Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1895, p. 5

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we are flot piaytug catas1 IcaSU~hiitbec.us. i Bfloe t<> tâll you~that lu ~1i~ lateat thlng lu CONVRNIBNi TSt, HANnIoME N1IEL CAsa, STEM W114D &ND SuR. ACCURATE .-TKKe-KEEiPat, And -we seli it for - ~Brook Street, Wltby. OÂN'T ÂP'FORD To seli furniture at cost, but we can aflord to seli at as low a price as la consistent wtth an We keeptheulargest and fincat stock of mnriture in Port Perry and our prîces are the lowest. Jeop Furniture GJo., W.J. NOTT,' MANA&GER. lation ofsay local paper ta Canada. FRIDAY, APRIll 19, 1895. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. The roads are drying up niceiy. G-ood Frnday passed off here very quoi et ly. Hardwood dîning tables, 4 leaves, onlyv Ask to see men's navy blue surg-e suits at $3.75, at W.Ç. Walters'. Caîl and sec the Mrad isplay of spring goods at the wcst side boot and. sboc store. M. Collins. Chairmian Devereil gave the streets their annual scrape on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. W. G. Walters la offering a good i6 nch factory cotton for 3 cts. yd. You wull pay e t.s. for it elsewhere. Drý Grant's "HRairene, " for the hair, is the only prepazation guaranteed to Stop falling hair, and remove dandruif. No lead, no suiphur. A.sk your druggist for Misa Bessie; Harper gave a progressive crokinole pauty on Friday evening. A very enjoyable lime wa apeut, Mn. ina. G;raham wlnuing final, sud Mu. Albert Jackson the booby prize. J ebb, the well.known eye specliltansd invenlor of tie Recherche Optometer, tie only instrument of the km luincxistence for pointlug ont every disease aud deWet of thc cye sud slghb, wiUl be ah Hows's drug store. 2und sud 23rd masts. A valu- able littie treatime ounlthe eyc sud ight given away. Consultation and examina- tion of Uic eye sud igit fre. \\ Remember That Dr. Grant'a "'Hairene" is guaran- teed 10 stop failiug hait sud temove dand- ( ruff ' Sermon to Oddfeflws. Rev. J. H. Brougmai will pi-cach tic an-i nual sermon cf thc Whitby Odddilows lu A Il Saints' ciurci ou Suuday afternoon4 next aI 3 o'clock.1 A new wiad mill.1 Mnr. J. W. Brown, agent, put up a 1 'nw1 Ideal steel wlndmuill, rnanufactured byt Goo .d Company, Brantford, for Mn. S. Coxwonth, ou the Alt-x. Th1 mpmon farm, last week. Tic frame upen wiici the wind machine la mnountcd la ail of mron. Il looks litre a flue machine. $35 for the robe. His Houer Judgc Dartueli bas given îudgment lu thc case cf Shier of Port Perry vs. J. C. Woon cf Oshawa, for the value of a robe losI thene by the Port Penny runlers laI wluter. Tic particulars cf thc case werc ziven lu these columus two weeksa go. The judgmeut ashows Shier $35 and coats, arnouullng bo about $7.5 lu ail. Mr. Woon aI once issued a mearch warrant to inspect tic puemises cf Llvcry- man McGeary here, lu bopes. of fanding thc robe, but fallcd. Joseph là a gealus. Recently Mr. Joseph Tiompseu, of tuis town, wga neading a newepapen and camne across what vas ciaimcd te bo a simple i)rocess of qnakitmg su lueubalOr. Beiug a carpentet aud not very busy, he ai once ordened the water beaten roui a tinsuilti and mnade thme box. A lump là uscd 10 heat al l ncubatotop and, .fter 4ePOslitiug fi fiy seveu eggs, he applled It as dîiecte. Atter three days hobe uke au Mg sud chicken, sol Itlktete o. uthe nlaîeîecnth dal? tcermuide= lucibittor gave bîrthi t birtynin@eblhckemi,wm bmore eggs breaklug. Ih Wall s ,oiilltt «orai leait a c l s ,51ccls. People Who want fref".>$-P sprlug chiekeuhIsbav oui>' to e. a wledbmW lSof eggp te frleud Joes *i~dhI hurees vesçIgoaMd gel a yard ,&Ùt fblrd3 te rfaim A allIy of halatîit m>' leo1. pIe long ioved Ato town (rolU t rMlm ls A.k tkr ffectlbeiU# pt9peted g';:tue .ninàtea frdlutnorlB Î"t-iwb ho1 W-boe Thore sao, tab. 11W. o; oDu ple "Pgr-A-rnakIng ýtMs yesr. Nbt tven Io the Este : tonhp br'and of w*rranted unaiesyuptobe ha4 lnýthe t ores as tiss_7. James, M'Cardellp Wru SUIs Beri t ood and Adamn Davidmon, for baM boys, have been summrnend before P. -M. Harperfo destroying a baby cardage wbh KrsU. J Melntyre had placed otide ber dloor. Oh, for cbeap tickets to and froîn ng- land Ireland and Seotlaud, B3. Columba, MRioa California, al VU. States and Canadian points, anywhere, everywher*, rail or ocean. Cali on or write Stephen- son, Whitby, opposite Hlatch Bros, Choice of railwaya, and 10 ocean. steam- shlp lines. Rates guaranteed riqrht. Through tickets froîn Whitby, Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, or Brooklil, to Liver. pool, Londonderry, London Belfast, Glas- gow, or Queenstown, Inciucùng first-class railway tickets to Montreal or Quebec,, Sig. ic. Sec Stephenson, Whltby. Arrested on a serions charge Byron Huggard was arrested on Priday last on a charge of havinq committed an indecent assault upon a littie girl narned Moore, and gave bail to appear before P. M. Harper when the prosecution la ready. A new Dentist la town, H. Wlghtrnsn L. D. S., D. D. S., of Toronto, was here yesterday, and engag- cd a suite of rooms over Gross & Granger's store, whete he will carry on his profes- sion in afew daya. Further particulais in our next issue. $4 es.ch for mlsbehavlor. Young Canden, Wilson and Davidson, the three youths who were pulled at Osh- awa at week for bad donduct, were fined $2 each and eosts by P. M. Grierson, mak- ing $4 each in ail. We have heard that there are others from here more deserving of punishment, if possible, than the boys above mentioned, and we hope they wiii ail corne in for their dose one of these days. A matter which we cannot under- stand is why our livery men let their horses and rigs to young toughs who use Uiem 5so cruelly, Carried off the honora, We congratulate Mr. Geo. Emmett on his success at Dental Coilege as he not onlv succeeded in obtaining his degrees D. D. S. and L. D. S. but carried off the hlghest honora in his clama. We under- stand that Mr. Emnmett la about to succeed a Dr. in Morrisburg where we have no doubt he will soon have a largep ractice. He is a young man of push an ability and has already the reputation of being expert in the profession etl dentisîry. The people of Morrisburg will have reason te be proud of their new doctor. Look ont for a f&ke, We notice in severai exchanges that the editors mention with a good deai of the air of one who fancies he bas made s mash bhat a lady in Florida bas sent them sme water melon seeda of a variety lately im- pontcd from the south seas, and Ihat any pcracu sendiug ber a postage tarnp wiil be favorcd with a fcw of the seeds. In bhis little scherne thc CIIRONICLE fancies it smnells a fake. In the first place wc do not belleve the lady in Fiorida la anxious to give her secds away even il people wili pay their own postage. If she has a good variety of seed - she can sell themn for big money. In the second place she uvould have 10, add 10 ber sacrifice of lihe seeds thc money ment to the ejasily mashed editors, whome vanity blinds theni sud causes them t10 recommeud thein readens te bile the fake bail. This lady lu Florida is no doubt trying 10, make a baul of stampa, sud mauy fooi edîlors are inno- cetiy cappiug for heu. A aew sprinter. Much discussion has taken place during the last few weeks lu C. P. R. sud G.T.R. cincies negarding the relative raciug quabi- dies of Mn. Frank Pcrny, of the C.P.R. office here, sud Mn. Jos. Nornis, operator at lhe junction, sud a coulest wam an. rgngcd 10 take place as soon as possible. In accordance wiîh ts arrangement Uic two mca were ou baud at the atbletic grounds bast Tuesday evening at six o'clock, cacb contestant being foliowed bv a large sud euthumiastic crowd of sup- porters cager to, bet their last dollar on their respective favorites. The distance was one hundred yards, sud Uic race waa close sud exclting froni start to finish, be- ing finably decided la fayot cf Mir. Norris. Mn. John Taylor, wbc was appointed time- freeper, became mc excibed limaI he forgot to catch the lime of finishing, consequnu- iy there la ne record cf tIis eveut. Not- withataenlig Uic ressit of the coutest beiug couîrary 10 expectaticins, quotalions of C. P. R. stock temain about the same, sud Mu. Pcnry retaitis bis position as chief despatcher lu E. R. Blow's office. Town Concil. There was a vcny long discussion ch the Manitoba achool question ýat thc council charnier on Monday sigit, but s veny. abort sessioncf coneil. lu regard to tic former question no decisions werc, arrived at, opinions bcbng somewbat dividcd, sud no record' was made cf auy motions by tic fathers ; aud when they mat in council ascmbbed there was net mucb te take dowu. Miss Magle Harper sent lu ai communicationuasskng that bcr bouse neu1r thc plauiuç faciory bepartWaly cxemptcd froni taxation, as it bsnotbecu occupied mince last August. Tic malter was reter- red to thc finance comnulttce.- Chairnian Devereli cf tic stucets comumitieeoriOred for bis commtlce lu (aveu of 1114ngJno. McCarl $6.25 foureplring uidev&iq"alke sud Jobn Undeuwood e8 or bli pusb cart, wbicb Ioa acoiuveulent mac-ie-frfrry luround supplies whist wulgu Ob.01jections hibs pu0b 'art fu» cd the burden e' Dcputy Prin£Ie's Io aS .pex*hïodurîngthe laêjtl<mnicial caS-.1 ring as b. callis fI, sud bas bewmeena oued offias methoda b. <o0P511Y i$O!'ý ed thai iii. objectlonubl0 à4 t* Cbirmn l oble p( te 1AlW II i bauliug wood Ï$pq! Sixudtob i'cp ê_ p.bp3 Twrelve months for A. J. Campbell. A. J. Camnpbcll, the perpetrator of bank draft frauda, was brought up before P. M. Harper on Salurday for sentence. He had heen in hopes that friends would have corne to his rescue and would have fur- nished mnoney to settle the rnany frauds ln order that his punishrnenl rnight be light, but it did not turn out so. Everybody ap- pears to have conciuded that it is limne that this man be locked up until he can take a review of hia career. P. M. Harper addressed hlm at length, trying 10 impress upon his apparently preverse mind the position that his criminal course had brought him 10o, and gave hlm a year in the central prison. Campbell, however, stuck to hlm oft-repeated idea that the world has conspired to deprive him of liberty, and cried ail day Sunday. On Moxîday he wam asked 10 perform the weekly funiction of wa hing day, and the thoughî of rubbing ne -1 estate out of coarse flannels broke hlm heart cntirely. The man appeara bo believe the world and the fulluess thereof is hlm, and that it is no crime to secure possession of bis own bv whatever meaus be finds moaI succeas- fui1. WVhltby Presbytery. The Prcsbytery of Whitby met ia the Preabyterian cburch, Oshawa, on Tues- day. rime moderator, Mrs. D. Ormiston, lu the -chair.- The qtuestioni of re-arrange- ment of the congregations in the North- west part of the presbytery baving been reopened, a committee consistin& of Messrs. Eastman, Abraham. Ormiston and J. Smith, was appointed to deal with the matter and report to presbytery. The folbowing wcre appointcd commîssioners 10 the general asscmbly b mccl lu Lon- don lu June, vi2 :- Messrs. McLaren. Whitemau and Frazer, ministers ; aud Messrs. D. Ormiston, Jas. Smith and D. Smith. eiders. Rcv. R. D. Fraser was ap- pointed to represent the presbytery on the assembly's committce oa billsanad over- lunes. Messrs. Eastman 'and Ormiston were appointed 10 serve on thme coures- pouding committee of-the synod of Toroa- to sud Kingston wbich meels in Orange- vtie 141h May. Reporta were presented on Sabbath observance by Rcv. J. Chia- bolm ; on sabbath achools by Rev. J. A, McKccn ; on temperauce bv Rev. R. M. Phalun ; on the atate or religion by S. H. Eastman ; on statisticsansd systematic beneficience, by Rcv. J. B. McLaren. Leave, wgas granted 10 moderate in a call te Newcastle a.nd Newtonvile wbea lthe coagregationis are ready. The Lakse Outioferry iheme. Mr. Sidney Starbuck, presideul of the Aincnican sud Ontario Navigation Co., sud Mr. Estuemt W. Emmons, manager, cf New Yorkï wcee u towu Friday last. Tuasis Uic comnpauy which proposes 10 tua thc ferry Htom Oak Orchard across te Ibis shore, for thepurpose cf uranmportiug load- cd cars and euher cargocs,..aud bbc above gentlemen were lu bowu secntlung data in conuection wIi the harber. Tbey are iu- spccîing the barbons cf al thc towum aioug thc front, preparatory to seiectiog' one wbieb would oueed their views as a teirmin- 1s flor liii (mY aon Ibis side cf Uic bake. A number of ýour leading cilizens took theni lu bad su vlst tclirbor,- wberc ,,ils suany advantages wcre uot.c by thi ist-. -ors, -The eshallslimeut of tbis ferry-wuId prove a stimulus te trade in the Midkand distrft, aud if direct. communication, cail beýbdsuc as ibis -comipany wili funimba, so thiat cars nuiay' be abpd onî an aimeet tstua:gbt route te points hinithe States,- sud carticd wibqout unloading to'thcrdestIna-. tiosAlîpprb n o the p orth ,vi séec ai onçn thai tit t uradv,çînage to use, ibil route.,"u iieae by availa&n ube. oun.awy bout b th wctsud'of wU esaved la eàele 2P el*14 omk hetI ars of 5 àrb, )dmd1% a4 -cmehtioe latlj.eomuplet AP -W àqdfiebs N5etùis in every. OMΫ,Or I=,dayevenîng, beldmuider 1 the-*#Ple ($',oregoty'a club aumcthe M.thbA1 aut. COSIoh laSe* per gallon, and week, ,, "ji"te by ihùratis foburwtll:increue adofaia barrel beore long. Tiie Great "mUbcy Sale. Look out fr-ceapboots and ahoes. The great stocf fine grades of beautiful fttIug-stylea., ailthe ueweutdeuigns iu ail colora. Thousnds of dollars worth to ý>e sacrlficed. Heapa piled outaide the door, agd prices rnarked away down. Calcar- IY and sec the bargains at the new shoe store. M. W. Colline. Another Libel suit stsrted We understand that Mr. A. R. Rowland has issUed a writ against Mr. 13. R. Blow, of this town, for damnages for libel, in con- nection with the anme matter in which the charge of defamnatory libel arose be- tween Mr. Rowland and the Gazette. The action in the Blow case is taken through the Toronto courts. The Female Globe. The Woman's Globe was issued yester- day, and waa realiy a gand production, being replete wlth wel written articles and beautiful thot ts. A townsrnan dropped in yestercfay to suggest that as we have had a Feinale Globe we next have a Feniale Mail. If readers do flot sce the point they may drop in and get en- lightened. Onr Whitby Boys to the front again. We notice wlth pleasure that J. W. Ben- gough, late editor of Grip, an old Whitby boy, who has already attained almost world-wide fanie, has added another link to his laurel wreath by publishing a vol- urne of his poems, severai of which have already appeared in Grip and other publi- cations, and many of which are new. The work is beautifully iilustrated.. The vol- urne has flot oniy the ring af true poetry but the ring of true manhoud about it, Hlmskietches of life and character are real. istic as ptose, true to nature, clotheci in poetic drapery, and the sentiments ex- pressed commend theniseivea to the judg- ment and heart of the reader. Our Milllnery Openlng was a grand succesa,_and the opinions were thàt Pur dlsplay of HA , BONNET'S, RTC, was far ahead of anything ever shown lu Wbitby. Ester deeldes the nced of New Hats and Bonnets. No matter what the weather muay be, ladies are suî'posed to have entirely new outfits for E:&çter Sunday. Corne any dime next %"tek and secure your Easter Hat or Bon- net-a: a very low price, dand ~ ~ that aubebad ln in ail goods ScO0TCH 1215H and CANADIAN makes. Dou't (ail to se tbem and compare .prtig and qualities. We guarantcc satIsfaction ithis dcpsrt- kîndi jW'-See our8tic Tweed Suite. New Hais and Gents' Furnièsblngs tu band. COUi aud Exa«o uc e(5tU 2eedé. The leading styles in ladies,' and Gel your fire-pota, grates, iron or brick Misses' capes, at W. G. Walters'. linings for ail kmnds of stoves, ranges or If you want to sec the lateat in dresa s ncsfoj cnye gooda, caîl at W. G. Walters'. Carrylng the War labo Corea, You can gel repaira for every stove and If the Corcans knew of the manifold furnace mnade in Canada from J. Mc- virtues of the New Williams sewing nia- Intyre. chine they would teach the Chinese and if you are suffering frorn dandruif, or Japs how to use the New Williams sewing falling hair, get a botule of Dr. Grant's machines, and lu that peaceful occupation "lHairene" froni your druggist, who will ail thoughr.s of the horrors of war, especial- guarantee il 10 stop falling hair and two ly during . these dreadfully bot dog-days, applications t0 remove the dandruif. would be gîvqn over to sewinge societies IThe -greatest snap yet offered, anduhe ma ig of i iuds-of.1-1 ïo The CHsoNICLE and Globe or CHRON- ICL.E and Mail and Empire for $1 10 Jan. iat, 1896. Two good papers ten months for a dollar. Sencl in at once for theni to the CHRONIcLE, Whitby. The bay was almost covered with ducka on Good Friday, and s0 mauy geese are migratiný northward that they have to iay awake nîghts and fly, 10 which a chorus of doga in our town objects furiously ail night. St. John's chnrcb at the bay. Mr. W. Weaver, Wycliffe college, neat Sunday, rnorning and evcning. Coal at Toronto prices. Selling out during next week-I will mcli very best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.75 at shcd, $5 delivcrcd--spot cash only. H. B. Taylor. Lecture. Prof. Keys, of Toronto University, wil deliver a. lecture in the Ontario Ladies' College to-night, Friday, aI 8 o'clock. Subject, Matthew Arnold. Admission 15 cents, Ou clbblng IButs We have dlonc so much clubbing tbis ycar that mistakes werc inevitable in smre cases. Many bave been rcctified aud we hope to bear from any others who have not received the papers they want. Huit: Before buyiug a spray pùtmp, be sure sud sec lhe Audlersen double action forcé spray Pump. The besî lu the world. Tien cf tbem beug t by Uic goverumeat for the-lemctalfarmi Onby $13.,5o caci. L,7Fainink's Whîtby. agent. Two Lectures.' Two of thie best lectures ever given lu this town werc by Rev. Wm. Patterson, Toronto, lui St. Andrew's churcb, Mouday aight, sud Mr. Afikins lu the Methodiat, tabernacle on Tuesday uighî. Botm audi- ences were wdl enteutaiucd. P. B. Waraans uprng stock. Mn. P. B. Wauam, painter sud house decorator, bas opcned out an excellent stock cf spring gooda la bis bine. His wall papers, reom mouldingsansd window shades are lu prise away below anything of the sert ever before ofiered lu this town. Ail of uewest designs. Give hlm the first call. e PreibytenianSocial A sbcial wii ber~ive ilu lie manse, ou Wednesday eveni - t By a fcw ladies lu counection with ba. Andrew's congre- gto.A,- very interesting programme vi epresented. Tes Win, be served. durig Uic eveniug. The admission la onby zS ets., the proceeds in aid of' thc talent fund. A very enjoyabie evening is anticipated, sud ail are cordially invilcd. Plut of bbthe asca. .The FirsI Presbyherisu cburch cf Port Hope have arrange4 for a cheap excursion froni Brighton ho Toronto via tic G. T. R. on Tuesda 'sud Weducs-day May,,7th suüd -8h good to retun up to Tbmrsday,' 90L This Win afford a pleasant anct cheap -trip ho the Qucen City ah a deiightfulscasen of thc yean. Furtien particulars with- lime- -table sud rates lu posters. Look for it.- Wait for 1t-19-41u.- - Zamnt Vestry Meetings. ýAt thme> vestry meeting ...at St. John' s on Monday nigit Mesurs. Geo. C. Wite and -Jue. M Howdeu were eleieîd thb-peepte's sud, cIergymnaàu'respectivel i -sldcsmen, C. A.' - opkinus,;.Castle Fox, tIbosi Atkiuu- son aud, Fraufýrxedr!nr or mthd wet akle thc Asiatica. The New Williams 15 on dcck ready for war at Ed. Hart's, the Whîtby agent. Ladies wishing to pur- chase a aewing machine will please cali and examine the New Williams at bis bouse on Brock street south, The Wabash Rallroad Is ackuowledged by travellers to be the btst ine to Chicago, quickest and shorlest route bo Texas, Mexico, Caiforula 'sud ail points southwest. Ail trains are* superblr equipped witb the finest sleeping aud chaür cars lu Arnerica. Now la lihe rime te lake a trip t Hot Springs, Ark., the Carlsbad of Amarica. Their efficacy lu curing dis- eases bas been -kuown tb the civlbzed world for gencrations, aud people of al nations have gone thitber in successful search of beaith. Pamphlets, time tables and full particulars from aay railroad agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian Pas,- senger Agent, nortbwegt corner King and Yonge Streets, Toronto, Ont. Mu. Robeft Bedsou, Toronto, was down hene just for a day ou Frlday last. Miss E. E. Haycnaft, of Uic Statesman office, Bowmauville, was here Épendlug ber easter holidays. .Messrs. Lu McTaggarý and Dan Biack, cov Toronto, were'hene on Sunday at. - 5 to Mus. C. Embury aud sou, Toronto, wcuey, visitiug fiends bere sud, lu Reach duriug tr,* the easter holiday, bagi Mr. Richar-Célmcr wbo bas been ist-, Ingý bis motherh uu cr a nmuber f menths returued on Monday cf timis wé,.', Th Mu. sud Mrs. Kemp, 'Cobumbus, haveWb bateby moved intaose of Uic dweiliug <> boumes owned by Mn. James Keut sud- em. y clove On Saturday last Mr. W. WiIsolà, Ash- né burn, shippcd a car boad of8ob.nie four 60C b buudrcd bushels cf turnipa by the.C..R, oct (rom here to Toronto. These roots.weuc ec growu on the fatm of Mr. M. McTaggagçL tar Mn. T. Brooks, is te stsrt on the road bage- thus week with a eue herse rlg te peddbc 1a- b for ou store keeper, Mr. Armnour, audMr. -W. Bateman aise stants' Ihis week with a,, bw ouce zig ho peddbe for -Mn. !d. Hollk- Dié Iday, cf Raglan. là Mr. L. IK Courtice 6A a sbeep shear- Ing- Saturday ln anticipation "for th6 Fail fair. Rev. T. Edwards, Th=lrobfU, prmêbed for Rev. L. Phelps ut Ebeezerbath moru. iug aud eveniug ou Sunday..,- There was qulte an lnt-ee shaootu miatch held at the gun grundaFriZy Mr.J. Gay êarried off firot:boou.' Mr. T, F. Wright, out late, esteemed teacher, bas loat four dîgitý ends, ofis:. rigbt hand lu a grain crusher, .buttu doctor bopes t> save thc thujub sud .trc fingers so injured. H-uman7bada do not make very palatable horse (ccd, Frank-, lin, even when ground. Easter visitors: Mu. {Rem) Jý. H.' Oke k aud dàugbter ut Mrs. -C#W ,Osbýoton' a Mr. T. Kirkpatrlck, of N9rthý Torontoart Mr, J. Peufouud's; Mm. C. rMciùnoin,ý Meadvllle, Pa., ai Mr. J. Gibson's; 'Miss Fanny Courtice, Osbawa, 1ai Mr. jmei- Courtice's; miss 'Evelyn 'Everson -and Miss Bertie Harris, Oshbawv,,a- utMr.. S. Evetson's; Mr. E. Plad..Obwat' Councillor Courtloe's ;.Mr. Leslie Halla. Mr. S. Brooks ; sud Rcv. T._ Edwards, wife and fàmily cf Thorubil ai lkev. L. Phelpe'. Meus. Pringle & Co., are seilg choice aisike and red clover seedd tb'îèy are almo seUling very eboice black eyo.peç'as, fgr- TUBd Fail wbeat,"co teoic; gose wbeat, 65c :buckw bey, six-rowed, 40c té roweds 42C; ryO, 4OV; OE pes, snmail, ,6oe mu peas, black eve. 6sc: bis' 04 On Saturday bat wbile Mr. Lester Hub- ftIouse 1 bell vas1 getting mone work doue- ut U- t --lApl griat mil ucar Raglan ,bis beam of lfiývutn rl herses lu smre waybirke bse (rouiý wherc uthey. wcrc bled, ruuniug wibb Uie wagon toward homie,- sud wheu. combug te bbc lithie cucek just cat -cf -1Inspct-or Mc- Buiein's buildings, -eue berme wént - itothe cneêk -wbile the-oif.the (ci ouor over hlmn, sud- wieu ýMr. -H.ubbe.l nreached the spo t the under bouc am qibe ead Mu. Price spent bis essil n .. .W. J. Boddi was-ln the Cliy Saturda>'. Gi Mary Beattie isat Mr. Graham's, Clarm- Musa. Rob). Jackson sund daughiter woe in Uic city Saturdsy. Âth'~ Mu., McAuly vas vlsltiug l u icility forepart cf ibis week. - ?U 'U. Munsha*,, as, vIsùitg wi i i ier.rs:J M~Genow Isat *ce.k. 25 ît *2.00, àt $2.00, 50 to $8. 9, 811). -ggq for WP F. N h.w.Kl S~e( mng first of ry ria v e JOilN E- attend cd n, A.nyone wbo vwant9 the very lateàt styles ln goods, confined tous only. No one cime bas the same goode in Whitby. Do not fait to cali and sec ont NEW CHA MB RA YS, ZEPHYRS, SPO T MUSL!NS, in ail collors, and tbe newest thinge lu Sumîser and Sprlng DRESS GOODS. eg ai tl w Pl p b ti it n t( M 9 b m EP e c ti L. s c A ti c i',

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