Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1895, p. 2

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Judgmezit for pi1f. Yarnold ftor pif., Ebbelm for dft. Several cases undefended' .iJudgment for pif. lu eacb case. . Byers vs.- McKitrlck, Nott vs. 'Adams, and Wtilard> vs. Cook adjourned until.next court. In the fisbery cm aserti n vs. Stephen- sen, Maglatrate Nott dlsrnlssed the case with costs agaluat the.fisbery Itispector. Messes. Richard Graham, John F. Ross, and Mauly Hunt are receut visitors froin Toronto. Mrs. Bowerman, wife oft-Mr. W. D. Bow- etman, formerly of- Columbus, died on Tuesday, s2th IueL, aged 73 yeair5. Ice cut' 'Id bass fiahlng are thrlvlsg at a g; e. Large quantities cf bass belng shipied teoutside places. Our borsemen should flot make a race course ef Queen_ street. Qne of these VT~TflT.VIhfI! das see tise l -be rus over. Take te .LLLWJLLIJUX the Ice tracko,nmon, and you wiilheoeut ef Bringa cmforb and improvement andi the va>'. tends *0 personsi enjoyrnenb whels J. Carnegie je havlng a good run cf cus- rightly U"e&i.The Masy, wbo live bet-u tom witb bis portable eniv mîll. Mati> 1er hanothrmad enoy itemor, ~ scores of saw legs bave been deivered at tOath"te nditue ifmoreromth ybis lumber yards the at six veeka. le" "P"dU"61bY nOrOPrOmtIY AIt. Doualdeon bas left town te take aptng the Vorld's beat produota té charge ef a tailor sbop in Glencoe. the needa Of PhYsical being, vil attest Mes.. E. J. Wheeler and Miss Ida Nott the value Vo lîeath cf the pure liquid are seriousl> lii. laxtive principles embraced in the Mr. W. McGill, managor of the Western FOuedy, yu of Fige. Banik, bas beestcen6ined te bis reom witb Syep0 infiammatory rbeumatism. lt. excellence ia due te Its preenting Jne. Cook bas opened a barber shop in in the terni meust acceptable and p1la8- tbe Harringion block. The tewn n0w bas &nt to the tasto, the retreahing and truly 3 barbers. beneficWa properties of a perfect lai. At a meeting of the Reach agricultural atiVe; effectually cleatsirug the syutem, societ>' held last week it vas decided sot diapelling colda, headachea and fevera te hold a sprlng fair this year at Manches- and prmannîlycurig costip tetr. Weuld it set be a geod idoa for and pas givenstifactinont ipion. ndR each and Scugog te unite as one and It hs gvensatsfationto illonsandhold a first class fair ibis spring ? Ceme mnet with the approval of the medical ever, gentlemen, and givo at helping hand. profession, because it acta on thhe Kid- You viii ho made welcemne b>' every effi- Deye, Liver and B3oweles without weak- cor of the Scugeg societ>'. enîrîg theni and it je pcrfectly free fromn The Scugog agrucultural societ>' l evory objectionable substni.ce. hold their spring fair in Port Perry on et livofsF' *fosaeyaldn Tuesday, April 23rd. The officers inîend Syrinorsal a- ib tis shaît ho the best spring (air ever held giets lin 75c. bottlea, but it je manu- in Port Perry. tactured by the California Fig Syrup NOT.-If an>' church, seciet>', commit- Ce. only, whse'narnie.j printed on every tee, club, sclueol teachers or private per- packaee, aise the rna-ne, Svrîuip of Fige, sens bave an>' reports or news items of and being well infor:ied, yniwi.U ut an), kind, porsonals, viiors ceming or Bocpt any substitute going, viii lUndi>' send thern te me, I shall ho pleased to bave sucb nevs items _____________________________under Port Perry cerrospondenco in the ICH RONICLE. 1 do set vaut an>' items thv ould wound an>' ane's feelings qor offend. Anytning that vili ho interesting Al I R'S~ and readable. and 1 shall aine endeavor te send ne item that I shah hoe asbamed et over my evu name. Flair W. J. OT BOUTE DAB.LINGTON. V IG OR Ms oep agai ube Reatores natural o London, Whbas i died. celer toe 1h r, Me. Charles Todd, of BowmanviUle, and s.lso preventa je &round taking ordees for dry geede. it fallinurout. Krs. TheEwrhLau etn a H. W. Fonwick, aofEwet egemetn a i___ igby N.B., ys led by Mes. Thomas Power and Mrs. ___ "A little more Jenn. than Vive years age b Miss Polly Barker js el eionough te m.ry hair e reetoved te bar home. She has bte an been Btaying with her sister, Mes. Ira g r Me. John Lana bas engaged te vork an d ý, fe r Mr. Thomuas VanCamp the ceming ter the use of one hottie of Ayer's Hair Vigor.my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application bas since kept the hair in good condition."-Mrs. H. F. FENWICK, Digby, N. S. Growth of Hair. "Eight years ago, 1 had the vario- ind, aiid Iost m y lhair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. I tried a v ariety o f- preparations, but with- out beneficial resuit, tiii 1 began to fcar I should be permanently bald.. About six months ago my husband brought home a botLle of .Ayer's Iir \rigor, and I belgan at once te UiS- it.I n a short trne, new hair began to appear, and there ia now every prospect of as thick a growth of Itair as before my illness." - Mr&. A. WFViERE, Polymniia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S IAiR VIQOR. ?=EPAR]&]>B" OR. J. C.AYER & GO.,LoMlLMMS., U..A. Aver'spiasr"B HtkMead«"b4 Mr. James; 4 fa isviaiting felende iu Toronto. Rcv. R. J gb-, B. A., of Linday>, witl accept Vhs Vý o St. Audrew'a Pies- byteran churds, London,. - Misa Mephorsen of Oroub 'leV vsiting at tho resldencos.f Mr. and ÎÏZ B.. Davis, and Mr. W=. MePhersox. Mas. -M. Glesple and ber -.daugbter, Misn BeS , inre tows for a couple of, Mr. W.ýH.H1I7e, Grand Master 1.0.0. -P., wvas 0* or afew daytf VMs week on business conuected witb bueorder. of!-Sbelbource, are'tbe. guesta f Me.rin Mir. Walter Couithard, of Qobava, a the geto!f hm unclet Dr. Gilicaple.for a B MM f4yi5wek.' Anumbr o' eltimm svent 10 Suni- derland luit ,Megt to hopeDr. Qrocyw y eklma, Su me Chie! Ranger 6ft* Inde- Ow- Mib uiT.W. at Me. Thomas Guy, et Oshawa, bas boon vieitang bis brother, Mr. Frank Guy. Me. Harold Martin, eur estoemed teacher, spent Sunday at bis home iu ,Welcorne. A yenng son aeeived at Me. Gameron Teu's, a Patron, I believe. The Epwoetb League intend baving a social soon. Mr. Levi VanCatnp eold ten toens ef hay te the bay packers of Oshawa, at seven dollars a ton. Mes. L. VanCamp was reently made the recipient et a hanîdsome large easy chair, presented te her by Mr. and Mes. 8. F. Brooks. MKANCRESTERU. (Too laie/or last issue.) Fine weather and plenty cf pitob bobes at peesent. W. are glad te note that ,Mr. D. J. MoLean is iimproving, haviug under- gene the operation aI the heepit.al veey suooessfnlly. Birth.-On Monday, 1lth mest., the wife o! Mr. R. S. Pare, ef a son, (stl bers). Mes. Thes. Graham is visiting with frionds iu Keene. The social given at the rosidenceocf Me. Thos. Dobsen I.ast Wednosday evening was a auccesa in eveey respect. There wau a large number in attend- an.., and ail weee highly pleaaed with the night's entortainnient. Ail who sttended thie bail given in the town hall on Tbnrady evening re- port a gcod time. Eýom t rading seemu Vo be 1he specal' feature of the day in this burg. Our enterprizing nelghbora, Mr. J. Whitei aocidefttly rus against Geordie Mao, o! Port Perey, 1h. other day aud ewapped_ mules wuthi hm. At frst the aa m.med Vo b. quit. »'sblsatory, but aU, of a audden Geordie commenoed to guy Jaek lu order to ge hhlm Vo' trade bick. MWonO' oould Dot b '*Whti. over,fo h. wu -~eté-nt on lm ow -puroe. This iiraged Mao, btÀ o vi. $hâa*vil moment »)n" .appeared and1 adShdterda few setions etof on wh~'10" _ 1 o _diy <~ tle/rs. Mu.SeMon, w., of' Whby, 1, berê wltb tfri"aathis weok. Mi. ai. cot bas5ECtY~d~ <OPtNI$ r. M C. Marquis lexieoted bore iu about wua4armer ner Wlck,i@ el l Ot 1 01éton daya teremove bis' famly toRlpley. Maioathis oaso. W- V. Richardson left for Lindsay an Mr. Wilt Morrissta&tad 'or Po)rtage la TIWIBdy moman sud oxpects to b. absout PMarie os Weduesdy ~mlug.-, for a couple oi days. MiUs Millala vlalting ber brother, Mr. Y. A. IWin. Vautoe.bas loaod the Adam's ostate Mis. t o the west of the village, the farm vacated se $ne Aabburu scho<>l foot-bal tearn plavied uucoremonlouuly by Richard Hopper. wlth the Brooki scba3t boys ou Frlday afte 1 Will Andrew bas talcen possessios of the noon. The teams were not- ver>' evebil remises en Church Street receuti>' purchased matcbod, the lads from the sortb beilar o14.Pr, o>' hlm frem tbo Komptberu estate. Hoe mov. than their opponeuta. The resuit Of tho es JM ed therelu on rbus<fay. was a draw-twe goalis cd. Wo are lnfermed that water bas been fcsund Mr. p. Moore bas been ver>' slck for two lu the collego well at last. The holes recentl>' wcoka or more and la 51111 confiued to tho drilîod woro thorougbly pumped eut theoether bouse. 'day wbeu a fresh spring of water preceeded te Mrs. W. 1. Murray bas beon bore for a fow flow. 1: la te be hoped the supply wilI ho dayd lZeting ber bousehold geedi -ready for sufficlont for a purposeg. sblpmont te H1alifaxt. 1: eib e intention te We omlîted te mention ini last week's issue dispose cf the furulturo bore. Mr. and Mrs. thâ Ricbard Hopper and family do flot reside Murray' will net tako Up bouse-keeping ln lu ibis vlclnity new. In fact tbeir present ad. H1aliax tilt sert fait. I ss Is juat as uncertain as la the grain yield The cale of farm stock and Implements ho. cf next harvest. One evening recenti> after lesglng te Mrs. Wm. Mutcb vas beld on bi% selghbrs bad retired te elumber. Richard Tuesday, and wua attesded b>' an unusual gabered together bis belongings and before crowd, their being over a thousaud persans in.a ebdew vas off the grass nont day his laie tbe gatbering. 1Fatrly geod prîcos were real- promnises werr, vacated. Quite a number ef ized. tbougzh the blddlng ou the borses was se ppeople herealièuts are fiaancially concerned in slow that sameofethtem were wltbdraw. hlm even yet. 1 1 ITva or ibres cases et vhip stoaling bave Jbeon reported recenit>'. Seme et the victime bave aîrang suspicions as te vbo the guilty parties are and ve hope ibe> mu>' ho brought io justice. Mrs. C. Redmnan bas becs serlous1yfil for sean>' ive veeks. She la nov some bhouer, Mr. Chas. Arnold, of Hanover, bas bee bore for a short tie vWsting bis brother, Mn. G. W. Arnold. Mfiss Lena Moore vas ai homo over Sunda>' and in the evenhng teck ber old position as or- ganist in the Meibodisi chureb. Mes. W. Hyland, et Parkdale, visited Mrs. W. A. Hollida>' for a tew day. last veek. Miss Jennie Winslow, of Milbroek, bas been tbe guesi ef Mrs. T. 1. Hohliday, for a tev days. Mr. Wm. Gil, et Toronte, speni Sunda>. and Manda>' viîh bis parents bore. Are you thhnking of buying vail paper ? If se ho sure te see Heltida>' Bros. samples. The>' have the nicest, and cheapest, and large- est stock ever shovo bore. W.A. H. Rev. Dr. Cade, et Port Perny, preacbed educationat sermons in the Meihodisi cburch os Sabbatb last Mr. Manning occupied the Methodisi pulpit in Port Peri>'. Mn. Cross, destisi. et O shava, and Miss Bertha Anderson, et Norvood, djove treun the former place on Saturda>' and spent Sunda>' in tevu, the guesis et Mr. and Mrs. C. S Good- rich. Wlkeys work. It is not veryoften that Our residents viev the diagusting sigbt et a drunkon mas, and the tovu la noted fer ts sebriet>'. But, vo re- gret te state, a sad instance efthie abeve oc- curred Tuesda>' last. The vicin vas au aged, grey-haired man, an aid resideni et a ueigb- boning township, vhose name ve viibbeid eut ef respect te blunseif and bis Large tamily et sons and daugbters who are mosi respectable mes and vomen. Wera iset for the excite- monthec eaused as be pitehed heavil>' forward on bis face on tbhele>' sidewalk, bruising his nose and eausing the blood to rus dovu bis face and vbiskers, vo vould net roter ai al to the affaïr, as ha is sot addicted ta aven-mn dulgence, sud as the amount et liquor i was found ho had svalloved, while in the compan>' of cerne old acquaintauces, would net have nade hitu se belieu a: be1 ot drink it os an ompty stemnach. Wbiie these -circutii- stance excuse te a certain extent the vicîîm et the accident and the boteikeeper, tbey do set render whiskey's influences less bideous. The oui>' sale place te leave alcobol le te beave ht alene. Olever acheme. An enterprising fakir bas been verking a cunnîng trick on a number et untentunates hn different parts et the ceuntry. Ho travets about peddling a liniment ibat promises te cure man>' ailments. doafness being oeofe tbemn, sud vhen ho finds a persan affected vitb partial deafness ho asks te ir>', free et charge, bis lîigbtniug liniment." Ho carnies îwo watches, ose a ver>' baud ticker and the other a ver>' veak ticking eue. Betore appl>'- iug the romedy ho belds the weak tickez'to tbe eakof bis patient, vbo, of course, cas heur ne sousd. Putting it back in bis pecket, ho rube the oar vitb bis liniment for awhilo, thon bal&e the loud tieker te bhis vîcîim'a bond, and askcs if ho cas bear it tick. Deceivod b>' tbe aimilar- it>' et the vatches and able te heur the souud of the lasi eue te vhichbch listons, the deluded persan imagines bis heaing bas been benefit- ted, if sot restored, and ai once buys several bottias ai a big pnice. The trickster bas been quite succesefut viîb bis echeme la several locatities. sud is uuaking moue>' by 6iis decep- thon ef the guflabilit>' and mistertune et aibers. WIMTBVÂLB Taéylor & Lount are gettisg in a heavy stock et loge. Miss Theepson, et Wexford, is visitiug frieuds here. Miss icott, of Agiscourt, le visltlng Me. A. E. Major, at Muple ave. Mr. aud Mrs, A. Dimma, ef Cedar Grove, spent Sunda> vi th Mr. Thes. Beare. Thes. Todd le go1u9 10 staif farmlng, bav- ing reuted Mr. Major's faim on. the 4th con. A-. G. White bas moved int the dwelling latel>' vacatMh i. >- _.- _ Baok in WiI t WM. TILL, Undertaker, -Cabinet Maker, Uphoister, And dealer lu Furniture et ai] kinda. The Subsoriber bege Vo annfotiflCO that ho han again opencd business ini hie oid stand, and has placed therein a choice, stylish and complote stock ot NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, whicb vili be sold at a emali tuargin on coat.j Another baie ef those calebrated Mixedi Mattrasses $8.25, worlli $6. Sec those Tapastry or Carpet Lounges at Z5,werth $8. Hardweod Sideboards, 14x24 gtass, for! #8-50, weetb $12. Undoi'takng. 9:eA full stock of Coffn&« I and asakets, and a Firut- Class Hearse. WM TILLe Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot No. 30, 3rd Cou. Township et Whitby; 2 mileS from Wbiîby; samae kuovu as tbe Lynde bomesiead. Soil second te sne, in a firet classe date et cubtivation. Good fonces ; vatored b>' ive streain across eue corner zoo yards fnom a fine stase bouse trame stable aud dniviug shed ; also trame bouse and abundance et fruit et ail kinds. For particulars appt>' te R. 1. LYNDE, 1JulY 24ib, 1894. upon the promises. SSAn eesa>' deccib- D EAFNES* lu g a really genuine Cure fer Deafucas, Singing ln ara, &one malter boy acTera or long- standing, viii b. sent post free-Artifi- cial Ear-drums and sinilar appliancas estimaI>' euperseded. Addnase THOS. KEMPE, VITORenA CHAMBERS, South- hamptnn Building, Hoiborn, London. THE Owen EIec trio Be/t. Tbe oui>' scientîfie and practical Electrie Bait made for genea-altusa, baving battad"e that genacate a strong oua-cent 0 ctriitY that la under perfect contact aud can b. ap- plicd ta any part ef the body for the curae o 1NERVOUS DISBA:ES F Thousande of people suifer from a variet>' of N erveus Diseases that the aid modes of treat- ment fail le cure. Thece la a loas ef narve force or power thal cainnet 11e rcstored b>' any madiesi treatinant, sud an>' doctor who wouid try to accompllsh Ibis b>' an>' kinal o! druge le pursning a dangeceus practice. Prop- perly treated, thasa dlsees eau ba Positively Oured Electicit>', as applied b>' thc Owen Electrie Bell and A ppiances wili mast aeeuradly de se. Il il e cont>' Ituown power that vili suppi>' vaitalllacklng, unaely, nerva borc or gower, impart fone sud viger;anud&roe t'oeat#yacion the whOea nervous syslema Tl will Miost assureffi' cura Miss Pbaebe Gibson, of Neweastle, %nd Thomas Liîttle, of Manitoba, are the guesta of Mrs. J. A. His this week. Miss Gubson has sorte nation of changing her name shortly, we understasd, and migrating to the Prairie province. We notice b>' the Toronto papers that Mrs, JL Spink and her niece. Miss Eltie Spink, have lefi for Bermuda, where tbey will remain for several menthe. We regret te say ihat Mrs. Spink is in rather poor health, and the trip is taken in ordier te benefit ber. A number ef young folks (rom Oshawa drove lip Tuesday evening and spent a very pleasant time wîîh Captain His and famnil>' ai the Bsay. Alîhough it was a surprise affair the joviat Captain and his spouse enîertained their guestss nght royally. A cutter occupied b>' a fair yeung couple capsized opposite St. Andrews church, and the herse made a dash up King street, but wasx captured by some young mon opposite Dunbar's store. Neither herse or cutter were damaged and the couple proceeded to the Bay' wîîhout turther àiîshap. W. B. Carmu chael, whose people reside in Markham, vas killed b>'jumping f rom a mev- train et London early Sunday merning. He wth a nutuber of ethers had been playing hockey at Woodstock Saturday, and when the train feacbed London ho attempted te jump and save walking se far. lhe train was going much (aster than ho imagined. He la>' upen the track for some heurs in an uneenscieus condition when anoîher train came along and removed bis bruised body from the track. The wounded man vas re- moved te ihe hespital and sherti>' after died. Deceased was a fine yeung tellow, and an employee et the Bank efTobroute, ai Lon- don.-News. TWO OPERATIONS. BOTH FAILURES. A Case of Kidney Complaint that weuld Net Yietd to Surgrry or Medicine until B.B .B. vas tried. GMTcLaaîa,-Âft6r bavis)g undergone two epeiatiens jor Kidney Complaint witb- out securing ibe leasi relief, and hearing ef some remarkable cures made by B. B.B. in our ueigbborbood, I deoided to try i. I vas given up b>' the docture af 1er the eperatieus failed, and it vas providental that I beard ef B,B.B. Af ter thc use of six botties I ex- perieuced seo ireat relief aud oc great a change ter the better that I foit the good off cela vauld be lasting, as iudeed the>' have been. The seveuth bottle perfectly cured me, and 1 am nov stronger and better than 1 ever vas betore. Peopte who saw me be- fore I tuok B.B. P. sud wbo sec une nov eau ecarcely belieye that I amn tbe samne pereon. FABIOLA REI12HARDT, Quebec, Que. As a resulte ef demande made upon the Spanisb Government4 b>' arniy efficere in conneetien with the newepaper troubles at Madrid the whole Cabinet bave resigned. Negleots and the Klesuit Neglect cold iu the heap aud yen vili sure- IV bave catarrh, Negisot nasal catarrb and you vill s aurely induce pulmouary diseases or oatarrh ef the at.omach with its disgustisg attendants, fouI breath, hawking, spitting, btovxng, &c. Stop it ail by using Dr, Obase's Catarrh Cure. 25 cents a box cures. The pie captured b>' the Japanese ut Yieug Kow"i clude several gunboats, twe steamers, one buudred ýunks and a large quantit>' of munitions of war. Oidren are fend eftEseljay'e Lîver Lez- engea. 25 cia. ai druggista. Womeu wbo can't taire pillaeaum have that bilieusuesa eemeved from their systeans by eeljay'a Liver.,Lezenges. 25 etz.ai drug- giats. Don't yen lika pilla? EseljaY's Liver Lez. enges are betrer for yen. 25 et&. at drng- giste. The secret of the great aucceasof Eaeljay's Liver.Loe iea aIl the tact of thoir not re- actiug. Oth. laxative medicines- deatroy the semai. poversof tbe digestive syotem. They baldIt np, They are td ab 25 eta. a box,, or 82.00 a dozen boxes. EýTHE OWEN ELECTRIO BELT &APPL[A1N0E 0M Main Office andMOniy F'actor. The Owen Electric BeUlRd, 2010o iiState Si., - CHICAGO, -ILL. The Largoat EleWCtil et E tabhs nl t.h. World. IMHTION TÈIS PAPBR. RÂDAMe8 MICROBE, KiLti? EM£D*Y. 13* B. ZDGAR, .7" 2 'i A Marvelous Medicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial Hood's Pro'ves Uts Meit The oflo~zglette? fa from Mr. J. ÂIci<Io zh:3é rchitect and Msu ro, No. lu S1hnv ý,t-ceet, Montreal, Canada: "C. L 19ood IAo. Lwefli aat siGentIeIfle1: - I have beez t-aktg.flo9V R,,aÈilla for abcut Six rnc;ltb- a:rJ cri 9!a' ta) gay that It h--.s (i)eine 821 (gr'aeai cf gneaw!. Lat May rny-wight was 152 p*=~ds. int sin e Sarsaparil-la 1 began to take Hood's Sarsparia it bas la- cressed tolf161 I thlnk Hood's Ssapifla 13 1 marveilou medicine and arn very rnucb pleased with 11.» J. A LCIDE CHAlusS. #food,* pflU cmre iver ilIa tconstpation. billousues, jaufldcC slckhesacheifdiSttfl DUT sue CESSFUL REDEDY FOR MAU 0OtR BRAS?. Dr. e . Dear Rfrn-Phaa saunvs oc et~ vodru edlalu. I amaem -a 1l ka btn OusitSpvi sLie bti. -ad KENDALL'SSP Dr. B. J. gmo.,.*Am 3 'R Dazr Brs-1 aveused hemal b'attIeof ~a "Keudan*s s 0avin cun Il wth ach in<~ thlnk it the betLinent 1 oVer- nu@L lbyeIF. momr 0 ornaCab, one BlauS Ipevis -g", tmo Bo« a pavta. UveR&eOasiaauded f " oevrai cf uy frlasdavboaremac haLt aal keep 11. e "o* .. Ense.o B.JFKN ALLS, .V 12, For Twenty-Tive Yesr DUNNS T~Qj($ESTFRIEND,- -4N %jl j

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