Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1895, p. 2

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~Makér, 0oïorndii m --eàht n ~*Ihty' zsd.The, mmsy, who Itvebob ter th" sothemandtjeyflufm t e , t l«O s pe»cUdtu r% by more premptly msiksp g ,ths vend'. ibust préduots t thé sude t ysica!b.Ingt viiiattot thie vae, heàIth of- the.pure liquid la=tiv.jIrinoipilemsbs'c.d ithe Ite oxoafteicnladue to ltsprosentlng lte Ii.fotsm et acceptable and pies.- bmàdomi propers'esof a perfect la". mî!eo; efectiiailycle&nsÃŽng the sys8toni, 1thmbugiven aifaction 1» millons and metlM thi. approval of ii. medlical -profession, beenuse 1h acte os tho Kid- Dieyi, ver and Bowels witheut weak- "mig thlesutd 1h in perfectly free from ftery objectionable substatîce. Syrup of Fine ià or sale by ail drug- gt la 75e. bqttles, but it is manu- tàcturcd by tbye Californin Fig Syrup Ceo. only, whoseonarne is printed on every packa ge, aise the naine, Syrilp ef Figes, atid being well inferme you will net ooept auy substits-tceif'?rd Ahnost Passe: Bel let BtruWleui' ore ScLong C>ANCER ON THE LiPp Sarss- AVERSprl Xr. Nicholsonsy: I cousulted doe- tors whe prescrîbed for me, but to ne puýrpese; the cancer.began to, Eat Into the Flesit, spre A to my: chin, a.nd 1 suffered tui ýj7for seven lonu years. FinayI 1,began takng Ayers arsmap&Mila.Jin Ar,.weet or two I noticed a Deè!ded Improvemnent, TlaeourAged by thS rennit, I perse-. szeéedt uiitUfin ea. xneth or se the acre lýiÈ&t -m~y ctn beganWoheaL. li t ree rnlokilsis y Up began te huit andi alter lue Vie Sarsa p ffri a ,fer six m ýnths , r Âdn -Te --~ti.wo ' Paso. & ,teMperanc boume la Port Hope ba bee om eled to ,suspend business for 1a0 f patronage..tMnwnsbtti bers elow - b Malie wits bftat le -À -yanug *an fr6 eintIcoé r uze ielvmtedten iaast $Sir la sd aft WlbblM. Magiotrate téa*i o n boütte4 bimfoîbl'tril- tethê eëneraIèosssion of -Ite peace te bo eWd. lin U rt lur conuection with the recent liargain maies ëf dimsged ready-made sitage ,stery la teld. A well-knows persouage from the townishlp le ïal'd te have grown desperate atbeg tormeutedabubi sa y appeàrauce and determlnedv#hlle lu, town te sacre a brand new eutîît. This ýwas dont but somehow, the parcel wus net paced lu bis cutter as h. supposed lt was. ARor startlug fer home b. tbought it would be a clever thing te glve bié better- hbait a surprise party by appeanrlng ln hie new drese suit, and at once carefüliy pro- ceeded to rerueve or rathertaiWre off bis pantaloons. This accornpllehed he care- fully removed the contents et his pookets and threw the aid "stand-bye" over the bridge Into the rIver. Here le wbere the surprise .party came lu, for the parcel had been left In the store inu place ef under the seat as he supposed. After a thorough searcb the victîm ef circuinstances reallzêd the tact aud caretully folded an old herse- blanket around his lower limbs and drove sndiy home determined In future neyer te throw away the substance for the shadow. Hie arrivai home was nct only a surprise te his botter-hait but to bis family as well. -Watchman. UXDRXDGEC. -Wm. Wesley braught a big owl te towu last week, which ho hati caught near Zephyr, and disposed et it te H. Bishop, wbo thinka ho wèùld prefer it deati andi talks ef baving it stuffed. The annual meeting ef the Piano and Org au Company was held on Friday last, an t was decidedti t proceed with the winding up ef the business. Mr. Small's offer for buildings and plant was accepteti and h. will continue the business, with the possibility ef a new company being formed inter on. Mr. Chapple bas introducod another bill inte the legisiature te amend the Municipal Act, the object being te have the financial year te endi on the i5th day of Decemnber in eacb yoar andi thus save the expense ef making eut twa tietailed statements ef receipts and expenditures, as at present are neeessary. Ne doubt this will ho a pepular mensure. A large saving may be made by it te, municipali- dies each year. What threatened te b.e a very serious fire breke eut, but was fertunately check- ed,Ulst Saturday evening at the tannery. The biaze started at the foot et the eleva- tors among the crushed tanbark. Here it must have smeuldered for considerable timo, as there bad been ne work don. since noon, but finally it burst eut and running up the olevators roached the roof et the bark-heuse, which was ceeunîal ablaze. Happily fer the tannery the pro- prieters haT recently procured a steam pump with hose attached. Had it net been fcir iis apparatus the building would certalnly have been much more seriously damaged, fer the flaies' spread se fast that. although the firemen matie ail pos- sible baste, thie blaze coulti scarcely have been checked before it had demolished the bark-houso. With the town's efficient power fer extivguisbing fire the building was eut et danger. The bass amounted te $25o, covered by insurance. The township ef Roacb should change its muùnicipal official beadquarters te Epsomi. The only possible objection le that the township hall is at Manchester. This could be meveti or sold. The. Sons ef Temprnce require-ia hall there and ne doubt would buy this. The Sons cf Tern- perauce at Epsomn require a. hall andi would reut fromi the municipality as their bretbren nov do at Manchester, se ibat1 the township hall at Epsomn weuld bring' iu as mucb revenue as it dees at Man- chester.- Epsom is more central than .Manchester. The present beadqunrters are net at ail central, being four couces- siens frein the east end ef the township aud ton frein the uerth. Epsom le six from n ee endi anti eigbt frein the other. The people et Reach might ns weil have the greateet cenveniencç te the greatest number, which they could certa.iuly ac- compish by this change.-Journgl. lI iE DSflE. " iat coumodions, haudsome sud coSdy es dhairte Bro*. Afcde,- sud te Mis. Mackey, a rd6mei eft1eegan se àm kaives . Bro. Mac" ttWo eri', but -being se mýuch upset bad t4 egi r. h Up, #t wbich the evenlng vas dorot- e d teo -ngrtulory sud u.greif -lspeech mak. a ng# follow#çiby «SeeSIDPsdatrth ituer cm a id béian well M*#4 %d ltb t ThéeCP.. îeoently ~one ýliupertant rtb#ùotion in"' tue Pay of iilit ouplôYea: Afterthyx l: cenit. frein ail salries oýver that amount-. Sir William Van RomenoWiilhavete suifer with the r=tand 'olle i ère- after have te tru gle along as best ho can on 848,000 'oontingencîes, instead of 860,000, whioh je his present ualary. Gondluotorsanmd engineers are flot af. feoted. i ft.de>lloU'ted Batelier [t is stat1od that on Monday a local butcher went te a nelghbormng farm te purohase some sheep. Af ter' thé ro- quited aur had been paid over and the sheep put on the wagon, the butcher notioed the women foika were shedding tears at seeing the sheep going away. This waa tee nuoh for the. butoher, and the money beîng refunded ho dtposited the sheep in the yard and went sway with an emÀpty wagon. To raoe lu Boflevifle A prose despatch frein Belleville s Jake Gaudaur is in that city endenvor. ing te arrange te row Harding, the English champion, there, for the charu- pionship of the world, som in.tre mn July. I f Earding aoce pta, the race will take place on the B3ay of Quinte for a purs. of $1,000 and a aide bot. Gaudaur leavesi the end of this week for Austin, Texns, where he will compete in the regatta there the end of May.- Tirnes. of P~ickering. On.et o ur-,Younig mÙes thinks'it mtd. visal~i so teputoù, yens' coatio~go home ' 'with a young lady. - Unles yen* are stire yeu e= go. Whilâoeut skating on Saturday eves- iing, two litie boys had the misfortune tx fi through the ico and were nearly dt'owzned. W. ndviso parents te keep their children homo. Mr. Alfr'ed Hewitt geL quite a seud off by his frienda by a taffy pull. H. has gene te werk in York for the surn- mer. Mr. Roert Wnshburn le quite well again. W. are glad te, see hiru able te b. eut. On.eof eur young men seerna te have quit. a ravenous appetite. He was inte onle of the neighbors and geL hie dinner, walked about two miles further and ate another, You had botter loockeut Ed. or yen may hurt yourself. Mr. William (Jarruthers ef our town, has gene to Toronto te Beli papers. Suc-less Will. Anyonie going te have n dance and wishes te have a caller off shoubd appby te Mr. W. H., or J. J. Mrs. Creasor ia going te take in boarders for the sumnmer. Misa Maggie Bentley is goiug. te keep house for Mr. J. Cumpton for this son- sou. Mrs Joues littie boys who are visiting Imiions in Ih at Mr. Blackburu's ýhave been iii bu-t There'e rnilioin*s f herrings running are reoovering. at the Narroiws notwithstanding the Our choir on Sabbnth lust was about number et epeare that are daiby sent in as large as the congregation. They after thein. Standing on, the eeunty looked qui te fine. bridge *on a fine af ternoon ose cas count MrSaulAdso bet wk frein eeventy-five te ono hundred and MrSaulAdroisbet wk fitty eager fishermen, all intentby watch- again at ter haviug auch a sharp on- ing for a chance to spear the dainty counter with the Pickett. herring. What maLters the three mile MAY FLOwBaI. waik frein tewn, what mattere the five M àBEKE AIL or six heurs standing on the. damp ice, Profesmlouai Beggars what materae Ven the. occasional dip Families who move into this corpera- inte the cobd waters, the govorninent tien and thon expooLt the village fathere sHow the fish Le be taken, and the man te grarL thein aid wilb ourely b. dianp- whe vouldn't' do tues and more for a peinted. This vilbage has ne mosey te chance te epear frein six te a dozen in a spend on professienîl vagrants and the day, ie a poor sporteman. One young soosor thie cînes finde iL eut the botter. lad ef fitteen got ovor three hundrod They should be takon bofore a magie- eue day baeL week, and expert fiehera trate and comritted as vagranta. Tii. £rom town have been known te catch inmily thie is meant for had botter be uothing but wet feet and a celd. fore. warned. BEAVEEITOIRN «i-I. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson have removed te Kirkfieid, where they wil reside in future. Mr'. D. Gunu, of Toronto, was la town on Thursday cf. baat week. Oapt. Gilberteon left lat week for Midbasd where h. viii epend Lh. next month getting uis boat in shape for the. Opening of navigation. Mr'. Jolis Kallaghas w» oiffred-,jhd rot used $165 for lue handeomne ile sorrel mare laet weok. Wo undorstnnd tint the Sons et Scotland lodge eft tue pince are rnaking a big?, bid te, have the different lodgea et Toronto spend their ann"a holiday hero whore tiiey yull b. most royaily received. It'a a good Liing, pueh iL along beys. W. are sorry to ebenofet i.serions iilneas et Mise L. MoRne, et Simc a.t That she mny b. 5005 amengst nus gain in tho wish et her rnany frienda. The. people et this tewn muet have becs hit hard with the organizitien. onaze, as vithin the past week sti fees thas fivo clubs have been organlzed, nameby : Tii. Young Cheokers lacrosse club, the Cricket club, the. Bicycle qlub, the Young Men's Liberal Oo'ssorvýtive club with the. folloving officera :-Hon. pros., Frank Madili, M.P. ; pros., W. 8. Bell ; vice-pres., A. W. fHamiIon ; sey. W. B. Hodgsen ; treas., Jaa..ec- Ooe;managing committee, HlN L. Cameren, C. L. MoRne, J. H. Trolea- vos, W. Mitchell, and E. 0. H. Tie- dale ; and luet but sot beaiL, the "Bea- vertes Amusement Club," viMtheho ol- lowiag efficers, viz :-Prea., H. L. Câm- eren ; vice-pros., John Taylor ; sèby., A. W. HamilLes; troias., A. E. Caqerý- on. As the. naine indicates, Itisget-ap for the. furtiierauce et ps'otects in the amusement lino, amengt btîs's le bringiug of high oham enteiWtnimenLýte town. Their initial-venture Willbelen Wedzuesday eveslag, May 8Lh, .wïéen, they, vill îsts'oduce',te thé peéople et .»oaverton sud 'surrounding 7oouney "The Missels Webling, f'0!~n Wisat a Word, WJll Je. Syozeipinda umiht à word us ooen to reum se ialtemutuslt btuer lanoer u wA-4Mum The C.P.R. paâsenger train frein Montreal Tuusday evening, which was due at Toronto at 7.35 e'cbock, was four and one-quarter heure late, owisg te a slight inishnp on the ine between Clareuîout and Myrtle. The engin. and tender of treight train No. 3 IefL the. trnck at the point nnmed early in the inerning, bbocking the bhne for sorno hours, and necessitating tii., tranehip- menc t ---paâàçemlg5"ra.- '-Xne- of tbcara, left the rails and the. only damauge doue was te the permanent way. The rond was cleared by night-tnib, and, traffie waa reeumed. A IHumerons Tact. About Hoed's Sarsarila-it expels bati humer andi oreatea gooti humer. A great battis for blood la vbat Hoot'a Hood'a Sarsaparilla vigorously figbmsi, agit Lla ai- w svitoIn uex gl ~fouiL aints anti giving the vital flii tUh e quality anti quantity .of -perfect healtb. It cures sorofulaý, sait rbeum, bouls sud other blood itiseases, Hoed'as leact eaeily, yet prornply anti efficiently on lue bewebs ant i ver. 25c. Tho Pharlue.etofolti denouncetLb.oinis of the Publican ; to-4lay Lb. Publican denouncea Lb. sins of te Pharise. -Chronie Dersugements et the etomncb, 'Liver anti blooti, are spoedily removeti by te ,active principbeofethLie et tho ingredientseon- t ering inte Lb.e composition et Psrmoleeqs Vegetanle Pille. The pilla et spsoifiUy ou' tiie derangeti organs, atimulàting te action Lb. dormiant exiergies etfLit. systemu, tberehy renioving diseases and reuowing 11f e sud i litylte .afflicted. Iu thue lies the great seret0et the popularlty of Parîneioee' Veget- 1 abbé PHil. A display of bad mnannes' is net neceMsarily a. siliu ct pfueerlty ; ur grogeneas of l ug a mark of viits. -The great -favoerln whieh Ayer's Pille are held aIl oves' the, vend bau been veoarued. T4oy are easy' anti even plensant totake, and for ail complainte o-e, . somach, iversu»d aseiioueu partao. lver4oerefsoir.là Ignorance iQf peréonal lImitation -laeLb. l Eiter bycqütrë.dtblter herodliy those faooê-géex"tiu afttor euèatwon; but 'voau pisay r Uum wt-the odd in >dufavor e'byth :bëhep 04Scott's Bmuulalen, tWe coUbefrêoUrr nosto e eb u Oshawa, Ont. Pains in the Joilnts Caused by InflammnatorY Sweling A Perfect Cure by Hood's SarSa- partlla. "It affords me ninch plea8ure te recoxnmend Hood's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflIcted with great pain ln the joints, acconipanied wItl swelllng se bad that he could flot get Up stairs te bed wthout crawling on hands and k.nees. I was very anions about hlm, and ha'ving read se mucli about Hood's Sarsaparlila, 1 deter- mined te try it, and got a haff-dozen botties, tour of which entirely cured hlm." Mm. G. À.. LÂKE, Oshawa, Ont.ario. N. B. Be sure to, get Hoed's 8arýapartia.& Hood'IS pille net easlly, yet promptly and efilciently, on the il-ver and boweIs. 25c. REN09LLIS SPAVINOU RE » w. frg.4 aveu md e oal >t "Ie -et YÃ"M "Esdala pa.in Or8 -Ct h m m.IL = thkS re bt ilAnl o t vuud& tecu B toSiaL1 D3. . J.XKDL OPY, IgNsTIfaPAT.ON SI IUS-E-8 INSURE$ OD0BStN r TO CURE DEBIL.ITq, Do netl14 yonir drÙiit irsnade . tËisonieoiberlsjnst ii oO&L d dae lu Puraiture fag ld The" Subsoriber bop', te suInôfince that ho ia gi oeo bimîineuo i his old stand, aud hài. placd thereina choice, stylish and complèt tokof NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, whieh wiil be sold êt asmail «tsrgilonlOOt.. Another bale :Of thon e eiobi&Med Iffed Mattrasses 08-25, werth ~.86- giOthose Tapeutry or Opt Lo0=09oset *1 Worth -8HRdwood SldeboaTr.14s 4gsfor $8,50, Worth-$12~. rES'A f Uiletooi --Of OfinSI and Osekets, sud -a Firsrt- Clam Hearse. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm fo r SaIe. 65 Acres, Lot No. 3o, 3rd Con, Township of Wbitby ; 2 Miles tram Whity; same knewn as the Lynde hosnestead. Soil second te none, in a firsi class stane of cultivatin.' Good fences ; watered by Uiv. strea in acrose ane corner zoo yards fram n fine stoner house; (rame stable and drlving shed; aIse fiame house and abundance of fruit of ail kinds. For particulars npply ta roir T L.YLLJn upen lue premise. DEAFNESSIg1%A Cure for Deafnuus, inging in Bars, &o., ne matter how severe or- long- standing, wiil b. sent post fros-Artifi cial Bar-drums sud uimilr applituco entirely superseded. Addreus THOS. KEMPE, Yxoi0T GU 0MUMMS, South- hamptnn guilding, Hoîborn, Loandoua. THE Owen Elect ric Be/t. The only scientifle antip Boit made fer goneral use, that genre$e i-trong'carrez that la under perfect coatroli plied te, any part id -Lbebodiy force or,power that, oiuiiel druge lapursuadiugêrons periy tratd, Lizesedisoees eýý Eiectrfcitîy, as appll -byth Belb andl ApliUaneeSviJ me B. .it e eà,nly kvu< suppl *hstlaok"lno, namn 'or inmpart Lono-e sdil Wîithout M,04 L$ýme back anal Dyspepela, a tspulmoruu *4-~n4,,p0ztr Ilia w. H.. Lulle] DIELBiN 1 UIY 24th, 1894-

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