inrSth tW th LioU. UT W. TEOpoiÇ,o The -paa, or meuntganlieu,_ vi nar),> Staoi a rwu pereon ; but the sovi omeuniien do top,when excite b>'1h.steilotioo, ls.proved by th number cf yeana ago iu Colorado, I ut dertook te drive a tunnel jutte of the mountalu on one aide of Argec élu, Gnloh, about two mules aboi Goosgetovn, lou OCreek County, 'm objeo t boing te t4P a paying vein i Ur#, vbich i toit ceuvinceti existed i that aeigbbod, thon g hafrocà thelb.n acssible nature ofEt hecentinuet bolgbts Fconld net locate it. -A sai vas, therefore, eut efthLe question; bu a tunnel, pierelng tho meuntain ut rigi angles tte Ira "n efminerai utreai would be ps.tty certain. I tbenght, t, atrilce auch as wvero émue fissure veine- i. e., oxteuding tue a greal deptb frec the surfPne I could tien wemk thb lf( ,tmuci gresées convenienc, arLd ler expense than by ta vertica eliaft. My fereman, s Cesnishrnan name( Owen bartelt, a big, rougli tsllov, bu a skillad miner, bad undor him nin, other laborers, oeeoet hom wss Gor don fl*bumu, a- fine lecking, pôwertu. yeutb oo lgiteen, hailiug from Wyorn iug. Contrai-y to Lie prevalent cuochon cf tise.turnes, Raeburn nover canrieti e revolver; but a valnable silver-mount ed huntng-Iuaife, given hlm by a party of Euglish sportsmen, vas is cunshan companion, ils richiy orniameuteti bell aud scabbard being alvays bucklec about his waisî vien goiug te sund ro- turning troua vork. For no purposa o: offense or defence vas this beanéifu) veapon vomit, but mriely frem tnLs evn- er'sihes-eut love et armesud because of its pleai.ant associatieual. Young Raeburn vas a fiast-rate baud -obeertul, zealous sud efficient-yet ho sud tbc foremnan did net gel ou very vel l ogether. The lattas mad net been aocuslorned te baudling Amrencan workmen sud vas a pI te b. rather perumptesy aud overbeariug in man. uer, au ascumption of superiomily vhich Gordon resentad, vhile bis evu inde- pendent vay et spaakriug vaslooked tapon by tie foreman as rauk impu- dence.- On tiat side efthtue gulci viare va had located eus tunnel, tie alepe efthtue mounltain vaësos graduai tisétubhe fiast 8iily feet of the verk tormed mrely au open, level fleorod eut. . At lie point vhea tube tunnel proper began, the surface ef the gronnd over-lying îts meuth vas about Ibis-taon feotu above this floor; the achual pasaagevay, sec- tangular iu fcrm, beung six foot hlgh sud tour teat vide, vith tep sud sides sjecurely timbered, as, atter dnivlug lu ueariy eue huudred featu, ve lad net yet gel Llrougii the drift, vhich conét loua centuries oet douadation b.d bseugbî dovu trom tube upper leights sand depoeited bers. Tus drift consisted mostly ef huge bovîders and detaoied places of roc, vbich v. vere obliged te romove ont et eous vsy b>'blastlng;-,sud juat ont- sida tube tunaiel'is outrance lier. vas, cloce t0 the vall et the ont, s pile o! champ, breken fragments, vieoled eut trom ime le Urne sud dnrnpedthIer. for removal at couvouleait intorvais. Oue ce'ueing, juil as ve quit vork, a tlu, harkiessud limbleas fire-kiled dsa- avsm ceondation from me, tube foreman, a0s 8001 as my baik vas tuumaid, venhed iselagrin lu postive abuse etftthe boy,s I aftrwaudlear- e.. Thongi greahly agged ai su"eh Kro« injustice, the jouth didueotr.tslate inklud; but vison ths ruof cfe lecrov ad setoff £or tiberude, lgboa2 ous, haif a mile fartbar up th andIlbad litenr m' llai ýin GeOrotovu, hO trensa beh n!;nt, it seems, for tiht.-pi-'o- et aullouly nurming hlSivuatishJl tOf conuqnening it by lard gratcitu. volk. Ho lad, inf404 d«etarm , 4.te ouit ise tire. cmb propIe 609910rUmung before 'going t tuesup r i sel e loathito appear in hisposent famé CI mimd. This nove! ana voe yulrwwt.m mothod cf aveaglbg an i m'7iuude bo thonJstt CauseOson Bautt ts uhae isif"; sud if auuis baUlo hrough î vth il a osn o sensf factien, vo musti not bisanoth *.* frpbyskla1',Vy ~ ~ 4 znatohfor bi t zmotor$ -and 4i safol>' bave punisbsd b1hm lh5f ar dd feont fuible; but a vl--of t $aa kind Gor-don da4 mot va**.. The *iw4*n Tii.I meg 'sd", mis4 4 b ýtogothêèr bd do640wqitaowu to,ço#e.qt hé wlA tust4t fter al. Vd ip wt*h-thef>=M. ïruat wôuld b. *o i it:zoe rfb luin', Znd W&ýâ "t bde for bels ttheboati band -youve got. oppedo aret and srobd 1ujp bis bok There'l b. thbe miisobief to4pay if you'-ve for a ,prlug-for he wusleus tI, fif-. Ildriven him Qf," botn fiot from et 10310W it 'Twas a can oolgtnihsd #«I was alf blln4ed hli u blae4u.-hat; d the two,.minore b.d goue' morne -dis. lad -sun dowa -My foebëa, - îe tuai..&long thi e 1-trail' without wetobed thi brute as woll as 1 oould,ý soeing yhn nan , wben, on pas aud when hoe rose bigla lu the.air,wi. Bsing &round a bowlder in sdvano, cf bis wicked.looking stratohed ont Shie companion, Kcllmr etarted bock and bis green cye blazing, Ijumped te 10wich -a ory ef horror. - one aide, se that h.e net only rnissed me t I There, Oweai Barfelt il" ho ohoking- .but got a etab iu pssing. Tbatmod, F'e ly exelaimed-"lthere's the. resuit of hlm rnadder than eVer, and ho turned 'Y your wioked temper l' poirmting, wlth s 11ke lightniug sud came st me again. Of shudder, to tvo objecte lying ontube I wheeled te face hlm, but his short. In path--one the apparently iffeless form sprlng vas se quiok this lime that ho. 0 of Gordon Aaeburn, sud the other the. knocked me fiat on rny baok snd came 28 body cf an unrnistakably doad men- dovai on to ef me weote ,ft tain lion. "lAithoun1% My icft elbew weoto it The. creaturo lay u a littie pool ef joint, I coud move that artn froua the atblood, sud get bltches of the carne ehoulder veli euough4 sud nov, almost asangninary. finid bad psrtially. driod without knowing bow, I p ut it in front oc upon the boy'. face snd brean sd of my threat. Oneocf tuhe lion'. fore- -upon hic right baud, still graapiug the psws vas ou oach aida of me, aud as n huutiug-.knlfî witb whloh ho hati aeem- aoon as be'd cosbiesi.Jawu on my arin e ingly perfosmed tbe voudrons teat cf ho began bt tar at my beot legs witli e elaying a fuli-grovu puma iu fair flght. hie biud clave, whie I vorked tbe ilI eanpte hie ualy temper a- . rongh knifc for deitrlite. bessmng, the Oornishman wus net a bad -'I ouldn't have beeu lu a rnuch bet- di fellov st heart. sud now, saslhe hastily ter position for striking, as my clbows .t kueit by tbe boy'. aide, hie features naturally feU juet back efthtue brute'. ce twitched oonvtilsively sud tears of gen- shoulder, By great good luck, the r- ine eorrow flowed down bis cheeka. third or fourth tbruat put bis hcart il Truly thb. slght iras a meet pitoons Open, as you sav, sud b. lot go hie hold - oue. The lad's face vie fearfully gaah- sud rollcd off me. Thaî's the lacé * cd sud ot; two et bis front teeth were tbing I knew tii I1 fonnd Owen, hero,1 * gene, sud bis left elbow vas -dislocated, 'bathing my face. But, boys, I tell yen whiie the legs o! hi# oobido boots I'd like to thauk those Englieh genie. Swere torn te ebrode. But aiowhere, men oves again for ébat splendid t except.on bis loft forearm, appeared kuife VI ,t any marks et the punaus a eethi, aud "How did they happen to giva it o10 1 even there no. laceration, but merely yen, Gordon ?" asked oeeof tuba men. . two deep,puucturos, ehovlng whero thea Why, for nothing almost," modest. if beut'a gieat canines had piereed the. ly replied the boy. "Lut Octoberj Il atout ceat sieeves. their party et four getlolst on thc Wind - Atter a minute or tuvo ef carottai ex. River Bauge eut in Wyoming. They'd1 3 arnination, Barfelt joyfuUly esied : becu giviug me tvo dollars a day for1 1 "0 4Wby, tbe ladin only fà inted frorn coekiug sud ohoring round the camp,i es et bloodi1 That brute hasn't sud vhen they'd been eut for threo twouuded him aI ail. He's corne by nights 1 got scased, paeked up a back lites. burte ln somne ether way, before ioad cf grub sud started off te flnd i. elion tonohed bMm. He'il ho ah hem. tright lune no e 1" 841 did it, tee, Lthe very firit day. r And dushing off te a near-at-hand They bad Ieta et meat, but said éhay .meuntain spring, Owen quickly rettant- vase hait etarved, as éhey'd soon geL kwith hie feit bat full of watuer. sick cf tubat. Tiih es vadrg Moanéamo, Kellar rau at top spood te round and round sund roun,,jdesiud 1the shanéy for stimulants, aud ona com- could't get clear efthtue ranges any- iug bok h. vas accornpauxed by the bey; but I kucv the country liko a rst of the. men. H. bad net beau gene book and broughî Ihem eut a1 irgbé.i five minutes, but already, throngh the Thon, viien I vculdn'é take auy mouey4 fosemaa'e Judicions roatmoait, tbe li-. over sud above my regular wagee, theyc jnred youth - had resoverod conscoos- gave me tubat kuife sud a beautittai rifle, neas, sud, aftor ewailoving 8cme cf tuhe just as if I'd doue sometblug great r" lrestorâtives koptu ou baud for such* * * emergonceos, wuabslo te Mt up Thon, I arn glad te be able ho atata ébat, beforo ho lad tuzue tue speak, O von, ad- undor tube case ofa skilfnl esurgeon, the drosslug the stoushed. orowd, mnauful- gsllaut youug Raeburh becarne quit. 1-Y said:. sound again in tvo menthe, sud lieuce.-d 1"BOYS, Ii thin g las scmobow boen forth hoansd the foreruan voee heoaet 1brought, about threugh my finit. I et frienda. Was crUolY Moan te tis bravo youn g fellow to-day, and nov I hnrnbly ask 8TOUTMTVILE hie pardon, bfoe yon 'ail. He,,; a 1hero I Tlat's what ho i., sud I'm a H.avy robbery autA&u-ors. irogniar beas te , Another daslng robbery is reporte e "Den't Bay 'Saither word, Oweni1 tsom Aurora. Thnrsdy mcsniaig Has- Iî's ail righi. Iln glad I got lhurt, for tiug's taller establishment wau brokea Il Wefl bô good bMondaeu ,'1 se- open sud about $500 vorél ef clotua Gordon* holding Out lis sound baud, taken. Admittance vas gainod te the whioh was warmly gra ' 'd by the. Bug. atoee t break*u aee ls uti lishrnai, vu.the pleaeod onlookera rotw Thw.le greator part of the C lnstily ceored béth. stolon propaerty' vas euly rooeived by Onp cf the men -nov ha id dev Mr. Hastings the day provIens. This Georgetown te tel! wlat had ocourred, letho second titi. hie establisiment sud the. chIens, after aranll1stip basbeau broen jute duuug tho pust off the. puma'. polipQ, ud ding tis thre. mentis. It je cupposed tle per.-Vi the. craturo's hoartu lad bieau elovon al- petraters came from Toronto. l meut inu tuWain b»y, il% koon U-:£-ifo, to n nOUVIOliVeRitOr.ý* Dear . dio -Win, y uIdndly la. feom te raders of euvaube ae' that 1 svll gladly md -SE mferrfru Lost aaod Nërvouý 'flebilky, Nlght Lcuu~.Vrlc~ele lmpteuansd the r3sults cf yotutfulyIpaiticulrs f a simple snd 1niÇ48Ivsoe ts of self-cure whlcb after be- ing umbugédand I mpesed tapon for years by quacks andi patent medîclue sbas, cureti n'e Ina few weeks. I have nothlng toý soli or give away, ner arn I advertising an y patent medicine business, but will be pleasea to bear froin any sufferer anxlous to find a cure for bis complaint. te vihoin I will expisin confiden- tially bow and by what- means I visé cured. Hundreds have -been cured through my ad- vice. Coesanothing to learu vihat 1 paid hun. dretis et dollars te find eut. Address confi- dentially and enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. Mise Anna Gould, daughter et the late Jay Gould, was marrieti at Newi York Mon- day t0 the Count de Caetallane. The wcd- ding wua magnificcut one. ove Thom A Chance i That is te say. yens munge. Aise ail your lroathinz mahinery. Very w aiderful Mna- chinery it is. Net ouly tai rgar air-va- sages but the th ousauti et littie tubes and cavides leadiug f rom thon>. When these are ce gged sud cboked with 'natter wbich ought net to ha there, yens lugi caunot hait do their werk, And what they do, they canuot do well. Cail it cold, coughp croupp pheumona oatarrh, consuruption or any cf the tamily cf throat sud nose sud head and lung ob- structions aIl are bad. Ail ought te, be gi>t rid of. 'ihers la just One sure way te get rid of therm. That is te take Boseheels German Syrup, which any druggist wiIl sen Yeu at 75 cents a bottie. E yen if every- thing else had failed yen, yen ntay depend npou this for certain Controllers Wood sud. Wallace and Major Samnuel Hughes, M,P., addressed meetings Bt Sunderland and Beaverton Monday. In hia VEGETABLE PîLu, Dr. Parinelce'g bas given te the world the fruit et long fidentifie researcb in the whole reain> et inedical science, combined with new and val- nable discoveries nover bel ore knovin te inau For delicate andi Debilitated Constitutions Parmuelee's Pillasmet like a cbsrmn. Taken in :mal] doses, the effeet as b:th a toni ansd s stimulant, xildly exciting the secretions et tbe body, gi ving tene. and vigor. Mr. Charlea S. HYnu s the unanin. ous choices etthe London Liberals je repre- sent the city in the Conimons. The Auti-Septie vater tnr the sick, known as lb. Microbe Killer, is uniq ne, original andi exceptional among ail heâth drinks andi among ail active sud powertul reinedies. Can n a in small jars at $1.00 or large mues at 83.00 at W. R. Howas agent. Dr- Clsrkson Freernan, ex-Mayor et Mil- ton, dieti îuddenly ou Saturday uigbt after retiring in appareutiy gooti health. The modiern Way. Comumende ilseif te tii. vcll.formed. to do pleasautly auJ effectuallY wbst vas torrnerly doue in te crudeat manuer sud dinagreeably as well. To cleause the system sud break ; u oitis, headache and fevers witheut un- uasatfer effecta, nuethe deligbtfullaxa- tivc remedy, Syrup of Eigs. At the aunusi meeting of the peterboro' Jbeee Board Mr. J. M. Drummouti vas eleoteti Preaident. Umards Uniment cures Dadruf Mr. William McCieary et Tborold was oinamtet by the Conservatives cf Welland Jouuty Mouday. We Baby wau slck, we gave her Cucorta, When she wvsaoelld, she cried for (Jiatoria. W'hen se becamne Ms., she clng te Castorla. ire vs motuste o sur.,' but not 31$ou ihpatents -for., bistlaon.e Verystioop, noz bard te stanf ou. Aiytien, lu vhicl vo pedi4-ý'afrtu. teu-'yeïr-oôld boy migit haire taekiad And why net?2A4nperooiâ>uike maI ile job. yon'd tlink. syrnp, anid viiihav&ii t '_ Dobua 61Weil, I balaneed myselfiinley, sud aile. Mn. ShaUton 4au&4 s sample tfl had justu raisod my axe for thei. t tiia aple Syrnp on oas tabe aud vo bleu'. viso-hov or Why I don't -knoi ponco it par excMoe c. 14 ham myfoot Seemed' tue- s rigiit fr~ oin compared wi. ,be-very- tt mner m, sud dùwii I *ent, 1k. adesW«etfmaplé em nUý ls .feronm flash 1 Thesaie alwenw- neplaito and"iec noeyaoa «1909 on pus-osefor ettiu-i'U, sd , }t>enprogonood suporlor, id' ftvoi, &tledfr*wd~i vWOs uoyparu-t>', ooar nesd à aitthoseê'quaUUoe trvt i bdme th. hichgo to,Ie tp à qyrpT Thon I1casobed dow, I* ,mMr., hautou bas afis W. sud 4 faa .,S~iuon ia ie ander., on, pom*puI>sMaer.ih AhgraJa.lw -Inulu ntho cîu Pan1atent; undartisah di~ImeOok mdM'g-tiai I -Ume 0fth i an, xapie Byrêp' *"ê# UU atoeImrduaM,.tobaiatn80'f#u811uu0n _, --obp, b1OO<1b.~AU to ua dovn abus gue> per yoe.f<_wr$dugï~ fo !40ê o brWo1tluf eWoIwllaoao ap 000-1 ne _________ci w s erte an w*I -wth-oe' jp Baiihter, Conuty Orcrwn Attorney, en& County Solicitor. Offie- South Wing ?f Court Hleuse, Whitby. 31H18 R IUTLJEDGER, Barrister, *te .- Office formerly occupied by Farewell & Rutledge, next Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A.9, Solicitor in Chancery, C3onlveygacOertc Office--m the Omlce south of thée Poîst Office, in McMdiIlan's Block, .Brock Street, Whitby. GYOTJNU SMITH. LIQ, B., i11arriser etc. ,-Money to Loan. lInser Of Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South of Market, B? ock St., Whitby DOW & MC( '1J ýVRAY, Barristers, Solicitor,~ in Chancery, etc. Office ini Mathison & Hawken's new block Brock St., W hitby, south of Ontario bank. D. P. BOGART, II.D.,L.D.S. P hysican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next toÂAU Saint's Church, Dnndaa St., 'Whitby. N, B. - Denta l Surgery in ail its branches proemçt- Iy attended to. W. B. YÂRNOLD, D.L.-S. County Surveyer and Drainsge Engineer, Port F erry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeot iste with Langley, Langley& Burke, fIoronto. Designo for Churcheg, Villas and Cottages s specialty. Drsw- inge1 prepared for remodeling cxisting structures, Offce-First flat over W Howse's drng store. 9ýrP O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CÂLVERLEY, HARNE13 ILKEB, WHITBY. Having moved into onz new prernises, we are prepsred to extend the range of business. Ail work pertaiuiq to the har- ness-making and sad dlery business wM1 be doue te, satisfaction. Coilars a specialty. Cail and see my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEYe Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby. FOR 'BALE OR TO RENT. New bouse, S rooms ; 3 acre cf gardait. weil feuiced. Good locality on Front atreet in South Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, on the adjoinmng lot, or at the CHiRONircL office. Whitby, March 7th, '94. GOAL!1 GOAL I The undersigned lias juat re- ceiveti a large quntity of First Chas Ceai direct from the mines, sud- la pre- paredto bfnrnisb ail sizes, dry and dean, inciudiug several bundreti tous ofthe CELBRATE» NO. 41 amest pepular size betveen Steve and' Chesînut. 4vLeave:yous ortiesaà t one and gel very lovesi quetatioit. Terms'Cash. H.- B. TAYLORP, Ornes HowisBled. .Wtby, lnly zstb, z894. R EM OVED -TO- NEW- PREMISES, ONg BROOK STREET SOUTH 0F ONTARIO BANI( Whltby Marbie kvori(8 MATHIS9II& AWKFI manDf aCtuZOSa of -Marbie MoflLulOft8, Head8tOflC6 ad a ller Cemeikery Work. Alo importers oi. 8cotch, Sv, eedi8h, Amorican and Canadian Granites, Ail psAies wlshng work wouLl dudovelI1 Cal on us béfore purchasing. Al work guarateed ana pzicem, 04 bO loweit. 1N1w Livery and Sabe tables Dundas'St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commercial meon lbere»flealtiwith Teaming done st resonable prices. Freight ad Baggae hauled at ras able piees. A cali sohicited. MACHMNST, WHIBY, Has opened aBRepair Shop in connectio with the Cooper Shop lately oarnied on bY bis father, opposite AUl Sainte' Ohurch, and w11l do all kinds cf -Besi ing. eving ma- chines a specialty. La&wn Mowers, Bicy- cles, Fircarmi Locks, SosIes, Clothès Wringcrs, Waaiilnt Machin«s, &e. Saw Fln.Skates, Soiusors, Xnives, Clippers icsarpeed snd repaired. Ail kina of Cooper Work made sud repaired. Shop opposite AUl Saints' Church, Dunas. Street,Whitby THOS. PEAT 0f Bowmanville, lutends vistingWhi thy once a fortmight, te collect clothing fromn gent * 50 cdean or dye. Garments wheu finished wi look asgood as new. If they fail to beso will not charge for my troubl -e. If they su my charge la $ir.25 for clesnug andmice pressing a suit of clotbing,; for .dyrig -a titi *z.So. Overcoats cleanedanpesd 75, dyed for $-x. For cleanfng -or dyiug gents bats 25c. Bowmanvle, uly a6, x892 LIFE IN4SURÉANCE.,' Maniaactnrres' L1 &oideuî lrInuranoce Co" T ro t Lagestu Cpitallatoeà t. uuran ô on~~~~lït tue-aie&NDIYpeu cent, Of ai accumulaý tio e srplu» s ieturied 10 ith policy holdosu Ail daimas-o paid vitho delaY or d usco unu oupJ ot' 'd ai matnitY f dovmenî J. B.' POWELL- ÂW --itby' C.~~ Is IT.8. A8K 3uioe oldu9.&.M tfie hoIl.*. m, 1.