Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 7

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OV ED JK STREECT ONTARIO BANK nents, HeadstOlÊ-' ish, Americafl and n Granites. 1gwuni tsiuii il(Ut tetd 16LL 1Ilcet 01 iLt id Sale Stahies St., Whîl y, RT, Pre6prietor rasiri11 1 t f, (i r T, .11II; wJ latey (artevl ,,, 1 Al i iîî s itit jj ýj i l, i iilirh4 VSw i g NI Nf. r , . e 1,11r! A 1ki. le. PE AT (100 11 i ie r r ~ în '. ; 1 fl .1 acI pi 4m URANCE, Li~ & Accident .,Toronto k Li f E nsuran nety v tr cent. f ai Us IN tel îirntl do th l in re pai witilo t' ' t (je at h P. PowFEl. A W tby ,JGGS3 1s r - geSt. Toronto. aîrt, m rin pnn ti1e n t. fr ' a is r 19 plat,. i n rnihltr I d cý1liver Eliliz idc1eas s1. jra&t r et natte i the cdryý n anil ici me ezas,. e ne eýxtra chîargre t, 80enti east corner Oonir . 'TA TIONER FICA OTHER. e Table D MIDLAND rit SUD., 8 JOM ktl DU e-- r2~m .4o'Pm D1.r' PMZ* d'o##Ig plu- I I - Il ~/II A Common Affliction -Ponanêntty Cured bhl Saâ gu AYERSI~Jparfila *,IwasafftIcted toreigh,tr8iswltlijalt Rbeurn. During that1 re d a gea mnany medicines whIch were highiyi rec- ýommended, but noue gave me relif. 1 was at aset advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parlila, by a frlend who toid me that I mugt purchase six bottles and use them accordlg to directions. ~i yielded te his eruuo,,bou ht the îlx botties, and F.o.k the contens fth ree of these bot-. tlswtotnoticing an y direct benefit. Belore 1 had finlshed the fourt.h bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My buqiness, which Is that of a cab-drlver, reqpires me to be out ln cold and wet weather often without gleves, and the trouble haa inover returned2'- Tao>is A. Joas, &8watford, Ont. Ayeî 's On lySaîsa parilla A.dmitted t the Worldm Pair. ÀLer'a Pilla Cleoen.e thse Bowets. A grand night of SoUish song aud r story, was holti in St. Andrew's hall hore on Wednesday evening of lut week, under the auspices of the Sono of Scotland. The programme wuaoes of the best ever givon in this district, tbough interznînably long and matie more 80 by the repeated encores. The chair was occupied by Rev. A. Currié, M.A., who ini bis usual humerous mnan- ner kept the large audience ablazo with bis Scotch atonies between the pieces. Those taking part were Miss E. Me- Phaden, of Woodville, and Mr. G. W. Grant, of Toronto, who for the firet turne appeared before a Sonya audience {but we hope it wiUl not be the last, tramn the fact that they fairly sang themeselves into the heurts of the audi- ence) ; Master D. G1 Ronnie, of Lay- ton, a rising singer is always welcomed bore anti was loudly encoreti, as was Mr. John McLean, Sunderland, ini his recitations, espociall1y Bannockburn; Miss Mauti MeCooimb, of Cannington, daned very graoefully anti in excellent tîme the Highland fiing, sword dance, and sailor's harnpipe. Skie ploaseti the audience immenBoly. Mr. R. Suther- landi, of Utica, late af Scotland, was piper for the dauces, and gave gooti satisfaction, while Miss J. MoMillen, of Sonya, played the piano accompani- mente in ber well known able mariner. Laut but net toast was the McDonalti orchestra, cf Sonya, whio captivateti -everybody with their music whîch wus playoti in the finest of Lune. ,The hearty singing of Aulti lang Syne, Goti save the Qneen, andi pronounoing of the benediction brought the enthusistsic gathering to a close. In short the on- tertainiment was a huge succeas. cHKREmYWOOD. A. Çowie is visiting at Mr. David.* son's st present. The Misses Dimma, of Cedar Grove, visiteti at W. rwin's last week. The revival meetings are stWl being carrieti on at titis place anti there is a goo 1 work being done.- Mr. David8on bau been confined te the bouse for saine time. We hope te soon hear of hun complete recovery. I hear that a couple of our yonng ladies have found a paper where a num ber of the N'ow York men are ad- Nçertît4ing for a wife. Wo believe thet taley have startoti te correspond with them. We wisb you every suoesa girls anti wonld like to ses the answers. Tule foot bail match betweon Green R1ver and Cherrywood came off at this place on Saturday last. There was sôwe very good playing done and tho ganie very excitiog. At timos it waaý - very bard scoring as the wind blow very strong, but whon the game was ended the score stoti two to none ini lavor of Chorrywood. W. Turner aoted as referee, anti J. Johnston and B. Nolan as umpiros, ail giving the best satisfo- «L&YTQN. The, pLopulation of our lfttle town 18 sud fly haro agpin moyed bu&k to the - form« er .ie. .Welole aur4uava Ue isat dekhl=iwif.'s w. noM*uhas t*pt-ur 'MÂL TOW IIEfflOM REÂD ÂND LIVE. Attaoked With La 'Grippe, th Aller1 Effeots Developing Heart Trouble -Bis Frieude Thotight Hlm Near Death's Door-After Many Fail- uress HoHa Once More Regained the Blessing cf ?erfeot Health. From the Comber Hersid. Strangfiold le a post lafce corner about six miles trom Combor. It wau namnod after the highly respected and well known family of Strangs. The nejghborhood la a qiet one, being in- habited by a ohuroTh -going, gober, in- dustrions people. A.mong the people cf that nerighborhood not~e la botter or mure favorabty known than Mr. Thos. Strang. Mr. Sri-ng in a man of mididle age and a bacheor. A few days ago ho relat.ed te the Herald the story cf bis recovery from an illnese which ho be- lieves would have resuU.od fatally but for the. use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilse. The enigin of Mr. Strang's trouble was la grippe wbioh developed Into heart diseu.se.H laid for mon thoéitb every nerve in bie frai body nnhtrnng. Ire trieti many medicines, but none sesin- ed te mat.snially benefit him. Ho wonlti rally at limes anti endeaver te, walk, but bis aystem being retiuood anti weakonod lho woulcl frequently fan pro- strate to, the grounti, anti hie friendu hati te carry hini into the house. This terrible state cf thinga lasteti for maoatho anti aIl the whie ho wau gettn weak. or, ahti even the most hopeful cf bisa frientis feareti the wormt. Mn. Strang was strongly urgoti te try the world ro- nownod Dr. Williams' Pink Pille and consenttot do se. A neighbor was dispatchedti t the Comber drug store for a supply. In a few day. eSter be. ginsng their useho began te improvo. In a coctpte cf weoks he wau able te walk arounti, andt t day Mr. Strang ie rejeiciug and telling the sanie olti story that hundretis cf othens are telling iu this fair Dominion-the story cf renew- eti strength thrcugh the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilla. Mr. Strang ia now a sounti man. Quite frequontly ho walks te Coruber, a distance of six miles, te attend church. Ho informeti the Hon- alti that ho was only tee gla t t give bis exporionco 50 that suffoning human- ity may aIso reap the benefit andt tis ho roloeti froin the thraldom of dis- oase anti pain. To his benefacte-for sob tbey are-Mn. Strang feela that ho owee a tiebt of gratitude. With hlm the days when boatis of agony steod on bis brow have passeti away, anti bis body bas been regenerateti anew by the use cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are eold only in boxes bearing the firm's irade mark anti wrappor, (printod in neti ink). Bear in mind ihat Dr. Williamis' Pink Plls are nover soli1 in bulk or by the dozen or hupdred, and any dealer who offers substitufes in tuis forni is trying to defraud yen anti shoulti be avoitiod. The public are aise cautieneti againat att othor so calleti btood builders and nore tonie, put up in similawr forin in- tendedt t deceive. They are ail imita- tions whose makers hope te reap a pecqniary advantaRe froni tho wontier- fut roputation achieveti by Dr. Wil- haine' Pink Pilla Ask your dealer for ALL MIN Young, olti or middle ageti, who finti thein- selves, nervous, weak andi exhauated, who are broken down frein excess or overwork, resulting in many cf the following symp- toms: Mental depression, premature old ,, ee, oess of vitaiity loss cf memory, bati dreame, dimness of'aigbt, palpitation cf the heart, emnissions, lack of energy, pain in the kicineys, beadaches, pimples on thc f 'ce a~nd body, itching or peculiar sensa- tien about the scrotum, wasting cf the organe, f" izzîness, apecks befoeothe cyca, twitcbing cof the muscles. cyelidosud cisc. where, bashininess. depcsits lu the urine, les. cf will power, tendernes cf the scap and spine, weak snd fiabby muscles, de- sire te sleep, fillunc te be resteti by s&;;# constipation, dulinesa of bearing, bs cf volce, desire fer solitu4e, cxclabilty 'cf temper, suffken eyes, surcwîded wlth LEADEN CMlCLES, cÎily-bkîug ke, etc, are ail symptom ofuerveus d OIty that lead telnsanity udieus. cwed. Tii. pdlg ci vital terce lîwrlug lest is tension Cv«,Y tunction wam n-luconseguecW., Thoft who tircgbi abuse comm .4 l In qor- ance, nmay be pcrmanentl>t oe4 SoWd, youî- addreue and toc. lu stamps for book on diounespecultar to mn, MM sept b. A&ve.,TeotPOt, aoo "Tii.Grimeof Povrty. BD. Omtomzoî.*- Sza,-ZUnder the. aboya caption tW yourlast wqek's issu$ 'Yon Preo.ed te score the o twship cf B-uat Whitby for Ite panhiîon. deal- ina with ite ind&gents, particutarl wilh the late brrs. AlinI, Whod(ied in gaol. Yeut article was oopied ite a nuiiber of othër jOuiýnats in the coutîty and aIse into the Toonuto apers. The publie acta cf oui township ocnoilors are ai- ways fit subjeots cf oiticiani, provided the oritie sticks te the actual facte bear- ing on the su oct, which in Ihis Case yeu bave Dot doue-net thal I accuse. yeu ofi hlrepresAulation. but you bave net takon tho trouble te thoroughly uc %uant yourself *ith the case. Yen say sb o was committed "1frein the inunici paiity ef East Whitby," insteati cf this she wae cemmitteti from tho lown cf Whitby by your own police magistrate, It ie true ebe wae cemmitted by oeeof our nim traiaes a number cf years age, but net lateiy. Yon say "sho le re- spectively connecteti at Cotumbus," whereas sho bas ne near relatives aI Columbus. ler grantisen moved from bore soins tiree or feur years ago. Now, I will give a short hiâtory cf the case, sud thon tet your readers jutige if cur tewnsbip fathons have or have net doue their duty by lion. Mn.. Alfin liuod lu East Whitby a long titue ugo, but for 15 or 20 years she bad not beon a nodadnî of the. tewnbhip. suadentiy site came back, anti wu oefteed a home by two of e<innbost citizens as long as she would romain thore anti behà've honseif. She sfeppeti *ïth oach cf these parties for à ime, bat refusedti t romnain longer, and damýe to the council aud sskod aid to go to ber daughtens lu western Ontario. The coiftscil sont her thon., but ini a short tiuié sho came back anti asketi the concil for reliot. The council provitiet a hoire for lier wihh le stopson ahove roferredti t, anti . i him a s tateti suni per month for ho maintainenco. Evorything wae thon tovely for a turne. Howeven, 1,aok she Came ta iii. council anti saiti ah. woutd net tivo liore, anti wanted tô ho sent te ber tiaugbten's, wbo waa thon living in Saginaw, Michigan, proinising te romain there au long as she liveti, and net hother the council any more. I put hon on board cf'lbe train lu Ton- ente, bongbit ber a tikoet to Saginaw, anti gave bon some casé te, purchaso foodi on tie way. Hon d»tghter wrete dowu thal ase would give ber a goti home, but she refusod le remain there anti ef t. Sh. came ne more to tho council, asked fer ne more help, but turneti up in Whithy tewn, and was committeti by Major Harper. Whon you talcs into coneidenation ber mauy failinge andtihtu nature of hen disposi- tion, wae net tho gaol (having ne House of Industry) the proper plae for hon? 5h. surely coulti net have been se badly useti, elae e would net have been ahi. te survive the usage fer the long perioti cf 85 yeara. How cnany of your numenous routiers, Mn. Editor, wllt tay down the burtions cf life at a greator age than four score anti fivo yoars. My only reason for writiug thia letton is se Ihat the public may know the truo inwardness of this mat- ten, anti jutige our counoil accontiingiy. Youre, etc., Wm. Purvos, Township Ctork, East Whitby. THÂNKFUL TO-DAY THIAT REIE S WELL. I w"n cuntun cf Acute Bronohilis by MIN. ARU'S LINIMENT. syduey, C.B.. 0. 1. L&Guz. I wàa cuED of Facil NounalIgia by MIN- ARD'8 LINIMENT. Spriughill, N. S. Wu. D~ANzu. I Wàa oum o f Circule Rheumatism by MTNARD'S LINIMENT. MucentCo., N.B. GnoEGE TEGLEY, ceivable bgneflts from the 'noursil properties of Sc~tt's I3mulsio This is tlimôèt louihig food Iown to scende. [t on- ricies the mother's wr nfh d gived hèi' sfrengià. It alSO makes babies fat and gives inôt,é noîrishmetît to gro'wng chidxen than ail the rest of the food they é*t, Scott's Emulsion has been prescribed by physiîcimn for twerntyyear's for Eloketa, arasmizu, Wasting Diseuseof (uhiltren, Oelughe4 0614aWeak Lue Emaciation and Ooumption. Sendfor jpamphlet om Scot': Rmuliion. FRZE. Soott&£Bow ne, Beulevlle. AliDrugaists. 50. and si. 'ù anufallIle remody for BdLgBdBwet, 01<1WoudS, oresad Ucsn. It i tne ferGeMsuL emat=m FOq ZIi8oD01f flTHE OIEBT, BORE TIWKATS, BRONORITIS, 0OOH8, 00108, fltn&ular SwetIing M U5 ad 113M Disuse Iu sneàua for oontractsd aud Wstu elt it acte likeschnu MedictaI Yud o.l 5h. Wor LNDN, and E«)!:! floiUi0~sslTru.Lowton, thsyans spunieu E OXFORDCOALFUNCS ..FOR AU. VMS OF SUILDINO Çapaitp rom10,000 to s$0 ,0 vubic 'Ioet CIY Q M ST IL R M TORW O O D FU R UO E qnieesua= mm edurable __ lindQGreat Hosâm gPower LARO5 Am I rr MMA FINAGCE Lre oCmbusinmame OXPODEEWOOD PMPCT ]pull Ouarauteed Capacity M M-IE ItThO CURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltdv, TORONTOU,ý Till ?qsrI o have fiLe Flnost seeotogilatowa of ilioo BEAUTIFUL AMERI VAN WALL PAPER8, -WITE- Border8 to Matc-h LowEsT ::PRICES. Corne early and gel firat okoica. P, B. WARAM, Bryan's oliSd,1 Brook Bt., WLit Y Uei. CaOtb e- mors 8PKOSPI14OI Wopordi; I JSOeff1Si «ê ad we, wMseahi by rot~nS1 Sold iu WbitWbyl h, lu afted tut tue expeusesof thé Lexow -euîrnîttee investigation lu New ýYen amsount te about $MO,OO. Davis, PaiKhIer inahtiallk îaods8% W sud the cm ïe -moree sudNagm tiqo

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