IED 118SES8 iieriCBfl andY in it ets, aie Stables svhtby, plroprietor i1t it tL TJK , I.l L' v ffrrý,4. <L t, ( o r 1. ;1. fr (il i .4r <%fien hni, ' iapns fi , n~ t I tnd t rý if -7,( g or ISvint'tfn A\N'N ,t R ANCE. & Accident Toronto Ie noauran C, . e cent.,à ut ai I (f f 1? ~)3 \~j) Neglected CoId. DÃŽSEASED LUNGS wht Which Doctors Fsiled to HeIp, i CURED BY TAKINO li ~YE 'SCherry cal AýYEKSPectoral. peC I onrstta ast"vere coiti, whicb t'tid andV '~i5 an! I <it! wili:t fI f(ti t1 t 0 su Il t uý, u-giected ti tiiî i t gi t I f0l f1 fttVifS t Crnetbîd i nd ttr 1ad 1,1' Nwitie, that the sliibt eCNurt.,,n Ne )tilut-fi me. 1 then1 Consulted a Doctor Co r-1-)t ftivad, on examinlng my Vongs, flitali tc'be Isme sanie medieite whtiI 1 1- fi!, fs tet b'e .Iut lit did rot seein Lu do %il\ i -1' ti -av 1hree ) ev -le. 0ithe <'lb-ct that Av-(rs t("> ; ti 1"f f't bt< d un thers. anti I tleerwilit"h, L ' t a trîil. Atter taktn g, a t'w (l P V s Ti iý blewas relieveti. anti iefore 1 lfi i 1-.%. '- the bottle 1 was etîred -"-A. LEYLAII, gr atchîaker, Orangoville, Onît. te Ayeî's Cheîîy pectoral tl Âlghn Aadeat Wlds FaL. a .Lyer'* 14416 Cusre Indigestion. - Incontrovertibk Evidence. d A YOUNG LADY RAISED t FIRÙCUNI A SI1C K BED. Hope for Those Suffering frani Nervous Prostration, Weakneas and Low Spirits-How Relief car be found,2 From the St. Marys Argus.r The accumulation uf evidence ia 'what convince8. A nian brînging a case before a jury withuut evýidence to couvince them aof the justice tof hîs plea bas a pour chance, but when wtt- nease after witness lis produced ta back up his plea, then the jury easily find a his favor. This is the case with eue of the greatest life-preservers known to the world at prescrit. The evidence of hundreds and thousards of witnesses bas been published testifying to its priceless value, and the jury- the pulic-are being convinced. St. - Mary's bas many wîtne8ses who çould bear golden testimionials. The Argus gave recently a remarkable case in the cure of Mr. Gideon Elliott. Again we prement another. Miss Mary Scott, daughter of Mr. Johnî Scott, had be' corne completely prustîated; was pale, nervotis, low-spirited, and in such a condition as ta alarni ber parents and friénds. She had rot been able to leave ber bed for aver six weeks. Doc- tr's matdicines were flot helping her. Mrs. Scott had beer reading of the s wonderf ni cures effected by Dr. Wil-t liama' Pink Pilla for Pale People and some acquaintandes recornmended9 them. She purcbased three boxes and before the first bcx vas finished an im- provemnent vas noticed, and continuing a the use of the pilla Miss Scott wau soon able te perform yack about the house sud is now erjoying better healtb than for years. Mrs. Scott aise teistified as te the great benefit she ber-< self bad derived f roui the use of tbreet boxes of Pink Pilla and declares that they would not be without t.ber n the bouse. An irnpoverished condition of the blood, or a disordered condition of the nervea are0,v f ruitful sources of mesti iLUs that aflict mankind, aud te. any thuis afficted Dr. Williams' Pink Piles -offer speedy rind certain cure. No otht-r cemedy ha- ever met witb such great and ceutinued succesa, which is one cf the strongest proofs that Dr. WVilliamns' Pink Pilla accomplisb a&H that is claioeed for theni. Dr. Williamé' Pink Pille are sold only in tioxes the firz's trade mnark and wrapper, (printed in red ink). itear in mid that Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla are nover sold in bulk or by tbe dozen or hundred, aud sny dealer wlho offera substituteB in thie f ormn is trying te defrand you and should be avoided. The. publie are 9-l80 cautioned againat -'..l ot.her seo, alled blood bailders and cerve tanies, put up ini similar form in- tended to deceive. Tbey are 931 imita. thons whose maiiers hope to tesap ,otary advantute from th. wonder- 1 'lr.utmtation achievd by Dr. Wil- IiýWîbfk Pilla. Aek your dealer for D)r. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale Po-. 'pI. 'Md, refsea U :Iiltationsi and tub. T1 éePle a .ufactu.d by meo jCý WR&a OUd ompboanyBro., g= ma bnsung ti4. A subsriber îRkeS COMPlaltnt that a ~oddeal of rQwdylSfI lA pemitted at !ho T Rdepot t hat ought te b. 'Put *A itO to. The a lle iôn la made that a atn loafée make the waitlug toot a rendos hausdteamoitean ow n the plae.Wteel sure thelocal athorveities aen ottho lam clie tsatrerff du arTe confirdtat an the atentiomn oteatin age ic nt hbefenl lem toaiLepompt measuo wre s o prent anre cureine r andisturneblane ud hae be hen tke t aetelwi i mai A day Mr. thbe one for Mr. neaC pow ReSti1t ofa Wednesday evening tu ninke arrange- mlents for invitng the 48th Highlanders to visit Orillita on the Queen's birthday. A strong citizen's commiîtee has the malter in hand, and a sub-committee consisting of Mayor Sar'derson, Messrs. J. W. Ellis, George D. Grant andi John Kennedy was appointed ta go ta Toronto to-morroW and confer with the officers oC the regiment. Should the Highlanders accept the invita- tion il is intended t0 hold what will pro- bably be the greatest demnonstration of the kind ever held in Orillia. Caledbnfan games oC al kinds will be provided, and a big entertairiment given. The demon5tra- tion will extend ovec îwo days, Friday and Saturday, the 241h and 25th of Ma-y. An impression having got abroad, prr'- moted by Mr. A. P. Cockburn and other Liberal wire pullers, that the Dominion, GvDvernment was about 10 lower the waterg of our lakes to the injury of îqavigation, the Packet bas made inquiry, resulting in an assurance, which under any other cir- cumastances would be deemed unneces- sary, that the interests of navigation will be carefully conserved. The engineers are of the opinion that widening the outiet of Lake Couchiching abeve lev water mark will serve 10 prevent the June freshets, and also maintain the lakes at the euir- ed level. From Ibis opinion some others interested difier. and bold that the surplus water having gone off early, the present outlet below 1ev water mark wiii be suffi- cient tco drain the lake te a lower level than has yet been reached. If the latter opin- ion prove correct, then gales must be put in, for the intention is to regulate the height of the lake. Settlers ini Morrison fear that the rush of water through the en- Iarged opening during the freshets wul drown the land wbich they have taxed themselves to drain. This too will be guarded against.-Packet. AUL Mm Young, old or middle aged, wbo find them- selves, nervous, weïk and ,hausted, who are brokten down froox eefosa erovtWOrk, rcsulting in rnany Of the folwbsng symtp- toms: Mental depression, preahatareoold -'e, toss of vltaiitv, loo*ofnwfliQy, b&d dreams, diines, orfslg4te pa4Plt$*IOof, the heart, oins al f onergy, palin ini Lit kîneys, lbeadacmi pipes on th. f tee nnd body, Itcblug, oipeÙIW arffl l ion about the acrOWtufil,ýJZ f te oreans, diuwess, pe* b rof twltchîn' of tbe w WýtindAi*P" wbere, bastitutuess», boss of iwl power, <h and mtiweak*apd sil. sop aIil ýDEUICIOUS IZÀWÂTTBB- TRAS, 1590009000 Packets .ixned ter lite by a dog.- Adeplorabie accident happetied on Suin. yafternioon ta the five-year-old son off r. H, Pethick and which will result in cunfortunate viCtini losing the sight ot e eye, and going with a scared visage the remnainder of his life. Lt appears * Pethick and Mr. Oppenheimer are ar neighiborq and the latter was the I ffseSs0r of a large dog On Sunday the ýid was piaying iwith the animal as usual en it suddeniy îurtied and bit the boy Bi the face intlictirig an ugly wound, the- lbh petnetratiilg the eyeball. and destroy- gthe siglIt forever. Dr. Ardagh, who ippened tu be passing at the time, was lied, and put ini several stitches. and the id ta doing much better thani was ex- cted, and ssii1 no doubt recover in due urse. but wiii be înaimied Cor life. M r. athick vst- properiv asked that the dog cdesttfved, and tit, e undeistand bas een donc. it contagions Disease. Rtecettly sume Medonte armera became armeti uver what they thought was a ittagtffus atiloitg cattle, the symptoms ti n1g a ruttîtig of the Ceet. Mr. Dunlop, %-ing iiear Coirisater, wrote ta the Minis- er of Agriculituire, asking for an investiga- 10n1 lion. john D)ryden immediately in- ructed Drs. W. and J. Thomson to visit te scenie and enquire int the disease. itiS wts flotie andi it was Iound the cattle ,ere auiirînig from what is known as gan- renie ergotiani. The disease aifiects the et and limbs, in tume the legs rottlng ompleteiv off.It was caused by the cat- e1 liîavng eaten ergot, the blasted seed of 1ume grass which is a rank poison. Out of sxtv-seven head fourteen were afflicted and seven of which had to be destroyed. The utînîster writes that there is no law by which NMr. D)unlop can be given compensa- ton, as the dîsease is Dot contagious and f il were would have ta be dealt with un- der a Dominion law. Another case of the jane disease has been discovered in the township of Rama, where thirteen cattle ieiongîng ta Mr. DYuncan Kennedy are af- fected. A ieg of one of the animais show- mîg the disease in an advanced state can be seen at Thomson'5 veterinary office, Mîssissaga sîreet.-Times. Last week Robt. Raîston was 6ined $iS.- 25 ffor selIing speared herring. On Wed- nesday' one Turcotte was fined $3,25 for spieartng white tish. Overseer Clark im- posed bath fines, which inciuded costs. About four weeks ago the shop of Mr. Gilliespie, lbarnessmaker, BrechIn, was broken juta, and a fur coat Worth $35 stoien. Nu trace of the thier cotild be foutîd at the tinte. Last week a tramp was discovered sleeping in Foxmead schoaibouse. He had "no effects" about bînt, but a new fur cnat in a bag was foutidhîdden in the woodipile. The , ramp saîid it cost bu $tg. As tbis was far beiow its value, the coat was retained, Mr. James Hadden advertised it in the Pac'ket. Mr. Gilespie hearing of the cir- cunistance, identifieti the coat as his pro- perîy and it waq restored ta hini. Lt was nol damageti, the tramp-a blacksmith, who said he was iookitig for work-appar- ently not baving worn il. j'am 401. bOs Aul)60 CRITS PER LBI FOR SALE BY MAtHII3ON BROS, WHITE THANKFUL TO-DAY THAT HE IS WELL. Lorenzo Plaliston, a Well Known Citizen of Sydney Mines, C.B., Tells How Burdock Blood Bitters Cnred Him of Serof nia, Sp6ta, Bleniahes, et. DitAn SiRs,-I 9ar*t tankf ni to say that through tbe use*of BS.B. I amn strong and bealthy to day. I waà * troubled with Scro- fula and Spote. and 1Ëemiâhes all over my body. Being remornmended to try B.B B. I did so, and can pnaîtively say tihat it made a perféct cure. The lirst bottle was very succestul, and before I had taken half of the second I waa co.upletely wefl. I reconi- mned B. B. B. tn al corners. LOIRKNU> oPuuLsToN, » Sydney Mines, C.B. #tAnytbing new to be been g, the theatres nnw ?') "Orcat Sèott, no Tbhi spring bonnet won't bf>4ut before EButer, man." 1 WÂ5 OURED Of AMte g&onchitis by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. sydney, C.B. C. 1. LAQUE. I wA.8 cUria!)of F'ékdi.1 euralgia by MIN. ÂIID'8 LINIMENT. Springhil N. S. Wu. DÂNL.XzÀ I as cuRmi of Cbronicr Rheumatiom h miNARD#s LINIMENT. Alcerti Co., N.B. GeSÃ"RGE TmamEY, Are'Ou Fortiti-d 'Wheu ôn arel ow state of heà lth, and on tho verge M=!esther ýnonuiahn uthê >orl1k. Scott's Ernulsion to rèstore stre±i~'tii. Scott's Emûlsion nourishes, strength- rlsi em¶ces the bdo-od aned tes Up thxe whofe system. For (Joughs, Oolda, Bore Throat, BroxIohi, -Wek Lungs, Consumption, Borofula, Ânoemi,« ~ Lss f Ilos, ~Iu abieWea.k Ohildxen, and S ail conditions of Wa:ting. Bi By only ithe gerLuine! It lias oui trade- I ' . k o u s ý'»J yolod red w rap p er. - . .~d~rtaJÃ,a-:o"Sc!!: cshin.FREE. Scott A r~ 1~~;.500. and S. UWA]rLt F ]OU ALL iT, puni y the Blood, correct .ul Disorders of the LIVR, 5TOXE&CUL KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. They Invigorate and resftore to health Debilitated Consttutions, and are invaluable in al Co0Mplaint8 incidentai to Feuaes of a&R&ge,. For children and the aged they are pricelesu. blanufactured ouly at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 588, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and sold by ail Medicine VendlorsthroUghollt the World. Zr5 PUrurhabould look tg th. Label on the Boxes and Pots. il the addrew in not LU8, Oxford Strest London, they aut apunlous1 Alr " GOAL .i *FOR ALL SIZES 0F BUILDINOS . enpacitg froilM 109000 to $0,00 (tubic 4F001t k "GÇLOE SHBL DIAOR"WOOD FURNACI b BBVY OaTfe. secsy II.Y tfor wPoateP fir o ktadlatouwhieh heat qaloaoead ame More durable Um ma>d Great EeaUngPO'wer LARGEMaStIPff OOAL FUINAOE Seotional Fire Pot doans Bar Duing Otae DEp AsitPIT OXFORD WOOD PMRACN_________ ~Full Ouaranteed CapacitY -: SKIt m IuIOuIAL mg w .. .M ufactu!Od by....-0 iEThe GURNEY FGUNDRY CGMPANY Ltds TOROI'tÙ.2 - 'Y 4W44U4 ISUKACCOUNITABLY LOSIWG PLESIt REFUSINO TO TAKlCIS flDSF LISTLESS MD DESIUTATED YODUTRY uq 9599~A T zitli HELP WONDERPULLY#à I:'I'o:E~ AND mwe have the Finest selOe1iuini towl) of those BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN aoume early an&.get firat choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Brck St., Wbitb ol f lueo plcot thim s o or Incimese mnô6cetdý Mndwe lille sd,88ISd. "elepartlcular lIl!D only, te4up& dT, T1ecook ,c'on Sold lD WhitbbyyW , L oowu1 PIN WORMS. 1 o,) No More t1imp to ro eeue i <uru g tie.pmgateh'es th. ara LR~iéap , foipecsmye i à ois cu Tbi. ungw ta xer. , -"Uow lu tii«, have 18 and thon twa vant il.>" of ALL PA PER8, orders to Match ,OWEST : P RIÇES. i g Old Cou ntry, Il 1 LB. BDl) j LB. LEID PACETI A TIONER 'ICA )THER. eTable MIDLANI Pt dy..,8:10 ap 264prn ptIS un 9-861 di 2-81 1 .52:4 pmý Pm [I~TAN ,à to réotore strete là à 'V ty v SI it 0 c a