Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1895, p. 1

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The bronice Wih<a!rn printed icord8, 9reat thoughts, and untiring indwitry, we aduocate Peace, Progre88, K.. ~Zî, lhehlood. LE IVQN A -- i ,Banking business d uiae. Special att .-Lion ta Calleetians, and Far- mr'Sale Nates a! lowest rates. Ie-Depouits recoived iu Savings Banik Department in smoe of 81 s.nd upwards. Na natice ai withdrawal required. Highest current rates af interest allowed and credited semi-annually. E. D. WARREN, CH2LONICLE CORRUSPONqDENCE. TAUNTON. Mr. John Arnot bas recently purchased a fine horse and outfit. Mr. John Lander bought an excellent warlring horse this week at a very low fig- ure. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walters are the happy parents of a fine baby boy. Congratula- tions. The severe weather af the past week bas caused much sickness throughout the vicinity, especially ta the littie folk. The village was quite lost owing ta the non-arrivRI of the mail during the ride af Boeras. Mr. Coleman deserves credit for arriving even on Tuesday. Snow! snow! Everywbere and not a rond ta drive on, was the general outcry of the public last Sunday and; Monday. Some local authorities affirm that it reach- ed the deptb ai ten ta twelve feet on the main ruad. O8EAWA. BUSINE&SS NoTicE. --Oshawa subscribers , o of pure doe steet - - RO ýNICLE1C, Tii. Most successiul and pleasing ai- sAe h 4iiii. -s on eoband. wxhth HRNCLor imay obtain ex- f_ nayyar à,tebigvnb eeipaawy o ad tra copies at any tinie, a! E. E. Rogers',fari nn er a th algv b mu, omnfcuerffnea- poat ofice ookstre, Ohawa.the ernplovees ai R. R. Williams & Sons ~ tRImntcnie iAn a post ofEe bookstre, Oagaa, rb«,*rte, wagons, and aB kinds af cut- If ou isha nce renh cinadinerPiano Works. Tii. cordiality and good ters ali4sielghs, Repairlng a speclalty. felng existing between employer and Jolm B*Wua, paluter and decorator. Deal- or tea set, or anything in iancy china, or empîoyees ai this institution 15lla Mst! or n lu va papers, aelllng decorations, glassware, go ta E B Morgan & Son. happ y, andi if American concernis were patnto,, 014 vannishines, brushes, wlncow -Mens strang boots, gaiters, laced boots conducted on a similar basis strikes would shadesee. witb toe caps, or laced boots with bellaws- be a thing ai the pas!. Glionna's famous JAUMS Pxzow, dealer in shaves, fnrns.cc, tangues for $i.oo a! the corner store Osh- string bandi furnished music for the 300 tinwanqetc. Large stock kept constantly awa. couples who danced the fieeting bours on haajl.Jabblng a speclal ty. Simooo 1! illpa an prtis antinlatngaway. On the floor Oshawa's hest and mci4rh buying an engagement or wedsiîng ring wealthiest fatiilies mingled with the hum.-D. AT1 soNeiat, pRing St Wnes 0mb tosethe large stock ai Feit Bras., Osh- bler but no less respectable artisan, andi a oafafrpf asetato. awa as they will seIl this month very cheap everything went oùi perfectly with nothing extra ébarge. for cash. Genuine diamonsi 14K. only $5.ta mar the evening's enjoyment. A large E. S., EXxosoN-Steam Bakery. Electlcx Tbey are also making santie special offers nuniber were present from outside places, nroceas, Our bread la soisi in Oshawa, xli Ge ts, L di's and Bo s, goli nd and some pretty costumes wore ntices. W oikering, B ooklil, Columbusa ond silver watches. See them. Felt Bras. Supper was served at twelve o'clock, 150odyadIcnncln couples a! each sitting. Caterer D. Tod d. Th oxse-The lesing iailoring is t a b . co n g ra tu la te d n th e p e rfe c t d t r ls i g a se 0 O h w Mr. F A. Bl! o Toroto, pent coule maner n whih hecarrid outhisssrt o SPn1- osortweedstwees, nsteded M r F.A. al'ai oratospet acoulemaner n wichbe arred u! is artai trow ýgs, shirtil, collars, etc, always kepi aifsinys in town this week. the. jragrani. Thc supper was ail that i.n stoo*, Mr. J. Wilkinson, an aId high scbool could be desiresi, andi the manner in which plm,» BÜ09-Wojtehmakero and Jewelera student now residing in Erie, Pa., paid it was servesi was equal ta the efforts of a cllri~aobs ocks, jewelery, uliven- ais fther eek. iitinthe carlier part professional caterer. Large affairsaiftuhs ware spectacles, ec. Ez ar ,glias of te wek.kind will henceforth b. incomplet. witb- silver-pligef and aid gal ingesmadeoaven. Th embers of Oshawa division Sons ai out Mr. Tosi ta conduct tic supper ar- ie't]clkadewerrpîiga Temperance visted Maple Grave Tuesday rangements. lier. were 26 dances an ï -.è evening andi spent an evening ut piesig en-the pragrani, andi it was 4.3 a. m. before .BoIZL MILL-Âtientjon a1 tannera tentainint wheh behr tee i assembiy came ta an end. The. ssie-" «, me inerakns - ~ _ _ was jrad and the 'lmedley " after intercranu" lai e ertes th a /4tb" ini., ission ws à masterpece. Ther Cfjc - .teia bave been hardly an0f Ofuwa" ancersdeailatBo tarhe Oc- y.an. The. doctors ia!bave ta get a hustle casion was a notable feature, The pron EUR J&4wm-Imerer and dealers on. ~~~~ceéds go to the benefit fund of the employ' n we. ýueuin1adhouscfur- Mr. Borsberry is fitting up the.roomns their praise af tic manner in irbici every.. BaYeiixon-b-ami other oniracin donc over the Reformer offic, for the. use ai the. tiing was conducteci andi tic hope lasex- Fumacos.- ohaidelerUm ilma stc Reforni party as a committee roomi. Saniepressesi on every baud tint this hall wilî 01 biooe lcn e on band. partitions have been torn daim, and a blecomne a permanent -fixture in Oshaa TOWN LINE. metal ceiling is being put in by the'Peslar society gatierings, lier. were abuzo Ca. spectators present, mnaking the tatal num- Busines before pleasure. As a mark af appreciation for efficient sen- ber present about 700. The first set of Hops are the best crop we bave ai tuis vice Mr. D. lad treatesi bis staff aofirniters the Lancers was made up ai tic foilowing season af thc year, ansi tic 95 season is andi a feir friends ta a splendid supper on -Mayor Cowan andi Mrs. Piiliips, Robt. remarkabiy prolific. Wednesday eveang. The boys spent a inost Williams andi Mrs. Geo. White, Mr. C. L. Mr. S. C. Wilson li slil quite loir. Miss enjoyable evening andi unanimausly votesi Mn. ansi Mrs. Rennie, Mr. C. W. and Mrs. V. Mackey, sister ai Mr. Sylvester Mackey andi Mrs. Tosi capital ententainers. Scott, Mr. F. W. andi Mrs. Coiran, Mr. A. is also quite iM.% Many people thoughtlessly tirai their asies Morgan and Miss Watson, Mr. F. W. Mrs. Walter McGregor is spending n in the beaten tracks opposite their houses and Warren andi Miss Morgan, Dr. F. Rn. and fortuigit miih ber son J. H. McGregor, af some even seeni ta take pride in sSeeîg hoir Mrs. R. Williams. Amongsîtiose pres- Toronto. fan along the roadsitiey can extensi twer asies. Cnt from outside places were Mayor Rut- it-O 7hnshewfofM.R Sa niany people do tuis thnt i makes il muc lesige ansi E. Grassi fWhitby, Mayor Bir.O n îf 7 dugti nitci.a M.R it mucb barder fan the borses an deiivery Loscombe, Bowmanville; Hon. John Dly- G k ia agir sieighs. The ashes wauld do more goosi if sien, Brookin ; Wm. Smith M. P., ansi Mns. A district meeting of tic Graugers was they were dumpes a!t the roadside or Left inUt Smith, Colunmbus,- Miss Fielding, Guelph; iielinl Union Grange hall a n luesdajv backyard tili spning. Miss Watson, Kingston; Mr. and Mis. R. lasi. Mr. Wm. 01ke mas appointed as ne- The carnival Laut lbursday mas veny suc- S. Wlilliams ansi Bert Williams, Taranto,; preseutative fraie ibis district tu attendý cessful. The 34hbu as n rsitsdandi Mrs. White, Trenton, ansi very many tic Provincial meeting icisiiluTrouta on asdesi mucb ta the evenings enjoy mnent. M . others.th. fln ,i.. .. Whitby, Aug. Slst, 1894. CH AS. Manager. SCOT T AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT. The undersigned bega tai announce that be has taken aut a license for auctianeering, and w xll be glad ta fill orders for this class af busi. ness. His book will b. kept at 1. H. L ongs office, where ail infarmation may be obtained. Whitby. Nov. 29, '94. C. SCOTT. N. .PATERSON, Bamrster, etc.-Afîer twa vears EngLand has resumed practice St , Taronî.-Oct. '94.-6 imas. DOMINION E Capital Paid up, - $: surplus, $1 Whitby_Âàge General Banking Transacted. Q 0., iresidence in 2t 136 John ýAN K. 1,500,00 1,50 000 euoy. Businees SAVINGS DEPA.BTMENT. Interest allowesi ai highcst current rates Na notice o ithdrawirnequiresi. 19. J. THRORNTON, Manager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate. ai tic Rayai Cailege ai Physiclans, E-dinburgb : Member ai tic College ai Physicians ansi Surgeons, ai Ontario. Office and residenee, north section of the "Terrace,' Byron Street, north af Dundas Street. Telephone commrunication witi office. Whitby, July 4th, 1894. Who? Who? Who? Says the Owl. Who sel the best Baking Poirder? W. R. HOWSE dae. Why ? Becauso only tic pures! ingrediants are usesi, ansi it is frequentiy made. Cansequendly is ai- wnys pure & fresb. London IIONOIIION Powder la thc beet Bloosi Purificr andi general Condition Powder in the market. It is thec eapeut powder that, has ever bean offered for sale. It cures ail cases of General Debillty, Lasu of Appetite, Roughnesa of ticeflair, ansi ailtroubles a»aingfrein in- purity cf the Blood. Ba 20c. per M., or 3 lb,. lor 50ce MÂADE ONLY BY--.-., W- R. H OWSEY OHEMIBT AND DBUGGIST, WEIITR-y-2 WHITBY, ONTARJO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARy falsely, then more than ever do you rea- PeopebaMVeflot the samejudgment and do .8 NO. 6 WHITEY. lize the fulflment of the scriptural quota- flot exerêÏse the saine thought as the aider tion that ail men are liars. and méré:stald supporters ot clubs, there- Miss Burns, of Greenbank, is visiting at Last TursdRv morning Crown Attor- fore th"y-do theiselves barm througb Mrs. H. H. Spencers. ney Curry, ective AIf Cuddy Dr. them. Çames played in moderation and The Mfiqses Moore of Columibus, gave us Caven, E. V Aylesworth, a News re-, In the it pe pl c ar i h e o gh an a fying visit last wee kr porter and Mail and Empire reporter came' l nip~ person cauli' rondemn them. It is rumnored we a,, ab . to lose one down froin Toronto ta secure the body of It might em as if we -. re dlctatlng to Of Our best girls. Congautin oK. Young Wells, who is supposed tahae ur eid~ but no one wll deny the. above sale.grtatosaK- murdered by Harry Hyams of Toronto. statemie* are mst reasonable. M ~..I7~ à wo. gaevwuggers were set ta wora ta remove the earth fromn the remains, and aller three houi-s work the sheil was re- vealed. The. body was buried in the Aylesworth plot, which was covered witb drifted snow and diflicuit of access. A handsome shaft whicb COst 8360 marks the spot.- Tbis monument is flot as yet paid for, and is the cause of a lawoult at the present trne. The coffin was found in good condition, the velvet covering being somnewhat mlldewed. The sheli was as'gooid as new. Unidertaker Luke. raised the shield and disclosed a bronzed head and shroud, aller which the. remalus were placed in a new sheli and taken ta, Toronto on the evening train. The Mail reporter had his camera along and took a couple af phatographs, one of which was reproduced in Saturday~s Mail-Empire. Oshawa people are much interested in the E .VICýIRRY. barber. SimooeStreet. D&. D). B0 -o King Street past. BROOK&P>LMiVEY, Simca. Street, north. WM. 2074R, harneusmaker, smcoe Street, T. B. I"ORKEE8L, butcher, King St., West, A.. J. 1St4jt«a-Domjnjan pianos and organe, siZSo@#ïtroet.1 0OXIOUL R~~ OTEZ-J. C. Woon, propÉetor, M049M Fotelry, nsa and comfortab y ýjequppq4 PosuO 0 B40aOTKS-ona-..u1Une of bocks, sta*Onqyand ancy good. B. B. ogors, .lo. HoR01E-Whtby-Oshàwa sta e lino. Leav«,eýOshawa tai a mand 2p zm, and Whitbyaî Kt10am and 4p m. Masà. M. J. L. Bxmooîe, dealer in znil. linerY &nd mantles. Dressmaking, etc., Lu C. S. arastwood ai Whitbyas Inish gentlemn took the prix. andi Miss Vioet McMiiian aS Cady ai thc z6th Century iras awandesi tht gxIls pnize. Messi. A. S. and ILH McKowa, 57 A. lames, H. J. Alexander, G. P. Fiee. ]andi sud R. S. HenrY, ail af Whiîthy, uecrtd tic gnoup prizes as Guards. To show tic conditi-on ai the rends casi ai Oshawa me give tic folioming. A party' mere. driving ta Maple Grave luesday cvening ansi mere getting alang niccly mien the horse stoppesi short. Upon jumping ou!ta ascertain tie cause they mere surprise<l ta finsi thernselves on one side ai a huge drift. Aitich botain ai tic drnift a loasi ai hay and a loasi ai moosi were biockesi. Tic amers mere sap-: ping horss. Tlis is fraie a Sons ai 1cm- perance source, ansi ougit ta be reliab. It seems ta us ta be crucly ior boys ta harnesa iîttle dogesud make tiens pull boys araunsi wlo arc able to a ma th. is not quit. se bard on a great Newfounsi. landi dog, alticugh even bierne it la unc- essary, In ti"ecountry a! least thc deg siaulsi ne!serve tic pu-rpooe c-S abeasu Of burden. Thc dog enjoya bis freedeu us as ninci as, a boy and bas lust as goosi claim te it as long ,as lue ibares hiasocl Ht serves tic puwpos aof a'cîmpansd guardian for ils master, sud that la sa tua! is requiresi. Dount yen tiink se ? A resideut lu 'tih uulses section ~ forme us that s gangc, f Younpg tou$-Who run a club room dive am-cmuaktgUcm- selves trouzblesowat fteq=t Intraa lu tiecearly, 4slî houas ofthtie -morniib tic gang saies-mit ad returns miihMt usenber car ng a'ou 'e o(oee4woMý ticks. Tbcni*- the iadl. <orn tbcy se tao ork, Dsa % se4dmg moud. X m ult 'tut *Is MA ý The article ai las! meek conccrning the club rooms bas openesi theecyes ai many ai aur citizens. Many mere astonisiesi ansi saisi ta ns, " Is it possible tint sncb a condition ai affairs can exisi rigbî ber. in aour miss." Every statement titre made is a subktantial truti, ansi no anc kuowe 1! more than tht members ai thcs.- privai. institutions mitre these thinge are donc. W. may -say tint evcry club dots flot do all tiiese things, ansi mc miii go funihen ansi say tint tuer. arena couple ai clubs de- cently couductesi by suint ai tic mare respectable young idlome, wmi a ve becu dniven ta a club rouie -te bave a bit ai bou- es! sport sud enteriainmnct ihich tic tain council llteu-ally refuses toa aloir As me saisi before, tie gaine là playesi just tic same, andi tic tomuispeople ar-e lasers just ta tic citent ai a reasonabie iccuse fée. One ofibhe yeung meule clubs has la goodSiode of MWledrawn* p asud"memtbers ar-. bouns teoübey tiens or lueur liabillty. tolexpulsiôu, - No gamblIng, noe dison-der- Il ssand ne liquon oun ýthe -premissarme the ~~ uicplnenictins Iiposesi. -Nol o-ne pno.éhi- ~ -~ - Au "Ai Home"- under, the auspices ai the Ladies' Aid Society oi the Presbyter- ian churci, Pickernag, mas ieid ai Mn. Ja. TruIls on Frday evenig last. A very enjoyable time mas speut Receipis $ 3 3 2 5 .1 1 Ibis is tic season, for farmers te eccure their seSd grain, get ibeir implementsne- ý pnlred, make gaies if requiredt and pro--. vidé ai supply of simer >w o. Tbeseà ihingsare, lrequen yleft« until. pril, -ta théic-dsadvantage, cf Uic ariers thete. ves .and ta thc annoyAnce ai tic blachi- amiti 'and agn-maer. .Meurns. avcy aundi Haileti <swing te th", C ack of p w<p r mitings re-tbicr partner.. '0 eip in =lasin *t-cL yude faru, ast yçar,, i ment compelledto reiort t aziabitration Qu Saurdày at, We 'pes>m affalr% ' iSiS m isfass,.*,-w I., m 4L.,A- ...L...t S 1ILvvnns hie, Alias. White, Miss Sadler and Miss White ore visfting friends in Mariposa for a few days. Any une that has nat seen the glaciers ar the Alps can imagine what they are like by viewing some ai the snawbanks be- tween here and claremont. Inspector Barnett bas only a couple of weeks before he has ta pick up and get out, and make way for brother Ledgett. We ail regret that we have ta lose aur aId friend jack ; but proably the govern- ment, far bis faithfuî service, will allaw hini ta retire on a pension ta some neigh- bcsring village. The social a! Mr. Wmn. White's on Frn- day evening was in every way a decided success. Although the condition ai the roads prevented many froni being present, yet the hause wau crowded witb aver two buudred people. The. principal features af the pragram were selections by the re- nowned Brooklin Methadist choir, sangs by Messrs. Halliday, Stevenson, Mill$ and Wilson, whule Messrs. Lynde, GilI, Stevenson and White delighted everyane Tie speciai services in the methodist cburci are being continuesi this week. Miss James, of Bowmanville, bas been the gues! ai Mrs. R. Moore for a short trne. Rer. S. H. nstmn ofa Oshawa, preach- cd in the presbyterian churci las! Sun_ day afternoon. Mn. John Kerr le the representative af the A.0. U. W. at the grand losige nom in session in Trouta. Miss Mabel and Aima Armstrong, of' Torontare spending a few weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Robson. Miss Jeunie Marrison bas returnesi front Tyronta, ihere she bas- been stopping with her aunt, Mrs. Little, for a short time. Mr. Alfred Spencer, jr., startesi back for bis ho-me in Manitoba on Thurs.a marnn. H. intends stopping over =wlt Mr. J. P. Piri., represeutative of thc Next Sundayceveniq Rev. T. W, Leg- COlIe'bàa fi!, ýa. go!! miii preach a speesai sermon for thse i.bas been th rentt Royal Texuplars of Ashhurtî. Rev.-R. B.' rne. SbouI4 tuis Smith of that village wil octupy Mr-. miU make a 1N, . Leggott's pulpit. ain e Emergon. The social held at Mr. Wm. Wbiies A ici from- heï iast Pnidny evening, under -the auspices fia t i GreenmooO, ofithe Methodist ladies' aid. was a lpra- goosi dine a. iri nounied success. Over two hundred per- Uniottiatey ,this sons atiended. Proceeds a.mounted ta miithe epru $28. ý-sktatinig ti bsné A large number af mccbanics' institut. a, feml,'dlviduaîe. snbscribers bave 'beeu secured and we- The Epôn L may expect ta have au institute estabiish- one of tîbélr rcevt esi hu-e soon. Thse emali amcïuntrcqm- Robi. McAvoy, Mh cd front each will certainly prove ta. be -aan&-.'Eli'tto- very profitable investent. ansi thev. Enll o l Thse Christiun Endeavorers aofiirc ai tic n of Cerst andi vicinity areu-e uipleased'w 4 heLenei Chiisýa decision ta holsi nexi yearla couvezutioe '(>p>ii here. When Uic tinte contes tey 01i- Mo gOu- -ail thnt is passible ta znake, the 'gatherlng ' Qiyrke cf 1&)6 a most isucesiuean. - lbjuè4' Mr. j<_hn ;ýO'Dny, o, f Wmntipeg fe grmm heu-c visitiug bis pau-cuts' sud cnJoyiiÎg a G~rQnttu jiS- neededuet Itissixycaus sinoe ie waa lest in Ontau-io7 H e ïledoing melii»tire 1- *est au d wiUu-ctuu-n tere a&era, vacation -ý;- ,",t of abouti two imotthsi. ~îPI1 receiving congratulations from hie friends on his beingpromoted ta a managership.' Several districts in the United States were offered him, We he has decided ta take Nova Scotia, Pi i ce Edward Island and Cape Bretor as the field ini which h. will direct ilec affaira of the Mutual Reserve, and will shortly take up his residence thare. We will much regret 1osig him and his estimable family froin our:îflage, but ail wifl unite in wishing him con- GtY UÉIUSBDfrmoty. GY&CO., graIn buyers, - BEALL, 8.-Isuer of Kaltiae 4ena Besldenoa$OpposLte Towia Hl , Bnoell. HoLLZD&T Bxos---Lawprices gp lover Prom now tEl Karch lut ve offerta oCash buyers a discnoflSperoi . ona&ij winte, goode smusblA"tu. woolah*wlo, underwear, top shirts, fuit boots, ovPercbits, mandxe olothes &o. Thee goodu are ailI marked a# close primos. Wlth hu" redue- tion they are undoubtedly the eheapesi line evor affered the publio. ÀI AUib is soeason'a«stock and l ln stclauieondilon. Ii wlUpay yonta bup now If pou don't needto se -hemttlnext ali. New ft&U. nelettes, shlrtin t., are ziow eomznnl. Bngla your uttae. eggs, poIr,ýc drled apples, ana gei top pujce.4 i, - KINSALE. The Home Circle met on Mfonday even- ing last.-« Our pedagogue spent Sabbath at hie honm. in Enfield. 1Miss Pascoe, of Enfield, bas been visit- ing Miss Florencé Mackeyý_- Chas. Mackey, of Enfield, spent Sab-_ bath under the parental roof.* Rev. Ferguson offlciated here onSab- A feir of aur villagers attended, the ladies' aid social given. last ýFriday ngt a! Mr. Wiiite's ai tic 7tb conceésl on. A picasunt Urne mas spent- by ail goers. -Joseph Ttipp, sold&aaud. delivere$tizre spièndisi- cattie ai Brook ina at.week iî,I aid Missionary Mai. Thé r ices -*ère not'- extravagant, me nee Si cceiy atae.- Mr. jas.' Plaskett ii gdiing tblngin shape for moving la îhe near ifuturýe, M'&, goes aboutî-zÎ mies onth 'f_ .' een home, W. extensibne iwiae, Janes., Warncr bas- Once more. appliéd-Ilur - - clrkip ai aur ,governm-ent -ofc- Siauld Si i Credeatiias, Meci~~ ansi approbation of tlIe, offlkIle biýc i. WESEa RAK F -MI I.1LC L NW. 1ITrPq ! WEI~moHN isi vu uinADA.%-%dLJAl L. Il I »LT1 1 L i )th, 'ercoats, .e and iSE usually made, wel ie great suc- ERS at OId No. 1, E MAPLE SYRUP, a and Orockery, Sets Cheap, lyroceries, Teas, to., etc. A SH OR TRA D£ VIJT THE TIMES. Iling ansi examining [ces for yourself. nds ef Gran, Apples Hav lso'<got e E utvsaen f or t ut w etWrit y n E 9elr. Iower fï ntaiow JL n @mai# É%IM dftnokà nom& VOL. XXXIX. 1 9mý- - 22. IR9.,5- XI 1 -1 1 ,) 1

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