Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1895, p. 5

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~ 4 The Duebarton cheeket club vlslted Whitby on Monday nigit and laid over our hitiierto unconquered club by the fol- lowlug score: Whitby won. A. Whitelaw o Carl Gorts 0 John Robb 2 G. Wbltelaw 2 Robt.. Pardon 2 Jo. Dilîrnf2 Ed. Pardon 4 jas. Long i 1. Paquette 5 Duebarton won dr. Wm. Scott 4 2 Wrn.Crmw 5 a S. MConiCbie 2 2 T. Hendenson 3 i P. Moion 3 1 R. Anderin 3 K. orio 2 R.Adero 3 2 1. Plser o 1 23 13 Whltbi YOufM Us CduerVatlU A»cb A vmer nthudiaàtl meeting oftbe Con- servaives cf Whltb , chbefy young mien, ...s ebd lu the i. I hiaudclubrooma r ftbla toua Thurada e g Slaut, snd afterMmre luet '7 bluasoau association vu$ for med te Lkeoun mutLe Whitby ---Young me'$ LIbeca&IConse- vative As.odIiUOi-Mea. J. B. Dow, Dr. KeGMlIvrar, J. D. Howdee, J. H. Long, . R. PpmideJohn Burnsacere lome cf tbeoldurMmuberi present. Dr. MCGIIlvftey c med t te ewar, and -Mr. W0.in, cbaa'nM s wu 1te ..ray protoua. Tb utmomuti t re- valleil, sud the. 03050 uafeit dotermin- stiob tand lOli11lytif the Cousierave cause &" iour bo2 - 1and popWlar wm. ber, Mv. Wn%. Smith ILP' After aoi Ing ,4% u.titatimn midbylmes, th ià,II~ la oé 4 w ewdfor Ii. psais There arèestihi êvij.denéi tispei-bhau14t01M . flot spruag. h Very- convenlent wlth r.9s. oo You can get rep9drarev@vé4 ~ sdtds~f aea~aiegtus leo furnate made ln Ca.Éada tcmÀn4&.arée owret l p i new sbo Intyre. stoeXi'gre. Wtë Cml sd eeth grnddlply f srg The. board of educattinmet neat gooda at the west id ad e boot sud d enda siu.',>, M. Collins. 6peeodW*.~tpro utpul Wovea wlebed-prffl! 4ewilwthsu ptahb &dý~r=,wrtb$ush steel corded wlre s an ~ d ~atW ". .1 Il Only a, at W. Tils. hBakfComreoceyt miss Joy's Cooklng cli. ut#xt T lI yhe a e f o meedesdayegat esOnon P1eParint orange pudding, 8 o'clock, when a grand exhibition of surprise potatoes. ceî,," soup. hockey may be hooked for. Cali att ie New Shoe Store and'get the 'f you are sufferlng9 (rom dandruif, or teet bargaias offered for ou. mnontb. Ail faing haïr get a biottie of Dr. Graut'a te beit gads tauction prio.s a t M. W. -'Hairene, -rom your drug ' Who will Colline, New Sho. store. ga tei SO U ngtwandr w St. ohn' chuch.applications to remove the. daùdrufl St. obaiChiuch.Dr. Grant,&s "Halreue, for the. hair, is M. W. j. Southam, of Wycliffe college, the only preparation guarateed to stop wlll Officlîte on Suaday next. falling hir, sud remove daadrufL No Com at Tonoto Pren lead, no sulPhur. Ask your'druggist for Sellng out duilg neit wek-l wlll sall i "e boit Scrantco and Lehlgh mol 475 Z'Po of #4 gain. at shed.,$5 delivered-..pot cash oaly. H. Laut weekls circulation Of the CnaorN. B. Taylor. IwyE was12 a"É É -km# ---.--& Help, Comfort, Style, la Wbat You demand la the purchase of Spectacles and Eyeglaaes. W. use Intelli- geutly the best applances for fittiug the fiaost quality of banses. W. take groat pains la the choice of suitable (rames. Your attention ls caUled to our new frimes le steel and gold for those un- usually wlde between the eyes and for those wbose nose hs especlally tender, Also our GoId Eyeglasses wlth double action sprlng. Bai'mard. 0 HOME :o: OPTICIAN, Brook Street, -Whftby. W4itbpUJtrouirIe, FRIDÂY, MÂRCH 8t 1895. LOCAL LAÂOONIOB. Scott repairs al hindi of pumps. Tap your maple treeswben the. tirne cornes. Hardwood dining tables, 4 beaves, only $5, at W. TII's. Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick linings for al hinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. Every pair of boots, sboes, rubbers, overshoos and long foIt boots will b. slaughtered for a nionth. M. W. Collins, east aide Brock st., Whi(by. R ernember That Dr. Grant's "Hairene"la guaran- teed to stop fafling hair and remove daed- ruff 15 per cent, off for cash At thec Mammotb Parlor shoe store, Dev- erell's block. Open every nagbt. M. Collins, prop. Found. On Starr's Mli a laly's satchel, some- what wore. containlng a purs. with a sinaîl surn of money and some private papers. It may be had on application at tdhs office. Liberal Convention. The Liberal convention for South On. tario la announced to take place in the town hall here tornorrow afternoon. Hon. Jno. Dryden and other prorninent Liberals will deliver addresses. Our clubblng lista We have done so much clubbing this year that mistakres were inevitable lu somne cases. Many have been rectified and we hope to bear from any others who bave flot received the papers they want. Highland Club. At the. meeting of the club on Monday evening neit 1Mr. L. T. Barclay will maire a formai preseutation to the club of a bust of lion. George Brown, wlth an ad- dress suitable to the. occasion. By au oversigbt lu our last issue, the CHRONICLE omnitted mention of the fact that Mr. Jno. Bail Dow, president of the club, presented it with a bust of the late Sir John A. Mac- donald. Why not prosecute themt? Oammu sud WfeklyGobsd Canada Fumier to Jn ,86 CMIooLsd 'WueE Mthsud euOMUI zusudNrarmera' Bon %0 J&n. loi% j«9. W C T U Band of Hope. The Bad of Hopeus re-oegaalsed on Motîday. The followlng Olficera .ucre elected: Charlie Tamblyn, presideat;' Hferbert Bewelh, vice Presîdont ; Roy Stephenion, saCretary ; Victoria Tamblyn, treasurer; Gladya Greenwood, enfle; Eddie Draper, uaher. Meetîngi ehîl bo ield la the cedlag room ecvery other Monda y at four o'clock. The soit meet- ing ulil b. beld ou the. x8th of Mardi. Roy Stephienson, secretary. Ti.Younag beruls Organssla. A pcellauinaey meeting of young Liber- ais amet Tuesday eveaiag at the home of Me. F. Howard Aunes wben it wun de- cided to form a club and to organise la time to take part la the nomination of a Liberal candi date for South Ontario. The work of prepselng a constitution, etc., for adoption at the organisation meeting to- nlght. (Frlday,) s annoueced elsewhece la the CHRiOMCcE advertislag columas bas been entrusted to a large and repro- aetative committee of town Lîberals who met hastnight lu Mr. G. Y. Smith's office DivIsIon court. There wcro but few cases beard at the Wiitby court bast Saturday, but t hae oc- cupled ail day. Erney va. Black. Ac- tion on a note. Judgmeat thereon for the. plaintiff for $3.o The cousideration of the defendant's counter dlaim was id- journed for onc week la order that tic parties lnterested rnigbt have an oppor. tunlty to settle. T. A. McGhIlvray for plaintiff, G. Y. Smith for defeudant. Mor- riaou vs. Wostiake.-Action for balance of wages. Defeace clalmcd settlenment bad taken place. Held tiers was no seule- ment, and case adjourus te take lu ac- counts. G. Y. Smith for plaintIft, T. A. McGilllvray for defendant. Hallett vs. Winnicott.-Action against Richard Win- nicott, ln wbich the plaintiff sought to make hlm persoemlly hiable for a debt of is decemsed son, John Winnicott, because ho had deuit with bis son's estate without taking out letters of administration. Judgmeut rcserved. T. A. McGiliivray for plaintift; L. K. Murton andi J. E. Fare- well, Q. C.. for defendaut. Hodgson vs. Wiikinson.-Tr. C. Chapple for plainiff, Dow & McGilhivray for defeudant. Ac- tiou on s note. The plaintif' not appear- ing, the action was disrnissed. Stephen- son vs. Waring. Judgmeut againat tii.primacy debtor, ho witbdrawiug bis defense. Adjourned as to garnishees. 'J. E. Farewell, Q. C.. for the plaintifi; G. Y. Smnith for the. other parties. No court was ield at Oshawa on Monday, there boing no cases to be heard. Sports. Wbltby will have a great lacrosse club this summer wbeu aUl the hockey boys get thil skates oiff. Tii. cohiegiate institute teain plays at Port Hope this. (Friday) oveulng, anld at Peterboro to-morcow. The juniors of Pickering coUlege wiUl play a gaine of hockey hore to-aught at 7.30 against a junior town tcim. Admis- sion ro cents. Go and sme.ti boys.. The Actives, a vcry junior hockey club. bere,* wilb mairc a trip to Lindiay on, Sat- urday to tike a few Wallaont of thec nortb- eners. W. hope they wMh not brneg home as many busted orbe as did the colhegi- atos. A couple of rnba of senors froua bere vlsited Oshawa on Mondiy algit and took Oshawa into camp by 8 sotsm. Tee rieka of Oshawa juniors came ber. on ueda nigit snd were vanqftlsbed hb#ur bos ii a majority Of 7, aftec an exceedinghy ski!- fui gaine, lu wbich )losers. Jos. Mitchell and Robt Auderson boised Lie job for Wiitby. The. Bank of Commerc team, cham- pions of the Bank league of Ontatio, vil! play Bt Montreal on Momday for the chats. plouébp cf th. Dominion. Tii. staiscf Lhis team, Messrs. Noure.and 1McDonaad are old Whltby boys, and they have sre Wbitb84«n Wedecýamiiay veln nit F. Matntficent assorted stock of' Linons, exceptoinal value. Npw Cotton Sheetings, Piliow Cottons;- clircialar sand plain. Bieached and Un- b1e4eecCottons. Bàtchýrs' Linens lu ail widtba. 4o-1n. Art Linons and Drawing Linens, 36. to 54 luches wide. Beiautiful new Goodea mnd wonderful valùes. See our new Table Linons at 2o ets. per yard. New Towells aud Towelllngs, Just to baudc. Prices away down. Sprlog Goodme t eeed New Prints and Sateens Just recelved. Better corne and see them. You'1l appre- date them. Others do. Duck and DiillSultlngs, new Zephyrs, plaie and faacy, and other novelties. Una- questloned Bargains for' everybody. N(ew Sprleg Gods farly pourlng le. New Dress Goods front the best Eut- llsh, Frenej anQd Germie. manufacturera. Plain Corned Dres Gooda. Black and ?fîvy Serges., Spriug Tweeds aud cloths. Soon bet iýzafotSp9>1 co~feteeougbto satlsfy- every possible Obableprl<eiK New iiTie, S r adkierchleb, -Hosery, Gloes aHtaCaps, etc, at the very cdotent.prices. ' Se« our Genta' Hemmed Stltcbed Handkerchiefs Bt zaj cents euch, or fj.ga5 per doxs. Mee's Shirti., Negt Shirts. etc., &t Very low prices. Ciii on us and lave your menu!.foS a new Sprleg SeI at ressouble prices. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR SPRING GOODS. S.rMo t.Young Wou=a. Rev, Thos. Maning preacbed a sermon to Young women on Sunday nlght la the tabernfacle. The toit was from: tho 2nd chaPter of Genesis : "«It Isàflot good for Man tO lîVe alone,"1 etc. That woman was made frote man was probably lntended by Goed as proof that thoy were equal. Both excellan their own speclal charactqr. Istica.; Stili it seems to bave been the divine intention that wommn should be a heI to man. -There are specific duties' laid owt lu the new toatiment for wo- meni te perform. Man may go ail over tbe worbd wberever business or God's dasigna eali tlem, and hie sa", of duty la not hedged about wlth a sug le rule, but wo- man ia directed to b. faitlfnl la ber high trust of making tbe home. She la dlrected to guide the borne, sud la preslding officer tiiere. Man's earthly paradis. la la ber. cire. Man rnay be al that la despicable, but lu spite of this woman rnay m# ikei home a place of honor. If womae fail ln her, duty n man eau make hie home a hippy one. Man's future, as well as her Own la lu wonuan's bauds, tho chies long. lng of maa bain g for an honorable home. Pocetsand noveliatesaay that womnen are botter than mon, that ah. le more Godllke, more divine. I shalt not disp utc thus. Oue nmotheri -atamp us lndelibly wlth t~he 'ispress of God. Hardly a man has ever risea to greataess la ti world but lp heard to attribute'It to his mother., Man ýoniy. shows bis, clumaineswhen lie invaàps w#ùna's ealin. There are (meulties «,hlcib. void. God gi$e wo- man' ber *pbore. 'She bai ber tears to weèý ,h er connsels to giv., ber prayers to oftlr, Hec moral influence la ver great, ber u ~ elion nfluence thé same. Thbh Te -,rsber-reSpoualbifities very groat, and ohéIelold live near tob even 'In ,ordé t, i fi; -ir reatqdmissio . Scunot butî h Uonralpwmu.J e ut. DELICIOUS NA ZAWAT-TEB TEkS, 15,0009000 Packe/s. Soif luell ww1m acu i mLa or LNov. i5I, 1894. And stili the boom goos on. lavestlfa*ioa of Janiafaira Dr. Christie, luapector of Asylurns, wus ber. yesterday to take up the Investigation of complaints about aflairs connectedwltb the county jail, and Meuars. R. R. Mow- bray, Chas. King and Warden Gould were peesent in bohal oftiihe county ; but Gov- ernor Deckor la slck, and the taking of evidence had to b. laid over for a couple of weeks. Oood newa for Ostarlo Lai es' ollga We have tbe extreme _pleasure of an- nounclng that Principal Hiar yesterday rcolved (rote Mr. H. A. Massey, Toron- to, assarances that upon 1 .ooo bolng aubscribed for the. extension oftie Oatario Ladies' Colle ge, Mr. Massey wlll make a gift te tth. college of suoooo cash. This renders the $So,ooo extension schemné mn assurcd tblng, and Mr. Maasey rcquestcd tuat tie cologe architects rnay be instruct- cd to proceed at once wti the plana, la order that the corner atone may b. laid durlag the commencement exercises lu June. Tuat such gad news willi prove an Inspiration to tii. Whitby people to lend the. utmost sysu athy and aid to thia extension ichemeof the coîlege, g oea wltbout saylng. We hope to b. abre Bt an earty date to congratulate Principal Hie. upon the consummatbon of is sciiere for enlargement of the college's area and work. LtecarYSt.tlmu. Tii. litecary entertalament held lu St. Andrew's cburcb on Tuesday evening last, under the auspices of the Y.P.S.C.E., was a succesa ia &il ts features. The at- tendance was large and the programme extensive. Mr. Norman McGilivray pro- sldod lu a very acceptable manner. Miss Edith Murray wua mont heartly received la ber fiest appearaece béfoco a Whitby audience aince ber rernoval froia town some tirne aine. Miss Murra early showed a talent for elocitlonansd ramatic art whilst a pupil 0f our town schools,. and no one wbo kncw ber was surprlsed to hear of ber atteading Lthe Phdladelphla Schooî of Oratoey with a view to perfect- ing herseif lu those Uinos. Her efforts"on Tuosday evening were highîy apprectated. Aithough it preseat engage la other pur- suits, we have no doubt Miss Murray wIlb soon see ber wiy choir to dovoting ail ber time to elocution, wben we wiii, with con- fidence, look focward to a most suecesaful career on ber part. Miss Esther MeCl-è ban, Miss Kate Hllary, Miss McKeesu Mr. Wm. Richardson ably asslsted ln the, programme. The ewas a short regul r meeti ng - W Monday evening. The cierk notided tbâ' council that Mc. W. H . Bowell had bien elected to f111 the vacancy la the. centre ward and fibed bis decharation of accep- tance of tbe office, wiieceupon Coun. Bewell took bis seat at the board. Chair- man Burns brought lesa report (rom the fire and watec committee cecommending that the annual graut of $225 b. mlld. to tie brigade for distribution among the firemen, and $4o to the chuef engineer; iso recommeediug payment of the folow- ing accounts --W. R. flowae $1.75; P B. Wararn 5o cents; R. S. Cornmck $2.4o. Tii. report passeul. Chairman Devereil of the. streets comrnittee reid a report stating that tenders for lumber, cedar cedar, etc.,, have beca recelved' the(oowlng .parties: Lyous, Gor- don & Co., Biackwater, pine, 01450; cedar *K2.4o; hemlock $11;pota .11c.; Gross & Granger, -Whltby, pi ne $1,60; cedar $xxi.45, eaihock $965; posta. t-3Ç.î Geo. Cormack, pi»s $z.7 ;cedar $10.75, hemlock s».o; postaz*2 John A. Hoyt,' ,810.879 per'hunidred:fot poste. The ton- dcc'é ofc. Cormat* mm amcpt.d . being. thlowest and th«t of Hatch & Bro. was iccepted for. eails fobr the sane, reoc. Tbe: report asc recoîflmended the folbow- jus tmçutesfor ýpmymn:B. -Brrett 13-75 1..Foley, $2; Tho&. HrUda $a5' W.HÃ"Ppe o: u.MeCarl 75lC., al, fo' hoivèllugsew.Omotion ,of the. reeve, Coun. Bewll's naine waa placed on the. committees -for whicb Ex-Coun. Groomhad been rIed. The councîl then adjouned. give meciïü-'rý fufl5 e tri.atj cma havrit for aàmimber c- yau.uý bav Mthe = roet a t e se- ei temg ipyma c fa*r~,wu îpply to, ",34LR. -OUTimn DR. RL rlEAN >*5 Houaa toLoti A good donbeheeo ttiad of JOhare~ ot ad Fo AL- ood seo. ~sWo t h es l d C f y o .S. t rs m LOO~ at ùe .*N eht ïmla .i u i u the" <aèf bwhcl lito-be avm #OU**i up o Ib pint y q WbeP' r optly publiaedo J-,, Let nwe believelt's Your wonîaelly way, Subtlç, sW#eet, lovely, Witcbery of a True,4iaghîer cf Ev. i Tm AUK Fà-ll'wbeat0oc., api 55c$,ay S aid: ~19, eg iii Gmt MWi HI/TI) 1 '. LE. instructions Ita sel1 by conession, L2th, '95, orses, High Femra aid ;i cl of Pcnh . >rae, g yearsl 6 Yoar old, cauve Match cow. due t0 nectc, calve isive March l3ceifcrs, 1 yesr oid, due Match en ml,), 1 1icari and legh. i cii rxnbined.) .2 piows iNo. j" piowu (.r eni barrows, 1P elcOr, 3 ng îug har- trDesa, i set 'ness, i set a. 1 pair cf ýfflotmee, 1 cands, ego or u-. le# disen-o to 1 Dm

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