliciter in ChanoerY, Conveyancer, etc. Office-Im the office south of the Post Office, in MoMil&an'5 Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. ]Bo, Barrister, etc.,-Money te Loan. lIsner of Marriage Licenaes. Office - Srnith's Block, South ef Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc(;IL LIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., W hitby, sonth of Ontario bank. D.),P. ]BOGART, M.D.,L.Do.. Physicaïn, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next to Ail Saint's Churcli, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches prort- ly attended to. fuisdltanwons. W. E. YARNOLD, Do L. S.. Connty Surveyer and Drainsge Engineer, Port Perry, ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Villas and Cottages a speciaity. Draw- ings prepared for remodelmng existing structures, Office-First fiat over W. R Howse's drug store. Li.*P O Box 202, Whithy. WM. CALVIERLEY, HAItNEss AKxR, WHITBY. Having moved into our new premlises, we are prepared te extend te range et business. All work pertaining to the har- ness-making and saddlery business will be doue to satisfaction. Collars a speciaity. Caîl and see iny shop and stock W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whithy. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. New house, 8 rooms -1 5 acre of garden, well fenced. Good locality on Front street in South Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, on the adjorning lot, or at the CHRONICLE Office. Whitby, March 7th,'94. Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commercial men liberallydeatwith Teaming done at reasonable prices.- Freight and Baggage h&uled at rea able prices. A call solicited. ~ j . MLT7ZXE MACHINIST, WHITBY, Has epened a Bepair Shop in connectio with the Cooper Shep latiely camred on bY his father, opposite Ail Saints' Church, and wilI do alikinds of Repairing. Sewing Ma- chines a specialty. Lawm Mowers, Bicy- cles, Firearxns, Locks, Scales, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines, &c. Saw Filing. Skates, Scissoirs,.Knives, Clippers &c., sharpened and repaired. Ail kinds ef Cooper Work made and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Saints, Chnrch, Dundau Street, Whitby THOS. PEAT 0f Bowmanvilie, intends visiting Whitby on a fortnight, te collect ciothing front gent s dlean or dye. Garments when finished w look as good as new. If they fail te be se will net charge for my trouble,. If they siv rnY Charge is $1. 25 for cleà ning and nicel pressing qqfuit cf clotbing ; for dyÃŽng a su $i. 5o. Overceats cleaned and pressed 7,5c, o dyed for $i. For cieaning or dyin-g gents hats 25C. THOS. MCCANN, Agent, Bowmanville, uly 26, 1892 Wbtb LIFE INSURANCE. _: 0o« Manufacturers' Lif% & Acciden Insura.nce Co.,. Toronto I.argest Capital Stock Lif e nsnran C on th16 continent. Ninety per cent, cf al accumuntlationss ot surplus is retnrned te t~h policY bolders. All daims9 are paid witho delay or discý3nnt on pro cf of death maturity cf ndowment J. B. POWELL A W itby DENTIS«r. Cor. King & Yonget3t. Toronto.' For the next three montha Ia&M givipg special attention te patients frein a dis tance. Arn still making plates in rubbet $8, celluloid 010. Geld and silver fillng work cro-wning by first-class operators a the most reasonable rates in-. the city When in the city cali in and let me ezamn mne your teeth. I make noexetra charge C. H. RIGGS, Dentist, 6outh east cerner King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. Nov. Sth, 1892. A8K, YOUR STATIONERf -IFOR- -AND- TAKE N OHER August 31s 8*3183 oIt2g f The MDiisOuCourtAs. OOUNTY OF OLqTÂBIO 185. Wmrny-.D. O' MacdOflOll 'Whitby, loerk Jan. 2; Feb. 2; March 2; Aprit 2; May 2; june 81JuIY 6O;SP 3; Oct.2; Nuv. 2; Dec. 8. os1iuwa-D, C. Macdenell, Whitby, Clerk, Ja.8; Feb. 4; March 4;Aprl 8; May 8; Jne 4; July8; Sep. 4; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 4, BjOUOEÂM- M. Giceson, Greenwood, Clerk.-Jan . 4; Maroh 5; May 4; July 9; Bep. 6; Nov. 5. PORT PiitBY-J. W., BUruhan, Port Perr, Clerk-Jafl. 29; Marcb 9; May 9; Jnhy il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. JXBBaiDo-JoB. EB. GtiuId, 1Jibridge, Clerk-Jafl. 80; Uarch 18; May lSth; JUlY 12; Oct 14; Dec. 17. CÂNSINTON-GOo. Smith, Canningtol, Jan. 81; March 14; May 16; July 13; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BFRÂVZERTON-GO F Bruce, Beavorton, Clerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 18; 1Dec, 19. 'UpTziaGiovz-F JGillespie Utptergrove, Cierk,-.March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Cierk of the Peace. Octeber l5th, 1894. New Livery and- Sale Mtaies t j s t: t 'i L h t] v a y a d n a b 0 e d E b 8 s t] t - b h ( f I ~ ( ( I I E -1 - I F' - -