Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1895, p. 8

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. R- 0 eï fi~bthisattotdesigna, irhlbili:ireo i' oursprlng. fair, Mr . iqo. '*ttIb> or, Whitbylilcense "lapector was*. ù *w n'on, business wlth kV.,Mr, PalètiY'and wife, 'bf Black- Sokwerc vlsittng Mrs. Phalen's sister, MwLMieIiow this week. Re . C. J.'Canmeron and Rev.-J. P. Mc- Ewn Baptst clergymen, were in town nn e1 hurch tuattets. Marrled.-On theayrt it.. at the metho- dIÈt'ýPiwsoeeIby tiie Rev. Dr. Cade, -hre.à & Boad, V.S., oi Toronto, t Is'-n the 2nd con. of Reach,. on the 3C1h uit.,-VIolet E1va4 infant daughter cf 1r. Joseph Hôltby, aged 4 months and 22 days 1idies or port Perry and vicinlty at her $itn.ryýi openlng on Saturday and Mon- "dmY>t, -X3th and i5th April, iwhen she JuS&Co. announce to the ladies thkt hir mitllinery, mantde, cape and Ad"s goods 1pe"log will take place on Tàeedyt,Wednesday xolh and Thurs- day hAprll. Their display will be the The. orchestra mqist have been pleased St the. large attencrance ait their concert T4esday evening. Judglng f romn the fre- qutent applause sund encores, every one sesmed pleased wlth the different per- formera.' The Port Perry high school football team wM re-orgnbzed at week with the fol- 1.p*wligOfficers : Hon. Pres., Miss B. How- *QW , pres., G. Sweetman ; vice pres., E. fl e;sec., W. S. Erumerson ; treas. gQ çml1san; capt., J. MacBrien; school .~t:witeeF. Harrison, E. Foy, R. Wad- 4,11.Ail crre '--dce should be ad- dressedttotthe secretary. -Me. followtng officers %vere 'insÎlled in ?0PeM-diPrryJliion, Sons of Temperance ""6âWedneiday evening April 3rd :-P. ~W. P., L. -Luke; W. P., J. McKnight; W. A, Miss A. McConnellI- Rec. Sec., W. Aâi; A. R. S., Miss A. Hail; Fi. S., J. Gpudy ; Treas., Wm. Stovin; Chap., H. Bi'athwite ;Con., J . Halieran ; A. Con., M6ss G. Piatten ; I. S., A. Powers; O. S, ERundle. 1 congratulate Richard L. Grahami, son of car townsman, Mr. Sarnuel Graham, on ,bis succesln passiug the final examina- tien ait the Royal Denital College. He lis now a full fiedged L.D.S., and leaves In a a few days for his new homne In Hunts- ville, to practice his profession. Richard. Id a fine young man aud is a credit te bis famlly and native towu, and te bis crédit be it said, h.e is the youngest student ever passing the final examinatien lu the Sciiooi cf Dentlstry. Success te our young frieud In his chosen vcation. The young men cf the town met last Friday eveniug, 2th uit., sud re-organ- lzed the lacrosse -club for the season, when theS. officers were eected: Hon. pres., L. Sebert; pres., Wm. McGill ; vice pres., J M Brooks; manager, R G Baird ; capt. Chais Phllippo;, sec., H Blong; treas., W Short ; field ca. ,Robt Prown; ass't field capt.,; W,L PaMÏlh; managing committee, H i'ockIý A Powes, F Dennison. The namis. .é1cted, for the,çlub is "Port Perry Stars"4.The. club le 1<> b. congratulated on thie oiftcers seckted,'and espectally the cap., has Pillppo, who wildo bis best t 'a" ng i t;t is clixb. Theyon men cf thîis lacroseclbarpoeO:ur best citizens. Hsving occasion te, go mb tie Oriental ictel this week 1 was surprsed to sec th. changes muade by tic proprieton, J. M. Brooks. The intenior bas been reuevated froni top te, boltom, lie walls sud ceiliugs cf every roi in thc bouse bas becu paper- cd, sud tic wocdwork uewly paiuted grained aud varnisbed. Ahi the best roomï have electnic belis sud eiectric lighta, 250 yards cf new- carpet have becu laid. On the groand floor a deçided imprcveuient bas been made lu the. cffice sud ban. The large dining bail bas also received ils due saat, and is now ose cf tic langest sud *best appoiuted diuiug halls ln lie couty, -fine-lange sideboardsansd hall-racks are placed ccuvenieutly around the room, wbile beautiful enpravings adoraitic walls, the -table la prcvidcd wiib lie best lie ,ùarket afierds. Tie'bed-nocmns alil ook hieme-hike aud cenifortable. Tic parlors mte ail lcely fu,shed, whilea fine piano lis ,u:*cb plfoth. euse of guests. on the econd fiaoot liaareaoding troom espec- 1 1 Il for >thé se .of coimsserclaltravellersa sud -guesanud le provldd&,wlth several easy cha irsad lo»uns daone of the nucat cosyiroonusluthelbouse. -Four good sampleroonis arprovided sud (urulsbed fer counftenlal. mes . Ticepaisîing sud papr bugsg asdon. by Howard & - ue SisOsiiawet isud la wetk latis a crédit te tieni, and tt tswbo-maFy sot bave etsiUted the Orental for semt" lime hhey wIlU hardly recoguize li nucrior. Mr. sumd. ir. Brooks wlil do aUtatlies in their powr te mae every on. ýwio (avers tbenu teedatbome, uhether commercia traeler, tourlai or tbe geseral public. Tiie, re#ular mietig@oftheî BSrd of Bd- nation eit In the town fla»on Wedacs- -day évedu'ApT ril . The sperlal cern- mittubini ciol têtrescksent asked, for rât*er ek- , make tdr report. aud h1Q. The i'eve was rr4to adverlse ad ýMrý for teuders, o h dôn ftWb ala r' wn; Pert,, of Toronto, per commnitté'sreport. The reeve grant. lîeftî Siidel l.1wth us-fl, ed bis coders on the Treas trer tothe éfol er kdi' IowIçg parties the-.sanie, tcibe cbaried te Mr.Jhn, Waddelf bas beuglit the,'ast theirvarieus deparîmeutsà, via: Joues *& baîf cf lot 17 ou con.7j, and uîofes frum Cd., ac.,own hall, 86c; S Grahami, ire Toicnto tiii we ek.ý cOmpanY, ý2.çO; W Brevk, %6wn hall, 36C Mr. JohnýGotIon, retûrfted frein Mani- Dr. Cetnens,' chairman board of health, toba a few ýdays ,ago siter-,,an% absence of 8z.25,; -C Sheebey '$3 - S HOUCS, $3; Mrs about 5 years. H. ilooks ','as if the West LeWis 82, C Viclcery, 84.l5 for wood de- agreeci wiî hmi. liverc&to,' .S Stout snd Mrs. Staley, and Communion in the Preabyterian church $i.S0 tà T. J. Widden for goods supplied Ion April 141h. Rev. Djr. ieiu of Newmsr- to S. Stout, and the sanie t e b.cbsred to ket, is expected te participat. in the pr.- the puor fund -,V Ross, gooda supplied parstcry services T WC80 tn, $1,15; 3. Wright, ceai supplied A Iubrn oiayfo eebr -S. Stout, $i.8o; E H Purdy, goods sup- ubengcmayfoPtror plied Mrs Staley 82. 15; Cjà. Vickery Wood are collecting a lot of gocc i tmber at the suppiied Mrs StaIey, s. C L Vickery, station pieparatory to shipping. They wood supplied Mns Harper, $2.25. The are said te psy good prices. Reeve was ordered te communicate with Mr. jas. St. John, jr., bas laid in one of the varieus municipalities where thc cur. the iargest stocks of legs thîs winter that few bell law has been in force lu order te lie has hsd for some time. Customers can ascertain the working cf the same and te get alinosî any kind or size Of lumnber report at the uext meeting of this counicil. from himi on shorteat notice. The Port Perry orchestra was granted the M1r. J ulius St. John bas purclw.sed the use of the town hall for their concext held lieuse on Park st., owned by the estate of on April 2nd for $3.5e. The reeve grant. the late Geo. Thompson, payang a baud- cd lus order on the treasurer for 83 1n somne sum for it. This is ene ofîthe best favor of Mrs. Burr, the. same te be cbarged residences in tewn. te the poor fund. Mr. Davis iutroduced The G. T. R. had a gang cf rmen at work aud carried through a by-law In reference roseIthsaio. hebl- te the ire brigade, te shlow thecm te place '0"thei os ttestto.Tebid ail fines te a benefit fuud. Mr. Rundîc in- ing has been tlioroughly overbauled and troduced and carried th rougli a by-law re- Paintd u o rsnsafn per specting dogs, aud imposing a fine ou owu- auce. Wonder who wilIi ccupy it. ers who faili ta report te the assessor. Mr. Our to wusman, Mr. Geo. Black, cf the Wilcox iutroduced aud carried through a firmn of Anderson & Black, was married b y-law te authorize the reeve and treasurer a few days ago te Miss Dawson. W. of th is tow n te borrow nmoney t0 meet cur- understaud thc bappy couple wili take up rent liabilitica untii the taxes are coliected bouse here sbertly. Wc wish îhemn a long Ihis coming faîl, Mr, Burr came belon. and happy journeyIlu ilfe. the council and was heard lu refèence 10, Our Mechanicâ' Institute is showing the Graham chiîdren. Ceuncil adjourued. 'considerabie activity. About 200 new W. J. NOTT. volumes wene added iaaî week. The TAUNTON. Mr. Norman Lauder, of Tonente, speut Sunday at bis father's, Mir. John L.sude's. Mn. Wm. I.ick ha. meved int the bouse iately çccupied by F. Wilson the Gifford place. î We have missed the cheerful smile sud happy voice of Frank lately. Could auy- eue iuformu us wheîhen lie is ili or not. Mr. Ed. bander, oeeof our euîerprising young farmers, bas taken up bis abode on his farm a tuile west ef bere. May success sud leng lif. attend thee are the hearty wishes of us ail. A meeting was held lu the hall Tuesday afternocu for the purpose ef organiziug a Farmers' Mutual Fine Inaurauce Corn- pany. The atteudauce was very geod and qut. a uumber expresaed their williug- nesa to insune lu it immediately, wbile cîbers would do the same as soon aà their cid policies rau eut. We du not sec wby il should not be rt reality. It i. net surely on accouaI of lack cf business ability, A mass meeting of the members ef Taun- ton llterary society wass eld in tbe bal last Tburtsday. The election efeofficers for the eusuing quarter was a main part oitih programme. Great enthusiasm was shown, whicb resulted in the election cf the follow- ing officers - president, W. E. Wasson ; vice prea., Miss E. Bain; secretary, Miss H. Henry; finance sec., C. A. Landeri; treasurer, A.-Henry ; organisî, M. Adair; chapiaisi, jas. Herring; sentinel, Wm. Adain. The lltenary society la oeeof those societies whoac true iutrinsic mnenit l neyer haif sppneciated until it bas passed eut of existence. It-is a good thiug sud shouid be even more largeiy atteuded than at present. CLÂREMONT9 Mn. Duncan Macnsb, of Sandbank is1 around again aften a sharp aîîacks of la grippe. Miss A. S. Gould, S. E. Evans, sud E. Pattenson are visiuiug fieuda lu oun outiy- îng villages.1 Our respected tewnsman, detective, aud nigit patrol man, J. Gibacu, slept Ibrougli1 tic fine cf Sunday merniug. The E. b. of C. E. hene hold au open1 meeting next Taesday eveuing. Silver collection. Everybody welceme. Messrs. Judsou Bundy sud Frank Gib- sou are expected fr.,>m Maskoko lu a few days. These wculd-be emigrauls prefer the front to the fsr nonth. Messrs M. Heudenscu, sud B. S. Par- mer are recevçning frem severe attacks of influenza. Their fniends wiii b. glad te bear of themr nearnug convalescence. Rev. Alex. White, baptiat minister, wss in Port Penny on Mcnday completing arrangements for holding thc association cf tbis district in June next. Mr. W. la tb. right man ln thec nght place sud so long as bis baud lata or near lieeicini- tie church business will prosper. At s negular meeting cf Claremout ecurl- ing club beld at Sandbauk os the evenlug cf Tuesday, th March, i89ý5, il was moved by Wm. beapen aud seconded by Dr. G. M. Brodie, sud resoived : That before lie considenation cf any business the metubens cf thus club desire and do hereby exteud oar heartfelt- sympathies to Mr. E. R. Eddy,*lutbe sad anid i*earble bas he bas ~ust eeinccd lu the.deah cf bis mnot et. W. regret bis absence on thia st-ocial occasimn, and assure hlmcf tb. kln.d- ilcal expression of out sorrow, and wc foir- ther desine te os veY to M.s-Eddy, Mi4 fawuly our dcep sympathy- u this heur cf udwr bereavemnent. 'P. UM ANA, prési- dent, D. Hoppuit, vice president, On Sunida at 1.2 1a.ins. th ii. S i'.dl watned:Ibe Inhabîtsusts of this unpretected ilIlage, se foxau g s c cncetned, that-the store of-ýCasier & Co., Brock St., ort,' was linSanies. Ponuwiately lier. -was l3ttl1e wind, and wbat thcîe we bl.w <euie -west, tins e0abling -the. wlflng:,workes- to save th. adjoinlng bpîIding*..Socs afterl the alan» it wasa,'ee liaI cc>ting coUld bedoue toe mve the.store and cents, s great cane. A penscu can get a standard work ou almoat any subject, sud we think that this cppontunity cf geîîiug gcod read- ing cheap i. uuequailed iu Ibis d&strict. Twc beef syndicate. have been fcrmed here recentiy, oue te the wesl with head- quarters at Mr. John Gieudinaiugs, the other on the northeast ceutering at Mn. Thomnas Purves' place. We understand tbey iuteud conimeucing operations about the first cf May, and alresdy animiais are being fed witb a wiil. We think fncm th. ist of namnes that the success of these enterprises la assured. For somne lime we have been aI a lessa 10 iindersîand why the old Gril sud Tory parties both poured tbeir shel sud shel ou tie Patrons, sud wouid he1p esci other rathen Iban sec the Patron cause prosper, but wheu we saw the big enthus- iastic meeting the Patrons had here on Saturday w. gel a little light. I appears that if the Patron cause prospers the pro- fessional village pelitician fipds birseif left. At 2.30 p. m. the chair Was taken hy Mr. Wmi. Shier, president of their North Ontario organization. Able addnesses were given by Messrs. Dewhursl ,of Ux- bridge, Jackson of Caunington, Mn:John- stou, the Patron candidate cf South Vic- toria, Mn. Mcbeod, Patron candidate cf North Victoria, Mn. Glendlnnlng-of Man- illa, sud Mn. R. C. B3randon, ourPatron candidate for Northi Ontario. The pro- tective policv as il affects the country, the actions of tic Goveruments, boîh i cai sud federal, werc abiy discussed, as was the Patron platformn, whici ws 'ekn up piank by plank sud ably deatit ti. Mr. Haycock had beeublled to ea_!Fa, but from spmne misunderstauding h!àdid not ccme. H4e expecîs to be here ivrhtenear future. This cause is evideîàtW&Tç<61gtc boom in tie affains cf our ceuntry,- Frank Brown was ln the city Satunday. S. B. Wiliis was lu the city rSâturday aud remaiued over Sunday. t"' The league wili now b. held lu in1he Methodist churcli for the next th'reemnontis. The quartenly teachers' meeting will be beld lu the Christian cburch Saturday afternccn aI 2 o'clock. SRev. Mr., Harris, beiug 111 sud-bot able te pneach lier. Suuday eveuiug, thç pulpil was filled by Mn. Ed. Jackson. James Hogle is moving on bis farm, while Amos Bnignal wbn formeni*y occu- pied il bas moved to thc 4th conceusion. Mn. Skinner, wbe bas lived ber. fer s numben of years, movcd te vtýara on Tuesday. Mn. Harvey wiIl mcv. on tb. farm vacaled by him. The mayor, cf Blackwalcn, wss iu town eue day last week. We were picaed'to se. the old gentleman. We are glad te, welcome Jim McCuUly te car îown. It looksa ie old times to sec Jim bustling arcund the corner. Colonel Haywcod passed îhrough lhe îewn ou Satuirday, taklng ordens,:for suai- mer haa. Thia la a sure aigu cf spn*g It bas been dccided tg send a 8eputg- lion to Ottswa te interview Sir, Adolph Caron, postmaster gencrai, regarding a icîter box for tic posl officeç whidh is greatly ncedcd., The farmers have cngagcdtheitieü for thc summner.' James Leàsk bas becs for-' tunate enough toegegage tiec ,servtccs-cf' Proiesson Shawfit1ii scasm; Jaese Horn lias engaged wit W11iam, Stewart,, to lcarn the caipenter trade; and "Willam Itborbonn has ýengaged with John, Kirton.' Miss Rose eRigui 1411 uii quinsy. Mn. Brue bas bad an attaWn'<cf '*h gnlp. - pI*ce, lutends epenin 'a dr=ygod milhi- erv "nd CdremlaMakIoeetbihet G~ VAL? 4- %-.C KWWALSII DRK9S YÂBRG - ALL THE NOVELTIES. Our lihes for Spring comprise more nQ velties and specialties than ever. Prices remarkably low. ~1~ MORE Scotchz, Swisses, Galateas, Ducks, Piques, Russel Cords, C repons, Zephyrs, French Sateens, The New Dress Linings, Fibre Chamois, NE W DRESS Madras Clotks, Lawns, Si/ver Silks, Etc., Etc. Hair Cloths, Grass Linens.' GOODS. Just Received another Large Shipmment of NiE W BLA CK CREPONS. NE W BLA CK CREPONS. W. W* G. Go Walters keeps Walters keeps -The Largest Stock of- LADIES' AND MISSE-S' LADIES' AND MISSES' -NEW- -NEW- JACKETS JACKET S AND -CAPES. AND CAPES. Lace Curtains w. Go Farmn for Sale OP to Rent. A good farmn beiug part of thc nonili halves cf lots 7 sud 8, -tbird concession of Pickerng, centaiuing seventy acres. A tenant, who will give security for tic fulfilutent cf bis contracts, tan bave it for a number cif years. Or a pur- clisser, psyiug oee ciiusand dollars down can have tbe propcrty at low interestt sud easy terma of payment. For furtier particulars appiy te, MR. R. GUTHRIE, or Pickeriug, DR. R. WHITEMAN, Shakespeare, Ont. Aug. 1. 1894-tf. ANUERSON'S IIOORIE ACIIlG 1FORCE. PQMSI JIMPROVED IN QUALITY - RRDUCED INV PR 10E. Tise Pumps are gnaranieed for 10 year, -su«d never freee, aven in Manitoba. Oiw Spray FPmpBu regreatl m ed uaendoubi. .dly the bes$ in ls kthe sud e e duced in pris@..C iprc$1 0tlS i.FA&IRB.&NKS, - Âgt.,Wlitby. NE W BLA CK NE W BLA CK O O at 28c. CREPONS. CREPOATS. No. 1 is a. short Cape in Brown Fawn, Oardxnll Fawn and BlaekPikd Edges and ail Wool,, olyý Abetter lime at - $1.25, $2 $2.50to$ to $7.0O per -pair. WALES JUST RECEIl D China Glassware an&. Cro4kety. -4Dinner and Tea.Sets, ch >etip. Choice Farnily rerles, Ta,( Fruits, Etc, tc ~ Ckeap Jor Cask orTracte. Prýices b tdi the Um Don't buy before oJigsdex as-mn4ugtii h' p1ei in stook-the.Mem commud~b H. i.ýe ýFe M -i"Iý -eMemwýi ïvý,ý à riv w il 1

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