Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1895, p. 2

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Bringu omfort and improvement and tends te persenai enjo>'menî vWlim rigiti>' used. The man>', vho il,. bel' 1er than others sud enje>' il!. more, with leu expenditur., b7 more prompti>' 4daPting th.ev-orld'is bust produota tue the needs of physical beixig, will atteg the value to, health o! the pure liquid laxative pninciples .mbrao4in the rexn-edy, Syrup cf Fige. ucellence in due te 1h pretentlng Il ora mstacceptab'e adploe- ýo the liste, th. refreshing sud trul>' beneficial preperties cf a perfect lax- ative ; effectusîl>' cloansing the mst.m, dispelliug colda, headaches and foyers snd periaine nti>'ou ritig constipation. Il has given satisfaction te millions sud met with tih. apprÙval of the medical profession, berause il aces on the Rid- Deï's, Liver anud Bowels wit1îoiit weak- enîng theni and It is pcrfectiy free fnom *very objectloniable substma îce. Syî'up of Fige is for s&oa by aifl drug. gista in 75c. bottlles, but it inrnasn- facturtod y tho Crfm- i Fg Syt up Ceoui>'l, whose namc~ is p'inted on evcr package, aise the name. S-'p of Fîgs, and being t HIinfôrti.cii, ta iii net icopt sa:. ý-, .u , J'-.~j - ThoMflA.. Tohfs& A Common Affliction Porman% oCred by Taklog à CàBDIE'8SOY Ilwau affiioted for elgb' yars wlbSt Bheum. DurinihathumJe trleda V-resat many medIclues wb.lcb were hlghll rec- ommended, but none gave me re1?ef. 1 was at last advlsed te try Ayers Barsa- parilla., by a iend avho told me th51 I Must purchase six betties snd use tbem aecordlug ludirections. 'Iylelded te lis ersuaton. bou tI the six botties, and ock te content three of these bot- tles wthout notlcing an, direct'beneft, Betore I had finlsbed thbe tourth bottle, my bauds were a& Free from Eruptions as ever theywr.M business, wblcb Is thal t a drver, requires me to be eut lu cold and wet westher oten wtthout gloyes, and the trouble bas nover returned."- TaOXAs Â.JoaNs, Strattord, Ont. Ayer's oiy.Sai è poaîia Luer'. Pilla CEees. s Bwe A fatal accident wai oniy sverted by the, prompt measures of two of our phystiats on Monday luat. Mamie, the two-y.sr-old daugbter 0f Captain J. Parkiuby on means obtainedposse.ion of 4 bo6" f liniment containln belladonna, snd bdfore she was uoticed hàd aWallIommd £gm olm portion. hvas oulyby prompt actioný tha.t thse chill's Ufe was aavd Tisere iamort thau thse prvorbW 9jrsn or truthin izthse foliowing rù1âQ *6 ttI2s by a shrowd fariner W:-«Wlt Our tituber rot aud buy fîmcing. We tbrowr awray Ourasabes sund veaus nd bey suap. We raise dogs and buy.hogs. We let Dur manego to watte ad buy festillua. W. grow weeds snd bu _reetable anda brooma. We catch 5 CMn hiItb à rod. W. build si«th o bumnmd our cblidresuù ofi b. .dsscst. d, u Iaatty, vo moud our boy nt WU 414W 1 sad a$Iodog w biut o et m bot of eblidrenvt»: hine«,ton Io Mule Iportion 'of thse credft forv tht. gratltryire- I s,1it la due to lIra. Simpson, wisela a i.rndei isouse-keepÎer and gives Iber person.. al supervision- to*eves-y detail Calnaet jmake thse hous cheerful> snd house-like. Mr. George Simpson retaîns hie old posi- tion as -wine clerk, and Mr. Wm. Mergan is ini charge -of the office, as of yole. On Saturday afterno, i6th inst,, a meeting of the leading farmers of Victoria was heid lu tise old opera bouse te organ- ize a Mutual Pire lusurance Ce. Mr. John* Conuel!y wga choisen chairruan, and Mr. R. G. Corneil sécretary. The, chairman opened the meetin1 b.1stîlg that it had been'called pursu:ant1-ào antn advertlsement lu the Ontario GazeWe. He pointed out thse excessive rates uow charged for fartu Insurance aud the specifice features of the pelcies offered at hlgh rates, and stateif that the time had new corne when the fat mers of Victoria must take this matter irîto their own hands. The chairman then introduaced Mr. Hugh McKay, of Ux- bridge, an inrurançe man of 2o years' ex- perience, wbo in a forcible mannuer ad- dressed the meeting, explainiug fully the mode of organizatlon, and showing that lu the experlence of some 58 mutual compan- les 6oc. per Sîoo was their average rate. Ho pointed eut the difference between "blanket" snd '"specificl' policies aud sbowed that the stock companies were realiy getting about 2o per cent. Nu mer- eus questions wero askod Mr. McKay, which he readily answerect, showing that ho had devoted miuch time and attention te the subject Mr. McKay is erganizing a Mutusal Company for Ontario County. A resolution to organize a Farmers' Mutual Pire Insurance Ce. for the County of Victoria was tlwîu put te tl>e meeting and unauimousiy carried. Messrs. Robt. Nayior, R. G. Corneil and John Campbell were appointed te solicit subscriptieus, se as te get the required ameuntn of insurance pyornised before the organization can be complote. After tendering a Xçte of thanks te Mr. McDay the meeting adjouru ed. -Post. UXBRIDoi. The latest arrivai in towu is an agent of an American firma takiug or- ders for groceries. Ho offers 23 Ibs. for 81 of what ho caUse superior Ameni- eau granulated sugar, saying a great deii of the sugar, tea sud eoffey we buy iu Canada is adulterated, sud cdaims hie to b. the "genuine article." We trust noue of our townspeople have taken in an>' sucla "gaif."1 Last week a couple of youug ladies were being photographed at a gallery net far from Sutton when, thinking the>' would makre a charmiug pioture by haviug their heada stuck through a nowspaper they posed in that particular style. The piotures were fiuashed but ou examiuiug îhem -horror of horrors!1 they discovered jusî above their heads on the newspaper a large olothing ad- vertiaement- headîjue reading in bold type 6'our pauts are lined in the s§eat." Mgutual Tire lusuraco. Pursuant te the notice given in lasI week's Times, the subacnibers to the Mutual Fine Insunance Ce'>' te be os- tabliabed here met iu the market hall ou T cesday afteruooeu, >9th mnat., sud elocted the followiug dinectons by bal- lot, viz :-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton; Wm. Shier, Brook ; F. Dobson sud James Burns, Reacli ; M. McTaggart, Myrtie ; R. S. Webster, Udora ; Chasa. Gould, Uxbridge Tp. ; W. S. Hamil- ton snd F. N. Raines, Uzbridge Town. The nee f the company in jeh Mid- land Mutual Fire Inance Co'y. The firet meeting of -the directors is te b. held hon. on Monday next at 2 p. m. The organization of this compan>' his been pushed with commendable- vigor "ud promises te be au important facter On Frida>' evening su old Scotch- man, giving lhe name of Thouason, struck lova. H.Rv-as apparentl>' about ehty yearm o01ge 9-awldressd sud nîte rp".-61> kin . Read his ome vu abotut n miles corllivest o!, oQf Peýtorboto', snd liait, h.- hod b. vlsltngpfrinds in Guelph. On b'smte- tuesomhed Tootoasfely, but- v-ble v-alkfrg d"g 'York treekin.tba oite 1115 arm îvere m:uddonly pill 104 b> t-oyon mets'Ç',M v-bh* tOêIazà okot bp oztauulug abouti 259 ton a plea Of giiy wpiP tW 4~jA I i Ma20 srd $10 Capell-*" d1 $OlOYoung, oldbo mddt.sged, hoîid htiu- Magitrat Cîupbel va PitIOili$selvea,'nervous, weak abdexhîausted,, Who, severe M i ,mrsaaiailePra.. are broken dovu(rom eâcese r evorwk tioe cfiving liquor to a 4trnk0u, niresulitiug lu.- inu>'of the fellowinkg sywp- or a man pi druniken h&bita. It tfis - Mental deRresson; premature old lg«ta âttheMgh 0hot j ag, dtines s laght, papita nti f The recent jocnlarly expresaed miii1 tise-iseart, emissionsi, iack of energy, pain ou the p art cf our worthy c6outy 1faili. lu tise kidneys, iseadaches, pluaples ou tise ers at Wlitby re the cost cf heatîng our r face and body, Itching or peculiar seusa- high scool as cornpared willa oihers j1tien about tise scrotum, wasting cf the shonld net be witheut ita losson te Our - organe, dizietu s pecha beote the-eyes, students. It muat, of course, C.S<> f hig of the muscles, eyelids and elue- 1where, bafibfulnus, de p oeils luthse urine, more to eaet s building in a s soientaifiojlos. of will power, tenderuess of tise scalp manuer with f uruaces. whioh provide and apiue, weak sud flabby muscles, de- the necessan>' air current for good vont-' sire te sleep, failure te ho rested by ýsleep, tilatioii than it doea on the old box-! constipation, dulluess of hearng, lose of siteve system, whioh.goos upon the plan 1voice, desire for solitude, excitabilit>' cf of ottng e cld ir orn luuerneteuiper, sunken eyos, surrouuded with of lttig n cod ar coe i no noJLEDENciRcuSs, oily-looking ekin, eic., warrn air get out ; but the student lare ail symptemns cf nerveusý debility that neods net te ho told which is the better j lead te insauity uriless cured. The spriug plan for him, LIt ia jumt possible that or vital force having. lettlis tension every the pure atrnosphoro w. furniala te our function wanes lu censequonce. Those higli achool pupils may have se mucli who tbrough abuse comiîted lu ignor- effeet upen the phymicîl systemi as to ance, may be permianeutly cured. Seud rear, avoabl up he mental, sud your address sud aoc. lu siampe fer bock reaca avorai>' uon teodiseases poculiar te man, sent sealed. se account in some degree for their suc- Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdouell ceas at examinatieus. As te tise ding. Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. or ef the fuel supply runuiug short, a memben ef our board recoutly nemark- À ALibers! Tarmer. ed tisat as the North Polo lies in Cana- dian territory, and since th. cunuty o! Ho weuld Ps y $100 for One FiftIy Cent Ar- Ontario extends indeflulitel>' uonthward, ticle if tbe Price were dtaitied that Higla. vo mi>' have smre daim upon s part of NicwcomB MILLS, Feby. 25-Chester that mucis sougist after stick of timber, Leemiâ uft iis iplace lu wiUli.ng te psy $100 -ad se ho able te svpplemeut our stock for what cao 00w ho bougbt f or filty cents, of fuel as occasiot requines b>' buruiug in case the pria. rose te that figure. Mr. it. LoomiBsmaya Dodd's Kidnov Pille are wortb Busines Changea. Ever>'Hlte while Uxbridge lias te, re- cord smre changes; in its business wtonld aud this season às ne exception. Messrs. Watt & Co. are- putting liet effeet thse decision they annunced some time mgo et coufining thein att ou- that te hlm or any man affiicted witb kid- uey diseaso. Ho ougbîte know, tee, for ho had kidney disease mo bad for nmre years that he ceuld do ne work aud could not ride iu a buggy becaumeetof be pain il gave im te do se. Dedd's Kidney Pille; cured hlmu and lie is wiliing te make affiavit te this tact il bis plain statement is net thougbt mufficieut. tien te dry goode, sud have cousequont- Rev. J. W. Aunl, pastor of Queen'm ]y' disposed ef their grocery stock te Avenue Meihodiet Cbnrch, Lendon, wa8 Mn. A. T. Button, who hie placed strickeu cb)wn witb partial paralysis, and is Messrs. Mansfield sud A. T. Buttes, 1lu critical condition, j r. in change ot the business. Thie1 stores will nemain as ai proeut withI cenvenient outrance from one te the ether, Mn. E. A. Wood, vise made a bravo truggle for a long timo against hardcomptitin, as ufortnatey 1WÂS OURED of Acute Bronchitis by MIN. had'to asign. Mn. Browuscombe, who 1RY IIET bouglitsme linos et the stock, vill oc-, sydney. C.B. C. I. LAioup. cupy the promises for a short lime te isCBDe aia erli yMN run thern off sud thon in ail probabilit>' ARD'S LINIMENT. a nov baud viii take hold et Nos. 1 Spninghill, N. $. WM. DKNiELS. sud 2 Wiseler's block. Mn, Browus-;lIws .tnofCrnc em-timb combe in aise geing into millinery. l A clIne ÇrucReusîmb the butchen business Mn. W. Wiufield MINARD'S LINIMENT. lias bought eut Mn. Griffith. of lte old AleIC. B EssTýLY M. D. Crosby stand. Another change,, the rnvost important of all, is looked for in a. ro-organization efthte Piano Ce. or the formation et a nov eue-Journal, 1On the last day of January there were 107..- A Queenly Eead 751 paupers in receipi et relief in Landon, can nover nemi ou a bod' ftrail ftrem diesse an increase ef 7,296 over the cerrospondiug any more than the lovely lily can grew iu date ef ]&st year. the atenile soil. Whon Censumption fistons ActinuR ibreugla tbe blod, Hoodis Sarmapa- its helci upon a vicnrn, the whole physical: nus nent onîy cures sarefula, sait nheum, etc., structure commnences iii decay. At muck b; but gives health sud vigen te the whole body, period, bof ore the dieàae t te tifr advanc-j ed, Dr. Pierce'm Golden Medical Discovery1 G. N. Miedenueil.eof Port Arthur, bas will arreati sud cure ilt do certain us Ibis,' been ueminalod as Conservative candidate ihat an effer la made te refund the money lu Algomna. psid for il wheu s failure eau b. f onnd un- don tse condition et a fair trial. TbemodomW&Wy. Once used, Dr.,Ploya'à Pelleta are alw s!Oomine dae Iteof ttise e wli-fo rmed; te do in ftavor. Bpecific for constipation, pie, pleasantly and effeclually visat vas formerly bilieusss, sud headachea. don. in thse crudest mauner sud dm'agreeabl' as veil. Te eloansa lise system sud breel Tise striko is over on tise T., H. & B., and up colds, iseadache, sud fevens-withont un- tise mon have netnrned te vork. pleasînt afto effects, nu the deligisiful leaxa- à Liez n ILand16.tive remedy, Syrup et Elge. I fiud the people arouud lier. prefer -Dr. Cbiee'm Kidney-Liver Pille te sny otson I bave lu stock. The>' are a wondarful pill. Seud 8 dozen at once, I amn neani>' eut. P. S.-Bend b>' poil, 1. W. Ireiand,.Gourock. The C. P. R.. pays a hali-yeanly divideud et 2 per cent. ou its preferred stock oui>'. To mearchieut laîpurities sud drive them from tise astem lutise work cf Bnrdeck Biood Bittons; tisss B.B.B. cures dyspepsua% constipation, bad blood, bihiouanou and al! disesecf tise stommeis. liver, bowels and Tise Italian Miuister of Marine bas decid- ed te Introduo tise siglat-bour workiug-day into tise docks sud arsenal at Spezls. No moro na-useus pIs requireif 1 Eseljaby'a Uver LoMeges are pbesst te taise sud, better tisou pille. If youn tongrue lu eoaed use BWJaljs mLiver Lezenges ane pleasant te t*agil d tterl tisas pilns. - If yeur longue le coated une Esijmy Ils Làver Lezos. mTisoy IilBset your lionr v-orking isealtbUly sud purify tise blood, Mars UerLozengQm are pieaulte t" hyëmla"atv, but atrengthonzng. - SDo FOU féeol tise eaknews:cf fmo? Borne mqu die at su ma swicis otiser are young. Ta ' ula ivor Lozeuges. - ,gýou kv- hy yu feel tfred1 les. Taouno ei;a 0Y's Liver Lozenge.. Tbey vili put nov loue lu y'on. - le your longe oosted?1 Taise ueImy Lv, oeuga. ises' viii v ois cf isaI bfllcue condition. Tv-o promlnentoltiseumof Parmlov- sud Dalgielsis have oisargmd vils mwalt.p estils. I Ont cf -"-Svmntaurîm. Sir Mackenzie Boveil bas accopted the banýque: tendered hlm by thse Belleville Board et Trade. Wis goiimingsudvhiingabout 5tir con, fi e 5c ete fHîoway's r Cue 1i1 o ve ten Gvla triai, sud yen WinI not regret if. Few are lise nemedies vise beneficial qualities and rosi monita have made them se popu.iar vils the public, sud incemamd froua yeîr ta yesr their consumptien, viio, viuelpeossing tise meet valuable reusedial properlies, e yot se simple in tisoir cer- pouno. sud 5085 eaataitse,es The Quinine Wiue, pre rred b>' Northriop & Lyman cf Toronto. , his ale t. prepared frou tihe pdeSulpisate ~ of Quinine, couabitsod _ilS fieSherryWue u chi.aotc, sud does net impair W isbe toat degree tihe efis> tils Mtion upon ' tise patiet; v-lI am"mlies.tMquuli tp a t tngtbua: tise puIsae fmoroase0musoc lforce, sud iii. vgonte the toue of tb«anerVoiasysteiand~ croates in ippetilte, vCsei ives4te tloua, acbt4eisànd eneorp suýd_ -forltif esy No ô rjî &Lms'sQuiie Wiue;sold E~uuuz ptroinus xpore ae ousider. inea rei ti P=odng lb. expert Of tise BI)RDOClKPILLS'dp rintgripe ei sics.. on.- They-cume onslulpatlon'amd fick Hesd-' Lord sub rad M.r. Balteurare. bolS prevmuîed atedig to tholr dctW .b>' 9SM6v on ý hiOr -"he.nom.ýainE- um .nInae W-M. TILL,' Undertaker, Oabinet Maker, Uphoister, And dealer ini Furuiture ef ail kinds. The Subseriber begs te announce that ho hie again epened business in hie old stand, sud hme placed therein a choice, stliali sud complote stock of NEW FURNITUREî Of ever>' description, which wiul be sold' at a sinali margin on cost. Another baie ef Ihese ceiebrated Mixed Mattrasses $8 25, worth $5. See those Tapestny or Carpet Lounges aI $5, worth #8. H[ardwood Sideboards, l4x24glass, for #8560, worth $12. Undeu7 -k4zxg. K'A full sto.,,î of OoffinelU and Oaskets, and a Firet- C1ass Hearse. WMa. TILL. Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65 Acres, Lot No. 30, 3rd Con , Township of Whitby; 2 miles fromn Whitby; samne known as the Lynde homestead. Soil second to none, in a flrst class state of cuitivsrion. Good fences,; watered by iive stream across one corner soo yards from a fine stone bouse; frame stable and driving shed ; aise trame house and abundance of fruit of ail kinds. For particulars apply te luI> 24ih, 1894. R. 1. LYNDL, upon the promises. DEAFNESUuing a really genuine (Jure for Deafusai, Singing in Ears, &o., no matter how sevare or long- standing, will ho sent post free-Artifi niai Bar-drums and similar applines entireiy superseded. Addresa THOS. K EM PE, V aaro.&OA srAU»uo, Southa- hamptnu Building, Hoiboru, London. THJE Owen Elootric The oniy scientifc and practical Electric Bell suade fer general use, havlng batturtis that geerate a atrong cS:rent of Electrieiliy thsa under perfect control aud çm eau bo - pUéd b suypar o b df t he lb cur NIERVOU49 DIESESl Thousands ef people suffer froua a vauiety of Nerveus Diseases that lb. cidm2odes cf 'Ueat- ment fail te cure. There iu a lois ot nerve force or power that canmot, be restored by any medical treatment, sud suy dector who would try te accomplish this by auy kfnd of drugs le puroulng a dangeious pisclice, Pro- perly lreatied, these disiie ecn be Eleotrici>', se applied by tho Owen Electric Bell and Applianees, viiiMeut aseured>' do se. Il le the ouiy knevn power that viii supp>' vhat slmoklng, nsmely, norve lerce or pover, impart toue sud viger, sud amcuse te bealthy motion the vhoie nervonu system. It viii meut ssurodi>' cure Withouat Mlaiomel GeneralDebiHtl>, Nervons Prostration,flaheu- malsam, Sciatiea. Ridne>' Diieae, Lumbago, Lame back sud Dyspepala, sud muy, other disesses. Our Uarge Illustrated Catalogue havéa bhàoara&w IETONl 1>~ FeAffl. Oshawa, ont Pains ini the Joints Caused by Inflammatory SweI Iing A Perfect Cure by 'Iood's Sarsa- parila. "lit affords me much pleasure to recomznend Hood's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted ith great pain ln the joints, accompanled with swelllng so bad that he could flot get up stairs to bed without crawllng on bauds aud knees. I was very auxieus about hlm, and Iiavlng read HOod £S Cur1e1 s0 mucli about Hoed's Sarsaparilla, 1 deter- mlned to try It, aud got a baif-dozen botties, four of whlcb entlrely cured htL." Mas. G. A. LàxK., Oshawa. Ontario. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilia. UOOdIs Pile ct easlly, yet promnptly aud oafiently, on the liver and bowels. 25e- ~xz-=z~ ~JI9~ j

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