Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1895, p. 3

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Cured After bhers FaiIed the N.Ck-BUflCh' At 30n, Now. 'hi jui ai: th CO' thi Pl Pi lu Si in ai bg il el f( t t .1 tee that 1 cannot ay enougft l Sarsaparilla. For Aive yoarit bled wtth acrotula In my neoie reral kinds of niedicines which, o fle sny gcod, and when 1 col"- Hood's Barsapatilla there wero n my ueck se more that I Coulà , wîý Cures htest totuch. WhenlIhadt%'k> his medicine. th. soretiess hait e 1 had finished the second thei tireIy disappoared." B".ucIîr erville, Malrîo. decde to take Ilood's Sarsapa- îduced to bu y aity otlier. is cure cuîts3tl pull tit ly ri-itr. ic a,- i )ii of the -IiiueLL~r) (.atoL THE CCESSFUL REIEDOY MAN OR BEAST. l eiiiots I'id lip er blisters s S> I CURE Ci nT ', YJai.i9 igd 1 a sylpti!Id baY hune some gnlu Iet klm fo~rsS. 1 tised r4e Pa ~ivi n I gone now qrît $1 i e gaine hors& t'le i 10 got $120) for umhig ~LS Sparlu cure. ruly. W. a. NIARSOSN. ~ ?V~NCURE j-Micu. Dec. 16, me9 ti KP111l'a SpavIn Cure 01 t-'li ii io rses and .tî.nad(ire6s ALL5, VT ST PATIO0Nli .OUSNESS, 'S P E PS 1 A H EADACHiE, .ATE THE IVER. LATER EATIfNS 5 (9000 DI.GESTION. rS.T[ DOMD. CIL LM r trou, lve,-vo.u I>ehlill &Mnu ilaaheod. Res-utta ldlwretion., Exe.slive A7V- Jntno wli end eàpae Ie tevî.r- fai!g n leICnq of sqelf. h<Iî, Swil(liqe fi dtnpoecdA arii htlnrîltîge for VParg.vue 'ietedi, 't A&nTI ilire ou fllin e oe -rdiy colfiden fal. Irîînly senh di frein oieeervatîou. Vo Pisiz. Toromît, ()nt. F YOUNG &OLD Orato laka, Faflin uueiW,Lack e Y.nur pnSmamnuy curted by s oft powere 5IU lia &dn.Dyspm~n1 e ataip for treatulse, on.e ofthie Iodng in ~l i n, -,igs~aU LE LBTTEIL TO TIIE TOROIVTO DAILY religions denomin4gOon Ii-Ota'da hu-Bi GLOBe IIY ALLEtN PffRIL. uoueunoed in, favor of seciziar sohools. gum There l'a but on. rational solution of Vhii inBoy, Dr. (I3iehop) Oaraîano et j kyal la uriugseoolqustin ov e-the Methodiet ohurch. The Angelicarua jîw Às brnin scool ueston ow r-sad Prembyterians ought n'>L uàely te encd. There la but eue preper way bGbbu b ,hde&l aoi setoling 10 which wonld be at leset îel Woundporesv sii c h et te aIl, if net quite satiafactery toe le n rgrsiesirto h 1. Four years ago in a pamp hlet on vifuOBTO F R OLOAS e subjeot, and tvo years ago in your PSTO FTE OIIIN. plai lunins ini a reply Le MAr. Ewart, Q o., Since th. receut decision cf the Pnivy M SWinnipeg, vho had been retained Ceuncil, giviug thbe Roman Catholice wan a behaif çQf Sepirate Sehoole, and while (aud any other sect ne veil, nodonbt) sc»i iO question wam pending betore the tb. right toLeask the Governor-in-Coun- don rivy Courâciji, I contended (and 1 thiiik cil for remedial legimilation, the peliti. y~ rov.d) that the enly true and jusL se- clans on both aides are evidently in a wbî tin cf thie difficuIt and troublesemne strait. They find themaecvea inua, quan- bon ilestion vas urely acculai soools- dary. The party iu power le sfraid to >but, tut, "w han M anitoba in 1890 set eut move lu Lbe promises, vhile th. part! bad ) cure the festering sûre cf SeparaLe eut cf power (but likely soon to e ho w) oeinl the body politic, ahe made ia eulytob,.Theprye h ne unfortunate niietake. Iu abeliah- ls part, however, appeans t e b.latn ug oh. State-ajded Separate Scools oh. venet bex of the toe se.lug hat vit] ud establishing lu their atead Public Lb. late Sir John Thompson gave hi. waj 1cheels, ah. failed teo ornpletely accu- word te, the bieraroby for remedial leg- old %rise themu, and thus make them reAal- ilation conditionally, and Sir Johp's f y public sud non-sectarian. Rteligion chureb vili hardi y asow hie muocemeor the as net cntirely cxcluded, but lefO as a -an Orangeman though h. be-to slip He >one cf contention. This vas the' fun- eut cf the stipulation.. Ou the other thr ameutai mistake inlu at legimation." bhaud, Mr. Laurier bas,unuder pressure fro' angued that "ne achool can be public fromt bis ce neligionlse s id pnblicly n the proper sense vhere religions ten- that lie, tee, vould b. in favor cf re- coil ta are taught or religions exoncises per- ruedial leglalation rif th. Manitoba gaz ormed whlch soeteof its supporters scheels are really "Protestant Sohools," Gr euscientiously neject as erroucous suddas declsred by Arcbbishop Tache. to' njunieus te, the child." I contended Now, while it may b. drawig the pic- 1 baL sas"ne formunla cf Bible doctrineL une ciitiicly tee, strong te say Obat tLb.If ie mater boy generai er fuudamntaLl, Manitoba Public Scheols are "ProLt- de, ould pouaibly b. agreed upon by th. sut schoolB, " iL centsîuly huis soule celer an, iffeent seets cf Christiaity" to b. cf t'rutbb seeiug that h. Protestants o augbo in the scboole, iL vas botter te have put just a littie of Oeir religion ýeacl or go over ne formula cf auy kind, inte the sohoole. Taire that little ont, ind thaL, even tougb sncb a formula bretliren cf the weat, and Lhen yonr reuld be agneed upen, sncb teacbiug or position will b. abaolutely impregnable, YO axercime in Public Scbools supporLed by and ycur besO political friend-Wilfrid AI publilc money would b. unjust te ail Laurier-vil1 thon stand solid, sud A iutaidc the Christian secte, sud these doubtlema be wiLh yen ouq the ohoole ne t taking the venld over constitute st velI as on Lb. tariff.Li et two-thirdm et mankind, and lu But th. leader ef the "Third Party" sa: every Proviace cf this Dominion (wlth im in a verse fix titan cither Wilfrid or' hi the exception, penhaps, ot Qneb.c) fonm Sir Mackenzie. Iunsun i-atarr.d me- Mi ne inconaiderable proportion of the tax- ment et superlative folly, D'Âltou Mc- i payers. That thoeehave civil rigbte Carthy bias declared tubat he weuld that ought te b. reapected, at any rate "'prefer" Separate te secular achools. di by the State, wiii bardly b. dcnied in Whill D'AlIten le evidenoly pnegresing 1 this ago by ruany people outaide et Que and developiuig aloug Lb. lin.eoftLanlffs y( bec and tb. Vatican. Lt thenefene f ol- and thinga, on this scool question he 1 lewa that eitber cveny religion eugbt te lu on the road backwrvada towards tb. b. tauglit in tb. Public Scoele on nc drk agea. People woudered lu be- v religion eugbt te b. taugbt there. But vildermeut when hey read that aingu- o< as the teaching et everybedyis, religion lai pronouucemen etfIea. But w. te everybedy in th. Publie c oole la must leave Mr. McCartby te get hlm- nl quit. out oetoh. question as irupracti- self nlght aide up ber. ne best he may, a cable, the ncbody's religion muet stand sud endeaver te show the other tO logically aud equitably as tbe culy ai- parties vhat they ought' sud vbat they alternative. ought net te, do la Oble dilemma. lit SECUL&Z. CHooLS. appears te me, Mn. Editen, that this le Icoutended thon, aud nov couteud, euofn .cse vihOe to co~i-c that ne Manitoba hne been confirmed cal parties (Patrons sud D'Alteu's tel- Iî by th. Privy Conucil lu ber constitu- loviug as vdil) are specially cailed upon g, tional iebo te abelish Separate Scbocls, te gve ever ste and sot il a ameny. u ah. sheuld loe.ne ime lu correcting They viii, perbapa, be the more apt te, the miletake ber Legisiature made l ed hiiene aebthluO.uO 1890, vhich bua aready becu poinoed A feilov-feeling, or "misery lu corn- ent. Manitoba sbould ameud that acL panyr," may prompt theni te do se if ne sud establish ione set of purely secullar, higher conideration cornes iu. Sir non-religiona, non-setarian Publie Ma.ckenzie sud bis folloving, Mn. Laur- Schoole, te vbicb any sud every citizen ier sud him following (irresjpectiivo oft may send hie ehildreu wthont. tue leastuvbo may b. hemad dho -talla safter risk et hsving hie religioua belief, Or theelection), as veUieashLb.Patron cou-f even biseprejudices, offnded. There tingent sud D'Alton'a contingent ougbta would be thon ne vslid reason. excuse te unit. lunekiug Manitoba te ameud or pretext for tbe Roman Catbolioe, the her 1890 sobool sot a littie, sud maireC Augolican, oh. Preabyteinisaon any the alleged "Protestant achools" cern-l ethen et or panty toe8esaliah Separate pleOely secular. The wliole Dominioni Sohois," or nek for publicerneney te Pariameut, backed by the Governor- establisb aucli. Let ail, hevever, vhe Geucral, ongbt unanimoualy te presa .uehd_ t - eablb aparte r rpar- that, aud that ouly, upon Manitoba, evil et Separate Sebeola. .Not by coe- cive legilation, net' by ameuding the uiyIh3g Bnitish Nortb Amrn ct, as bas heen propeaed, sud thus wrestliug & johneii-1've made a splendid',Xew censtitutional pnivilege, if ýnot a rigblu e s métion Tbomaaby-Wha frein ouiR Poman Ostbolic citizna, b hot1, Joh»Ue-Not te makanel- by thoroughiy secularizin ouOu un o Yen ven't goti 5 about yen,' achools, tuu reuderng i em acceptabl oe? o eu' .Wzfs bor'-ý te aul religions sud .11 ciimes. Theii. tb attobYm Separt.,Schobl vould tiien acon db u st t>byl> Or$ufa ont cf itaelt. And tba tÉ ue vay'tu" eé kili it-4. kindu)es'iuatead Of force, "a#Why ogin? ésse dhi eîd a boad ~ere~NOv, enlight'ened polio> Âent youdou 'iarnsd t, lntedetlgutauiecor'o.TiI , .sdJuitutpd the bosse, but it à-~ seculiar Public Seboci,, fficient u on notes socouaftI, fair te ail and 'gi i ofns ady-Are yonfu e or01 $.1 ê '0 tue none, would eteadlly S",w ip'uio eh" Âmeal Ii.y1 fa vor. No man, neozuAtf waubs , -e&ers Iut 4T Ia ligion, oet th noewelion, oubave yeurw splid bauli. cause W fem1an &UY uto r~pe-~<.~-u snor tulatuhobe babeesu deprlvéo ~cuwuao -'Course fait tu e moye &,:mgr l*1T li tua Province ubon thii. snntu i igT4 tv et tu, oostitutioI pin t xi 4tet of the uo m Es~(Lver Loef ent nmces, but tube>' a,rebipg bIe*aIsd siunsbiane, tue iay--agbom rneeviusly olouded. wlktroubsT5lig Ww ,iusasgeu îorpid liver. é5ta. a-bo4 elding stoie, Mr. O=rnMaumle the eboieoef -,Nortb Qry ouevatiys for. de oina *riesfrem Mouteal-, 'I va. ufferbus fréni *iaýdiues.and atte.M»-druga faill is'i RI AAÉdr . Rfla1iituSam. ' tw h1aih. tIme - l li wi tht bi Lth 0!-the i»oxih'? Mime oo- 'W M5 w' týse unlùcky u neo t te . narried uit lregular - tnonthly ý,meeting of the -dear. abové coincii was held du th~eenlng 0 saidUnol Ebe, ~ Moiiday lsat. Ailmèmnbefs prefefit. he oui fnnyminutes of puevleus meeting were read, iin' dît or mati hez teor b. mighty and confirmed. kif CI 'bout. T.tiln' '8o much inTEDES )Win' h ez ' i noi'we, The fMlowing partie tendered fo r Jolonol Spouter c~m th&il the ceti.ar -W. Mark, W. Thuiâmeii4", F. W. men aupportod hlm during hlm cam- Love,' Thos. Harrison, W. A. Colten, R. mn. if the men dida't. -Yes;- hie Gregg. tookla aehig sd hm moher Forwood 'and cedar-Geo. Kerr, John ne tsewin. n adhs ohrWatson, -in ewin. 1Fot wood-john Irvin, W. H. Mark, hydo I follow the vocation of a Frank'Crozier, John Watson. dering tramp 7 mnid th. peripatetie For weIgh scales-L. Sebert, John Cal- !ecrw. l'Il tell ye, marra. A tramp ver, D. Camiù>bell. A deputadou consisting cf onr livery a't have teo pay no Lips -to aWs ueebs waitd lth cunilreard Young scuiptor - Well, Bronsor, ing the fe. charged for livery licenses.. mL do you think of that bust 1 Bron- Mr. Shier favored au increase of the fe i-H'r-iL may b. a good bust- cbarged to U5. Messrs. Vansickler and t, reaily, Ohizzle, it strikes me s a Jamieson contended the fée already cbarg- break. d, sio, le. sq»dently hlgh anid dld flot wlsh au Increase. Ohoily didn't have much luck with No action was taken. ât Boiston girl. No ; she froze hlm Mr. J. Rolph came belore the council on h he glnce. Ten h lela .,ba bebalf of the Mechanica' Institute solicit- th N ; r lne vs. T1'wee ut âinaban ig a grant InI Its aid. q 1 o ;ho-wu ot b au Mr. Rundie lntrodnced and carried flarne." through a bylaw appoiuting Mr. Mc- She (having juet rejec . ! him)-But Kight to collect the uupaid taxes of ire are just ns good fiuh in -the sea-. 1894 No salary being attached to the ap- gg On motion of Mr. WIIlco, the tender of rough this whole thing again a week -Mr. Wmn. Tummonde for cedar, and that 'mnifow. of W. H. Mark for wood vas accepted, Grimem-I don't believe a wonîan they being the lowest. zld e kpo romtaikna urig a On moti o f Mr. Wilicor the tender of 1ýn9 lub.Mr. D. Campbell for the w;igb scales, be- sue of carda, even witn a olu. ng the highest was accepted. mmper-Certainly not if it happons On motion o? Mr. Jeffrey, 04.25 vas or- be a whist club. dered to be pald to Mr. W.- M. Willcox, [ would kis, you if I dared, he said. being for wood *and provisions supplied S. I vee a an, he e~lid wlh ~Stout ; $î.5o te Mr. T. J. Wldden, for pro- I erinada, Lin wuld, haevisions supplled C. Sheehey $ .50 te Mi. 3rmndar, -I thk 1i ud dmW. Jamieson, for vood sp nu Kos- ything. Juist thon a cloud paesed ter and C. Sheebey ; $3 each te S. HLouck ver the moon. and S. Sheehey, and $2 to Mrs. Lewis, and Policeman Le Wheelman (who is s aid amonute vere ordered te, be charged ding n the sidepath>-See ber., te the Indigent fund. . W I X,4 2ý a oang man, yen ean't ride there. I ordeîed te be pald te Mr. Wm. Corrn, be- n't, eh 7 Weil, yen just watich me. ing quarterls salary as engineer. ,nd he shot eut ef sight. On motion of Mr. Davis the following .1atcounts vere ordered te be paid - Mia. Fendersoh -EvidentIy my friends Dembane, provisions for Indigents, 22: àink inmsmart, whatever yen may Mr. R. Bond, digging grave for indigent, ay. I know that wheuever I say a 82-75; Mesurs. T. H. Philp & Co., fixing ýright thing they remember it for steve pipes, etc., $2.15; Mr. Thos. Todd, monthis. Eegg-I should think they inspectiuig tewn scaes, $6.5o. ùght. O motion of Mr. Davis, the auditors' report as presented vas referred te the fin- Fiddle-hîetmm le ail humbug. 1 ance committee. [dn't geL vhat 1 expected, and I knew On motion of Mr. Willcox, the wboee 1shouldn't. Faddie-I agree wlth counicil was appoiuted a committee te wait u. W.' a humbng. I geL juet what on Mr. Dryden, on a day te be fixed on didut epeet su i new wold. by the reeve, te ascertaiu from that gen- ý din't xpet, ad 1 newI wold. tlemen the truth of ceitain reports regard- Upton-Den'L you think that Mns. ing the removal of the Paxton, Tate & Co. Nabash vas ini rather an umuaily hurry foundry plant te Peterboro, and te use ;omarry af ter getting her divorce g their best endeavors te prevent sncb an ,akeside-Goodness, ne I 8h. waited occurrence sbcuid there be any llkelibood until the decree vas bronght te beeby cf îkm taklng place.- àmesmenger boy. The only bloed-purifler admitted on exhibi- common ,at the Chicago Worlds FPair wuAs yer's hbould be nmed lu attempting te cure that secrstaprepla iotheand pben xcldei e very dimagreeable disease, catarrh. As prmtnsadpetm iie. catarrh originates lu impuruies in the blood, With deetora andi pharmacies, iL bas always lcal ayplications eau do ne permanen- been onszdewed a standard remnedy. ceod. The ceminon senme method ef s'est. ment is te pnnify the blood, and for this pur The Tranovaal, l the country beyoÏd the &&-e i-eu -upr[>eamaeJ oini t va 'j I Hood'u Pilla cure constipation by rester- ing peristaitie action te tube alirnentary canal« Mi. D. Rogers of Pittaburge vil l e tube Patron candidate for tube Gomraons lu Prou- Mncb cf lHf.'. miy le due tue Indigestio; for who cmu Le happy witb a pain lu hie: etemach ? As a corrective sud stregtbeuer if the almeutary organe, Ayer's Pulles ain- vaIuable, their'ue e Ixdg alvays atuteuded with mauket beneit Me=xinlathbe City et Mexiti, the Meecn god et var. W. bave ne hesita.tiou lun sayug tatDr. J. D. K.Ilogg's Dysentoeny Cordial la, vlîh- out doubt thb est medîcine éer' lntroduced tor dysentery, diuirIxeschoiera uid ai1 aummer complainte, àe ac-ee, te.1 prempt>' gives tre iefnd neyer talla te effeet a positive onre. Mothera ahould .neyer lie vithout a 1boule vben- their ebldrenare eOhing. Finland ieproperly Fenlsnd. th. &$land et Ro thre oomenrpan th todiaeiue uni te uompawtheeg et won't hapeping binBcutsno* te Way's ozengoult ired Bemus P.Wies-Lq m inncuedItn. Wb.n pila sud thex p rgaie tem.yr W1ev billa ansd hreseMt leng ntuhe-r vi~lis uor poueti 5lWSimi5 e0t th lyaud ernia ely. wuum ava Oum cesDsd inu hor ef Columbus. Goleuiptiou tollova negiected colda. Norva>' Pânis SrUp cure cougho, atins, soi tbroat, brouchitis sud luu9 troubles. Moldavis iook its Dame tron thbe. River 1Ivasouummef a bad ma of Grape by MINAJPI8 LNIMNT W.",* Oumr>tbase viby i- W"r ouUBM iiCbrio-:aLuiatuVINE and Jbldrel. t nt1fSf.e Oium, Moirpbiue nor obther Narootg .UbStauÇbC. I1* s Iirinlat Ubsute for paregorle, »os, ootling Syrupu and Castor om1 I la - pleesat - lta gui.nontoe la thtrty yemr'Use b>' Mfllin«)fMo£theMS' Va torla d ttoy Votafnis uaflu7 feverianms- Catoril& -roielt4. VOm'ng Sour Card, eures Diarrhoe-àansd, Wind -Cole Coatorla elav testhlng troubles, curai co»UipBf'on sud fituleùe>'. (latons a mls"teithe food , regUIS'0Bthe stoumh sud bowels, giving hesthy aditnàouaI seep.Cas tltis t he Chide' ase-b ols rad tMstalaueoelUM medicine for echU- soowadqMod&* £othoesbave repeatmy tocl Ita acczmed isasupatWUi1 réa upo u& dùehldies" ' DiLG. M OaocD, HAL4A,ND., luasaustub. ued Baiebidxsa Idur yIuj5dimW la .I~Iboc&mtwdspfi- sm&«acqaie& I hop te &la Mt lctu m ii o", MgIiy 4 cbozpul- t g uet, ehi re n4 su d u s C s to e utu - s ud O l*U eu W M r~O W o f tAuvriosqnackdti mtuSwlIhS S uea u»pu kl uW,. smîgsiw le, soting sy.mupsd etber hurtm MMO mmù uw M m1~tu, Io*wml douatlui the*cats, tlsreby audug sdUfl DuL . Y.. KXcuzas, B Kaw O oe w ay , Ar . A ei* fa - C 8 = 14 TeCeatauw Ooapamy, ' Nmm> tv.$»YW~k@ r obwi; £9. Dose tbere la no preparamon superiur tu Ilood'a sarsap&Élla. 1 1 fu dim destade mcri Gtm =11; ý

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