Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1895, p. 3

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Chairles MoGnire, of the Kingston x0a'out 18, is ffering from infiamma- tion Of the lunge. lire. PaIton, Br., is indisposed and ba beep for a fortnigbt IIow. bShO's irflProving, however. A. U-rqnhart, the Broughamn tailor, met 'With an accident at Wilitevale Thursday Morning. \Vhile getting out of a buggy the borse becamne Irightened bnd Aloi. was thrown some distance, lighting on bis head. For E tîtme it Wut thougbt that. he was dlead, but soon revived anid had the wotund dressed and WU8 driven home. It is tboughit that he will be completely recovered in a few day.. 't ' hïýý mav andmi was lrvai taule-I 1,V c(i i frnîeudtt fmemî x'mNîrotslarts ut th(ecolin - ty. The reimains wcro intorcl in î-':miue cemDcteýrNy, 211(l conceSsion. This Iis ai age cf pusli auJ onergzy witbcut tbe least sbadaw cf a Jouît. A few yearsaiago if a cmuunty uowcpaper office was burued cut, that paper ceasedj to le for seme weeks at least. sud the odîtorst Jowu sud gn:.eved aven bis, los and pernsc'd excîtauges ta tee lîow în)ucb syuîpathlv hie lho received. Not untîl syiipltttlîy iîad other maîters to attnd to, wenild ie thimik aLzain abent gomug into buisiness. Things have change-i. andi uathîng but death wîll keep the eJitor quiet for eveti oe week. Ibe BewmamîV1lleStatesmflot office was compltely destnoyed hi' fine bMonday eveningt yet Weduesday menu- ing the 1aper caine La hiaud îest the sarne as if ncthiug ont of the ucuall liai happened. The soot was iBssed frcîe the opposition office auJ ou ime. This dispîsys anothier wonderftil change, a few years ago opposition editors wr neyer on epeakiug tennis, mudi lest did they befnietd eachi othien, but nathen streve te embarraLs and hindor. Now it iie tie ctuswofli not only te exprefis syrn- pathy, but wheu required assistance îs freely extetideti. Tbe oniy reason we cati givo for this wcndorftil change je that comonOienso and fellow feeling is becclng more prevalent as tibe veste multiply. Breis. Gale and James sbcould bereafter ho on the bout cf terme, as tlhe former bau shown himselfto be an hon- orable rival.-News. CLARMKONT. T4 markat on Tuesday sa fairly weii 8ttendd ,gin Sgrah lood bau gone te Tor- otot te reade for a time. W. Dowsueil WU in the City wîth f rielide over SUnda&y. Mnr. Wai'd and Mmi Milme are Dot mulnobipTOVUId in halth. Ligs' M. palmer, of Pickering, wus ber. TuWI&7 Via)'aeas. 1fr. Oâtidmn, of Torontoebas beau est11é bir for t'. paou A ~ ~~u 11uba f 01 soliviTWWTor. onto lust wook and vere Mue)'Plas Wtt) Nvbai thuawv. vate banking finmn was withl us one day laust week, we are not periîîîîted te make any statement in that conn)eti lin. Ho bas not. yet Coîuîuuuicated 111bi nten- fions te anyonn in this locilîitv. Othior propositions have boon stîbiiuîtted î,toi u business mien and are now under con sideration. We expoct cocn u v hoable to make a definîte stit'încnelt te tlle Mi'lîle in the ci ty th e ethler d11Yw c ha te ploacître Af îiiee'î îg Mi s MNi r- vin Burk, cf lluwiniiiivillc, Lt'luiii pion I1Iîtteýr-mnîtkeýr oft \\ est 1I i iii.i k Mis. Biîrk bas rîîaie ai stî( (1îi(o e1t t-r mn king for omaVtýariMi eî' if iuquisitive nature, lretttul I)vxj\ieri. niontsIlier idea s lt îlit it tiiktIl(' 11lore work La iireiiic(' a 1ind ()l e ibutter, timon ilIt. tt it it 13urk on the siceois t h ai las att on ed ber etiorts in t he i bve linoe. 'Ne undnirstîtnitii ai.ne li îîn ses;(i permits xvill le grantv(i te) lietel k(ep(orS in tbe varionis tewnshîp lu inontario, whlere 1Local Uteib v lawithave l'oci carnied, ucithmor wîll ainvý action le takon untîl after thie decîsien of ilie mi vy Councîl lias beon gîven. Thiîs means tiiet uottoBi ns tuins 1ownsliip will re- main as; tbey are fer the next tlîree Motths ai least, lmd Uie prelabîlîtieS are that tlie decision l wilI îlot beho id even thon. lu our hiumble, opinion thie Crook's Act would be preferoble te Uie present mode cf rcstrictiîig tbe sale of liquer in lit'kerîug. Tho fact Is, wo never wcmo in faor ef Local 01ptioni. \Vo hîoad a ciot wîtlî lislî aud Gaine WitriieniJochu Gordoni the ai ler day and duri ng tile conversation leornod thlat htiin g te1,r suiers w itii a poln'et was ail riglit. l'lt tillt If S!îIiien er otiior Ipretectedt,,l filW tv-r ' ali2lit an'] rttlnti tliti t c itiýliiniZ t lu-nilwils lialito te alfne ..\ýS ik thlinglite tu t-g r h itit'l tî. is tit liAw and titriii",i-ý lio- 1 11nepetciewliot- ù v vr. 'l'li ic or i l )t&gilli il) a locaîl iv whlire gaitt ilr i- ivht-re lu' 1jefeinn %Vas >, (Io.mii:îî tri ~d ingdurigLi'c Sc s"-'uii WaR bl j ale.utw l" îîlwitii M 1e li s. i l i ii iii I pi Stiîeîîuilirik ii r, ig Tli'r' de iiti. friii îîoor ('Itmm v- xx. n I-rîiiv .tilt, 1Mb, one' ýf 1 ick et i j elestt a),il- tii iiglil *y respect ,j - pissii i -r---di l Jtla1) es M c- t rgit . I.I tî'uî--dxxas raLlifr )f a liîirh niiler t hie iiititiiclolitn- cil 1)utii as reeo and ui berliuote . 'Fie îîano t iîîb~ \cL're'uzlýit is insepor- il'xiithîe carlior (4tervutlicker liii t)WflClul îir tli' pat f-w 'ear lie lt liel aretire i lit". couttontifigf liiî~et wtliluuingafter tii't, a.rti e 'hi hreax ed wlexi waimA byve uailtori iliai e 11Iiii'i \il)ti\01 h t e i ange bonis have been imade. wiie Utler gangs have badl the praverbial tisliertnamî is luck. We aire glad tic le able ta cLatie that \Vaîlter Tham is sîawîy recoveriiig from uis recent serions ilînoas. We hope to see bim arounid again seau. William Belichambérs, who bas been n the cîty for some tinie, bas retumued, ooking hale auJ heanty. lie inteuds speuding the snmuamer in Landan, Eng- land. Our towu uarrowly escaped what migbit have been a serions confiagration on Saîunday. Bailev, son cf William Campbell, in rlay, set fine te a bundle cf sîraw lving near tbe stable sud soon that building was on fine. Fortunateîy it was ceeu lu ime and extinguishied before much damage wasa doue. You've No Idea Hew nicely Hoodeg Sarsapanilla bites the needs ofl tbe people wbo f eel ail tired (ut or mun dnwun f rom any cause, It seeme to oil uvp the whole mechanisfl' of the body so that a i move8 smootbly and work becomes de- light. It you are weak, tred and nervone. I-ood'a SarneaparMi'B in ut .wbat you need. Try it. Hood'a Pille cure juter ills, constipation- biliounees, jaundicie, sicie headache, indges, .tio al. A Clay f onnd near Olarence, MO-, bas been found w Contaju 40 per cent. cf aluminium. Le there anytbing more annoyitigtbafl hav- ing your corn muepped tipon ? s jehra any- thing more delîghtftil thon getting id cf it? Holhoway's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and b. ounvineed. Danisb Iigbt-houffl are supplied witb oil te pump on tha waves duritig a etorin. B'URDOCKPJLLS. smaI4 saf e sad sure, regulaite the liver snd cure OomStpatioei. Tiser. were MW885businesfailtres in thé Statules t Yeu. A" fur luai4B ma toke »otbW. THAT 1UAOKIG 01UGH au be qulaklY cured by EBagwdSpe ster i Ba. nt. Pdo e6 Amu aSun ~0OOOp.qudof tu à Brown, desîres te express her apprecta tîcli cf t lic cvtýiîpatliy auJ bielp teuderod te lierIni lier g:reat sorrow, by the offi. ' Ori f t ke[lij l 'ircle, Ne. 82, Clame- mulot, lauJ thlîmegli tiiem Ltlitauk the treastirer of tlîe irilr andi otliers coun- c i'.for thlt'e rnpt paymno f the ttil aîoiîe of& t te policY' ltv.o tlîcîisaud dlIla rs) iii lier tfavoiw itiiout troublle, aîîxîàt v, eor expensO Le ber. Censi aile Glsen lbal ratiier a livelv oxpericilce opposite lius resîdonceoan Tijesa. Ilis tiery steed sudculy toek a notion thai iL woold nie lonm.er drive auid dcidod ta take a h cader. Suiitig the action ta thie words the peur cIA herse teck a tuîuble mie thle dicli. ,Jamnes ceaxed. pleaded, bain- merci ani ohrentoned ihie prestrate animtal. but of ne avait. After romain)- itîg there, for saine ime thiebonrse lie- camne cufficientl i' rested ta ho aile te ise, auJ was loil back ta the stable. Surelv ibis is net tie beasi James wcuilà meunt wlieu lu pursuit cf a re treoting crituiînal. ThePecason otf Uic vear hait arrived wlîeu auir villagers sbould set about do- îng whiat they tau ta improve thie place Nothi ng adde tfore tathie noatuess cf a village than dlean streetq sud good side- walks. B3efare thme grozîng season sants iL shaîîld lie distincily unadorstood that Cattle will bet lie permiuîed ta mun ai large througlî our streets. Ilu fermer sîlînniers our wlks have been mucb dainagol1 in tliis way. l)urîug the pasL w Inter, wooii lias boen pi ledl upenthie si recLs in varions parts oet tue villaele. '-'llw ilat the snîw î il ge -,ne it is titile tlbat tIi le woodl was reine ovol. Tiiis ap- plies vwvth e1uial tere'te tewuslipititn' 1,er eni Breck streo(t. sent h. 1,(,t cli cur peopl e unite su)d bave thlieoestrnictions D'UNBARTON. S f ed(1Ilii F; uow Utic ordlrorfet te day. 'i lier, 'aI acoditioînveod on Tues- a y wtt - k'xx ii a geoula Lt p id an ce. Peter 'Jerrisan loti Tuesdav week fer Wîarton ta filI an important posi- tien. A ntîmber 1ram bore toek in the herse fair ini Toronto on Frîday and 'Saturdmy. 1Berthia, voingeitt dauçgliter cf Charlos - Ml >ual. las Leen cetrîously il1, but is 10w' reoverlfg. lbýev. M CAullev will eccilpy the pulpit liere on SLundi:mv nexi, anti 1ev. Chlia ha bltn will occupyth te Pickering pulpit. Mme. E. l)ales auJ fonily, farmerlv cf thîs place, but now cf Tarante, ane Jxv1itlng at M rs. (Dr.) Diles, 'Larne , 'illa.- l"sîu l o lm ae1sdmn Mesuras. Graham Bros., woe.aucunS. ful in oapturing somne good prigeo on their borÀes at the oity laet week. We regret exoeedingly to learn that Mre. Harry Thomt-of is stili very low. Her matnv frionde are aniouly await- ing ber i covery. Duucvti Macnab is with friends iu St Cat.beries thie week. * ie la not just in the best of bealtb, but expeots that the trip will do him much good. Charlie Graham and hie hiaile brother, of Toronto, were bore for the past week with friende, the tormer helping bis brother Will, tbrougtî the busy season. MNrs. lEddI(y bas recovered from, ber recent ilîness and restimed charge cf lier departtieit of the school Monday. Iler niother, Mrs. Clegborn, lias gone botue to Prince Albert. A dIeputa ion fromn the Wbitby Pres- bytery visi ted C laremiont congregation on Monday eveniuiz for the purpoRe cf discussing thie adviFability of the arnai- ganiatîi,,i f the Clatremout aad Ash- bumn congregations under one pastorate. 1The matter was argued pro and con 1cms oheaidris, whn ouwasd -siing r,Jaeyaletht or yswor silv i N that's my wîue-cellar, said Jarley. Mrs. Hickey-Why do you suppose the high hat la msking so much trouble? Hickey-tlecause there's a womiaf at the bottani cf iL, ef course. -IIoax-I cee thcv have a new naine for i licieIlîigli buldinlgs wbîçll are belng . erected. Joitiindeed ? \V'lat is it 2 Hoa% -Tlitv are called seriaI biilliiiîgs, ,becauso tliey are cou- tînued stories. \i itherly-lf I lhave knrown that yen were o loini. iii ropluinou ils s0nuex. pectedlv, tee wotîl have lîad more for dînuer. Cisetuî-l)on'L mention iL, elJ mau, lut nexi Lune l111 be sure La let yenl know. pari ta sw'eo tai the parties camne ta iigli wards ?Castor witnes-ýNay, 1 didua szmv îlot. i shîeuld- say tlbey was particularly law wamds. Dent yan tiuk idiot a goad many cf these EFssier Launets Jokes ane aver drawu ? suIe inmuirod. Y@s, replied ier clîeerloss buslianil; auJ a goad manv Lank accautits. Jahînv Smat-Tlbore's a Lig dit'for. once between ni" teacimer aud a stmeak cf lgbîtnîug. 'Mrs. Suiat-Iiew so, son ? Jahnny Sm ltie strîkes sev. emal limes in the salinle place. Boardintz lieuse inihîress (at Sunday dminuch Mmf. Joues, wliîv île yannet eat seiine cliîcken ?VMm. lJoues (.vhîa lias labea filtetan minutes irv'ing te ca1rve a 1gTioi iinover womk an sunday. 1) ituo'u i .1 conitell a insuss charact"r prettv act'nmatc-îy by the way lie stocLke Ilî cigar ? PLut suppose lie liiopons te le, a cigarette smaker 'l Uhi t1hon lie b1asýiît aiv ecimracter ta teli. Fîrst acior \Vhîot, donit yeu like thîs îplay. -n kw ()'lue man, new, wha tbinks iL i siinplv great. ',Second actar -V ho uis thai 1irai actr- The a ut b er' I'roS1)ctix'C tenîant (ta ageit)-Xau say this h -use 18 jeat a st-cnes throw froiîi the Jepot. \VeIl, al I have ta saxy is 1 have great admiration for the iman wbo îbrew the stoene. Yes. remarkcd the telephone girl, as alie gTazed1 at the wax'es and woudered w-bat ibeir îunber was. 1 arn connect- ed witb the besi families lu cur dity. She-l think thora is canasidenable rouinfor improvenîiens luladiest dresses nowadays. He-Well, in the sleeves especialhy. 1 should say there was roarn enugh for almost auything. ewe hie repetatian I Studet-Pnin' cipally te the fact that his naine coin- meuced with X su ad came in se handy for headijues in alphatical copy 'bocks. Mre. Gray (te frieud who lias been to the prayer meetiug)-Did yen have a good meeting ? Mmea. White-Rather uuinterestimlg. 'None of tihe men who spoke had even doue anything bad. Julia-Do yon consider Mr. Nippy a mean man? Nellie-M eau'? Notionly mean, butewardly. Why, he nover wilî take a iseat in a etreet car for fear he will have to give it np tic some Iu ail my caneer, said tihe emineuti statesmen, I can say that 1 have nover doue anythiug to e ho shamed cf. Yen mean, sueered the cynic, that yen have nover doue anythiug yen were ashamed of. I uuderstiand that yonr sou wenti west, inteuding te nrise sith the cern- uîunimiy, said the neighhor. Yes, au' did what ho statted out for. Hew?7 He hadn't heen there a week before a cyclone struck the tewn. 'Tacti is,tt said the one0 man, "I mar- riod because I was Ionely, as much as fer auy other roason. To put it tersely, 1 married for sympathy.'" "WoIh"' said the et lier man, "Iyou have mine." Nurse -Sure, ma'am, the twine have beon making a fuse ail day, ma'am. Mrs. Olive Branch - Whiat about?2 Nnre-It's because they oan't have a birtbday a pioce like the Dawson ohl- dren next door. Justice (severely-How could you, air, beoo 0mean as W aswindle people that put confidence ini yen Prisoner -Well, judge, l'Il make it Worth somne thing Wo yer if you'i1 tell me houW t work them as don't,. London omam ilUtoms of malt dally. Lodon .4m 19.00 ptefu.Iom mu*dflm. 3 U04out et1040dsby tb5 T*s. dowmw ouusm*lof apovdI Ms. 0.14 M lb h.-# y4 ïu.- « Punxy Thinga. Blobbe-What'a the différence be- tween gloves and policemen ? Slobba -Give it up. Weil, gloves are usuallY1 Mise McFlirter-1 have r ýf un- l Seven offera of marriage siîîcu last 555ts son. Mise Vero-Quite a sleight.of- hand performer, aren'r you ? Jinkine, 1 believe you have sorne cf the elemente cf succese about you. Net a dollar, old man. Honor bright. You'd be welcome to it if 1 had. Will you have the chicken dressed? asked the poulterer. No, replied Young Mrs. Hunnimune; you may seud ià to me-en-mn the altiogether. Why do you punch that hole ini my ticket? asked a little marr of the rail- road couductor. So you can pasa Lhrough, was the reply. DEICIOUS M AZAWATTEE TE AS, 15,0009000 Fa cke zts ~Of Old Counztry, [à 1 LB. ABD j LB. LEAD PACKETS LT 40% 50, AID 60 CEITS FER LB. FOR SALIE BY »MHBON BROB., HTBY Pisysiciama 'UlesilAdithDagos Oruwk Apdil ~Te4eul b G.ce Mru ;4ofe~ obb»bm oernMd IVodernI Featherbone Corse muet not be confounded with those whieh were made five or six years ago. The Featherbone Corset of to-day is as far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASEO. The Eel À girl'us hair is one of her pointa of beauty and it should ne ver be negleot- ed. Begular .teady brushing of the hair with a oleil bruah, fifty 8trokeas before going w laod attîglht, rwenty- five in tlio morniiî', wheis iresse g, wdI loveiy. Once a month at least the tipa of the hair should b. clipped off, juat the inereat tip-ends at the edges, and once a nxouth the head ahould be carefully waahed, with tepid water and good atile aoap, thoroughly rubbted, and well dried. If maxnma haa time to take, this sort of rare of her daughter's hair, she will be repaid by seeing rîch and flowing tresses or sisters may eaaily do iti for oe another. Do flot cut your hair in bangs. It ie vory nuch prettier simply parted and coxnbed back plainly, than braided in one or twe long tails, and tied with a ribbon. Avoid essences, ois, and pigments ; the haîr needs only cleanlifle8s, and niuch brushing. Keep your hairbrush clean by frequently dip- pinig i into a bath of hot water aud anironia and drying it in the sun. Everythiflg used in treating the hair muet br scrupulously neat. Tonimy Asker-:So)w, if ynu, was to get to be an artist, what would you like to draw 1 Andy Quick -A check on the batik, Firet Lieutenant-By Jove, as we were going over the river on the plank bridge it gave way and the mon feil in. 1Scond Lieutenant-What did you do?î First Lieutenant-I ordered tihein to .fail out of course. Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pltcher's prescrptIon for Infants and Children. it contains neither ODium, Morphine noir other Narcotic substance. It la a harmiesa substitute for Paregoric, Dropa, SOOthing Symups, and Castor Oi1.- It l. Pleasant. Its guarantee is tblrty years'9 use by Millons of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishfless. Castoria prevents vomitiflg Sour Curd, tetigobecures arhaadWr- Cashntoroubsimles the f adri boas, iing shealf toria is the Child.ren'5 Pan -Castoni a leau excellent medicine for chil' dren. Mothers have repeatediY tOld me Of lis good ef! oct upon their chldren." DR. G. C. OsGoon), Lowell, Mass. eCastoria le the best nemnedy for children cf ,whtch 1 arn acquainted. I hope tho day is net f ar distant when mothers will consider the rosi intereet cf their children, and use Castoria iu- stead cf the various quftdk nostmnrnw hich are destroylng their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtfut agents dcwn their throats, theneby sending Lhem to premature graves." DiL J. F. KmtcxxLx, Conway, Ark. The Centauri Company, 77T Murray Street, Nqew York City. SeverePaiinuiShoulder 2Years Cured by"The D.&L'Menthot Plaster. Mywfe a fficted for twa years wilh a severe pain under the SAldefI aT nd thro ho the %«an;. ftaylel-sig MIny remedies withaut relief, she tried a " D. & L." Menthol PLaaer, ik did ils woa& max owisg ta tbis cwie hiandeds af these plasters have berri sald by me heu, giving equI al aslactioe. J. B. SUTmrTHZANfl Deisi, River jaba, 1.5. Solci Everywhere, 25C.eaell. WEAK"-MER VOU& DISEASED MEN, ~j Tc>uand ofYousng o.Imd le Âgad Men a*àe a=nuy swePt to a ?Mle1?aturegmV throuZgh early idsrtion and later exces&es. Self abuse and 'onstitultionai od Diseemlsgve rmned and wreclked the ii* of many a promieinE Yonne UanM Have yon aay o t~efoflwiua ptoms Nerons nd Depon en;Trd in Mornmg- io Amb- thsFo~rBI n iea h;festsm;HagrdLokgit ,r Tehrcsl a *s;Pisi ov uknBe iees itutn xd[ceo Wîsfan 5 eei . u YAN~O ramUilal e pmnal~pyial CUrSd o jours Oaxst. Tovu " Our physicians ta the chiaren s dopait- ment have spoken htghly of their experi- ence in their outstde practice with Castorta, and althongh we only have among Our mnedical supplies what is known us regular products, yet we are free to con! osa that the monits cf Casoins bs won us to look wtth favor upon lt. " UNITED HOSî'rrnL AND DisPEnsARY, Boston, Mss ALLEN C. SM=T, Pres., 'e P ÂB 4yar taeIlere adhbtwih letmm me. I became narvons and, woak. Mty back troubled me. I c4mld stand no exertion. Hlead and -eye becam &uL. Dreem ansd -drains st wniht wealkenedi me. I tried seven Medical Pirms,, M.ec- trio Belte, Patent Medicines and Ysnii Doctors. Ther Ytm ne help.-Âfin dio eer i.Kney&Krei sent me mea month's treatmnent and it cnred me. 1 ceuld féel inysef gainiig every day. Thoir New Miikod TreaiUW MW ein sApi au amus fea*.'" Tay have cured many of iennd. diseus.1ivent te Het SPYilgtO UtiIStOlYPblfSUM&oUW=riamce kled na.Afttr a vhlle tho e mptoxa gl atUred&, Ibrot became sorsvains inu Ib, Plu0m pon Osi bI t ffl gu ý_ lam a o hum, lans us d e, eto. A-moa imd'advio m ý Knodk arausNwXOýh0d a=mmmÎ$d ua 4yhud ne.yrÉ2ems ior e '-roi m hebo ~5 Y~ÂRS I DTIOIT IOO1W- What is Cc-infaria relieves 1 chu. patterson.

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