N fe Dopaldott hi t ir ,*iaetlug cf tise I cation> -7 .hI4o eusd~ nn Our ,hlgb sud'publlo uo* l, n7peedt Mouday Msaud ,ftterthe casiervaation. wsih>h a largo ezae. Afull report oiour serng fuit beld luot Truesdgy,,,l be fouud lu another icolumu of thse CRNC Mm.- Dr. Sangster,>Mise Casey Sangster and Mr. Bert Baird- were in Whitby laut week attendlng thse assembly. There was no serviei the cburch of the Ascension laut Sunday evening. Soeihng had gone wroug with some of the connections or Wîres. The interlor of the bisrned store bas been repaired and looks dlean and bright. Mx. Wiliard- will open out next week wîtb a new stock of gouda. Street Commissioner MeKnight and bis mnen have made a tldy in cleaniug up and te- rneving refuse front the principal streeta in towI) this week. The laIte cicared cf éce on Sunday iatl nst., whicb wus three or tour weeks luter than laut year. We thall sooni hear the wbistie cf the boats plylng te and fro. Marrîed, on Tuesday, 23rd net., ut the rci. denceocf Mr. H. Frise. by the Rev. R. White- mn, B.A., Mr. Henry SameUs of Cartwright te Mrn Miller, Muriposa Special revival service will be held iu thecESalvation army- hall for eue week, cemmencing Mendsy eveniug 29th inat., ledby thse well Ir.own revivalist Capt. Parker. On Tuesday and Wednesday e-veniuqs 7tis aud 8th May, Cayt. Ross provMiRca agent for tise light brigade of thse Salvation army iu Canada will give two lectures with stereoscopÃc views. Vise subjeets are "Tise ligistiouse, or arnong the wharfs and wharf ruts cf Montreal,"anud "Thse Selemu Assembly." The admission ou Wedneaday evensng is soc. Everyone la invitcd te attend. Capt. Stainfortis and wife lu command. The birds, Staran sd bas concubine, Mm, Simpson, have flowu te parts unknowu. fhcy departed by tbe lght cf a very dark moon, snd the party te wbooe the bed and teve belonged was glad to gel thein away safely under cover cf the darkness. Publish- ing the sets cf sucb creatures in tbe pres5 dues mure good than warnings. Some ene was. good enough te show Starr the CHRoNICLE ef r9th i nsi. Next morning there was a vacant bouse on Clark et. The iiqdor cases wcre 6à f et another hearr ing Monday 21st it. The license inspeoe had maled a liat of witncsses to-the magis- trste te ha eubpoenaed for that day. but as the letter enly reached the magistrate on Mon- day moruêugs mail, the crowu prosecutor asked for another adjourtiment. The court hsd the names cf ail the defendants and wit- nesses culled, semne thirteen in ail, only four defeudants responded te thcir naines. Thei lawyer for the defence. Mr. [. R Grant, > tested againet sny further adjourument. j e pleadings of the Crgwn Attorney prevailed and the court announced the triais would take place on Monday 29tb iat. at 9.3o a. Mn. Crown Attorney Farewell announced in epen court that he întended te make the trial next Monday se interesting te ail concerucd that the defendants and wtnesses would fiud il te their personal interest te attend. The magis- trates aise snnOULoed that ail witneajes sud defendants in the seven cases were notifled te be promptiy on hand or warrants would be issued te compel thein te attend on thse s9th inst. Frein the remarks made by Mr. Fare- well itla thougbt semne very sensational cvi. douce wilI be produced. if se, many shink it wiIl go bard witb moulne of those concerned. The mis cof the Rods grind slowly. but sure, snd tbey soetimes grind things "o fine. Messrs. Sebert and Whitney bad tie:r botel licenses renewed for another yoar on Moaday, but tbe application cf Mr. Brooks cf the Oriental has bersi bold over for further censid- oratien. It is undersîood that he is a littls off- celer with tbe>Jicense commissionersjus: new, on account ef thse iquer triais wbicb are peud- ing before the bencl cf rmagistrates in town. Tbis trouble cf Mr. Brooks' appears to bho somewbat complicà ted. A charge was laid eRainat himself for violation cf the Iaw by sel- ling after heurs on Saturdsy ight, March 23rd, which he admitted anti for whicbho war, fined $40 andi cests Then the inspecter shaut quuii as ma*sy eortforte travelling tbut~ way wl4ch Imtmns dèstýrutuos. 'ro tihe late tues wotlêid ea±i«,-rs' once heari from the lipe of atvoryre,1lgiOt old lady: "God-- paya lbi dobte lu éther thingebesides meney." Repeated wsmings have beenfgiveis Our hetel keepers'for their flagrant. violations cf tise law lu selling 'liquer Saturday nlghts and Sundays. Zvery otiser mnai lu town wisen hie closes his place cf business on Sattisrday eveuîng keepsit closed until Monday rnçming, sud oni1y desires te do business iu legitimate heurs. I ar nont a whlskey informer nom do I inteud te place myseif su that position neither haveI any four cf nor favdts te as~ or recoive of our jhotel mon, but I can plaiuly tell them if thoywifl ersiat lu openly defyng the lwadhave ne respect for tis Sabbaths day or themsolves, that seme #ine day iu tise near future tisoy wlll strike a snag and have some cf Uhc saine experience that Brooks, efthtie Oriental, la new passing through. I do net think it la igist that fis sisould be made cf one mnan and Ilesis cf anotisor, and I again call tise attention cf tlicense Inspecter Ferguson te tise fact that every Saturday' night and Sunday aince thse action agaist Mr. Brooks was started liquor bas been sold and tise law sud SaI>bah violated, sud furtiser, a good many respected citizcus arc beginning te e inZ Brooks' case savers cf spite sud tat thse authorities are closing their cyca tei violations cf other men in tise hotel business here. Inspecter Fergsn do yoar duty, sud do net h ave peeple asay- ing you are sowing partiality, or sorne ef these davu yeu may receive word frer tise ProAiucial Goverrneut that yeu are net attending te yotmr business as far as Port Perry is concerned. Seme go se far as te state tisat tise crown presecuter p urposely avoidcd asking auy questions w hen roter- ence was made te liquor being sold ut otiser isotols tise same evening as thse Oriental violations. La that right ? Net ut all, sud I arn credibly inferrned hâd Mr. Farewell asked several of those whese evidence was taken on tise sth mast, if they had procurod liquor clsewhere he would have received favorable answera ? I like te aoc Britis fair play. I do not take Brooks' part, at the same time when others are in tise saine bout they should ail corne eut cf tise swim alike. W. J, NOTT. DIMEETON Mn. McHowl, shipped from here on Sat- urday, a mixed car lond cf cattle, sheep and hega. Mr. H. Hodge, has purchused one of John lrwin's new irou purupa, which will add much te his comfort. Mr. C. W. Lot and fumily have got set- tled in their new homo. Mr. Lot ha beon appeiuted station agent bore. The night curpenter is ut work once more, whîch ia quite a benefit te mauy of the citizona, us it saves thse oxpense ef an alarin dock. A numnber ef our ctizens met together on Menduy s5th, te cotîsider the mutten of whether it wus better te give the flag pole here a ceut ef tar, and ernumont it with some tenthens. After considering the mat- ter ut seme leugth, it was decided te beave it rermain as it wus for thse presont, many cf thons thinking it wus botter te removo it altogether, us it was only a diagrace te thse place ut thse best. E» rYELf.1 Mrs W. Tapp bad a largo wood-hee last week. Mr. T. Wcoten lest a valuqble cew by chekiug. Mr. 1. Forsythis hpepariug te build a heuse ou tise McDonnell fain. Easter visitera: Mr.- H. Bradley, lJxbridge; Miss L. Hezzlewood, Raglan ; Rev. W. Mc- Cullocis, Barrie ; Mmr. sud Mrs. H. L. Pascoe sud Miss fiazel. Taunton ; Mr. Geo Houzle- wood, Oshawa. Report of Enfield public sciscol for past quarter. Naines in order of meit : Clasa 5th -A McCulloch. M McCullt-ch ; 4t-I Mc- Cuilock, L Camnpbell, A Huishard, F Rey- uoldsa; 3rd-G Halfacre, N MoCîttlocis. L MeCullecis, A Niddery. C Pewell, W For- sytis; sud-C Niddery, C McCullocis, M Mc- Cullocis. E Hurîbut, J Wotteu, E Webber, L ilurbut ; jr. 2nd-D Niddery. Il McCul- loch, G Trainer, B Hubbard; pt. 2ud-A Forsytls, O Niddemy, O McCullocb, W Powell, L McCulloch, H Webber; st-L Hurîbut, V Trainer, L Niddery, 0 Hubbard . DOWIUNVILLE. as if thse $40 sud cos sheuld bo returssed te Bewmanvitle cau now boast et a Chinese hi mase wus suggestcd in asat week'u editorial lauudry, wbicb is inaged by a rosi live In the CHRONICLi&. Furîher develepemouts Chinaum in tise persen cf Siug D. The lu tise case are looked for whicb may euable work tunned out by hum acensa te givo entire th. publig te fgri n api!li.I satisfaction, sud ih is sid that ho does not tour Messrs. tAing and Meharry make' a the shirts sud collars as much as thse steai se riens cosuplaint against Our tewn coust- latnudries do. if ho gots ail tise work that is cil lu awarding Uic tender for a new roof beiug lent g94t 0f1lC>wný eqeiweelc o eul d te thse town hall. Tisey claim tisat tisey weil.1 put lu cigisi different lUnds et tenders, Ou Frday êVeninng last Mayor Loscombe ranging from $5. 5o te $9 per square, eitiser enertiî-<l tise inernirs of tise towu ceunicil, nib or flaut roof, as no mention was ruade cv-ofcasndaewpmin Itze oa lu advemtisemout et tise quality ef material b ofuetcutais uda fcw pnoien ieus"Tea o eusod. Laing & Meharry say they Eîrns.n at s bandacie, ro sdeuce, Thec were asked not to appear betore Uic coun- complisbed entortajaor, assssted by tis Mise cil wisen tenders were opeued, tisough Leebo y Iltibr oe e makets two otiser tenderers were there. Tisey eangscole aant e e r te aebhe furtiser state tiseir tender wss for $8 per vngaplsntoefrhesemed -are aud tise council gave it te T . H gnus. About 9 o'cleck tisey were inviteg vo -tire.forthetise spacieus dining noomu. wbere% repast fit it ith an tht téirtener oul sae pre.Afier the severul courses had beanu srv- tise ontesr about $30. This firru au J. K. Galbraiths, Eiq., barrister, ln a neat bave tiotisiug te Bay *inst PhilP & CO- speech, proposod tise iealtis cf the besi sud beinag awarded tise tnTor, but claim thUey hosteau Mr. Loiscombe replkct very feengly, wcro net given fir play by thse council. tisanki bis fiends for ibis expression of their Tisey turtiser say it waS Stated lu council o He was pleaned te have themu witis that the brand known as "M.L.S." te u oe hta rsa ol no equal te "Bradley" wheu ÃŽtitnlaa wll- u oo ia I rsu ol uo know-s tact "6Bradtcy" lae the best tin thauve. h company then proceedod te miade. Gentlemen of Uic Port Permy th, aisome drawmg roewbema Morra- to sayaboutSmaOu'rchestra rmonde s ciasc>ce Programme council, wisat have you tes a ot cimusic. lb. romalzsdç of tise evenlug was awardiug a tendes $3o higiser tisaisties in. 1aecorean msmns suintu t wisch unether firm offt mcd te do "(bist is tefw er t Sud meents tise saine werk sud saine qualItIl Of tin ? flth aW e*adbesuobc the What a wide difféeece tiscie in bctwelluIght min u vs.dght plIn. the ceuduet sud ambitions of youPg m=«Jl'I'e Statesofu for tise firt lIe i l s car- Since cOrmetncing te wltê tise PortPesTy eCW f 417. lm been buruouot. -Mouds7y columu I have becomue paluIfUUtY CIWAc-, à lot 4 few jusafter Uie workss etf:t the ous tisat while some ef cnr yosisg 5OisMae"office ebroke oui te ëaecoespomig accu mnt persevcringly siocrit Oward'the sud the mwmeana osr cf isufrom" n d ta' higist honora lu rnay Pr-oftuilÃ$ MdSu d bto à y WmflWSmfpo Wb*fd avecations, sye, sud asttiùrug tbhei= re8lm{o~ aauthi-No lamps'a sd heu as I arn occaslonaly pteaSéé to record, p u '%,a~~7pfsis e msmt others are stce a ourse- .5of < k matchs bd b= el1whmad lathse officsa te aud degedation wiscslute. &Ppi$l ' te Wuch. 1 bave' lueamd [tt My sistW t MW soL be f la iSmceplee ey&- Cxperience lu jounmulls t tsatue 4tieu bmW ulm mu cf a wrltem ulford hlm a wlêt <:Of Ob-ît>'l nervatiou, sud pet oporfitaitOêlm, ree. -Wile absme hune . voulibe iu tiseir ullings ctes bhÂve=o af~ tilt W o 'sp saket t HPi*M' W"« w&Wpln hifor &oj »otuf t recor5fd W mlademesuor mil uborte<à $**. > wi - smà f who sMt outin *tie wosl weti sd paslticu, 'wbo w t *tâ"âi i< cusmtl "'W ivor mentintid outsidd tihe lodge,-"'nsd4urig' 'agee"l discssipen on tise mattisrohe biode moreotpkatsai e Wr4,.al6 e.,the-' goalIke nsrdér, %woild corne out@ Now ý i appests that duning &Il these yearsts he gosi isad beeu confineainlutiseledge oms of thse Ogtanto Misons, wbe meut caver thse StUies- in office, aud dùrlng tise progress of thé fire^ ho mauaged soinohor or other te escape,, sd, afto wauderfng about tise treet&all uigist, sud being uaable me gain admission te biigold quar- ters. owiug te IJave Davis isaviii boited ibe deor loadiug to tise ladge roos,- ho, knowing' William's old trne hantt dld ut about. ro o'clock on tisa rnmulg followlug tise fire, bold- ly match lute the Bonnet hotel, and**r*cguta- Iug William in the midst citishe crowd thone. gatbered, gave s blat cf rocogaition, whlcis mxade Wlilliamns ceunteusuce boau:wltis pleas. une. After feediug the goat, Wiliam led hint back to isis aid quartera, wiicbheoneccgnised ut euce, sud uow romains thore conteuted sud happy, but strictly guarded by bsis oid master. -Statesman, UXBIK»E. Saturday morning a Frencb young man sud woman wore left at the station bore by thc coud ucter et the dewu train, ho net beiug ab!e to fi .d eut where they were go- iug. Tbe two wcre taken te Rov. Fathen Lynett, who ta a fluent Frnch lngniat, wben it was discovered they were bound fer Sturgeen Bay, nerth et Midland, They were put ou the 6:3o niortis train and sent to their destination. Friday eveniug et lait week clesed the meat succesaful revival services ever held in Uxbridge. For sevon consecutive weeka Rev. H. M. Manning paster cf thse Methodist churcis; has couducted revival services in the chtxrch, sud mucis et the success ii due to bis suggestive and caru- est work. It is estirmated tisat over oe bundred converts were made. We hope a-nd truaftb at these services wiil have a long iasting effect ou tise towu. On Friday nsorniug a deaf sud dumb man struck town and started setling court plaster. He would baud you a card, witb some reading on it, and a package et court plaster aud expect a nickel. Me made sevorul sales and was lu a fuir way te do a goed business; but, alas, " pride' cometis before a flI," Friday eveniug's train brought Constuble Cochrane frein Peterboro', who arreste4, the tellow ou a charge of having stolen $69 aud a pecket- book from a shoemateer lu Lakefield, a sinaîl village east of Peterbore'. The con- stable ideutified a pockotbook fouud in the man's possession as thse eue stolen, but only about $2oofethtie monoy was tound therein. The foilow, who gave the naine ef Clarke, bought a bicycle iu Lindsay, whicbho shipped te bis home lu Toronto, te wbich place ho was goiug iiseif. After spendiug the night lu tise tewn lock- up ho uccompaniod Constable Cochrane te Peterbore' Satu rday morning.-Timos GLxx UMAJOR*. On Thursday afternoon cf last week Mr. F. Anderson sud his gang cf men were ut work bore building a dam for thse Bookdiale Trout Club. A pile had just been driven,'sud tise weight was drawu :0 the top lu preparatien for dniving anethor. Mr. Anderson was standing ou the base cf tise driver, sud wisile tise ma- chine was beiug rnoved into position tise gny repe te the top broke bacs freintise stump te whîcb it was fastened, and, beiug tôp bcavy, the driver went down on its ide witis lightning rapidity, tbrowiug Mr. Anderson soin. tisirty foot iu the air. The uniurtunate in aligisted on bis head sud shoutdçrs apon üeeof the piles, sustainfiag severe bruises aboqp;tise iead and armas. Mis kuee was aise badly bruised. Ho wai drven to bis borne at Uxbridge tise saine eveusng and we hope accu te soSlm nrouud again. Letter from a Wommaa's igbter. ED. CHRONICLE : "G cd created mnu in bis own image, lu tise image et God creatod ho hum ; mule sud fomale croated ho thein." Following this lineofetthougbt we muyread on tefiud God's purpose as regards man sud wotnan. "And tho Lord God said it is net good iliat tise man sbould ho alone ; I wlll mako hlm au belp moot for hlm." Dees net every lino breathe equality ? Infester lune re- spect the eue to thse ether wheu they came frein the baud of God. The infeiority ef weman eriginated in the mind cf man only, sud ail aloug tise ages man bas aought te ahield or guard, until womau migbt well begin te think tisat ber aphoe ws fer man's pleasure or pride. Wemn- kind bas rectiued iu case ail tco long as mst ho the conviction cf cvery th.lukiug mind upc>u readiug Prof Ovoldwin's Smlth's receut lbiter lu the Glebe "WomfiP. Mu Poli- tics.". Apart frein bis views. we hear nobler brothers remamk 1"politics are toc corrupt fif otËà tOa eCerne iu contact witis' Tiat may be truc, indeed we know to out mcm- row it ia too tmue. We have Wa sufficieut evidence witbiu the past few days lu tise" electicu contesta that were settied lait week. Tako Halclmmand couuty tfom ex- ample, theretishe -cal live questions of the Province were bast aigisi cf, in such%waddle us a masn's christia-u naine, his place cf Te- isideuce, or that as a party h. belongs te a minority. It bas been tmuly said a laCk Of moral force weakeus a govermuent, and juclgiug frein thse tatecof affairu ot geO't- ment with its unsettied questions, some- tising la sadly necded. Woman la tise original goernor. Tbis power was la-- cluded lu the original grant cf ier mà ke up. Has net womau bought purity snd. order ite ail tise departmeuta cf publiclife whlch se bas euîered ? If tisa polities are so cerupt suroly tise fulîneqa of turne bas arived wisen wornan witb *ber reûnuin,**, purityiug ana ennobliug quailties, .sbould, cerne te tise ecue witb brhem dtsaballet. My brother reader, h * Uic tact not oten rsnkled lu your he,44 that your wlfe, motiser or sister in-regard te thse franchise bas &een classed with the intgates.. of cf asyluns. sud penateutiaries ? WeAo net comae as suppliants, you woul4 not< W"s us toc. But maty mau's",nDÃ"hri' nature predeminate and make hiuwlm Ulng_ te v ie s isiera s gt lvoogt, witheld, tisa tc -,l __îhleuty thut Goa lutended shoultd eust. ý 7W~ 3~Rggg ~ ALL THE NOVELTIES. Our linos for Spring comaprise more novelties and spec4alties than ever. Prices remarkably low. 11 I I Scotch, Swisses, Galateas, Ducks, MORE Piques, Russel Cords, C retons, Zéphyrs, - Lawns, Si/ver Silks, French Sateens, Ec, Etc. The New Dress Linings, Fibre Chamois, NE W DRESS t Received another Large Shipmment of IVEW NEW W. G. W. G. BL A GK CREPONS. BLACK CREPONS. Walters keeps Walters keeps -The Largest Stock of- LADI4SY AND MISSES' LADIES' AND MISSES' -NEW- -NEW- JACKETS AND CAPES. JACKETS AND CAPES. Lace Curtains at wl Go ANDERSON'S 00OOBLE ACTING FORCE 'POMPSl ,1XPROVED IN QUALZTY. REDUCED IN PRICE. These Pumps are gnutsd fcm 10 years, and nover froeze, 'vn l anitgba. Our spray Pumpe are grcatly iusprovod sud are undoubi- edly the bet lintise imarket, sud are re- duedinprice.- Cash prias $13 5Oto$15, L. FAIRBANKS, . Agt, Whitby. Lower Price8! 2s Ibo. Beat Graaltcd Sugar tor $m.oo. 30o Ibo. Bright Yellow, Sugar for.,.1.$xoo. 8 lbs. Cholce Wheat 'Flakea for.... ac. 45c. Tea for**.****.............. 35c, Doudcous Sugar Cumed Hama, s. oc. per lb. teFreske Attrac-. tiea d Cheap,. NE W BLA CK NEW BLACK P1'eip*B. No. 1 is a short Cýbpe in Brown Fawn, Capdrna1 Fawn and Black- Piiied Edges and ail Wool, only $1,00-. A better flne at 28c. to '$7.00 JUST RECE VED... SDen't buy Pure, New Made Maple Syrup.- China Glasswa-re and Crookery.- Dinner and Tea Sets, Oheap.-->, ChoiceeýFamily Groceries, Teasî,_l Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap/or Cash or Trýade. Prices- to Suit me before calling and examiuing tisestock anccsf01 ESTATE o YOkLN BI V~WÂNTED.-Aippleu, Butter, Egg!8,4. in stock the Meus. 9,1mes & Eloflady oommended by thse Ieading fruitGrws. them ad every Fruit Grower ahouldhave a6r ESTATE 0-F Y4, M c r -madras Clotits, Hair Clotho, Grass Linens. A Spec mnere flepi an hi1 has t will b ucas. office Engli St., D Cap Surj GOODS. CREPONS. CREPONS. per pir G Traî No no P. Lic Physi Colle Oata of ths of D Tel Whit w/ WALT EIS Po ha th be au PsU