Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1895, p. 7

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9.; NU. 2; p.I Oct. 8 O renwood, 4; July 9; ruham, Port eh 9,- May 9; d , Uibtidge, ,Iiy j&th; J Ily C an n ingtoii ,JuIy 13. Oct. ct. i ,Dec, w -t. 1?, 1sc 0 le Stalies proprietor y deaitwt jLit pris es uled at ITa IITI3Y, v carrsd onl by nt t hors b, and Ig SetWsngj M a- Nlev.(iert; Diuy- S. atm. C Iotli. nvet, Clippers (1 A I kînd(it ef relpaireîl Shop hurcb, Dundas EAT iîng\W hitby oncr IR Iroin gei-u i heu hishedi wi ey fail te be so t)re 15ihey su eaiug and nicel for dyingz a sui d pressed 75c, 0> or dying gents CAN \ Agent , Vh 1isby RANCE. 3 & Accident Toronto f0 usuran C y par cent. of al Rretusned to th are plaid wsîho MUCH LIKE A MIRACLE. A STATEMENT FROM A WELL- KNOWN B3ERLIN MERCHAN 1. flow Hie Daughter Was Restore4 From the Terrors of St. VituE Dance-Her Case one of the Wormt Ever Known-Has Fully Rccover. ed Her Health. From the Berlin News. The readers of the News have beer muade familiar witb the viriue of Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peopi( throughi the articles appearing trou time to time in these colmmue, ané whilc the druggista say that rnany à this vicinity bave received uodoubte' benefit from their timely usne, it je oni3 reeently that we have heard of a cui in Berlin of such importance ae te talu rank among the rnoet remarkable ye publiaed. There je hardly a mana woman in thé town of Berlin, or h county of Waterloo, wbo doee net knov Mr. Martin Simpson, isener of marriagi licenees and general n2erchant, Kin etreet. Anything said by Mr. Simpsoi wül be inipicitly reli.i upon. A da, or two ago we had a talk with him ii raference to his fourteen year o]i daughter H1elen, who had for two year been a great sufferer from St. Vitu dance. Re tells us that it wus th woret case he ever saw. Sbc did no eleep for whole nights and waz an iio tense ufferer. Bbc was totally bell leu and she could neither eat nor drîn unlesis adminietered te ber by ber pai enta. The best medical attendanc wae bad, but ail to no avail. Bbc kel gctting woree and wôree, and finalli when in the paroxyise, commence to froth at the unoutil, and her prrcr believed she wae goin g out of ber mixý Thougb unable te wak for about eigl monthe ehe would in her spelis hal fits, rnaking her jump higb aboya h, coucil. Whie in tbis condition, tl woret casne ever sean in tis place, M Simpson as a last resort porchaw some Pink Pille and gave tbem to enffering and afflicted daughter. 1 ussures us that in thirty houris @ found smre relief. In a wcek e "1dance" wae entirely stopped anidel wae able Wte leep, s.nd was rapidly1 gaininit ber former straugth. 10o montils after the use of the Pink Pi wue diecontinucd seoagzain liad toue: of disoase but a fcw doses of the pi stopped it, and for thc iast cis monthe bas been edtirely frec fromt terrible rmtlady from whioh ne one w knew the circurnetauces, cxpectcde would recover, and ber parents, as m bo oxpeotcd, are warm in their prai of tho wonderful rcrnedy wbich worl aucb great remulte. These fs.ctsj known te ail who are acquainted w the famly and farther commentei wbolly unneceseary. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are eold ini boxes beanng the ûro's trade mv and wrappeYr, (printeid in yod im 'Beylu mid thut Dr. WilUiami' i Pillaar ver soid in bulk or by dosaior ndred, and amy dernierl 1 offart iaubatîtatrn xth!& -terniis iry - o deud yoI n adshould be ave' Tb. S'nbio are sléao oaution.d agi ýft 0 r ýàoaUsA ýb1oùd build.r *rVOýetôUfr8, put Up MI , lwforÉ toata te d"enve.Thy sare ait k lioÎMswhl. uiae!shope to T«' theni ro te 0 compared w1l1h obDei 0al betmnt., qm '.n1Ofh q illf ght tic ire se amy kcd are nith are ?ink Who, vueto American Notes. BY À PEOMINENT EX-RESI:DENT OF TMIS COUNTY - rc del t-fl Gerrymander: Iu bie history oetthiet» people -of bbc Unitedt Statu., Vol. 4,ti M&OMater States thé wWouamieni Ibis O way. lI 1812 tbe Bepublicaripatyho b.d control of both HeusesluMusa obuset.les maon 111h Febnuary in tihalGI y ear pairnd a- bill roa=r-ng he M Souatorial districts. 6rA Mp01e U- ewix district vwu bang up rlb. offie. o!O thé Columbia 8iatinsl. 81udrbi thé i the map, added 6 - ad, wi44 a >1 b] oliaws to it, .*Ying astihe flnbrh '1 ou tham willdotfer d ap riid.'" 'w ,.==der,"poupnin g ot tbenaai e of n M Z)ridge G.wy, thé tbèu Bepublboat lu G<ôremoof th.B*a*pTb» Mfwiê Bluart i adition&u s pwas a4 widel ocron1atéd& tbe a= G tbn tahe. pr7o Amrnie ua attduk on the citadel et their ukeptian id now it appeaua as if tie remarkable ré- )vr et Mr. (9.,H. Keutof tlii cty, thc 3tala et whioh have boom abrolady trainmit- d te thé prou, would ceomploto whAt lia u se auspieionsby bégun. TheIcpublisigd ttérviawu with Mi. sud Mn., Kent »ui thé !oi'D statement of thé former leaves Do foot- old for diabéliot. The desti la snneuiiceitof Lavreuceý ane 1îeu muembor ci thé BrillaiParU*- ont11 fo ti.eu diva iof Leda O>u pUIia 'dose, ou. ho. 25 out& Qu ribi 'elr, waoopatiou On. 0eWo uff-as a diftCr eýun $1Pin akS -,-1w. y aiune oI nbb W. RM W"w AMnost a Iiopeless Case. A. Terrible Oough. No Rent Niight Doi Day. iven ..p by Dootrs. A LIFE SAVED B»r TÀXING CHERRY AY îER'S PECTORAL "BeerlUearhaoI augtasevere cold, Btte n withTterrible ough that allowed Ine no rest, aither day or night. The doc- tors, atter working over me to the best of their abililty, pronounced my case hopeless, ad said they could do no more for me. A friend, learnlng of my trouble, sent me a bottie or Âyer'm Cherry Pectoral, which I began to takte, and very soon 1 was greatly relleVed. By the time I had used the whole bOttie, I was completely cured. 1 have neyer had mnuch of a cough since that time. and I Ilrmly believe that Âyer's Cherry Pe<toral saved mny III e.,,-'W. E. WàaD, 8 Quimby A*ve., LowelI, Mass.1 Aye's Cherry Pectoral MIBHEST AWARS AT WORLO'S FAIR. VOV'a PZUi the B»"t Faw&uv Phvoio- 1 P 1&"q UMUMN -U ur - II-WAEDEN GILLEBit ' TIPACOIi"ovg tr,etcý, 010., we-ately. TME LNE QOrSIUD. anrrnrned 1y aapewhI bd een4o u Clermont can boaut of îwo railaa i lu-b"anywith abo !2r2ntl i with;apaseuO trainon ecaaday. o0o6*Pidpg taîeday b&4d pa- The W. W. V & P. has a brancil from mirn i bi1Ouitry or Ja panése wares Larrabee's J unction to thisrpint, while as rn rnntu, b. concêleiO the ide& Of the Pennsylvanfli railway ruae imitating bis neighbors, and advertised through the place. Botil railways run "Ordered home to Japan. Ail goode in hors for coai, lumber, tan-bark, must ho sacrificed."1 sli ules, etc. There is but one hotel, Wbilst the "fanmera3" of Whitby town which furnishes excellent board and have been trying te be leglslated back lodgings, and is said to be f airly well into thc township, aL novel struggle has conduoted. It was Saturday uight beeu going on iu the Albany A.sembly. whcn I roached this point and 1 wua The city of Weet Troy is part et the net a littie surpriscd te ftnd thirty to town (township) of Wateroliet. The ferty mon drnking and carousing in a rural section is seeking te oult th town manner very difféeont from what au 1ooeo from Itheruseives and te oblige thc Ontarien is accustomed te. Thoy kopt "City"' W go it alone. In Canada thc it up, muci Wo tho annoyance of myseif desire te "play alone" at municipal and ethor guesta, until midnight, and geverunent gonerally originates witb thon tho bar cloe o prevelit a geuer- the people of the Urban Centre. ai scrimmage whicb, judging from the It je bard for a Canadian bo keep bis noise and profanity, wue rapidly getting tempar wben biereadei the American underway. The Grermans and Polos prose the naety, con temptible th ings ho- came in for a centinuous and noiBY ing prinLceI daily about Engiand. abuse. The Irish and Scotch do't "-Englaud is taking advantage ef ber like those fellews us a rule, because physical aize in the dis putc witb Voue- th 'ey pull down the wages. I was cor- zuela." "England had to bow te thc tainly miinformed as te this hibI be- United States and aceept the Munroc ing woll conducted on Saturday nigit. doctrine in the Mosquito coas case." Next day was Sunday and a miserabie, "-Engîand is batcd by Japan.' "Eng- drîzzly day it wus. I chanced into the land afraid of the United States," only church in the place and found an "Eneland jealous and fears Japan," and elderly lady teachirig Sunday achool. 1 thon occasionally the outburete et Borne at down and listened. Sho waa teaci- Bpread Eaglo A.es who taîks oet "aunez- ing the bible lemon et Ananias. When ing Canada, and ail Islands convenient she got through she asked the clasa te the United States." Thora is ne how il wau people were net &truck denying the tact that the hatred of Entz' down now-a-daye fer lying. Atter land and tbe Englishis deep and wide smre timie a little fellow put -up his epread in this country, thougb I bave hand. "well, Wiilie," said the teacil. met seo intelligent people wbo laugh or, "lot us have your anewer." The at the 1slll1y Doatinge eofthtise among littie shap said, "There would be ne- tbomn. body left.- That ended a very inter- The more I look mbinthe elective sys- osting lessen. 1 felt that if p>eple, 1cm et the United States aud study the espocially prof essional politicialis, were form etf govrrinent, the etrongar I be. treated that way in the nincteentil coma impressed with the conviction century there would only be green- that we in Canada have every reason te -hornm lef t te adorn the pelitical stage. be thankful we are se well govornad. 0f course this applies te th' IJntcd Everything, froni the prosidential office Sta ate roo IdrvefrinClr-dewn te the post office at the cross In te ateroonI drve roï Clre ads, is run by politicians. Every mont te Instantes-nine miles over a change o: party power meane a change bad road. The road. during the entire in evory pottv office. Every office le ddistance was up oneO immense ilil and ablecira, and the ternis are short, savo isdown another repeatedly, until 1 reach- onîy in a few cases. Judges ara activa Bt ed Instantes neetlcd in a semewhat politicians, and talk pelitie threugb the i0rrow but deep valley. prose or on the stnmp. Many et the Elk county, in which is Instantes, is people coniplain that pelitios are rob- essentially a territ.ery over which the bing the country and oapping it.e lite, Tanning Trust held undivided sv;ay. and that they are elected te death. ,n That great trust owns aîl the many Ts.ik et "United" Iztates! they are gîgantic tanneries in the ceunty, ail the sucb but in namo. îmach etate makos oe bush lande, mille, etc. Railways or ite dwn îawe, civil and criminal. A n tramuways run along every valley and in oriminal cannet be taken frei n e id many cases up the Bides et the moun- etate te another without formaI extra. in tains The hemlock saw-logs frein8 ýd hihhebrhsbentkn are all dition prooeodingis. Lu ail mattcrs of y bauled the by engi nes tisan iner-business, n-ado, commerce, land, lawe, [e hest n siht e eeene c teseanittr-nriglite, wrongn, and remedies, eack load t eg s and bark oneoly endtring etate i e prtectly indapandent oetthe ie ladsof ogsandbar slwlyweningothers. Tbe presecoution et criminals et its way down the sidaet an immense for offonces againet federal laws bas to Dr mountain. If the alightest accident ho conducted in federal courte oreatec se occurred te the brakee the wreck would and maiutained by tbe Faderai Govern. w be terrible. Lives are eldoin lest, ment. I have seen the Federal oorrt e theugh it net intrequently happons fiat adteSaecut îtn Itcsn g trains break away and are dashed t lmo nto ai eu tyn nmn n pieces after jumping the track at smre tm ntesm on rigcii et o the many sharp curves. There ie au cases cf equal dogmae. Tic murderer in imene tnner hee eployng romwonld bc tried in thé State court, but id 600 te 800 mon. A relative et minethe anman wouldave Wglu éoftrise ,rse rectcd thie tan nery under conti'act the aIdra cout, bcae tobeis fen as eome oigbt years since. Ho was a car- theuldercoudrUic fedal iaw. ie ponter by trade and was in tic employ wA dcarguerwa teéenty adlu publ ot et tic tannery people either as a cern- àcag a eetymd npb ,n mon tramer, toreman, or contracter by a parson that Premîdént Clevelani p-for 27 years. Tiere are ne farine in wau dmunk ou a certain public occasion îkte egbobo e u pa Ntrl It wus denied, and tien promptly wiIl ButS. bcaurne hey..kwio whâ*t groat 934, 'an çixte rp' t*it ùtý= They know -it là what it is re preeented b b. ~ ns~ulaerfeet oenlsiirn of lbut Norway Cod- liver Oltwitheh hypophosphites of Umne and odc lpor Oougbe, o0"# BoreThroat, BroaohltlsVeak &=pg, Oenmp- tion, SoroflaAnaia Woak BabisThin OChl&en, lokets, Ma- semui ,Licofdleeli QGeerul Debfity, aa dail eoon4tiona dfWasting. SThe only genuine SSotes Emulsion is -put in salmon- eplared wrapper. Refuse inferior subuitutes 1 Sendforpampklet en Sctt's £mulf on. FRES. Scot &BownpQ, B.IWle. aiMDrussists,,5o. and fI OURE ~O1~ ALL 2! z 4 i la anu ntallible remedy for B.d Legs, Bad &aate, 014 Wounda, Bore. and Ulcers Lt tjefanons fer Goensd Reliukin. roq IIISORDERS OF THE OHEST, BORE TitROATS, BRONOIITIS, OOUBIS, 00108, (Llndular Sweiflgs, mnd aIl ;ldn Dieamsit liasneoequal; for contratea smif joints lb acta like a charni Ulnufactlired ouly st 7s, NEW OXFORD STIREET te 588 OXFORD STREET) LONiDON, and sold by &U Medicinie Vendorsa ý t1he WorM. «r pwrvh&sesi'aldlook toe b Lel on the Pote andi Boxe& If tb. address i.net 58, Oxford Streot Landcn, tb.y are apurioia. &a a mY1Y1YTTTYYYYT r Vrl1i\WOOD COAL Cap - FOR ALL BIZES OF1 ~E ~aacilig front 10,000 to ~ '9,LON3 SfliLRADIATOR" OXFPRD WOOD FURNACU Full Gu aranteed Capa city r:TheGURIEY FGUIIDRY COU WOOD FURIIACE IIBAV GRATA, seliy. autd forwood brufg's gy'Steel PlatsPire Bax Dome au4adlator. whlch -hcat7'4 qnioker and are more durable UADIATOR ofModern Conçtruc- tie n d Great Héating 'ow er LARGS AMI PST SOAL FURI4AGE Large Combustion Chamber o g F i rm ve lenciM roIl t5 a -ads Lareeating Surface Large FoodS Door Rot4 l;ilDrTPng Crate MPIYLt. o OIO tuel : -U'~l. r n AMERIC ANý1 .WALL- PAPU,) Border8 to matcê'h AT LOWEST ::PRICES& - -7m -A t l ' nis y s ~ et " .. P,.E MICROBE A J. 8. ]EDGAR ~WARAM, Bryan's ciA Stan C, Brook St., Whlbb &DAM'S' KILLER REMEIJÏY. LMhu, Wind- cbronic stornacb ait bewel troble. shtque., )yýpepsia ad Lver trouble with consnwlp. ion. Ara as well as éer new; l , tml wonderful. T. H. LUSCOOMEEazttr London. Chronic cough aud hemorrbageýs rom-the- lungs wero hurrying my wife ta au i ergra but thankste M. K. she je as wil as ë- «Wm. Radam Microbe- KM6lr ,-'0 lm0 KIENG STREET WEST, TORON4TO. ONT F0! âesataa&Ril hemnist,r at W B. HOWSBE'B, - WI j t r t, y n ýe 'et le se [y. b25 bidby shoit w., A 4 TIONER 'ICA . )THER. STable D MIDLAND - 6.... ; 8 m rid ay ..9:11 anm ..2:64 p PttSukn.. 8 Pm p Sun 9-86Am -9:2p arto pe' AIO L. à lue ino. giv-- are Dr. sel' 1 4 lq»mlý 1 a 1

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