Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 5

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eaflifge urtalflS see and ýho wifl -URTA1NS 4' $1.75. USLINS A-BOO MVSLJN 30 ets., '35; ets. ÏET, l1177BRI. ý (oods, which has *atest tlîings lin the e hîave yet shown, ltI'ui t ti 3d. 42- i. I-i. Covert n.lakand WhIite pru tîiy In i ii at -2u1. LÀunn as Sc'.wuIjbZM. Crash Mek ooutu wit1t Ilew \\:tt of ' t.., etc. Drille- Sigle Broadcast Secdois 'rAil others aie back Nois s and 'Seoen tin uist, adu conbuîîed. b, whert1h.>' have got the TAkANTEE TIIIS. eGERSOLL, ONT. WHITBY@E W. C. 1. Notes agalsi ucý secession movement. Dcputy il Tb. regular literar>' meeting was held pringle maved uhat the clerk communi- SI on Wednesday aiternoon wibh Mr Hogarth cate with Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P., stating s( lu the chair. AIter the crtic sud secretar>' ual the citizens of ibis town desire to had tead reporta ai the last meeting the lest-n ai the earliest possible moment tr iollowung programme waa cendered : what the intention of the Dominion gov- fi Sang, A. Rowe; chat-ns, gîce club ; recita- ernment is lu regard ta the. erectionofa s tion, Esther 'McClellan; chorus, octetie uew post office sud customs hanse lu thisc club ; instrumental, Carnie Jobuston. town. The cousucil then adjourned. tl 34th Batte-lion. Secession means the tawn'e destruction. V The annunal meeting ofithe officers aifithe There ia a general act aifpstlissent un-s above batiallion was beld auithe Royal der whlch (st-mers sa>' appl>' ta have cor-t -hotel ber. ou Sait-rday last, wben the foi- poration boundaries changed s0 ns 10 lowiug 9fficers surrouuded the board: transiet- fat-slaudsa mb îownships, sud Liet.-ol PaersnLieut.-Col. O' Doua- have the iransfer made wlth lh. causent afi Liet.-OI-Palt-suthe co ncils af the îwo .nicialitiem- van (retired), Lieut.-Col. Rae, SrenTIw uii Bogart, Majors Farewell, McGillvraan sd iac was inteuded ta afford san easy Rutledge, Captains Pattet-sou, Henderson, meîtod ai icanifer wherc ail le- (air sud1 Griersan, Bick, Smith and Sharp, sud satisiaclor>'. Tlýp aci makes no provision, Let.T.H. sud W. H. Gt-ecnwaad. hoeve(afo the tt-ausfer where it la appas- Lients. T. number ai fat-met-sin this îowu King, Robertsonl, Teasdale, sud Quartern aesuh oji h onhpo ht Mlaster Captais Dillon. Letters C(-regrtîhaesubtaaiteto sipiWh- for absence were cead fras Lient.-Cal. b y, but conld nai abitain the causent ai the. Otiar, D. A. G., Lieut.-Ccil. Datleil sud towu. The>' bave, thecefare, taken the -ohes The questions befat-e the officeri necessa-> prelimiuates ta bring a private aiber bill befare the Ontat-la Legielatuire ta en- were sncb as "Shaîl a rifle as2iatiau beabetm oscdfr heowwthu establisbed ?1 "Shalhelmet plates be ~l hn ascd rmtetw iho purchased for the rank sud file ?" "ShalI ils consent, sud the fi hî for and against uew calot-s b. puovuted7" "Shal new the. seasure hi now folng au. What aur uniirss b. pt-ocuced bath f or the. brasa apinioni le say 'b.ao vit- little soment, sud ii. uglebaud ?" he ~uestansd futter than the public interest we were ail auswered lu the affirmative. A féel lu the tawn's welfare we have no pui- bearty wekcolue was extended ta Lieut.- vate ends ta serve. We hear that a lot ai Col. 0' Doruovan aud a mtioni pasmed mlid lobbying lu being doue amoug the. qp1ju> xpretisizig the high ctes in Patrons lu the legislatuinluorder -to sppl.us4t secure the passage ai the. mensuesu -which be la beld b>' lisi caunrades Iu arme. me n wilI be- able ta i uow preseutl>' wien Clnbbiug md baller Plate the vote la taken wl ether the men oi Pat- The Gazette alwa>'5 feelsý like having a t-on proclivities wauld asstît lu an aci ai ilttle tilt withl us about thie tise ai thre spoilation ns against îowne. W. pt-eutne, year-. J ustuow it jolies us about clubbiuig sud w. are well assured, tht no propeet>' the CERONICLE wth the. cil>' weeklk5 sud owuer abjected ta the limita of iucorpor- <Jailizce. W. ean stand tis,' and se van allen aIt0he tise the tawn, buoidarles were ont- readees, for esc of thines as the made, and we kjuw at for tfweuty >'esrs *dhcapest fiat ai ue*ipapers, be ever had. past tue fat-m =14s ai tt*w have been Aud, as tue Gazette das we wePt out on asseseed at leus than bhaif.Uieir value lu tue road sud pushed the busieïs, with ct-dec ta ee -tueir pockçts attax tise. wauderfllreulti. 0O qte Ou, aays we We gt-C fut-lier Wou asssurd tbtt w1beu- Wllai a drift luto the une ofibilit- plate evet- banumi were voted th# (arm ers to*l -ùeuv afstea time. Thtis bofiti plate la aid thre saine divlded stand about the. matter cîlitp in ade inta, coatnlioa type tu a gbatothes did TheV:,bzv4 bwied abouti ioodryl, andIo latoi the e, wpeU t-d.ir taxes, wbist agtVevéyoe oftbem 1 what .hoddy ls lu çlotI.. It acbemp, .was gettioltrlch usw ibaù Y~anbdy ebo behig saldta o'ûwffP8en at ~ uta dollar.in town. When Farme 1 O >91!Soihb- ba si = Ad Sffl$4 r 8 luthe exposai lis monyinte '.-dc av. ofV *c -sýtin tye fr a page. ieft thetowu and p raé asedtWO Tihose :o ae ree xac *tly $as et 5ast@whlp, hb. choseêtà buy te.,t w ho pretCýd#, he dud Gordo arm.R ailé;-éà- lxould also ataritute game with tue ses- aOn- The Whitby collegiate lustitute club bas muade a prond record, haviug scored about five goals ta anc over aIl oppaneuts. Tht>' have only been beaten twice, aud feel competent ta overturu these adversarics If bhey could get suother chance. And il la wotty ai remark uhal throughout the scason -the collegialea have alwsys sought to face the atraugeat available clubs the>' could fiud. The Pickering college hockey'club again came ta town ou Saturda>' afternaon, ta have aother tnt-n with the towu teas, and were défeated by a score .,uf S ta i, the. pis>' beiug ratier one-sidcd. ,Tii. Plcker- itug college juniors (11)' then layed a gaewth the Whitb>' Atives sud dç(eal- cd hemib>' 5 goals ta 4. 'Ée clubs usere ver>' badly mismatched îuasé, bujtich litîle Actives held up their end gasnel>', sud il ws a ybbdy'e garn 'e la ltheud, the playing beiug largel>' donc on Picker. ing's end ai thic. A b 1ig vraw4d was attracted la >thc rluk on Tuesda>' uight ta see thhbckey match betwen *tue caUcgiale Institut. club sudr the Port 1Hapers. Tb. latter club tasaîgd ta-be.liairdto0beat, sud cet-tail'basIs-a fne t-«cae.Doring tue- fiat halfai thc game the coaleinàites speut nine-ienths -af tiair, lim-e plgyin an lie Port iHope-,goal, but oui>' scared once. ,. t had' bevoon>. ai viautr-tiat the pilay. wauld bé ver>' rougu, and, me Port Hope mani was sa obvions. 1>' viioe, in his plgy>' t hsuca jusped thre rapes several tunes sund could witi difficulty b. reeteoined fras niai- bing-hier. However, hé-wsmeut ta the waIl five minutes, and'Èg veoirafuttier ofense,. aithonugh lhe- play was rougir lui the second'bahf the colleglates, prercéd. tuer rgoal 8 t"es. makpg a ttalofr9 t10. 'thc Part Hope papers continiquart l-Co1Un i epe*«the hockytch lOt paici. Fali wheat 58, spring 6otj go,~ ,5c, bariey 6 rowed 42c barley 2 rOto4qc 35,rye 38c, aats 3ic, bfackeyed pes à munny .53c, suiali 51c, buckwheat aç beans $.o àIsike claver S4.acto 5.Ã"o, $6,0 oa t06.5, grass seed $2.75i Sbees!s 6ci, woal î6c, bides 3c, beef $3.56 ta 4.5 part 4 à ta $5.0o, turkeys x2c, dus 8c ta 9C, chichens 8c ta 8v, geese 7ë to ç butter 6c, eggsai=i lard 13C. cbeSé potatoes 30, apples <bek bùsh<-- 6aè, h<z woad $3.5o to $3.5, as twtod $2oa ta 4 HooD)-At Wh1tlby, on.Frlday, %(.rch î'5th, 1895, Margaret HaadyouigSt daugbter of the. late Henry Hoo, ;938 years. SALE BY TENDER --OF- Valuable Property iun O "hWai an& WbitbY&' Undet instruction of the exeëc>rofýtbe'late wai uril decessed, tenders wIU te rvo 0 ir or _ boh o' the. followlur p'ro- Mareh 29th aftd OiàkI- Ladies are invited toat* laýd InspectIMe 'Stockê. Whitb>', Mat-ch 20U, 1g~ AUCTION $8ý* tramisxv MR.A DIOI f Yod I t mli >'PubIpAuction, pu- nd.d tu be tire best1 irem, but idnlshed,, t t or&.- Force uiqe lmu "sd_104 Hè 1I la wat ou dman lu he heyhaveseci -.o sptcs a oi cangrâat a tirftleor e teai, i purchae a Spevacle ~ spendi compny, aud ah confienlof a thenly epartin gantedjà>d Mgiiçb uotd > jfl prn 'jd je eclýdSo b unefra p ut less. W ak retpin autb, aiirl, h t. Sas sdtherl15 o Lgis au i l i ou ft bi, a pllt labdCtos 1iete te' l S talaiau-1- p oin hsts, w r hv i nw ge upth etawn en Toanto, on Tu ody t . s DuksdDrl utlts e"Zpyr5 e in, Safu aderhes cale t arue fams uaei crailay-ona 'M aea stamhiin StWed - - - ---- - -- g Se. aurpn Gent.' Hemmedy x reprat Stitchedd sop prng Ratesguarnteed righ. AIthe Godn eral-servnt.ApytfMs r içnns sord srawing l'oinenÃŽ t1ewS lGods arlypulugl. édiecifsa ajcns ah o z sel Sud goldfor tse nl- etiktnfrseva.tr lhcloittris d nM. DECKER, Whitby.-î6-z uiu. f luhes wie. - - .-- recedo usualy wde bes t weelin e taOfo a i ckeNotws t:an rn ng ILryew Ctton___ eytngesi ortoseaw anTeday duriutMarchSeudtericorenSaints spcial servce to-'ay (nIlof partiuards rotepnsn , Wholiby. hPi eA B ougalrcora t Batif lin Goo d a nwoderUn- c Naew Dr.Oersa od o tebetEg -_________________ Stephen's chutgch, Tprintoowill preacbiatvalues.tates,&French au LGermantmanulactuaetsonMehesbShirtssNightbShirts. etc.,nat laesevaly ener Aso aur nE ad a ons,.nwe vlrwee pthe aieon seTrviceto-day, Fiday, axt. ___si_____e_____________ Inldthe glasce fs t oble r Tho e aove eamînat ia wîîî en at Ai Sains'Drrllow flCes Thseinerstd hold e hee o'tIn BS cee r ne abe in ensl ait 2 s. 4-i p lain____and _____________and fation spr atetin.a ot hleiteionpsitu t on rday, hoe a6t wTe rea ho al.______________________ _______ur________In Of_ ai yaiL April. yard.ns. W te. ie t 6. uetond a-g in or evry od » Ratestgf ar tet.r gh .W illth ch o m en e evat . w ee te M n se r t CaP ound Dusn and leave yoew Spiur m ensure fbrpo ri steeland_____for_______un- tc ets alo e c a fu roure - i st ra Men s to Ick at n in t b o. Bagain s a 54an N vIS rgsnaue preg S itat r ss na l p ic s everybody. TbousandstheaioOdollars NewtwTowellunsud Tvewe lingsatjust ta c.srF.cSTEWART. eeanfo hs hs oe Tday F riy) t i .m. daduw tabesarified. NewtfoDgtthe -_-o-_- ______________________Et Brok stee>, - hten y. B or ul aichulrh. plaesnWhty. Th e . A . oua st aie Whiftb. euil wGod an wnertIshF A________________ r t aboatiMcMaster hall, Torntoron eah toalTes. Yaungandbeeal.manufactfor Gold Eye- -es willoube pT e ach lu e a tiont chut-ch n here, Tiiraamnservice o.-ayFbîak, aie .p e tc v ne iln r e a t e t Ui~tUnJ1rÃŽi~[t OurluntnliAl iSnsed y h townPlaiberals for committee acio prn. h Wleghae doiue onmuch clubbiug th The roosat e le.n tisesTaleave been aeocu.rede ___________________________ ye ret.mstks er ueitbecomomebyt e neng Lib teras lu nuipser lc n N egs B arnard . Th~~~~cae s a y have beerecthfed sud we ,sod tare uetg oing imp rovmesa ifr NwTwel n.oeligJu OfiBelonlmTa .-met 1U oe a hary frm aue t es why o - verând of Me sse.A. C.ofWils n & oh nsPie wyd w.SrigT ed n lts HOEmTCAdy(rdy tip fte etboofte lubndlehoeld ereCaiOIEOOEDTR niadCanoda FarmesàtaiJac.d1,Dont.toCMÂREthe Brook Stireeta Wn. lbt, 196. t curb pa e ats.W.aIlb gulbepeopl are b . ro i .a' Plo r Schil. Bpis huc hr, Tht cams io hGcncrriebooff l rgesm hA rey 4c ta (, ta for uebuan ae Ry edatutesan - .12c..t-v and.,vhyn$nota$6.,uceaylaver, iug saimsadaugstoreesthteai NANCfZAWÂTTI Ou C.bbn iTU ll ads alr oil ire y s the w rs ora eeor it sma Fine March weather.~W hnaed oe freereaug raam, intthe oper atons here. Smehwe ee seo uns ea5Cmuy ea5vbcwet nta I rdtr dohrptsn Scottrepais ailkîndaai PUtIPS.rsidence otakeDr. dam a,Te inTerrce bte iYeons cbeaesfolo ub wit a kada, ,oask I.JN PUK Nat ait.tonhp i Remeber he ddfelawsconert ouFres.My veflg, M rc 29th, and7 3ep.asd tkareu lero a im e t ictr e n OffloW Couty OrgaL-Iàawomauironceadeeof ewhos. ied. oilar &about hop. tA gar msial sd ther h a vepo an e u ieie e hveapo saa hibl h ao>'a nalm ri steel corded wire sudEmprerdwoJan.rlme,1c.me. c aty, wld o t gllber pteoplighte.t 5v, o 0 uk het 3v euîe asu o eie a euaao OnIy $2 at W.TiIl's Tii. abasbJanlet. 11ca.piseoldnecwitie bs. yet ewerydo n dubt allwe>' ata 40v, sbIn udwh te os cilvaa tetw f hty a Ge CAL y oui -- ots raeiro r brick lo S cal.de b rvll a etethatcthey tlook aw ar$off atarge150 wb eatnn55csudbalceyed4c o4, arsedoc.- îci tor o thRichar d ureuate s liniga fr aI kida a stoes angs or beathueT U.Ch icag o qu ackes sudsoca o ottut e yas e r came 0a gîib-torued fma ll als e 1.0 tack5.00, euoth55c.o Une tarona887,pai htb er , adticel ieitaa l l~ b t h Firne a rc froru . McutyW. ue CaTes, eicCaiatna u alw t mm er omd e d diksaoa u t eas 8 C . '$, mbaled ay 10<, potkw$450a i É th sail NAcY Jtrsand terpUCRNe-t The p~~~~in tss o thefe rains re m upa el H m deth tsul ersulcnas, t 4 C, a y t- . $I$.7eg 7, rpotatoe e- vaethi a e u adesswt Oddfme hoexpddect a go ctut- nFia vnnMrh 9h i73 n oka o ftewrtcue neOutpu ag6 f U CI rtivu la ai the d omss aîh e oonnday even ug, April îst , ta Mear Aeuup d w musteia nea t eig ud hr: ouldthee na ety sud discuas thei o - m a.W ibnthco yfOtroa MissmSee.eAsnmassiron i Fax.At- Ute arîsbad sîga dei e s ecb oned wsnon ite Hge ta s pi al ha 5c nar eaesecurho ities(i n orel~ a tnp ta Hot Spcis ful sizedrawh ou nt soea i the m mk ot-e bth aeg- aret5 sc ot-eed , uwe 37b>'tLeona it a of o e h 2thA o ., 1894OT stelwspapers siio nd do o W. aevsn coe.s asben kuwi t te ciihzes$5 wo a bsdiodt ere s ts t5 apr eur 5 aSc os hatet 5,Bc- A d ntive la or eyiven thateus.c h to paper2, a t il. Thaeheyarfr Worîd fo rge rai ,s papaiail n prsow aeneard, bs. e t-e dommeuded it f at- eat 3,2cta 37c, bt-e>'nd whtea s 0, a - Msaid Isa tofe te the sao Wi A min l~iter ti. Qobe r Mal wih tileCIRON- natoshaege ythithersin aucesatuh e veyaus that thy ok a yody ro cted ta ey d s ac tO 55 c, m lpevsa 5 ta 5.-disitrta r w ipceexd ta diribote ti s ICLe. Scnd in nass gate ion, bic bst-ch i et b.h am hlcestIdse tbes hm M n' i5oae tlldiu ig t lc pesa 35 t 5v , bi t Oats31 ta3 e twshaiptoe said defariasaedmugth pe- weeing fr il in m oan ey r ng e asor aguent or Jea.,R icado,Ca uador iaandPas- hav e t oa e a Th i w e a man 15 8,.îay ced c le .5 ay$62, beaus$-50 t h amsa hc oic hUhv and vce>'s atsacof r ocuabeJ.o VogeSteesTornt, nt -ingt o thm e epund apllows a veutite.o tsaid m Ntatot- wilnoPb hblKr ti. fta. The a.m. ta 8.30xp.m. at Stebernsou'St Pit o utwt.Al tais r ci1 ibH mdte . W.sbonlderstiate tat v ut 1t m7,fOr 17,eP1c Ptt e.caidsets r au>' patdherai taau e expes, el. sd th. ofie itoby. e u eda i ghh iietsleeiandreadirs naphee frvete o yadsuîd b thusandayet sUwhatg6to 2ccseigfull, c psn r t-ls o i h e ais ornda Dn ont vt-ok th nereinmn a e -etai Publ e i W rk, totar e l eîn bn aid> u 0uasa ooewia, c:bckha,3 6 a-nativesa of t h ve btee i n y eoevdb'bl MSth es aall Mr.-n ig F ax.ay) ud r sac noAerikghe teeipt a sadmo - :al eect anse or5cnpeoenn. Pedfey, x-roed,40 a c;bt-e>. twa hie salon iors at rthe 2tise areaif ausice aithe Sou aiTem er ce. a fri o ot S pruclinsfAro- ia ew p at- pewo au eothaem acet fo bndared- a rk-o ed 4;ts-s)oret ed40; w ,283 a35c; Dae a W iib ts 6tyayoins god lauhow1h1vdo ot u bod, a d B forng offA aicad cu ists ae. C ac i ng Nobl erai hyianth 'ued. He wost wy, have peso; Sama g hl, so 6o nm 62Cpesa ws ta o;A.D. 185. tewsvntrilsoudosiand hu resi would ai u h ree oi t tha e part t-,e-d$7 ors pofenty (a t e atraelng, gcar 8try pes , îaclc e'.6cvb ea pe4 a, 55c ta B c-; nd Roic sHRD PUCKR tat it mw aera bo tse îngd.o A se ndid pf r $ o c or enng anacsu a i $ole4il as wh ame e aog d h ommknow h tao claer, A2like7, b84 .25 t 5cedblck-s lver Amionistdatr ae staidA gihramme F11 te o aise. teCH O b ain, hfor gods upied tin digces s k. Ose seaes s dertisemoy e t b>'to e 86 t $6a;ps atoe5.a, lpeug,52vta 52c,; NANOrwil rc Aee Puicai, eveÏ1 d Rcn ememb n m ne. Tearho eport .pas d hae im a bleserell dozen ofver> d a reuteily paperg is, he a s s5 cwhta 8 s e h a>,$ata 12;t - DÇ stâoW &heMciLLIVaY, mog Thy a DGant exp remneis guar an d r fulrted (or the s trts c assttelfao t waingagets a cnvas fa (sinw ct se i te' atS65ta xv26cg, flc ta î8c res.o oso n-ks e tetet, h i,gar weed ta stpfing hait- andreuhmov adals a n g t. . h aroso ning a diunt s hos. veiessud . Th ilos w ho baae ben $ho ed c84.7 5 . 5$o 6.2os, b11v . eîg t ohcitaaofor Adminoiceata Thyaeff a, aet ms oHaint egrAgn, h olling forner C.ing ewn drondg thea ito ule l abr te forsas en-to $ i 4 . ppl s, $&i2te,$8.25 ta 2.0. W iy av h 2as ab 189.-ir-31au Tndhe Voun Coseatr.ves blefri ner>', do.Tont, Ont. appr, g $2.5;ont b hoend oplst e o witout ________________________________le 7 3 a-n, o .3op.m etSJpua.ons FTwn eydo 2;B Bcetdo,$2 hgthe.W he>' b d eesud aqutha ntei Trto.si seso n atteef i exp .eW. Be. Nan mt fe, Wres . Met on TRo uesby do. , ettrs e.;JMarl, o., mieou> r em dil>' at th an ai tse iielow iu eheat priv62; B weated2;sno:proso hoec mo Aso. T oroth adesethe Whiety soc . i.ret Passied. rB.OtWawaol travelling tlkngm achl dines? . WhOC e lieat :Sac.,k 6Ivoest,46C;,br-ntc h Cll ci hve *>reeve Voun. Cnsevatie n W deda se lu s fette5 cektsg aerebate of-taes ny , a-le>' 46v, c;mmanesa v, wo- nh igc halle rec ie h aria voe i n nle nis the use ep fea ed t a l th e ryftn-r Sparts.0c u atd L Witii 1 6t ayo ancie-of ae the Sonaof ethere A ringlth s cli ayo u ln i u -gsportsa nentlemanl>42c;aîhletic sud - , t' g o d a u h il d y u oM a d 2 3 t-d ., o ffi c. ela a id le is t m hu e .f O n a i r o beofag a in s t th e c ree t e r s a a m a th av e p u ;t a l0 , 5 ct urk q r s 7 a , 5 5ee m e A D P U C-k s thitbyion iSta ndturit wul fterlefcm iternd ott-dolWlar s unfo th rviorgetr 4as, tack6e, cb e,. pe ds. 5 o 40v, I N R auA cok as shap ew ci r cmealnimoanement ofDeput Pin Ja.d- cm ln n h nwhwto coeAskS2 of52;re lvr diitao fett a e ahose chairu ch ety wr, rs e tii. c uc i a t on ge nt.th l Part P et--yonW duertsday, sd wr et et,$.4 ;pet- d os0, carr as, 5pet b C 40vAE UCRI e grammew Fi, glass feateondfb>' tbecongsvespa pup&cThes qrestia, ad. w a sever el riticis eey yinte shots. tUt-15, et- ;bsg, 20 a5,_$ o ta$ ;t - OpetGILVR &.Te r rancas hs.Lair an s, u - obpy-on.Sth fo lot ing uts hO s de i ceWi adtby sold oganize oc ha se ba hgi'84-5 . a 5.0, pehbg, 7v, witCiO, S oliiosfrA mns iedtoso flig aran tiv a « Hris, se eints Cno rs.35ButN-ns dotinght wW e oldae the as et apples , i.7 t $ ., 20. -WILL TAICE PÂCEh 185.1 -311 ddresfetuehecricket50clubemeepostbusinessMrtue>' Nfolk e" he figrC.?i"et611c., h4gli

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