Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1895, p. 5

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CoWfort, jstyUk, la Whai you demninluthe Oucas f Spectacles sud E-yeglamse. We use intelli- gentltheUicbet appliancea for fittiag the finest quality of lenseS. W. taire great pains in the choice of suitable fratues. Your attention la called to our new frames In steel anâd gold for those un- uaually wide between the eyes and for those whose nase la especlaliy tender. Also our Goid EycglaMSa with double tketion sprlng. HOME :0: OPTICIAN, Brook 8treet, - Whtby. tom « pOoatyOl m *M«g O6o. FRIDÂY, MARCII 18, 189.. LOQAL "LOoIS. Content. of to-day's Chse.. Sîory of the Nonquon. Goad column of local sports. lao Liber ai convention here ou Saturday Ist.1 "ts HOumtoL. Very convenient *ttih 7 rotsGood hard and soit wattr,-Mud -À ~~ea1 garden. Low rentaI. 4pply 4tnew shoïe store. Neit Sunday la the i7tb of lrtsndi Down ta zero yesterday morn ug; t awlld uight. You can get repair* fosevery stdir n d furnace miade la ýCanadafror SlMu Intyre. Cal snd see thc grand dlsplay of sprlag C ooda at the wesî aide boat sud shoc store. .Caollns. Woven wire bed-springs full aize, with steel corded wire and hardwoad frames, Only $2, at W. Till'a. Those who have not subscribed for newspapers shoutd da se. We are ,lvlng two papers ta thc end of the year for $z. Bithen lte Globe or Mail with the Caoa- ICLE. Send in names at once. If yenu are sfféring from dandruif, or fauling hair, get a bottie of Dr. Grnas 'Hîairene" from your druggist, Who wlIt guarantee t ta stop faIling hair and two applications ta remove the dandxufl Bank iuwtrest on deposits ba lalely been roduc.d. Safe IUvu«tuuQu are .scarce and people Who havé money fiock ta the banka with IL.The. result la that money la lacked up ia thc banks, snd the bauka findIng they are gettlag more tisa they eau use have ta reduce the rata af uneet, on deposits. Tie Whltby Sous of Temperance have arranged with Mr. J. E. Buating ai Toron- ta, the noted ventriloqulat, etacutlonist Lad huria 't, ta gi ve ane ai bis laugitable sud rnirth-pravokiug concerts in the music hall, Whitby, an Frlday eventng, Match 22nd, commencing at 8 o'elock* sharp. Adniissîîin75 cents ; children uder ig et za cents. The programme will be ai a moot varied sud enjoyable characten, free fnam vulgarity. The p resu opinions are very flsîîerlng. Daont fail ta bi an baud. Wauted. Gond genenal servant. Apply taeMNli. D. M. DECKER, Whitby.-z6-2iU. Coau 1k Toronto price.. Selling out durtug uext week-I wlll sel very best Scranton sud Lehigh coal 84.7,5 aI shed, $5~ delivered--spaî cash on!y. H. B. Taylor. mhe Moon eellpaed. People in town were much interestcd ou Sunday night over the tatal eclipse of the moon, which obscurcd it for a couple ai hours, between 9.30 sud i1.30. This aflernoon service. The Rev. J. C. Davidson, nector ai St. John's chuîch, Peterboro, willI preach at the aternoon service to-day, Friday. in Alil Saint' s church. The service will be- gin a1 5 o'cloclc. OxnoiLa sud Weekly Gloire and (lii Canada Farmer ta Jan. 1, 1896. VUCHBON'TOLE and lveekly Mail and Empire te Jan. lat, 1896. CaaowaxLn and Fanmera' Son ta Jan. lat, 189. Send for one. Anyoue wio iasu't seen thc liustratcd Amenicap, liaI monarch ai thc wecklies, may gel s sample copy by sending Rd- dress on a postai to tic publication office 5 and 7 Est 16th stnecta, New York. Tic currenl issue treats eenttiningîy of tic Geisha girls in tie lesding article, which ia J apanese. W. Y. M. Lub-Con Assae. Mn. W. B. Newsome, president Toronto Y. M. Lib.-Con. Assoc., wil ddress thc Whitby Young Meu's Liberal -Conserva- tive association in ttc Highland club nooma an Weduesday evening, MarcIt 201h, at 8 o'cloek. A very cordial invita- tion is extcnded to ail Canservatives ta attend ttc meeting. A story of local interest. In Ibis issue of tic CHRONICLE wiII be i)utd the apeniug ciapters ai a storv tic plot ai whi ch ta laid in ibis county. at a point on the Nanquon ucar Seagnave. We copy tic stary fron thti Canadian Maga- zine, a graudiy Canadian montiiv devated 10 tic advaucmcnt ai Canadisu ideas. Tic story wihi nun about four weeka, aud wilI be fauud very neadable.- Bourd of fiducation Regular meeting Wcdncsday nigit. Membens present-Chairman MeClelian, sud Messrs. Dow, Farewell, Ormistan, Ban,:iay, Blow, Fox, McGiilivnay, Rassa, Fenguson, Hatcb. Absent-Parker sud Long. Secretlary White noti ficd lte board otfictally liaI Mn. A. M. Rosa iad been etcctcd la fil tic vacaucy at Uic board ai education caused by tie deati of the. laie Trutec Lamier, vieneupan Mr. Rosa 100k bis seat. A letten vas resd front Mn. Wmn. KCir*land affering ta sapply, te sehools sud collegîste institute witi s blue black i-k ai 6oc. per quart. Mr. Ormistan ne- ported for tiecoemmittec on sip-ool man- agement, but aftcr sente discussion the re- port was fouud ta be inicomplet. sud vas witidrawu by tic chairman u-atij ucati meeting. Mn. Dow rcad thte report af tic finance Conmlittec reeoeudiug psy- men ts as foliava: Mns. Allun 8=087 ; A. C. Wilson $î.6a; S. M. Newton $11.2s; Jua. Néwport 83.50; R. S. Cormack $6. The report was adapted. On moôtion ai Mn., Do Datce ame of Mr..R.oss was insent- cd lu ail tic committees upon whlcb lic laIe Tios. Lawier senvcd. Tic* board tien adjourued. ?4n. Guy Dartacîl, Toronto, vas home aven Sunday lat. Mn. FrahIk 'lsdîtl, *t, P, -fanNort Ontario, vas iu lova Wedncaday.. Mr. Harry Fairbanks andr iamîly, af Ostava, speut Suaday luaet ln lown. Mn. Win. Crosby, of Peierboro, speat a, few dmysIsat eek vtsttlsg is unele Mr.., W . HCoby. I , _ Mr. jk. iL.Utîggad wona odwthfi lie age'. compeUtion, *soU q frU-t re. ion Slan.'& Wéhington. Mi'. Bd. Davy>' rrivod home mi. Ch, csgaMhlsftran'l>sice, of Gay. 1»&« rlas É* =VttbedIbim aji tak aria grippe- ,*-m bok* b*, hoaver>' uo aipn.oeu6a b«t 5 bp bottF. ' o' u- Ùn r~ta nàp yt~frd Thbe CUaorn;.gii d Globe or Caoi- :oLu; ~nd--M.at.anê Eile for 01 to ara. 0at m86~togo a~ tea months. forra dollar. Sendlat -onceé for tbcm ta the Ca aONICLE, WhItby._ Mrs. Linton la again Il aluover diml- 'cuI% abut a sewlngmachine. 6p esolld waInut parlor suite, plush etW l llti banda, for $32, worth $U~, Easter la April î5th tht, year, rather late tan te acason. 'Hawever, if the hiens don't get a gaiug t wilt ' be here soon leaaugh.t Cati at the New Sboe -Store and get the great bargains offered for ancernonth. Ail the bust grades at auction prices at M. W. Collina' New Shae Store. Owlng ta the delayed malse from the uorth yesterday, wc mlised newslettera fromn Brooklil, Manchester, and Port Perr, belng the firat lime in years. This d'sp îays the advantagc af geîting newslet- ters la a day carlier, Caoklng <da". Lesson aexzt week, varlous ways of cook- lng eggs.' WaibM ROIeli'pa4Çmpsny. if yon Été eodtteniplating à trip ta al- forfi&, MCatito at any paint souîh, plesse cousider thec merits of the only true South- era route, by taking the Wabash lirnlted. Leavlng Chicago every morning at 10.30, youpanstbrouh St. Louis over the greal Irai Mâountaln route. Palace sleeping car ta the gateway of Old Mexico, sud Pull- man Sourlat car ta Los Angeles sud San Franc"ocowlthout change. Na detsys framn anow blocksdes; june weatbeir- aIt lhe wAy.- Ask an y railroad agent for tic- kets and mapa afi tus great rail wsy. J.A. Ricbardson, Canadien Passenger Agent, N.EFL corner King and Youge streets, To- ronta. Mms Sailltprssented. Grand Presideut lira. W. C. Stnith of Xhe Daugittens af Englaud, was bil>' hn. ored on Frlday ntght last at the, Jadge. Puat Supreme Grand President. Revelle, Hamuitoti, presented ber on bebsîfaof PrIa- ceas May ladge D. of E.. wiîb an address and Siater bateman, President of the local lodge, presented het wih a *=Maetry, a very bandsome and useful plece af turni- tune, wbich rny people May have natte. ed in Mr. Wrn. TiII's wlidoU. District Deputy Bowden, accompanied by -d nn. ber of members af Empres afindia lodge, Oshaiwa, was also present. There Was also a programme ai ententainment and ne- A Snawlùw runa awuy. Ycstenday afternoon asanow piow was makiug its way front Lindsay dowu this line, and ltsd neacbed lie gravel noad crossing this side of Myrtie, wben thc coupiug wss brolcen sud tic plow 100k-a beaden soutbward. It set out at comiant- able speed ai firet, but gathencd up a little as it rau, sud fi nally was moviug at a seveutlfive mile rate viten il stnuek a pile af dles tie bauds had piied ou tic înack at the round bouse icre. Tiese il dislodged lu short onden sud set oui fan tic junction, wiene antîer pileaiftics gneeted il. These, too, wene cast off, sud fiually thc plowv bunîed the big post aItich end ai tic sidiug, knacking tic sluffing out of Lt. But the funy oaits pace was speut, sud it puilcd up lu good orden. spor~ts. Tic Pickering coliege junior iockeyites came icre on Fnîday nigittolameeltich Actives. Tic Wiitby boys were very muci tic amallen, but won casily by 8 gVals ta 1. 1 Ttc collegiate institule hockey teani visited Part Hope on Fniday nigIt l"at but saft Weather pteVeuted Uic match, wUlet was ta have come o«f on an oulside rink. -On Satnrday te boys weal on la Peterboro, where a btot nmatch vus played withthte callegiate champloofai the Province, rcsulling Lu Whitby'. defeal by 6 goals la & The Pickernug cotiege hockey club tried conclusians with ttc tawn cluib oh Mon- day night, sud werc whitewashcd Ln s very intercsting game. Score 7 tao0. Il ils but fair ta ttc vanqniahed to -say Ihat tey put up a very tard game ÙÙt hâ:d. hard luck ta, buck againat. A mab of howling youtis attend the différent hockey matches and dlsgrace themaciveS sud tie lowa by howliug ln season sud ont af scason. The vatét trouble cannecled with allowing baya la sec gaines free Ls that they are not atis- fied witi being. deadhcaded, but muat taIt. full possession sud disturb the vtale proceedîngs. .- Whitby's Juniorisit ~nÎors, tic Âetivea, visilcd'Liudsay on Saturday sud tboIt9a fcv fafs out ai tic juniors oatlplace.ý Our boys wan s great victary, tic score being 5 ozLiintieirfavor; laI t tllUitey gaI-t Uic rat ai t, for durwgti srugl Eddéie, Nicholson recelvcd 'abad-LaU, vhic renltd i a compound fracture o his arm. Dr. Kemip, i.,ndsay.,wto vas presat,4hd the bo:y.;emovcd ta 4iis sur- gery, whcre Jie sel lhe broken boues lu place, sud declined 'ta receive any fees, îvhich ,aet af sportamanlike . geueroeit3y wou .fethim lte,',,ghest- eslcem' of, aur youthful Iockeyites. The yong lad ilI seau be around again. About three huntfrcd people, vWsIted te rnik on Wednuesday aigbt ta see-tbu exhi- bidoan of hiockey bi tic BbanIt al CouIrée teain, Toront, s- additioanal attraction bciag tuiat severaJ of tient were ex-.%%itby boyï. -Rounds' of applauie gree:cd tic balikr-bamýpi"sas 'they scoolcd onft tpon tic ice, and a people taok stoçkiof titeir' big iathhetie figures. Of course, the- pr.- v#Iltn ideavas' tint thecolcgisteboys woahe tob. in il,' sud wvbet$tCto-- mec ehtt s he ecfiat gaal Lu 1 Mhz. Mlagnificent assorted stock % o. of Lineçps1 II!ew Cotton Sheetlngs, Piilow Caton ; Circ" r ad plain. Bleacbed and Utn- bleaChed Cottana. Butchers' Linena ii alilwidtbs. '40-la. wtcle at 1 Art Linens and Drawing Linens, 36 ta .5 luches wide. Beautiful new Goods and wanderfui values& S« Oaur nçw Talç Inçqq at ?q Ç", pçf yard.' New Tow.1is and Towellings, Just to CAZJL AHI? EXAMINE -OUR SRN GOODS. ~ Ç ~Ire F.STEWAI~T.~ N~IV TWEEDS. DRRSS 1~ARRICS. SSonbetfme for s Spring-Suit.- Dutr Spring Stock of e. . Sultinga is coMplte enough l tatfs e- erypassble need at reasonablpprloe -New Tis, Sc uls, Haudkerbiefs, Hosieryi Gloves; Rate, Cape, etc , at thc ver>' closest prces. Sec our Gente' Hemnned Stitched Hmndlcrhlefs at zaj cents each, or 01.25 per dos, monte Shirts, Nght -Shirts. etc., t very iow prices. Cali on us sud leave your meure for a new Sprlng Suit at reasouable prices. New Prints and'Sateeàs just received. Better corneand sec ibei. You'U appre- diate them. Otbers do. Duck and'Drili Su ltiga, n.ew Zephyrs, plain and fancy and other novelties. Vn- questioned Bargains for eveýrybody. New Sprizig Goods fairly pauring ln. New nress Goods froas the bust Eng- lieh, French and German manqIactirera. .-lain V919vçd 1Prna Cooda. Black and Navy Serges. lat 60c«, spniag wbeat 58c., goose barleY 44c. ta«4c., oaso 0.; SM5o., blackreye pes 5c, blue munnY PesasSoc., buckwheat oc, ay 85.5o ta $6, red claver, prices paid: fail wheat 55c, c, goo s , buck wheat 37e, ta 40c, bIne sud white pes 5o, id blackeyed 55c, claver seed 8,5.- 83.50 O a .e, limothy $2.00 rye e.oo, baled iay 10.00, park $4.50 lonr$I .70, eggs 17c> potatoco pen Blaokvator.. as corrected weekly by Lyous erIng wheat 6o ta 62c, fal wheat goose wheat 54 ta 55c, Buck- to 37t, barley 4o ta 45c, black- 55 ta 55C. aMaill pes 2 ta 52C, 55 ta 55e, wite Oaso31 ta 3ic, t 25 ta 26c, alsike clover $s.oo ta claver $5.75 ta $62,5, beaus 8.& 1hoga, &5.25 ta $5.25 mat, 6ajta 62c; spring whea';'&e; Mte %5C : buekwheat, 3546 ;bar.ý )wed, 40e ta 45e; barleY*.tvo.. :; ryc, 40 ; oats,2k, e 13§5 c; 150e; imummny pem, 55 afoc; ic-eye, 6sc ; blie peas e to 60C; Iike, U25 ta $e25; red claver, 3;patatoca, pen bag, -SaC th 55C; #8; balcd bay, -$Io t 102; but- 18C ; gga, z6c taîS8,c;drèad r5 ta $5,oo:-tope, Ive welghî, desý wiater, Si..5sta $2.0. ý .;itprcës*,q 7.1,; banley -46 ,ý-comniJu ,n. peàs:'564' buckwteat.42e,,itay $to 75x- atnw$.5t, butter zci gp turkeys 7t'OSc,-geese 6e, düC&â' ccabbige, per' daz. 3ýté 6 uon s, er7 , 70c. i S c, iThbefigure givea is té be he Iwheat-à8c, ppring...6pc, -.,'se y 6rowed 42c, barley . ýl--zw k, 0atS"3Tc, blackeyepu C. - scam ;tf~,, I~ELICIOI~S z Pac SON, beeu.,gettled upon li.efallo*il 'The islaud. ai ôtForm osa tO ,J4pasu;, 250,O,CW,ê i lu a ~Japan ; . ,Kaestbe an indep lufuture ; japan toýholdi us fortrcsiesfor anumbie-ô6f -ti ,ap- . ai; so, fafth - laban t d W.i, PRJ'N7'ED iXJTTON Great budget ai news front ail parts or the couuîy. Intenesting letter au fruit culture ln On- tario, front an aId nesideut of Whitby, now nesiding ln Winnipeg. Scott repaira ail kiuds af pumps. Handwood dinlug tables, 4 leaves, only $5, aI W. Til's. People siould watci and let -watcr off their premisesa a al limes. Get yaur fine-pots, grates, mron on brick litinga fan ail kinda of slaves, ranges or funnaces, front J. Melntyre. Every pain ai baats, shoco, rubbens, oversiocosud long feit boots wiil be sîaugited ion a moti, M. W. Collina, east ide Brock st., Whiiby. Tic Bicycle business for r895 ha fsiiy opeued, carl y a it may scem, sud tie uni- font pnice o f ail higi casas wieels bas ual dccreased much, bciug about $xoe. Tiere arc several eieap whccis made, ranging from 8S,5 but lie man wbo wants a good article will psy $9 or $ioo, sud will ot pick thc ligitest wicci he caa find citiet, ueleas he intenda ta conflue is idiug to city pavements. Rexuember That Dr. Grant's "Rlairene"la isguarau- teed ta stop fallng bain and nemove daud- ruff, St. John's chanci ut lhe bay. St. Johu's chunci services at the bay wili be condueted by Mn. R. J. Reulson on Sunday next. Conserva.tires. Remember President Newsome, of Tor- onto, at Whitby YVoung Men's Liberal- Conservative Assoc., Wedncsday even- ing, Marci 201h. Our ciubblng lista 'Ne have done so much ciubbing this year that mnistakres were inevitable in soîne cases. Many have been r.-ctified and we bove ta hlear front any others who luve not neceived the papersý they want. Mllburn's Magazine. Messrs. T. Miburn & Ca., Toonot, Ont., have just issued a neat sud readable publication under the title ai "Milburn's Maguzine," whici coutains many gond things. Tic propnietons of Bundock Biood Bittera are to be cougratulated Ùu the en- terprise îiiey have dLaplayed Our read. ers eau abtaiu a satuple copy by enclosiug a"ne cent stamp fon postage 10 tic flrm 's addness. Thene la anc stony, "Thc Little Weaver," wici wilî atone nepay te tîrouble ai seudiug for tic paper. Eveulag inasqueade party. ,Miss Wilcox gave a very pleasaut party on Tlîuraday evening hast, at whici same fonty ai ber iienda were present. Tic house thnougbout was specîally snnanged ,and decorated. Tic nefreshmeut rornt lookced cxçeedingly pndtty aud was pre- esided over by Mms. Wilcox. Tienvelty ai the eventng wasa taIaci guesî was .dressed lu masquerade costume, mnany ai then, belng verypretty sud unique. Tic bour (or .golng homre camre aniy tooy soon. liTWecvealng- vas aeknowledged by aIl ta be UIc hmoot enjoyable ai tichesson. There vere tva rsnawsYs in towu dur- -Ing -te week. lu anc case MiL W. J. FOy's* patuy- vaà going sottotaarda Uic tiay, whentUeuns gittbase sud t rau wa.one, of the. accu taaioUicherig *grrbbçd. for 111e lu#es, ,could ostly -raho.witItwbleh e pufl e U ic o litâte c&.d tumbled Uic occupant -out. .$0o basa as doue. lauiche ther Instance 'oglug larlrick vas driving ac *of MvGea uho" n lto ovansd ven .oposIe~ x MCeisu nresidence vus .obliged go tu=a aut tg pea a ig. The conisysuce gutpoa 111' 11gb bank and 'Ctan ve&y ufty te ,ova«M wuic ft and stablee n ier tànved ut loh isped ltaI - at co;Ïdflit*tm Ito thie do«r snd m ade âen attemot tojuïqp tbroUgh tii.vndow..ý The iron 1»»presfted tItibut Uie wln,, d4o* Vus bas4)ý uMaed.Tiehome vwu 3'T, 7f-BJ al] the e R IT B Y0, Drille Oîoadcast Seedeis, Il aliers ate bock Nos. *ora lu use bined. su tiey bave Sot lhe r£EE THis. OLL, OAIT. WH ITAY. -Spring Ggocla iât meoý- NEW VWEEDS. sud home snd native land.,, 'the déali àiud prohibition. Fl h ~f idi eltrt1f bf Ël1Hst Ioierrctewheat 5c. c s«adud ithe tcmiletiun*, t, L wonld talalis somethlng more h~~rçsulttbn. ps The members .mut e igt 0-at. 32crye f There La anly anc pluc i'f e Wi'as 'ou- $6.40P, alsit çcmre cani become bulletg . .,at thc 1balYt êbox. This a ic houiiy ~I~e that- bür lagslstors cau Led Uichen*iueftce of Rigîest te, Cistisn'church. sprlng S Every religions service should be a Wrîey3c1 gospel temperauce meeting. Psith with. w uny and ont warks ls dead. We neyer rcad of thUic alik aposttes good resointians, but w. read af 38, asi$8 The l tior lraffic to-day la thc Goliath tag $4. ,f that la cantnolling aur country. It is Con.- agc trollng aur statesmen, aur tegisistors, aur patiticat parties, sud a large part of Markets the christian votera of Uic land. But Lt la & Co; SpÉ s0 subtie aud crafty Lu ils manipulations, s8 ta 6oc, that ucther ttc pulpLt nor lte pen, witt wîeat 32 i' few exceptions, are awarc of t. ee es To show how mach greater rellance yled pesac politiciassplace ln Uic dcclaraiosaofthe bited pes traffic tItan Uiey do iu Uic resaintians of OSmîx ed st the churches, wc quole. anc sentence fromt 85$. io, rd* Governor Hill's adjnamt-gnera. SaLdta$.O he, "I would rather have anc saloon be- hIind me Ln palitics tItan s dozen churches.'1 Comment La scarcely.neces- allWhe 'ary thé liquar luteresa arc organized goase whes sud- consistent. Wta±t is the remedy ? tey, six-naç ,Moral suasion, say soume. Etlect tein- rowed, 42c pirs-ne men inthie otd parties, say pes, mail others Btt these lans have been per- pes, blaèi sevcringly trLed and yaur readers know claver, Als with what success, , 86 ta $6.40 'A prohibition party tas been proposed, hay. $6 ta bi# msny of aur ChristianuprohlbitLonts ter, z6c ta say wc muet flot iacourage Uic aid par-, hoga, 84.7,5 tié oQf aur great country- WbIat next? $C.75 ; appie Thi baene prop'osed 4by Bro. L Bryeftoa iiitW'tb-a sd prqbalîly noet Uiclest iiz~Imusask UC uerýe obibitioniats ..Tic follcq wlotutty ta Iedge elo1 - -thât Wlewhej w~nagie nzncrsy 0j0-ae e so uc cured ten toai- a conivention sud o'-ry oc, 1,2c gguize ,tasu:pport, sny sawcJbi party a s à1illclaver o#S. tbke prohibitions aplank la its platfi)tm4 uew lad" î1 s"ç ag awork -on thseUns." ro. Ecron' ddoes nat go sfar asà 1 would de. 4C ta 4C# siri Výbt l~si1im i the directiOn be s e aof>rhibition', I halh'support Lt ui oehlgbëte :can lie obtaiued. I turulpe, Po hve read Mr. 1y eualterL eeral ' '- eigosjournal, u, a, -a-apis$73 méats,s dve î.or otherwîie, We do not expecît e poltic*l prea, thapprove ot;ut -if thecChristin nanl-1 a NOTEr. - vitaï ttey say vhe U thispald. Fal oIa f aur villanies 53'oas-w>s c, bneY eeny," #theu I would thiuk -thcir organe 350> ryIeý w*duldrcceive t gla.dly o roo'MsaUe uniy M UiIng bettér. Ifrusweea shnel to eu* x :g~,oo> yuugmcaconvcrted ta Chit- $.O1 t5~ttyaut Ltbe pasaed ov n Lu6oc,, oo sience? park 4-50 P)ni*e 0ut tItis "mtu er of aboina- S c C, lisp" su Uicpeaiecsul sabaswiUre- utter zc Cx»omar.,, ü*4 woeçy Globo, a4 Czaoxrora ud WsoklyMail sud Tic waç_beîwecu 'China',ad94 anÊu ha. -77 . %-l

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