s tg al ai of st fo tii th ce et tb bi re st, ed ly Ch su th, en bu l tIs ti Ste e led and vai Kin resi Plig- lu 18785 there W"- only $,ooo,ooPen The Democratic Congre.mftUited t la icsavzugebout Now ! her is 1 00. r_ fflbanirdepos. imc ates flnhed iha carter o onjony, but its vere S7%oox. Now Uicy are $Ã7,- M vastly difereutce t avas te-wutat <ý SO. Iii r 878 lite iluauce amnonutedSu appedout er i at te ouut 1toj.,eooKfoo. NOW it la $2,Ooo,ýoC Sati sppc o ter tatD e ns.The. Plat-A"d se Qu. Re showed theucrease lin Im 'wo h eoaIdc PsUY, Mo- vbicb catte e rtscheese, et. Tiei. Sce*fe guel eDernocrats carriedths e uantyo deeau- in iyven iniit ufaorle. la over $cx,,*.za Wrtetonafraud, s»d that .ne revenue cooýandI$oooýooo lucreinlu ages. M ectîns erec moeWend ho cxpe-icucc4 Utheau etofLib. e lied upen a purely reveue baaldi. 4Ift 1874C. o fl win h tinocataseMt -ont fmai tlhis ,audpe j, J2s%>ý. Il 1 lfreintint day tae isjve driltipd o mploimu m_, r,5, ot oo. .da rds protectionuntil telts*4ofCon- Ac*nye e,4 aut a be fr eu. on Succday vast to swailow tbe Mc- Mid: eu .-pu""Iastd or $ el ýaled oyo a ugs-rud yn nt ratier buy k uinsucs a, wvq tha-SUD md a y earlnVue meenwrge andI Auteicanmin. bcc torcd -, c ,bcd ,sadbrectm-ers vouI4m"t ti K the lob. t .ms la - i ne Kcputslcan»S uo oie la, sud t*w la rmuch proguestietiiogias i towb*:-tels ay do. Presldeut'CInveland boia for tvo ycar ,«S"7. mg y vewo "Y Laion paased, ~om i*pSdl suppose bo vill oppome auytbhlag,1 aigu'ug a >111 eumctig t*0e Mc5*4le beutie onsugs-~R4 e t MsIo of Mc.KInlcy, ofO 1are *.tro« itg bl&w can Icaders ; sd, a*int bd wolpl n wic toget a çan S elot tiini- selves la townde vitis thee sbeuld nov b. "aIs ke fOr ithe RepubOcmm~I~ f. , N bu,.eý bv îdewit. llehewotor aaiy t "tof suit »Dglandudctldnot anfiver Canada Êt ail, thse eue being a 'coum=ing, ad,-th othera podi ngcotintroyý. -TL.OtiWB p1at~rni t, th~ Lu era. atas tit;t the r-evenueoahouXdbé ralsedi frôtrI 1u*Ùire,' .sune m nkwere. l po at eesthieâ plaed tazon escoee, tobacco -au otbeiarticl; sud ic for b-five ycar th yw e ré là w r ill ot, sOon'be c gýdeý, niebave tte*'elte- tors lear- tue paricïulars et botii policies sd wo l rpupu tie t t a -d '1 belleve thiwt aynngcouutrY 11ke tis eau competevt e devetloped, ticjcly p9pluedsudmilscouutrica. Tne men w -o talk dferulyae iug-te liood. wlnk electbrs tegve tiemu ence. Vote for the truc lutereats of CanalDnt Party. Thse meeting closed vitu cheera for thse Whitbse t 4 WuW inJo. rDa O1&8~<, ngA.~1ohnsonGreeuwood - Scugo, Mr, John Baif Do* Wh-itby, *aé the lu ~nthe, wgir1d te Mâ, aPM, first speaker. Ifeajit Ji.la ahnzotnt-sud. 411 er.TfS&heta 1- hifugi B ng wihëh sdýfe tiat policy make ~~aby w Canada a gréât nation. Wmunoo1 'eand car1fcouty togéthir by ' -cônitu. 't *ag o~~aakg preseut Mr, Lauttr i for, fil fe trade, a bellever tu Sir RobmtPe.I's doc- 1114.., Ln.i. Well, Peel wMaua ardent protec- 1111 I II.tnt W such tUrneas ae feit that ti. Un.British factorie could down the. world, . sud t~te oourse,' he threw dovu lathi Powdt ~ leuce. h protection to grain raisinwlun 'i Aun,&"mOufa, nor any. 1 'hud a t udop t t ii. tit- u thing in ju ' I.. w o p r- & aM ing, as cheaper grain fi l d their m ar- 'i utOIt .t he b.M6.t B -k. et. l'h.y tokto stock feedlng, and were f.inmg Powder Lutii. market stranded lu that lune so badiy that Ban ex- 25e.perlb.cuse hasltoe'.made for protecting them 25- u b a ebar g s oriucateon trumped up charges of disease. If Une- land were yet au. qndeveloped country of 5,00,00 people, lit would listen to no frttae taik, but-,would proceed to de- J. . w i. , veloipits Industries as it'did before b de E I L S will not do for the oppoiin to talirBrt lshfree trade to us. 1=U1t we vaut is a Canadian pollcy. Mr. Laurler's p=rt borwcd ail its former policies from h C hem/uetoW outgwg/et, British p licy but neyer a Canadian policy. Mr. Iaur- --Me ic l a, 1er wrote a letter to the people of South Oxford stating that Sir Richard Cart- ]boc St t ww by."htwoul beournext finance minister r i Whheby. 7 eIle secure a majority. WeS can nearly ail recail the* awful failu ee was before sud thc depression his meth. - ods entailed upon us. Mr. Dow wonnd fl~1'~4k Àb a ~declarahion that 'Canada esufot 'CII~*444 IfI tfl Lt.til thi.e utryhbas been deveièd as8 ever y mensure for the developracut of Canada s0 fair had been brought about by that paty, sud had been opposed on F'RIDAY, MÂ.ROH 89 1895 every occasion by theIi.iberals. ai Mr.Oeo. Taylor, M. P. for South Leeda __________________________and Conservative whip in thc House of PI --Commons, followed. He sid no repre- al 8.boz Nou gentative of the agricultural clamss lu the.01 Dominion parliament stood hlgher lu the. The Urne Is Dot far distant viien a bar- estimation of his fellow members than vit rel of sugar viil be purchasable for the did M'r. Smith. Whethcr there be auoth. cc Saine Price as a barrel of fleur. Singular- er session or flot there will be su election Pl before many months. W. have a ne t ly eUough, We are now tol4 that sugar is a leader, but theisane polic7 that hs been CI very healthy article of fobd, althougb in endorsed by the people of Canada so H former Urnes It vas asserted on the auth- many times. Our opponents have the pi orlty of the best medicai experts that it sane leader, butZa ncw policy, as usual. cc b.d a teudcncy to destroy cblren's teetîb No party evcr suffered froni death .as bas ai W. know Dot bow to explain this, unless Uic Çouservative party duug Uic lust It b. thnt the watering of the youtbful four ycars. Stili Uicy have as great sud rnouth for candy bad a tcndency to mclit good a leader as they ever hn4. The Con- awaY te gridens.servative party as built a railway froni swa th grndes.ocean to occan in order to make its mi The hearing of tii. Manitoba scbool case National Policy a success. When Mr, bas been going on before the. Privy Council Mackenzie and Richard Cartwright werc 1> at Otaw ths wek. r. war rere.tariff tinkering sud raisin gthe tarif from lar it Otav tu wek. r. war rere.15 to 17 9 Per cent., Mr. Charlton, a 1liber- 'W sents the. Catholic rninority, and Mr. Dal- nl, urged theni to maire high duties to pro- ne on McCarthy the. Manitoba Goverument. tect Uic fariner. Mn Joues a Liberal cd, The. argument covers a good deal of member Emoin Hkaifax, urgeAâ protection ag protnd with which our readers are (amui- to sugar rcfiulng if they'wsuted factories. of Hari, Mr. Ewart contending that the Ro- It was thought Sivriclhard Cartwrigfht M, man Catholic separate schools have been would adopt this policyt lh. refused to wc Rbolisbed snd their school ptoperty sud do so, sud Uic clectors h d.le, icLberals cei chool monies confiscated, as well as tfr froin power by a sweeping vote'.to 1ke sai, Ing svay privileges accox-ded themn by the room fora Canadi a atona Party. It b. 5y the charter of that Province. w"* urged that - pretectiop ,would maire Co sugar lord1 su d Co ten l' ords, snd many to We notice thnt a cruze bas sprung ne oUier lordé. Lt may hav#e ereated sugar tha )r local mutual fire Insurance copne. lords, but we cannot regret'tus, stuc. we pul copne.can nov buy Uiree tinle$ai's =Ph sugar a1 )ne bas been cstabllshed at Uxbridge, for adollaras l878 . Wlmay havè-zide rea tud another is in process of incubation in Cotton lords, butfive Urnmes as fi Chot- the Eut Wbitby. It is needies to say that ton 15 nmade lun thei. cotïy ntsd medmnuch ts here la every Prospect et this fad being cheaper.te, mt a 1reat dèeadi Made Hi, Ver donc. Farmers rnay tbink their inu-lat ya the' dû"c -e~ w~~ tnce is alrigbu in aconpany of this sert, dowu froint-.3s >p, o eent.ongic leai. nd Mnay aftervards leari better. W. are -UM "mm akcd W~N If opinion that sncb companles Can b. lu in â hplwobdbuh n liel- ;ccessfuli naaged, but webardly 1ook mntto ï 9wïslaye e bs hsud. pas shig n cchcouty On. an o11ur- said thb. .teiç wm orme rward seîng-au186tic rtL>as agrea =zbiec. the 0hn leaiscri oIn tyhe can afof d a cc6 U T Ibeas vent to tbt'c eetons w, > leav is o' ikl t. iiands o a cmpany on a race and revengé cry betause Reilir ,bii l ely lkly o eîs lo ashort waS hauged, and were defeated, trot me unleas it can amother others 1.lt laintook irexit4rcpoiysdcm pn.'e iesanecont.We do not believe one merdiai union lu 1891, antI alineet wonia an live lu every town or townsbip. through Uic" apath él onev-aives s' The. Marci Cosmopolluan la a splendid samplec ie bgb chasmagazine, lîterature and illustrations fer a popular magazine. Sarony's9 beautiful inagazlng of repro- duttive art cornes te baud vltb the Feb- ruary issue under a new naine, Sarony's Sketch-Book. An Intesesting correepondenceise uppeur. Ing lu the Week, that most excellent liter- ary perlodical ofthe Canadisu press, la re- gard te tue merits of Pauline Johnson, the undian poctcss' verse. The Revue Nationale la tht tt.e o an rnbitious attempt te stnrt a llterary )erlodîcal ut Montreal. In typographîcal tppeurance this publication, tic contents )f vbicb are lu thse French language, le rery ,English. Hundsomc p9rtraits ac- empany letters, ef approval to the enter- rîslng publisher, Capt. 'Marchand, from me Lieut.-Gov. ef Quebec, Hon. J. A. bapleau ; frein the leader of the Liberals, Ion. Wilfrid Laurier and alse frein other erominent Canadiane. Louis Frechette ontributes a fine poein. The Reviev hould be useful to studeuts of French. Council of Wbitby townsilp of Wbhitby met fondsy. A Communication and Proposed Act from >ow & Mlîiillivray re attaching certain faim ode nov ln îown ef Whltby te township of Vhitby. iisking township tb expressits wlullag., es or othervise te said lande bcbng so attacb. 1. Atter ousiderlng the inatter the council greed that there was o objection ou tie part 1township to haviug ssid lande attached. r.. Richard Ok. vas heurd by Couneil re ork on tova lin. with Pickering, aaking tbat rtain statut. labour migit b. performed oiq dd rond, or some'more definite snpervitiio .had lu futur. tin has been thc custom:. tua R. Rogers vas appointed conimissioner' seat on behaîf of Whiiby township, te scé at tovnU ln. wae kept lu a sfecondition for ibie travel. Coun. McTaggart introducoif by-law, which passed is first sud second. aigs and vas coAigidered ia commhitte. viwole, to -regulate thie perforince atute labour and the dulies of Overýeers df ÃŽgvays. -13 clauses Werc sdopt@d wi IvMtg sit agala:., whwsarui-Râl 0 72s8 ýappeiutng Oeref i mud keepers, sud feceee sfrigg Lsed its several readinge under thes'~ge eut of Depnty Reeve Smnith, By-reidoluîidil etreasurer vas required te cesse IM>Yui nm. Wtickp.tît k board te Mîs. Blills, indigent )m 2o Peby.. sud te puy teJo SkiUdlv«er $ rmenthe for board to said Bil frem said te until furtber orders. Cous. MfcTïggsn ve notice that he vili ut neitmeeting. of )uncil introduce a by law to rsgaiîe sud train the. runaing aI large on townIship ;hwsys of certain herses, catile, sheep. ats, svine sud poultry, sud te regulate and 8ne the duties of pound keepers. Ou motion Deputy Smith. second by Cous. Rogers. reeve and treasurer vere authorlsed te dis- an: a note te rais. four bnindred - dollars for ýbursements ia the pending euit, f McPher- rvs. Township et Wbitby. Tie i.tegsurer s autioriscd te pay te treaenrer. town ef hitb7 $7.35 balnce don-oe0~f, ork ou u lin. ronds.Tii. folloing .apoonts amc .ed. DIHollldaysubser' IîeMà tunlcl~ orld sud weod for. tovnsiiphall,$,'o; W Goldebro, 2 mentba lent,êt bouse te W. 44 int ; f nBalf1uren som. il indigent, $ 5p; Heny ,Rurdgecou od to Hudson Indient, $.; Jap& Cieema, m. Dingus ovellui sueo, o ne t'i ug8con.. e. o cl ajurcdl e rt Mondayin April St 0o-4clook a.. [enijobu Dryden vas in tevo Mudý dr. G. W. Wilson, Torontto v, si en turday Ins. * irs. J. Frazer By.udcidare mts of Dr. andMm .Aame heer îta. Dr. McGilllv-vrywas "At Hônse', alarge circle etfledsaisnMoi.da:y Ir. WS. Smnith vas i tovu Wednes- ulngbt th attend te ou Menles Lib. Ir. M. 1, N ng, -district pu et ofthe ýL tto ASsUrsuoe, C Pèterboer, lbas a lu r oreB orneda s.W -bW.V houe L~. (TO MEN AND BOYS ONL Y,) Whyý wear Ready-miade Clothing tat there is no shape to when you can leave your measure and have one MADE TO ORThR, AND FIT* GUÂRANTEUD For the sum of 010, 011, $11.60, $12, $13.50, $14 & 815Y and a pair of Pants, that are Pants, from $ 2.50 Up. We stili have a few of those Corne and secure one before We oan give you a pair of good Braces -for 15 And a better pair for 26 ots., 80 ote AIN DE]Ul 1 1 THE NE W DRIY GOOD8 w- 8L are al gone. iand 35 ots. -. . . . . .. . . . . WE' are in reoeipt of a portion of our new Spring Hats, which we have rnarked at the -very lowest possible prices. -Tli,. styles are the very latest. Our Men.'s Furnishings are fully assorted in ail the Latest Novelties, of the Season. .jBARGAINS. We are offering Special Bargains SATURDÂY, K etOH 2 WýAR R EN, W H1 The grc*t U ap pet ofes& The CimncsNxc sd -Globe or Cuaoef- ~~~, * f9:Togoà d pprucnmnts for u4qar Sndluutée« rthe=n -te the Cséx acn Wlty Sat.E.gtst.r. IONDÂY,. MAucK -tith.-~a~a BROGR,, -U !PUCICIN.-At 'Audlee- t uesy MaMbs- tu, 1895,Ani aBrigoul,beove vife et Mr. Isane Puckmlni, la he 70h y er.. I l eII Young LbeaW Ovb Tsn Ahi 8 TORi o o o o BROCK STREET, ;II WHZTBY. 1~ BARGAINS.- " m ,,197 r *Ji Hi 1 OMOmsoIMsd Weekly Globe snd Osuada ?armer té Jan. lm100 Cumoz.sn sd Wekly âansd Empim th Jan. llm 10. o moi umad Farinra'son 10 Jjin. let,.1lm. JIL DU lel,. they NM-M m i