Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1895, p. 1

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I e 4' ô With calm printed word, grýeat thoughta, and utiring iidustrË, we adoa t ec, rges nwege loleho. i n lr % A '.'17 i«N Ar o ni Tn f nl 1i O fl l' or ouF ring than secq ucn tli 1 CHAS. sco AUCTIONELER1 WHITBV. The iudersigndbega 10 aunouni lias taI bn oui a liceuse for auctione will b. glad to fi11 or-dors for thus cla nesa. His book uill b. kept at 1 office, where ail nformation rnay t> Whitby. Nov. 29, '94. C N.Ir. PATERSON t Barrister, etc.-Aftir ivo vears r Englaud lias resumed practice a St, Toronto.-Odt. '94.6 mos DOMINION Bi Capital Paid up, -$ Surplus, - - $ Whitby_Âgei GenersJ Bankmng1 Transacted. SÂVINOS DEPÂBTMEI Intoreet sfloved shighest ci No notice o wthdmal requins, 19. J. THOUNI P. G. Meldrumn ~sdoue. and Fan- Lga Bank upwardi. t allowed IEN, manager. T T ONT. ce that le bing, sud M5 of busi - H. Longs ,e obtaiued. SCOTT. resudence lu t 136 1 ohn AN K. ,00,000 .9500000 "o'ye Buoiness NT. airent rates d. roN, Manager ,M. D. Liceutiale of the Roal o51 o Physiciatis, Ediabungli: Meaber of the coltle l>ykan'fd Sur -:~ ~ M of Puiyo. --- - ureon, o Ofi-ce. sd rosidence, nortli section ,of the «'L'rrace,"' Byron Street, north of Dunda Stroet. Telephone communication vil1 office. Whitby, July 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? Sayst *he Owl. Who soIt the best 1J Biking Powdcr? W. R. does. HOWSII Why ? Because oly the purest ingrrediants are used, sud il is frequetliy made. Conseq'ently is ai. ways pure & fresh. BERS ]ERSHO0ES 'inished. fac tory. LIKE fIlON, feived at OId No. 1, W MADE MAPLE SYRUP, tomm&e anld Orockery, A Tee. Sets cheap, mily Groceries, Tees uits, etc., etc. P FOR CA SH OR TRA DE -S TO S U T Tif E TIMES. before calling and exaining c and prices for yourseif. nted al kînds of Grain, Apples* ad Poutry. Have aloo got ilis 'igh te selI Anderson's doule ump and Fruit Sprayer for the aî ad Weut Whitby. PicJoer d -Scgog. Evcr fruit g rove eprayer. -Write me for circulai. OIBSON, - WIÎITÏY. Lt at Iow Rentai* i. « ocapled by R, 1 4. boMtéubo: l s tda Am y tI. iolb i aCÂIpBeU«t L.on don CIDNIilION Powder li the boit Blood Purffier ami genoral Condition ?owder in th.einrket. Iii is the oheapest powderttahbmsever beau offred for sae. It cures al caser of Geaerd DebillLy, Lons af Aipptite, Roî~uemsf the Hsizr, w amuat troubles aruang fremim u- purity of the Blood. 839 £O. per lb, -or $3ll>s. for 50c, MADE ONLY BT--% wr:M . OWIIISEI > HUBffT AN» «DBUGG*ST9 WIIITBY, ON TAi, i tuupAi , ±VIiiJMn I eJLoffl Is for the iune ta lt vesi. Tho Mail-EmpIre Canvus- Wk o feU oSe * ye sud 9f] sors feorltheIRucyclopedia Brioiucawere alse w '1 ,tlobaIf t4ioublo A mSdotiau s cslled for te e Sguniadm of ue no i&dbIreali. sud -Vord - tqe 15 il Yo~jgÏ~rals' îgistshaoud besnfciW4 hep, e for the4r tbe ébéik fight- Bor ret SSaW% te mS ioviwn uk- bed ttmOOl a <> lution of , m l çdMi ssof both sexe, -Au InsIte t=hy sse mb ébl su tUn osoul m of¶>IS _ ny j ,rc pl lobaIt ot lb fwuully à na bût hhinvolved tbe of *u 0 .O aQ0< IV O ui oqtota b ans d - w or y M. ]. ay. flieQueshot u -tad à ms*iedâ M'man ai-a yrigiadv sus qoYI pes lbý. root. TUI.wIl dd mmt wutu â h OW t. thd > narov btbs lmd m fous mnb.lati*' bIUIVIS-h00 17 No more cutteré. There was a sai attendance at S. S. on înday froni the west. The water flow- ig over the road prevented their coming. Qur genil l nerchant Mr. Chas. Lynde ,er ilotd smile these days. He was ýrented with a fine baby-girl a week go. Long may ithe live to blesa lier par- Mr. F. McCartliy solci a bore last week obuyera fromiother, parts and recelved a ood ýround guii. fouie are 'holding beirs, thlnzkiag thati prices are on -the rise. io my tlieybe. Mr. Riat d Puckerin bas been visiting ,is .brotherTonýiai r.n4y.liereils l P£yrt1e.,fât»~e isuwmer. We would lIke to ýave ~ liis hejc, but they ubali bave the ,gain. ,« Thomas haabuengage .d Thos. )evitt -for the mamir The, e ndealiof the l'CatoNÏCLE" to encoura1ge localwnrtemais wothy.of com- nendation, ami; we wiash the -spe ail sUCCess la t vqitur. .lc paper sbould'be the locality'8oubstraan notty toassuniethe 'dalles and viences or a city'paper. V/o are glad to see sucli a goodly, =mber, ,of-the papers cqm be.e 110w would'Itbe to-st a aIliraryin our buig?. -QOe sooe.wlhat 1k. *a Mvecbanie institùte? ItW wàgld ' benefit ,ur locality aud -encoumqe the, readers of good llreiature- Get 'a Scaptét nd baya aat un tststofwIh.Sucb ud we--7would lend. foiu?'ý péCqnilatyý and mnechanical .abtlity in dc4ng "ur shae Lèt'si1 It up.- unse Thomùiw5OUJ51Pïý;disiiÏ)md. Un~ ThoaàsMxgh lsIàîüiey -Poorly. Mms.Creasof la quite r «16V fto-mibOf severé si*SL.o a Citzùofo'towa, Mis.jûé,ýàü ýMise' Buck, f tbiçaagc ,are viisitiug frlieàds bor& l» MswPngli anàd Misasei~*~e O0urpa=bras been Ul 0ay ublt> to 1wish-liaisu 1cet. , Théeoil fté îà bl-at-'krýh -=x , Is Onlv .. otlv's, 'Ii i h d 3sorted patterns, at grsha'lus, at only Oti, oniv '. the leadin" shades, is (ioods, will wash, >88 Patterns, ünIl' 1 uId see before tlhey ck, witlî Si1k spots, ,MNoi.e Silk', lil al le i kc. w' hue to ouir Readv- tnut. \-un's l"Iicw e colits :111( vests, in mts, at $ 10. Soft ilats. ;RS. Riom VOL* WESTERN BANK OF CA WHITBY BRANOI A . Genenal Bauking blu S3pecial attention b oollections,1 MerS' ale Notes at iowest rates. gW'Deposits reoeived lu Savir Depatmeut in suai o1 $1 sud' No notice o! wlthdrawal required. Hîghest aunrent rates of luteresl sud onedited semi-'i.uualv. E. D. WARU' Whlitby, Aug. 81.1t, 1894. - ~ ~ ~~ nsudmre of them ame bnried iu mmd. The doCnoIt ask 'the authorifles to take our single EOOLN LOCAL N EW S LETTE RSe îowu sbould repair them ansdlun the wet Wor for it. If they wanted o know the triuth The hour of evening service In tlie weatber a man sbould bernployed tokeep bave tonguesud ours tb Sd ud o rMtoîtcuc asbe hne r the crossings clea In l the business part of the bîbtseIves. Thbese organs, bowever, are little. ] o.oe' 'lok CEMoxICLX COREUZPONDINCI. town. Ih c7 ild easily be doue. iisédwhen d'ils sort of thlng goes on. There r. 3,o WitO7 G 1ordn a omkro. rili $U LatSabb..... esay erics ere M dla or l in huse lu town whlcli man r peoGronluhmieo Oili n ln the Med- st. churcli. Iustead of the have g reason . .elvel notr. .ng ess is been since last spring; He TUW LIE. sul eter&~'ueî evelpe wee dtdutd :~za broibel. [f a watcb were kept on the will probalbly remalu bere for a time. WC TOWN LINr.lded onether Mr.mOliveveDorra tele ftsbereuondW4, 4PI Mr. W. J. Davey and sons are to kilt the asking for Sr$o to meet epenses.'Th. sp- P à ~5or -if this lc er adonr»the M liet m rni fo DeKab, 11o, Wled-re i pa o' effrteesigsao. peal wss weil met. The collection lu thie sarth of uuusually ssiii icsitne nn o eab weea patrul's bewafrethever Sg seso..The bible asseuibly ppéwudbgnt aealittie more failli he lias secu'red a position iu a'brbrsb'M. Mr. Banks of Pickering has leased the mriggv vr$ro ,ý Sieo uor"tmlrcmeln nort hal o theLyne frin he atrssoon gave $nsud tbe Sabbatlih 1 ofdneliorsse o oneln We hope lie may soon retura to bis native $15omrlgh ttalof$tolt the Obflfam.ckrvatiofl of the law. As It now stands the land and mneet wlth success wberever lie Mr.T.Davd ormrl ofHapto eeniboolle5# as g ot 6 a dded$c4, Rt te le aothlng but a farce lu the :own. If a la. Mr T Dvi orery f aptn veiollctoa o 6otobea -e . ia, m commua aopen robbery or shoots smre- Darlingtofl township, has moved on to the Tos. annlug, B.A., of Whltby. prescbed-e-M.R lmrnvofIo Bid ,th Ira Carpenter tarin. lu the morning, sud Rev. J. Kînes in tbe ev'enheeismonechn eofuis her b e ntuckytMr. R. ere nfvorafewro ridge, tc McGreor wa sevr lug* Re. H. . Keny ocupieddue lrnco a buse bas to fali on the authoritiesbr e etcy a eefrafwbuso Master Earn. Mcrgorwa ely fàth ley maie a move. Have we pzot to keep Tusa nt ebdbe uWib bitten on the leg on Sunday last by a dog et 4pulpit mn'the eveuiugnTlgrèAdd5vers week wltb thus old story? wltb bis. mother during tbe last -days of lier. b belonging to Mr. Vanstone. Betweeu 12 and i o'clock Tuesday mmng Inoidsemlke îh. People are snob miser- Iife sud returned to Ketuckry eariy this 'M The Alrnonds church people bave had a the fire belle souuded an alarni for thie Dort ".zveling cowards that they shrlnk luto week. west ward. The cottage on Brock st. west tyr'1wilitle selves sud say -Oh!1 its t100 The roada were so bad ou Sunday thatil raised dais erected for the accomodation owned aud occupied by Mr. R. D Kenndy, tobd hdn'th osmeig:heaednca heMtds S da D of their progressive snd paitistaklig choir. machiniat, hsd caught fire from the roof sd an d bbtoo 1usd.W hy. dont %tel do somethlug tchle atedac aIer e stoargunas Mr and Mrs. Matthias Mlackey were was alrnost entlrely destroyed, together are mMil so tnuch alie lu their irellgion that- expected but about one liundred sud fiftY es surprised Y usaeeigb tertecnet.Th oswl eaot$800 4 *yWp take the trouble for fear thaItbey were present. Owing to, illuese the Rev. friends and preseute with an extension covered by luurance. The seuselessandu-9 tabe. he ccaionwasthetwefthan cesin rIg, ,f he he mssioud s. What différence if ilie that bad been assigned t hlm.. Tbe pro- si ulversary of their wedding. b tpe.~v iue lgn asfiln e world frowu if tber are convlnced they gramme consisted of ai lng by tbhe n- Mr. W. Oke vislted Toronto on Satur- talrutewoetw.su ir lol o -<ig thelr duty. TIhey stand lu a far day school choir sud sddresaes luy Mr. J. <ý day sud ordered the first lustatmeut of a stop put to the banglni f ?llsoIbi a lbt at preseut. Nvrhls CN eat h ueituet u .A goods for has new cash store. He pur- hour or more as la generally the case. The d advlse those coucerned wbo read thia Holliday of the Presbyterian Sunday poses keeping a stock of bardwaie, ex'e bgug<~~ ~fr~a lbae Uhio do whautluhey kuow they o lit to .col groceries, boots sud shoes, eatiouery etc. woldled u t tlu ta the wceoiu oeriglalw or causing h .t ,scool The store us to consist of three apat-W" ou fire. People are deprived of nedd t may sa#e trouble lu the near future. The editors of the CHRONICLE audtleb. rsan Thi e frire o sFRED.aR. HouEs. -Orillia Packet do not believe lu thle ulil.tyo ments, viz., tlie upatairs the downstaurs prsasd Thl e fry trvlng 10 ski ud gv nervousR. -oB of wire feuces on the road aides as s pre- and the backyard. pe9n.mnte hudgv u struclions to have so mucli neediesa noise ventatiVe of drifts lu wiuter. 1 amn ntb The secession movemneut lu the town of stopped. Osba11wa Busies Dti'etOiy. much of an autbority on such matters but Whitby la excitiug cousiderabie interest Last Sunday îhree wou'eu were huutiug u~ VIOKUBY. barber. Bimoce st~r5f0t ty observation bas aiways lied,. me ita beýý amoug a fesv of the farmers of thia neigli- arouud the town for tbeir huabanda, Who . D. L. BaoI-Ofie Ring Street Em51. lieve that s wire fence la juat wliat la' bohod he hlkthtIfte etenhad not returned borne ou Saturday IVZBy iMoest- unot ecessary for this purpose. lu Ibis town- portion of the îown be throwu upon Whit- uight. They bad got into a club roci nrti slip faeraiesbave recelved a bous freai by township sud consequeutly iu te this à'ndseut their money in drinkig sud ELB ani aeSroesint h ouncil for replaclng wooden feuces setoteemyb. s demaud ounlb.sud r '$.'uOTHERSILL, butcoeY Ring St., West with wire at places where drîftiug always secton, herernsyambliug. lnstead of using il on their D part of the section t0 the weat of us to, familles. W. are told by those lu a JL *. ETàzTEEDonUIKSou pianos aud organs, occurred and tha result bsbe v7yst sudth e v the Wke inpt o towuscipopne position to kuow, that liquor la kept sud Ià. tet isfactory. If we lied more cf the -,*re an hu eaeth hibtonhi eol sold in some of these- club roorna. 1No HoTEL-J. 0. W *,pretr feuce we would have better wiuter roads. under the necessity o: building a uew wne ir anverty, bard limtes, sud f91en ostelry, 21055 sud oomz rtably W.A.H. achool house. How whll Mr. Juo. Smith runuing mb dEtwheu moue e , p od. oz-ulUn fbos U$w "foy sud his satellites luke 10 pouy up for a found for sud purposes. Perhaps if Iu 'pirOffizanon oKsood-PmlB.li. cfBooka. Bu&sC.,grin e»reoor. new achool house ? speclor Ferguson could spare a lttle of ses. SALBAII. hus time, whuch at present seerna 10 be de- V oaUDa-WhtbOshaws stage lnu. EEALL, 8.-laimer of Marniage iienua Mr.E. ilsonIS10 e u te nigibo- ote t dr~gstores, lu keeping an eye on ~Oshawa a st a suad 2 p m, sud 'Belidouooopposite Town Hall, Brookllu. hood this week to purchase horses (or the some of these bad dens, h emugtada *7ssi ud4 i lLA E5-Ursoko rnsl en Egihmre.littie more to the eleclion funds of the pro- WX& x.s&ooxnB, doe lu n il- P dt u a very attractive, both lu pattern liney sud sitles., yesosklng, etc., in sud prie. ee the= for yourseves. w. Theattndace t M. ZonSabathonsiSoe tret.are ais pewdt show theni. Du you Theateuaue t M. io Sbbth At the meeting of the scbool board ou Mon- Dw 80ELJ awl, ipn aut Wllpaver? We liv. t-i kinids. achool sud eveuiug services were amail oun a veig Mr. Wm. Warren was etce -oe ulit P L tlzofô!par ig u No old stock. We have lust, opened i,», account of the roRds. secretany.treasurer of ithe board at $150 S5a5y~. mcas lwaysounau. rics rang h e s t a up Bordeae Most of bbe farmers lu need of hired help Everybody was glad te have Mr. Warreçn se EI.mauWÏttWer of line Oc mateb. SMe o= silx1bbons ut,8 and 10, have secured theare in men or boys as cure the position, but the action of the board - I,twgf5 uiiMido!<U etspnar.7n'lithbso Sd their cases required. la open to criticisai. Iu the firat place su et- " sdSegS oaznaael1y browns, snd the ueost abs * W. are heraalthsvcutar îotm-tempt was madeoBBB t, appoint Assessor Morna.- -EzwE, ainter sud decorator. Deal- selling somethlxg extr= týUea pasae od n ac cnit aerepalmofsnoiwin an efficient public servant, tb the position et W&i - attppera, cllng doontiofi, 01.25. Our best laonly *2 passbleon ccotntof tesaiarofy.owMr. Morisreceives $ 25 as 01,ilvsrnishlnes,. brushes, wlnaew sud he enerl baw.sent sala ry. Luther Hall sud Mr. - *0.stey Quit s',uther f -i armera of this responsble ciizeujs, would b. glad of the job J PaELL0w dealer lu StOTOs, tacs. M. as. 'V/aiien bas, engqgdo h viciuitb ave sold their fat catlle -fer May at $z 0 dn ~5,sdwel~culer ll'â 5<:listedO k - itl r.-Ro1irst :.-- dell eoyy fair pies h" ba 1i.; -4tuip'a at .ieS waj-uJaa - &5h :e- t ~<w~~~ Mr. BiBi, of Evansle fiour nillgd,. lal Ova. 1tanivdbRl. y. oaX4,eu get' Oak leaving tl i aut the last cf Ibis monîli, e yL.Ku10liitt auy ent'a,.Aorton .rm&lh.btqutsooifw sudbb prprebo M. Tos Pulila o-exceed $zoo. Moved su amendaient 17 C ~ ~ ,for pateue extre.otloflNo M.Jo . olsge eCimsnx ing to bake charge unlil a suitable tenant Soutt. secouded by R. H. James.,ha ls a1 otr catW. - week 10 tearnUite mUigbtsineàwith cars b. obtained. ary b. $,5o This vas carniedoena vote of 8 L . KUStàwOI, B. A. -Barriosez. Soticîtor, b is uncleBir. Wrn.Brw. . - to, 5. The duties are very liglit, consltu u Nti ulîe ovosleyho oo osHAwA. neportiug the minutes of the mrnthly meetings no. Office ovor Doi ainmk,. 51m- Infiluenza bas been e.vez- pVrevalent- BrsnxEs NOTICE: - -)shawa subscnibers sud payhng teachena salaries. Oue hmndred cos Strest, Qahaws. arouud here la±ellY, and hbisseriously af-1 or advestisers may tritusadt any business dollars shoul d b., thon, s large salary for s , vei5N-5a3lBakey.- Electrie fected, the atteudance ut sceol. witb11e HROICLE or ay blat f tile work, sud vo can sec ne necesly o ecs.Our. i bze 3lusold lu Osws. Misa Kate Coales taieslcharge 0f berý tra copies at any lime, a le. 1E. Rogers',iriigaa $0cthpulcmny 'l. utb, Pickering, EBrceilin, Oolunbu sud achool lun Bastings Cc>,o ona e post offide bookstore, Oshawa. meeting aiso refmsed te show s coenece Raglan. Wqsd Yard Incmecfi Se leaves here on Thursday. W. Wislu Ifyou vish ic renchc tuadiner coundil te confer with thls seool board. AS ndgcsiu' farnlahing c Os0s0 Mrn. Mis. ]R. HunIer - ud X,Àd orltassaet, ogoa10t B Morgancy&cSon,orwo say, vo are vory glad ibsi Mr. Warren got 5pten didasSIfiOlIt o!fwes 6 dMs.W arker al le&I for their -ne* tho Position but fai te aees why lie shomld b. re ei8,Sitclas iswy homes on Monday. May popnl , Meu's stroug boots, g allers, laced boots paid $zi5o for a $100, or $75 job. lu stock. -aU with toe caps, or laced boots wltli b.Uows- P-I.oeBnoo-Watobui5kei sud Jwlz. i1Ien I. tonuesfor$î oo I liecorer tor Qai- W. cannoit hep noticlug lIthe at liai some Dealers lu wstohes, aosjw Tory, slvo6- Mis. May smived at ber -dauKer's, Mss aw.mendiants taie iadvantago of their -oppor1uiî- wrsetacbs, etc., Bir=ng goîci and j. Brown, Ibis week, froni Michigaîs)bho- dsud do a lIttie quiet advertisiug on f3un- u=131r patlug.suand go10 rings madeoaver. inug mpess l h s yeasranda utlf with a t will psy auy parties conlemptatinig day5r, The vrndow la dressed wltb acruputous PiM» *"eh, écboek, sud 3oulO2f7 roPsflug & daughterthere. buyig an engagement or weddiugng cn u bebidasseas tw admit cf a OPeclatY. rWsey.lre udMsIubdà s 1 see the large stock of Felt Bros., Osh- 'funt display of lhe conntas% As wva id b.- O wRoL u tffLi-~Attention cf farmor. Prescofll wero*ma&ried edn dil5SVf s awa as tbey will seil thlblmonlb very clieap fore mone toceSaue net %ave. doalitt111e laje edto esd ohepno 11W mcie&aOfl We hi Wb.natlneilfèe rw~l frcs.Genuine diameud 14K. 0o11Y $5.- quiet business suber on the, Sabbal. There dsllyt e- hp 10i103W51M1 newllbori -f1nn, tM 1- They are aise suakiug -some special- offers la not the leasI neoesiiy fairil,,àad v. alvaya of bour. UeBl tu0 sea 17t,~ilcan'tlit: nrch longer for Want ofnew luGet',L an'ssd Boys, gl i logh IIi a *oîlnc helw ooaoWIW> u sÜWSdS ~gbjeçts, ifor OUT, gIls S1ý n1E9IY~Ug silver vaîches. Se. them. Fett Broc. W.may poibly le ululàe.- Hovevrr er . sil.Obsh II*' meutloed Suuday buttisueus befoe1but bitte Evo m usoehHw N-ino 4-M dealers ' Mr. R. Bennet, driver for Mr,. H. Gif- nto e 'esu en ae.ttisa ufrnea u feumV u ~M ,Shier and (aaly--'hiYt'a 1Z,,pomsO fond fer msny yeas8, bas pulrhased the ides of refon;8al unusnay lngd'to gel Wim?, W..-ïcfJ. Kto#Ye <Sntq mliiroule from bis employer. bM b rdrtnlgc aaapulig iuffras es 5 bden iau stoekPle .4 t~frled >i. do1sludedbowe willkep g WSL Of bIl s lptonbaud Mnday gnýthèfet of lb. aunstlo ii udIs<veelsuattionlTahve Jo <~3h11 Mcl ii.flIl Bt OOc of te1011lyCeOMaILeaWuM d-4-cf *à«ectunobave the iuen6abaud Ite AM à Onx*zorzýad 4Weêy lyobg sud relatives snd 'fends"'u itu4uD0ig pst1 L .d6. 'q %_e 0 A6

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