Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 8

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PORT "auat. thatI Murs. Roq; Y4rac>ld -and CIenmens Misa Jacque of-Pa k ae sag et~ be appointë<Vacom wittee-to sec If, any i'e- MIlsS Gertk Ros. rtae 1 us f uctionis cau b. ni&de ln, the expenses of our oebools wllbout Iowering the presenti r,'.MCG111I le able 'b ateond to bis bigh standing, iad' to report ai seca dut1es agaln at the batik. > meeting 1 b. c l d by he c ar u po Tfbe-Me<çbanîc' Institut. have received Inter tan the 251h ,inst. Dr.,Clemens' tbis Mauoaî nearly 200 1Iew books. moved that in future tee eelecting of uchopi M4I8S1AMY, Allison. bas 'returned homne trustees bie by ballot, the annual elections froin Ottawa after a thrte monthos visit. to b. heki on the saine day as tbe xiunicipal Miss Marin ( f t e Matin Mfg; Co. elections, and that the secretar3y notify the MiseMarin of he artn MgiCo.town clerk of Ibis intention. Carried. WbltbY) le vlslîing the Misses Cade aI the The finance committee reported the ac- Parsonage. count of Charles Powers for $z. 65 as cor- Mm. E. J, Whecler and Miss Ida Nott rect and recommnend an order on the Who were dangerously ill, are Improvingi treasurer for the amount. A motion was in b.alth as Weillns can be expected. carried that the communication of Mr. Mr. F. Williams was the delegate front McBride regardîng thie art exaniinatlou be tbe Sons of England Lodge to the Grand referred to the schooil management com- Lodg hed lu Woo sîo k lat w ck. m i Ice and tbcy were lInstructed to take The Miss Mincie Henders mentioned defninit éIa. 7his. urcttfSw Port Perry news as belonging tb ouf îown O0 u d y 11 nt. u iies w r la not a resident here, but resides ln Cart awakened front their peaceful slumbers at Wright township. 3.45 arn. by- that unwelcome crY Of tire ! Team îers are usy draw ng m lerl îs ire 11 tire !11 1 and the clang, clang clang frthe S re ry a r cher, rwig adjoining of tbe tire bell, and w ben it became known fisr e sîdence of Dr. Arc erajin- gthal the fire was lu the Willard block a ietrsil commncQee totbuild asn-feeling of anxiety was felt by every busi- spring ii omnc o ul as soon*a ness man ln towu. Willing bands went to sprig opns.the belp of the fireman, the tire engine The Mf lidist Sunday-school orchestra was placed on thc ice, aud quickly the have ser-u d( the rcnowncd Sim Fax and 11",101, " "îoeîv 1' froin tbe engine was cornpany ',r an evculng's entertainnint followed b>' a powerful streain being On Tîtesday cvcnizng April 2nd. Full par. forced int Mr. Willard's dry goods aud ticulars nexi week. grocery store, and ln lesa than So minutes The storm of Wednesday wcck blocred from the time the alarin was rung word the railways to such an extent that Rev. J. wà55 gi ' Û l'ot ~ 1"' The engin- H. Hectur, the colorcd orator, did not a eer %ad located the Are aI the centre rive bere to deliver bis lecture on te î8th. psIo! the store. A hole about la lççt A large audience assembled and was dis- square is burned and the counter fronts appolptcd.scorcbed. 82oço to $300 will replace the An reire faxn~r w sbI g b lîv îu damage 10 the building inside. The stock Pon Pe ry an u>' a e mfttab e h me is badly dam aged by swoke and watcr. Port;err ta buyàcômbrtble omeThe smoke was so dense aI first the fire- baud>' 10 churches and scbools, bouse men wete at a disadvautage. Our excel- nearl>' new and tirst cost was $7oo-on a lent fire brigade deserve words of praise leadiug sîreet aud well locatcd, for $475 for preventing what mighl bave been a cash.. Address F. H. S., care of L.ock serions conflagration aud the splendid Drawer 33 Port Perry, Ont. Ronald tire englue dicâ ils work to perfec- A stnaîl fratu, bouse belongiug t10 Mon- lion, and I arn safe iu saylng paid for itself rot Straigbtlnlathe western limite o! tbe on Suuday morning. The insurauce is town was bnrncd on Wedncsday eveuing small. A man froin lte country was cal- 13th mI.t The tire caught from a defect- llng a doctor, and ho rau p the Wbitney ive chiminey and as a gale was blowing aI House (wbeie be saw a liglt as be came thc lime thc bouse was only a fcw min- into own> aud routed the intiaes. Great utes iu burniug. Ther. was a stuail in- crediltei duc to Messrs John Cook aud surance. Seymour Whitney for their promptness in The Wontan's Missionar>' Society o! the giving Uic alarm, and ringi ug the fire bell. methodiat churcit was given an "at borne", Had il not been for tbis forlunate circuin- on Frida>' .vening 151h aI Mrs, Wrn. stance tbere ls no tlcllng whal the result Wbitc's cotufortable resideuce. Rev. J. nxighl bave been. Had Ibis tire been Willmotl M.A., o! Prince Albert, and Mr. burning for 30 or 40 minutes longer it T Countice gave short addresses. The oc- woiild have been impossible to bave saved cassion was a ver>' pleasant one, aud pro- Ibis fine block of Willard's. With the fitable 10 the sodlet>', which under the pre- wind Ihal was blowlug at the lime te sidency of Mr. Cade is prospcring. market, Hîscox and Allison would aIea A ver>'successful union meeting o! tiebave gone, besides the damage thal would Y. P. S. C. E. of Port Perry was held on resuit 10 those fine blocks on the north Monday evening 18th lu.it, theb metho- side o! Qucen streel. This tire sbould be dist lecture room. The presidente of the a warniug la business men as well as pri- presbyterian, baptist aud methodist s0- vate persons not 10 leave tbeir stores -and cloUies were promeut and tobk part. IRev. residences at night witb a lot af tire in R. Whitemnn, Rev. Dr. Cade, and Msss them, especlaîl>' wood stoves. Qne cari- Miller, Macdonald: (Utica), Delve aud not b.toocareful of tire and lamps. Much Hamilton aud'Misset, Kennedy, HorIon, sympathy le felt for Mr. Willard and fam- Hambi Ebbles and Mrs. Brisbin gave il>' lu theïr loss, baving restarted so re- brie! adLesses on the lopic of the eveuiug, ceutly and had Iheir business iu good run- wbicb was " Wlnning Souls."' Miss niug order. W .NTr Scenes gave a solo and the orchestra ofW.JNT. thc Methodist Suuday-scbool couducled GICEN MAJOIR. tice ingiug. Mr. S. Blackburn is dangerousiy ill ai pre- Dr. Clernens kindly presented ta our gent, I-is man>' finds wish him a speedy local'curling club iu 18§3 a silver cup, the elo0very., member winniug iltbree times in succea-- There was a social beld at Mr. C. Williams' sion 10 become the winner. lu 1893 Juo. ou Wednesday, Mar. 2otb. Proceeds in aid Swan was the winner, lu 1&)4 no one of the churcb. scored, owing 10 the short curling scason. David Mitcbell is about t0 lease the grand T'tis season of [895 bas been au excellent mansion erected on St. Chartes ave., and hall one-good ice aud numerous matches. the farm to Joseph Joncs. 20oitidividual matchies between the mcm- Miss L. Pugit and one of Mr. John Bed. bers have been played. The lasI match shaw's little girls bad an upset the other day was belweeu jas. Swan and Murray' wbicb miglil bave proved fatal. When Miss Coates, 80 thal for tbiscoming year M. Pugb got WilIie pulled out be was almost ex- Coates is tbe holder of the beautiful Clem- bausîed. ens cup. S. Anderson of Claremont bas secured a good attendancç and good ice were don bu p horse hides for a firra in Manager Hi k rt f the programme at 1eh'ýî1ue traveIling up the sixth con. the last carnival r the season on Monday ôf Uxbridge he got entangled. among a num- evening i8th inst. The ftillowing were the ber of pickets, and one was still clinging ti rincipal characters in costume :-Hohan's him wheu be got to Mt. Zion. and, and characters represented. D. Thi-. list of indigents, old maids, and a few Rogers, Leader, Malkey Hogan; H. respectable widows which was mentioned some Blong, Blue jean; jno. Cook, T time ago, will be offéred by public auction John ; F. Dennison, Wandering r;ýîf1'ineý April ISL Every thing will be sold without G. Vansickler, Dusty Roads; J. Murray, reserve. Anyone intending to purebase would Meandering Mike; E. Ëbbels. Mexican do well to look through the register books, as Bill. The mile race was won bv Frank some of the articles am chattel mortgaged. Walker, silver cup; half mile, Jno. Cook ; Terms, all surns of ton dollars and under named race, Sleepy fbot (Clarence Mc- cash, all the rest approved joint notes for laine Leon); best -ladys costume was won by months. C. Rewùt, auctioneer. Miss Carnegie as bride. The band ren- Word bas come to this place about tbe dered several choice selactions of music, death of two of lhe children of Mr. John which were frequently applauded. Prosser of AshbmWm Mr. Prosser formerly -The home driven by Miss Mabel Wright, bved here, and Êhe %forst fault he bad was while gbing to Port, Perry by the avenue that he would not work. and very often he last Saturday i6th inst., became unman- went away leaving the iamily to the mercy of ageable and ran away. MIM Wright kept the neighbors. H fessed to have great the borne on the road unUl abc reacbed Dr. faith in prayer, and Zoiught the world owed Mellow's -, comer, wbea' the borse shied, him a living without working, We are taught In the holy bible that we are to earn our bread threw Mids Wright out, and then took to by tbe sweat of our brow. For example two the sidewalk. where it atruck the cutter tnen plant an acre of potatoes each. 1 ohn against the lamp post The cutter and prayed for abundance, while bis neighbor boed home were separaied, and horse with aad kept the weeds under coatroi-and pray. shafts went flying dQW#. , Queen street et a ed also. His neighbor bad abundlance while mâd gait and in cloo * q'uÏarters to several, John W ýnone. If Mr. Proom had donc plate glass frontet résulte : cutter badly more hoeing bis children would have been broken, horse ci#, avd fortunately for Miss alive today. He would not have had to shift Wright abc eotàW with only a few them from post to pillar because bc had no bruises. Mrs. IdéDow bad a naffow es. wood or bread at home to comfort them with. cape from being mu over in protecting TOWW Immi her littie girl. Rev. Dr. Hm pruched at Almonds on Rev. Dr. Cade at the evening services Smday, aftermS. in die Methodist church on Sunday even- Mr. Emest HumpbreT bu engaged with îng, spoke very kindly of the sympa0etic Mr. Aumin fot Ïbe mason. Wling towardb the Willard family in their mîsfortune and Inconvenience, and aleo The Atm' Une fum bas ben pur chased by caïd a wartu tribute of praise toi our brave Rem Bro& of Wbitbi for 042m. e .-%.. men, saying they deservetl the Siglu of_#P_4*--ýXeqm Kemp, Morcombe, of the whole town for their4wxsmpt work st Rlàà and Vaàétom bave - takm off tbeîr the early morning fire. 11fWell doue, Ore stonu do«& laddies ; ýwith a fighting chance you Set Mr. FxL.Davey is home on a irisit ait pnmut. thm every timm Whiile at thé fire, He pmmom gobg to Pltudmlçb, pà., in a thought bere we are In a couatry inland *0 -4 bere bé is to work la an ewtric y *10 V town, and only the old ÎààýiÎâid way «,: ÙmOO'Osbop.- givine an alarm, and out am put- -faums am golog to run their beef this reout. InTorionatttnojc* *0- ring bgldn tbis year for 'tbe karth seaem. befort, a Ore occutrçd lu *ne of the Tbememb= of the d«=M et Mr. Davey,% retail stores. The mm -Who Ave on bdondq oveaint to anup for the kMing mostinstantalarm had only4fewstellaý-cortbebeeîi», to go to call out the Toronto filre brn % 1 3ta 'Ur. WM obe la malcbg;elaborM, ýpm arq. and tbey vrere sSu on ben& and stil they UM f« opènbg lu , dëpaitu»W st(*e could not stop tbat im'ýatirtbree quartere We ba" not hmd the of a million Of pro r bad bcéla d date ôt tbe opmLlag. but expe« -to be ébb to ed. Some one as= iýi.- thst 'té do* w1th our fire? Only*îs î had,ô« Robild, Ur; NM V»Îmot bas fflnd té, tbe -fi= engine been there It ";id bave doue tbau the, aPP CO . el"W byý Mr. more eflective wotk - Toronto firemen haît. If Toro*Wo Aldèr- - men were lue aucb douîh beads and vibM_ me offered them had boiaght':3,ofR nwV fire englnee,*Inoteisd of îd-,mu cbndo& Toronto would uý-day ça doul" baie à million dollars VStb .0( ' -'ty, T«Mtcot bu 1»= ý prop« -1 sawdté b« citism» *ho W lis tbe IMat -Our village, metchant Xr.ehilý-hai elected supérintendalWof Mt. zion S- ahý bath schoof. We bellèv'e, he le t1S right niait in the lightplàëe, Rev. Mr. Watsofï ayonng , m an, Whoý làboured on this circuit some ' four years ago, Occupied the pulpit at Mt. 'Zion Sabbath evening last and -peèàthedý an eXcellent sermo 1 ù to a 1%,ge and "attentive congregation. About 6o of the young people of ML Zion and vicmity were invited to spend last Friday eveiniug at the restdence of Mr. T. C. McAvoy, previous to the departure of their eldest son W. P. for bis home in Manitoba. Amusements of vartous kinds were Indulged In. A bonntifut réput was prepared and spread by Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy to which ample justice was done. The party dispersed in thie wee omall bour -àfter singing heartily God be with you tili we meet again. Mr. Robert Crummer, after working the farm belonging to Rev. Mr. Gold for a great number of years, bas just vacated It and moved to the farci which lie purthas- ed last spring near Brooklin. He built for himself a very nice comfortable residence and has just taken possession. Wé lose a very kind obliging neighbor, and Mt. Zion Sabbath schSl a very efficient superinten- dant. We wish them-long life and pro. sperity in their new béme. Idr. John A. Jones a younq man well and favourally ktIgWU haot#4çn pfflÇ4$IQQ ofthe farm vacated. PISE DALE. Neighbar McCnlly is moving front our midst Sorry he is goi lui will be mis- sed. He is a bustler. tif-healhe is going to open store et Wick. May sucSu attend you lim. This division S. of T is tîU ilad a visit front Distàà W8. P. i7Sgbrieeurlanjiid Couniy D.G. W. P. J. Brethour. Had a fine entertaitâment and considemblo ilseful instruc- don. Members express a wish the worthy brotfièrs may soon conte sgain and often, We bave to record numerous accidents. Neighbor J. Hains bac! two of bis cows pois- oned the other day byeating paris grew, care. lessly put in the way. Sorry for friend Hains as it was all the cattle he bad. Another neigh- bar, James Rundle, got bis hand caught In the grain crusher and had it badly mangled. On. of bis firgers had to be amputated. Dr. Me- Dermott performing the operation. It is do- ing nioely, but take care of your fingers next time J im, TYPIONZ. Mr. Geo. Ernmerson is under medical care. Mr. Ed. Virtue has purchased the farni formerly owned bo Mr. Wm. Farrell Mr. Peter Werry, fell front an apple tree while prunning on Monday week sustain- serions injuries. The Farmers' Institute meeting was well attended on 13th March. Several in- teresting subjects were introduced and and discussed. Visitors: Mrs. W. and Miss Mabel Bor- land, Bowmanville, Miss Ada and Miss jennie Harrls, Toronto junction ; Mr. B. F. Gardiner, Cobourg. Mr. jas. Bedford and family, Raglan, have moved into the farrn residence re- cently vacated by Mr. 5. M. Clemens, Mr. Arthur Annis, proprietor, purposes living with thern. We extend a cordial welcome to Mrs. Bedford on ber retùrn to ber native village. '> ICNNISlrirlr-LXN. Miss Kennedy is visiting at Oshawa Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rogers, Whitby, gueste at the General. Mr. I. Snell, teacher, ?vas guest et the marriage of his brother in Toronto last week. TEIESI& OFFERINGS ]PROVE IT àlm-& %-Il JUST RIEC D nom& . # Latest Styles in Hard and Sofb Lower 1 ma= More' new Goods -'for'*o'ur mone'y this, Spring- 1-hO, ever before, consequehfhy we are ever, Factory Cotton, 1 yd wide, only 4c. to 10e.' All wool Serge Dress Goods only 25c. 42-in. all wool Metian Cloths, in all shades, at 50é. yd. 46-in. all wool Serges, assorted patterns, at 50c. to 75c. 44-in all wool Serges, in grey shades, at only 60c. 44-in. Black Henrietta Cloth, only 25c. 42-in. Cavet Cloths, WaH the lesding shades,ý at 500. 44-in. Tweed Effect Dress Goodé, will wash, only 25c. We have a number of Dress Patterm, only 1 of each kind, you should see before they are all gone. All-wool Creppons, in black, wÏth sük spoto... at 65c. Plaid Silks, Surah Silks, Moise Silks, in aâ shades. White COUOD, 1 Yd. Wide, Only 7c. to 12je. White Cotton SheetiDg, 2 Yds. wide, reduced to 25C. Grey cotton. Sbeeting, 2 yds. wide, reduced to 15C. White Victoria Lawns, li yds. wide, 7c to 25c. White India Linen, wide width, 20c. to 35c. White Plaid Muslins commencing at 5c to 20. The new waist material, white, stripe, grey, only 25C. Plain white Canvass Cloth, only 10c: yd. White ground Canvass Cloth, with stripe or spots, at 12je., 15c. to 17c. Zephyr Cloths, plain or stripes, at 15c to 25c, with embroideries in all widths, at ex- ceptionally low prices. Ow»In Dress Trimmings we have everything that is new in the màrket..o RIKADY»«MADE Great Bargains ! Boys' 2-piece Serge Suite, 90c. ci dg Tweed Suite, $1.25. fi fi id id $2.00. dg dg dg fi from $1.25 to $4. Yonths' 8-piece Suite, long pants $8.50 to, $5. dg dg dg id $4.50 to $10. Men's all-wool Tweed Suite from $5 tbý $10. Me- n's and Youth s' Spring Ovetcoats, in Fawn and Navy, at $6.50 to $10. Men's Tweed Pants at $1, $-1.25, $1.50, $2Y to $4. We have also added a new line to our Bëad - made Clothing Department. Men's PiÏW,ý Black Metian and Serge coats and »Il Bizes, two différent euts, at $10.. Rev. A. B. Demill, of Oshawa, preach- ed a good sermon in the Methodist church Sunday eve. He also brought the claints of his Protestant school befère the public. Messrs. Osborne and W. Courtice, of Courtice, and Mr. and Mm John Trewin, Blackstock, were guests at Mr. jnô. Mar- tinIs ; Miss E. Teskey has returned front a month's visit at Peterboro and Bridge- north. The meeting held in the interest of Mr. X Beith, M P.1 last Wednesday was a capital one, poîntedý practIcal addresses on the important issues now before the people being delivered by Mr. Beith and others. The chair was admirably filled by J. T. Pollock, Esq. TAUNTON. Mr. V. Trevail we are pleased to hear is able to ait up again. Mr. W. Herring and family of Enuiskillen spent Sunday at Mr. J. Herring's. - Taunton should nôt be forgotten by St. Patrick as we saw one Voung Irishman wear- ing the green pass through it on Sunday. Taunton is progre&si«ug if we consider the outlook of things. Three bees in one da at Balsam's. Drinkel's and Burgoyne's. Lore spoken for in the near future. On Tuesday evening a meeting of 1 the lofaith- ful few" was held ai Confin*s achoothouse. The N. P. is troublesome and they w1oh to Bum-ett. Results strictly probibited hom those whom they do not concem Mr. A. E. HeM attended as a delegate the annaïd grand meeting of the Chosen Triends beld lu Toronto Tuesday and Wedms&y. Mr. Henry was the unanimou' ébcice of Taunton'a flourishing lodge. ot ùI=dIý Mr. J. W. Thompson &pent Sunday in Taunton vWting frîends. - Mr. Iompion is, quite a favorite bite, having aput, a oi=ber of years very sucSufully î ULjýrqvjj% wj" His cheerfui amile is always welco«Ùod hm. Mr". Hugh, ROU,,, or., is Dot enjoying verý good bealth. Tiere is S'orne of a new tett of ý plat. fSm SmIes being= hm for the aewm. inodadon of the pubjW b4r. D. Cbriçtie, mMer, is vWdntï am y In Colbornep and bu efflgled;'Xt, M ema to ni the mai dudog ÏM awnCel 7 Wé uuderstmd;»",IhSýjy ç 1 j . Cart > wdght la abotit jo start up dmwma#iùg in the village, bavie tbÈiod a romm nn -tka Go 25 lbs. Best Gr ' Anulated Sugar for $z.oo. 3o lbs. Bright Vellow Sugar là 8 lbs. Choice Wheat Flakes for.. .. 25c. 45C.-Tea for..,'O.O. .... 35c. DeUcious Sugar Cured. Hams, ioc. per lb. .9*0 ... 006.9..** ... bel@ OTMB GOODS New, Vresh, Attrac- tive andCheap. W-, B More Dry Goods foi the money than CLOTI-IINGX wi WA Prices ! G RA NBY R, U-, B- anci, ýo - SI Wamq Dry and Comfôàable. Latest Styles-s' Bea-utifuny perfect in FiL A>aYS-ý"*-sa,"&ý', GRA NB Y -RUB-BER .8 ..'WE R ÎIK

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