Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1895, p. 2

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KNOWLEGE Bringe omfort and Improvement endi tend& to personal enjoyment viie rightly use&. The many, whc> live boto ter than otheri and enjoy life maore, with lésu expenditure, by more prompt1y adapting the venld'. boit producte te the. needs cf physical. being, vil attee the 'Value ttc héalth cf the. pure liquid laxative principl«ea mbrao.d itihe rémody, Syrup cf Fige Its excellence ie due te lina preeentlng in the form ment acceptab'e and pleas- atto the tante, thé refreshing and truly bénéficiai proertieis of a perfect lax- ative ; effetually cléansing thé syste, dispolling Colda, headachés and févers and permanently ouring constipation. It bas given siatisfaction te mnilions and met with the approval of thé médlical Profession, because it acta on thé Kid. neTe, Livér and Bowela withoîît weak- ening theru and il ie perfectly free from *véry objectionable substance. .Syrup of Fige leinfor sale by ail drug. mst. ini 75e..bottles, but it in manu- Facturéd by the Ca'ifor;ia Fig Syrup 00. only, whose nante ie printed on every package, also thé naine, S,'-rmrp cf Fige, and being wefl infer .ned, yen wM lnet moeptiany subetitute if{ oierýC. Ja.,.a EIfllaoioa î Almost Passes Bel jef Kr. -as.E. Nicholson, Florenoevrne, S. B-, lBtraggles for Sevén Long Yrs -8wft CANCER ON THE LIP, A" nD 8 UREDBT AVIERS parfi La Mr. Nicholson says: 4"I censulted (loc- tors who prescri bed for mne, but te ne purpose; thé cancer began te FEat jute the Flesh, sprend te my chin, and I sufféed lu ag'my for seven long years. Ftnaily I 1 t'egan taktng_Âyer's BamsparI& ia. a week or two i noticed a Decided hnproveuient Encoi.raged by tille suit. I perse- vercd. uatil la a month or so thé sore under iy chin began te heal.In tllre mentl 3 my Ulp bdian te hé&I and, aftté Ayer's.~ asaail Âdzn-itted -+tht e Wo d a ar. Wb" The. Pot e.t the Wmsitbyueo Several colored a~onudeai il around town aund=ined tvýonhockey games aset week, und'aioused considér- able interet. On Frldsy nlght the towu, snd Whitby collégiate teatsue ndUp as follews Lindsaqy kty Knowisoni. go l Hoi Waton ......pont. R.-**ooksý Shannon . . pit:é. .D Csph KennedyfSoh M a«achen t.ogra rd... l Gamon JfICCrszbé Play commencéd Bt 8. >,Smtan K - nedy croseing off. Sàm gh ot i"*rq with thé pucil, pauma toBarup ui<> toosed te Birril. For se dse tm# h ubhor !> longd D oe , da d e t e r m l s c d t e m u k e a g o a l b * ' e 'tb u plish.d after thiie minutsplay.- Atth- cross o0 Sm" nbaina î«tthe p=ck- Cba- bin Pla wanot= (abMuW PlaT thW» mffl ile, however, oncè'or twice.- Gamôn dis lo u pit and Kiowloon la goal dld micli to.. preveut: Whltby from scoriug évén more ýthan they dld. "SatUrday atternoon ut 2.30 thé -Whltby ten, after applications of varioilUa nd liniments, féd the- forliowiug îlam-from thet owsi coliegluté --Knowiaon, (goal, Markhai (' -i(C.I&Pmliati, Rankn, Parrn -ïarron and H. Knowlson (lorwards). Tihi was a returu îmatch, thé collegiaté having been deféatéd by iS te i Borne rne ago ut Whitby. Considérable interet was taken in this. game, and thé school's e .pporters hoped for'a luttle bet- ter showing than that mail. ut Whltby. Smith und Parkin crossed ofSmnith us usual getting théepuck. Wh iyorkéd thé same trick us fhéY did with thé town thé night before-scoring in lésa than tbre minutés. Teceli.egiaté beys were now on thé alert, determined te play a winnir.g game, and for thé next twenty-five minutes thé rubber showéd a partiality for either end. Knowlson In goal did admirable work, but couldn't be inducéd to kéep thé puck eut until hall time, and Whitby again scoréd with caRy a few minutés left te play. Thé second hall began with the col- léglute sécuring the puck and makiug a charge on their oppouent's goal. H. Kilowlson didu't play. in his usual fermn, but hé and Barron gqtt applause from the f'galléry"' several timés. Whitby's dé- fence was goed, Rooks putting up a cool and sure gamé, while Campbell's play was good tee. Howéver, ater abeut six min- utes' play Parkiu cbtained thé puck and passed te Rankin, who playéd a fine gamé throughout ; by a lucky shot from thé side he scored the schoolu o;ly goal. Mark- ham and McMillan, on thé defence, stop- ped sevéral of Whitby's atternpts te score, whilé Parkins and Ba, ren on the rush hune ststaîned their reputalien, though Parkin thought he frequently saw "gold dollars" on thé ice. Whitb y scoréd twe more goals, thus when the whistle blew théir score was four to the coilegiate's ene. Captain A. G. Henderson, of the Whitby CHRONICLE, and a populur memuber ef thé teaching staff of the collegiaté of that town accompanied thé Whitby piavers, keép- ing his other eye on tbem. Howévér, hé had littlé te do in this respect, as théy are a gentlémanly lot of fellows. They wére shown through thé coléegiute Saturday morniug, soe remarkiug it te be about equal te, their own Aima Mater. Mr. Gea. Kémpt, of thé Bank af Mon- treal, and formerly of the Strettord hockey team, référeed both games te the satisfac- tion ef beth sides. EPBOM. Thé Rev. E. Dewart Lewis, pastor ef tl.is circuil, paesed frein his earthly home te that brigiter world laet Wednesday week. H-e was buried on thé followiug Friday ut Lake Hill Cemetéry la thé town- ship of Smnith. The deceased wus an enér- getic worker lu ail geod causes and his ioss will hé most keenly teit by lie tem- perauce advocatee as welR as by thé sociéîy ef Christian Endeavor. Mémorial services will hé preachéd at thé appoint- ments ut thé usual heurs. Evérybody should try and turu eut ta puy thé iast re- spects te thé departed brother and pustor. Mr. E. J. Hillsan le stillinlusoe danger through hisilIes. Hé hus takén a re- lapse and le uow sufferiug frein inflamma- tion of thé kidnéys. Revival services will bé startéd next Sunday ut the Utica uppeintinn. It je ta bé iepéd Liai thé roads wiii hé in a lretier condition than ut présent, otiérwise we are afruid thut thé atténdaucé will bé but scunt. William Chrisîlé f Uticu was réturning from thé-fumerai cf thé taté Miss Mary Robertson ut Prince Albert, whéu hie hersé bécamé frighténed ef thé pitch hides and upsettiag thé cuiter rau off. For quite a distance thé hersé rau and kicked, with thé rig on its sidé ut is heels, until réaching the schoolhouse thé runaway turnéd ilu, ne doubt te earn better man- aère. Beyond a goed shuking up und the loas ef a pair of shafts thé damage was net very greut. As thé herse was a young one William féels a1'ittle sore ou thai ac- couai. U ndér the Scout Act such a scene as thai ai thé cerner et Peter and Ceiborué siréets was aérer wîtuésséd.« Ajest"ble en- deavoring.te induce a drunken man te go home was suluied by profunity uttéred lu a high key, andi a numbér cf boys and girls were listéning to thé leseon lu, takiug 'thé naine of thé Savlour "lan vain". Ilte siraugé that proeéssiug chrisîla eau conutenance and encouragé a irufffie which bringe forth- sncb fruits. But if thé dhl- dren whose cars are sulutédwith profau- lty aM obsceulty as they pasa aloag thé streéts grow -up profane and impure whe. who cun doubithZat hey shull be replug what their fathers have sown. Wbéu we heur surprise expressed that Suuduy echool children sometimés tmm out budly, thé thought comes up that cousidéring, he evil lessoas providéd by thé votéerlI considération cf mouey for the iowu andi prorincial reusuriés, the wondér le tlgt thé Sunduy echools uccouiplisi a&. much gooti as they do. The police court has been lu session .al- méat éréry day during thé paset week' heurlug evidleuce in.the caseeof several ai- lcgéd méiubers of thé guug who lavé been steuling Iu.the own mmi district for soe tilîné and have caused a seséof lusécur- ityý te prévadé 'thé ueiglbourhood. lHôtel yards have beéràa flavorite grouud for their opératios, suad nieuy .tunmers have lst robessud other articles frwitu heir seéiîs. Thé -farsirs aq *wellas iowne- people *11U tbeéforebe lad,.te heurt that thé gang lbeen bro* uandsix, of Isé alleged-mezbers are noýW luthé .cou4îy goa awaltin trial on varions aud nuaer- ous, chIargés. ,ýThe gr.tést lutereet won showan t teceéÏLIccourt ,.oom bel»g.ý Mr. -Cotterfor hi.- opinion.- Swoëtmal#EA88O~ ou o bil of 460o. On Monday -Èruî i'Béaverton lodgeN 4 ..0? u u Wodwbô wus'ont, on bail, WU i-ar-s ,ngl 14o.ber an 4a1e0crs.oFtoam pacé rested on, a charge tcf 'avlug teçelyed'i e o. 19#rt 'uulýxitdnt tk lc set cf bernes stolen frotu ThomiasMul- 1Somé «me lu lutte. v.aneye -of Sôutb.- Orillia, asi laU 'fa woThé annual meeting Of thé 3-4th battallon lads; StePhen Booth si1mdCharlep iCIU, -Ontario) wIlil héhélàaut the Royal Hotél, alcwero arreuted for 0 ittheburneas. Whtby, on Saturday, -Màrch z6îh, The lids made a stuLtedméat thut the théft Rer. A. B. DemilI, cf thé Oshuwa Ladies' was. instlated by -Woods, who aid alec' (Joleger, was 1lu tewn st week on business la prevalidon Booth totiktiu a large quan- I éunéction with thé collège. tity cf chop frotu is -emloyer, Misers. I The Sons otfScoîlund are arranglng for a Niclu & Sous, whlChWuliasgven te hiLm. grand concert te hé given i n thé Alexandria Thé two - Y ey5 p ieu 10o thé charge h al hère on th aeîb ef March, and have en- und.were commtitted to goal on Wédnés- gaged Mr. Slm Fax, the oelebrated humorist day. Woods Was takon -te thé -COuntyI and character vocalîst for thé occasion. Aise tewn on thé saine day. Gréai synipathy Master Bertie Alexander, Scottish duncer cf le feit fer thé two boys, and especial fefr Toronto and ether talent are being secured te Young Booth, whe hue elways borné an ex. make this thé béat concert of thé séason. cellent character. They have évidently Look eut for puticulars, been thé victime eto thé malign influencé of The young people whb drové te Woodville Woods, who hae obtuined semée power last week te attend thé skating carnivai at thst over them, and lias used it to, léad thein place had aui unenviable experlence. Thé inta severai kinde of evil.-Pac ket, roads which were lairly good on their depart- Iuré frein home hud, Owing te a sterin arising, dritted lu se hadly that thé track wus cern- plétely filléd for semée miles. Tie boys had to get eut and trd b troug h the deep snow breakiug the rond or the herses. i n thé Ga.mebridge social on Tuesday evening. Thyreport a geod time, but were consider- ably annoyed ou the way ovér by a *smart j greenié" who iad probably smelt a pop bottlé dto thé day, and who was tryiug te make tro by driving bis ho- ,jute the back ef ther elgh muci ta the lright et the young ladies présent. ~~ Tie Masouîc ball on Priday evéning lust was a meut successtul ail air lu every respect. A. large atténdauce, excellent music snd an -- agreeable compuny renderéd thé éveuing very éujoYablé. Thé costumes ef thé ladies wére net noted for lavisi cestiiuess thé affair beiug GIT TRO G 81DRE ff -a calice bull. yet wiîhul Ibère wéré tnany very Orstro aboadwere présent ewiug ta thé Ceryunatisflflrystatéetfthé roadusud thé 81L19I~NGb ôrninu car, ne deuhi of béiug suow-bound. AUl éu- oy ed théinselves however. Thé suppér plue- dbétore the company by ~Miné Hast'I Mc- 11IMES LI j utyré was wéll appoiuîéd aud véry sutlstac- Itoy. Murray Lodge is te hé cengratulated ou thé succése et théir aunual entértalumeuL. A mettiug ai thé exécutive ot thé North Ontario Rétormn Associon was held in BeLaver- F'eed The Worn Out Drain ton on Tuesduy last ut which was received the formai acceplunce ef Mr, F. J. Gillespie, et Mura, of thé nomination of thé convention \Vith Pain e's Celery ield soe mue ugo. Thé tollowing léttér ex- plains thé situation189- To thePrs EAVTO, Ftr n xa' 26 1895 Tomth Prsidete Secréîrynd Exécun ofthve Comtée et ofth efarm Ass Oario. e h GETINor ,dige-hé Couute Onfrtria GiauEn heEN -Haeng enofe prdathéen diaturonenin hé utére etthéepurty ut thé ter conventhe lrealon liceptaeOc-h tonb glaisd thé r fusor acycepnetothé saine eig ai oér for my onsiaion, Ia dro nou theaur reuésind hrporslng he tram en ethé nc fterging reports fringthé dffé arnein of th rig und appotitn th tuafrss e urance eurentd suppt, cinw ufferds me; e mieasurecateiuccepituhin- taugitfte beomvorycandidteustthé iun- tnréa wlet heRfrcie partyeffort orst the aidn andwila xécis eyefo srt epréeemthé riding teas plamyet a eprésdad etv aomgto asd thpportdrofete e nhoé- gesitonmHu.aud thedLeaer h rsn p positon,1Hn.mWGernlaere, I ainGenteeüly '-omIpounui. LIT CHANGINC S[ASON FINO' SYS-- TAE TNt GREAT REMEDY THAT MAKES PEOPLE WELLS. A pertectly hoalthy body h2Ualis parts This le thé flu t tim in thé hieuory et the compIetely neurished aud ils nerres ridiug thut tbreé candidates have been before coastantly refreehed and storod with thé pu blic Thé résulu will theréfore bé energy from the vigerous bleui] thut ail watchéd wth.great interest.-Express. thé trne bathes il.__________ But te do tua im portant work cf cou Linoun ILand u, veying snffcient nutrition to -tlw ie, ess Ff~dteepeaon éepee r thé bbod uet e pîros. 'ù.~fChasse'@ Kidney-Liver Pille te any ethér I roi]cerusols.-huve lu stock. They are a wondarful pil. The only trouble with .two-thirda Of .Seuri 3 dozen ut once, I ain nearly eut. P. thé mon and women whom thé coonng S.-Séud by peut, J. W. Irelaud, Gourock. spring will dlaim for ils vidtima, 15 a Chicago sud North Shore Eiectric rail- pitifut lack of proper nérre food. What way'e power beuse te ln aâbes. Las $150,- thés;, weak, nervous people neod le a 000. more gênerai feeding and stening cf their bieod avd tisaes with frésb, higli- No eue neéd leur choiera or auy sumniér ly vtalzedmatrial Thre e un- cemplaint if théy have v boutle cf Dr. J. D. vitaize muenla. TereKéllogg'e Dyséntery C09*1ai ready fer use. doubtedly neîhing ta compare Ji corrects ail leeséneus of\thq bowéls prompt- with Prof. Phelps ' remarkablo discov- l1 nti causes a heulthy anid naturai action. ery. Pulnc's Céléry Compound, for ré- T hiele a mediciue adupteti for thé young storing heulth and strongth. and old. nich sud poor, sud le rapidly hécorn- The greut body cf phyian thé mostt popular mediciné for choiera, throughout thé United States, Eng r.Dyaeny mpetc , éMrie.P.ofWie land and Canada, believe profoundly jin Mr. Da n acuuei, ex.Mf.P.P. of Wiie- it, and présoribe it in al caI ssof uer- c.hasbé cuté Isvrlcii vous weaknoss and debiity. In pré- Tr hotes.tisan iste parig tis reaestof lt erv toicsfrein thé systets la thé work cf Burdocil und] blocd renewere, thé éminent pro- Blood Bitter.; tIns B.B.B. cures dyppia fesser of Dartmouth collège, Eidwurd constipation, had biood, bilioneàne andil E. Phelpe, M.D., LL.D. had in mind diseuse of the stemnuol. lirai', bewela and the. countiess men und -wcmen with blood. bruins overworked and nervée uustrung 1fr. John Morley Ohief Seoretar for Ire- by wrryand ackcf roper nutritibù.. adt, initreduced lu thé Hons f<omu Clerr, théir amployers, lawyesthé new Miel L@ad bill, dootrsmotonscf amiiés bad 8low cmmplWxon* blotohé, ipl*#, working mon and womén n l eer oil0,ùabwçse, od orsser , aand i tiu county and province, and'bets cof bançiess eet unp #re yltiatbod workés-the most lntill4eîuul paré -of Bro ii*Bittera purfls thé blood, ra- thé cornmuity- are to-day ~ me41-faetatr u ué i h Pain.'. OeeryCocmpound - with * 'the aedisaé hapiest résulta'~e, tiies0i v8ete hé prona esa f od and hunsion, dyspepsi, eleeeùese<la±idI ,PpaTivl low spirite. Pain%. <Ilery Coompoune Mr, G. Fred,-Andém!soudhs pc niarere coures diseusesof the imp itantoran:jeuusie ofT.S. .-muljwh 0à (ieSb. oNX. cf digestion, circulation sud ýezorethon, _%ei p*ii t wf~umyuaw by prifing411t is'uhe hesicOugh cm r verused ad by pnnfyingthé bloci], by re ilasig hivre itt thé ent rvocue systèm sud ep~.frIina ofumne and4 in cureêeasuytfrQ. t1 ngthé body with, strength to oombt wud , tlilnt iW 0lUaé te P dse. - anyotber.", .. P!aineCelery Oompound »lakeerpo ,u-s~ iims ao Pie "Il,- it takeAway ail thi e or and frnitability from ,théeuiervas, asud Back in Whitby. WM. TILLt J.uly 24th, 1894, k. 1. LVNDIE, DEAFNESSI n asa??d ebcrib. Cure for Deafuess, Singing in Bars, &c., no matter how sévère or long- setandiug, will be sent post freArtifi- cial Bar-drums and sixnilar appliancos entirely superseded. Addre sTHOS. KEMPE, VICTRIA& CHAMBEB8, Boutb- hamptnn Building, Hoiborn, London. THE Owen E/oc trio The only scientific and prailalEetc Boit made for gênerai usé, havinÉ, batteris thatgenerase a sfrong current -of Bieotrlcity, that i. under perfect control and cab be ap-» piied te any part of the body for thé onze cf NU VOUS DISEASES Theusands of people suifer from a v ariety ef Nervous Diseases that thé old modes et treat- ment tail te- cure. Theré e s aloue of nerve force or power that caninet bc restoed by any médical tréatmnent, and' any doctor who wonld try te accomplish this by-any klnd of druge laspursulng a dangerons practice. Pro- periy treated, thèse diseases can be Posftively Cured EleotrIcity, as aipplied by thé Owen Eléctrfo Boit and Appliancé, wiliMous asuredfly do ,eo. I stecl known power that iJ eupply what le Iacktngo namély, narvé, tercé or power, Impart ton@ and vlgor; aud areuse to healthy action thé whole nerveus aystem it wil meut assuredly cure - Withouit ]Med&ie Général Debility, Nezvoùs Proiltration, bheu-- matlsm, SolaticaK é isue umbago, Lamé baok and lys3pepia,. and rnay oter dîséases. Our Largea Ilustra.ted CatQQfgfl Cenitaine tulGStItoma iw et et diseit ou f Balte san liame, prises, aori tettonaI~andntrits e --.cmWho- 1 Toront, Ontario. TAs i-, VVl-ooa3 [3ersai Gure d of à o0 s b! sca- w.as si.ferli;g frar -m t13 1';a DrI-ht*; cs" :c for five yeiar3.a:uj fur u' a: ti: -rIL:c Leen uznlla L) strniihten my!' if 1:p Iwag Li bed for thrýee wee!:s; during i ,:iat 'lime 1 ~ ld ceoces appled an-t, der!-. cd no bene- fit. k;ceing liod's Sarsaparila a'-ve:rtised in the papers I deciL:eclto try ai boUtle. I foumd SarmsaparilIla relief before 1 had flnisbed talting hall cof a bot- tle. I got se nnacb help from taklng tie filrSt bottle tbat 1 declaed to try anotizer, a..U s.uce takiig th;e second botule I feel pq velI ns eve: 1 did a myllfe." Gzo. MEJ .r.rrt I4OOd'S Pille are prompt and efàeciu,,- easYoetaction. Bold by afl drugsts. 23c. celptof I -~TE & MENTION TIS g V Umm Uphol9ter, And dealer ln Furniture of al] kinds. Tho Subsoriber begs te announce that lie hae again opened business in hie old stand, and hu plaoed therein a choice, stylish and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, whioh will be sold ut a&semali margin on coult. Another bale of these ceiebrated Mixed Mattrasses #8.25, worth $5. See thosé Tapestry or Carpet Lounges ut $5, worth #8. Hurdwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, Loir 08.50, worth #12, Uuadoitalkhig. 1 f:WA ftill stock of Ooffns" and Caskets, and a Firet- Clasé Hearse. WM. T1111[8 Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot No. 30, 3rd Cou, Township ef Whitby; 2 Miles tram Whitby; sumé kuowu us the Lynde homnestéad. Soil second te noue, in a first cluss statéet cultivation. Gaod fences , wateréd by liye stréam ucross eue cerner zoo yards tram a fiue stene house ; [ramé stable and drlving sedét; aise frumé housé aud abundunce of fruit et ail kinds. Fer purticulars apply te 1 Undortaker, 1 Af--«Lýqr ' Cabinet Maker, 11% V qu;r

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