p~~7~OU4*i Sanders, pin him, too 1I-GupsB ifthe ~hm n u l ud~~ebd 2rësw9.S nbhig emarkitb1e -about aohumpiM hlm R VA lkei hnded thrsfroîght hoda'î a-corne sIong they'd a- l he orw, ho1 wa abôut ~I~'do" athe trukc.if yon paid ehl. " a Mi51fl i wean o wbIk ln oit o Boltutd *yziglt yu -would Te dog 5looked istfà lly into Sant d ooi<iile tui k bave forgot.ten hlM the nsxtvwsek. He dor' face, seanning hlm ouriously, shanty and oveT te thé.srooers, but h@e lookidp.riap, ffty~eas o age d tmidy pttig ot he p ansd drop- Could net elimb the bill even wlth San. th an ping it, su if ho had bosu tee bold, and dors'epy iHotide0 oy O.Ii hotmlîhave been but thirty. wsnted t mike soe sort of a dumb buit hoonly chmubed hlf.way up. Bsn. "b$jo s to~dru,hRe w heair ud apology,,like a poor -relation whe hbu dors feuud him in the psth when ho trousos, sud a had te spoud the. day~. He hsd nover .weut home, lying dewn by the pail. "dfaul hrwhieh showed at hies epetbe uetors-none -te Banders worriod over the dog. He J'uhroat snd wrss e oeta spoak 0f. Y ou otild seo that in the minsscd the long talks at the crossing leathor etrap buokled atbout bis waist caro yellow, Phaggy hair, like erj vrt ennrtaporflwsitg If her wa antbig tat istng.mat ; the awkward nngainly walk, the by hie side watching overy spoonfal, bis uIf he h nitwas abti mout st O legs doubling under himn; the drooping e. glistening, the old ear furllng and uihdb wn bos med. anT e es, h lwith bare spots down its lengtb, uufurling liko a loy flag. Ho missed, espeoiaUly h h mld-Temot suggesting psst indlignities. Ho was tee, bis scampering after the sparrows was dlean and fresb, the teetu 5120W. net a large dog-only about as high as and pigeons tbat efon braved theadeoe wbite snd rogalar, as if ouly pure acarsa ohdmtldlpte lation and amoke cf Ibis inlerno te pick thia ge came îhrough Ibem ; tbe eyes. sadcharpseawlike tadot.e car s U bedoplgsfei becrt.H woro frank aud true, and looked adsap alk et.Oeerwt ptedopnsfo h at.H strsghî t yo wiboutwaveiug.If perbape in his puppyheod, when missed more than ail the cempanien. strigh atyouwitoutwavrin. I é'Msoine s ad tried te make a terrier of ship-somnebody te sit beside bim. Yeu gave him an order ho said "f08, hum, and had stopped when haif doue As for thc giri-there Was new a tir," nover taking bis gaze fr6m yeur' The othor car, beowever, was active double bond between tbemn. Re was until ovory dot.al was complote. When enough tor twe. It weuld curl forward flot only poor sud an ou toast, but a ho saked a question it was te the peint in attention liko a deer's, or start up cripple like bersef. Before, she was and short. like a rabbit's in alarin, or lie back on bis friend, now, s was bis nother, Tho firat woek ho ehovelled coel on a bis head whon the girl stroked hlm te whisperiflg te hum, her cbeek to hie ; siding, loadiug the yard ongines. Ibhen sîeep. He was only a kickable, chas holding him np te the windew te sec Burchard, the station-master, sent hlm able kind of a dog-a dog miade for the trains rush by, bis nese teuching dewn toltho streot cressiug te fiag the sonudiug tiu pans sud whoe"piug beys. the glas., bis poor leg dangling. trains for tho dump carta filling the AIl bt bis eyes 1 Tbese were brown The train bauds r.issed b un tee, scews aIt tra long dock. as agates, and as deop sud clear. vowing vengeance, snd thre fireman et' Tuse crossing rigbt angled a deep Kindîy eyos toc, that loek aud thongbt No. 6, Joo Connors, spcn. haif a SUn- railroad eut hait' a mile long. On the sud trusted. It was hie eyes that first day t rying te find the bey that threw levai above, looking down upen its alop- made the girl love hlm ; they remiuded tbe stone. Bill Adams, who rau the Jng ides, staggered a row of baif- ber, strauge te say, of ber father's. yard engine, weut aIl the way home thc drunkon shantios with blear eyed Wifl- She saw tee, perbape unconsciously te neit day after the accident for a bottle dows, aud ragged roofs patched and bossoîf, down in their deptbe, .eome- of herse liniment, and left it aIt tc brokçnu; 8sea buug ever On or1utcea estbing ofîthe saine bunger for sympat.hy sbsuty, aud said he'd get tbe doctor at csught under their fleor timbers. Sau- that stirred ber owù bear-the îengiug the ucit station if Sauders wau Led. dan lived in ounet'f these cabins-the for cempaniensbip. She wsnted, too, One broiling bot Augut day-a day ona nearost tho edge et' the granite re- sometbing nearer ber owu age te love. wben the grassboppers sang arng the taining-wall fianlting the street cos- The dog sud tbe girl became insep- weods in the open lot, sud tic tar drip- ing. arable. At nigit ho slept uuder ber ped down from the roofs, wheu tbe Up thealopes cf Ibis railroad out lay bed, reacbiug his bead up in tbe gray tcams straincd up the bill, rceking with the refusa of the shauties-bottomlesO dawu, sud licking her face until she sweat, a wet spongeoever their eyes. buoketa, bits of' broken chaire, temate cevered hlm up warm beside bier. sud the drivers walked beside their ,Cano, ruety beops, fragmentset'f straw Wben the trains passed bie weuld stand carte meppiug their neeks-on eue of matting, and the liko. Iu the summer on bis hind legs, bis pawsm on th i au, disse steaming Auguet days the deg tima a few brave tuf ta of grass, coaxed bis blunt little nose againsîtue pane, limped dowu te the crossiug mest te mub iute life, clçing desperately te an acci- wbiuing at lie clanging belle, or bark' bis nose once against Sauders as ho dontal level, sud now sud thon a gay ing at the groat rings et' sioke sud steod waving bis fiag, er le look wist- dandelion fiarnod for a day or twe sud steam, cougbed up by the englues be- fully up int bis face as oe ast in tbe than disappeared, cnt off by some bcd- îow. liltle pepper box eof a heuse thet shelter- ouin goat. Ilutho wiutcr tiere werc She tsu.-bt bin, tee, aIl mauner of ed bis fiage sud lantoru. He did net only patches et' blackened sew, fa ulod bricks. How te walk on hie hiud foot ofîsu cerne new. Tbey were making by tha endlasus smoke of passing trains, witb a paper csp on bie bead, a plate up the local freght-îbo yard angine and sesmed witb bhc short-eut feot- lu bis menti, begging. How te make backing sud shuntiug the cars inte pathiscf the yard banda. believe be was dead, lyiug stii sa min- lins. 1Bi11 Adamns wss at lie Ibretîlo Thare were enly twe in Sander8' ute at a turne, bis odd car t'urliug uer. sud Conuers was firiug. A few yards shanty - Sauders sud bis crippled vously sud bis cye snapping fun ; bew below Saanders' souîry.bex sîood an dsughter, s girl cf twelvo with a breken te carry s basket te bis grocery on tbe On2pty flat car on aseidiug. It threw a bsck. She barely reacbed the sili when corner, wbeq she weuld lump eout in tbe gratoful siade ever the bard, cinder. ibho stood aItie low window te watcb momiug fer à penny's werlb ef milk er cevered traoks. Thc dog iad crawled hoe- father waving bis flag. Bent, bel- a loaf et' brerd, hoe waiting nutil sho bouesti its truckesud lay asleop, his low oyod, simunken ; bier red hair crep- crossed the sîreot, sud thon marching Stiffcued leg over the switch frog. ped short on ber uedk ; ber peer littie on preudly befere ber. Adams' yard ougine puffiig by woke white fingera clrtchiug tbc windew Witbtich coming ef tie dog a uow hlm nP witb a start.- There was a frame. -Theexpress le lato this moru- sud bappier lighb seemned te have strnggle, a yell et' pain, sud the dog fell ing," or "Ne. 14 le on tino," sic would brightened up the sbanty. Bandera ever On bis back, bis usaloss leg isst in gay, her restless, aager bineecyca glane- huxîtecît began te feol lie influence. tic trrg. Sanders beard lie *?cry et'f ing at he le ock, or "Whst a lot oet' o wld play wilh hlm by lie heur, ageny, threw dewn bis flag, bouuded ubes- they do be baulin' te-day 1" holding bie meti tighl, pusbing back over tbe crsties, sud crawled beneaîih Nothing elue îvas tle.be seen frein ber bis lips se thal bis baeth glistened, lie trucks. The dog's crics alopped. window. . twirliug hie ear. There was a third But the leg was fast. Iu a moment Whau the whislle blew sic teok dewu person new for him ho conguît sud îolk more he bad rusied back te bis box, the dinuer psUl, filled il wi potateste. "It'l1 be turrible cold allihe cros- cangit up a crewbar, aud ws forcing suda pec orpor bt foinli boliu sn' te, day, wen't il, Dog ?" er "Tieî's lhe joint. Lt did flot give an inch. pet, poured lte eoffee in tbe tini OUI, No. 28 puffin' up in lie eut ; don't yer There was but eue thiug left-te tbrow put on the cover, sud rhmpiug te tie know ber bell?2 Wonder, Dog, what lie switcb before the express, due in edgeofethle reîaiuing-wall, lowered lie sbe's switched fer ?" ho would say te two minutes, whirled past. Lu anoîber string over by a parIle h er fatier. Ihlm. Re neticed, tee, liaI lhe girl'. instant a in in a bine mm . wa Saudera leeked up sud waved hie baud, eieeks were net se white sud piucied. seen darting up the trucks.- praug suhe irl weu k ebr et51Sce eed taller sud not ge weary ; s a lever, bounded back, sud lbrew tich andw.sd wicu hoe walked up lieecul, lired bimeît under tic flat car. Tien the Wben lie ulgil came ho would ontet witb bbc dny's work, she always 1yclp of a deg lu pain, drowued by tbe thie kerosene lamup in their owfl romethma i or i o pugn bike'a nledsigit h not auswerber-eyelfi% l 1g meti ars An s hee w oulsn, the, lzDitti natc hes kindl n e. e ahi«iot IL vas ôi that ha beloigad tle '-'Sandars' girl." Jui5t bafere ha diahapeed he tisi the -drAW y monotony , 0""d- Thon thoy became hi o1ham-i nsd eyee, rested themn on hie dauigiter, hait Thontan aders woulca"rybar t10tha thiename s.d a', time uemd out '- frà iso heead su if ii soarch of tiie edge ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 9.1.vee ulo oebc OUI! once-dida:êésrn &DY' dis- dog, sud thon t'.ll back'on hie bad, hie cf 1h . . Tere wai a.;>,ithoihoollw tug suig ,rquî . !at vas-whan-samoe ooet, ciear emile about hie ûaptt ih violat, sdapnb. iad saved lhé,.Ãirl'it baskotate muh w;h.re nowmnd thén a watOl!liY escap- sh"pfighî with a larger- sudlame.hon. ."John Sandere," sfaid Adame, !Chow .4 lb. faehory boys, and there veor. big. *st og. Banderp then spoke -of hlm,in h.- ceuld a sensible insuan1k. e u ûe4 ad buboiand tretchos of grass, ýýýhj ýý0oneWë pri4ei , &thethrow your 1110 sway foredamned- yei- -en mg G On qte squard ailovor by -Boss,".-huîibtis 9uly lssted a day or s, eo. l deg 2" lb sd~glhrsuPubloly, iu the neighbxhood, . be ^*s 'Don't, Biliy," ha eai, I - couldn't On 'fl. days 8%wdsws iroulil lie on knewnm as "1.au*1eË's aller dog.1 ' iialp it. Ha vas a orippia." hie bsok sudj w-h thetreo-top. avay- -QOe imorning the cmedmonga ing i h binsuîthe sky and up theouhtia,-8> en log. &ùBTboni.emot lte el rl 1J*""511 y -hlm and ake am4a Iorsobsad kIeè hlm; .ome t 0 st motdso h imoi"" andpebitlesl-te tfactor>, bo ls l w lno I'P 'vifrtb.45 ,1wr l6t i.r bo, t4' -,0a ti tb wu Ve.s go n, htnnii twl ladly sont'iMEB téoauy suifrr re c.O.anzco6d,, NI'vQu Jebilit f Ni §oa- exVi ', ai potçncy4ad ithe rmsits otyouÃhful folly, partios;lare .-Of a simple sund uln slve Omore Of slt'.curo whcb sitar ie. iug humbuggsdsnd ipose4 -updi for yesrs by quâèo ansd patent Medicine eharks, ciired Mie inua sfcw weeks. I have nothlug te moul or glveaà way non amn I advertialng. any patent medicinea 6usles, but wli be plessed ho bear frein any sufferer sexieus te fiud a cure for bis complaint. to wbom 1 wili exPîsin confiden- tially how sud by what means I was cured. Hundreds bava been cured through my ad- vice. Coots uothing te Iearn wbat 1 paid hun- dreda of dollars te find eut. Address confi- deu:ially and enclose stamp if cenvenient. D. G. OWEN, Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. A delegation froin Moutreal la in Ottawa asking for a grant of 82.50,0W0 towards the International Exposition in 1896. Ove Them A Chance i Thal la te say yeur lungs. Also alI your breathing tnacbinery. Vcry wonderfulmra- chinery il iýs.Net enly the larqer air-pas- sages, but the theusand Of littîs tubes sud caviisleading frein theni. Whcn these are dlo gged aud choked with rnatler which eughî net te ha t bers, your lungs cannothaîf do their work, And what tbe do, Ihey cannet deotvell. Caîll il coid, cough, croup, pheumnonîs cabarrb, censuniption or sny et thc faxniiy of hhroat snd noïe and head and iung ob- utructionai are bad. Ail ougbt tb be gel rid of. Tlheère ifa at oesBure way te gel rid of Ihern. That la te lake Beacheels Gernan Syrup, which any druggist will Bel you ah 75 conta a bettîs. Even if every- tbiug cisc bad failsd you, you may depeud lapon thia for certain Mr. G. L, Dodds bas announced hmmsîf as au indepsudont candidats for Brandon for tbe Gommons. A YOUNG LAD AND HIS FAITHFUL FRLEND. Ernest McGregor. of Whitby, Ont., Gives an Acceunt of Hie Experi- ence-Cured eof Persistent Dy. fapepsia by B.B.B. WORLST KIND 0F DYSPEPSIA. GENTLEMICl,-I write te inform no that fer years 1 bave been Ireubied wibh Dy- spoeia, sud baving bried ethers medicine wbicb sntirely faileï, I at Iisat fo)und relief and cure in Bturdor.k Biood Bitters, of wbich I toek twe botls, the resuit being a perfect cure. Altbough ouly a yeung lad I bad been hroublod wibh Dyspepsia fer feur or five years, but I can say uew that B. B. B. dos ils werk fa.thfully lu the werst kind of Dyspepsia, sud bas proved itself thce nly cure fer me. ERsEST MCGRItGOR, Wbttby, Ont. Mr: 1. D. Geddes. City Clerk, and enseof tie pioneer citizens of Calgary, la dead frein la grippe. A Short Road te bealth was epened te Ihese suffering frern chronic coughs, asbbnia, brouchili@, catarrb, lumbage, tuners, rheuru- atismn, exceriated nippies or infiamed breast, and kidney complaints, by bhc introduction of tic inexpensive sud eflective remedy, DR. THOMAà s' EcLzcTrnc OIL. Mr. Patrick Flannery, an old residient of Paris, was found drewned in the milirace. Wheu Baby wus lck, wo gave ber Castonl&, When as was a Child, she crled for Castorns. When shs becarue Miss,.aseciung te Castorns. When she had Oiliren, she gave thera Caztons. On Saturday Mr. Justioe Cwynne of the Supreme Court c6mpleted bis 8lst year. Minard's Liniment Cures Clds, etc. Tbe young Jap wbo shot Li Hung Chang has been santenced to bard labor for life. Piles!1 PUes!1 Itching Piles. SYMPrmms-Moisture ; intenge itching and tinging;1 most at night ; worse by scxatcbîng. if allowcd to continue tumors força, wbich often bleed and ulcerate becoming very sore. SWAYNz,8 OiNTMziiT stops the itcbing and and bleediog, tisais ulceration, and in moat cases removes tbe tumors. At druggists or b y mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, rhuladelpbia. Lyman Sons & Co., Mon- treal, Wholesae Agents. Your husbancl wilI notice a grat' improvemeut in your cooking, when, - - -1, YouX s or housë'wiii t.eodor'cf hot, Barrste, Ount niLu tf1e 'c su County solicitor. Offic- euhwigQ Court Hanuse, Whitby. JAMES IUÇTLED)Glg Barrister, etc. office formierly occnpled by F'arewell & Butledge, next Royal Hotel,. Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTONq B. A-, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in (JhancerYp Conveyancer, etc. Office-In the Office south of the Post Office, in McMilln'B Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUJNG SMIITH. LL, B., l3arrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Isener of Marri age Licenses. Oiffice - Smith'5 Block, South of Market, Bi ock St., Whitby DOW & Mc(1ILLIVRAY, Barristers,' Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., V~ltby, south of Ontario bank. D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.S. Physicaa, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc: Office and Residence next to Ail Saiiit's Church, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery ini ail its branches promçt- iy attended to. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Oounty Surveyer and Drainsge Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langiey, Langley B3urke, Toronto. Designs for Churc hes, Villas and Cottages a speciaity. Draw- ings prepared for remodeiing existing structures, Office-.First flat over W. R Howse's drug store. LýrP O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNEss MAKER, WHITBY. Having mnoved into our new prexnlseB, we are preps.red to extend the range of business. Alwork pertaining to the bar- neBsmaking and, saddlery business wiil be done to satisfaction. Coliars a specialty. Cail and sec rny shop and stock. W. CALYERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whfltby. FOR SALE OR'TO RENT. New bouse, 8 moins ; 3 acre of garden, well-fenced. Good locality on Front street in South Ward. 'Apply to, B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or at the CHRONICLE office. Whitby, March 7th, '9. GOAL GOAL The undcrsigned has just ro- ceived a large quantity of First Class Ceai direct frein the mines, sud is pre- pared te furnish ail sizes, dry and dlean, including several hundred tons of the OELEBRATED NO. 4o s most popular aize between Steve and Chestnut. «mLeave*your order ateunce sud get very lowest quetation. .i Terms Cash. H. B. TAY LO R Office Howse'sBlock Whitby, July xath. 1894. Dr&. Waà rrpen Moore -.7ilee M . Wmm-D.O. KadôwgUWhitby, Clark Dec, Se Osni~'Â-D.O, M oull, Whitby, Clerk, Jan. 8; F'ab. 4,-, X-Arch# ; &pril 3; mà y. - une4; JuIy 8; $op. 4;.0Oct. 8; Nov. ie;DOe. 4. BneUoBx»-M. Gleescu, Greenwood, Clerk. -Jan. 4; Math 5;May 4; July 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT Puuuv-J. W. BUruhai, Port Perny, Clerk-Jsn. 29;0 March 9; May 9; July il; Sep. 20; Nov. 18. lx»umez-J05. B. Gould, Uxbxidge, Ctenk-Jran. 80; March 18; May IShh; Jl 12; Oct 14; Dec.e7. CÂrlqn;4nçoeN-Geo. Smith, Cnningon'Y Jan. 81; Marcb 14; May 1.6; Ju-ly 13; Oct.'I, 1é; Dec. 18. BEÀVEBToNq-de0 F Bruce, Beavertn Clcrk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec- 19, UPTRRueO vu -F JGllsspie, V ptergr Clerk,-Marcb 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec By ordsr, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peacle. 0October 151h, 18,94. New Livery and -Sale Rtaies Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commercial men liberalydealtWith Teaming done at reasonable pricesB Freight and Ba gage haulad atrea able prices. A cMisolicited. »W a. . J .-rX MACHINIST, WHITBY, Has opened a Bepair Shop in conuectio with the Cooper Shop Iately carnied on by his father, opposite AU1 Saints' Churcli, and wildoalkindu cf epa-ring. Sewing Ma- chines a specialty. Lawn Moyers, Bicy - oies, Pi.rearms, Loeki, Scale ,Cicithes Wringers, WaBhing Machines, &o. Saw Filin g Skates, Sciusors, Knives-, Clippers &o., sharened and repaired. Ail kinds cf Cooper Weork miade and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Sainte' oehuroh, Dundas Street, Whitby THOS. PEAT 0f Bowmanville, irrtends visiting-Whuîby once a fortnight, to collect clothing from gent s to clean -or dye. Garmentà wheu finished wi look as good as new. If tbey (ail tb be s wili not charge for my trouble,. If they au my charge is $x.25 for cleaniug sud nicel pressing a suif cf clothusg; for'dyh3g, a sui $i.5o. Overcoats cleanedand-zesâsed 75, o4 dyed for $z. For cleaning _or _dying gents bats 25C. THOS. McCA NN, Agent, Wbitby Bowmanville, uly a6É* t8a*ý LIFE INSURAN CE. MaflaotUreise Lzft &AcidexnI Ineurance'C06,,- Toronto Largest Capital Sto* Lfe lieuran ou the continent. !Siety per- cent, ta accumnulations et surplus 38 roturusd' ta ti poiicy holders. AUil aima are pal~to delaY Or diacluant' on prof uf deiti muatmrity cf udowmant J.B.P W L Cor. King &, YngêBlt Fer thoeuoxit threemnouthi 1pcilattention ho sxti tan cen loïa #10; G Pie wonk crcwuDing by -flsl-oIss, th. mont neaseable ratas,- Whe au lii. .7eaRiu - ina 1 eu.-tel. ia'en C. IL EIGGS, !»enUt, jýýù Kiffl audIo *-Moü Nov81-,-e,Ã9 T Whitby. - Ofic oupra .