Cure that Cold. Stop that Cough. 18 ASgf 8tR AND SPEEDY REMEDY FOR GOUGES, OOLDs, BRONOHITIS, ETC., -REPA.RED BY- d. E. WILLISi Cho m/st d Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Brook Street, Whitby. FRIDAY, MAY 3p 1895. Shor-t Notes. Sir lHenry Tyler and his associate board of drectors ai the Grand Trunhn railway bave been conpelled ta resign. The G. Tý R.las beeuu badly mismanaged if tbe opu ri,onrs of a great many public mnen are wiarth arnyîbîrg, and ut certainly rîeeds aj chanuge of manîmagement nm sornuedirection. s' 'lu i t lmmuî -tmi ý: i aurIts nitimi badad a mi îsenuse A nuunce umine oter, tne U' npi r r'iunnuttce <Rcas onalîs lias biasa i dumuult>v mn decudimug mi tne aiiu cationsfor relief tlat are nmue t u t Pieople a lin tare d a hommnuneMn somme ntighie'ruuîg muicipaliseanil aho !lave pter liap- bemin eeviung .mi tiere, deiudt' i innise i o% li an ,d (niv < .are scarce! v s'ul-nI" uor nidîli mnuthes' aîply' for 1) Li11(:a1Jid hdersimot seuin rîght that 1 sr ige lnîuld suîpirî them, mur ns t îumnanntun Hthteur deatlu t he hasuened 'n, negleci A FIOUSe i1 Im)ILuIstrs' righît solve ua fs of suAJ . I ise-. lbut nflt al l- X, jurtnnul It is tie gerieýra:opiniion of ibose engag- ed in oi tr ltd hat oil will never agtin be a i cealp as it has bren, unless new, and i iînioî l ent gelds are discovered. The ini- dîvidual consumner lias airi idV begun to feeli the effect of thre boom. The oil pro- ducers ini Petrolea will beneit consicder- ahi rbbý the býom. The oul regro)ns of On- tam h UlrLoduce close upon one million bar rels per an :umii The irrcreased price co-riîse4uently niean a good deal to the UCInmiaam producer Who af course. will flot be slow tb reap tbe larvest as long as it lasi s Inivestîgations that have so far berri made point ta the existence of immielse fields of petroleum in the Caniadian Northwest Territories. The gcerntlemnan Who was sent aut last sprlng ta exlpîdre the district has either alrrýady set out or will set outi ininediately, to renew bis investigatianb. If the great quantîties of ouI that are supposed ta exisi really ta exîstiun Our northwest, the Government cannot dev elop them to soon. In another column vili he found the ad- vertîsemnent of the Midland Mlutual Fire Insurance cumpany, a most promising institution whîch bas been established by local men ai this county. We are flot very wuucb posted ini fire insurance, but 'hose who should know lîold that the aId fine companies charge too high a rate for insur- ance. The idea af having local mutual companies is probably the only solution of the matter, but there are several dangers ta be encountered in working this out. First among the dangers we note Chat no sooner had the Midland Mutual company been arganized than the idea struck a number ofmen in East Whitby, and anoth- ci was organized. That two local mutual fire insurance companies can successiully exist in tlîis county is very daubtful, and it will require a good deal of experience ta remove these doubts. We believe that anc ai thenm well muanaged and wcll patron- ied should succeed, and wauld be a great saving, but if thev commence tapop up on every ide that will put an end ta peopils confidence in themn. The two lately organ- lzed ini this county should at once amalga- mate, unicas bath are prepared ta face a dublous public. We do nat see that any (armer cares whcther his riait la held by a compnny at Uxbnidge or anc at Columbus, but hi wou Id naturally -look for a strang companv, and will have doubtus about tMs cAas, so long as a few men at any villge are liable ta sprlng a ncw company on at any time. Midland company wau first organized and has dii ectors ail over the county, therefore we suggest that the Eat Whitby concern amalgamnate with the. Mluland. If no such step b. takten the public will naturaily conclude that the pers mnal ambition and selfiabricas of smre men are standing out to injure the. inter- ests ai local Insurance, snd ithe old line companiewlll have a stronger bold than ever. We believe that It ln our duty to the public te spcak out very plalaly la thm, matter, as t would be very dangerou toi rlsk su much property te Institutions of' musbroom growth, which may lad. away as qulckly u they came In slg t. lARIN-Noar Audlcy, on Mouday, APril a9th, î1%S. Benjamin Martin. KAg. 74 yflf. EEDWN.-InlTouhlo tho Poortb MOUÙ4 189> ýYIVAaUM, roWu,, £4 -A yeamu, 9 810f Sidt ~dfl.. BW>--At Pcirlu cmTusd3 Apri1 3me 'tan Victga B " sd -Llat week's issue of the Canada Presby- Mr. john,Ctathn + A4qOurt WU' terlan, was noteworthy owing ta increase here on Suniiy lat. olsige aitd the special intere>t anu value ofthe conents, It contalned a complete repart of the annual meeting af the Watnan's Foreign Missionary Society, ex- tending ta fourteen calumnu. Evcry member ai thls important saciety should have a copy. Other usetul feamures are the Christian Endeavor department, by Rev. W. S. McTavish, B.D., St. George ; the Sabbath school fessee by Revz W. A. Martin, ai Toronto ; and letters from mis- sianarles ln the farelgn fields. "Sundays in Scotland" ls a bnlght description of several niinisters mnd churches ln the matherland of s0 many Canadians. Ali th. regular departments are unusually full. The publishers offer a trial subscrip- tion tillitIJanuary next Cfror ncdollar. BLAOKISTOOK. Moore Bras. are moving into Parr's store. The sans ai Temnperance are prospering here. J. H. Devitt has commcnced his ncw Jhouse. David Millany is gaing ta ship bis patat- ocs on Saturday. Mr. C. Lattimore will be giving up the hatel in a few days. Mr. Robt. Crawford's child has inflam- McNally finished Daivid Malcomt bouse last weck. It cost $3000. Mr. Cosfield wns out yesterday after a severe attack ai sickness. Wm. Parr's famnily have moved ta Port Perry. Thcy will be missed from society in Blackstock. Mr. McKnight has been loaking at same praperty in Bleckstock, which be says be would like tu buy. Osters and Wilsons felI out about a welI. No person was hurt but it took niany oatbs ta setule the quarrel. Sunday schooI anniversary in the metbad- ist churcb about the 24th May. A pro- grammeri is ta be given. Mrs. Albert WVerry and Mrs. ina. Bea- cock each had a bad faîl, iniuring their back. Both are naw recavcring. Mr. Hiarry Hyland fell and gashed bis CcQfebead badly but IDr. Fish dressed the wound and it is recavering nicely. Rev. H. T. Fergusan of Columbus visited hus parents and friends bere last week. lie looks well aiter bis tbree weeks bard w or k Ibanks ta the eflarts ai the temperance mcin the bar ai tbe Commercial hotel wîll soon be shut. as anly one lîcense bas been graited n.o aur village. The conîest ai the Division was canclud- cd Friday nigbt b> tbe side ai wbîch Miss Friinma Parr was captain. Aiter a very auir programr was rendered the judges, NMrs. Jarnes Marlow :,d Mrs. J. Taylor, w t h ai rîuess mo aIl proclau mcd the vicîîr v won h)v Miss Flo-ssue Finsh'sisde. \'e hope that thougb the excîtemeni of the cotitest us river urterî-si iiiithe iuvsion will not lag as i us sometimies api o do. GREE NWOOD. Norah Feeîy s homne frant Toronto an a vIs;. %Ir. %I Gleeson us un the cul>' for a few days tis scek on business Inspectir Mcbren vsîîed aur schoal last week. anl reported it second to none, in the Mns. S.' Holît rcturned lait week from her castern vlsitlng tour. Mr. Ed. Carmichael commenced clerklng last week for Joncs Brothe 'rs, Part Perry. Mr. and Mn.. James Falrburn, of Toron- ta, were at Mr. James Kelley's on Saturday lait. Mr. and Mns. Cook, fronu Burketon, were vlsiting on Sunday, lait at MeT. Ltuke There was an increase in the family ai Mr. D. Ellerbys last week, In the persan of a lîttIe baby girl. The fourth quarterly meeting of this circuit for the present conférence year is ta be held at Raglan on Sunday next ta com- mence at ta o'clock a.m. A man by the naine ai Street who hai been living in the neighborhood for the lait year, was ient ta jail lait week by magistrate McTaggart for some racket he had had with his family. MIDLAND MUTUAL FIRE ::INSURANOE ::00., HEAD OFFICE, UXBRIDGE. Directors-Wm. Hamilton, Uxbridge; JG. F. Bruce, Beaverton; Wm. Shier, Sun- derland; R. S. Webster, Udora; A. Gra- ham, Uxbridge; James Burns, Green- bank; F. Dobson, Epsom ; M. McTag- gart, Myrtle. Officers-President, W. HamiAton; vice presîdent, G. F. Bruce; secretary, H. Mc- Kay, Uxbridge; treas, C;îas, Gould, Ux- bridge; solicitor, F. N. Raines, Uxbridge. Special agent, H. S. Peters, Uxbridge. ' This company inaures nathirîg but arm buildings and their contents, isolated dwellings and their contents, churches and scol bouses, and pays aIl lasses in- side of 6 days. Government repots show that somne sixty campanies of this kind in Western Ontario bave existed for a period ai 20 Or 30 years and have anly cxperienc- ed lasses requiring premiums of from 40 to 6o cents on the hundred dollars for three years. The Midland Mutual Fire Insurance Company g rants "blanket" palicies, which aId line companies refuse. For insurance apply ta WM. LEDING- HAM, agent ait Myrtie, or ta M. McTAG- GARI, director, Myrtle. ENNISKIoLSN. Mrs. Wm. and Miss Etta Brown are home after vrsîîîng frîends in the west. Mr. John Stantion, *ha recently resiZned bis class in the Meibodîst Sundav achool whîcb he has taugb for over ten years, was presenr.ed an Satunday nîght by the memnbers of hîs class wrth an address and hand8omely bound H-ymnal and Tune Book. Mir. I. Snell sueceeds hum whul,- b- rakes charge oftihe musical depariment of the S.S. Vîsitors -NIr. S J . Hasken, wife and doughier, town , Miss Dunbar, Toronto: Miss 8 S%&aun, Cacsarea; Miss and Mr. Ostarn-. Muss and Mr. Liitle-jobns, Courtie; NI, Eceanor A,,en. M D.C. M . who hbus jusi graduated fronithe Wonen's Medical Cal-ge wiîh ihe huczhesi honors, and tram Trirîîry .University ssiîh finit class hanors, has been vusiting her auni, Mrs. P. BartIes'. Her maîher was born and brougbu up un thîs neîgh. borhoodi anI the Dr. aîîended aur Public school here for somne lime when a voung girl. TYRONE Lueut. Mitcee farewelled last Sabbath. Lieut. Fisher, ai Wbitbv, will také- charge. Oý smip A Consecration service was held in the MIa,ýkey. the bail:if, bcid a large saýe ai fan- churcb lasi. Sabbatlî marning, when about ninký iuî.s her on l'hursdàs last, and reaniztd forty werc received into thi. chîrrch. guou piices. M r. J . G.,\Vaiucrs, of lorcnno, %as heru lait seek pruiîuug nhe hackbuards ai the schaol un shape. Y.uà rîerly meeting was hleld here on Sun- da y A vmiry large crovd as present, Rev. Harrus andi Fliait conductrd ibe services. Everytbung us runnung smootbiy for the gr5nd football taurnament and concert beld here on the 24nh May. Iwo sucver cups value $35 and $20 are ta be played for by ist and 2nd class teams Severai other games such as runnîng. Jumping, vaulting. etc., for sshich good pres wîll be gîven wîil aisa take place. The cups are open for campetution ta any or aIl football te.tma wbo desire ta compete. Na enîrance tee wîhl be cbarged ta compete for saîd cups. The W bîhtevale band has been se- cured for the occasion, also a splendid lot of talent bas been secured tram Toronto and other places for the grand concert ai nugbî. Wbau lavely weatber for seedung. 1 ust whaî the armers wanî, Our E.L. of CE, meetings are împroving both in number and interesi. Mrs. Wm. White waa vîsiîîng ber sîster, Mr,$. May, ai Mr. Brown's, last week. Our dreasmaker says that trade is dulI ibis season. Taa hard imes for new dresses. Mr. .Albert Coomb brought home a fine new top buggy the other day. Same people don't sem nta CecI itbe presbure ai hard tîmes ai ail. Mr. Albert I-ubbard wha bas spent some time ai 1Mr. W. Coomb's lateiy, has secured a position in the Balaam schooîini Pickering. Heit ook charge titI viMay. Mr. Wn. Toms says he intends building a silo ibis suramer. Wc wish hîm success and îhînk when others sec the benefit of green fad- der ihe year round ibey will soon follow bis exam pIe. Mrs. Willmatt, ai Prince Albert, met wiîh us an 8unday evening and gave us a very in - teresting address an mission work. She talk- cd ta ihe boys on character forming. and in- iroduced the mite boxes among aur membens, whmch wc hope wilI accomplish mucli good. -She te a very carnesi warker in the Masicr's service and always seems ta carry enthusiasm wnth ber. Two or ihree silly baUi-grown boys tbougbî they wers havlng some fun on 8unday evening wbile our C.E. meeting was goîng on, by pil.. ing alotof woodrlght acrosathe roagi. la the eyes of ailiers ît was a scandalous aci, and came nea resulting in an accident ta, those dnîving home in tbe dank. There la to much of Oie rowdy elent fa ths nelghborhood, as weL es auber places. and some af tbem are go- lng ta lic made an example of befare long. When Constable McKnlgbt laya bis bands on thsm perliapa îhey will woader then, where the fnoine ms ln. Boys, take warning in time, for your Dames are well kaown. Mns. Wm. Baker la very il. Eldad S.S. wil ot have an aanivensary t" year. MIss Mary Hogarth base been vlitlng at Wblîby. Mr. C. jouas Thoraton bau been la the aeighbonbood im. John Fletcher and îwo cbldren bave returued W TbameSford. Mliums. Murray and Tayior, of(Pickering College, wemr cut gueste lier.. ?etrs. T. Baker and A. Hogarth et. tued tiih O,» show at Toronto. The- Loyal Cnisae t the.clos. of tbeïr Iltorry contest enjoy.d a taffy pull cousmulg 4o ibm. of outpr. Quarterly meeting will be held at Beth- esda next Sahbath morning ai 10.30. Business meeting the following Monday. Personal. Mr. J. C. Woon, Commercial hotcl, Oshawa, was in tawn Wednesday. Miss Maggie Jackson. ai Toronto, spent Sunday with iriends and relatives here. Mr. Pardo Tanner, Toronto, is viaiting friends in town or a few days this week. MIrs. Silcox was calîed ta St. Thomas an Mondav to what proved the deatb-bed of ber sister. Mr. Guy Dartnell returned ta Toronto on Monday ta resume his former position in the Dominion bank-, Mr. Wm. Bond, Ingersol, having been summoned ta attend the funeral ai his mother, Mrs. Ricli. Bond, on Sunday last, is spending the remainder ai the week h ere. Mr. Adamn Gordon left on Monday marning for Owen Sound, where he will resume his duties in the engineer depart- ment on the Athabasca. H-e will be much missed by his many fniends here, who hope he will have a pleasant and prosper- aus summer on the water. For hosiery, gloves, corsets, underwean, our stock is camplete. W. H. Warren.Y Sec aur stock af boys' and men's straw hats, the newest shapes, at ver>, close prices. W. H. Warren. Get vour fire-pots, grates, iran or brick linings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, fram J. McIntyre. Hait: Before buying a spray puipip, bc sure and sec the And erson double action farce spray pump. The best in the world.- Ten ai themn bought by the govenament for the expenimental farm. OnIY $13-50 each. L. Fairbank's Whitby agent. Dr. Granta "Hairene,'" for the hain, la the only preparation guananteed ta stop falling hair, and remove dandruf. No lead, no sulphur. Ask your druggist for it. The Grea.t Emergency Sale. Look ouI for cheap boots and shoes. The great stock ai fine grades of beantiful fitî.ing styles, aIl the newest designs ln ail colora. Thousanda af dollars worth ta be sacrificed. H caps piled outside the door, and pnices mark cd away down. Cal ar- Iy and sec the bargains at the new shoe store. M. W. Collins. Fail wheat, 00 ta 75c; spring wheat, 7.5c; gose.wheat, Zoc; bnckwuuear., 00 40C ; bar.- iey, sIx-rowed, 4oc ta 45c ; barley. two- rowed, 42c; rye, 40c; oatS, 36c to 38c; pes, amnaîl, 6ac ; mummy pesa, 6o W 65c; pes, black eye, 6,5c; bine pes, 6o to, c dloyen, Alsike, $4.25 tW S6.2,5; red claver, $5 to 56. 50; potatoes, per bag, 60C W 7.c ;1 hay, s7 ta $8; baied bay, $ro to $t2 ; but- ter, 14c tWx6c ; eggs, é W r oc ; dressed hots, 050o tO$635; bop#, ive weight, 55.0;apples, wnW 525 t-3., The foilowlng are hilbest Wlilg. wleat 73e., red ie. cmt 40c, barkoy , couw ZrrCbuckwht .,h 1traw,-f7.M bu 2oc W 70v lu*-usoto eu ms quoted#, Lo8t. A large pocket book, containing sev- eral notes of hand, mostly payable at the Domninion Bank, Whitby, to the order of the undersigncd, and other valuable papers, ail worthless to the finder. A suitable reward will be given to any one who returns the same. 1 hereby notify any one against negotiating for the notes, as I have stopped p -yment for the samne. H. W. WILLCOX. Whitby, April 24th, I895.-4in. Strawberry p/a nt8. The undersigned bas for sale alimited number of the best and maît thoroughly tested, strong, bealthy plants, viz., Par- ker Earle, Gandy, Eureka, Haverland, Wilson, Warfield, Wilîiamns, Wolverton, Greenfield, Mitchellu Early. Fruit large, good shippers. Elght of these kinds are bi-sexual and two pistilate. Will be ready by the second weck in May. T. S. BRANT Whitby East iLadies' College. For 8,8I69 Two large greenhouses 5=2z5 in good repair. New Daisy bot water bolier with over 20 feet of bot water pipes 19 îmad 3 Inich, wlth all connections o fr heatlng. Also a large wludrnll lu go condition. Could bc eaully moved to Witby or else- where. Coet $l"o, Wwisu for $3S0. Apply to DL. BELT, Oshawa. For 88e/es A goodto buggy, lutgood order. clzap, pply tg, . , 'lONov, or W. Nt$WP&r, Cardiage Bailder, Whltby. GO Q' D S GOODS. i They are the best and lust the longe8t. Perfect ini Style, Fit and Finish. THEY WEAR LIKE IRONS I +0 DRESS a Ri We:are gYoing to talk to you this week a iittie about Dres -Goode, the grand, dispi y-we-are'shdwing and the great double fold, for 20c. per yard. 64 6 6 25c., 85c., 46c. and 60e. per yard. 46 66 25c., BSc.and 50c. per yard. 1 di 46 25c., 40c., 45c. and 50c. per yd. di 64 40c., 50c., 70c. and $1.00 per yd, Ls left of aux Tweed effeots whieh we are offering Faney Oolored Serges, Plain 66" 4. Black d Oolored Henrietta Black . A18o a few odd length very eheap. gýPA FULL LISE 0F DRESS We have placed on our counters a line of Dress Goods worth 25c., 30c. and 35ct, that we are clearing out at i5. per yard. Be sure and secure some of them before they areail gone. TRIMMINGS IN STOCK. -U. Somoathing Ww.- Fibre Chamois for interlining Puif Sleeves, Reveries, Skirts, etc. Cali and Examine it. 70 inehes wide, at 85 cents per yard. 3Ž*%>DREW SPEEJAL Tou ~I: M. ELOTHING à i RO-0sSm SALEI Mon': S ii: For this Sea;son' s Trade we have maide a very extensive purchase of Clothing which is now to hand -and which we purpose ta seli at very close prices. These goods are equai. ta the haif the price. best custorn t&' Note a ruade goods and at about few of our prices: Children's 2-pc'd Suits, (Coat and knicker Pant8) Wool Serge at $2.00, i ii ~ Twieed at $2.00, $2.65, $3.00, Boys' Knicker Suits, Youths' Suits, 8 3 ta 85, from $4.50 -ta0-$8 00. Men's Suits from $5.00, $6.00,. $7.009 $8.00,$87 Boys' Knicker Pants for 75c. Men's Wool Pants, good quality and well muade, for $1.25. Men's Colored Worsted Pants for $8.90. Men's Black Worsted Pante for $8.75. $8.50, $8.75, $4.00 and $4.50. 29 ta 82, from $2.55 ta $4.50. 27 ta 32, (coat, vest and pant'> from $4.50 to $8. 5e $9, $10. WA»ÂUU ENNe KEEP YOUR FEET DR\I If you catch cold now it wil bang ou ai Sunimer.1 mmmAN3BRSOri"S DOUB&.E cl FORCE POMPS Sos WelIstb &Clsteni, ,Stpraylsug Trocs biAff o >siaon Wt#iwpaLL.. Gu srsnîed ilt.e *"lmstwrlc- Ing, nist duratble and bësu tejp ntd.orna sale. e n pss nîdl paudçulm ;drnu J.W. ANDlORSoe J. J. O'CONNd-R. Praotioal Horseshoor MnOUnîe ,te pubýic -of Whit- nlt,that..T --huae. 1 beg to i by and vil blacismlIh to*n, and 1 Lam un 6' witn ai V TI Stu is $1 Sie est buc] weau Fc ises cup5 stan( MatI Tl bill i fairs The spet plea Foui A upaI er in afflc Seuil SE senc crea ja met mis, rplai mis tbee an the A Bi wee mei HUî anc foti tr-I Ai tha a h me rau ha% Coli thie twc Our ICL col taI aur t tEl t. 'F41 i*ty of _Ontarlo. 411h) "LA ONLY Cýý 150. ~ PEY YARD. r F THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE. Ws E q. Fl a No t t Il Rlà i7m::il WEAR GRANBY RUBBERSO