Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 4

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only Oise way in the world to make a pure, etrnc and heailhful aking. Powder. Thât is, by ubing Ihe pureat ingrcdlionts. ,W. j ie pure Oremmu- Tarter snd l3aking goda in, ratking ~, Thia Powder contain no ,, Âhm, AiInonis, for any. ,,thing injulieus. W, guar- antee it toble the beast Bak- ing Powder in the market. 25c. per lb. JEsWILLIS, Chemist cà Dru ggist, Medical Hall, Erock Street, FRIDAY, Whiitby.1 FEB. 229 1895. The ChrouflciBoom. We could hardly asic for anything more tatisfactory than the CHRONICLE boom, whicb bas been booming for three mont.hs. It bas far exceeded our expec- tations. We have made a big haul of new subscribers, and our readers are also in luck, they having been supplied with cheap papers in abundance. We bave now decided upon a stili bet- ter thing. To new subscribers we will send the CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe and Canada farmer tli Jan ist, 1896, for $1. The CHRONICLEs and Mail and Empire will also be given to the end of the year for $i. We make the same offer with the Farmer's Sun. The CHRONICLE bas secured the sole agency for the Weekly Globe for the county of Ontario, and wiIl push its sale far and wide. Fioggin.g Obtdren A local correspondent calîs attention to a case ai severe floggiag in ane ai aur public scbaols, ln whicb the pratector ai the child-it lias no parents living--inter- fered and naised cansiderable noise in thc neighborhoad. Our writen, sud probabiy mauy athers, whist agreeing to denaunce corporal punishinent, frowued tapon the guardian ai the boy for raising a dust about it, lest taking a boy's part might do hlm harm. Sanie people bave inighty peculiar tastes. We believe i taking a chtld's part against an y sort ai physîcai -, puaisîment, aud wouid feel ashamed to say that we condoned a piece ai cruelty lest aur doing rlgbt miglit lead ta, wrong. We take the part ai the weak, no matter what may be Uic upahot afILit We do nat beULeve that GaI creates children strong enaugh ta, endure scaurg- ing or any other sort of physical punish- ment. Solonon is quoteil as advising tise use of Uic rad, but if we look round at the present day ta find saine monarch whose marais wiil compare witb those of Solo- mon the eyc ai aur mind ai once centres upop the Sultan of Turkey. He possesu- ed great worldly wiudom, but noue of it is ai aay use ta a people who sec how little service it was ta him. We do not believe in making Uic bible confouud humane conduct, or -excuse immoral actions. There lu nat a calliug on esrth 50 vile that its people do ual barrow license fôr it by perversion af scriptnre. Ms long as this brutal fiogging goca on la echool or elsewhere there wili always be fauud saine person with heart enough ta abj ect stoutly, as did Uic woman aur Kinsaie writcr mentions. She dil wcll. May she raise up sans and dangisters ta lend moral and physical strenglis ta the weak! Nothing b ut thc <set that a child is weak renders it safe for any persn ta fiog its tender body, and if we had aur boyhood ta live aver again holding the saine views as we do now it would not be well for the persan who wo>ld hammer us as we have fl sud seen it donc. We malie no compromse with cither jarents or teachers lu regard ta tise rod. tis a piece of violence sud brutality wbicb lu reserved for iseipless cihidren sud fiendish criminalS. Those whIo use it classify their innocent but err'ngoffapring witt he vilesi snddmont dsutadY wretch- es tander heaven, sud puisis themn alike. A law whicb woald tolerate it Is au abomi- nation and a dingrace ta Chriuthiuty. These are plain words, but s=y persn wha studieu the question mnut arr-ive at the saine conclusion. Whîppilé iau u institution never practiced by axiy race of people save christiaus. They (lave iC mark) do it, too, in God's naine. shorit NM&s Fur the nexi veek or twa the. Mauilba achoi malter wtil b. a red bot que0sif ahcariag bavlng beau granted ie CatI- lic mlnorhîy ef Manioba by tiSe-DoMibion Mhsluteru et Ottawa on Tûesday next.~ We cxplained three or fouar',weeks aiç that the Province of ManIto<j paed sct ho abollal separate âhosb.cau.ee ten pupils were seeded' to strt a achàl,' and lu many casas thse Roman Catholicoor Protestants, m t'ho ame glt-b., tutt aloof sud w ouid ne on one anotbeula fmtugamecilon.Udrthe QreMw Wg aate ocseo it 1sort$ wrea= * Iuhed, sud thus *ie formation of stv «bMsol ections vu asfcittte& -,VTud« theisa LtmOfMnioa n tbf e t 1usd tw rethudy maUérâ It w111 t>. gooid. tye ta ~Manitob asp-a Conservaîleaîonho4 peoQ hé le of the prairie provibci,7very tBtUlllYOôdJect ta- any intertérence wittl the management of their schools. 0f COttre the Ministers uat know wliat course Sir John Thoropson bad mnapped riit fr% 1 'irçiii- ln this risitter, and tri due time wilI maice it iuwt. . i v. a ý;hll have the Dominion elections, according to preaunt Indications The etruggle between tic students and facuity of Toronto university waxcs hot- tEr hourly. It stated in a frivolous fight over, the granttng of privileges to two S0- clalist Agitatara, Aif. jury and Phil. Thompson- but before .long the position of the stuclents became ridicuous as well as belng insubordisiate, 80 t.heya iift- cd their ground mnd attacked tic teaching staff of the uniivcrsity as being incompet- cnt. Two editors of Varsity, the college paper controlled by atudents,- werc fired. Tbe e professors began a ncwapaper war, whichi continued until Prof. Dale wrotc a scrorcher, insinuatlng that thc Ontario goverument does flot malte honest appointments to thc staff, and dcclaring thatif the appointments continue to be made as the7 have been for ten years past, the university wiil be in a bad plight. The Minister of 1ducation at once boun- ced Dale, and then thc students descrted classes lu a body. Que of the chief kick- ers is our townsman, Mr. T. H. Green- wood. It should be noted by the public that this quarrel arose over au attempt on the part of the students to spread Social- ism in the university, which ides was nip- ped in tic bud. As the uew turu ingf- fairs leaves uo question but that of thc fit- ness of the professors to teach their sub- jects, it would be a good thing to hold an investigation and establish beyond doubt that the teaching staff is or is not able for the work. Town Counotl. Regular meeting touk place Monday night. A letter was read from thbe mayor and clerk of Berlin asking this couacil ta memorialize the Ontario Legislature ia favor of aboiishing exemptions af taxation ta manufactures. From Messrs Dow & McGÃŽllivray, barristers, on behaîf Mr. Wm. Brown, successor at the Mowat Mar'iy Ca., offer- ing on his behalf $î8oo for the Mowat foundry building, as ioiiows: 86oo cash down, $6oo at Nov, lut next, and S$oo on ist of March, 1896. COUN. GROSS RESIGNS. From Councillor-elect G. E. Grass, re- signîng bis seat at the council board. On motion his resignation was accepted. THE CUSTOMS OFFICE FAKE. Coun. Pringle aud Devercîl moved that a memarial be sent ta thc Dominion governimeaî ln favar ai buUldingasncw postoffice here. The mayor said s mem- anial had been sent, ta Ottawa ln 1890 backed by County Warden 'Gray, the mayor sud reeve, acccampairîed by Mr. Wrn. Smith M.P. The matter had been di-cussed with the Minister ai Public Works, at which time au Oshawa deput- atian hsd been heard la layon ai a public building for that town. However, the memorial was passedi, and ordereil ta be sent to Oshawa. REPORT ON STREETS. Caun. Devereli read s repart from the streets, recommending the fallawing ac- counts : Jna. Moore, î.,5o ; Thos. Harris, $313 ; Wm. Happer, 8,5.25; Chas. New- berry, &1.85; Jna. McCarl, $744 B. Bar- rett, $2 ; S. Slater, 25c; Wm. Murray $i; Wm. Barker, 81i; Wm. Stone, 81.30; Jna. Foley, $i.50: Chas. Eautlcy, .$i.5o. AUl for sbovelliug snaw. The report passed. THE OFFER FOR THE FOUNDRY. Deputy Pringle movcd for an adjaurn. ment for r15 minutes ta enable the finance cammittee to make a recommendation ta council ne Wm. Brown's aller ta purchase foundry building. Court. Scott thought this was pushiag mattens at a headloag gait. He thaught it bent for tic finance committee ta hoid is meeting on the mat ter in the regular wny, andl that a public meeting ai the ratepayers be calleil ta dis- cuss the natter. The Reeve said he tbought it lu best ta hald a public meeting; but the finance cannittee should discus what they inteal Wo do. The ratepayers shol decidewbether or not they wlll ac- cept Mr. Brown's offer of $i,8oo. Once the place is soid ht may be taxed, whereas ai present we derive no lacome or other adatage froin it, and cannoe tusure il until it lu occupied. Deputy Pningle said the town sbauld have taken the $4,000 ai- fered on a previaus occasion. Not having doue so h lus now a question ta decide whethcr or not we are willing ta accept *î,8oo for the premisa. Cana. Scott saîl that ai te ic Uhe l an was made to the Mowai Man'f'g. Ca., he moved that -the byiaw be sa wardcd as ta cuabie us to hol each stockholder personally respon- sible for the loan, but faîled ta get s sec- onder. Thinks Deputy Pri agie la rushing tbis thing a lîttie toù fast. Doas not -want an important piece of business like ibis put tbrongh in z,5 minutes He noved that the matter be considered lu the regular way, and that a special meeting of couacîl be helil on Friday evening, Feb. 22nd, W raceive their report. This motion passed. VARIOUS MATTERS. On motion of Can. Priagle ht was orderal ibai liceases lie granîed tW Mr. H. Walters as uanal f'or ivo bililard tables Deputy Pringla introduced sud carried troîtgb a bylav te reduce the number of tavern licenses ta ho granted tiIs tows 1: reuefrom six tW . Thuis does flot 1lue yil. iestelsow runuing, but iuerely -cuis off thse icous. formerly grant- .8 ta the Outarlo bote!., The petion (rothe, tovu of BerPua rofored%0 ten"nce commitîne toept tapon. I Tii audtorb, I Omvan, sen, Idetailed sttense I analoo aàù abat .T1 ANNlU#GTON, Faoiumv ~, 8g To 11ON A. M~Lî*y .O SM',-As a farmfef, 1 rsPlY tO vaut sahool 'boy pratb of last week re the Patron =ove-' nment. -Ukle Rip Vau WlnI.yau bava been é.uu when sba#ei tram your lethergy .he stm~ron- f Patrofilsm YOU llOw'you, Ibg bora aad lmag.üe youtf In the iitit of enernies. 'feu, 'ou 89Y that ilsî a Gitmaya- ment and that s enaouicb you dcii a deaili- blow. Fîrsit, neither Phillips Thompson nor Mr. Wrigley, the 'Sueditor, are Grand Offloers or leaderuswin thc Patron movement, but there are as maay Coaservatives an tihe Grand Board as Reformera, if we refer:ta their former poiies, and the Grand Board doca not ru the oounty conventions. In North on. tarlo we nelther consuited or even obtalued- a Grand Offic"r ta sPeak ai Our convention, everyîhing being donc by -out local mca from thc Preiden t, Mr. Shier, dawn ta the entbus- lastic Imymen of bath aid polfticai achoals. We gai Phillîps Tbompson on our own ac- couai tat speak at the convention. Do you, air. casi the alur of deceptian, af treacbcry, ai moral degradatian and hypocrlsy on such mea as John Tomps0ng an aider, more respcred, antd much mare successful sheep.breedcr than ever Jno A. McGillivray was, on Christopher Wren, Messrs. Bruni, Lunan, Card, Lemon, L.app and Beni. Madili, aillaf Scott township, once active and reâpected Reformera, but now Patrons wbo attendcd as delegaies aur conven. tion ai Beaverton, icssi Lemon and Lapp. the latter being prevented by sickncss ln bis fam- iîy. and who attcndcd thc Revislng Barristers' court to sec that justice and fair play was met. cd ouita oail1 alike. Let us ber. say this revi - alan costa the. country $273, 0(0.00 under the prescrit sysicm, while anc third the money or $ga.ooo, would psy the municipal officers for doing it, which la la kccping witb the tweltth plank cf aur platform. Do you, sir, ascribe deceptive inlquity ta Messrs. Ruadie, Moore, Hall, Roach, Soaiey, Gardon, Glcndinung, Purvis, Evans, McArtbur, Keeler. McLean, McKays, Sproulcs', Veales', Calticot, Marsh- ail, Cowie aad J obustan, respected Patrons of Brock, but previausly Reform, and do you as- scribe pcrfidy and dissemblance tu Messrs. Ross, Smith. Till, Willis, McRae, Ritchie, Windatts, Bruces', Veales and many more Re, form Patrons af Thorah. To the aid and re. spected familiesaio McBeths, Tbompsoris, Evans, Gîvens, and mnaay mare Refom Pst. rons who sttended from aur township as dele- gaies, the convention at Beavertan. My dear Sir, you are sadly befogged. Thea if I mien- tioned the Coriservatives 1 would give you most af thc prominentames lante above range a! townships: Messrs. Meek, Barton. Blanchard, St. John, Shier, Purvis, Cunlag. ham. McPhal, Hosicin, Beatty. Amey, Argue, lazkson, Harrison, King. Proctor, Bell, ic- Milian, McDougai l ay, Mcl{atue, Dure, Gibson, Gibbs and Fair, which I write from memory and msny mare whicii I have forgot. tca. Naw, as you will sec, the above are ail Sarmers and none ai us have the fazulty ai warrying $5000 a year or $16 a day from a ira- ternal association as Secretary, as you do from the Foresters, and ibea employ a clerk for- sooth ai $3oo a year ta do the book-keepng wblle yau f srm North Ontario for poliuicai favors. Kiadly excuse while we analyse your great legal mind and transparent effort ta, disorgan- ize us Patrons. As ta West Victoria--a cur- rent report has beca circulatcd, though deaied. that collusion existcd between the parties ta defeat Mr. Campbell. The Oonservative psrty knawing there wsaoî the shadow of a chance siagie-handed, placed a muan in the field ta prevent a Patron victory-the scheme heing hatcbed by twa or thrce mca libe your- self-and the farmers went palitically mad nnd foilowed the demagagues' dictate. Whca you ssy the Patrons of North Ontario dcldcd not ta put a man la the field si lune for the Local Legislature and that the Patron-. prorniscd, sup- part ta Mr. Glcndinning you deibaratey <ai- sify the facis. We did Dot o ganiseOur. county association until lune 5hand. Uic clections wcre on the 26th, hence we bai no chance ta put a man in thc fieldi, and ah Uice convention we agrecd ta retain - Mai uý~u dence of vote on that account. But, sir; e won't icave you yet. The Clear Gui dodge snatcbed no less than eleven seaus <rom, Mr. Mowat la lune, and Victoria would have given one more bot for the Torie, Ia East SSm. coc also the Tories werc the transgressor, go. ing back on Mr. Lawson, a Conservative fýa- ron. So that the Gm.t doa't carry aillthc @in of backsliding, and you don': lorget tIsa Havyen and Boston, -charging only tweAty-ý eiglu ta tbirty-two shillings ailà these vears ÇCame ont af the fog, > john, aud leave Mr. Mulack sione., Doa't voa. sec how imc. fully we farinersanmd thc 'cmouiry v h fieeccl l these years ; yet youdon' thiait ai us-your philantropic spirit shbudders fo the" Goverament Punslly you arrive ai North Ontario, assd'if your emotions are reai yon are ta be Ste WeeSn recall yonr manly to.m &ais inauina. io in Beaverion a fcw Y"arsago 'whý*ê a -strage and invaluntary tear coursed do-" your chacit and tremulou 'eniotios filè4 your hem twbile you spo f thea spitul comvuss that sgltatcd your1 po«or ocê' aeelrtnçsoul wbule Qui, woesblpped 'at St. Palters tinRaine, Wre tbln uzaeae 'mare agltated wheu yonugay .UllÇie aud Uic Ciea, Grt îPatrons lwouqht *s & n'omlnat. I- 1tell.you n d ht i vetievhedin the' You can buy up' and Bargarns for this Month. a N e a Ci P. S.-AJI Winter Goods than wholesale 1 AWD RU 1 ' yI MATS.ýq Jiit MATS. of New Hats and Caps. prices. cw Hat Jrom 50 cents ýP jrom 15 cents. at less prices. E.Rosse-, I ~.Z~'W'. THE NE W DR? Y 000DB STORE, W~RRE 3Ž~, WHITBY. Special for Feby. 23rd. During this month we are offering very sweeping reduotions iaJifines of DryGoe We are aaxious to reduoe our stock before the anrival of -NeW Gooda.The Goods are- ail new and fresh, being this season's purohases.. Note iQf~of- Our Speolal prices. Clothing.-Boysi' Frieze Overooats '$8.-<J, 'reeulr $5.50. Men's Frieze Overcats -$6.00, regular $9.00. Men'sa do., $7OO regular $& Men's do. $7.50, regular $11. Men's do. '$9, regular $14. Men's Wool Tweed Pants at $1.25, $150, $1.75, $2.00, $.5-n~$.~ Men's Black Worsted Pants, eq"xl to oustom made, at $8.75 and $4.50. Boys' Fine Tweed Suits, 22 to 28, $2.25, regular $8.00. Boya' do. $3.10, regu.la $4.M,. Boys' do. $8.40, regular $4.50. Boys' do. $3,65, regular 4.90. Boys' do., 29 to 82, $2.65, regular, $&50. Boys' do. $8.95, regular $5. Bo>ys' do. $4.20, regular $5.75. Boys' do. $4.50,. regular$& ladies' Mantis from $4 up. All Fur Ttimmed Goods at haif price. Men andi Boy's Fur.Caps at;. eq-pally Io prices. wi Ho w CAmpBLL.-At Whitby on Tuesday, Feb. I9th, z895, the: wife of C. F. Camp- bell, of a son. AUCYTION, SA.LES The subsorib-hr =wre ledistrutons frot» ~ M MR.WIJIAMUITCH, 'té oeilby 1%bllc &ucti1. st lotea', ýth-'concesson, TMDAY XARGýý l_2th, '907 t.ow wdmvlublc stof R~ OIS"s, 1*1g BROOK ST., WHITBY. 3 o k, WHITBW (Succesýsor -b oH7ompion.) Th e#Subsecriber bas agali ,opened busi- ness bere. His dfice kwiIIbe tEa R. Blaw'stelégaph office, factory -at Krs. Newbre* house on Brock St. $out£z. lmw. ftamps usinufactured sud ald Pwups---re' paired. Fimt % aiteikal uscd surd" work warranied. -Welis dug oÃ"r ceu ont. Or4ers saolicited." F»b 14, 1895. S.SOM-., Whltiy sud Ossava., RocoivoL~-.~.~.- Our first Spring consignment Ail marked at hard-pan o o o o BROCK STREET, :4 -y ARR'EN l. SCO TT$ PUMMKR ýW. J3Eý 1 v -_- -.1 v i

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