Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 6

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(soT or TOn !HNduOItqX.) 'I (Cntned)drearily about, th1. place 60n, ,**o étaiu 11I'11lIand rvu on Beaver Meadow donly W" Uiamlg. ea'il~A Point," sald Lije, "sud yoe an ettie fmi 010 RiilOI u han fit0 yourself dewn tinuoe behlnd a cliump0 terrileunuoertlnyhugoeruta Ho We as orfol to atudy "WollMh've meau tuahes, and thon 1'11 row round the ~aodbln olwd u bond on the. other aide of the marslleof g peýo tS P errn s steltly ad snd smar. out the. duoe. They'1I fiy hbeted fGrta o ndy rigbt-ever yen on theirway te Big Bay, fros fgore hksaed ve3ig t'andy and 'ou o epr loim. Wben you bfr.feeh t vri ,ad get tired sheotin lest gir. meth u11mongfet hlrosa ual, and 1'Il corne back." i the thouâght ofhie oiern. Z . They bad a good day, and, on ~ >undmoue n the aenai h way homle, Lije, who seemed in th mornngg sothat h. feit ne approben- beet of humer pointed at the. pile cf sien when hç st-arted ert te take tiie duoke in the boat and said: stagei whieh vas te carry hlm fartiier1 "Teil yen what, Steve, that ain't ne on as way. Re had nlot gene a dozen slonch of a day's wcrk. Yon're a cork- rode, however, when he vas censcione or for duoks, and ne mietake 'of a figure stepping op by his aide, aud "Wonld un't 'a' been likely te get he heard Lije say in a carelese, matter. many if yen hadn't piaoed me jest right of-fset way, at the same time loekiug aud thon sent the ducki' over me,"l an- ont over Lake Sougog, as if studying seored Steve, ooekng away from hie the weatherr intently: companion. " Steve, it loeks eut there as if v "Oh pet, ' 't&i.flt neo redit te me; gemn' te have a freeze-up befoeomaw you're tue boy that puiiod the trigger, days, and w. 'd onghter bave one more and you eau t get ducks unles y crack at the ducka this fail. When yen shoot straight'I notice." itit threugh with your business here, "A iways the way," imid Steve pet- we'Il go back te, the Nonquon aud try tishly, "yeu'ro eternaily giving me the our nd tBevrMedr en credit for everythiug, when its alwayka 1' agsrn.w'*aswre tee wayis yen that dee the hardest of the " hog e, nwrdSee work, and pute me in the way of got- meodily, sud the. twe mmen turned with- t'mg ail the. praiso." ont another word, aud b y nightfall voe TIChore was a pause, aud nothiug wum once more at the. door of their shauty. heard for a time but the regular swoep As tiiey entéred, Steve seemed posses- cf the oars. Fresently Stoove resum- sed cf mgre than nsÙal energy, and ed : waiked te tthe corner wiiere hie gun wus "Lije, I'm gittin' tired cf ithis kind standing, handed it te Iiije, and said, o' thing. l'y. been gm'te 8 eak for with a etrauge twitohiug ef his lips : smre time and now ýI 'm bonun te. i I"Here, Lije, for Qed'. sake take this want te aek yen whar it ail muans ? and shoot me. I'd ruther -vo wonld. Here we've beau livin' together for Take it and do it qniek."I §ome time now, sud yel've been treat- . Lije reaohed for the gunn d walked ini' me jest like a prince-nethin' tee te rthe dor, ping tar ti uzle eutn good fer me-and I vaut te know wiiat its wartai. ovening staortisnklngi it means. Any one would thiuk I had isucranhhja vrtesst donc y. seme wuuderful good, turu in door. Thon leeking witii calm mean- my time sud that yonen trin' te j ing straight in Steve'. face, h.e fired me baok for it, when instid o' that, LîjebSkbilsitti.asdwlin yen kuew 's well 's I de that l-I cquietly put the cmpty gun in Juet at that moment the. boat, steer- Steve'. trombling hand. ed b-v Lije, man bump againet a projoot. Tii. poor oniprit knew from that time img log sud noarly upset. forth ho had ne need cf fear ef Lijo. "Lock eut for the dueke 1" cried But ho was more iii- at case than Lije. I&We do't want te lose any of ever. Lije'e kindness becamo more them fellers. Gnose- I unust 'a' been prenonced, aud mauifested itaeif in lookin' tee close at their pretty feathers evelry cenceivable manner. Steve grew te notice that log. VII try and do bet- chnrlihhand irritable with every eue h. ter, Steve ; 'taint very oonsid'rit o' me met. The inhabitants cf the village te cerne se near spillm' ail the birds yen had neyer been very gracions te hum ehot te-day." since ho came back from testifyiug And thon lie taiked away, enlarging against Lije, aud uew showed their il- ou the beauties cf tuis and that particu1 will oni OvO1r occasion. Sýi.tce tbe twe lar bird till thoy hsd reached the land- imon occupied the shanty together they ing., had very littie intercourse with ontsid. "lYen jest take it easy, Steve, while 1 ors, but uow, for some reason, Steve cook the supper. You've hsd a hard teck a fancy te go devu *te the village day's shootin', aud 'taint no fun te go quite often, and Lije humored bimn in slumpin' round among the bushes this os in evorythng eoie.. watehin' these wild-eyed fellers.""hyyeStvw hansene Alter supper, Steve broke eut once much cf the village as we might sinco more : ns aknLjwo'Ive been bere, sud it don't lock quito "No uetli ,LiIe got te have sociable. Wê'll go down as often as my say. I oan't ettud t" ene longer' yen like." it'l kl m. Ive ot e til . smer And they went. I vas te Steve the thing."neareet sombance te relief. Horo hoe tho'y vore itting in the dim light cf conld pick a quarrel sud vont Borne cf the flickeriug lire, sud Steve'. face ase his spleen. But Lîje always teck hie ho spoke wss turned away from Lijo. part in any wewdy altercation, sud this "l'y. got te tel-v," ho weut on, robbed Steve cf hall the ccmfort. "how I corne te ewoear as I did down at Que day ho became se abusive in the. Whtby ; how I cerne te, make up such stand it ith's shop that the smith cenld an infernal hi.. I ha1ied y., Lije-hat- sta n e n longer, sud, throwiug dewn ed ye like pizen---from the surn e i., * lgh n istare o Seewî. teck Maudy away from me. L. viinslgh n i oe bnnd ite get ye into trouble in soins "Ilil pitch yen into thc gutter, yen vi8i you'd hurry np sud throttle, for viien tiiought Lije vas asleep, ho crept I'm varin eut with tuis way e' livn'." stealtbily eut of bed, and, taking a large n. turned te e. whst effeet his hunter's knife iu hie haud, softly Sp. worde 11.4 on Lije, but there vas ne preaed thie buuk viiore Lije lay. ijie thoro.- The embers frem the. dying fit, sent He had been makiug his whole con- flitting 'ihts sud shados around tue fusuion te tthe bar. walle cf the. shonty. room, sud s Steve dreir near Lije's H.e had net heard ij. when ho vent bunk thi. shadow of the face 1 ying on ont, but ho foit thst h.o11.4 qnietly loft the pilhw wue outlndagainst the wall vhen ho begante talk. The thought isia quivering, neta i igt. steve's ,usdenodirn Hehdboeb ' attention vu. riveted t li danen tossy ",bnoselong, sud-nov i -wu pinzutng apparition on the vail. H. said to ne purpobo. "Mfy Qed, My =egante tremble, snd feltlareselution Qed,11eogro.aed.III vie he'd shoot weakeuig. Hie eyéo noer once me." - eouht out the rosg fam, ho stared se Ho wa sittng mone ti a pto mueh at the ahsdow. HlomWUy stpD lu fronýtû» h re letu, othuh,1épiig wlth bsfc uin him bande, w fou 1f I pe dhie body tbrongh sud U. burat îieo1the room viii» a rhsn t0boui thoro's his sluadow te hant laugi, s if notbiug ef s doprosuing e ways, sUd it VwuId drive me; "are bad«O-vr bapp.ued. stweIS.e bWsge4neo Jui t ea PUtcf Wiu4 hovf 8 oui me.~ andov t-ome desd aves rast. for te fie- ca wu oment, Imile wu -droppc]4 andbh baok, not ooWu'wIs.r.1XWM e4pin? vu inIbed vith te. olbmg lutcod leu'y .esuau Pl=*nlto àtfibutbs0m woqdatud A am bb W beec to, ="r :iuaeW. Ri Yàtuold -'l.50foýrwiow on Biwoy drain, Win. NBtatonsu1 fôr' chair for. an sd A, J., W+bob 2.U for expr'ess. on motion ef Mr. Wetherell-the Clark et 0arposàate requostod te funàtidb this council vith a, statement oe al ~enrte by that, township on'towva on motion t e -reeo vas instruetedl te-purehasea dozen chairs for town hall, aud the. reove sud eierk were instruot- od te dostroy ahl useloas papoe nov in biands cf lerk. ,Tii. cierk alec asked for a desk sud some office furniture. On motion cf Mr. Wetheral byiaw was passed sppciuting the f5liowxng publie officers for 1895 : OVERSEESSOF HIGHWAYS. W Suier, Wm Hashin, R Brabazon, J Waddell, McDouald, A. Martin, Joseph Tiiomas, T Evans, E Rundie, W H White, W Medds, W Rundle, I Parlisment, Robt, Beatty, N Brown, D MoMilian, S Ceomb, J Tooher, D Francis, H Parvis, J J Cool., Tixu Do y l, Shier, J Bagshaw, J McNeoly, F Weod, G Bookie, J Francie, R Ed- wards, M McArthur, R Talleutyne. Robt Hart, G Hodizen, T Parvis, R Hart, P Dawson, Sol Samie, J Sack- ville, Ruesel Argue, J G Fraucie, Thos Lloyd, Wm Baird, D 'Warvell, S Vro- man, Wm Umphrey, J Wakelin, or., R Cronsberry, L Meshie., W Hart, P Baker, Geo. Walton, T Bunt, No 58 -, Jas Miller, J Vallentyne, Hl Hogg, T Gillan, 0 W Wilson, T Wood- ward, Juluis Suier, Tim Doyle,, T Beekie, T Baubnrg, J Rnddy, W Mar- quise, B Floveli, No 67 -, W H Blackweli, J Doble, J Evans, W Doble, jr., No 72-j Rich Haskin, G ýt John, No 7-, Rebt Parks, John Brewester. John Glendinning, J MoLeen, C Johusteni, W D King, W Suier. G T St John, Peter Gailowdown S. Avery, 0 E Bagehaw, No 87 --, W Fait, Ne 89-, J Rundie, James Hurren, John Millet, jr., N Osmercu, No 94-, J J Murtha, Jas Dusto, A Thompson, W Lambert, S Thompeon Sardîna Rundie, D Crovu, Hy Argue, F Burgoss, J A Sbire, No 105, W McEiimnrry, J Amoy, W Cockburn, P Donivan, H J Francis, H Willis, No 112 -, Wru Kenuey, James Me- Kay, W Gardiner, W W Sutherland, W G St John, WJ Hard, WH Tay. lot, S Baird, A McDougaid, J MoMil- lau, No 123 -,No 124- BOARD COI[MISSIONER8 ON TOWNL[NE Daniel MoLean, No 2 -. S Wal- lace, D McTaggart, W Tremeer, James Mnrry, Duncan McNabb, H G Ship- man, S Pangman. .à FENCE VIEWER8. D McTagkart, J Oarr, E Runie, J Stoe, J. Hifl, 8 Thompeon, Sol Samis, John Amey, T Bodgers, J Heuderson,i T Lloyd, P Dawson, R. Hart, J Ruddy, J H Cartin, J Edwardi, H J Francie, C Switzer, J Davoou, E Shier, Sim Coomb, John Doble, T Parvis, Tim Doyle, John Giendinuing. POUND- KEEPERS. Allin MeLean, R Hoshin, T Fogg, J Richard, Hy Glendinning, O E Bag- siisw, J Wakelin, or., James Ooldicott, Sol Samis, Wm Amoy, P St John, W D King, No 18-, JBagshaw, R Park, J Stone, Geo Marquis, W Hart, Aloi Beilamny, B Griffun. Commiesionors for tii. village cf Sun- derland, vest ward, James Brethour; aud east yard, Frank Doble. A petition vas presented by J G. ndenfom any cause tsemj ee up the whoie mochanism of the, body se that ail SMvs smeothiY aud work bocàoànsde- l'ht. If you are-weak, tired sud nervous, Try s Sarapasili le mt what yen , eed. Hood'm Pilla cmr liver î%1, constipation, bMlonues.. jauudiceo, siek headco ni gestion., The. round-bous. cf the Wabaëhalfroad at Tolede vàs.bumued. ,Tht..le-perses. Were0 kied , uluain*jureif, sud the. us aeinut. te ZIM Oe n1-N ouebut tiioso vk bave b.eeîeieged out kuev vhat s d eoWsud -namoabe eelngt ..Alistreueiamesna. :ft-t eieàd?é of yiLàWlé~ Iàl u Ltst Msabed, Nous DebItt,'Night Y*Ubfl*,ëlypÙdrlia ôta sà' imple snd- 081pnavé meana fst'.Vcurewhlcb .nfter be. log hutnugged 46d' hpomed upen for years bý qwkâ,ad paentmedlci sharks, cnred irelnaflOwWtOk. 1bave nothisg to eloUr give away, nor amn I advertising any patent medicise business, but will be peased to. hear frein any sufferr sxieus to fSud a cure for his compisit. to wbooe1 ilyl explain conficlen- tially how snd by wha: rneans I was eured. H-undreds have pen cured through my ad- vice. Comte netiggte caru wbat I paid bun- dreds cf dollars te find ont . Address confi. dentilly aud enclose stamý>if convenient. Toronte, Ont. Riverside P.O. Tii. Prombyterlan church, cerner o Victoria avenue sud OChatham street, Wind- sor, was buned om-Batusday afrernoon. Fagged Out.-None but those who have become fQggod eut, know what a deprossed, miaerable feeling it is. Al strength h gene, sud despondency baA taken bold of the suif orers- Tbey feel as tbough there is noth- iug te live for. There, howevdr.l a cure- eue box cf Parinolee's Vegetable Pilla will do wonderm in reatoring healtb and atrength. Mandrake sud Dandelion are two of the article.s enteriug inte tthe composition of Parmolee's PilUs. District Attorney Feilows says that ho vil! carry the came against Erastus Wimau for forgory te the Court ef Appeals. O'vo ThomA Chance!1 That la te ay your lunga. Alise aIl your breathinir nachie.ery. ery wondorful ma- ohinory it la. Nt ny the larg or air-pas-. mages, but the th oumaud cf littie tubes sud cavities ioadiug frcm themn. Wiieu theso are co gged sud choked with tuatter which ought net te ba tiiero, yeur lunga annot haîfdo their work, And what they do, they cannot do weli. &aI it coid, cough, croup, pheumonia eatarrb, cenaumption or any cf tii. family cf throat sud noie sud head aud luug ob- struction. aIl are bad. Al eught te b. got rid of. l'hore ia just eue sure way te get rid cf thotu. That la te take Beacheels German Syi-up, whieh auy druggat will soU yen at 75 cents a bottle. Evon if svery- thing eIme hâd failed yen, yeu may dopeud upon this for certain A Swede named Olave Chriutianson, oe cf th3 firat settiera cf West Selkirk, committ- ed suicide by hanging. Thse modern Way. Commende itself te the well-formed, te do pleasantly aud efectualiy what was formerly dene lu the crudest mannor and disagreoabiy as weil. To cleanse the syatem aud break up coids, headache and foyers without un- pleaasst after effeets, use the deiightf ni laxa- tive remedy, Syrup of Elge. Mr. Rider Haggard, the neveliat, bas been nominated for Pariament f or North Sorwich, England. tinardsa Liniment Cures Dsndruff Tii. Prince of Wales' yacht Brit'aunia de- feated the Ailsa Sunday. The wind was3 light sud variable. Open as Day. It is given te every phymiciva, the formula cf Scott's Emnulsion being ne secret ; but no suocesaful imitation has ever been cifored to the. public. Oniy vears cf oxperieuce sud study eau produce the beat. Thieves ransacked tho street letterboxos at Ottawa and soattered the contents on tii. streete. Whe Baby wa smLck -vo gave her Castoria. When sho au a Cbfld, ahe crled for Caseris,. When ah. became Miss, aho clung te Castorla. When abe had Chlldren, ah. gave th-m Castoria. About 50 persons were killedb an ex. plosion of tire damp in a mine at roppau, Austria-Silesia. PulentPlies! Itching Nies. Symr'oms-Moisture ; intense itching and tinging; most at night ; worse by scratohing. If allowed te continue tumors form, whicta often bleed and ulcerate becoming very sere. SWAYNE,8 OINTMENT stops the itching and and bleeding, heals aiceration, and in most cases removes the tunors. At druggists or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne %s Son, Philadelphia. Lyman Sonso Co., Mon- treal, Whblesale Agents. 400 N "Tlke Barrister, Oounty Orovu Atternelmisu Oouunty selitor. Omeec- South W ng cf Court Heuise, Whitby. 1 0 JAMELS EUTLEDGEi]9 Barrister, etc. Office loriuerly occupled by Farewell & Rutiedgo, noît Royal Hotel, Brook St.. Wliitby. DAVID olRMnSTON, B. A-9 Attorney-at-Law, Soliciter iu Chancery, Convoyancer, etc. Office-In the Office seuth cf the. Post Office, in McMiliSZi'a Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B.,9 lareretc.,-Money te Loan- Issuer cf Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South cf Market, B) ock St., Whitby DOW & McGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in ;hancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hlawken's nev block Brook St., Whitby, sonth cf Ontario banit. D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.S. Phy.ican, Surgeon sud Accoucher, etc. Offce sud Reaidence noît te Ail Sai.nt's Church, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Surgery in ail its branches promçt- iy attende2 te. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Ceunty Survoyer aud Drainsgo Engineer, Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeet, iate -with Laugley, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Designe for Chu±ches, Villas sud Cottages a speciaity. DrÉaw- ings prepared for remodeiing existing structures, Office-Firet fiat over W. -R Howse's drtmg store. Le-P O Box 202, Whithy. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNESa MARE, WHITBY. Having moved into eux no-v promises, wo are preparod te extend the. range of business. Ail work pertaininq te tii. har- neas-making sud saddlery business will b. doue te satisfaction. Collars a speciaity. Cali sud sue ny shop and stock W. CALVERLEY, Second door iveat of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby. TOR SALE OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 roems ; % acre of garden, weUl fenced. Good locality en Front street lu South Ward. Apply te, B- WORFORK, ou the adjoiuing lot, or at the CHRîONICLE office. Whitby, March 7th, '9. GOOAL ! GOAL!1 The undersigned has just me- ceived a large quautity cf First Cias Ceai direct from the mines, sud is pre- pared te furuisb ail sizes, dry sud cdean, iuciudiug several hundred tons of the OEàLEBRATED NO. 4ý a most popular size between Steve sud Chestnut. $rLeave'jeur order st once sud get very lewest quotatien. Terms Cash. H. B. TAYLORS . Office Howse!s Block. Whitby. July îath, z8g,. Drs. Warren., d Moorea 3. J. Moore, M. D., F. Wamrn> M. Breekilu Wiby Office heurs 9. a. mi,- Office heui s. 1 - ý 1te Il a.rn. tOlpm NEW PREM8E,~ 8OUTH 0F ONTAalRtC BANK WhItbY MarbieWo8. MATHI1SOI ~W[I MdarbI6 Mdonumeflt8i Hejad8tO ne8 sud aliother Oemotery Wr.A. irnpoiters Of Scotch, 8tleedi8hAmerICBn and Canadian Granites. AU psAtiem utahing wonk wculi do uel!1 canlon us-before purchasing. AU work guaranteed snd pluces of the icuest. New Livsry and Sale Stables Dundas St., WhitbY, J. T. NEWPORT#,' Proprioto? Commnercial men liberally deSlt ',ith Teaming done at reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage hauid 1aIres able pricez. A call solicitedl. W~Mi _LTJKXM MÂCHINIST, WHITBY, Ras opened a Bepair Shop -in connectio with the Cooper Shop lately carried on bY bis father, opposite Ail Sainte' Church, and will do ail kinds of Rep airina. Sewing Ma- chines a specialty. Lawn Mowers, Bicy- cles, Firearnis Lochs, Scales, Olethes Wringers, WasLing Machines, &c.. Saw Filing Skates, Scissors, Knives, Clippers &,shrened and repaired. AU kinds of Cooper Work macle and repaired. Shop opposite Ail Saints, Church, Dundlas Street,Whitby THOS. PEAT Of Bowmanville, intends visi-ing Whitby once a fortnight, to coilect clothing fromn gent s ta clean or dye. Garmients wben finisbed wi look as good as new. If they fail to be so will flot charge for my trouble. If the 1y su my charge* is si. 2s for cleaning and flicel pressing a suit of clothing ; for dying a sui $I.5o. Overcoats cleaned and pressed 7,5c, o dyed for s. For cleaning or dying gets bats 25C. THOS, McCANN, Agent,,~ WVbitby f~ Bowmanville, uly 26, 1892 LIFE INSURANCE. Manutactl2rers' Li% & Âoidentý Insurance CJo., Toronto Largest Capital Stock Lie nauran -G on the continent. Ninety per cent, cf si -accumulations of surplus is returned te th-, policy holders.Ai l aims are p&id witho~ delay Or discount on proof of - dest.h maturity of ndcwment J. B. POWELL C. ILwRJGGS. DE 1NTIS tr. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the next three moithe, I s m giving special attention te patients from gý dis.- tance. Amn silU Mking p';late-in rübber 08, celluloïd #10. Goid ancl8-Bitver-7lling - ,work crowning by - at laa Operatergata the nicat reasonable r ates in the, City. WhMen in the citby eau '- insad jet -me e îl- in yurtethI'maeene exfri s îe, 0. ]L BIGSDentist, Soue uosIerner King and Yonge BsTrie Nov. 8th.1892. ASK ýYOLIR BTATI0PfZR; - Wbith Iho

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