Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1895, p. 2

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Erangs oômfart and tmprovemtm% and tends Wo' pesonal enjoyment ,whes rightly usect The many, who live befr ter than others anti enjoy 111e more, with leu expenditure, by more promptly udapting the world'a beat products to the needs of physical being, wif attest the value to health cf the pure liquid laxative principles embraciid in the remnedy, Syrup cf Fige. Its excellence La due ta its preuenting lu the forni most acceptab"e and piea- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly boeiefieWa properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the uystem, dispelling colds, he.dachez and fevers anId perrnanetitly curiîng constipation. It ha8 givers satisfact in to rnillions and Met with the apLv. of thse medical profession, bérause it acts on the Kic- xleTs, Liver and Bow&'s wit1voïit weak- en sng thom an-d it is pu'fect' >y free froru every objectioniab ,e eubstat uce. Syrup of Figs je for s-alo b' al drug. gista in 75-c. bor"s, buit it is rmaîuu- factu'-ed hy tIIý' (Y v FICSvý%rup Co. onl1y, whose n' '~,nte.l on e-e'-Y package, also the -:-- Srilp -A Figs, and being W-Iî In 'z". fl 'ilI.IIot Occept %fly ui'6tItUr'l., . Chaorles H. Hutchinga. Headache CURED PERMANENTLY IY TAKING Ayer's Puis ,gW" trnnhlm CL inerHn with tlào,.b. On Saturday evenlng lait Mr. Jackson, taior, wu'. looklng" over the daily papers la Mr. Jos.- Rigg' toib acco' store, when his oye feil upon the followlng itemn ",Vfnnipeog, Maîch 2iiet.-Edmonton ad-, vices give full particulars of te finding of the Smith brothers, of Calgary, formerly of Quebec, dead i their cbin on the Saskatchewan river. A nuniber of notes fastened ta boards outslde thse door show- ing that deceased had been suflering for some time, and their touchlng appeals for help ind&cate they tried isard to get as far as the traîl. The notes left show that both the mon were in a pitiable condition, as the first tbree are signeci by D. Smith, and thse last, dated March 2, by R J. Smith. Written on thse door in pencil was, "l'il try and makte the trail if 1 con," Thse last note reads :-"Would any person passing corne down rigbî away for God's sake and give us belp, for our legs are badly swol- len frurn eating rabbits, and we can hardly leave bed. We will pay money, gold or flour ta anyone wbo will lend us assist- ance. Do not let anything stop you from coming, as we wilI pay expenses. By foi- lowing this trail right down ta the river il will lead you to the bouse at the head of the island. (Sigried) R. J. Smith." Think- ing that he had heard Mr. Samn. Smith, plurnber for Mr. W. G. Woods, speak of having relatives in 'he Northwest, Jackson put the paper in his pocket, but did flot see Smith tili Sunday mot-ning, wlîen he showed hlm the despatch. Thse poor fel- low was greatly overcome on reading it, and said he had no doubt whatevet but that the unfortunate men were his brath- ers, as he had Iearned that the), had re- moved to that district. A telegram next day confirmed the relationship.-Post. Bande off the olaldron. Last week a young girl was brutally beaten by her parents in Bruce county. For some triffing offence the poor child was tied up and beaten most severely. Neigihors took the case up and bath were fined &5o and casts and three manths in jail. Parents, teachers and guardians are altogether too ready ta reoait ta brutality ta find, vent for their bad temper. What is wanted in the homes and achools of this land is less formai so-called "religious in- struction" and more practical religion. Teachers and parents often begin the day with formai prayers or scripture readings, and witbin an hour practice the arts of dencns, in thumping and thrashing and boxing the children. Parents, teachers, guardians, as well as big brothers and sis- ters, must be taught that they have no right of any kind soever to abuse a child. Try kindness. Practise true religion, even if thse tbeory be somewhat neglected, and ail will be well. Children are influenced by reason and kindness far more than by blows. Even if they are perverse, per- severe and ail will corne out right. D. Fraser, of Whitby, is wit.h Gea. Sel-' don and mily t.his week. James Latchford beft for Cleveland Tues- fMisasLMie Whl.tfield, Port Perry, was bore vIilng P1er sister, Mis. Jnc>. English. Two loads of Cartwright young folk spent a very pleasant evening at Mr. Wil- liamson's, Port Perry. Tise Burketon station agent, Mr. Cart- wrighst, was violently assaulted on Friday,t and îs under the. physicîan's care. Robt. Beith and D. F. Walsh, the party candidates, have been here shaking fins. Tise latter preached to thse methodists Sunday. COBOURG. A serlous accident occurred on Tuiesda y in Sinclair's livery stable, w bucb will likely cost Frederick Bond the -sight of one af h is eyes. He was. engaging in a scuffle with a friend, Fred Fitzg ua d, when he was hit in the- lef i eye witb a chair, causing painful and seriou9 injuries. Bond was removed ta the General Hospital, at Toronto, on Wednesday. ht is a marvel what ingenious devices criai- inais sornetimnes resort ta in order ta accom* plisis their end, whicb shows that they are en- dowed witb keen capabilities, wbicb. if put to legitimate use, would enable thcm to becoine useful members af society. A case in point occurred at the Counties' gaol Iast week. A young girl, who expects short]y ta become ;j mother, was sent ta the institution ta be cared for. and in view of ber condition the gaai sur- geon instructed that she be relieved tram scrubbing and bard work and that ibhe be given butter, beef, meat, etc., whicb, in gaol, are considered luxuries. EvidentJy the fare oi this "star" boarder created envy amnongst the others, for a of a sudden one ai them, a no- toriotis character, by the name ai Jessie An- drews, confessed ta tbe surgeon tbat sbe feit -incbined that way berseif." Judging k.y ber appearance, the Doctor believed ber story. and tbereafter she was relueved [roms hard work and g u on thse saine rations as ber troubjed sister. For a wbile the imposter lived bigis on thse best in the land, but the end of ih ail came in due course. Suspicions were araused, and it suhsequently developed tisat a quantity of rags and old clotbes bad been brougbt into requisi- flan ta create thse desired appeau-ance. Need- less ta say Jessie was at once deposed from ber lofty position of "star" boarder, pnd be- came a common partaker of skilly and bread thse saine as thse rest, whîle her lily white fin- gers are again sbowing evidence oI bard work and bonest toil. Miss Andrews, bowever, can look back with pleasure upon her week's high living at the expense of these united counties. -btar. A PEOULIAA OCASE. COVERED WITH -PIMPLES. 1 AN ANXIOU8 MAN. The Diseage Disappears in Thireel Weeks by the Use of B.B B Letter from Manuitob>a Fnlly 'Des- cribing IL DEAut Si,-During the winter af 1&~92- 9.3, I was covered with Pispies un the inaide of n rigbt leg between the knee and the 1590009000 Fa ckeis 1of thke day wbeelh. iss.-bted yîuc aîýesut ankie. AsI nee ad au in -f isj (/ % lIl/- secre a ucatie i nd befare I was anxlous about it, and U ia C o ""'y, ation.sougbt medical .d vice, but gfetting DO relief W. McCausland, jr., has been visited by frm the doctor f trieti a battle of B.B.B., and àttack of inflammation during thse past applying aorne of it to my Ieg as well as us- week. He is now nîuch better. ing it internaliy, and to my surprise thse nasty MJ 1 LB.AID j LB. L DPYU'NT Tise bicycle faver bas again visited us, disease, whatevar it was, disappeared within 2A5VIM as it usual about this time of year. As yet three week.i, and I atn thankfni ta say it bas no fatal cases have been reported. never re-appeared. N. MITCHELL, A Real Estate Richardson has added a Carman, Man. A 40, 50, AND 60 CEITS PER LB. safe ta bis already numerous office fixtures. Officers at Hastings had a difficuit ta8k to Tise huge iron was pbaced in position on arrest Henry Sharp, jun., wbo only gave up1 FOR SALE BY Monday. thse battie twa or tbree bullese bad been flred J. Woodrufi took a car load of cattie ta , nt him. i APTf? n la Tm w And dealer ini Furniture of ail kinde. The Subscriber bege to anflofncO that he has again opened business in his aid stand, and bas p1aeed therein a choice, stylish and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which will be sold at a smali margin on cost. Another bale of thase celebrated Mimed Mat asses $3.25, Worth $5. See those Tapcotry or Carpet Loungeg at $5, worth $8. Hardwood Sideboards, l4x24glass, for $8 50, Worth $12. lUndi3rtakinlgu 1:e' full stock of Coffins" and Ca.skets. and a, First- Olass Hearse. WM. TIl"@ Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm f'or Sale. 65 Acres, Lot No. 30, jrd Con , Township of Whitby ; 2 miies from Whitby ; sarne known as the Lynde homestead. Soil second to none, ini a first class state of cultivation. Good fences; watered by live stream across one corner ioo yards from a fine stase bouse; trame stabie and dniving shed ; also frame bouse and abu"idance of fruit of ail kinds. For particulars apply ta lui> 24th, 1894. k. 1. LYNDIi, upon the premises. AnEoFaEdescrin DEAFNSSe ng areally genuine Cure for Deafnesg, Singing in- Ears, &c., no matter how severe or long- Btanding, wili ha sent post free-Artifi. cial Ear-drums and similar appliances en tire ly superseded. Address THOS. KEXIPE, VICTORIA CHAMBERS, Sonth- hamnptnn Building, Holborn, London. T'HE, oV O wen Electric Be/t. Thse only scientific and practical Electric Beit made for general use, having batteria that generate a strong current of Electricity tha.tje under perfect control and can beu ap- plied to any part of the body for the cur-e of NER VOUS DISEASERS Thousands of people suifer from a variety of Nervous Diseases that the aid modes of treat- ment faîl to cure. There je a loaso! nerve force or power that cannot be restored by any medical treatment, and any doctor whos would try ta accompllsh this by any kind of druge je pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro- prytrea.ted, these diseases eau be er Positivelv Our *d Sangervmle. MUne. "C. 1.. Hood *& b.,LoWeflt Mo.: *Gentlemen.-I feel that 1 eaDnOt mY-0 in favor of Hood's Barsapar!fla. For frve I have been troubled with serofu lu MI and throat Several kinda otmedlelfl' I tried did flot do mie any good, and When 1 menced to take Hood S SsaparIIa ther large bmnches on my neck so sore that 1 llood's-e-Curg not bear the sllghtest toucb. When 1 had cue bottie of tlil medicIne, the sorene! gone, and before 1 had finlshed thoe semo bunches had entirely dlsappeared.Y BLa ATW-OOD, Sangervifle, Maine. NÇ. B. Il you decIde to take Hood's Sa ri 'la do flot be Induced to buy any other. Mood's Pil cure constipation by 1 'gthse peri stalliVc uiono01 tJe,aimçwîary -THE a uuu i1 CNutSwU-mtm otgBsvrim rd e, au oromit Sw.r., ftone otIe a"ud8 KBDa«LL'SFLS.vr 1

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