M~l~ s i e.. > lîut îo n siM rs. P . W b tef W bu hib ee 11,1ai Weekand ia. nt<evved tlUCbYet. Market-day. was,.quite a 5uccessthut. pleasant vluit 10 Tonto. rîre rn %A~.uantly of Wood le coming -in just weê ea utua1, tho abuonceef LeýF uý Mr. Wbltr'WéI1,.There are iremendousl Ice dlfs a: îbèd ba PrInCe U&~J arlger than for aW Yèars. on trý endotaPriceAlbert' , W. Wilion kif PotI Perry "ýrunner"1 for a Rev. R. A. Bllkey, 1k saMle hOld'of thb nofarunaway ilu town Toronto- firce wao Mintown this week- He Jcuple St. Georgç's pulpit Sna on waonjued. cda'f ltweek. No peison descrIbes lits iournedvs luthe Marltlue Tii.dîrctos othem.Provinc ~ er rsu alyt ee At Homle eat the methodiat parsoniage have secured the services -of Mr. R. Pen- The curlers dld Dot go to Stouffvtle laî tesd vntng od iesu hall as librarian. No doubt lie wlll make Saturday as lntenrled Perhapit It nlust t smecouw. qi "oubefr h a a capital offleer. as wefî s hey have lad another Week's dies o o lagqui:.ta» anale fgor i.a. Mr. Brlîîon, proprietor ot he Ontario prâctice, which was sadly neêdedj udglng dsucf s place dot i4eranedyexleouifleo carriage works, lies bought the dwelliug by the resuit when the Stouffile cub was 520W shons;DO oubiM, y9eaîb er "de.t DOo o=pted by Mr. Walter Oke, sud in-lbers. o h lm umridt;i hnir tends movlng into it before long. W. are cafled upon Ibis week 10 record thecf ibisoplto, ais DrIed 10 MiCnonSmuthand inMr. F. Brathwalte, whohausbeen clerk dmsofAni eaper,. reict of Jas. Law b y R.Cao Brnf jusI 130w, lavlng finlshed lis engagements viclnty' ad usudasicl epetd yai.A in, Ti. femld a( fsMr. an Mis. Wn. Oh and le open t&accept a position eisewhere. a long tedtous iliness brn ith dhrlaîlan'for- lin f 1=embeabresince mtuedsy eve- Th Liboral. lld suother convention at itudesh'u vas bapplly releasd ed 3Mandaà y =nig. f AM veeli, aie ebrae hem s Manchester les Saturday. Wbat the ob- BfteriooD. The fiiersi tock place on Thur-wedg.A erenoaeevlg a jecîcf o ~ ~ . ~ day of tbis weeli. The sorrowlng husband, speni. about 8eveniy ve r reet. jeof butIt i. pobnventolewrgnise daughter, and relatives bave the syrpa:bY O!f pry Sstard&y rnorniug tbe saftwplcugh fold u l aprbbytobgnieteanit del trouble. psssed the station aithec rate of 40 miles an fé-ý-e5.The Baptiste cf Claremont, StouffVllle, boni, throwlng snow wltb sucbi force that il tlack Prost bas vlslted many a cllar aud aud surrouuding district held a sabbath brake 7g lighis of glass, and sent braken glass oer depost tory of provisions witîhiithe scbcol union on Wednesdev and Thums-asd gn>w int .an.duS Ms Phip's bed. lust veelk or tac. Hebheld the rnercurYý day ofilasîweek, Dispite leh bad roada, pzz<u DAJIN. dow ail02or 3o below zero for a cousider- there was a good attendance and mucli able lime tesg wek. good was accorplhshed lu lb. way cof en- GIad ta hear Mr. G. W. Scnley le im- MS WF, k, Miss Teresa Scenes couraing teachers, and glvlng them ituts proving afieasvr ihea and «stu L'*#îà ere selected as re- about the mout spproved metododaf lui- Sorry for frlend Howsam. He bus a 'stable f emttivu c lte.Fieshyterlan Epwortb partlng tbe truth of Holy WrIt. Our bap. full of sicti boises. Borne of tbem doubtful cf moue cf tht. lown, to attend thie county tisîs are quite Up 10 the Urnes lu ail thbeif cve convention at Caunlugton on Tuesday and efforts to prmote Chrlt's klngdorn. Old Smattle yl bave smre troble Sget Wednesday. Manager Boyer lad a good cannival on tuto bis sbop as there la a suov bauli about xc Mr.. mc. McLlutock bas purcbased the Tuesday Sut. The attendiance was good, feet big i vtli a base a1 30 fest. Go ati: wel located aud fertile farrn on Simca. tien. belng representatives from White- aid mari. street, belonglng ta the estate cf (the la. vale, Broughiam Gneenwood, and StOuff- The Patron delegates frotm Plne Dale 10 Gec. Pound, for 84 Sm He sold lis own ville. A good lisî of races was provided, the convention at Beavertan camneborne faim 10 Mr. M. Cakail, f Pleasaut Point, aud gaod sport rewarded thc manager'. neant v converted mb ie, but, greatly for 83,500. generosity. Followlng la a sulumra of elaeî tter aucesii gel.hercn The Imperlal Trio ofth R.-7. cf Temi. ti aces. ae'rcdi o fl; didatenmntd perance acre *nowed la et Whitby, anud mile race, 4 enînies, rat Smilth. Stou2J teincLMatked.n n mtOWs eansequeuîly dld ual arrive bere lu Urne ville; farmers' race, 4 entnies, Sam An-.. Miss R ackl vo eunacbut visie Wet t0 open theur week cf concerto on Sunday derson sbowed the rest a dcean pair cf sbasackpecingt retnoe n . utHiopeil ni lit. Tbeycn..ned ou Tuesday, and ls; burdie race, .5 entîtes, TIas. G.ra- crs a.bsaprnl a uwdh.Hp wiii finish îcnlgIbt alti <Ten Nlgbîs lu a bhem, 'j.S. Tiii ere very 1ew lu cos-- dues u aafids t a t Ibeue she lias >#XlQoIU. turne. psed ovear rfo a (er a. I d i Conductor MeMillau's train was snowed The greatsn iowtaiDiof lm tweek bas pa e Welta hae ibter orailfeadaoyoesf. h in here from Frlday nocu untiliMonday the roRds ail but iMpassable. The UIerl Wveil estre la du. tas i ed o! ose aisic ulgbt. Haîf a dazen drummers were o! psîbmâaters lu and around (Jiaremont do Dot Svrs tra hcibsvsie hsdsrc the strauded party. AUl bore tbeir tribula- inteud to makte cuttougu ubrogh the gros:au macUy year. Ronds blacked to the fonce- lieu lua ptiet siri, sd îe aoiedrifts, judginq £ro= appeahances. St i La daimtap" ail arcnnd, so that aur mails vee t us- do.spieadeateftrsiriturd thew taeTuesday. Our patyvet îe iferntchrc srvcsnow-so Magil te oas am 'pe > ' Itteadlier. Miss M. Pinkham, lu irying ta force au Sunday. snOW5bto u tatIt lDg beW- e t<>pen theber vay home an Pn ly ad ta layun by the seemata usIbaand aond b. eerr ofope Uic day p e o Stu 'Me village cauncil dld a commendable &ici ods nov, as lu as ceser 10 ma&e you way vayand a nmber af, ft rieashartdoanStur ai its lastmeeting, ln granting $2s 10 the :brough the mud tmn to travel ahen thedayto . lerbfoene, but ors sic ga home al mnecbanies' institut.If ithe people would nov rods msup iauthc spl&ng. vssvrl oe ttoiae ont b. induced îa make general use af thc institut. e ehnsad rstae u ihe investmeut would b. repaud a iundred The cititeras c1 Claremout deserve te tic Te t ssocd amefin gav d seI.t fold. Thc advantage o! a vetl-read nuaud est praise for ile vay ubey keep îi.ïr wailc *theSns'oial cam eyoff l god tyleat-r cannai le est.imated an a moue>' bosas. ear duning the vinter. in spité of the ithstandlng d eH vle>'aninlmeutveahn. tbat there la no law ta compel them o tado so, echrlvavotfldmd1:wsgan Afier mucla pleasant anticipation sud con.- hey tuunnd outinl full force after the g'..î success. Tic division choir, always 'A. x, tunuous rumor for mauths, an event ai great suorm aud nov the wallia are dlear iaîlrt made the eveniug short by themr excellent social icros: sud importance came oht Wed. of the tove excepi the station =ali. ell music. Bra. C. Sont>' gave e recitatian i fine nesday aluernoon. belng thue marriage of Mr. doue 1 sbould b. ithe critivism af ail outsiders form. Sis. E. Macie gave the resding Uittle Walter F. Weir, Prinice Abert, son of Mr. We s u tet.OripeetaetShoes in ber usual fine pathetic style. Mungo Weir, ta Miss Âdnina. second abenTusing au shreetas. ur amplemen agent me daughton af Mrm Harper, verni of Ibis towt. vas bidly used ispreadlng the bosutifull. H13is rng te'Dunkaod stye RD.agd Wnne, Abu acfront daor vablockaded ah a lbuge 7 fi. anend h ia good istyltie by ro D.eRenie Abu hn undred friends acreivited ta dritt, but Ira vas equal ta île emongency an d fith pa nos: itrtheRv aMr.eSsat, îl vl lira. Harpe'. realdence an Wcdnesday 10 tunuelled (tue drift wyul scientîflo dispatclu. a neprneb u e.M.Sur.dl vuunesthe cereman>', vhich vas performed b>' ed i bis usual iuîcresting maner, a mosu pro- Rev. Mr. Whidaock, assistcd by Rev. Dr. E NAK fitable sud enjoyable evemîng vas broughit oaa Cade. After tle cercmo.ay the happy couple There la some talk of organizing a close, la say uothlug about tle pies, and tley tacli the eveniug train norti for a trip ta To- mechanics' instltute lu aur village, acre immenae. routoansd ailier points. Bath bride and groom Mass Annie Tharnley bas gara. ta vibiti XIRES. are welI sud popularl>' kuown tbrôuglout the ber friendsata Alliston. Shc expects to be -OIA country. Miss Harper bas been vocal soloistabetsvrlwks in the methadiai choir for years, sud has a asn eea ek.N evc tEddfrtels he charm oi vaîce sud manner vhidla a vînuing A scieme la nav on foot ta purciuase th SNo sriea la ortels Ie in the bighest degnee. Her siuging yw s aiod Canada Metiodist eburch, niaveat Mr.To Pseatnd heG d rais: deligluful feature ai tbe service ira tie acrostle sîreet aud enlarge ih for a ,S. f o! Thson.iao atoto.e icGo methadisî cburcb. Mr. Weir la a yauug man T. aud public bah. It is a iove in thaeRodascitna Trte af the bigles: Intelligence, integnlîy sud popu- rigbt direction sud wv opie the plan may Miss Msggie Pascebas a ,cactusiiqfuU lara>', sud for yeins bas discbarged tle im. b.e arried out on some otitesrte the sea i0m~lioertbyfoèae-t. Vý rtant diaties ai secreuary ai the conu purpose. Miss Laura Hogarthi las beeu appo4n4*d &aurOns.Thc union lu marniage o!sueb adi- Tic last storma was a record 'breaken Wortby Commander cf the Loyal Cftua- knowu aud varda>' people la alvays reckoned wlîhout a doubt. the eue tac veeks agoeres. as an important event in an>' local::>'. ont>' afected tie nanti snd seutl roads, W. velcome Mrs. Ehi G. Pascae Int6our PENCE -ALDEET. but tiis tîaue ail aere treated alike as midst aber. she bas long baid mauy Same complaints are mrade lIai youug tee a a l abib thaneetatfed. men and maidens do nat act viti becam. vas ual completelyblMr.Hked.Arue e dnifts lunPri ing sobriet>' ira urc -ice, laces biig as mmci as elgîht "et M. aryAru tnthm ifl Fl cold ar. Ti. MachneluIbs.ain adi knoan tht In almoait every cm as mntiercîs snwnkuhglte velîl.Mn ~ene vii ave1*on ~ keepers cf temperauce bouses (so callei>leg baie.It veuldvb e ad a sean, ~ ~ ~ ~ a ar e t.haI bave t&We- 10 get a license l e4 b ov uuige ongti ,lray OAuMmêloN suad faied.- They do not keep teuiper -______ The faurdu aannad S ventiog o! due Ontario sucebouses !nmclice .but because tbey aDent>' Cbltau ns»saeavon union. vas leld caunot uep il. As a rsuit ailempeeance AlLetiftnul"s bers on Tuîemdan sd.Weduosay ef,"Is eek.l.buse" je generUawl uther u'=me' for'un- TIc fint meeing a ed nFcdae .ikeud grggeryand îk could net reason- WicDNESDy, a. oAutnsaef ing la due Meduodist abunel, on Wdesa abi>' b. expected fitI teniefïùCe pol faim stock sud ipemusalo 0 tir, esios vtoicd u b. etods=sW cculd groa veryenhlue o*s acicrnsfai- 9t1 cou., Darhnglei, -(Enficld,) .cou- Pres>'teian cundbsiluail of alli* dep la- tution o!fbisdescrption. Wedcfot siso~ng ihnecîisd tpe terest vas talcsby tIceegles 54 lb. de"y but l nltaf~are uo le faund mente. See posters.L.Fuà >s, geners public, TIc attmadnçe -fi= uoutaide 1 lemperance -people, imt s Anu chIer suctboneen. points vas mat se lrgeas lad'bie zer*d huà ">sbelnget but we de d h -it le mnyfenq lomil repetti O <tistretcler la luaate liait four'SHIs sle'of> th- otponed- blociuadoe " rom i he * md coag slue 1 îl= repceodiy 'vioat. thek. pledge,, for, is'lt , ut;4 tIacn, sta>' ~ ~ ~ ~ i alaedsra c lI010 dtg hluabout what the Raglan ani er' . lo 4 Mth 4h OU F5t b. back Ia"de of a viol. 'Tiheoeatee~aeî ed q6 socî" withau &M, s~,s-hnsI. (ow. if Sui l e zox6 aud 6fo Asseiase Thilis by nO m Pipera acre read on a iiber< oesb nuembas ci due apprn scel a1lJiçi gave evadenc of carefial uQdo, s l te afiernoo N Mn. C. 1. A= 01sses 0 Provldin s= Oeg f lu" doichbo Cave aw advW i ii" WM Rev.J , -.u 'ut vice. Mr. Y. L. fo4w.Osu i-out xJ.ut COU lzan.WiiMbg ýý W.& MQ". l Ur ttc' -' tibneer4. -1 1--1 lu l'a i I sale of pur.bredi e -"d gaeçtlhw asabia etc, BARAI~ AY -SA-LE ."F. ,,jNDY'MADE Saturday, Fob. l6tli AT R i <Wl Gm WALTERS'II We will place on our counters al Odd Suits and Overcoats, there being only 1, 2, 3 and 4 Of a kind. When they seli down that Iow one-third of former price and One-aif 'ce or Ms t The above prices -are for Pré PUB@ Wd Go Lower * - 25 lbs. Best Granulatcd Sugar ton $x.o. 30 Ibi. Bright '1.11evSugar for ....$100 8 Ibm. Cliolce Wbeat 'F1akçs fon. . 25C. '4c Tes for ...................w5. Dellciaus Suagair Cured Ranis, loc. perlb ()THR GOOD8 New* ,,?res h, A ttrac- tive and Cheap.- w WALES appreciate a good rte that isi finished and up to date. Ti ex- cess of-- G RANBy RL THEYWEARLI 77,4 I. 2J r J l "£i h ~iIL -A'r - Gy Pèople of GOOD çQâ«MQN S-ENSE GLO«rHijve7AW qJ11 iwi we're satiffied to take Onemhaff -for-, Nos tir loth