TÂRIO 1895. neil, Whitby, Olerk ;Aprii 2; May 2; Oct. 2; Nuv. 2; edonel, Whitby Marris 4; A pril ; ý;sep 4; Oct. 8; -8011, Greenwood, May 4-P July 9; Burnhlain, Port MriY;May 9; mîiti, Cannington, y ý i l; 1uy 13 , Oct. pt-we, 13*ave rtoni, 1 -, ti 17 l-c 20. h Ai tI'eace" sale Staliles 9's\% Il i t i)> ',Proprietlr ,, T -11 -7t- 1t klîil, ii IlSiR l WaIIIleS & c nid Sl uciop n Iltt (1 Ruri lat' s viri: s S'. Whi N a-c ts I t- rtn1i.( (is-y ks. Set-si ('oilî5 IrtIýi S I l (b e Su ar- 1Anin Kan, nis of tlg: ur (1irk iluia oiing or di, gn s rcrniW h 1 tcul 1 892 URANCE. 7ZJif & Accident o., Toronto k Life n s ilran C netY pt-r cent. of ai UM IS reiUrîsrd to th ,iu,@ arte pid wîitho pro f deatij 13. POWELL A W tby 1. 11GGFS. -u1S r. ge St. Toronto. molsIam givin g i-tits frona a (lis. ng plaites in ruibe r lii ani silver fislin g t-cias, opt'ratorsi a t rates II] Vthe City. 111 aud lt-t mie exam - nero etlra charge, ;t or-ti test corner roiroit S TA TIONE! R- TICA TING PÂPER, I >- OTHER. Lme Table AND) MIDLAND WENTWARD, Vail,..... m HSnrday ....9:1 Il 0. ....Q:51 xeept Sun.. 8;10 Pt i1rept Suns 9:88 à ( fit.wr 2:87o p r ......4 à -- j- M.,-Yl I /7 G'>, x A Common Affliction Permanontly Cured by Taklng '~7 Rs.Sars-u AYEIZSparfi la à CAB-DRIV3' SOy. 1- was afflIc ted for eight years wl th iSait Iileum. Durtng tiiet tiine, 1 tried a grea naiy medicînes which were highi rec- oHirneîîded, but noue gave me relilef. 1 m.ai last advised to try Aers Sarsa- pa ri la. by a f riend wbo told me that I !1Ui4t pîîrchase six bottles, and use them -tceortliiig tkodirections. 1 yielded tW his 1wrsuiasion. hougbt thse six bottles, and t.n'k the contents af tliree of these bot- tCs withotit noticing any direct beneflt. Bof ore 1 had finished thse fourtis boUle, i) hands were as Free fromn Eruptions w% ever they were. MY business, whicb is that of a cab-driver, requires me to 'e mut Iiu coid and wset weatber often without gloves, and the trouble has ntî rr retuirned.1- THo.NiÂs A. JoHis, kýtratiford, Ont. AyeÃŽsO"eSaFsapariIIa Admitted at the World'a Pair. - ver'a Pilla Cleanse thie Iiowels. A Twenty Yeara' Siege TIIE STORY 0F A WELL-KNOWN tiRENVILLE COVNTY MAN. Rlieurnatism Held the Fort for Twenty )i ears. Resisting ail Treatment and Efforts to Diaiodge it--The Patient Thoroughiy Diacouraged, but Acting on the Advice of Frienda. Made Jne Mure Effort Which Was Crowned Wîth Suoçesa. 1--rJr the Brockviile Times. There are very f3w of the older rosi- densts of this section ta whoin the naine uf Whitmarsh is noV familiar. F. H. Whitmarsh, of Merrickvilie, wus for hrty years a siember of ths council of thseIUnited Counties of Leedis anti Gren- ville, anti on four occasions filledti he office of wardsn of ths counties. Ris son, Mr. George H. Whitmarsh, to whom this article refera, is aiso well- known thraughout ths coun ies anti is Vhs Merrickvills correspondent of The Timnes. lu is well-known Vo Mr; WhiV- m araha f rienda that he lias been a suf - ferer for many years froas rheumatism, f rons the thraldon of which ho bas now fortuoately been released. Mr. Whit- mars tells how this was brought about as follows: "For aver twenty years pre- vious Vo the win er of 1894 1 wus alinost a c<,tinual su.fferer frorn muscular rhepmatism, somnetimes wholly in- capacitated froni doing any kind of' work. After trying reinedies of al kintis anti descriptions without any benefit, 1 et last came Vo the conclusion that a cure was impossible. In ths fali of .1893 I was suffering untolti pain anti nssery anti coulti noV rest day or night. Several of my frientis strongly urgeti me Vo try Dr. Williamns Pink Pilla anti reluctantly, 1 confusa, for I hati lait faith in all nedicine, I began Vo do so. To nîy surprise anti great satisfaction I soon began Vo experienos relief, anti this feeling grew Vooans of positive assurance that hs malady thai has matie life niiserabie for et, many years vtas leaving me as 1 continued ths treatasent. By ths ime 1 bcd useti nine boxes of Pink Pilla noV e twinge of hs rheumatism re- mained, but Vo nmake assurance tioubly sure 1 ooîLinued thse treatment until 1 bati useti twelve boxes of hs pilla. This was in Jauuary, 1894, since when I have not hadt hs slightest trace of any rheu- matic pain. 1 am aatiafieti beyouti a doubL that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla cureti me, anti I eau confidently recoin- mendt etbso al nheuînatio sufferers.'l Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla are sold only in boxe@ bearing tht- firas's trade mark anti wiappsr, (prisateti in reti ink). Bear tn a md thatï Dr. William.' Pink Pilla are neyer sold ini bulk or by the dozen or hundred, anti any dealer who offées substitutes in tuis f ori. trying t o defrautiyen andi sholti beavoided. The. public are ilso cautioneti againet mil-other 50 calleti blood builders anti nerve tonies, put op in similar form in- tendeti te doceive. Tbey are al imita. tions -whose maters hope Vo ma à a OooUI&aatvantage *oïn the won er hrputastion achieveti b> Dr. WU-, The",.. Pi re ="futflmd b>'meu Onlylap boxre. bmarag th. ý"*1 tr" -,ý sudoitwupoer5 -At 0 ,Mr.' M& Mrs, J. -8. Ashton.,vare lu Toronto lait w.ek iburoâitg thir noir' spring goode and - vIiting friends, A oheese faotory willnot b. hailt just yet and ilik routes wil commnce frosa here to Geneva andi Hampton., Mr. J. S. Ashton, P.M., our success- f ai merohant, bas purehaseti the miii property of about 40 Acres, saut of tb. village. Miss A. Gilbert gve a birthday party to herfrienda Mroh 29th, when Vhs young f6ika hati a very ;" Usat ime. Division officera for cerrent quarter: W.P,, J. Forsyth , W.A., Miss Ettie Hall ; R,S., E. Campbell; A.RS., Miss Nellie Alexander ; F.S., B. ]Powell ; Treas., Mrs. Nichols ; Chap., J. Campbell ; Con., W. Humpage ; A. C., Miss K. Ormîston ; OS., Fred. Reynolds; I.S., Mise E. Wotten. Mms. J. MoCulloch, ar., is serioualy iii. ~Visitorsi to and fro :-Mr. John Mc- Culloch, eacher, Kinsale, at home; Mr. C. Mackie aur tea-,her, at Kinsale Mr. and Mr&. Bray at Bowmanvilie Mrs. R. Paecoe at Salmna; Mr. J. E. Dyer at Toronto, CANNINGTON. On Wednesday evening, March 26th thse roof of the dweliing occupied by G. Woods caugisi ire fromn the chirmney. Tise ire brigade turned out prornptly and as they supposed extinguished it, but on the fol- lowîng afternoon about 3 o,clock tise alarm again rang, this, urne it had gai fuIlly under way but after working awhiie the boys succeded in putting out tise tire besîdes putting tise family out-doors. Insurance $300. Mr. Albert Twohey, son ai J. twoheyi isas returned fram attendiug tise Veterinary College, Toronto. H-e has been successful in passiug his primary examinations. Tise n-any- friends of Mr. Wm. McComb wiii be glad ta know tisat he is impraving lu hjeats. Mr. Fred LeMeaseurier had a specimen wildcat sent im from a frieud in Victoria Road. It was a miost ferocious looking animal. He intends ta have it stuffed.- Express. Mr. D. W. Shier, son af Mr. Adam Sisier, af Brock, has passed his final ex- amnination witis ionors ai Trinity Medical College, and is now euîitled ta write M. D. after his name. Tise barns and out-buildings af Mr. Michael Nealon, lot 2, Con. 12, Brock, (near Wilfrid) were totally destroyed by lire an Saturday afternoon. Two colts, two head of cattle aud ail I>#s graiu, impie- ments. etc., were cousu iied in tise con- flagration. Loss about $3,000. Insured for $2,000. Considerable surprise was occasion ed isere on Monday afternoon by the arrest af Mr. Michael Malone, on tise charge of attempting ta buru the Royal Hotel in Woodville sonse weeics ago. Tise arresi was made by Chief af Police Harwood, on tise strengui of a warrant from Woodville. Tise prisorier was placed iu tihe lock-up here, wisere ise rernained until six o'clock, when he was taken to Lindsay jail by Constable iNIcMillati, of Lorievilie. Alex. Carley, a \\1aodville islacksmith, and is brother, were also arrested cni tieseame charge. Tise prisouers are tiow ils Lind- say jail.-Gleaner. 0osON. Mrm. Wm. Joues is ill. Mr. David i Hll, of the Norths Ameni- can, is ill with pieuî-isy. Mr. Jas. McGiil, awing Vo iii health, will retire from busines s. Mr T. A. Best bas imnporteti a thora- breti traineti fox hounti. Mn. Wm. Long, jr., bas purchaseti some f ancy Plymouth Bock fowl froin Mesurs. Allun Bras., Newcaatle. Mr. Robt. Rowa, from near Bow- manville, bas movedti ohs Gamsby hoasteati now owned by Mr. 'J. G. Henry. The counicil will builti a nsw bridge at Clark's danm, north warti. Mesurs.' William, Fred and Frank Kerr anti Joshua McCorxnack have grne to Scarboro, where tbey expeet big wages with farinera. Mr. R. Foister is building for Untier- wood Bras., Kendall, a powerful wagon for gathering egga. Mr. Chas. Keat bati engagedte V work for Mr. A. R. Gamaby. Mr. Matthew Miller, cattie dealer at Raven Lake, Man., talks of caming to ToronteVo resitie. Mr. RabV. Rooey bas purchaseti Mr. T. W. Jackson's eaming ouffit, heavy homses, wagon, etc. Rev. J. R. Real's revival services bave resulteti in fifty converti at Lesk- ard anti twenty-five at Kinby. The Misses Odeil entertaineti a num- ber of their f rieudi Wednesday even- ing. The baud tielighted our citizens with muei on Saturda>' evening. COUtm'ICE. Miss Mary CourVice, Brooemlin, is viuiting ber brother Mr. A.J. Courti". Mr. Duncan Blair, Taunton waa gts of Mr. Eti Osborne recently. Talk of forming a lawn tennis lub> ber. Vuis aummer. The itable of the Methediat parson. agae was daestoyod by fire ut,6 0ol'ock' Friday morning. T h. 8re' tarted idl the hayiof t, andi it is- Uought'to baVO been set hy tramups. Loi *0; ' ineurance. On lot 28, con. S, PDae4iu #W, houm. econplsby -Mr. nÃ&Ok4# Worth *as diaov.r4 8o e effortao1ft.neihbofht fhou» s.rku, ie t-q;b. 9*_ The. Ineari'>rgaiRpresent. The reeve Ù2i tii. chair. The minutes of lait meet- ing-rtead andi adopteti.. Mr. Stocke mo'Vet that.ths, reeve grant hie order on,. tii treasurer in favor of Abid A. Wilson for the suas of $6.66 for one sheep kilied by dome, being two-thirds' 'Value. Oarried. Mr. Guy moved that the. reeve grant Las order on the trou.- tirer in favor of Mr. Wma. Thompeon for 85.80 for one sheep killed by doge, beinR two.thircis value. Carried. Mr. Stockseiuoved thaii the reeve grant bis order on the treasurer in favor of G. E. Mowbray for the suas of $70 for hiesBer- vices; as ftsseseor of this mnunicipality. M1r. Henry rnoved tisai the counicil go into committae of the whols on bylaw No- Vo appoint pathasasters fence- viewers and poundkeepers for the nsunicipa]ity for Vhs ourrent year. Carried. Committee arose. Mr. Henry nioved that bylaw No- to appoint pathmaëters, enceviewers and pound- keapers be now read a third time and passed, that the reeve and elork sign the sarne and cause the seal of this cor- poration Vo be affixed thereto. Carried. Mr. Hlenry gave notice that ho will at the next meeting of ibis council move for leave ta introd'ice a hyllaw ta ap- point a collector of taxes for this muini- cipality for the current year. Mr. Grierson gave notice that at thse neXt meeting of this conil he will move for leave Vo introduce a bylaw toaap- propriate money for roads and bridges for the year 1895. Mr. Stocks maved that the reeve grant hi- order an the treasurer in favor of R. Kerrigan for the suas of $162 being amount of con- tract for cedar for thie înnnicir-ality. Carried. Mr. Henry moved that thée reeve grant hie order on tile trea9turer in favor of D. McKay forS92, firseral expenses of the laie Mrs Allfin. Car ried. Moved by Mr Guy that the reeve grant his arder on thse treasurer in favor of the reeve and deputy for the suas of $2 each, being expenses ta To- ronto in connection with the Oshawa Electric Railwav Ca. Carried. Mr. Grierean maved that Messrs. Stocke, Guy, clerk and treasurer be a commit- tee ta have the town hall repaired and painted. Carried. Mr. Griersan mav ed that the reeve grant hie order on the treasurer for thse following: A. W. Farewell, relief of Hodgson and Riar- dan, $11; G. M. Ashby, relief of Hodg son, $8; Jas Habbs, $3 ; Mrs. Bur- goyne, e3 -, Wm Hodgson 83; Mary McCarthiy, $3; Mrs. J. Din-,le, relief of J. Abrams, $3 50. Roade and bridges -Thos. Dows, 84c. ; W. L. Orruiston, $4. The cancil then adjourned Vo meet the lst Monday of May. Wm. PuitvEs, Clerk. ALL MEN Two of aur local sports, Mr. Joe Dwyer anti Mr. Hugh Reiti, are pre- paring ta open a public gymnasium in a large hall in ths Waverley bouise block, where for a small memnbership fes al Vhs exeroises .anti gainesVo b. founti in a well-appointed, gymnasiumn may be enjoyeti. This week Mr. Parker, of Sturgeon Paint, brought Vhs news Vo tewn that a number of Vhs cottages at the peint hati been broken into, anti on Wednes- day lait a few of ths oottage-owne went tiown andi foundti tat six of the summer residences hati been viaiteti by thieves or vandials. 1V appearéti as though the intruders hati been spenti. ing a 'vacation there, as there wus evi- dence of fire baving been kindieti in the steve anti remuants cf vituals, covered Vhe tables. Net midi damiage wus don., but a -few of Vhe articles were carrieti from oene cottage Vo anethqr. - About Vwo weeks -ago a young man nandGbrevokow w'is arreétet by Chie ~eU ou uspicion cf haviug somethîng to do wi7th the reffentfle andi attem.pte att izicondiarism tbat havp, so disturbetiOxoui"tzno. dû mgnthe paua couple of month.. à c l.in- Smen as -SorofulEà alaîci Anmris, Skift Bruptions and Pale o SalUo-w Comùplezions, are opeeiny cured b the. Oreani of Cod-liver OiL.> No other remi- edy 80 quickly and effectively enriches and *purifies the. blood and gives nourishment to the whole systeni. It je pleasant to take and easy on the. stomach. Thin, Emaoiated Persona and aul usering froni Wating Diseaees are re- -stored to health by Soott's Emulsion. Besue you get the bottie with oui Ma 11t> M trade-mark on it. Refuse cheap substitutes! S-naforpampzlet on &col'.sErnulsion. FREE. Scott & Bow ne, Belleville. Ail Drugglsts. 50c. andcit!. IqIALIT! WOIR AILT, 1 Purlfy Vhe Biood, oreoV all Disorders of the LIVIBR, STOXAQE, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. They Invigorate and restoi-e Vo heslth Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluableiin ail Comuplainte incidental Vo Femaies of ail age... For ohiltiuen and the ageti they are priceless. Manufectured ouiy ai 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 588, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and aose by ail Medicine Vendors Ibrougisout the Worid. &W Purchasera alwuld look Vo Vhs Label on the Boxes and Pot@. U tVhe ad droe ia not US8, Oxford Street, London, tlsoy arn spus-loua ~OXFORD '-*FURNAR t- FOR ALL SIZES OF Capacity f romt 10,000 to BUILDINS.. $0,00 tubic IT.et C~YCLONE STEELJ..RADIATOR' WOOD FURNACE -LAROR AsaU Pi G1OA FURNAGE Lug atsg uriesg DB8P ASHPF, ~' PllOXFORD WOO FURAoe doe...I Pul uaranteed Capacity OTALOu mnow OUL M .... MannUfatureti by.... eTho CURNEY FOUNPRY COMPANY LUI, T0RONTOU ,*We have thse Fineatlot onit n 01 those BEAUTIFUL AMER/CA N WA LL PA PERS, Borders to Ma tch L<OWEST :-: PRIÇEs. Com8 early and getjlrat choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's ola Stand, Brook St., Wbit1b RADAM'S8 MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J.8B. EDGAR, Merchant, Wind- Bor; M. K. actîed marvelously in my case of chronic stomacb and bowel trouble. WM. MAQIÂZ, L.D.B., Cook- shire, Que., Was -given up to die from a complication of Dyspepsia and Liver trouble with cof5uip ton. Arn as well as eyer now ; it i5 truly wonderful. T. 9. Lt[BOOMEI, hrieter, London.: Chrqnic cougli and h emorrhiges fromn the lungs were hurrying my wife to an early grave but thanks to M. K. she la as well. as eve: Wm. Radam Microbe Kmler-(O. (Ltd.), 120 KIUG STREET WEST, TORONTO, OîT.- For sale at ail hemists,or at ' WR.HOWSE'8, For TRY OF E»P WHITBY~ - E ANO, PIN. -WO -i I 7ý 7: -Z, m Voung, aid or middle aged, Who find themn- selves, nervous, weak and exhausted, Who are broken dawn from excess or overwork, reý:ultni1 in man>-af tise faiiowiîg symp- [OmIs: Miental depression, preinature oid --- . cbb f vitul.iy. loss of mernory, bati dreamns, uinmuess of sigisi, palpitation of :ise ise.1r, emni-sions, lkck afenergy, pain i il) lu ci,it ys, ieadacises, pimpies on the fiýe t,- body, itching orpeculiarsensa- iscîî ;bou thtie scrotum, wasting of the orpzans, 1 izziless. specks before the eyes, twitcimi otiw v-rses-. eyeiids and else- %viere, bas1s;uù-.t -!. de;sasits in the urine, lo&- of will poweî, tenderness of the scalp anci spnt. weak and fiabby muscles, de- sire tý sieep, failure ta be rested by sleep, Lcnstîianoi, dullness of hearing, lacs of v'oic( , t2-sire for solitude, excitability of tem"-er, -un&en eyes, surroundeti witb LEADEN cIRCLES, oiiy-looking skin, etc., are a il symptams af nervous debility that leaco ta insanity unleas cured. Thse spring as vital force having bai is tension every lunction. wanes in consequence. Those who ihrough abuse committed in ignor- ance, may be permaneniiy cured. Senti your atidress ant i oc. in siamps for book on diseases peculiar ta man, sent sealeti. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonell Ave., Toronto, Ont, Canada. . -4t