Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1895, p. 2

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hi T o I KNOWLEDGE Bringe comfort and impro-rerent anh tends to personal eujoy-ment wheu rightly used. The rn-tuti, who live bet> ter than tî ers and eujoy life more, with loua expeniiture, by more prompti: adapting the wtîld's beat producta t. the rieeds of physical being, will atted the value to healîh cf the pure liquit laxative pritîciles embraced in the reîiotiy, ovu f Fige. Its excelleuice ie due to lt-e presenting in lte fotu-n ru tut acceîiîalt' e ead pleas ant to tlie taste, the refroshingand truly benefictal pi 'pertieis of e perfect lai- atîve ; effettially cleAttaing tite aystem, diSp)elliuîg ctlti, healîcite& and fe%-ers and îîuruîîauiieitly cîît îg constipation. It agietstfaiitteitlinan met iih t hoe ofr t i ithe inedical pruifessi ti, berause it Rcta on tlie Kiti neya, Ltver andiB siilit weak- eniîg tIihem natit lai ifo- vfree fruin avery oljeciti -italie Stit,' Syrutp uf Fîts i.9 ftr sale by il tmg- gi8ssin 7e î t-,b t ilisIniattu- faci tred l lv fic te ut-aF~g Syrin Cc. 0ti1IvW iitase naitto ta t" itîteti on e\ t-rt package, aise lte wnne. Siiip of Figa, and beuig w-t-l ittfo-r:ted, y' -u will riot aocept ai>, lsýitilte ilf "2ertuli Thoma£" A. John. A Common Affliction Pertnanently Cured by Taklng Rs ,Sarsa- AYERSparilia A CÂB-DRIVERS STORY. M-19a affllt'ted for eighit vrais M"liii Saiat tl ui. Iirin i t ttitnit,. i -ii r eat t flutI~ iti'ilciîs w h vel 'e hIgl 1Y 1ee, VRl' , -1-, ti , uli nit'gave ne ielief. i vil lt, 1-t %a frî((i u th toit nie th trigttrî,t.,tht- .i loo'k the Couteili:' 'iti lt- of tllost iot- t ,wIholI ti1(11ut% ilv diiiect 'tf] 1ie lt itti flisi t ht - fourth l , nN h.nls were ai Free from Eruptions ils ever thiey vvere. myvhiîns. i Wiihitut gt -s, anti tilt, trîîýi1hlt Wtiatfortl, ont. Ayeî'S--leSarSapariI a Admitted at the World's Fair. Ayer's -Pilla-('lea nse- -flacDuwels. JORRESPONDENOE UXBRIDGE. Tut(-uc tilt Uc a large increase in tUe num't-r o- ifcryc-le rira in Canada tUbs yearn Ati nr-ttast- tf a hatf is perbapsaa low est itic tut Inixhnige tht-me are a]- eacit- st-cer.tl nu it-o tt-s, anti in other îow uts it la Ut-saitne. (titi ht)rses are getng st-art-e. Tht-rt- arc sti a lo'ttuf horst-s in tht- country, but gocou uti oadaters, saddte henses, fancy kue iet-îîttt-s aund heavy herst-s are bard ta f lt]. ltnscmeuî thîuîk tht- coming year will sec s iccudeti advauîte in prit-es. Tnte pt.îuting ahoud bt-corne paputar wîtiî tue resut-nia in twn during tht- next few weeks, as some ctizens have no shacle tnt-ts on the st-et in front ai tht-bmrt-si-- dent-es andi others have some dead ont-s b be repîtîceti. Aiready samne have ht-en tnt-t trimnuutig and as a rt-suit their shades anti oruîanîeuîîats witI gmow more symmnetnicat tbis seaso-n.. Otl the onet- areet in Gouittyllie, firei mill te miti, a distance ai tees than a quart- er cofc a mite, tht-ne rt-ide sixty chiltiren under thirteen years of age. Tbey are divîdeti among sevenîcen bouses. This gives ail average ai nearly four ta a bouse. whit-U dut-sflot set-m particutariy higb untit you hegin toilook foi a street that can ishow a simibar number. A (t-w evenlngs ago a young lady of U xbridge was unabte ta finti a needie todo sone lt-eesary mending. She kncw she bad Pteced ane in the cushbon, anti forth- with set down wlîb a determînatlon t0 finti that needle She tountilit. She teck--the cushlion te pieces anid diseectedt itWi such *uccets that alie extractdeti taciy 84 needit-, of varn-us sizes. There wtIb 4o- ScaIcilîy of needie, in ber bouse.flot a 111115, and « qbtunbier. 1, ahheu two otber cuit, l01» that wil Iitly prove quit. as pieuSet. Thqr,é gingto be no scacty o-f frot la the etf<nnOf 0<Ib »«bissin*r pur tg corne.1Tuaday ulght. SOOiOO t7P Il speckled trout from the Credit Fork hatcb- ery arrived bore ln care of Inapector Wil* mot and were loaded int five wagons, 50,000 of the litIle switrnmers going to Johnston's trout pond (conîroited by an Uxbridge synidicale) and 250,000 ta thbe fish preserve of Widdifietd & Dike et Siioarn. It is a pity the park pond is flot stocked. If it coutd be protected for two or three years il woutd becomne one af the best trout streams in Canada. Burled ln a WeU On Friday asat John Third, etdest son ai George Third of Scarboro, and brother of Mrs. John T. Eltiatt of Uxbridge, was in a wett on the farm of a Mr. McKay, four mites from Toronto, when the curh gave %vav and he was buried thirteen feet in quicksand. The men were engaged dig- ging a wett and had got down twenty-three teet when the accident occurred. lthecurb was not strongly made-. The voung man was otll%' 23 years of age and liad hired witit Mr. McKav for a miontît untit work became urgenît at home. lie had onily been in the well a fevv minutes when the accide-nt occurred. MIr. and Mrs. Eliiott attended te funeral on Monday to Metint Pleasatnt cemnetcrv. An iuîquest atît he held to-nîorrow. A Breach ot Promise Case BJohn Titonias Moore, a youtig farnuer ol tht- towntsiptîtciScott,liîving utear Sandforc 9P.- 0., ta defendent it a suit i nat it-ce -agatîtat httm b>- Miss 1-tz7te Nixonî, whe re- sîdes on )uutdas street, Torontto. Misb Y' Nixton waîtts $iooo dollars damiages foi aileged breacit ttf protmtse cf îtîarrtsge. Mtoore is a widca er Of 26. tt s clattîted titat burt-e ttiotts after the uleat lu of bUs *first wife he cornîntetîcei curtîuîg Lizzie, -wiio at the- t iet oasx-tstti ng lu teuis ii titi hctghhtritood. Wiîen she returuted to j Torontto tii -t cort espotid cd reguliart v antd bts .33etitstolatirt'conîtributionts, whicir -fa ut ed lu ce - s vouitg l aitte.tare itow Intiite -possessiont of solicitor G. M1(Gardner, 2 wito Itas hteut rotaineutcdio loo~k aht-r tite iittrrestsiof te youig lad t 'S'everal tnteaItutthose lttut-s relerenuce ta rmade te tite pt oposcirntarrtage îtnd tht-v are to e ie d as parutiOftelit ;tl.îttflis case. I)uriig last suuîtnteu Mi iss Nixuon w as ertîplot-ci as a dottierstit einuthtie tituse oc iNIr, te c-v thle tresd i ttg aIt 129 t Bathiturat aI rect Shlic lai tiis i tat site i t- troducci Motte, and lie was ucceived thlere as ier inttettded ttsitaru i t In S-ep- tember, ist, îore wttatatxous tuai the uîurrtagc siouli take place t rîrnediatctt-. As twcîve ritt hada tot elaiteci silice the cie-atli of lier liredecessor ut the \-eutîg mn'ts affectionstt Miss Nixon oijected, autd a jîosb1otenîtnt tii lai january was reluctatîl agreed te Uv defeutiant. Miss Ni xon î1uitted INîr Leyva service tut Itecerniber last .0 mnake peîîaraticuts for the weddirig, attd tue requisîbe trousseau was pI-Cciased utîder the super visiont of the twaîntî tît to Uc. NMoore reîurîîed tii lits oiîîte uit-r t.xhridge. prottîising bu fît-et Mtiss Nixoîn at lit-r homne îîear ()rîllis t'ari] tntît iiikiar\i ohen thelie îarriage a-as lu take plat e Thtîs îpromise lie kepu, but for soir-e t casont or tither tue nmat nage dit mtott iienti tk-e place anid the- lridegrîtont r t-iînîeîlhonme. Itiite nîeaîitîne.it ia ailegeil. Nitre's p.îretii-. liectîftl- susîîîc- " ili ulîcir intiiiiiî.il Intentitins til regardti thui tutt i ii O icir tolit-d tue ciii ul.îugit-t tii a a ibit utt-glbor, o %tfin iiidnge-r Mi leiig isr.i-,atnd Nirs Meure t\\. d-sp.îtchled ta Turouit10b rretitiiiîir. St- '-uîuttt-icejIlbue uit- 1i]î-îii iiiriîî'uiiiti tt evufig niaut cvt-t-teti ilt ir, h ir tue put pîtar-ci ie- iiig tiai rîut, i' Siti-îtiir-el--r, îut site a-as i-\etiitV ti t" leati, %Nt-utn-lie reiornied anid rit-t lier -uit, utlie ut as stil fut-e, and tut a ct itt-lt ire iiMi-s ,Nixton (ilriiiîie]t lutc.ik1itg otite etigageitentl. Thiis '-indec-ii-c iti lnatiýir- aitex- tliltîitut. aitd1wenti iiiSatidicit, at-r-m- îîaiîejUi lita lad\fit rîtid. ti ueer-t t trli jiersîin. N ct-i t saiiartorv expîttuirtion aus fiirliir-îî tg.r-x elit liat NMoere in- ftîrnted lier lit di itit îiîuk blat ahe Lad t titiut ted ht-r--e Ifitt h ini aitli quit- tue a iiio uit tfif tntid -tlt rt-serve t hat he cout- sur-ru-i o a- ii rr Titis the plattîtiffin- digîiailý\ dr-ir-il andtite trotublle began, foi lotitler oetrt ut ts -tret-rv identît- out. cf the qjuvsti(ittil Mr- Gantdier w-a couîaulted an tthe tc itile'-s sîain \vas netified that lie ntuî-t apoulogize for renîsrks he Lad tuait- and eîit-r mart- thte girl or psy Uer S i oooî. Tilt- orît o -.s serveci on tire u2th n-O-,ttnd th~e procr-edîtîgs that ciii ftttttw are lik-ltt Uc sptuited and intereating. A Burlesque. luit t errv Observe-r. Is our etîîcrprtsiuîg and prospercua buai- tiess ceutîre agatn te h-e afficted by a repetitin f those disgusting farces known as - Wh'iisky ITriais " ?lit may psy tht- mpecunious whisky informer and tht- i ovuld-bc whiskt officiais te go fisbing for whisky convictions, but il proves a costiy fat-ce tii the comm-înity ;fcr thesegentrys zest for- - the- cause"- is generatty measor- cd Uv what t bringa in bard cash and when the drsg-net comes hocme empty the iîread-bscked easitv ridden taxpayers mîust foot tht- but. Wtît-n parties violate the Actt hmnav he ail right to make them face the penalty, but t-yen then there is no reason why tht-rt- bouli be a great spread ever it. The use cf tht- drag net shouid h-e strictty prohibited. Tht- intention of the Act is 1 st-cure order and encourage moriatity, not 10 provide fat offices for tUe deft-nders of the. Act. Tax payera have ut-uc au t Beverton, tt-e cierk presentedaa draft minute pmepamed bv a cammittet- ap- pointed fom thal purpose, tht- cavent-r ai which ia Rt-v. J. M. Camemon, relative ta the rt-cent death of Mm. Alexande , Leask, Eider of tht- congreigatian ai Wick and member ai the- Pre-byt-my, as fotlows : '-h-Pmesbytt-my desures ta put on record ils deep consciausnt-ss ai tht- great boss it has sustained in the remnovaltot his rewarti after a very brief ilines ai one- oi ils mcm- ber-s tht- taie Alex.ander Leask, ai Wick, known in bbc neighborhood for neariy beti a century. His integrity, bis probity anti bis excellent jutigment, piaced i hm hlgb in F ublic estimatien as a man. andi great de- erence, wes aiways sbown bo bie opaion in ail matters of generai interestuth cotnmunity. *As an office bearer, holding for 37 years the position of Eider, Trea- auner, anti Superintencient oi the Sabbath achoci ant i ale Representative Eider la the courte of the church, he waa feitbfui, devoteti, exempiary, and withalno modeut anti retiring, that it took dîne, and intimate acquaintanceshI -t-undertod lbis wortli. As a hrisiau elety Vwua deP, «W:p tural and experÎmteuts Ha n a won.- der1fil amiIIaïity wlttbe Woedo-t G04, It i. no tà woo e bat boriÈu bs. O .vitb God hi ptayertht1fe mnd IBi& 0< III and l *bsWdaf#o im - bysoudk b u fteLd East York Licenses East Toronto v-ug-tinWsrren, Albert J.- Sltaw. Nlarkliam îiliag-JîilîîantdlJaunes Torrauce, Jante' E. lutts, Jno Higgîus. Rit-hmondi11111l-Johntu Kelly, Johin Ellaton, sr. M1arkhani towislttp- Nýewb)ury But- ton, Hughies Broc., Joltu \ý ebber, Wil- liam Nleek, Reuiltonti Joyce, Arthutr NI corecroit. York îownalip )Dat-ii B. 1Birrell, John Gamble, Ancirewt Bell, Fratiarit-k H. Sebiitit, F-. .1.- (roue, Mrs. Saralt Hat-koît, George Einprtngbiauî, Michael O'Sulluvan, E IL.Crew. St-arbore îownsiip-Haenry A. Buir- rews, Etlwarui Santierson, Williami Kt-oItr, Johîn .Maxwell. TiUe fol u)wimng wre lit-Id over for furtiier cousieratîctu:-East Toronto Ivllage-MNrs. E. Hunter, siîop licause Frank Boston, boit-i lit-anse. Y -rk - ownslip-Mlrs 1. W'a11, Morton -Keat-bie, c;co. Gootiward, (six menthe bt-ar ant iwu licael e). arboro towvn- isip-llobet-rîClark.- Ecoitomtatt ICrueity to animais Onuttrsiay one cof a teatin of borses I titen hi' 'Chuck' Ellis ft-ll on Mfain streat, suffering witlt an attack cf bun- ger aunticcitt-. It was comea ime h- fore lte poor brute was able te gel up i Lut once uit Le was matie do bis part in tirawing îLhe bai. Thera i8 lots of work fer a Prevention cf Cruelty to Animais Society un anti aronti Mark. Assesament returna Tht- asescment rt-turne for 1895 give the- population 1,050, agaînat 1,088 bast year, cftliiese 488 are Meibodists, 281 Citurcli of Englanti, 218 Preebytorians, 35 Catholce, 22Saîvation Aruny and ô Baptisîs. Anoug othar raînmue are 81 ht-ad of cttile, 14 sheep, 36 hoge, 180 herses, 55 doge, anti 6 houonrs. Tht- total aceesament je $232,635. Tht-re bave bat-n 18 irtie anti 12 deuthes dur- iug tne pain year. Painful accident On Saturtiay ladt iock, ageti 3 yeare - st-nous accident. H( weme playing in tht- y wae struck in the e compleîaly blinding Mr. James Pollock, toek Lii la tht- ho anti we have net yet1 sigLî is tmpai'-eti ci were iu the- habito clones aM a large au break tht-un anti iti fragment of a clonej tht- injureti boy'seoye. 1 KNoaw MINARD'ý cure Diphtbenie. French Village. Joi 1 uNow MINARD'l cure Croup. Cape lalanui. J I KLNOW MINARD'S bt-st remedy on eartl Narway, Me. a' COBOURGi. away also a few bours 'afler ber husband, and amidist the tears anâ-iorrows of a vast gatherlng of frienda, they were laid aside by side in the same grave ýto a watt the re- surrection of the Just. Prom Ibis severe double lesson cornes to us aIl tbe aoien warnlng 'Be ye therefor also ready for In such an hour as ye think nohe Son of Man cometh'." Titis minute 'was Sp. proved and ordered ta be engrossed in the records ai the Presbytery. Rev. D. D. McDonald presented the reporton Sab. bath schoots. Titete is a deplorabte fatiing ofl in the nuniber or chitdren altending the Sabbath schools, and in the number corn- mitting Scripture passages and the cale. chism ta memnory. Aniong the recom- mendations passed wero- the fottowing : that chiidren's day Ite more generatty ob- served, that leachers' nîeetings be hietd for prayer and the study cf lte tesson, and that coîtgregations be urged to make ode- quate provision 'for the running expenses cf their Sabbati choots so as ta, set forth the contributions cf the ctiiidren for mis- siotîary w'ork. DIARKHAM. Tramp s bcarcely a day passes but froni one te a (iozen tramips pas8 îbrougb the vil- laige antd as the tisys grom w armer their nuni ber itucreîîse It lias beeu auggest- ed tliat the council provide a few toise cf atone andi that every trtiwnp applying for lodgiug be matie to earu lits keep before being accornmotiated Again remanded Mrs. WVîn Dukes anti h r Iusbanti, cf V nionville, the former charged %&a i btgauay andth Ie latter WiLlb knowingly suîetting the sanie, the particulars cf whtcbi were initi st week's Econoutist, appeareti before G<. lR. Vauzant, J.P., in the town liall hure Saturulay. TUe crown asketi for a retuanti untî te mor- row wben te case wtll contie tp agaitu bail was acceitiet. Mrs. 1)ukes asks the Econoittto correct lthe staîem'nî tilat site came te Markotw front Ire landi about ten vearàcge Stite caile liere about savon eîîrs tige. Tct cura yalledi sheulders ou a horse wiîhout îakiug Lini off work, sponga the gails two or ibrea times a day witb colti watt-r anticoer tharn with powdar- ed sulphur. TUa soe spots will t-slos8 oer, beoîuie tough anti Leal in spite cf tLe work. Tht-me app.'srs lu Le quite a tientanti for ht-at-y draught anti rtadster horeos. Oin Thu rstiay last. there were three differetat firits of Loyers represanteti at Stouffville, antît he prit-es paiti were- fairly gooti. Gooti animale cf tLe aboya classes are saidti le Laetart-a antiprît-es are tikely lu go somewhat Lighar. La.sî yaar a by-law was tiasseti by tor- cont-il forbidduîîg cyclisîs riiing on the aidewatks. Inti utity.weather tiuring epring anti faît il wculd Le a watt-enta priviitge tut the t-ytlieis te La aliowedti î use the walka, anti we îlîiul< thera w0oid Le nu sertous objectiotn provideti ridera exerciseti great t-are in paasing ladies and ageti people Suicide un %Vhtchurcht On Mlonday aftèrnocn a yong man nameti Harris ScttI, abcut lwenity-one years tof tge, t-oumitteti suicide tiltihîe farut cf Lis otla, Chart-a Wilton, in Whitt-hurct-îownship, by hangitîg him- self in tht- barn. Coroner Sctot and chiaf constable Savaga, cf Newmarkaî, drove tiown to Mr. Wibîon's andi on in- vestigation cf tht- affair il was etabtieh- et i e had deliberaîeîy lbangeti himat-if op lu tha top cf tht- barri. in s fit cf tieepontiency cvor soeafancieti troubles. Ha hadti Ireatenedti t take hie own life on saveral occasions. Oats for Market A meeting cf caluneal ilnut-n, of Ontario, was ht-id in Toronto, an Merah ltile Johunie Pal- 29th, t-o coneider t-ho beteu-ans for was the- victiai of a securing suitableo ott for milling anti of oe andi hie brother intuproveti quality. To make a firat-clase arti, when Johnnie article cf rotlet oate it is neceeeary ta eyt- with a atone, have oats ai saine sizo anti shape, and Liai for a Lima. experionco bas ehown that a long, thin- tht- boys father, hutioti, piump grain is the mast suitable. -epital on Monday Tht- ceneumption of rolleti oats le repiti- heard whether tLe - y increasing in Canada, anti a limutoti r nal. The boys quantity is being sont ta Gmtet Britain, f ibrowing semali G any, Denmark and othor nations nie in tht- yard ta in Europe anti il is t-hoetiesire anti pur- je thought btat a pose of Canadien oatmeai miliers ta muet have entereti largely increase the oxparttrade with .-Sun. tht-se countnios, anti wiîh t-bat abject in view t-boy now ask t-ho co-operetion of fearmera anti grain dealers. Farmers cen mat-erielly increase the- whole value of 'theoaot orop in 0 enade by giving care- f ul attention ta securing tht- boat ver- 'S LINIMENT wili jeties Of well cleaneti senti that will b. suitable for oatmneel rilling. The ver- ýHN D. BOUTILLIER. it-ties now in gent-rai use, best atiepteti S LINIMENT will for milling, are tht- Improveti American, Banner and Australien or White Rua- E. CUNNINGHAM. sien, but any vetty will do that will LINIMENT is the 1 yield well ana la a long, plump and thin hulleti white grain. Grain dealers, Jos EPH A. SNow. by keeping separate the thiok anti thin- hulleti varietiea, will obtain frotn raillers a higher prit-e for the latter.-Tribune. The estirnatos as laid bt-fore Pariiament Monday pnovidcd for expenditures af $41,- 243.417, on increase of $1,205,025 over the pnecseding year. Choiera morbuis, t-ramps anti kintireti coni- plIaints annually mùke their appearance et the same t-ine as t-he bot vsather, gnose fruit. cueumbmr melons, et-c., and many per- sons are debarred frein eating t-boue tempt. in futs,. but tbey oted not- abstain if t-bey bavefn. . D. Keilogs Dysentery Qordial, and tae a few tropé lu vater, lt-cures Lb. crampeoand coielra in a remarkabie man. ner and la sure t-o check evez'y dlaturbanoS of tle bowela At- tbe bead cf t-h. 250 vom n ursq lu t-o. boupit-als of la n lUe Oouusèvee,, 'Ztw rnUdh fer<c' Lvor »MtKldnisy Cop. The. population of the towu of Co. J1 AU f"U&fl bourg bais been inoreased during the The comufesionera met iit the in- week by one, a brigbt, bonncing. baby speotor's office, Uxbridge, on Baturday, boy, wbo was born et the gaol on Set- April 20, and grented the following urday. This is the firat cbild given licenses:. birth to by an inmnate of the gaol for a Uxbridge town-E. Derushe, Thos. great rnany ycaris. The youngsber's Bennett, C. Wede, Amelie Baecorn board 1e not costing the counties very shop, Walter Vernon- muoh - Uxbridge townEbhip-Louisa Todd, A seventeen year aid harse thief nam- John Saunders, Goodwood ; A. Brown, ed R. 0. Newton appeared i n the Alloua. Counîy Judge's Criminai Court ou Wed- SotC .Sxobdr;A i esday for trial on a charge of horse Yo k Zeh. A etn d ;A stealing lest November. At that timeYok ehr Newton was bired witb armutn named Break-J. A. Macdonald, T. Fogg, Martin in Hlope township, and one Sunderland t John MVoore, Manilie ; J. nighît drave cff one of his empboyer«s M. Gladstone (beer and wine), Biack- harseR. The borélo was taken le Mark water. ban] and tbere sold t'or S$25, Newton Cenanngîcn-Wmn. Taylor, J. H1. afterwards going forth cf thet place Dancaster. end hiring eu, wiîb anoîher fanmer. Beav-ertun -M ania Overend, Win. Chief Jarvts, of Bownîsnville, wlîo Meintyre. Siîop, J. MIeRae & Ce. seerus te hbave a special propensity for 11m-.Cak focaîîng herse thieves. aîuck te the-, m-P lak case and finally iocated lis muan sud Mars-J. J. Overenti, Mark McCon- arreeîted htm. Newtonî pI-aled guiity, neli, Brechin ; Jos. Kenny, Uptergrove; and tbc jndge saiti hH harutty knew what H M. Thoru ton, Aîbenly ;Jobn Ken- te do with bu, Hea atjurneti tbe case nediy (six unonîlîs), Strawberry Island. for a week, te enable lte Counîy At- Tbe botardi Iearti petitions against torney to look up las anlecedenîs. andi for Derryvilte license, antiou Tite boy seetusý reuirktdtiy brigbt andi amainst Garnebritige. A uteputation intelligent. Clu-f Iitrvia3 wiii re.-eîie was aise bearîl a,,a nst the granitinîz cof tbe $100 rewtsrt given by lthe Ceuntes a licanse nt liotitas. Thete iree were fer tbe epprebaîtaien cf herse thiaves - helti over for fîtrter cctnsitlera:ion. Anoîber ccunty britdge question ltas loorued up itn the direction cf ltae risîng sun' Uttal is known as the Titempsen L k ~ aive bridge over a nounidury sîreaun beîween Li e a LM ir Iale tbe townshiips cf Perey andi Seymour, ta____ in bati rapair, anti Reeva Carie whae s. discovereti e provision in the law wih huonsumpLion-Low Conduition rliîeves bis lowîitsnhi cf tht- axpensp ofi uts maintenance, anti places tlbitd uuy Wonderful Resuits From Taking upon tUa Courities The bridige is 1011 I40d's Sarsaparilla. feet in Ier-nthi, but wlil not reiluira te be rebuiît.jusi. new, Ibeugit cousideraitiei rejtaira are necessary. Warden Uniler-< Woodi, and Reevea Carlew, Preston and McCallum imet cn \Vednesday te tia- cuisas the situation andtIplaru lte cpmr ion cf lte ceunties, solicitor. It was iuially tiacîied te leave tite malter over unti the June session Reeva We8î, cf, Seymncur, waa alec Itresent-Star. STOUFFVILLE. Mi H!annah W~t Four yéars age o liýi-i ttue i-I cotint En glaîît1), suiilîgliten lanîîa-h v, as senlt', Irom the hi- sîitai, in a very cw ctdt %vih vensuiniin îtf tht- lutigsan-Id and tfli weak action if lte litart.lTae trip at-ruýsaîCte watt-r te tiîs ccuntny sr-emed teiniake lier fer-t Uetler fer aw-i. Then site Urgan le get tvîrse, anti fuor tl 'i ekqshesiteî s tiabt to te g- efi the' lt-i. She g'-tv î trs'- ý r fit-e i listit hi lest thietise cf litt- -i-ti antId xrr frt ti I- - aud if she sit 1tiltott i e il l.idto lu propli;ît op Mittt jtiîîots. l'ilysu-t-intls Sald She Was Past Ail Heip and wanted me te st-ndierr to the 'u-fuir Inîcurabiles.' But I saiul as long as I t-euh hloli n lIali p3site shool uld tgoa. NN'e tht-n began Hiooc ~Cures te give lier Ht îtds Sarsapau-iîia. She ia gatting sîrong, w-aIRs armîtnt, ha cul doors t-ver>' day; has ne trautte îvith lttr throat and no cougis, nnd tienrlitart st-rnis to e t-] t nght a gain. Stie lias a firit tlasýi îtitpt. We re garc ht-r t-tre as notlîing suenrt of a itiinat-e.' M. WYATT, 89 Marionit Sreet, Parkia"le, Toronto, Ontario. Hoodl's Pulis ara purety vegetabta andi perfactly harniless. Sctd Uy ail druggists. ,5-'. THE MOU SUCCESSFUIL REIEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. S £ ai 0e ts effec nd never bisa Read proofs below: KNALS SPA VIN CURE. Heý= gndersn Ca. i pb t l»~.ta. ,DFeb. 2,U94 Dean- Brs-Pleause mod meon c ur Nori Bookp and oblige. I haveouse getMeI ofyour lendalt'a Spavin Cure with god uccesa-. titn a wonderful imedicine. I once %CI mreD âZIbh" &nOei pvin and iv. bottA.. ouredher I kopambt nbaudSfltme. Tours:d4 MPo.ra KENDALL'S SPAIIN SURE. Dr.»3. CoEM .LL c o, MO., Apr. 18. Duar Sr-I have used noverai b"l*l of your "Kendalt'. S8avinCre" Il th muoh succemu.1 think it the be Liniment 1 ever used. Havse re- saceodone <lurb, eue Biéd @ Pavin and kUZuc two Bene spavina. Have reommemledft to ovrifmyfrîends Who. arn moh pies.ed wlth Pm erS by aU Drugglswor addreg D.B. Jr. KENDALL COMPANY, enOenUUSOM ALLS, VT. Few ame tb. remedies wbose beneficial qualitieasaud real monits bave matie t-bonise Popular vit-b the publie, sud' iperesseti from year to year their consumption, wbioh, whilet posaeeiug the-meat valuable remedial properties, are yet oo simple in t-hein cern. pwd.and soêasy to take, sà The Qui nins mie prepared by Northrop &~ Lyman of Toronto. Thiesa"Cli, la prépa rwM t-he pure Suiphat-. cf Quiclie, cornbited it-b in, Sherry Wipe, aud cboie. aomates, whblob »emevtbb Quiuip.«, itso bitt-t tast, -and dom. not iméairla t- $liust- dera t. efflomo f ItRacton upoa t-bepat-ient-; wbu. ,-àamouËL dnmA 4, ennssn*ivm, - as atean o North Ontario Lieuses. luI> 24tb, t894. k. 1. LYNDE, upen tht- premises. O E4FNESS.inaral eun Cure for Deafuesg, Singing in Ears, &c., no matter how severe or long- standing, wilt be sent post frees-Artifi- ciel Ear-drums and sitnilar appliances entirely superseded. Address8 THOS. KEMIPE, VICTORIA CHAMBERS, South- hampton Building, Hoîborn, London. THE Owen Be/t, The only scientific and practicaI Electric 'Beit made for general use, hi<viog b&tterib>s that geuerate a strnug coîreut of Etsctricity that is under pe. f.u* ct no I and can be ap- plied to aay part u ti.a i ody for the cure of NERVO(iUS DISEASES Thousands of people suifer from, a variety of Ne ivout, Diseuases tbat the c>id modes of treat- ment fail ta cure. There is a loss of nerve force or power that C&iLnot be restored by any medical treatinent, aud any doctor who would try tia accomplisis ttis by anty kind of drugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- perl.t treated, tbet'e diseases eaun be Positively Oured iFtectricity, as appUied by the Owen Electrie Bell and A ppliances, wiii most assurediy do Bo. It Is t he only known power tihat wiii supply what is lacking, nemety, nerve iorce or power, itupart toue and vigor; and arouse to b.ealtty action the whote nervous svst-m. It will most asureffly cure Without Medicine General Debility, Nevous Prostration, Biseu- matisto, Sciit c,, id ,-ey Di,,ease, Lumbago, Lamne ha. i-) udDý,spepsia, and many other diseases. Our Large Illustrated Catalogue Contains 1uit est information, list of dlseees, cut of!Jits sand Appliances, prices, sworn testl:moniýtls and portraits of people who have been cutred, etc. Publlahed in t~,ls.German, Swtu-.1ish, and Nor- reigian languages, Trhis vatuable cata- logua wiJl be sent to Ir any address on re- cOlpt of six cents8 postage. 9PrTHE OWEN ELEOTRIC BELT & APPLIA-NCE 00. Main Office and Only Factory. The Owen Electrkc Beil Bldg., 20r Io 2!! State Si., - CHICAGO, ILL. The Largest Electric . Beit Establishment in the World. MENTION THIS PA.PER. For Twenty-Fiive -Years Back inIWhitbys WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Upholster, And dealer in Furniture of al] kinds. The Subseriber belge to announce that lie has again opened business in bis oId stand, and hias plaaed therein a choice, stylish and complote stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f e.very <escriprion, which will be sold at a siîî;l1 margin ou cost. Ariother baie of those celebrated'Mixed Mtu:asses $3 25, worth $5. See those Tapeetry or Carpet Lounges at $5, worth $8. Hardwood Sideboards, 14x.24 glass, for $8.50, worth $12. Undcertakinîg. JZ--A full stock of CoffinelUi and Caskets, and a First- Clase Hearse. WM5 TiILrL.i Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 6g Acres, Lot No. 30,f jrd Con . Township of Whitby ; miles from~ Whitby; same knuwn as the Lynde homestead. Soil second to none, in a first class state of cultivation. Good fences; watered by live stream across one corner ioc yards from a fine stone bouse; frame stable and driving shed; also frame bouse and abundance of fruit of ail kinds. For particutars appiy ta i - -t j, ~ i - il 10 ci road tion m has impI A. met Thu cf a and 11gb ravi wa@ ha few vat hast tin bus titi puli Lad pic ma pic Mui pet ifc ME bun rut Bi Pe i pr lc Ur

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